
Questões de Sinônimos | Synonyms


Reducing the dependence on oil
Ildo Sauer, Gas and Energy Director, Petrobras.

Brazil's energy sector is following the worldwide
tendency towards greater diversification of primary energy
sources and the increased use of natural gas and
biofuels. There are several reasons for this change. The
most important are the environmental restrictions that
are gradually being adopted in the world's principal
energy-consuming markets and the need to reduce the
dependence on oil, set against a scenario of accelerated
depletion in oil reserves and escalating prices.
The share of gas in Brazilian primary energy
consumption has more than doubled in a short period,
increasing from 4.1% in 1999 to 8.9% in 2004, and this
share is forecast to rise to 12% by 2010.
Over the past two decades, the world gas industry
has experienced a structural and regulatory
transformation. These changes have altered the strategic
behaviour of gas firms, with an intensification of
competition, the search for diversification (especially in
the case of power generation) and the internationalisation
of industry activities. Together, these changes have
radically changed the economic environment and the level
of competition in the industry.
Brazil's gas industry is characterised by its late
development, although in recent years, internal supply
imports and demand have grown significantly - the
growth trajectory of recent years exceeds that of countries
with more mature markets, such as Spain, Argentina,
the UK and the US. And the outlook is positive for
continued growth over the next few years, particularly
when set against the investment plans already
announced in Brazil.
The country has a small transportation network
concentrated near the coast. The distribution network is
concentrated in the major consumption centres.
Domestic gas sources are largely offshore in the Campos
basin and Bolivia provides imports. Given the degree
of gas penetration in the country's primary energy
consumption, the industry is poorly developed when
compared with other countries. The industry requires
heavy investment in expanding the transport and
distribution (T&D) networks, as well as in diversifying and
increasing its supplies. Such investments are necessary
for realising the industry's enormous potential.
Another key industry highlight is the changing profile
of gas supply. A large part of the gas produced
domestically to date has been associated with oil
production. The latter diluting or even totally absorbing
the costs of exploiting the gas. In most cases, gas
production was feasible only in conjunction with oil
production activities. However, the country's latest gas
finds are non-associated. Thus, an exclusively dedicated
structure must be developed to produce this gas -
translating into a significant rise in production costs. This
is more significant when analysed against the high costs
associated with the market for exploration and production
(E&P) sector equipment. In recent years, the leasing costs
of drilling rigs and E&P equipment have been climbing in
parallel with escalating oil prices. This directly affects endconsumer
In a world of primary energy consumption
diversification, of greater environmental restrictions and
the reduced dependence on oil, Brazil has been seeking
to develop alternative energy sources - principally natural
gas and biofuels. The gas industry holds enormous
potential for Brazil, although there is still a long way to go
before it reaches maturity and major investment is

World Energy in 2006. copyright © 2006, World Energy Council.
p.29-31 (adapted)

Check the only correct option.

  • depletion - esgotamento
    forecast - previsão / backcast - revés, algo que trás má sorte
    set against - ficar contra / set forth - demonstrar, anunciar
    feasible - possível / unlikely - improvável 

  • Só complementando a Mayara.

    backcast pode ser algo como reverter, voltar um passo atrás.
    Não é sinonimo nem antonimo de forecast, simplesmente não tem nunhum ligação de significado apesar do final coicidente.
  • d- 

    to date: until now, heretofore, so far, hitherto, até o momento.


The oil and natural gas industry has developed and
applied an impressive array of innovative technologies to
improve productivity and efficiency, while yielding
environmental benefits. According to the U.S. Department
of Energy, "the petroleum business has transformed itself
into a high-technology industry."
State-of-the-art technology allows the industry to
produce more oil and natural gas from more remote
places - some previously unreachable - with significantly
less adverse effect on the environment. Among the
benefits: increased supply to meet the world's growing
energy demand, reduced energy consumption at oil and
natural gas facilities and refineries, reduced noise from
operations, decreased size of facilities, reduced
emissions of pollutants, better protection of water
resources, and preservation of habitats and wildlife.
With advanced exploration and production
technologies, the oil and gas industry can pinpoint
resources more accurately, extract them more efficiently
and with less surface disturbance, minimize associated
wastes, and, ultimately, restore sites to original or better
Exploration and production advances include
advanced directional drilling, slimhole drilling, and 3-D
seismic technology. Other segments of the industry have
benefited from technological advances as well. Refineries
are becoming highly automated with integrated process
and energy system controls; this results in improved
operational and environmental performance and enables
refineries to run harder and produce more products safer
than ever before. Also, new process equipment and
catalyst technology advances have been made very
recently to meet new fuel regulations requiring very low
levels of sulfur in gasoline and diesel.
Technology advances such as these are making it
possible for the oil and natural gas industry to grow in
tandem with the nation's energy needs while maintaining
a cleaner environment. The industry is committed to
investing in advanced technologies that will continue to
provide affordable and reliable energy to support our
current quality of life, and expand our economic horizons.
For example, we are researching fuel cells that may
power the vehicles of tomorrow with greater efficiency
and less environmental impact. We are investigating ways
to tap the huge natural gas resources locked in gas
hydrates. Gas hydrates are common in sediments in
the ocean's deep waters where cold temperatures and
high pressures cause natural gas and water to freeze
together, forming solid gas hydrates. Gas hydrates could
be an important future source of natural gas for our nation.
Some of our companies are also investigating
renewable energy resources such as solar, wind,
biomass and geothermal energy. By conducting research
into overcoming the many technological hurdles that limit
these energy resources, they hope to make them more
reliable, affordable and convenient for future use. Although
the potential for these energy resources is great,
scientists do not expect them to be a significant part of
the nation's energy mix for many decades. For this
reason, the industry must continue to invest in
conventional resources such as oil and natural gas. We
will need to rely on these important energy resources for
many decades to come.

In: http://api-ec.api.org/focus/index

In ". the industry must continue to invest in conventional resources such as oil and natural gas." (lines 60-61), the word that could replace "must" without changing the meaning of the sentence is:

  • * a) ought to. = deveria * b) could. = poderia * c) has to. = tem que - RESPOSTA CORRETA, pois o MUST significa DEVER, uma obrigação * d) may. = pode ser * e) will. = irá
  • c-

    Semanticamente, o Must é o mais forte de todos, indicando maior nível de obrigatoriedade. "Has to" é o mais próximo, seguido de "ought to".


Read the text below in order to answer questions 21
to 24:

Unpicking the fiscal straitjacket

Never has a straitjacket seemed so ill-fitting or so
insecure. The euro area's "stability and growth pact"
was supposed to stop irresponsible member states
from running excessive budget deficits, defined as 3%
of GDP or more. Chief among the restraints was the
threat of large fines if member governments breached
the limit for three years in a row. For some time now,
no one has seriously believed those restraints would
hold. In the early hours of Tuesday November 25th,
the euro's fiscal straitjacket finally came apart at the
The pact's fate was sealed over an extended
dinner meeting of the euro area's 12 finance
ministers. They chewed over the sorry fiscal record of
the euro's two largest members, France and
Germany. Both governments ran deficits of more than
3% of GDP last year and will do so again this year.
Both expect to breach the limit for the third time in
2004. Earlier this year, the European Commission,
which policies the pact, agreed to give both countries
an extra year, until 2005, to bring their deficits back
into line. But it also instructed them to revisit their
budget plans for 2004 and make extra cuts. France
was asked to cut its underlying, cyclically adjusted
deficit by a full 1% of GDP, Germany by 0.8%. Both

Nov 27th, 2003
The Economist Global Agenda

In "if member states breached the limit" (paragraph 1), "breached" could best be replaced by

  • Resposta: b --> exceeded = ultrapassou, excedeu
    Chief among the restraints was the threat of large fines if member governments breached the limit for three years in a row.
    Dentre as restrições, houve a ameaça de elevadas multas, se os governos membros ultrapassassem o limite de três anos consecutivos.

  • reduced = reduzido

    exceeded = excedido

    extended = estendido

    compassed = cercado, rodeado

    outlasted = suportado

  • Não sabia o siginificado das palavras mas fiz assim:" breached the limit for three years", se tem um limite de 3 anos então não pode exceder, marquei exceeded.


This text refers to items from 16 through 25.

1           Japan and Korea are outstanding markets in terms
of the world's advances in cellular telephony, where
multimedia applications have surged into feverish
4 popularity. Users in these countries have demanded
 velocity and high quality data transmission - such as
 images, videos and sounds - as the principal distinctive
 7 features for the cellular telephone. Although the industry in
 Brazil is not yet experiencing the same phase as in the
 Asian countries, innovative third generation services,
 10 aligned with world-class technology, are already present,
 with data transmission speeds of up to 2.4 Mbps.
             In fact, in some cases, Brazil has held multimedia
 13 application launches simultaneously with the United States,
 tremendously increasing the economic and digital inclusion
 that cellular telephony has fomented in recent years. The
 16 heavy impact of mobile communication on Brazilian
 society can be measured by the expansion of the customer
 base, which has been growing at historic rates of 30% a
 19 year and now serves over 50 million customers. In other
 words, four out of every ten Brazilians have a cellular
 22          The importance of mobile telephony has already
 surpassed that of the traditional fixed telephone system,
 because the cell phone actually fulfills the function of
 25 taking communication to all levels of the population. Its
 widespread network has opened gateways to regions that
 formerly had not been benefited by the implementation of
 28 a fixed telephone system, such as, for example, many rural
 areas that are now mobile telephone customers.
              The responsibility that cellular telephony carries
 31 as an instrument for transforming people's lives tends to
 increase enormously in the short term. In Brazil, third
 generation CDMA 3G EVDO service is already offered and
 34 is able to provide handheld resources, similar to CD, DVD
 and TV, anywhere and at any time, based on Qualcomm's
 cutting edge CDMA technology.
 Internet: (with adaptations). 

 Based on the text above, judge the following items.

"In fact" (R.12) means As a matter of fact.

  • In fact - in reality, really, in actuality, actually, in truth, as a matter of fact, in point of fact.

    For instance:
    "In fact, it was a wonder anyone survived";
    "Painters who are in fact anything but unsophisticated";
    "As a matter of fact, he is several inches taller than his father".
  • as a matter of fact (also in (actual) fact)used to add emphasis to what you are saying, or to show that it is the opposite of or different from what went beforeEx.:-No I don't work. In fact, I've never had a job.-"Have you always lived here?" "As a matter of fact (= The truth is) I've only lived here for the last three years."
  • c-

    in fact, as of matter of fact, indeed, actually, na verdade

  • Gabarito: CERTO

    “Na verdade” (l.12) significa Na realidade.

    In fact = na verdade, de fato = as a matter of fact = na realidade, como uma questão de fato

    Observe que os termos têm o mesmo significado, ao substituirmos um pelo outro no texto, o

    mesmo não sofre alteração na interpretação. 


          Green is the hot topic these days, and the concept
     is having an impact on the way people think about
     datacenters. Companies around the world are
     announcing ways to save energy and reduce costs by
5   buying new hardware and services. Yet, there is little
     guidance on how you can take action to control energy
     costs. In the past, electricity has been treated as an
     overhead expense, like the cost of space. But with rising
     power costs and issues regarding reliability, supply, and
10  capacity, electricity requires its own specific strategy.
          Projects regarding performance optimization and
     cost reduction are a part of everyday best practices in
     nearly every area of business. So why not treat energy
     cost in the same way?
15      As Information Technologies (IT) pros, many of us
     make decisions about the configuration and setup of
     servers, the specifications on the equipment our
     organizations purchase, and the requirements for
     datacenter upgrades and construction. We even provide
20  early design input during application development. When
     it comes to these projects, we obviously have a golden
     opportunity to be green and influence the energy
     efficiency of any datacenter.
          The first part of any strategy is to know your current
25  energy usage. You need to know where your energy is
     used and by what specific equipment, as well as what
     usage is efficient and what is wasteful in the datacenter.
     Unfortunately, it's rare to find power-consumption
     metering in place that can break down usage to a level
30  where people can see the results of their actions. Most
     organizations typically only see a monthly power bill
     that rolls up consumption into an overall bottom line.
     This offers little incentive for saving energy since
     individuals never see the impact of their decisions, and
35  there is no way for them to prove that their changes
     have actually saved energy.
          One of the first issues people confront when
     considering a green datacenter initiative is whether they
     have executive support. For the purpose of the article, I
40  am going to assume the answer is "not yet." Executive
     support requires a serious commitment that provides
     resources and budget for your initiative. And while there
     is a lot of talk about green datacenters, the reality is
     that there is still often a lack of serious support at the
45  executive level. If you did already have such executive
     support, you would probably be running a green
     datacenter right now.
          Still, even assuming you are not getting the support
     you need, there is a great deal you can do to push your
50  green datacenter initiative forward. So how do you
     determine effective actions to take in achieving your
     goals? Fortunately, energy efficiency is not a new
     concept and there is a lot that IT pros can learn from
     other industries. [.]
55      Anyway, for whichever direction you choose,
     planning an energy efficiency program for your datacenter
     will require collaboration across groups in IT. Until
     recently, the typical approach to planning IT solutions
     has been to ignore power costs early on during the design
60  phase, focusing on the hardware and software being
     purchased, along with the labor and hosting costs of
     the solution. When power is buried in the overhead cost
     of running solutions in a datacenter, energy efficiency
     is a low priority. Exposing the actual power being
65  consumed by solutions is the first critical step in changing
     the behavior of your organization.

By Dave Ohara
TechNet Magazine, October 2007

Check the correct pair of synonyms.

  • provide(s) e supply(ies) significa fornecer são sinônimos!(certo) Cearly - cedo quick - rápido A - erradoactually - realmente e presently - atualmente - B - Erradolack - falta(lack of lucky - falta de sorte) loss - perda.d- Erradoachieving(conseguindo, ''pegando'', adquirindo) - planning - planejando - E - errado!
  • c-

    provide, furnish, cater, hand over, provision, replenish, fix up with, supply



    Fonte: Karla Branco

    A questão trata sobre sinônimos e antônimos. É preciso entender as intenções do autor e confrontá-las com as afirmações de cada opção de resposta, após analisá-las. Para isso, é importante estar atento ao uso do vocabulário no contexto em que foi usado.


    A - early (line 20) – quick

    • ERRADO.

    • De acordo com o dicionário MacMillan, a palavra early significa “matinal”; “precoce”, “inicial”, “rápido”; “cedo”. No trecho em que é usada no texto, a palavra early significa “inicial”. Observe:
    • […] We even provide early design input during application development. […] (l. 19-20)
    • Sendo assim, early NÃO é sinônimo de quick (“rápido”).


    B - actually (line 36) – presently

    • ERRADO.

    • De acordo com o dicionário MacMillan, a palavra actually significa “verdadeiramente”, “realmente”. No trecho em que é usada no texto, a palavra actually tem exatamente esse significado. Observe:
    • […] and there is no way for them to prove that their changes have actually saved energy. (l 34-36; “[...] realmente economizou energia”

    • Sendo assim, actually NÃO é sinônimo de presently (“atualmente”)


    C - provides (line 41) – supplies

    • CERTO.

    • De acordo com o dicionário Collins, a palavra provide significa “fornecer”, “proporcionar”. No trecho em que é usada no texto, a palavra provide significa “fornece”. Observe:
    • Executive support requires a serious commitment that provides resources. (l 40-42)
    • Supplies pode ser substantivo na forma plural (“suprimentos”), mas também pode ser a 3ª pessoa do presente do verbo supply (“fornecer”, “suprir”).

    • Sendo assim, provides é sinônimo de supplies (“supre”, "fornece").


    D - lack (line 44) – loss

    • ERRADO.

    • De acordo com o dicionário MacMillan, a palavra lack significa “falta”, “necessidade”. No trecho em que é usada no texto, a palavra lack tem exatamente esse significado. Observe:
    • […] there is still often a lack of serious support. (l. 44)
    • Sendo assim, lack NÃO é sinônimo de loss (“perda”).


    E - achieving (line 51) – planning

    • ERRADO.

    • De acordo com o dicionário MacMillan, a palavra achieving significa “terminar ou completar com êxito”, “realizar”. No trecho em que é usada no texto, a palavra achieving significa “alcançar”. Observe:
    • So how do you determine effective actions to take in achieving your goals? (l. 50-52)

    • Sendo assim, achieving NÃO é sinônimo de planning (“planejar”).


          What are the best energy sources? "Best" depends
     on many factors - how the energy is being used, where
     it is being used, what energy sources are available,
     which sources are most convenient and reliable, which
5   are easiest to use, what each costs, and the effects on
     public safety, health, and the environment. Making smart
     energy choices means understanding resources and their
     relative costs and benefits.
          Some energy sources have advantages for specific
10  uses or locations. For example, fuels from petroleum
     are well suited for transportation because they pack a
     lot of energy in a small space and are easily transported
     and stored. Small hydroelectric installations are a good
     solution for supplying power or mechanical energy close
15  to where it is used. Coal is widely used for power
     generation in many fast-developing countries - including
     China, India, and many others - because domestic
     supplies are readily available.
          Efficiency is an important factor in energy costs.
20  How efficiently can the energy be produced, delivered,
     and used? How much energy value is lost in that process,
     and how much ends up being transformed into useful
     work? Industries that produce or use energy continually
     look for ways to improve efficiency, since this is a key to
25  making their products more competitive.
          The ideal energy source - cheap, plentiful, and
     pollution-free - may prove unattainable in our lifetime,
     but that is the ultimate goal. The energy industry is
     continuing to improve its technologies and practices, to
30  produce and use energy more efficiently and cleanly.
          Energy resources are often categorized as
     renewable or nonrenewable.
          Renewable energy resources are those that can be
     replenished quickly - examples are solar power,
35  biomass, geothermal, hydroelectric, wind power, and
     fast-reaction nuclear power. They supply about seven
     percent of energy needs in the United States; the other
     93 percent comes from nonrenewables. The two largest
     categories of renewable energy now in use in the U.S.
40  are biomass - primarily wood wastes that are used by
     the forest products industry to generate electricity and
     heat - and hydroelectricity.
          Nonrenewable energy resources include coal, oil,
     natural gas, and uranium-235, which is used to fuel
45  slow-reaction nuclear power. Projections of how long a
     nonrenewable energy resource will last depend on many
     changeable factors. These include the growth rate of
     consumption, and estimates of how much of the remaining
     resources can be economically recovered. New exploration
50  and production technologies often increase the ability of
     producers to locate and recover resources. World
     reserves of fossil energy are projected to last for many
     more decades - and, in the case of coal, for centuries.

In: http://www.classroom-energy.org/teachers/energy_tour/pg5.html

In "Industries that produce or use energy continually look for ways to improve efficien," (lines 23-24), "look for" can be correctly substituted by:

  • Analisando a questão:

    Em "as indústrias que  produzem ou utilizam a energia continuamente procuram maneiras de melhorar a eficiência," (linhas 23-24), "look for" pode ser corretamente substituído por:
    A) encontrar.
    B) esperar por
    C) desconfiar.
    D) depender de.
    E) procurar por.
    Os phrasal verb "look for " e "search for" têm o mesmo significado.

    Opção E está correta.
  • e-

    look for- aim for, cast about for, seek, search for


          What are the best energy sources? "Best" depends
     on many factors - how the energy is being used, where
     it is being used, what energy sources are available,
     which sources are most convenient and reliable, which
5   are easiest to use, what each costs, and the effects on
     public safety, health, and the environment. Making smart
     energy choices means understanding resources and their
     relative costs and benefits.
          Some energy sources have advantages for specific
10  uses or locations. For example, fuels from petroleum
     are well suited for transportation because they pack a
     lot of energy in a small space and are easily transported
     and stored. Small hydroelectric installations are a good
     solution for supplying power or mechanical energy close
15  to where it is used. Coal is widely used for power
     generation in many fast-developing countries - including
     China, India, and many others - because domestic
     supplies are readily available.
          Efficiency is an important factor in energy costs.
20  How efficiently can the energy be produced, delivered,
     and used? How much energy value is lost in that process,
     and how much ends up being transformed into useful
     work? Industries that produce or use energy continually
     look for ways to improve efficiency, since this is a key to
25  making their products more competitive.
          The ideal energy source - cheap, plentiful, and
     pollution-free - may prove unattainable in our lifetime,
     but that is the ultimate goal. The energy industry is
     continuing to improve its technologies and practices, to
30  produce and use energy more efficiently and cleanly.
          Energy resources are often categorized as
     renewable or nonrenewable.
          Renewable energy resources are those that can be
     replenished quickly - examples are solar power,
35  biomass, geothermal, hydroelectric, wind power, and
     fast-reaction nuclear power. They supply about seven
     percent of energy needs in the United States; the other
     93 percent comes from nonrenewables. The two largest
     categories of renewable energy now in use in the U.S.
40  are biomass - primarily wood wastes that are used by
     the forest products industry to generate electricity and
     heat - and hydroelectricity.
          Nonrenewable energy resources include coal, oil,
     natural gas, and uranium-235, which is used to fuel
45  slow-reaction nuclear power. Projections of how long a
     nonrenewable energy resource will last depend on many
     changeable factors. These include the growth rate of
     consumption, and estimates of how much of the remaining
     resources can be economically recovered. New exploration
50  and production technologies often increase the ability of
     producers to locate and recover resources. World
     reserves of fossil energy are projected to last for many
     more decades - and, in the case of coal, for centuries.

In: http://www.classroom-energy.org/teachers/energy_tour/pg5.html

The only option in which the words ARE NOT synonymous in the text is:

  • b) "efficiently" (line 20) - carelessly.
  • widely (amplamente)  - broadly (amplamente)
    efficiently (eficiente)  - carelessly (descuidada)
    useful (útil)  - valuable valioso)
    ultimate (final)  - final (final)
    improve (melhorar)  - develop (desenvolver)
  • b-

    Os sentidos ficam opostos (de acordo com a questão) ao atribuir carelessly onde efficiently é usado. 


    How efficiently can the energy be produced, delivered, and used?


    How carelessly can the energy be produced, delivered, and used?


          Repliee is more than a humanoid robot ? it is an
     honest-to-goodness android, so lifelike that it seems like
     a real person. It has moist lips, glossy hair and vivid
     eyes that blink slowly. Seated on a stool with hands
 5    folded primly on its lap at the 2005 World Exposition in
     Japan's Aichi prefecture, it wore a bright pink blazer and
     gray slacks. For a mesmerizing few seconds from several
     meters away, Repliee was virtually indistinguishable from
     an ordinary woman in her 30s. In fact, it was a copy of
 10    one.
          Japan is proud of the most advanced humanoids in
     the world, which are expected to eventually be used as
     the workforce diminishes among the decreasing and aging
     population. But why build a robot with pigmented silicone
 15    skin, smooth gestures and even makeup? To Repliee's
     creator, Hiroshi Ishiguro, Director of Osaka University's
     Intelligent Robotics Laboratory, the answer is simple:
     "Android science."
          Besides the justification for making robots
 20    anthropomorphic and bipedal so they can work in human
     environments with architectural features such as stairs,
     Ishiguro believes that people respond better to very
     humanlike automatons. Androids can thus elicit the most
     natural communication. "Appearance is very important
 25    to have better interpersonal relationships with a robot,"
     says the 42-year-old Ishiguro. "Robots are information
     media, especially humanoid robots. Their main role in
     our future is to interact naturally with people."
          Mild colorblindness forced Ishiguro to abandon his
 30    aspirations of a career as an oil painter. Drawn to
     computer and robot vision instead, he built a guide robot
     for the blind as an undergraduate at the University of
     Yamanashi. A fan of the android character Data from the
     Star Trek franchise, he sees robots as the ideal vehicle
 35    to understand more about ourselves.
          To imitate human looks and behavior successfully,
     Ishiguro combines robotics with cognitive science. In turn,
     cognitive science research can use the robot to study
     human perception, communication and other faculties.
 40    This novel cross-fertilization is what Ishiguro describes
     as android science. In a 2005 paper, he and his
     collaborators explained it thus: "To make the android
     humanlike, we must investigate human activity from the
     standpoint of cognitive science, behavioral science and
 45    neuroscience, and to evaluate human activity, we need
     to implement processes that support it in the android."
          One key strategy in Ishiguro's approach is to model
     his artificial creations on real people. He began research
     four years ago with his then four-year-old daughter,
 50    casting a rudimentary android from her body, but its
     mechanisms resulted in strange, unnatural motion.
          Humanlike robots run the risk of compromising
     people's comfort zones. Because the android's
     appearance is very similar to that of a human, any subtle
 55    differences in motion and responses will make it seem
     strange. Repliee, though, is so lifelike that it has
     overcome the creepiness factor, partly because of the
     natural way it moves.
          Ishiguro wants his next android, a male, to be as
 60    authentic as possible. The model? Himself. The scientist
     thinks having a robot clone could ease his busy schedule:
     he could dispatch it to classes and meetings and then
     teleconference through it. "My question has always been,
     Why are we living, and what is human?" he says. An
 65    Ishiguro made of circuitry and silicone might soon be
     answering his own questions.

adapted from www.scientificamerican.com - May 2006

Check the only correct statement.

  • Marque a única afirmativa correta.
    A)"decreasing"- "diminuir" (linha 13) é o oposto de "diminishing " diminuir.
    B) "ideal"- "ideal" (linha 34) poderia ser substituído por "appropriate" - adequado.
    C)"collaborators"-  "colaboradores" (linha 42) e "assistants"- assistentes são antônimos.
    D)"rudimentary"-  "rudimentar" (linha 50) significa"sophisticated"-  sofisticado.
    E)"authentic"-  "autêntico" (linha 60) e "real"- real são sinônimos.
    Segundo tradução das palavras, inferimos que a opção E está correta.
  • authentic = credible, accurate, convincing, legit,real.

  • A) decreasing e diminishing significam diminuir, mas a questão fala que são palavras opostas.

    B) ideal = ideal.

    Appropriate = adequado

    Perceba que o ideal vehicle (veículo ideal) é bem mais específico do que simplesmente ser um "veículo adequado"

    C) collaborators = colaboradores

    assistants = assistentes

    D) rudimentary = rudimentar. E o sophisticated = sofisticado. Logo, são palavras opostas


    authentic = autêntico. Essa palavra tem o mesmo sentido de real. O texto diz que Ishiguro  quer um robô mais autêntico possível a ele próprio, ou seja mais real à imagem do cientista.


How to dig out from the information avalanche
Majority of workers feel overwhelmed by deluge of data,
survey finds
By Eve Tahmincioglu
updated 8:18 p.m. ET March 16, 2008
Don't expect Shaun Osher, the CEO of Core Group
Marketing in New York, to answer your e-mail right away.
He has stopped responding to e-mails every minute and
only checks his e-mail account twice a day. He also started
turning off his BlackBerry during meetings.
This tactic has made him so much more productive
that earlier this year he held a meeting with his staff of 50
and "strongly suggested" that they stop relying so heavily
on e-mail and actually start calling clients on the phone.
And, he requested his employees put cell phones and
PDAs on silent mode during meetings, as well as curtail
the common practice of cc-ing everybody when sending
out an e-mail. "There was so much redundancy, so much
unnecessary work," he explains. "One person could handle
an issue that should take two minutes, but when an email
goes out and five people get cc-ed, then everybody
responds to it and there's a snowball effect."
It's not that Osher has anything against technology. In
fact, he loves it. The problem is, last year he realized he
was inundated with so many e-mails and so much
information in general that he began to experience data
overload. "In the beginning, e-mail and all this data was a
great phenomenon, revolutionizing what we do. But the
pendulum has swung way too much to the other side," he
maintains. "We're less productive."
Osher isn't the only one out there under a data
avalanche. Thanks to technological innovations, you can
be talking to a customer on your cell phone, answering a
LinkedIn invitation on your laptop, and responding to email
on your PDA all at the same time. Besides, during
tough economic times, who will want to miss any
information when your job could be on the line if you indulge
in the luxury of being offline? Turns out, seven out of 10
office workers in the United States feel overwhelmed by
information in the workplace, and more than two in five
say they are headed for a data "breaking point," according
to a recently released Workplace Productivity Survey.
Mike Walsh, CEO of LexisNexis U.S. Legal Markets,
says there are a host of reasons we're all on the information
brink: "exponential growth of the size of the information
'haystack,' the immensity and immediacy of digital
communications, and the fact that professionals are not
being provided with sufficient tools and training to help
them keep pace with the growing information burden."
Ellen Kossek, a professor from Michigan State, believes
we are less productive in this age of 24-7 technology, and
our multitasking mentality has spawned a "not-mentallypresent"
society. "We're becoming an attention-deficit
disorder society switching back and forth like crazy,"
Kossek says. "We're connected all the time. We're
working on planes, in coffee shops, working on the
weekends. Work is very seductive, but yet we're actually
less effective."
The key to getting your head above the data flood,
according to workplace experts, is managing and reducing
the information you're bombarded with.

© 2008 MSNBC Interactive - (slightly adapted)

In "...your job could be on the line if you indulge in the luxury of being offline?" (lines 32-33) the expressions 'on the line' and 'offline', respectively, mean

  • a-


    on the line - in jeorpady, threatened, of uncertain fate, at risk

    offline - down, logged off, disconnected



    Fonte:  Thaís Medrado

    O enunciado pede para que analisemos, dentro do contexto, o que as palavras em destaque significam através de outras similares, ou seja, de sinônimos.


    A - at risk - disconnected


    • On the e line e at risk possuem o mesmo significado, portanto, "em risco". Offline e disconnected signficam "desconectado". Portanto, um pode substituir o outro no texto sem alteração de sentido. Lembre-se de que os sinônimos são palavras que possuem o mesmo valor semântico.


    B - not accessible - put off


    • On the line possui o significado de "estar em risco", já not accessible signfica "não acessível". Put off é um phrasal verb, que significa "adiar" ou "evitar" (a depender do contexto). Lembre-se de que phrasal verbs são a junção de um verbo mais uma preposição, gerando um verbo novo e com outro significado.


    C - on the wire - linked to the internet


    • On the line e offline, representam "em risco" e desconectado", respectivamente. On the wire e linked to the internet são expressões relacionadas à tecnologia, representando "via cabo (telefônico/internet)" e "ligado à internet", respectivamente.


    D - in tune with new ideas - off the hook


    • Quando estamos in tune with new ideias queremos dizer que "estamos em harmonia com novas ideias/de mente aberta". No contexto da leitura, off the hook poderia significar "se livrar de algo (uma situação difícil, por exemplo)", pois este possui vários significados a depender do contexto. On the line e offline correspondem a "em risco" e "desconectado", respectivamente. Não sendo portando as expressões da assertiva sinônimas das em destaque no enunciado.


    E - over the telephone - not connected to the internet


    • A assertiva não nos traz os sinônimos das palavras em destaques do enunciado. On the line e offline significam "em risco" e "desconectado". As opções da assertiva : over the telephone, que quer dizer "na linha/ao telefone" e, "not connected to the internet" que significa "não estar conectado à internet", não são sinônimos das destacadas no enunciado.


How to dig out from the information avalanche
Majority of workers feel overwhelmed by deluge of data,
survey finds
By Eve Tahmincioglu
updated 8:18 p.m. ET March 16, 2008
Don't expect Shaun Osher, the CEO of Core Group
Marketing in New York, to answer your e-mail right away.
He has stopped responding to e-mails every minute and
only checks his e-mail account twice a day. He also started
turning off his BlackBerry during meetings.
This tactic has made him so much more productive
that earlier this year he held a meeting with his staff of 50
and "strongly suggested" that they stop relying so heavily
on e-mail and actually start calling clients on the phone.
And, he requested his employees put cell phones and
PDAs on silent mode during meetings, as well as curtail
the common practice of cc-ing everybody when sending
out an e-mail. "There was so much redundancy, so much
unnecessary work," he explains. "One person could handle
an issue that should take two minutes, but when an email
goes out and five people get cc-ed, then everybody
responds to it and there's a snowball effect."
It's not that Osher has anything against technology. In
fact, he loves it. The problem is, last year he realized he
was inundated with so many e-mails and so much
information in general that he began to experience data
overload. "In the beginning, e-mail and all this data was a
great phenomenon, revolutionizing what we do. But the
pendulum has swung way too much to the other side," he
maintains. "We're less productive."
Osher isn't the only one out there under a data
avalanche. Thanks to technological innovations, you can
be talking to a customer on your cell phone, answering a
LinkedIn invitation on your laptop, and responding to email
on your PDA all at the same time. Besides, during
tough economic times, who will want to miss any
information when your job could be on the line if you indulge
in the luxury of being offline? Turns out, seven out of 10
office workers in the United States feel overwhelmed by
information in the workplace, and more than two in five
say they are headed for a data "breaking point," according
to a recently released Workplace Productivity Survey.
Mike Walsh, CEO of LexisNexis U.S. Legal Markets,
says there are a host of reasons we're all on the information
brink: "exponential growth of the size of the information
'haystack,' the immensity and immediacy of digital
communications, and the fact that professionals are not
being provided with sufficient tools and training to help
them keep pace with the growing information burden."
Ellen Kossek, a professor from Michigan State, believes
we are less productive in this age of 24-7 technology, and
our multitasking mentality has spawned a "not-mentallypresent"
society. "We're becoming an attention-deficit
disorder society switching back and forth like crazy,"
Kossek says. "We're connected all the time. We're
working on planes, in coffee shops, working on the
weekends. Work is very seductive, but yet we're actually
less effective."
The key to getting your head above the data flood,
according to workplace experts, is managing and reducing
the information you're bombarded with.

© 2008 MSNBC Interactive - (slightly adapted)

Which option describes accurately the meaning relationship between the pairs of words?

  • e-

    spawn - engender, produce, stem, generate



    Fonte:  Prof. Ena Loiola

    Which option describes accurately the meaning relationship between the pairs of words? = Que opção descreve com precisão o significado do relacionamento entre o par de palavras? 


    Opção A: “actually” (line 9) means rarely = “na verdade” (linha 9) significa raramente

    • actually = na verdade, na realidade, de fato 


    • Cuidado! Trata-se de um falso cognato! (falso amigo). A  palavra  “actually”  não  significa  “atualmente”  como  parece,  e  nem  também raramente. 
    • Errada



    Opção  B:  “curtail”  (line  11)  is  the  opposite  of  reduce  =  "reduzir"  (linha  11)  é  o  oposto  de reduzir. 

    • Curtail = reduzir, restringir, encurtar, abreviar = reduce = reduzir, diminuir; 


    • Não é oposto. Eles são sinônimos. 
    • Opção errada



    Opção  C:  “overwhelmed”  (line  34)  and  unaffected  are  synonymous  =  "oprimido"  (linha  34)  e não afetados são sinônimos. 


    • overwhelmed = oprimido, sobrecarregado, esmagado, soterrado, esgotado, afetado por algo;  

    • unaffected = não afetado, que não sofre efeitos; 


    • Os dois vocábulos são opostos, antônimos ao invés de sinônimos. 
    • Errada



    Opção  D:  “immediacy”  (line  41)  and  proximity  are  antonyms  =  "imediatismo"  (linha  41)  e  a proximidade são antônimos. 


    • Eles têm significados diferentes, porém não são opostos. 
    • Errada.



    Opção E: “spawned” (line 47) could be replaced by generated = “gerado” (linha 47) poderia ser substituído por gerado. 


    • Ellen Kossek, a professor from Michigan State, believes we are less productive in this age of 24-7 technology, and our multitasking mentality has spawned/generated a “not-mentally present” society.  
    • Ellen Kossek, uma professora do estado de Michigan, acha que somos menos produtivos nesta época em que se usa a tecnologia o tempo todo, e nossa mentalidade multitarefa tem gerado uma sociedade "não-mentalmente presente"


    • spawn = causar, gerar = generate = criar, gerar 


    • A assertiva traz um sinônimo do vocábulo encontrado no texto. Tanto faz usar um como o outro que não vai alterar a interpretação textual. 
    • Certa

Receita Federal

In June this year, the BRICs, the world's newest economic
grouping, ended their fi rst major summit by calling for a
stable, predictable and more diversifi ed international
monetary system. But the leaders of Brazil, Russia, India
and China, stopped short of criticising the world's dominant
currency, the US dollar. The group repeated calls for a
bigger say in the global fi nancial system through greater
representation at major institutions, such as the World

But the fi nal statement issued by the leaders made no
reference to developing new reserve currencies to challenge
the dollar, which Russia had called for at a separate event
earlier in the day.

Analysts say that as the global recession bites, the four Bric
nations are showing a growing willingness to work together.
One expert claimed the signifi cance of the summit would
be political rather than economic
(BBC News 16/6/09, adapted)

The phrase "stopped short of" in paragraph 1 means

  • Esta questão explora o conhecimento de vocabulário do aluno, quanto a expressões idiomáticas, linguagem informal.

    Stop short of doing something : decidir não fazer algo, quase fazer algo ou parte de algo sem completa-lo.

    A opção que mais se aproxima do significado da expressão acima é a: take a shortcut of = geralmente esta expressão significa pegar um atalho ou na linguagem figurada, resolver algo de uma forma mais facil.

    Easy path= caminho facil.

  • A sentença "stopped short of " no parágrafo 1, significa
    "stop short of doing something" significa "decidir não fazer alguma coisa ou não fazer completamente".
    A opção que mais se aproxima do significado da expressão acima é: "did not go so far as" - não ir tão longe.
    Alternativa E

  • Diego, o gabarito da questão é letra E (did not go so far as).

  • “stopped short of criticising the world’s dominant

    currency” (pararam um pouco antes de criticar a moeda dominante mundial,

    o dólar americano.)

    significa que os líderes do Brasil, Rússia, Índia e China não

    foram tão longe nas críticas (did not go so far as).

    e) did not go so far as.

    não foi tão longe quanto.


Windows 7 gets the basics right. Here's what you need to know
about the new OS.
Harry McCracken, PC World
Monday, October 19, 2009 2:00 pm
What if a new version of Windows didn't try to dazzle
you? What if, instead, it tried to disappear except when you
needed it? Such an operating system would dispense with glitzy
effects in favor of low-key, useful new features. Rather than
pelting you with alerts, warnings, and requests, it would try to
stay out of your face. And if any bundled applications weren't
essential, it would dump 'em.

It's not a what-if scenario. Windows 7, set to arrive on
new PCs and as a shrinkwrapped upgrade on October 22, has a
minimalist feel and attempts to fix annoyances old and new. In
contrast, Windows Vista offered a flashy new interface, but its
poor performance, compatibility gotchas, and lack of compelling
features made some folks regret upgrading and others refuse to
leave Windows XP.

Windows 7 is hardly flawless. Some features feel
unfinished; others won't realize their potential without heavy
lifting by third parties. And some long-standing annoyances
remain intact. But overall, the final shipping version I test-drove
appears to be the worthy successor to Windows XP that Vista
never was.

(Adapted from

No texto, Rather than pode ser substituído, sem alteração de sentido, por

  • Comentário objetivo:

    Tanto a expressão rather than quanto instead of têm o significado de "em vez de", "ao contrário de".

    As outras opções se traduzem em:

    Comparing with: Comparando com
    According to: De acordo com
    More than: Mais do que
    Except for: Com exceção de

  • c-

    rather than, instead of, in lieu of, in place of, em vez de


Old Tray, New Tricks: Windows 7's Taskbar and window
management tweaks are nice. But its changes to the
System Tray - aka the Notification Area - have a huge
positive effect.

Changes in Windows 7 transform the System Tray from
an intrusive eyesore (in Windows Vista) into a useful set of
shortcuts and other controls.
In the past, no feature of Windows packed more
frustration per square inch than the System Tray. It quickly grew
dense with applets that users did not want in the first place, and
many of the uninvited guests employed word balloons and
other intrusive methods to alert users to uninteresting facts at
inopportune moments. At their worst, System Tray applets
behaved like belligerent squatters, and Windows did little to put
users [PARTICLE] in charge.
In Windows 7, applets can't pester you unbidden
because software installers can't dump them into the System
Tray. Instead, applets land in a holding pen that appears only
when you click it, a much-improved version of the overflow area
used in previous incarnations of the Tray. Applets in the pen
can't float word balloons at you unless you permit them to do so.
In Windows 7, applets can't pester you unbidden
because software installers can't dump them into the System
Tray. Instead, applets land in a holding pen that appears only
when you click it, a much-improved version of the overflow area
used in previous incarnations of the Tray. Applets in the pen
can't float word balloons at you unless you permit them to do so.

It's a cinch to drag them into the System Tray or out of it again,
so you enjoy complete control over which applets reside there.
More good news: Windows 7 largely dispenses with the
onslaught of word-balloon warnings from the OS about
troubleshooting issues, potential security problems, and the like.
A new area called Action Center - a revamped version of Vista's
Security Center - queues up such alerts so you can deal with
them at your convenience. Action Center does issue
notifications of its own from the System Tray, but you can shut
these off if you don't want them pestering you.
All of this helps make Windows 7 the least distracting,
least intrusive Microsoft OS in a very long time. It's a giant step
forward from the days when Windows thought nothing of
interrupting your work to inform you that it had detected unused
icons on your desktop.

(Adapted from

In the text, a cinch means

  • a)easy. b)nice. c)hard. d)annoying. e)cumbersome.

    a) fácil.   b) bom.   c) difícil.   d) irritante.   e) pesado.

  • a-

    cinch- walkaway, child's play, easy-peasy, easy as pie, easily accomplished...


One frequently overlooked area in planning is technical
reviews and inspections. A technical review requires substantial
preparation on the part of the presenters. Documents must be
published and distributed and presentation material organized and
made into slides or overheads. Practice sessions are conducted by
presenters with an audience of critics to prepare for the review.
The reviewers should read the material, attend the
presentations, and write reports. On large projects with many
reviews and walk-throughs involving many participants, a
substantial number of labor hours can be consumed analyzing
documents, attending meetings, and writing reports. For example,
a system design review for one module or unit can require 150
labor hours. When overlooked, this labor can result in a very
large error in resource and schedule estimation.
Many projects include risk assessment and risk
management as a key part of the planning process and expect the
plan to identify specific risk areas. The plan is expected to
quantify both probability of failure and consequences of failure
and to describe what will be done to contain development risk.

A. Behforooz and F. Hudson. Software engineering
fundamentals. Ed. Oxford (adapted).

Based on the text above, judge the following items.

At the beginning of the second paragraph, "should" can be correctly replaced by ought to.

  • De certa forma podemos dizer que "ought to" é a mesma coisa que "should". Vejamos alguns exemplos:

    • She ought to buy some new clothes. (= She should buy)
    • Do you think I ought to apply for that job? (= should apply)
    • He ought to be here by now. (= He should be)
    • You really ought to quit smoking. (= You really should quit)
  • Vejam: http://www.englishexperts.com.br/forum/should-x-ought-to-regras-de-uso-t2986.html
  • c-


    é um padrao comum dos cursos ensinar que should e ought to podem ser usados de modo indiscriminado. EM alguns casos, nao ha perda de sentido, mas nem sempre é isso.


    ought to & should nao sao equivalentes. ought to envolve mais obrigação do que should. Na hierarquia dos modal verbs:

    must > have to > ought to > should > might


Answer questions 11, 12 and 13 based on the
newspaper article below.

Lessons in using the internet safely are set to
become a compulsory part of the curriculum for
primary school children in England from 2011.

The lessons are one element of a new government
strategy being unveiled called "Click Clever, Click Safe".
Children will also be encouraged to follow an online
"Green Cross Code" and block and report inappropriate
"We must ensure that this virtual world is safe for our
children just as we try to ensure that the real world is,"
said Prime Minister Gordon Brown at the launch of the
"The internet is a wonderful and powerful tool that is
changing the way we learn and the way we stay in touch,"
he added, "but unfortunately there are risks from those
intent on exploiting its benefits."

Fonte: http://news.bbc.co.uk/ December, 2009.

The sentence "Lessons in using the internet safely" could be appropriately replaced by:

  • a-

    "lessons in using" implies the reason why the lessons are deployed. the semantic understand is that those are lessons about using the internet safely



Posted on Friday March 27th, 2009 by Jebediah Reed
To give some sense of the pace of public works
construction in China, the city of Guangzhou is planning to open
83 miles of new subway lines by the end of next year.
Meanwhile, New York ? a city of about the same size ? has
been playing around with the 1.7-mile Second Avenue line for
decades now. China also builds subways rather cheaply ? $100
million per mile versus $ 2.4 billion per mile in the Big Apple.

Not surprisingly, projects there are more aggressive in all
respects: there are 60 tunnel boring machines operating in
Guangzhou, while only one is slated for the Second Avenue
project; workers put in five 12-hour shifts a week (and if they
don't like it, they can go pound glacial till); and seizing property
is a breeze.

An article in the Business section of today's NY Times
(Clash of Subways and Car Culture in Chinese Cities by Keith
Bradsher) [VERB] a smart look at the forces at play as China
goes on a transit infrastructure spending spree while it
simultaneously becomes evermore sprawling and car-centric.

Here's one interesting passage, [CONJUNCTION] the
story is worth reading in its entirety:

Western mass transit experts applaud China for investing
billions in systems that will put less stress on the environment
and on cities. But they warn that other Chinese policies, like
allowing real estate developers to build sprawling new suburbs,
undermine the benefits of the mass transit boom.

Mr. Chan Shao Zhang , a 67-year-old engineer in charge
of the works in Guangzhou, defended Guangzhou's combination
of cars and subways, saying that the city built a subway line to a new Toyota assembly plant to help employees and suppliers
reach it.

Subways have been most competitive in cities like New
York that have high prices for parking, and tolls for bridges and
tunnels, discouraging car use. Few Chinese cities have been
willing to follow suit, other than Shanghai, which charges a fee of
several thousand dollars for each license plate.

The cost and physical limitations of subways have
discouraged most cities from building new ones. For instance,
only Tokyo has a subway system that carries more people than
its buses. The buses are cheaper and able to serve far more
streets but move more slowly, pollute more and contribute to
traffic congestion.

China has reason to worry. It surpassed the United
States in total vehicle sales for the first time in January, although
the United States remained slightly ahead in car sales. But in
February, China overtook the United States in both, in part
because the global downturn has hurt auto sales much more in
the United States than in China.

There are many countervaling forces ..X.. China has
passed its own stimulus package and the government is eager
to put people to work, create economic activity, and build
modern infrastructure. The Guangzhou project is part of major
national transit buildout. But the nation's cities are also sprawling
beasts, and in that sense, more suited to cars than trains. Not
shockingly, many Chinese prefer the former.

(Adapted from http://www.infrastructurist.com/2009/03/27/-

A synonym for a breeze, as it is used in the 2nd paragraph of the text, is




Posted on Friday March 27th, 2009 by Jebediah Reed
To give some sense of the pace of public works
construction in China, the city of Guangzhou is planning to open
83 miles of new subway lines by the end of next year.
Meanwhile, New York ? a city of about the same size ? has
been playing around with the 1.7-mile Second Avenue line for
decades now. China also builds subways rather cheaply ? $100
million per mile versus $ 2.4 billion per mile in the Big Apple.

Not surprisingly, projects there are more aggressive in all
respects: there are 60 tunnel boring machines operating in
Guangzhou, while only one is slated for the Second Avenue
project; workers put in five 12-hour shifts a week (and if they
don't like it, they can go pound glacial till); and seizing property
is a breeze.

An article in the Business section of today's NY Times
(Clash of Subways and Car Culture in Chinese Cities by Keith
Bradsher) [VERB] a smart look at the forces at play as China
goes on a transit infrastructure spending spree while it
simultaneously becomes evermore sprawling and car-centric.

Here's one interesting passage, [CONJUNCTION] the
story is worth reading in its entirety:

Western mass transit experts applaud China for investing
billions in systems that will put less stress on the environment
and on cities. But they warn that other Chinese policies, like
allowing real estate developers to build sprawling new suburbs,
undermine the benefits of the mass transit boom.

Mr. Chan Shao Zhang , a 67-year-old engineer in charge
of the works in Guangzhou, defended Guangzhou's combination
of cars and subways, saying that the city built a subway line to a new Toyota assembly plant to help employees and suppliers
reach it.

Subways have been most competitive in cities like New
York that have high prices for parking, and tolls for bridges and
tunnels, discouraging car use. Few Chinese cities have been
willing to follow suit, other than Shanghai, which charges a fee of
several thousand dollars for each license plate.

The cost and physical limitations of subways have
discouraged most cities from building new ones. For instance,
only Tokyo has a subway system that carries more people than
its buses. The buses are cheaper and able to serve far more
streets but move more slowly, pollute more and contribute to
traffic congestion.

China has reason to worry. It surpassed the United
States in total vehicle sales for the first time in January, although
the United States remained slightly ahead in car sales. But in
February, China overtook the United States in both, in part
because the global downturn has hurt auto sales much more in
the United States than in China.

There are many countervaling forces ..X.. China has
passed its own stimulus package and the government is eager
to put people to work, create economic activity, and build
modern infrastructure. The Guangzhou project is part of major
national transit buildout. But the nation's cities are also sprawling
beasts, and in that sense, more suited to cars than trains. Not
shockingly, many Chinese prefer the former.

(Adapted from http://www.infrastructurist.com/2009/03/27/-

The word that correctly replaces [CONJUNCTION] in the text is

  • Here's one interesting passage, [CONJUNCTION] the story is worth reading in its entirety:
    Aqui está uma passagem interessante, todavia a história vale a pena ser lida na íntegra:
    A) uma vez, desde
    B) quando
    C) a menos
    D) todavia, embora
    E) portanto
    A palavra que substitui corretamente (conjunção)no texto é: "though". Opção D


When I talk with librarians about thinking of themselves
as designers, sometimes they demur. "Designer? I can't even
draw a stick figure!" But you don't need to. Whether you know it
or not, you're already a designer.

Every time librarians create a bookmark, decide to house
a collection in a new spot, or figure out how a new service
might work, they're making design decisions. This is what I like
to call design by neglect or unintentional design. Whether library
employees wear name tags is a design decision. The length of
loan periods and whether or not you charge fines is a design
decision. Anytime you choose how people will interact with your
library, you're making a design decision. All of these decisions
add up to create an experience, good or bad, for your patrons.

When we are mindful of our roles as library experience
designers, we can make more informed design choices. This
awareness can provide better experiences for our patrons and
demonstrate that we care about them.

Really. People will notice, [CONJUNCTION] not
necessarily consciously, if we [VERB] the time to think about
them when we're developing our services. The secret here is not
to think of library patrons, users, or customers: we need to think
of people. We need to consider their lives and what they're trying
to accomplish. This act, which can only be done by cultivating
the skill of empathy, is the most important ? and perhaps the
most difficult ? part of user experience design.

(Adapted from

Which is the correct alternative to replace [VERB]?


  • necessarily consciously, if we take the time to think about
    them when we're developing our services
    necessariamente de forma consciente, se tomarmos o tempo para pensar sobre
    eles quando estamos desenvolvendo nossos serviços
  • b-

    People will notice, although not necessarily consciously, if we take the time to think about them when we're developing our services.


When I talk with librarians about thinking of themselves
as designers, sometimes they demur. "Designer? I can't even
draw a stick figure!" But you don't need to. Whether you know it
or not, you're already a designer.

Every time librarians create a bookmark, decide to house
a collection in a new spot, or figure out how a new service
might work, they're making design decisions. This is what I like
to call design by neglect or unintentional design. Whether library
employees wear name tags is a design decision. The length of
loan periods and whether or not you charge fines is a design
decision. Anytime you choose how people will interact with your
library, you're making a design decision. All of these decisions
add up to create an experience, good or bad, for your patrons.

When we are mindful of our roles as library experience
designers, we can make more informed design choices. This
awareness can provide better experiences for our patrons and
demonstrate that we care about them.

Really. People will notice, [CONJUNCTION] not
necessarily consciously, if we [VERB] the time to think about
them when we're developing our services. The secret here is not
to think of library patrons, users, or customers: we need to think
of people. We need to consider their lives and what they're trying
to accomplish. This act, which can only be done by cultivating
the skill of empathy, is the most important ? and perhaps the
most difficult ? part of user experience design.

(Adapted from

A synonym for figure out, as it is used in the text, is

  •  A expressão figure out é bastante usada na língua inglesa significando descobrir algo ou entender.

    a) discover (descobrir) VERDADEIRA

    b) make up (inventar) FALSA

    c) design (desenhar) FALSA

    d) draw up (preparar) FALSA

    e) sketch (esboçar um desenho) FALSA

    A frase no texto é "or ________ how a new service might work" ou seja, ou __________ como um novo serviço funciona, sendo descobrir a única resposta cabível.

  • a-

    figure out - work out, make out, ferret out, discover


Subways: The New Urban Status Symbol
Business Week - December 5, 2007
by Jennifer Fishbein

It seems like everywhere you turn these days, a new
high-speed train is whisking more passengers across longer
distances faster than ever before. A [NOUN] to Paris from
London is quicker than flying; Japanese bullet trains traverse the
320 miles from Tokyo to Osaka in two and a half hours; and
magnetic levitating trains in Shanghai cut through the city at 268
miles per hour. But while high-speed trains may grab all the
glamour, the more mundane business of subway construction is
what's driving the biggest growth for transportation companies.
Indeed, the world is seeing an unprecedented boom in new
subways and expansion to existing systems. Thanks to surging
economic growth and urban populations, demand for subways is
soaring in China and India. Lots of other places around the
world also are building new lines, from Dubai to Santo Domingo,
capital of the Dominican Republic. And many European and
American cities ? including even such improbable locales as Los
Angeles and Phoenix ? have caught the transit bug.

Problem-Solving and Prestige

Some cities build out of necessity. Rising prosperity
prompted Dubai residents to buy so many cars that they realized
they could [ADVERB] longer drive these cars because they
were stuck in traffic. Others are keen on the environmental
benefits of metros, which produce far less pollution and
encourage drivers to leave cars at home. Some places, mainly
in the Middle East, are looking to diversify their oil-dependent
economies. And others, to be honest, are chasing an urban
status symbol. Building a metro won't turn any old town into
Paris or London, but it does tell the world that you've arrived.

"You have in some cases a prestige issue, which is more
the case in young cities in need of an image," says Jean-Noël
Debroise, vice-president for product and strategy at Alstom
(ALSO.PA), the French transport company that has built a
quarter of the world's metros.

Rennes is an example of the new trend. The city of about
212,000 people in northwestern France was looking to raise its profile when it installed a metro in 2002. It raised the bar by
opting for a driverless system made by Siemens ? just like the
shiny new No. 14 line in Paris ? protecting passengers from the
French penchant for transit strikes. Turin, Italy, did the same to
help win its bid for the 2006 Winter Olympics; its driverless
system opened just before the games. Even the Spanish island
of Mallorca inaugurated a short metro line in April in hopes of
luring even more tourists to its capital, Palma. Alas, it closed
indefinitely in September due to flooding, amid charges of

A Boon for Transit Builders

The world's three largest metro manufacturers, Montrealbased
Bombardier (BBDB.TO), Alstom, and Munich-based
Siemens (SI) report high demand for mass transit, including
tramways and light-rail systems that run both under and
[PREPOSITION] ground. The global subway market was worth
9.3 billion dollars in 2005 and is projected to grow at a rate of
2.7% per year until 2015, according to a 2007 study by the
European Railway Industry Assn. Subway lines [TO BUILD] or
extended in 20 European cities and five Middle Eastern ones,
and dozens of towns are constructing light-rail systems, reports
the Brussels-based International Association of Public

The size of a city determines its need for a metro system.
Cities of a few million people ? or those anticipating huge
population growth ? really can't do without a mass transit
system. But cities of one or two million inhabitants can choose
between a subway and a surface tramway, which costs far less
but also runs more slowly. [CONJUNCTION] funding is an issue,
cities usually will spring for a subway, says Debroise. "The
tramway has a very old image of the 19th century, with horses in
the streets," he says.

(Adapted from http://www.businessweek.com/globalbiz/

A synonym for soaring, as it is used in the text, is

  • demand for subways is soaring in China and India
         b) queda.
         c) a diminuir.
         d) brilhando.
         e) disparada.
  •  a)levelling. b)dropping. c)dwindling. d)gleaming. e)skyrocketing.

    a) nivelamento.   b) caindo.   c) diminuindo.   d) reluzente.   e) disparada.


1 As the evidence and knowledge of the physical effects of climate change continue to grow, the world is starting to dissect how those physical changes (e.g. water scarcity, sea-
4 level rise, increased temperatures), both current and predicted, will intersect with society and economies and the potentially significant environmental and human impacts that will result.
7 Of emerging interest are the potential impacts of climate change on the enjoyment of human rights and wellbeing. Weather and environmental degradation have, as one of
10 multiple stressors, threatened lives and livelihoods throughout history, but what makes this interaction more relevant today is the growing evidence that greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions
13 have contributed and will continue to contribute to long-term or permanent changes to our ecosystems and landscapes and will increase the frequency and severity of extreme events. This
16 amplifies existing social risks and vulnerabilities and will therefore increase the pressures faced by many disadvantaged individuals and populations in Canada and abroad.
19 On January 15 2009, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (UNHCHR) released a study on climate change and human rights in response to UN
22 Resolution 7/23 in which signatories expressed concern “that climate change poses an immediate and far-reaching threat to people and communities around the world and has implications
25 for the full enjoyment of human rights.” Internet: (adapted)

The adjective “far-reaching"(L.23) could be correctly replaced by extensive.

  • Certo,
    far-reaching = longo alcance
    extensive = extenso
  • O adjetivo "far-reaching" (L. 23) poderia ser substituído por "extensive"
    (L.23) "...in which signatories expressed concern “that climate change poses an immediate and far-reaching threat to people and communities around the world..."

    (L. 23)"...na qual os signatários expressaram preocupação "que a mudança climática representa uma ameaça imediata e de longo alcance para as pessoas e comunidades ao redor do mundo..."

    "extensive"- extenso, amplo

    O item está correto.


1 Climate change is a defining issue of our time, a challenge that already affects and will increasingly impact all nations, including some whose very survival is at risk. The
4 complexity of the problem is intrinsically linked with overarching societal issues, such as poverty reduction, economic development and population growth
7 After a decade of work on integrating Earth- and satellite-based observing networks, thereby establishing new observation methods that have made a tremendous impact on
10 the way climate change and physical oceanic variability is measured, scientists are once again exploring uncharted waters and looking to set a new course for the future at the
13 OceanObs'09 Conference in Venice, Italy on September 21-25. Ten years ago — at the first conference for a comprehensive ocean observing system — scientists envisioned measuring
16 satellite altimetry of sea-surface height with tide gauges and buoy measurements in order to forecast ocean currents. They brainstormed methods for monitoring changes in temperature
19 and salinity in the Southern Ocean and the South Atlantic which had never been systematically monitored. They also drew up a plan for implementing a global array of temperature
22 and salinity floats that would profile the water column down to a depth of 2,000 meters in real time. The initiatives launched at that conference a decade ago have since provided data that
25 fed the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) assessments of human influence on climate change, improved seasonal forecasts crucial for agriculture, hydropower, and
28 storm prediction and provided information invaluable to the lives and safety of mariners. Internet: (adapted).

The word “overarching" (L.5) means all-encompassing.

  • all-encompassing - abrangente
    overarching - abrangente


1 Climate change is a defining issue of our time, a challenge that already affects and will increasingly impact all nations, including some whose very survival is at risk. The
4 complexity of the problem is intrinsically linked with overarching societal issues, such as poverty reduction, economic development and population growth
7 After a decade of work on integrating Earth- and satellite-based observing networks, thereby establishing new observation methods that have made a tremendous impact on
10 the way climate change and physical oceanic variability is measured, scientists are once again exploring uncharted waters and looking to set a new course for the future at the
13 OceanObs'09 Conference in Venice, Italy on September 21-25. Ten years ago — at the first conference for a comprehensive ocean observing system — scientists envisioned measuring
16 satellite altimetry of sea-surface height with tide gauges and buoy measurements in order to forecast ocean currents. They brainstormed methods for monitoring changes in temperature
19 and salinity in the Southern Ocean and the South Atlantic which had never been systematically monitored. They also drew up a plan for implementing a global array of temperature
22 and salinity floats that would profile the water column down to a depth of 2,000 meters in real time. The initiatives launched at that conference a decade ago have since provided data that
25 fed the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) assessments of human influence on climate change, improved seasonal forecasts crucial for agriculture, hydropower, and
28 storm prediction and provided information invaluable to the lives and safety of mariners. Internet: (adapted).

The adverb “thereby" (L.8) is synonymous with because of that.

  • thereby [?ð???ba? ?ð???ba?]
    1. by that means; because of that
    2. Archaic by or near that place; thereabouts
  • Thereby - assim, deste modo
    becouse of that - por causa disso
    Ambas indicam causa
  • Certo,
    Thereby = assim; por causa disso etc.
  • O site está com alguns problemas. Tenho encontrado muitas questões com a classificação errada!!!! E o desmembramento demasiado de alguns assuntos é a causa disso, vamos ver isso ai QCONCURSOS!!! Não entendo por que os assinantes não podem mais classificar. Outro ponto negativo da mudança foi retirada da pontuação dos estudantes, eram um ótimo estimulo! abraços a todos

  • Thereby - assim, deste modo
    because of that - por causa disso

    O advérbio "thereby" é sinônimo de "because of that"
    O item está certo.

  • c-

    thereby - therefore, thus, hence, henceforth, therewith, so, then. 

    É importante notar que a questão quer saber se é sinônimo com "because of that", o que é, como observado pelos colegas. Mas não está questionando se pode substituir thereby pelo "because of that", o qual iria resultar em uma construção incomum. 


'CityVille' now bigger on Facebook than 'FarmVille'
(Mashable) -- Facebook game developer Zynga has proved once
again that it knows exactly what it needs to do to keep millions of
Facebook users happy and occupied.
In less than a month, its latest game "CityVille"___ ______
(become) the most popular application on Facebook, surpassing
Zynga's previous hit "FarmVille" in all areas.
According to AppData, "CityVille" now has 16.8 million daily
active users, compared to "FarmVille's" 16.4 million. Looking at
monthly active users, "CityVille" is also ahead with 61.7 million
users, while "FarmVille" trails behind with 56.8 million users.
Zynga's "FrontierVille" and "Texas HoldEm Poker" also round out
the top five: put those four apps together (we'll disregard the fact
that many of those users overlap for a second) and you have a
very impressive number: 184 million active users across four
The only non-Zynga app in the top five list is "Phrases," _____ at
one point threatened to take the top place, but is now
overshadowed by both "CityVille" and "FarmVille."
"CityVille's" future success wasn't hard to predict after an
amazingly good start at the beginning of December, but it's still
impressive to see Zynga amassing tens of millions of users in a
matter of days, proving that all that venture capital that went into
the company isn't there by accident.
Fonte :cnn.com

In the sentence: “Zynga's "FrontierVille" and "Texas HoldEm Poker" also round out the top five: put those four apps together…”, round out means the same

  • "Texas HoldEm Poker" also round out the top five... Neste trecho round out gera a idéia de completar
    "Texas Holdem Poker" também completam os cinco primeiros:

    Alternativa B - complete.

  • Estão "por volta" do cinco primeiros. 

  • Analisando a questão:

    Na frase: "Zynga "FrontierVille" e "Texas Hold'em Poker" também completam os cinco primeiros: coloque esses quatro aplicativos juntos ...", round out significa o mesmo que:
    "round out" - completar, complementar

    Alternativa B está correta.
  • b-

    round - to bring to completion or perfection. often used with off or out

Senado Federal

Read text II and answer questions 37 to 40.


If you think that there’s something oddly familiar about
descriptions of social media, it may be that you recall some of
the discussions in the 1990s about what the web would
become. And many of its emerging manifestations are close to
the idealistic imaginings from that time. A good way to think
about social media is that all of this is actually just about being
human beings. Sharing ideas, cooperating and collaborating to
create art, thinking and commerce, vigorous debate and
discourse, finding people who might be good friends, allies and
lovers – it’s what our species has built several civilisations on.
That’s why it is spreading so quickly, not because it’s great
shiny, whizzy new technology, but because it lets us be
ourselves – only more so. And it is in the “more so” that the
power of this revolution lies. People can find information,
inspiration, like-minded people, communities and collaborators
faster than ever before. New ideas, services, business models
and technologies emerge and evolve at dizzying speed in social


The expression “like-minded people” means people who

  • Resposta certa: E) think in a similar way (pensam de maneira semelhante)
    Like-minded = 
    Mente(s) parecida(s)
  • a) amam-se.

    b) toleram-se mutuamente.

    c) vivem juntos.

    d) adoram discutir.

    e) pensar de uma maneira similar.

  • e-

    like-minded people means folks whose minds are aligned in opinion, interests or political orientation. Hence, they think alike. 

    A construção like-minded people é um adjetivo composto, cuja formula é adjetivo + substantivo-atributo + -ed + substantivo modificado. ex.: red-coloured blanket, still-eyed face, even-handed approach etc. Não há construção equivalente em português; para like-minded people o mais próximo seria a tradução da resposta á questão.

Senado Federal

Read text II and answer questions 37 to 40.


If you think that there’s something oddly familiar about
descriptions of social media, it may be that you recall some of
the discussions in the 1990s about what the web would
become. And many of its emerging manifestations are close to
the idealistic imaginings from that time. A good way to think
about social media is that all of this is actually just about being
human beings. Sharing ideas, cooperating and collaborating to
create art, thinking and commerce, vigorous debate and
discourse, finding people who might be good friends, allies and
lovers – it’s what our species has built several civilisations on.
That’s why it is spreading so quickly, not because it’s great
shiny, whizzy new technology, but because it lets us be
ourselves – only more so. And it is in the “more so” that the
power of this revolution lies. People can find information,
inspiration, like-minded people, communities and collaborators
faster than ever before. New ideas, services, business models
and technologies emerge and evolve at dizzying speed in social


The underlined expression in “evolve at dizzying speed” can be replaced by

  • "evolve at dizzying speed" quer dizer "evolui em uma velocidade vertiginosa"

    A letra A substitui "velocidade vertiginosa" por "a passos largos".

    A letra B substitui "velocidade vertiginosa" por "em um ritmo muito rápido".

    As outras três são contrárias ao sentido do texto, portanto devem ser descartadas.

    Mas como escolher entre a A e a B? As duas podem se encaixar, mas a B incluir a palavra fast (rápido) que está diretamente ligada a speed (velocidade), devendo, portanto, ser a escolhida.
  • RESPOSTA: LETRA B (at a very fast pace)

    Confesso que fiquei na dúvida entre a letra B e C.
    A tradução literal da palavra "dizzying" (confuso/tontura) poderia levar a marcar a letra C. Mas quando se traduz "speed" (velocidade) percebe-se que nada tem haver com "ways" (maneiras/modos).
    Já a letra B "at a very fast pace" equivale a dizer "num ritmo muito rápido". No contexto da frase "dizzying" está no sentido de "very rapid" e "speed" equivaleria a "fast pace".
    Portanto, correta a letra B.
  • Marquei a letra A justamente pela dúvida do Walter. O que cresce a uma velocidade muito rápida, anda a passos largos, e como eu não sabia o significado de pace preferi ir na certeza.

  • Pessoal, "dizzying" é um adjetivo que deriva de outro: "dizzy", que quer dizer "tonto, atordoado". Uma pessoa só fica atordoada numa velocidade muito alta (fast pace), não a passos largos (large steps), por isso a B é certa.

  • b-

     at dizzying speed means something fast-paced, something with some trait that confers quick pace and frenetic velocity. The context implies that at dizzying speed means that something is capable of speeds so great that a whirling or reeling sensation is unavoidable. 

    Como o colega do comentário anterior observou, at dizzying speed significa "velocidade atordoante". Dizzying speed é parte do estudo de collocations: quando 2 palavras ocorrem sempre junto devido à sua combinação de sentidos e usos.ex.: boiling hot, serious mistake, soaking wet etc. 


GadgetDesigners Push the Limits of Size, Safety
By Brian X. Chen, August 28, 2008

Just as small, fast-moving mammals replaced lumbering
dinosaurs, pocketable gadgets are evolving to fill niches that
larger, deskbound computers can't reach. But as they shrink,
these gadgets are faced with problems mammals face, too,
such as efficiently dissipating heat.

The recent example of Apple's first-generation iPod nanos
causing fires in Japan raises the question of whether
increasingly innovative product designs are impinging on
safety. The nano incident illustrates how risk can increase as
devices decrease in size, says Roger Kay, an analyst at

"As [gadgets] get smaller, the tradeoffs become more difficult,
the balance becomes more critical and there's less room for
error," Kay said. "I'm not surprised it's happening to the nano
because that's the small one. You're asking it to do a lot in a
very, very small package and that's pushing the envelope.”

There's no question that industrial designers' jobs have
become much more difficult as the industry demands ever
more powerful and smaller gadgets. With paper-thin
subnotebooks, ultrasmall MP3 players, and pinkie finger-
sized Bluetooth headsets becoming increasingly popular, it's
questionable where exactly designers draw the line between
innovation and safety.

The expression such as in the last line of the first paragraph could be changed by ____ and its meaning would not altered.

  • b-

    such as - tal(is) como, indica exemplo, assim como conj. comparativ como (like)


Is Windows 7 Worth It?
Harry McCracken, PC World
Monday, October 19, 2009 10:00 AM PDT

          Reading about a new operating system can tell you only  so much about it: After all, Windows Vista had far more features  than XP, [CONJUNCTION] fell far short of it in the eyes of many  users. To judge an OS accurately, you have to live with it. Over  the past ten months, I've spent a substantial percentage of my  computing life in Windows 7, starting with a preliminary version  and culminating in recent weeks with the final Release to  Manufacturing edition. I've run it on systems ranging from an  underpowered Asus EeePC 1000HE netbook to a potent HP  TouchSmart all-in-one. And I've used it to do real work, not lab  routines. Usually, I've run the OS in multiboot configurations with  Windows Vista and/or XP, so I've had a choice each time I turned the computer on: [MODAL] I opt for Windows 7 or an
older version of the OS? The call has been easy to make, because Win 7 is so pleasant to use.
          So why wouldn't you want to run this operating system?  Concern over its performance is one logical reason, especially  since early versions of Windows Vista managed to turn PCs that  ran XP with ease into lethargic underperformers. The PC World  Test Center's speed benchmarks on five test PCs showed  Windows 7 to be faster than Vista, but only by a little; I've found  it to be reasonably quick on every computer I've used it on - even the Asus netbook, once I upgraded it to 2GB of RAM. (Our  lab tried Win 7 on a Lenovo S10 netbook with 1GB of RAM and  found it to be a shade slower than XP; for details see "Windows 7 Performance Tests.").
           Here's a rule of thumb that errs on the side of caution: If  your PC's specs qualify it to run Vista, get Windows 7; if they  don't, avoid it. Microsoft's official hardware configuration  requirements for Windows 7 are nearly identical to those it  recommends for Windows Vista: a 1-GHz CPU, 1GB of RAM,
16GB of free disk space, and a DirectX 9-compatible graphics  device with a WDDM 1.0 or higher driver. That's for the 32-bit  version of Windows 7; the 64-bit version of the OS requires a  64-bit CPU, 2GB of RAM, and 20GB of disk space.
           Fear of incompatible hardware and software is another  understandable reason to be wary of Windows 7. One  unfortunate law of operating-system upgrades - which applies  equally to Macs and to Windows PCs - is that they will break  some systems and applications, especially at first.  
           Under the hood, Windows 7 isn't radically different from  Vista. That's a plus, since it should greatly reduce the volume of  difficulties relating to drivers and apps compared to Vista's  bumpy rollout. I have performed a half-dozen Windows 7  upgrades, and most of them went off without a hitch. The
gnarliest problem arose when I had to track down a graphics  driver for Dell's XPS M1330 laptop on my own - Windows 7  installed a generic VGA driver that couldn't run the Aero user  interface, and as a result failed to support new Windows 7  features such as thumbnail views in the Taskbar.
           The best way to reduce your odds of running into a  showstopping problem with Windows 7 is to bide your time.  When the new operating system arrives on October 22, sit back  and let the earliest adopters discover the worst snafus. Within a few weeks, Microsoft and other software and hardware   companies will have fixed most of them, and your chances of a  happy migration to Win 7 will be much higher. If you want to be really conservative, hold off on moving to Win 7 until you're  ready to buy a PC that's designed to run it well.
           Waiting a bit before making the leap makes sense;  waiting forever does not. Microsoft took far too long to come up  with a satisfactory replacement for Windows XP. But whether  you choose to install Windows 7 on your current systems or get  it on the next new PC you buy, you'll find that it's the  unassuming, thoroughly practical upgrade you've been waiting  for ? flaws and all.

                                                 (Adapted                    from  http://www.pcworld.com/article/172602/windows_7_revi...)

The meaning of to bide in to bide your time is:

    v. bid·ed or bode (bd), bid·ed, bid·ing, bides
    1. To remain in a condition or state.
    a. To wait; tarry.
    b. To stay: bide at home.
    c. To be left; remain.
    past tense bided To await; wait for.

    Bide está no estido de "esperar" "aguardar seu tempo"  que pode ser utilizado como sinônimo a palavra TAKE  no sentido temporal.

    A única alternativa que poderia emanar dúvida era a letra E - to save.

  • a-

    biding one's time means to duly prepare for action while remaining mindful of relevant circumstances. "Rather, one would think now would be an ideal moment for a grateful allyto ramp it down and bide their time." The daily beast

    Bide your time é uma expressao. Nao adianta traduzir bide sozinho. O sentido parecido com o que a resposta sugere


Model copes with chaos to deliver relief Computer program helps responders transport supplies in tough conditions
By Rachel Ehrenberg Science News, Web edition: Monday, February 21st, 2011
WASHINGTON — Getting blood or other perishable supplies to an area that’s been struck by an earthquake or hurricane isn’t as simple as asking what brown can do for you. But a new model quickly determines the best routes and means for delivering humanitarian aid, even in situations where bridges are out or airport tarmacs are clogged with planes.
The research, presented February 18 at the annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, could help get supplies to areas which have experienced natural disasters or help prepare for efficient distribution of vaccines when the flu hits.
Efficient supply chains have long been a goal of manufacturers, but transport in fragile networks — where supply, demand and delivery routes may be in extremely rapid flux — requires a different approach, said Anna Nagurney of the University of Massachusetts Amherst, who presented the new work. Rather than considering the shortest path from one place to another to maximize profit, her system aims for the cleanest path at minimum cost, while capturing factors such as the perishability of the product and the uncertainty of supply routes. ‘You don’t know where demand is, so it’s tricky,’ said Nagurney. ‘It’s a multicriteria decision-making problem.’
By calculating the total cost associated with each link in a network, accounting for congestion and incorporating penalties for time and products that are lost, the computer model calculates the best supply chain in situations where standard routes may be disrupted.
‘Mathematical tools are essential to develop formal means to predict, and to respond to, such critical perturbations,’ said Iain Couzin of Princeton University, who uses similar computational tools to study collective animal behavior. ‘This is particularly important where response must be rapid and effective, such as during disaster scenarios … or during epidemics or breaches of national security.
’ The work can be applied to immediate, pressing situations, such as getting blood, food or medication to a disaster site, or to longer-term problems such as determining the best locations for manufacturing flu vaccines. . Retrieved April 7th, 2011.

In “The work can be applied to immediate, pressing situations," (lines 41-42), the fragment “can be applied" is replaced, without change in meaning, by

  • Em "O trabalho pode ser aplicado em situações  urgente e imediatas," (linhas 41-42), o fragmento "can be applied" é substituído, sem mudança de sentido, por

    “Can" e “May"
    “Can" – Habilidade mental ou física de fazer algo ou perguntar sobre a possibilidade de fazer algo.
    Por exemplo:
    “Can you play the violin?"
    (Você sabe tocar o violino?)

    “May" – Autorização ou permissão para fazer algo.
    Por exemplo:
    “May I please use your stapler?"
    (Eu posso usar o seu grampeador, por favor?)

    May - também pode ser usado para expressar possibilidades. 
    No contexto acima podemos substituir "may"pelo "can"
    Alternativa A está correta.

    A) Pode ser aplicado.                                                                                                                             B) tem que ser aplicado.                                                                                                                         C) deve ser aplicado.                                                                                                                             D) vai certamente ser aplicado.                                                                                                             E) pode ocasionalmente ser aplicado.

  • a-

    Can & may sao equivalentes quando expressarem possibilidade. This can/may be done. Usos exclusivos do can: habilidade de executar algo. I can swim. Sei nadar. I can see the neighbour's garden from my porch. Usos exclusivos do may: permissao. You may open the window. May I close the door?


Atenção: As questões de números 56 a 60 referem-se ao texto apresentado abaixo.

A Laptop Designed to Take a Licking and Keep on Ticking

“All terrain” is not usually a designation associated with things as delicate as hard drives and high-speed memory chips. Dell, however, is betting that its Latitude ATG D620 − the ATG stands for All-Terrain Grade − can change that. The ATG D620, which Dell says is designed to military specifications, includes a spill-resistant keyboard, heavy-duty case and 14-inch screen, which is visible in direct sunlight. It weighs about 6 pounds with the optical disk drive and battery installed, and is about 2 inches thick. The laptop comes in a metal-and-black finish with protective coverings on its serial, video out, modem, Ethernet and four U.S.B. ports. Inside the hard shell is an Intel Core 2 Duo processor, running at up to 2 gigahertz, and up to 4 gigabytes of memory. The least expensive model ($2,499) runs at 1.6 gigahertz and includes an 80-gigabyte drive and 512 megabytes of memory. Dell includes a fingerprint scanner for security, while military and other security-conscious users can enable the laptop’s built-in Smart Card reader and other data encryption technology. ...... it won’t survive a dunk in the deep, the ATG D620 can survive a splash of mud or a good, hard drop. (Adapted from The New York Times, January 25, 2007)

Leia os excertos de texto abaixo.
• On the trail, or on urban streets, All Terrain boots and shoes meet the demands of your active lifestyle.
• … other models include a range of high-speed all- terrain go-karts and what is believed to be the… • … you can pick up a complimentary all-terrain bicycle for cycling around trails…
• "all terrain vehicle" means a vehicle that is propelled by motorized power and capable of travel on or off a highway
• The term "all-terrain vehicle" is used in a general sense to describe any of a number of small open motorized buggies and tricycles designed for off-road use.
• … rubber soles that give exceptional grip on all terrain. If you anticipate extra heavy wear or enjoy…

Dos exemplos acima, infere-se que all-terrain, no texto, significa



                                                 Computer Systems Analysts
Nearly all organizations rely on computer and information technology (IT) to conduct business and operate efficiently. Computer systems analysts use IT tools to help enterprises of all sizes achieve their goals. They may design and develop new computer systems by choosing and configuring hardware and software, or they may devise ways to apply existing systems resources to additional 5 tasks. Training requirements for computer systems analysts vary depending on the job, but many employers, when hiring computer systems analysts, usually prefer applicants who have a bachelor's degree. Relevant work experience also is very important. Advancement opportunities are good for those with the necessary skills and experience. For more technically complex jobs, people with graduate 10 degrees are preferred. For jobs in a technical or scientific environment, employers often seek applicants who have at least a bachelor's degree in a technical field, such as computer science, information science, applied mathematics, engineering, or the physical sciences. For jobs in a business environment, employers often seek applicants with at least a bachelor" degree in a business-related field such as management information systems (MIS). Increasingly, employers are seeking individuals 15 who have a master's degree in business administration (MBA) with a concentration in information systems. Despite the preference for technical degrees, however, people who have degrees in other areas may find employment as systems analysts if they also have technical skills. Courses in computer science or related subjects combined with practical experience can qualify people for some jobs in the 20 occupation. Employers generally look for people with expertise relevant to the job. For example, systems analysts who wish to work for a bank may need some expertise in finance, and systems analysts who wish to work for a hospital may need some knowledge of health management. Furthermore, business enterprises generally prefer individuals with information technology, business, and accounting skills and 25 frequently assist employees in obtaining these skills. Technological advances come so rapidly in the computer field that continuous study is necessary to remain competitive. Employers, hardware and software vendors, colleges and universities, and private training institutions offer continuing education to help workers attain the latest skills. Additional training may come from professional development seminars offered by professional 30 computing societies. COMPUTER Systems Analysts. Disponível em: . Acesso em: 5 jan. 2011. Adaptado. 

Na frase “Despite the preference for technical degrees” (linha 17), a palavra em negrito pode ser substituída por

  • Although = ainda que
    Besides = além disso
    Moreover = além disso
    therefore = portanto
    in spite of = apesar de

    "although" e "in spite of" são similares mas a construção da frase é diferente. "In spite of" fica melhor nessa substituição da questão que o "although". Aliás, "in spite of" e "despite" têm os mesmos significados e usos.
    Letra E, portanto.
  • Resposta: E

    "Although" é uma conjunção e, portanto, inicia uma oração subordinada. Exemplo: "He decided to go, although I begged him not to." Essa conjunção equivale a "despite the fact that". Por sua vez,  "despite" é uma preposição e antecede, em geral, a um substantivo. Exemplo: "I still enjoyed the week despite the weather."  "Despite" é equivalente a "in spite of". 
  • e-

    despite - in spite of, notwithstanding the fact of etc

    Example of the word 'Despite' being in a song lyrics (Led Zeppelin's The Immigrant Song')

    So now you'd better stop

    And rebuild all your ruins

    For peace and trust can win the day

    Despite all your losing


                                                        Cleaning up a spill 
                                                       Written by Laura Hill

Water and oil don’t mix. We see this every day; just try washing olive oil off your hands without soap or washing your face in the morning with only water. It just doesn’t work!
When an oil spill occurs in the ocean, like the catastrophe in the Gulf of Mexico, what do scientists do to clean up the toxic mess? There are a number of options for an oil spill cleanup and most efforts use a combination of many techniques. The fact that oil and water don’t mix is a blessing and a curse. If oil mixed with water, it would be difficult to divide the two.
Crude oil is less dense than water; it spreads out to make a very thin layer (about one millimetre thick) that floats on top of the water. This is good because we can tell what is water and what is oil. It is also bad, because it means the oil can spread really quickly and cover a very large area, which becomes difficult to manage. Combined with wind, ocean currents and waves, oil spill cleanup starts to get really tricky.
Chemical dispersants can be used to break up big oil slicks into small oil droplets. They work like soaps by emulsifying the hydrophobic (waterrepelling) oil in the water. These small droplets can degrade in the ecosystem quicker than the big oil slick. But unfortunately, this means that marine life of all sizes ingest these toxic, broken-down particles and chemicals.
If the oil is thick enough, it could be set fire, a process called “in situ burning”. Because the oil is highly flammable and floats on top of the water, it is very easy to set it alight. It’s not environmentallyfriendly though; the combustion of oil releases thick smoke that contains greenhouse gases and other dangerous air pollutants.
Some techniques can contain and recapture spilled oil without changing its chemical composition. Booms float on top of the water and act as barriers to the movement of oil. Once the oil is controlled, it can be gathered using sorbents. “Sorbent” is a fancy word for sponge. These sponges absorb the oil and allow it to be collected by siphoning it off the water.
However, weather and sea conditions can prevent and obstruct the use of booms, sorbents and in situ burning. Imagine trying to perform these operations on the open sea with wind, waves and water currents moving the oil (and your boat!) around on the water.
What about the plants and animals? It’s easy to forget about the organisms in the sea that are under water. Out of sight, out of mind! There is not much we can do to help them. But when oil reaches the shore it impacts sensitive coastal environments including the many fish, bird, amphibian, reptilian, and crustaceanspecies that live there. We have easy access to these areas and there are some things we can do to clean up. For the plants, it is often a matter of setting them on fire, or leaving them to degrade the oil naturally. Sometimes, we can spray the oil with nutrients (phosphorus and nitrogen) that can encourage the growth of specialized microorganisms. For species that can tolerate our soaps, manpower is needed to wash every affected animal. Yet, if the animal has tried to lick itself clean, it can die from ingesting the toxic oil.
Unfortunately, there can be many negative economic and social impacts, in addition to the environmental impacts of oil spills and, as you’ve just read, the clean up techniques are far from perfect. Prevention is the very best cleanup technique we have. http://www.curiocity.ca/everyday-science/environme... -cleaning-up-a-spill.html, retrieved on Dec 10, 2010

In terms of meaning it is correct to say that




Cairo -- Egypt has begun forcibly slaughtering the country's
pig herds as a precaution against swine flu, a move that the
United Nations described as "a real mistake" and one that is
prompting anger among the country's pig farmers.
The decision, announced Wednesday, is already adding new
strains to the tense relations between Egypt's majority Muslims
and its Coptic Christians. Most of Egypt's pig farmers are
Christians, and some accuse the government of using swine flu
fears to punish them economically.

(Adaptedfromhttp: / /www.nytimes.com/ 2009/05/01/health/Olegypt.html)

The word "prompting" in this extract from the first paragraph " (...) and one that is prompting anger among the country's pig farmers." has the same meaning as:




Climate change over the next 20 years could result in a
global catastrophe costing millions of lives in wars and natural
A secret report, suppressed by US defense chiefs and
obtained by The Observer, warns that major European cities will
be sunk beneath rising seas as Britain is plunged into a
'Siberian' climate by 2020. Nuclear conflict, mega-droughts,
famine and widespread rioting will erupt across the world.
The document predicts that abrupt climate change could bring
the planet to the edge of anarchy as countries develop a nuclear
threat to defend and secure dwindling food, water and energy
supplies. The threat to global stability vastly eclipses that of
terrorism, say the few experts privy to its contents.
'Disruption and conflict will be endemic features of life,'
concludes the Pentagon analysis. 'Once again, warfare would
define human life.'

(Adapted fromhttp: / /www.guardian.co.uk/climatechange/ story/0,12374,1153530,00.html)

Considering the text, what does the word "dwindling" mean in this extract?

" (...) countries develop a nuclear threat to defend and secure dwindling food, water and energy supplies."



                           Don't spend all your time at the office. Take a break.
                                 By Kim Painter, USA TODAY, April 7th, 2011
Remember the lunch hour? In a more relaxed, less plugged-in era, office workers would rise up midday to eat food at tables, gossip with co-workers, enjoy a book on a park bench or take a walk in the sun. Can it still be done, without invoking the scorn of desk-bound colleagues or enduring constant electronic interruptions? It can and should. Here are five ways to break free: 1. Give yourself permission. As the hair-color ads say, “You're worth it." Taking a break in the workday is more than an indulgence, though: It's a way of taking care of your body and mind, says Laura Stack, a time-management expert and author who blogs at theproductivitypro.com. “You have to eliminate the guilt and remind yourself that the more you take care of yourself, the better you are able to take care of others," she says. “We have to recharge our batteries. We have to refresh. It's OK." 2. Get a posse. “Indeed, many people are wishing they could just peel themselves away, but they don't have the discipline," Stack says. Thus, invite a co-worker to take daily walks with you or a group to gather for Friday lunches. Pretty soon, you'll be working in a happier place (and feeling less like a shirker and more like a leader). 3. Schedule it. Put it on your calendar and on any electronic schedule visible to co-workers. “Code yourself as 'unavailable.' Nobody has to know why," says Laura Vanderkam, author of 168 Hours: You Have More Time Than You Think. And, if a daily hour of “me time" seems impossible right now, then commit to just one or two big breaks a week. Or schedule several 15-minute leg-stretching, mind-freeing breaks each day. Keep those appointments, and spend them in “a cone of silence," without electronic devices, Vanderkam says. 4. Apply deadline pressure. The promise of a lunch break could make for a more productive morning: “Treat it as a deadline or a game," Stack says. Pick a meaty task or two that must be finished before lunch and dive in. Plan what you'll finish in the afternoon, too. That will free your mind to enjoy the break, Vanderkam says. 5. Eat at your desk. That's right: If you can't beat them, seem to join them. If you really don't care about eating elsewhere, “pack your lunch and eat it at your desk, and save the time for something you'd rather do," whether it's going to the gym or sneaking out to your car to read, Vanderkam says. (But remember, you still have to schedule this break.) While most co-workers care less about your habits than you think they do, she says, “this has the extra advantage that you can be seen eating at your desk." . Access on April 7th, 2011. Adapted.

In the excerpts “The promise of a lunch break could make for a more productive morning:" (lines 39-40) and “whether it's going to the gym or sneaking out to your car to read,"(lines 49-50), the verb phrases 'make for' and 'sneaking out to' mean, respectively

  • a-

    make for, bring about, cause etc, all mean to bring forth a desired outcome.e.g: Stuffed turkey and gravy sauce make for a great Thanksgiving Dinner option.

    Sneak means to actin a furtive, stealthy manner. 

    sneak- lurk, pussyfoot, skulk, slide, slink, slip, snake, steal



    Fonte: Prof. Ena Loiola

    In the excerpts “The promise of a lunch break could make for a more productive morning:” (lines 39-40) and “whether it’s going to the gym or sneaking  out  to  your car to read,” (lines 49-50), the verb phrases ‘make for’ and ‘sneaking out to’ mean, respectively = Nos trechos "A promessa de uma pausa para o almoço poderia ocasionar uma manhã mais produtiva:" (linhas 39-40) e "se ele está indo para a academia ou saindo furtivamente para o seu  carro  para  ler,"  (linhas  49-50),  as  frases  de  verbo  'fazer  para'  e  'esgueirando-se  para' significam, respectivamente 

    Opção A: bring about – slipping away to = ocasionar – desaparecendo para 

    • bring about = ocasionar, causar = make for = ocasionar, fazer acontecer 

    • slipping away = desaparecendo = sneaking out to = esgueirando-se, saindo furtivamente 

    • Ambos  os  verbos  são  sinônimos  respectivamente.  Pode-se  trocar  um  pelo  outro  que  não  vai alterar a compreensão textual. 
    • Esta é a opção correta



    Opção B: call off – hurrying on to = cancelar – apressando-se para 


    • Apenas o segundo verbo é sinônimo daquele do enunciado. O primeiro traz significado oposto. Os dois tem que ser respectivamente sinônimos. 
    • Errada



    Opção C: get rid of – leaving from = livrar-se de – partindo de e Opção D: fight off – coming out of = combater – saindo de 


    • Ambos os verbos das opções trazem respectivamente significados opostos àqueles citados no enunciado. 
    • Erradas



    Opção E: put up – escaping from = construir – escapando de 


    • O primeiro verbo é sinônimo, mas o segundo tem significado oposto. 
    • Errada



The boldfaced item can be replaced by the word in parentheses, without change in meaning, in

  • 'So' and 'thus' are equivalent in that both are used in conclusive clauses. The main underlying difference is that 'so' bears a slightly informal connotation, whereas 'thus' is mostly used to suggest strict contexts.

  • Gabarito: C.

    a) Though => as traduções mais comuns seriam embora (ainda que, porém) ou de qualquer forma (mesmo assim). No contexto podemos utilizar a expressa 'além disso'.
    Therefore => portanto, por conseguinte. 

    Lembrete: thought - pretérito e particípio do verbo think.

    b) Indeed => De fato...
        Nevertheless => No entanto...

    c) Thus => assim, desta maneira
        So => Então, ...

    d) Then => Então, ...
        However =>  pode ter algumas aplicações (contudo, como, por mais que). E nenhuma delas se aplica ao caso (então).

    e) While => Normalmente é utilizado como Enquanto, neste contexto, é melhor traduzido como embora.
        Because => porque.
  • Exatamente! Não tem nem mais o que comentar!
    São os "discourse markers". Assunto certo de cair em prova de inglês para concursos!
    Uma dica apenas: não tente traduzir cada um deles. Em vez disso, categorize por semântica!

  • Letra C.

    a. though: opposition / therefore: consequence

    b. indeed (de fato): explanation / nevertheless: opposition

    c. thus (portanto): consequence, conclusion / so: conclusion

    d. then: conclusion, sequence of events / however: opposition

    e. while: contrast / because: cause

    Questão comentada pelo Prof.  Alexandre Hartmann



    Fonte: Prof. Ena Loiola

    The  boldfaced  item  can  be  replaced  by  the  word  in  parentheses,  without  change  in meaning, in = A  palavra  em  negrito  pode  ser  substituída  pela  palavra  em  parênteses  sem  mudança  no significado, em 


    Opção  A:  “Taking  a  break  in  the  workday  is  more  than  an  indulgence,  though:”  lines  10-12 (therefore).  =  “Fazer  uma  pausa  em  um  dia  de  trabalho  é  mais  que  uma  indulgência,  no entanto.”linhas 10-12 (portanto) 


    • though  no  final  da  frase  tem  o  significado  de  mas,  no  entanto,  que  são  conectivos  que introduzem uma ideia oposta. 
    • O therefore é um conectivo de conclusão
    • Opção errada



    Opção B: “ ‘Indeed, many people are wishing they could just peel themselves away,’” lines 20-21 (Nevertheless) = "Na verdade, muitas pessoas estão desejando que pudessem apenas se despregar '", linhas 20-21 (Contudo). 


    • Os conectivos não tem o mesmo significado. 
    • Errada



    Opção C: “Thus, invite a co-worker to take daily walks with you…” lines 22-23 (So). = "Assim, convidamos um colega de trabalho andar diariamente com você ..." linhas 22-23 (Então)


    • Thus = assim, deste modo = So = assim, desta maneira 

    • Os conectivos são sinônimos. Tanto faz usar um ou outro na frase, não vai alterar a interpretação do texto. 
    • Esta é a opção correta


    Opção D: “then commit to just one or two big breaks a week.” lines 33-34 (however) = "Então comprometer-se a apenas uma ou duas grandes pausas por semana" linhas 33-34 (entretanto)


    • O then é conclusivo e o however é oposição. 
    • Errada



    Opção E: “While most co-workers care less about your habits than you think they do,” lines 52-53  (Because).  =  “Embora  a  maioria  dos  colegas  de  trabalho  se  importem  menos  com  seus hábitos do que você acha que eles fazem,” linhas 52-53 (Por que) 


    • Os  significados  dos  conectivos  não  são  sinónimos,  e  se  trocados  um  pelo  outro  alteraria  a compreensão textual. 
    • Errada


                           Don't spend all your time at the office. Take a break.
                                 By Kim Painter, USA TODAY, April 7th, 2011
Remember the lunch hour? In a more relaxed, less plugged-in era, office workers would rise up midday to eat food at tables, gossip with co-workers, enjoy a book on a park bench or take a walk in the sun. Can it still be done, without invoking the scorn of desk-bound colleagues or enduring constant electronic interruptions? It can and should. Here are five ways to break free: 1. Give yourself permission. As the hair-color ads say, “You're worth it." Taking a break in the workday is more than an indulgence, though: It's a way of taking care of your body and mind, says Laura Stack, a time-management expert and author who blogs at theproductivitypro.com. “You have to eliminate the guilt and remind yourself that the more you take care of yourself, the better you are able to take care of others," she says. “We have to recharge our batteries. We have to refresh. It's OK." 2. Get a posse. “Indeed, many people are wishing they could just peel themselves away, but they don't have the discipline," Stack says. Thus, invite a co-worker to take daily walks with you or a group to gather for Friday lunches. Pretty soon, you'll be working in a happier place (and feeling less like a shirker and more like a leader). 3. Schedule it. Put it on your calendar and on any electronic schedule visible to co-workers. “Code yourself as 'unavailable.' Nobody has to know why," says Laura Vanderkam, author of 168 Hours: You Have More Time Than You Think. And, if a daily hour of “me time" seems impossible right now, then commit to just one or two big breaks a week. Or schedule several 15-minute leg-stretching, mind-freeing breaks each day. Keep those appointments, and spend them in “a cone of silence," without electronic devices, Vanderkam says. 4. Apply deadline pressure. The promise of a lunch break could make for a more productive morning: “Treat it as a deadline or a game," Stack says. Pick a meaty task or two that must be finished before lunch and dive in. Plan what you'll finish in the afternoon, too. That will free your mind to enjoy the break, Vanderkam says. 5. Eat at your desk. That's right: If you can't beat them, seem to join them. If you really don't care about eating elsewhere, “pack your lunch and eat it at your desk, and save the time for something you'd rather do," whether it's going to the gym or sneaking out to your car to read, Vanderkam says. (But remember, you still have to schedule this break.) While most co-workers care less about your habits than you think they do, she says, “this has the extra advantage that you can be seen eating at your desk." . Access on April 7th, 2011. Adapted.

The boldfaced item can be replaced by the word in parentheses, without change in meaning, in

  •  a)though: - concessão

     b)“ 'Indeed, - ressalva

     c)“Thus, &So - conclusão

     d)“then - consequencia

     e)“While - tempo

  • A - though: embora

    therefore: portanto

    B - Indeed: Realmente, de fato

     Nevertheless: não obstante, porém

    C - Thus: Assim (conclusão)

    So: Então (conclusão)

    D - then: então

    however: no entanto

    E - While: enquanto

    Because: porque



    Fonte: Prof. Ena Loiola

    The boldfaced item can be replaced by the word in parentheses, without change in meaning, in = A palavra em negrito pode ser substituída pela palavra em parênteses sem mudança no significado, em 


    Opção A: “Taking a break in the workday is more than an indulgence, though:” lines 10-12 (therefore). =  “Fazer uma pausa em um dia de trabalho é mais que uma indulgência, no entanto.”linhas 10-12 (portanto) 


    • though  no final da frase tem o significado de mas, no entanto, que são conectivos que introduzem uma ideia oposta. 
    • O therefore é um conectivo de conclusão
    • Opção errada



    Opção B: “ ‘Indeed, many people are wishing they could just peel themselves away,’” lines 20-21 (Nevertheless) = "Na verdade, muitas pessoas estão desejando que pudessem apenas se despregar '", linhas 20-21 (Contudo). 


    • Os conectivos não tem o mesmo significado. 
    • Errada



    Opção C: “Thus, invite a co-worker to take daily walks with you…” lines 22-23 (So). = "Assim, convidamos um colega de trabalho andar diariamente com você ..." linhas 22-23 (Então)


    • Thus = assim, deste modo = So = assim, desta maneira 

    • Os conectivos são sinônimos. Tanto faz usar um ou outro na frase, não vai alterar a interpretação do texto. 
    • Esta é a opção correta


    Opção D: “then commit to just one or two big breaks a week.” lines 33-34 (however) = "Então comprometer-se a apenas uma ou duas grandes pausas por semana" linhas 33-34 (entretanto)


    • O then é conclusivo e o however é oposição. 
    • Errada



    Opção E: “While most co-workers care less about your habits than you think they do,” lines 52-53 (Because). =  “Embora a maioria dos colegas de trabalho se importem menos com seus hábitos do que você acha que eles fazem,” linhas 52-53 (Por que) 


    • Os significados dos conectivos  não são sinónimos, e se trocados um pelo outro alteraria a compreensão textual. 
    • Errada


The uses for oil
Oil is the largest source of liquid fuel and, in spite of attempts to develop synthetic fuels, world consumption of oil
products in increasing.
The oil industry is not much more than a hundred years old. It began when the first oil well was drilled in 1859. In the
early days, oil was used to light houses because there was no electricity and gas was very scarce. Later, people began to use oil
for heating too.
Most industries use machinery to make things. Every machine needs oil in order to run easily. Even a small clock or watch
needs a little oil from time to time.
The engines of many machines use oil fuels petrol, kerosene or diesel. Cars, buses, trucks, tractors, and small aircraft use
petroleum chemicals: synthetic rubber, plastics, synthetic fiber materials for clothes and for the home, paints, materials which
help to stop rust, photographic materials, soap and cleaning materials (detergents), drugs, fertilizers for farms and gardens, food
containers, and may others.
In 1900 the world’s oil production was less than 2 million tons a year. Today the oil industry is one of the world’s largest
and most important suppliers of raw materials.

“…In spite of attempts to develop synthetic fuels…” In spite of is the same as:

  • Malicious ill will prompting an urge to hurt or humiliate another person.

    tr.v. spit·edspit·ingspites

    To treat with spite; show spite toward: "Maybe she became engaged to him in order to spite another man" (Nathaniel West).


    in spite of

    Not stopped by; regardless of: They kept going in spite of their fears.

  • In spite of attempts to develop synthetic fuels: apesar das tentativas para desenvolver combustíveis sintéticos. (Despite = apesar)


Instrução: Leia o texto para responder às questões de números 40 a 45.

      To Scientists, Laughter Is No Joke - It’s Serious
March 31, 2010.

     So a scientist walks into a shopping mall to watch people laugh. There’s no punchline. Laughter is a serious scientific subject, one that researchers are still trying to figure out. Laughing is primal, our first way of communicating. Apes laugh. So do dogs and rats. Babies laugh long before they speak. No one teaches you how to laugh. You just do. And often you laugh involuntarily, in a specific rhythm and in certain spots in conversation.
    You may laugh at a prank on April Fools’ Day. But surprisingly,  only 10 to 15 percent of laughter is the result of someone making a joke, said Baltimore neuroscientist Robert Provine, who has studied laughter for decades. Laughter is mostly about social responses rather than reaction to a joke. “Laughter above all else is a social thing,’’ Provine said. “The requirement for laughter is another person.’’  
    Over the years, Provine, a professor with the University of Maryland Baltimore County, has boiled laughter down to its basics. “All language groups laugh ‘ha-ha-ha’ basically the same way,’’ he said. “Whether you speak Mandarin, French or English, everyone will understand laughter. ... There’s a pattern generator in our brain that produces this sound.’’
    Each “ha’’ is about one-15th of a second, repeated every fifth of a second, he said. Laugh faster or slower than that and it sounds more like panting or something else. Deaf people laugh without hearing, and people on cell phones laugh without seeing, illustrating that laughter isn’t dependent on a single sense but on social interactions, said Provine, author of the book “Laughter: A Scientific Investigation.’’   
    “It’s joy, it’s positive engagement with life,’’ said Jaak Panksepp, a Bowling Green University psychology professor. “It’s deeply social.’’ And it’s not just a people thing either. Chimps tickle each other and even laugh when another chimp pretends to tickle them. By studying rats, Panksepp and other scientists can figure out what’s going on in the brain during laughter. And it holds promise for human ills.
    Northwestern biomedical engineering professor Jeffrey Burgdorf has found that laughter in rats produces an insulin-like growth factor chemical that acts as an antidepressant and anxietyreducer. He thinks the same thing probably happens in humans, too. This would give doctors a new chemical target in the brain in their effort to develop drugs that fight depression and anxiety in people. Even so, laughter itself hasn’t been proven to be the best medicine, experts said.

 (www.nytimes.com. Adaptado.)

No trecho do terceiro parágrafo – Whether you speak Mandarin, French or English, everyone will understand laughter. – a palavra whether pode ser substituída, sem alteração de sentido, por



As questões de números 31 a 35 baseiam-se no texto seguinte.

Making Performance Budgeting Work: New IMF Book

October 04, 2007

Member countries will find valuable advice on how to reform their budgeting practices to improve the effectiveness and
efficiency of public expenditure in a major new work on performance budgeting produced by the Fiscal Affairs Department. The book,
Performance Budgeting: Linking Funding and Results (500pp), came off the presses of the top UK publisher Palgrave Macmillan in

Edited by FAD staff member Marc Robinson, the book contains a comprehensive treatment of contemporary performance
budgeting practice and theory. In a series of thematic chapters and case studies, the book discusses:
- The key forms of performance budgeting which [TO IMPLEMENT] around the world - how they differ, and what they have in
common points.
- Lessons from the experience of governments around the world - ranging from OECD nations to developing, middle-income
and transition countries - about what forms of performance budgeting work, under what circumstances, and with what
implementation strategies.
- How successful performance budgeting can improve aggregate fiscal discipline.
- The information requirements of performance budgeting, and
- The links between performance budgeting and other budgeting and public management reforms.
Many of the contributors to this work are leaders in performance budgeting implementation in their countries. Others are
respected academics and technical experts from the International Monetary Fund and other international organizations. Countries
covered in the case studies include the UK, USA, Australia, France, Chile, Spain, Russia, Colombia and Ethiopia.
One major focus of the book is performance budgeting as a tool for improved expenditure prioritization - that is, for helping to
shift limited public resources to the services of greatest social benefit. A key finding is that this type of performance budgeting will only
work if the budget process is fundamentally changed so that top politicians and bureaucrats systematically consider expenditure
priorities when formulating the budget. This means more than just considering the priorities for new spending. It requires also having
mechanisms to systematically review existing spending programs to identify what is ineffective and low priority and can, therefore, be
cut. This is what countries such as Chile and the United Kingdom have successfully done, and the United States is currently attempting
to achieve with its Program Assessment Rating Tool instrument. Conversely, it is a mistake to believe that merely changing the budget
classification and developing performance indicators will in itself improve the allocation of resources in the budget.
(Adapted from http://blog-pfm.imf.org/pfmblog/2007/10/making-performa.html)

Observe que work foi empregado, no texto, com dois sentidos diferentes:

I. Making Performance Budgeting Work

II. ... is a major new work...

Leia as sentenças abaixo:

- This work is protected under copyright laws and reproduction is strictly prohibited.
- Institutions such as the rule of law will rarely work if they are simply copied from abroad.
- Theory of the Firm builds models to help explain how markets work.
- His new book is called " Making Our Democracy Work: A Judge's View."
- She wanted it to be the definitive work on the subject of voting and women's rights around the world.

A alternativa que representa a ordem correta em que os sentidos aparecem no conjunto das sentenças é

  • Significados do work:
    I - funcionar
    II -  trabalho
  • Traduzindo as Oracoes
    - This work is protected under copyright laws and reproduction is strictly prohibited.
    Este trabalho esta sob protecao de leis de direitos autorais e a reproducao e' estritametne proibida
    - Institutions such as the rule of law will rarely work if they are simply copied from abroad.
    Instrucoes como Estado de direito raramente funcionam se elas sao simplesmente copaidas do exterior
    - Theory of the Firm builds models to help explain how markets work.
    A teoria da Empresa constroi modelos que ajudam a explciar  como os mercados funcionam
    - His new book is called " Making Our Democracy Work: A Judge's View."
    Seu novo livro se chama  "fazendo a nossa democracia funcionar: uma Visao de Juiz.
    - She wanted it to be the definitive work on the subject of voting and women's rights around the world.
    Ela queria que fosse o trabalho definitivo a respeito da votacao e direitos das mulheres por todo o mundo.
  • I. Making Performance Budgeting Work

    II. ... is a major new work...

    Fashioning a reply off the hat, it's safe to assume the first sentence uses "work" in the same sense as "function" or "be put into action or good use", whereas in the second statement, it's a noun word meaning "deed" or the published output of a writer or other major source of printed material.

    answer choice: b)
  • I - Trabalho, como um verbo
    II - Trabalho, como substantivo

    Sentença 1: "Este trabalho" <- substantivo
    Sentença 2: "raramente trabalharão" <- verbo
    Sentença 3: "como os mercados trabalham " <- verbo
    Sentença 4: "fazendo nossa democracia trabalhar " <- verbo
    Sentença 5: "queria que fosse o trabalho definitivo" <- substantivo 
  • I. Making Performance Budgeting Work I. Fazendo o Orçamento por Desempenho Funcionar (I) Work significa funcionar, dar certo. II. ...is a major new work... II. ...é o principal novo trabalho... (II) Work tem o sentido de trabalho, emprego, profissão, tarefa, obra. Leia as sentenças abaixo: - This work is protected under copyright laws and reproduction is strictly prohibited. 

    - Este trabalho está protegido por leis de direitos autorais e a reprodução é estritamente proibida. - Institutions such as the rule of law will rarely work if they are simply copied from abroad. - Instituições como o Estado de Direito raramente vão funcionar se eles forem simplesmente copiados do exterior. - Theory of the Firm builds models to help explain how markets work. - A Teoria da Empresa constrói modelos para ajudar a explicar como os mercados funcionam. - His new book is called "Making Our Democracy Work: A Judge's View." - Seu novo livro é chamado de "Fazendo a Nossa Democracia Funcionar: A Visão de um Juiz." - She wanted it to be the definitive work on the subject of voting and women's rights around the world. - Ela queria que essa fosse a obra definitiva sobre o assunto de votação e dos direitos das mulheres em todo o mundo. A alternativa que representa a ordem correta em que os sentidos aparecem no conjunto das sentenças é (A) I, II, I, II, I. (B) II, I, I, I, II. (C) I, II, I, II, II. (D) II, I, II, I, I. (E) II, I, I, II, I. Comentários: 1a Sentença: Observe que a palavra work nessa frase está com o sentido de trabalho, emprego, profissão (II). - This work is protected under copyright laws and reproduction is strictly prohibited. - Este trabalho está protegido por leis de direitos autorais e a reprodução é estritamente proibida. 2a Sentença: A palavra work nesse contexto expressa funcionar, dar certo (I). - Institutions such as the rule of law will rarely work if they are simply copied from abroad. -Instituições como o Estado de Direito raramente vão funcionar se eles forem simplesmente copiados do exterior. 3a Sentença: Veja que work nessa oração significa funcionar, dar certo (I). - Theory of the Firm builds models to help explain how markets work. - A Teoria da Empresa constrói modelos para ajudar a explicar como os mercados funcionam. 4a Sentença: Nessa frase work tem o sentido de funcionar (I). - His new book is called "Making Our Democracy Work: A Judge's View." - Seu novo livro é chamado de "Fazendo a Nossa Democracia Funcionar: A Visão de um Juiz." 5a Sentença: Nessa sentença o termo work é traduzido como trabalho, obra (II). - She wanted it to be the definitive work on the subject of voting and women's rights around the world. - Ela queria que essa fosse a obra definitiva sobre o assunto de votação e dos direitos das mulheres em todo o mundo. Sequência correta: II, I, I, I, II. Gabarito: B

  • O Work empregado em cada sentaça é




          Text 1
01     There, in the pasture greenery,
         Sun mottling Nature's breast,
         It was the summer wind's song
         That filled me with its crest.
05     Emotion running rampant--
         Rivers to the sea--
         I could not even fathom the flood of you and me.

         But take me in your arms again
         And do not talk of time.
10     Let flesh rub flesh to parchment--
         Pale flowers crushed--
         And grind more mortar for my soul's room . . .
         Paint mirrors for my mind.

(Michela Curtis: www.poetry.com)

According to Text 1, answer the questions below:

Analyze the best answer to complete the following sentence, giving it the same meaning as in the text.

"Emotion running __________
Rivers to the sea
I could not even ___________ the __________ of you and me."

Mark the right alternative.



        Text 2

01    Take a dive with hundreds of tropical fish, colorful coral and the world's biggest fish, the
        whale shark, at unspoilt Ningaloo Reef.
        The reef on Western Australia's mid north coast, has gained an impressive reputation as
        one of Earth's last ocean paradise.
05    It's one of the largest fringing reefs in the world and unlike many others; you can get to it
        just by stepping off the beach.
        The marine park stretches 260 kilometers from Bundegi Reef near the town of Exmouth to
        Amherst Point near Coral Bay in the south.
        It reaches nearly 20 kilometers seaward, encompassing a massive 5,000 square
10    kilometers of ocean with 500 species of tropical fish and 220 species of coral in all.
        Nothing can compare to the thrill of swimming beside a whale shark. These docile
        creatures visit the reef each year between April and June.
        Rare turtle species hatch here in late January and February. Watch this amazing natural
        phenomenon on special guided, eco-interactive trails.
15    Accommodation in the area is comfortable and ranges from camping and backpacker style
        to chalets, motels, eco-retreats and self catering apartments.
        It's not all about the water at Ningaloo - go four wheel driving to Cape Range National
        Park to see amazing red rock canyons and gorges.
        Getting there is easy - take a two hour flight north of Perth, or give yourself two days to
        drive there from the capital.

According to Text 2, answer the questions below:

The word unlike in line 5, of the text, means:



Life and the Movies

        Joey Potter looked at her friend Dawson Leery and she smiled sadly. “Life isn’t like a movie, Dawson,” she said. “We can’t write happy endings to all our relationships.”
       Joey was a pretty girl with long brown hair. Both Joey and Dawson were nearly sixteen years old. The two teenagers had problems. All teenagers have the same problems - life, love, school work, and parents. It isn’t easy to become an adult.
        Dawson loved movies. He had always loved movies. He took film classes in school. He made short movies himself. Dawson wanted to be a film director. His favorite director was Steven Spielberg. Dawson spent a lot of his free time filming with his video camera. He loved watching videos of great movies from the past. Most evenings, he watched movies with Joey.
      “These days, Dawson always wants us to behave like people in movies,” Joey thought. And life in the little seaside town of Capeside wasn’t like the movies.
        Joey looked at the handsome, blond boy who was sitting next to her. She thought about the years of their long friendship. They were best friends...

ANDERS, C. J. Retold by CORNISH, F. H. Dawson’s Creek. Shifting into overdrive. Oxford, Macmillan, 2005.

According to the sentence “Joey looked at the handsome, blond boy who was sitting next to her”, it is correct to say that Dawson was

  • handsome -> Para masculino

    Beautiful -> para feminino

  • letra D pra quem nao é assinante


Choose the best option to rewrite the sentence keeping the same meaning.

He had his hair cut yesterday.



                                   Safety Meeting Presentation

  Today's meeting is really about you. I can stand in front of you and talk about working safely and what procedures to follow until I'm blue in the face. But until you understand the need for working safely, until you are willing to be responsible for your safety, it doesn't mean a whole lot.
   Some of you may be familiar with OSHA - the Occupational Safety & Health Administration. The sole purpose of this agency is to keep American workers safe. Complying with OSHA regulations isn't always easy, but if we work together, we can do it. Yet, complying with regulations is not the real reason for working safely. Our real motive is simple. We care about each and every one of you and will do what is necessary to prevent you from being injured.
   However, keeping our workplace safe takes input from everyone. Management, supervisor, and all of you have to come together on this issue, or we're in trouble. For example, upper management has to approve the purchase of safe equipment. Supervisors, including myself, have to ensure that each of you knows how to use that equipment safely. Then it's up to you to follow through the task and use the equipment as you were trained. If any one part of this chain fails, accidents are going to happen and people are going to get hurt.

Responsibility Number One - Recognize Hazards
   At the core of your safety responsibilities lies the task of recognizing safety and health hazards. In order to do that, you must first understand what constitutes a hazard. Extreme hazards are often obvious. Our hopes are that you won't find too many of those around here.
   There are, however, more subtle hazards that won't jump up and bite you. As a result of your safety training and meetings like these, some things may come to mind. For example, a machine may not be easy to lock out. Common practice may be to use a tag. This is a potential hazard and should be discussed. Maybe something can be changed to make it easier to use a lock. Other subtle hazards include such things as frayed electrical cords, a loose machine guard, a cluttered aisle, or maybe something that just doesn't look right.

Responsibility Number Two - Report Hazards
    A big part of recognizing hazards is using your instincts. Nobody knows your job as well as you do, so we're counting on you to let us know about possible problems. Beyond recognizing hazards, you have to correct them or report them to someone who can. This too, is a judgement call. For example, if something spills in your work area you can probably clean it up yourself. However, if there is an unlabeled chemical container and you have no idea what it is, you should report it to your supervisor.

Additional Employee Responsibilities
   Good housekeeping is a major part of keeping your work area safe. For example, you should take a few minutes each day to ensure that aisles, hallways, and stairways in your work area are not obstructed. If boxes, equipment, or anything else is left to pile up, you have a tripping hazard on your hands. Those obstructions could keep you from exiting the building quickly and safely should you face an emergency situation.
   Also watch out for spills. These can lead to slips and falls. Flammable materials are another thing to be aware of. Make sure they are disposed of properly.
   Keep Thinking. Even if you're doing your job safely and you are avoiding hazards, there are often even better ways to work safely. If you have ideas for improving the safety of your job or that of co-workers, share them.

   Concluding Remarks
  While nothing we do can completely eliminate the threat of an incident, we can work together to improve our odds. As I said, this must be a real team effort and I'm counting on input from all of you. Let's keep communicating and continue to improve safety.

  Available at: <http://www.ncsu.edu/ehs/www99/right/training/meeting/emplores.html>.Retrieved on: April 1st, 2012. Adapted.

The expressions “Complying with" and “follow through" in the fragments “Complying with OSHA regulations isn't always easy," (lines 10-11) and “Then it's up to you to follow through the task and use the equipment as you were trained." (lines 23-24) may, respectively, be substituted, without change in meaning, by

  •       comply:
         to act according to an order, set of rules, or request:
    He's been ordered to have the dog destroyed because it's dangerous, but he refuses to comply.There are serious penalties for failure to comply with the regulations.

    follow through
    to complete the movement of hitting, kicking, or throwing a ball by continuing to move your arm or leg in the same direction:You need to follow through more on your backhand.
  • e) obeying & conclude. To follow through on a task might be taken as concluding it teh same way that complying with something implies obeying to some degree.

    comply- abide by, follow agreement or instructions
    accede, accord, acquiesce, adhere to, agree to, cave in, come around, conform to, consent to, cry uncle, defer, discharge, ditto, don't make waves, don't rock the boat, fit in, fold, fulfill, give in, give out, give up, go along with, go with the flow, keep, knuckle to, knuckle under, mind, obey, observe, perform, play ball, play the game, put out, quit, respect, roll over and play dead, satisfy, shape up, stay in line, straighten up, submit, throw in towel, toss it in, yes one, yield.

    follow through - bring to a conclusion.
    complete, conclude, consummate, pursue.


                                   Safety Meeting Presentation

  Today's meeting is really about you. I can stand in front of you and talk about working safely and what procedures to follow until I'm blue in the face. But until you understand the need for working safely, until you are willing to be responsible for your safety, it doesn't mean a whole lot.
   Some of you may be familiar with OSHA - the Occupational Safety & Health Administration. The sole purpose of this agency is to keep American workers safe. Complying with OSHA regulations isn't always easy, but if we work together, we can do it. Yet, complying with regulations is not the real reason for working safely. Our real motive is simple. We care about each and every one of you and will do what is necessary to prevent you from being injured.
   However, keeping our workplace safe takes input from everyone. Management, supervisor, and all of you have to come together on this issue, or we're in trouble. For example, upper management has to approve the purchase of safe equipment. Supervisors, including myself, have to ensure that each of you knows how to use that equipment safely. Then it's up to you to follow through the task and use the equipment as you were trained. If any one part of this chain fails, accidents are going to happen and people are going to get hurt.

Responsibility Number One - Recognize Hazards
   At the core of your safety responsibilities lies the task of recognizing safety and health hazards. In order to do that, you must first understand what constitutes a hazard. Extreme hazards are often obvious. Our hopes are that you won't find too many of those around here.
   There are, however, more subtle hazards that won't jump up and bite you. As a result of your safety training and meetings like these, some things may come to mind. For example, a machine may not be easy to lock out. Common practice may be to use a tag. This is a potential hazard and should be discussed. Maybe something can be changed to make it easier to use a lock. Other subtle hazards include such things as frayed electrical cords, a loose machine guard, a cluttered aisle, or maybe something that just doesn't look right.

Responsibility Number Two - Report Hazards
    A big part of recognizing hazards is using your instincts. Nobody knows your job as well as you do, so we're counting on you to let us know about possible problems. Beyond recognizing hazards, you have to correct them or report them to someone who can. This too, is a judgement call. For example, if something spills in your work area you can probably clean it up yourself. However, if there is an unlabeled chemical container and you have no idea what it is, you should report it to your supervisor.

Additional Employee Responsibilities
   Good housekeeping is a major part of keeping your work area safe. For example, you should take a few minutes each day to ensure that aisles, hallways, and stairways in your work area are not obstructed. If boxes, equipment, or anything else is left to pile up, you have a tripping hazard on your hands. Those obstructions could keep you from exiting the building quickly and safely should you face an emergency situation.
   Also watch out for spills. These can lead to slips and falls. Flammable materials are another thing to be aware of. Make sure they are disposed of properly.
   Keep Thinking. Even if you're doing your job safely and you are avoiding hazards, there are often even better ways to work safely. If you have ideas for improving the safety of your job or that of co-workers, share them.

   Concluding Remarks
  While nothing we do can completely eliminate the threat of an incident, we can work together to improve our odds. As I said, this must be a real team effort and I'm counting on input from all of you. Let's keep communicating and continue to improve safety.

  Available at: <http://www.ncsu.edu/ehs/www99/right/training/meeting/emplores.html>.Retrieved on: April 1st, 2012. Adapted.

Based on the meanings in the text, it is clear that

  • Sobre a E:

     the probability (= how likely it is) that a particular thing will or will not happen:If you drive a car all your life, the odds are that you'll have an accident at some point.There are heavy odds against people succeeding in such a bad economic climate.What are the odds on him being (= do you think he will be) re-elected?The odds are stacked against a woman succeeding (= it is not likely that a woman will succeed) in the business.in gambling (= the activity of risking money guessing the result of something), aprobability expressed as a number:The odds against my horse winning (= that it will not win)/on my horse winning (= that it will win) are a hundred to one.The odds that the US entrant will win the race are ten to one.
  • Sole tem o mesmo significado de only, single, etc.

    Exemplo: The sole survivor of the accident was found in the water after six hours.

  • A - Sole e Only expressam ideias parecidas → Sole = único, Só; Only = só, somente - CERTO

    B - Injured e hurt são antonimos → Injured = ferido, prejudicado; Hurt= ferido, prejudicado.- ERRADO

    C- Ensure e Guarantee expressam ideais contraditórias → Ensures = garantir, assegurar; Guarantee = garantir. - ERRADO

    D- Subtle e Obvious são sinônimos → Subtle = sutil, misterioso; Obvious= óbvio, evidente - ERRADO

    E- Odds e Probabilities não tem significado equivalente → Odds = possibilidade, probabilidade; Probabilites= probabilidade, possibilidade -ERRADO

  • Com base nos significados do texto, é evidente que
    A) "sole"- exclusivo, único (linha 9) e exclusivo expressam ideias semelhantes.
    B) "ferido" (linha 15) e ferido são antônimos.
    C) "garantir" (linha 21) e garantir  expressam ideias contraditórias.
    D) "sutil" (linha 41) e óbvio são sinônimos.
    E) "probabilidades" (linha 77) e probabilidades não têm significados equivalentes.
    Podemos afirmar que "sole"- único e "only"- exclusivo, expressam ideias semelhantes. Alternativa A.


Choose the alternative that correctly substitutes the words in italics in the sentence below:

"He wants to become a soccer player, but he doesn't think he has the necessary qualities".

  • GAB- e)has got what it takes. tem o que é preciso .


Choose the alternative that correctly substitutes the words in italics in the sentence below:

"If I were you, I wouldn't believe all his stories. He loves inventing things".

  • gab- 

     a)making something up.

COBRA Tecnologia S/A (BB)

The internet vigilantes: Anonymous hackers' group outs man, 32, 'who drove girl, 15, to suicide by spreading topless photos of her'

Anonymous has named a man it claims posted topless pictures of a 15-year-old girl online and harassed her so relentlessly that she killed herself.

Amanda Todd, from Vancouver, Canada, was found hanged in her home on October 10, just weeks after she uploaded a video to YouTube detailing her horrific treatment at the hands of cyber bullies.

When she was just 12, a man in an internet chat room convinced her to flash her breasts, and a year later, he plastered a picture of the incident across Facebook.
Now in a vigilante move, Anonymous, the world's largest hacking group, has named the man allegedly responsible for the picture.

The group claims that he is a 32-year-old from British Columbia, but MailOnline has chosen not to identify him for legal reasons

As Todd's supporters set up Facebook pages warning the man to 'sleep with one eye open', the move by Anonymous sparks concerns over its abilities to create a 'trial by internet' - bypassing the justice system and casting guilt.

In a video posted to YouTube by Anonymous, a figure claims the group lists his personal information, including his date of birth and address

It explains that his username appears on websites where he 'blackmailed' and gave advice to young girls. The same username is also tied to a website with a 'jailbait' photo gallery. '[He] is an abomination to our society, and will be punished,' the Anonymous figure says.

Referring to the possibility they might have the wrong man, they add: 'At the most this is the person who did this to Amanda Todd, and at the least it's another pedophile that enjoys taking advantage of children.'

Following Anonymous' announcement, the web moved swiftly, with groups calling for his death and warning him to 'sleep with one eye open' cropping up on Facebook.

CKNW reporters have unsuccessfully tried to speak with the man, and neighbours have described his home as 'a known party house on the weekend with lots of young women coming and going'.

But police attended the home on Monday after a neighbour, Chyne Simpson, said Anonymous named the wrong address. He said he felt threatened by internet users and asked them to stay away.

The Royal Canadian Mounted Police refused to confirm Anonymous have the right man but a spokesperson said they were aware that someone had been named.

'We are aware of what's being posted online and certainly following up what we feel is important to follow up,' Sergeant Peter Thiessen told The Globe and Mail, adding: '[Vigilantes] run the risk of committing a criminal offence.'

Todd's family members also said they are not sure the Anonymous report is accurate and said police have tracked down a person living in the U.S. whom they believed was involved.

The claims come weeks after Amanda posted a nearly nine-minute YouTube video detailing her treatment on a stack of notecards held up to the camera.

Todd says that a year after she flashed her breasts, the man tracked her down and demanded he put on a show for him or he would expose her.

When she refused, he created a Facebook page with a list of her friends and used her naked chest as the profile photo. The picture quickly spread across the internet and among her classmates.

It led to relentless bullying online, she said, and she was diagnosed with depression and started drinking. In the video, posted September 7, she admitted that she had previously tried to kill herself twice and has been hospitalised.

After moving to a different city and school, another instance of bullying occurred after she started a romantic relationship with an older man who had a girlfriend. Once that relationship soured, she was confronted and beaten up by the man's girlfriend. She was hit in front of a crowd of screaming people who encouraged her to be left in a ditch.

Amanda does not speak in the video, and her face is not fully shown, but she confirmed her identity with the last notecard which says her name.

One of the final images is a jarring picture of her arm which had been cut repeatedly. Just under six weeks after posting the video, Todd could take the bullying no longer, and took her own life.
During a memorial for Todd on Monday, her friends said they have been aware of a man in his 30s 'stalking' their friend for years.

'There were multiple accounts with random names,' one friend told QMI Agency. 'There were Twitter accounts also used.' The Vancouver Sun reported that Amanda was a student in Grade 10 at the Coquitlam Basic Alternative Education school. The principal of the school confirmed her death and said that she had become connected with many since she transferred to the school in the middle of last year.

'It is a very sad case,' Paul McNaughton told the paper. 'I can tell you we feel we tried everything we could to help her when she came to us.'
Her death prompted a local politician to release a video of her own that pleads to put an end to bullying.
'I just heard about Amanda. I want to say to everyone who loved her, to all her family and friends, how sorry I am about her loss,' British Columbia premier Christy Clark said.
'No one deserves to be bullied. No one earns it. No one asks for it. It isn't a rite of passage. Bullying has to stop.'

http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2218532/Amanda-Todd-Anonymous-names-man-drove- teen-kill-spreading-nude-pictures.html

The alternative that brings the best synonym in its base form to the bold underlined word in the text page “Anonymous has named a man it claims posted topless pictures of a 15-year-old girl online and harassed her so relentlessly that she killed herself." is:

  • d) Besieged. There's no boldfaced word in the stringy passage, but I would take it that they'd be looking for an equivalent for "harassed", as the answer choices only deal with past participle verbs. Besieged comes closer in meaning to harassed as it could be implied that her mind was under siege as they ganged up on her.

    d)besieged (sitiado). Harassed significa incomodado
  • be·siege  (b-sj)
    tr.v. be·siegedbe·sieg·ingbe·sieg·es
    1. To surround with hostile forces.
    2. To crowd around; hem in.
    3. To harass or importune, as with requests: Reporters besieged the winner for interviews.
    4. To cause to feel distressed or worried: She was besieged by problems.

  • Essa é nivel hard.


    Nunca tinha visto nenhuma da palavras constantes nas alternativas.


Read the text and answer questions 19), 20), 21), 22), 23) and 24).

Lawsuits claim Knoedler made huge profits on fakes

For more than a dozen years the Upper East Side gallery Knoedler & Company was “substantially dependent” on profits it made from selling a mysterious collection of artwork that is at the center of a federal forgery investigation, former clients of this former gallery have charged in court papers. The analysis is based on financial records turned over as part of a lawsuit against the gallery filed by Domenico and Eleanore De Sole, who in 2004 paid $8.3 million for a painting attributed to Mark Rothko that they now say is a worthless fake. The Rothko is one of approximately 40 works that Knoedler, which closed last year, obtained from Glafira Rosales, a littleknown dealer whose collection of works attributed to Modernist masters has no documented provenance and is the subject of an F.B.I. investigation. Between 1996 and 2008, the suit asserts, Knoedler earned approximately $60 million from works that Ms. Rosales provided on consignment or sold outright to the gallery and cleared $40 million in profits. In one year, 2002, for example, the complaint says the gallery’s entire profit — $5.6 million — was derived from the sale of Ms. Rosales’s works. “Knoedler’s viability as a business was substantially — and, in some years, almost entirely — dependent on sales from the Rosales Collection,” the De Soles claimed last month in an amended version of the suit they filed this year. While the forgery allegations are well known and have been the subject of three federal lawsuits against Knoedler, the recent filings expand the known number of Rosales artworks that were handled by the gallery, which was in business for 165 years, and assert that they played a pivotal role in the gallery’s success. After the F.B.I. issued subpoenas to the gallery in the fall of 2009, Michael Hammer, Knoedler’s owner, halted the sale of any Rosales works. Knoedler ended up losing money that year and in 2010, the court papers say. http://www.nytimes.com/2012/10/22/arts/design/knoe... 

The alternative that brings the best synonym to the bold underline idiom in the passage “Knoedler ended up losing money that year and in 2010" is



Read the text and answer questions 19), 20), 21), 22), 23) and 24).

Lawsuits claim Knoedler made huge profits on fakes

For more than a dozen years the Upper East Side gallery Knoedler & Company was “substantially dependent” on profits it made from selling a mysterious collection of artwork that is at the center of a federal forgery investigation, former clients of this former gallery have charged in court papers. The analysis is based on financial records turned over as part of a lawsuit against the gallery filed by Domenico and Eleanore De Sole, who in 2004 paid $8.3 million for a painting attributed to Mark Rothko that they now say is a worthless fake. The Rothko is one of approximately 40 works that Knoedler, which closed last year, obtained from Glafira Rosales, a littleknown dealer whose collection of works attributed to Modernist masters has no documented provenance and is the subject of an F.B.I. investigation. Between 1996 and 2008, the suit asserts, Knoedler earned approximately $60 million from works that Ms. Rosales provided on consignment or sold outright to the gallery and cleared $40 million in profits. In one year, 2002, for example, the complaint says the gallery’s entire profit — $5.6 million — was derived from the sale of Ms. Rosales’s works. “Knoedler’s viability as a business was substantially — and, in some years, almost entirely — dependent on sales from the Rosales Collection,” the De Soles claimed last month in an amended version of the suit they filed this year. While the forgery allegations are well known and have been the subject of three federal lawsuits against Knoedler, the recent filings expand the known number of Rosales artworks that were handled by the gallery, which was in business for 165 years, and assert that they played a pivotal role in the gallery’s success. After the F.B.I. issued subpoenas to the gallery in the fall of 2009, Michael Hammer, Knoedler’s owner, halted the sale of any Rosales works. Knoedler ended up losing money that year and in 2010, the court papers say. http://www.nytimes.com/2012/10/22/arts/design/knoe... 

In the passage “The analysis is based on financial records turned over as part of a lawsuit against the gallery filed by Domenico and Eleanore De Sole" the meaning of the phrasal verb is

  • Na passagem "A análise é baseada em registros financeiros entregues como parte de um processo contra a galeria arquivada por Domenico e Eleanore De Sole", o significado do verbo phrasal é   A) denunciado   B) sobre inchado   C) cercado   D) dispostos de forma diferente   E) derrubar

  • A questão aborda os Phrasal verbs, que são verbos que vêm acompanhados por preposições ou advérbios, e podem modificar completamente o sentido do verbo original.

    Muitas vezes, para saber o significado, é preciso decorar ou deduzir pelo contexto.

    Exemplo: give up = desistir, sendo que o verbo give é traduzido como dar.

    Vamos ao enunciado:

    Na passagem “A análise é baseada em registros financeiros entregues como parte de um processo contra a galeria movido por Domenico e Eleanore De Sole” o significado do verbo frasal é

    A questão pede o significado do verbo "turned over", que, de acordo com a tradução acima, tem o significado de entregues/denunciados.

    A) Correta - denounced = denunciado

    B) Incorreta - over swelled = inchado

    C) Incorreta - surrounded = cercado

    D) Incorreta - disposed differently = disposto de forma diferente

    E) Incorreta - overthrew = derrubado

    Gabarito: A


Leia o texto para responder a questão.


Experts are questioning whether diet drinks could raise depression risk, after a large study has found a link.

    The US research in more than 250,000 people found depression was more common among frequent consumers of artificially sweetened beverages. The work, which will be presented at the American Academy of Neurology’s annual meeting, did not look at the cause for this link.

    Drinking coffee was linked with a lower risk of depression.

    People who drank four cups a day were 10% less likely to be diagnosed with depression during the 10-year study period than those who drank no coffee. But those who drank four cans or glasses of diet fizzy drinks or artificially sweetened juice a day increased their risk of depression by about a third. Lead researcher Dr Honglei Chen, of the National Institutes of Health in North Carolina, said: “Our research suggests that cutting out or down on sweetened diet drinks or replacing them with unsweetened coffee may naturally help lower your depression risk.”

    But he said more studies were needed to explore this. There are many other factors that may be involved. And the findings – in people in their 50s, 60s, 70s and 80s and living in the US – might not apply to other populations. The safety of sweeteners, like aspartame, has been extensively tested by scientists and is assured by regulators.

    Gaynor Bussell, of the British Dietetic Association, said: “Sweeteners used to be called ‘artificial’ sweeteners and unfortunately the term ‘artificial’ has evoked suspicion. As a result, sweeteners have been very widely tested and reviewed for safety and the ones on the market have an excellent safety track record. However, the studies on them continue and this one has thrown up a possibly link – not a cause and effect – with depression.”

(http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-20943509.09.01.2013. Adaptado)

The term “whether” in – Experts are questioning whether diet drinks could raise depression risk, after a large study has found a link. – introduces

  • a) a supposition.

    Whether is tantamount to if (as in the conjunction), the only difference is that it comes with a pre set choice to be made.

    Whether é uma conjunção subordinada adverbial condicional, a qual implica Supposition (suposição)
  • O termo "se" em - Os especialistas estão questionando se as bebidas dietéticas poderiam aumentar o risco de depressão, depois que um grande estudo encontrou um elo. - introduz


Leia o texto para responder a questão.


Experts are questioning whether diet drinks could raise depression risk, after a large study has found a link.

    The US research in more than 250,000 people found depression was more common among frequent consumers of artificially sweetened beverages. The work, which will be presented at the American Academy of Neurology’s annual meeting, did not look at the cause for this link.

    Drinking coffee was linked with a lower risk of depression.

    People who drank four cups a day were 10% less likely to be diagnosed with depression during the 10-year study period than those who drank no coffee. But those who drank four cans or glasses of diet fizzy drinks or artificially sweetened juice a day increased their risk of depression by about a third. Lead researcher Dr Honglei Chen, of the National Institutes of Health in North Carolina, said: “Our research suggests that cutting out or down on sweetened diet drinks or replacing them with unsweetened coffee may naturally help lower your depression risk.”

    But he said more studies were needed to explore this. There are many other factors that may be involved. And the findings – in people in their 50s, 60s, 70s and 80s and living in the US – might not apply to other populations. The safety of sweeteners, like aspartame, has been extensively tested by scientists and is assured by regulators.

    Gaynor Bussell, of the British Dietetic Association, said: “Sweeteners used to be called ‘artificial’ sweeteners and unfortunately the term ‘artificial’ has evoked suspicion. As a result, sweeteners have been very widely tested and reviewed for safety and the ones on the market have an excellent safety track record. However, the studies on them continue and this one has thrown up a possibly link – not a cause and effect – with depression.”

(http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-20943509.09.01.2013. Adaptado)

O termo likely em – People who drank four cups a day were 10% less likely to be diagnosed with depression during the 10-year study period than those who drank no coffee. – transmite a ideia de

  • b) propensão.

    Likely means someone or something prone to being the target of some event to unfold according to the semantic contents in a sentence. e.g.: He's likely to fail at some in teh future if he keeps playing it safe like this.

    Likely tem sentido equivalente a provável, o qual pode ser interpretado como propensão.
  • Café é vida. Sem mais ☕

    Sinônimos de likely: tend, probably


Two of the greatest technologies of our age are telecommunications and computer engineering. Telecommunications is concerned with moving information from one point to another point or from one point to many other points. I think it is no exaggeration to say that the telecommunications industry is largely taken for granted by the vast majority of people. If you were to ask the average person what the greatest technological feat of 1969 was, they would probably reply ‘The first manned landing on the moon’. A much more magnificent achievement was the ability of millions of people half a million kilometres away to watch what was taking place on the moon in their own homes. However, if most people are not aware of the great developments in the telecommunications industry, they will not have missed the microprocessor revolution. In the last few years powerful computers have become even more powerful and minicomputers and microprocessors have spread to industry, education, research, and the home.

(Extraído de: The Principles of Computer Hardware, Alan Clements,
International Student Edition, 2nd, 1991)

No texto, o termo aware tem o significado de:

  • d) consciente

    aware: marked by comprehension, cognisance, and perception: alive, awake, cognisant, sensible, sentient, wise, hip, on to, consciente


Read the text page “Leading jockey Craig Williams says he will hold Dunaden in higher regard than three-time Melbourne Cup champion mare Makybe Diva if the French raider can carry his hefty weight to back-to-back Melbourne Cups at Flemington today”.
The alternative that brings the best synonym to the bold underlined word is

    •  c) heavy
    Having a relatively great weight: heavy, heavyweight, massive, ponderous, weighty, pesado.


Why Is Spain Really Taking Lionel Messi to Tax Court?

By Jonathan Mahler Sep 27, 2013
So Spain has decided to haul Lionel Messi into court for tax evasion, which strikes me as completely insane on pretty much every level.
You may remember the story from a few months back: The greatest soccer player in the world and his father were accused of setting up
a bunch of shell companies in Belize and Uruguay to avoid paying taxes on royalties and other licensing income.

Messi - who makes an estimated $41 million a year, about half from sponsors - reached a settlement with Spain’s tax authorities earlier
this summer, agreeing to pay the amount he apparently owed, plus interest. The matter was settled, or so it seemed. Messi could go
back to dazzling the world with his athleticism and creativity.
Only it turns out that Spain wasn’t quite done with Messi. His adopted country - Messi is Argentine but became a Spanish citizen in 2005
- is now considering pressing criminal charges against him.
Cracking down on tax-evading footballers has become something of a trend in Europe, where players and clubs have been known to
launder money through “image-rights companies” often set up in tax havens. When you need money - and Europe needs money - go to
the people who have it, or something like that. Over the summer, dozens of Italian soccer clubs were raided as part of an investigation
into a tax-fraud conspiracy. A number of English Premier League clubs were forced last year to pay millions of pounds in back taxes.
No one likes a tax cheat, and there’s little doubt that widespread tax fraud has helped eat away at the social safety net in Spain and
elsewhere, depriving schools, hospitals and other institutions of badly needed funds. But Europe is not going to find the answers to its
financial problems in the pockets of some professional soccer players and clubs.
Messi’s defense, delivered by his father, seems credible enough to me. “He is a footballer and that’s it,” Messi’s father Jorge said of his
soccer-prodigy son. “If there was an error, it was by our financial adviser. He created the company. My mistake was to have trusted the
adviser.” Even if Messi is legally responsible for the intricate tax dodge he is accused of having participated in, it’s pretty hard to believe
that he knew much about it.
More to the point, Lionel Messi is probably Spain’s most valuable global asset. What could possibly motivate the Spanish government to
want to tarnish his reputation, especially after he’s paid off his alleged debt? After four years of Great-Depression level unemployment,
have anxiety and despair curdled into vindictiveness?
Here’s another explanation: Maybe this whole case has less to do with money than it does with history. Maybe it’s no coincidence that
the target of the Spanish government’s weird wrath happens to play for FC Barcelona, which is, after all, "mes que un club." It's a symbol
of Catalan nationalism - and a bitter, longtime rival of Spain’s establishment team, Real Madrid.
Too conspiratorial? Prove it, Spain. Release Cristiano Ronaldo’s tax return.

(Adapted form http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2013-09-27/why-is-spain-really-taking-lionel-messi-to-tax-court-.html)

A synonym for badly, as it is used in the text, is

  • One of the meaning of adverb badly is the following according to Macmillan Dictionary: If you need or want something badly, you need or want it very much.

    So, you all can perceive that one synonym for badly can be much, letter c)

    Ex:How successful you are depends on how badly you want to succeed. (O quão bem-sucedido que você seja, depende muito de quanto você quer ter sucesso).

    Hope it be useful!

    Espero ter auxiliado!

  • "No one likes a tax cheat, and there's little doubt that widespread tax fraud has helped eat away at the social safety net in Spain and  elsewhere, depriving schools, hospitals and other institutions of badly needed funds."
    "Ninguém gosta de uma fraude fiscal, e não há dúvida de que a fraude fiscal generalizada ajudou a corroer a rede de segurança social na Espanha e em outros lugares, privando escolas, hospitais e outras instituições de fundos muito necessários."
    A) de perto.
    B) igualmente
    C) muito.
    D) quase.
    E) não.
    Conforme tradução acima, inferimos a alternativa C como a correta.
  • closely - de perto

    evenly - uniformente

    much - muito (a expressão badly siginifica mal, que em dado contexto, pode ser interpretado como intenso, exagerado, muitíssimo etc)

    almost - quase

    not - não

  • c-

    'badly', no contexto, significa precisando muito. muito = much

  • Um sinônimo para seriamente, conforme utilizado no texto, é

    (A) closely.


    (B) evenly.


    (C) much.


    (D) almost.


    (E) not.


    Comentários: Pela leitura do texto, verifica-se que os fundos são seriamente necessários (badly needed

    funds), ou seja, são muito (much) necessários.

    No one likes a tax cheat, and there’s little doubt that widespread tax fraud has helped eat away at the social

    safety net in Spain and elsewhere, depriving schools, hospitals and other institutions of badly needed funds.

    But Europe is not going to find the answers to its financial problems in the pockets of some professional soccer

    players and clubs.

    Ninguém gosta de fraude tributária e não há dúvida de que a fraude fiscal generalizada ajudou a corroer a

    rede de segurança social na Espanha e em outros lugares, privando escolas, hospitais e outras instituições

    de fundos seriamente necessários. No entanto, a Europa não vai encontrar as respostas para seus

    problemas financeiros nos bolsos de alguns jogadores de futebol profissionais e clubes.

    Gabarito: C


1               The difficulty for health policy makers the world overis
         this: it is simply not possible to promote healthier lifestyles
         through presidential decree or through being overprotective
4       towards people and the way they choose to live. Recent history
         has proved that one-size-fits-all solutions are no good when
         public health challenges vary from one area of the country to
7       the next. But we cannot sit back while, in spite of all this, so
        many people are suffering such severe lifestyle-driven ill health
       and such acute health inequalities.
        Internet: <www.gov.uk> (adapted).

In the text above,

the adjective “one-size-fits-all” (l.5) means long-term and drastic

  • One-size-fits-all significa "universal". Ou seja uma solução que serve para todos os casos.

  • Wrong one-size-fits-all often means some makeshift alternative to address a problem or issue, slapped on out of want for something more accurate. It hardly means a long-term solution to a wrong to be redressed.

    errado- one-size-fits-all significa uma solução generica para um problema. POuco a ver com long-term (longo prazo)

  • one-size-fits-all: único para todos, uniforme para todos.

  • [1] "One size fits all" is a description for a product that would fit in all instances. The term has been extended to mean one style or procedure would fit in all related applications. It has been in use for over 5 decades. There are both positive and negative uses of the phrase.

    "Tamanho único" é uma descrição para um produto que se encaixaria/caberia em todas circunstâncias. O termo foi criado para se referenciar a um estilo ou procedimento que serviria em todas aplicações relacionadas. Essa expressão tem sido usada por cinco décadas. Pode ser empregada tanto em um uso negativo quanto positivo numa frase.

    [1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/One_size_fits_all


1               The difficulty for health policy makers the world overis
         this: it is simply not possible to promote healthier lifestyles
         through presidential decree or through being overprotective
4       towards people and the way they choose to live. Recent history
         has proved that one-size-fits-all solutions are no good when
         public health challenges vary from one area of the country to
7       the next. But we cannot sit back while, in spite of all this, so
        many people are suffering such severe lifestyle-driven ill health
       and such acute health inequalities.
        Internet: <www.gov.uk> (adapted).

In the text above,

the expression “in spite of all this” (l.7) could be replaced correctly by despite of all this

  • Depois de in spite of ou despite (apesar de), usamos um substantivo, um pronome (this/that/what etc.) ou a forma do gerúndio –ing.

    In spite of the rain, we enjoyed our holiday. (Apesar da chuva, aproveitamos nosso feriado.)

    I didn’t get the job in spite of having all the necessary qualifications. (Não consegui o emprego apesar de ter todas as qualificações necessárias.)

    She wasn’t well, but in spite of this she went to work. (Ela não estava bem, mas apesar disso ela foi trabalhar.)

    In spite of what I said yesterday, I still love you. (Apesar do que eu te disse ontem, eu ainda te amo.)

    Despite tem o mesmo uso que in spite of, mas nunca leva o OF. Pode-se também usar as formas “in spite of the fact (that)…” e “despite the fact (that)…

    I didn’t get the job in spite of / despite the fact that I had all the necessary qualifications.

    http://www.englishexperts.com.br/2007/11/23/esclarecimentos-sobre-although-though-even-though-in-spite-of-e-despite/ por Adir Ferreira.

    Boa sorte, galera!!

  • Inexact- the correct form is despite, without any prepositional addendum necessary to accrue sense to the already self-serving one-word expression: despite.

    errado- forma correta é "despite". p.s.: ha uma letra do Led Zepellin que incorretamente usa "despite of": The Immigrant Song. Led Zeppelin III.

  • Lembrei da música dos Beatles rs.

    in spite of all the danger...

    Enfim, questão errada.

  • Despite nunca leva o ''of''.

  • Despite e in spite of têm o mesmo sentido: ambos são usados para mostrar um contraste. No entanto, apenas in spite of precisa da preposição of. Despite vem sempre sem o of! Por isso a questão está errada. O certo seria "despite all of this".

  • A expressão “In despite of” também é de uso corrente nos EUA, mas necessitaria das duas preposições (in and of) para ser julgado correta


1               The difficulty for health policy makers the world overis
         this: it is simply not possible to promote healthier lifestyles
         through presidential decree or through being overprotective
4       towards people and the way they choose to live. Recent history
         has proved that one-size-fits-all solutions are no good when
         public health challenges vary from one area of the country to
7       the next. But we cannot sit back while, in spite of all this, so
        many people are suffering such severe lifestyle-driven ill health
       and such acute health inequalities.
        Internet: <www.gov.uk> (adapted).

In the text above,

the expression “the world over” (l.1) is synonymous with in some parts of the world.

  • Errado, pois "the world over" é sinônimo de "por todo o mundo" e não de "em algumas partes do mundo".

  • Off- the world over- throughout the world. All across the world. All over the world, por todo o mundo.

  • No texto acima,
    a expressão “the world over” (por todo o mundo) (l.1) é sinônima de  in some parts of the world 
    (em algumas partes do mundo).

    Gabarito: ERRADO.


1                     Public health is what we, as a society, do collectively
        to assure the conditions for people to be healthy. This requires
        that continuing and emerging threats to the health of the public
4      be successfully countered. These threats include immediate
        crises, such as the AIDS epidemic; enduring problems, such as
        injuries and chronic illnesses; and growing challenges, such as
7      the aging of the populations and the toxic by-products of a
        modern economy, transmitted through air, water, soil, or food.
        These and many other problems raise in common the need to
10    protect the nation’s health through effective, organized, and
        sustained efforts led by the public sector.

              Internet: <www.publichealthpolicy.org> (adapted).

Based on the text above, judge the following items.

In the text, “enduring problems” (l.5) are the sorts of problems that take a very long time to be solved.

  • Correct- enduring problems are those that persist for a long time, therefore taking longer to be solved.

    correto- "enduring" é uma adjetivo que significa duradouro, que leva mais tempo.

  • Enduring (adj): duradouro, persistente eterno.

    Endure: Sofrer, prolongar, permanecer, resistir, aguentar, durar.

  • Baseado no texto acima, julgue o item seguinte.

    No texto, “enduring problems”  (problemas duradouros) (l.5) são os tipos de problemas que levam muito tempo para serem solucionados.

    Gabarito: CORRETO.


House Approves Higher Debt Limit Without Condition
Feb. 11, 2014

WASHINGTON - Ending three years of brinkmanship in which the threat of a devastating default on the nation’s debt was used to wring conservative concessions from President Obama, the House on Tuesday voted to raise the government’s borrowing limit until March 2015, without any conditions.
The vote - 221 to 201 - relied almost entirely on Democrats in the Republican-controlled House to carry the measure and represented the first debt ceiling increase since 2009 that was not attached to other legislation. Only 28 Republicans voted yes, and only two Democrats voted no.
Simply by holding the vote, Speaker John A. Boehner of Ohio effectively ended a three-year Tea Party-inspired era of budget showdowns that had raised the threat of default and government shutdowns, rattled economic confidence and brought serious scrutiny from other nations questioning Washington’s ability to govern. In the process, though, Mr. Boehner also set off a series of reprisals from fellow Republican congressmen and outside groups that showcased the party’s deep internal divisions.
During the October 2013 government shutdown, The Times’s David Leonhardt explained the debt limit and how a failure to raise it could have affected the economy both at home and abroad.
"He gave the president exactly what he wanted, which is exactly what the Republican Party said we did not want,” said a Republican representative, Tim Huelskamp of Kansas, who last year unsuccessfully tried to rally enough support to derail Mr. Boehner’s re-election as speaker. “It’s going to really demoralize the base.”
The vote was a victory for President Obama, Democrats and those Senate Republicans who have argued that spending money for previously incurred obligations was essential for the financial standing of the federal government. “Tonight’s vote is a positive step in moving away from the political brinkmanship that’s a needless drag on our economy,” Jay Carney, the White House press secretary, said in a statement.
"A clean debt ceiling is a complete capitulation on the speaker’s part and demonstrates that he has lost the ability to lead the House of Representatives, let alone his own party,” said Jenny Beth Martin, co-founder of the Tea Party Patriots. “It is time for him to go.”
Senator Harry Reid of Nevada, the majority leader, commended the speaker and promised to pass the bill as soon as possible. “We’re happy to see the House is legislating the way they should have legislated for a long time,” he said.

(Adapted from http://www.nytimes.com/2014/02/12/us/politics/ boehner-to-bring-debt-ceiling-to-vote-without-policy- attachments. html?nl=todaysheadlines&emc=edit_th_2014021 2&_r=0)

As used in the text, and without any change in meaning, though could be replaced by

  • resposta letra A.
    Though = embora

    However = no entanto, porém.

  • though = embora

    however = no entanto

    therefore = portanto

    then = em seguida

    in spite of = apesar de

    in addition to = além de



Derek Workman

These days it seems that there's always someone there to pick you up, help you out and give your life a new start.
You can find someone to choose your clothes for you, or sort out your wardrobe, if you already have enough; there's someone to arrange your dinner parties and someone else who will look after your diary, or if life just seems to be too much trouble to do anything at all, you can find a psychotherapist to help you deal with your problems.
Fine as it is to have all this help at hand, if we look closely at ourselves, we can begin to see that we don't actually need all these people to look after us. To help us do this is the role of the Life Coach - someone who won't judge us, who won't tell us what to do and is there to support us in those nervous life decisions that we all have to make.
Mike Lewis was a self-confessed computer geek in his hometown of Southampton, England, but rose high up the corporate ladder in California. He now lives in a small coastal town in Spain where he acts as a Life Coach to clients in Europe, America, India and Australia, chatting with them on a regular basis by telephone. But why should we need anybody to help us along?
A life coach is basically a support system for people who want to make some change in their life. The sig- nificant thing about personal development is this: there's relatively few people that I've ever met that don't want to get on in life, but it's hard to get on if you try and find all this stimulus from the outside. The difference between coaching and other forms of personal development is primarily this: with life coaching, nobody tells you what to do, nobody tells you who you should be, nobody tries to change you 'cause we're all perfect as we are! What a life coach does is encourage you to find the answers to all life's problems from within, not from without.

Fonte: Revista Speak UP, edição 201, fev. 2004.

In “[…] we don't actually need all these people to look after us.”, actually MEANS:

  • Em "[...] nós  realmente não  precisamos de todas essas pessoas para cuidar de nós.", "Actually", significa:
    A) realmente.
    B) hoje em dia.
    C) provável.
    D) com firmeza.
    "Actually" é um falso cognato e significa "realmente".

    Alternativa A está correta.


Escolha a única alternativa correta, dentre as opções apresentadas, que responde ou completa cada questão.

I wouldn't call myself a social butterfly
And there's not much that separates me from the other guy
But when I log in I begin to live

There's an online world where I am king
Of a little website dedicated to me
With pictures of me and a list of my friends
And an unofficial record of the groups that I'm in

Before the internet, friendship was so tough
You actually had to be in people's presence and stuff
Who would have thought that with a point and a click
I could know that Hope Floats is your favorite flick

I'm hooked on Facebook
I used to meet girls hanging out at the mall
Now I just wait for them to write on my wall

Oh! Link's status changed, it says he's playing the recorder...

How do you know this person?
Did you hook up with this person?
Do you need to request confirmation?
Or did you just think they looked cute...
From their picture on Facebook?

If the internet crashed all across the land
Or my Facebook account was deleted by the man
I'd carry around a picture of my face
And a summary of me typed out on a page

Adaptado de http://www.lyricsmode.com/lyrics/r/rhett_and_link/...

In the sentence “Before the internet, friendship was so tough”, the word tough can be replaced by

  • Letra B

    A palavra tough expressa, entre outras coisas, dificuldade, complicação.


Empirically Based Leadership

A significant area of interest within the US Army empirical literature on leadership is emotional intelligence (EI), which in recent years has been the focus of considerable attention in relationship to leadership efficacy. Emotional intelligence involves an awareness of one’s own emotions as well as the ability to control them, social awareness of others and their emotions, and the capacity to understand and manage relationship and social networks.

In understanding others’ emotions, an important contributing factor to the success of the more effective military officers is their ability to empathize with their subordinates. In discussing empathy, FM (Field Manual) 6-22 defines it as “the ability to see something from another person’s point of view, to identify with and enter into another person’s feelings and emotions”. Empathy is not typically a quality that most soldiers would readily identify as an essential characteristic to effective leadership or necessary to producing positive organizational outcomes, but it is an important quality for competent leadership, especially as it relates to EI.

In the sentence “...an awareness of one’s own emotions as well as the ability to control them...”, the expression as well as has the same meaning as

  • As well as = also = também.

Prefeitura do Rio de Janeiro - RJ

Text 1: Software That Fixes Itself

A professor of computer science at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) has claimed to have developed software that can find and fix certain types of software bugs within a matter of minutes. Normally when a potentially harmful vulnerability is discovered in a piece of software, it usually takes nearly a month on average for human engineers to come up with a fix and to push the fix out to affected systems. The professor, however, hopes that the new software, called Fixer, will speed this process up, making software significantly more resilient against failure or attack.

Fixer works without assistance from humans and without access to a program’s underlying source code. Instead, the system monitors the behavior of a binary. By observing a program’s normal behavior and assigning a set of rules, Fixer detects certain types of errors, particularly those caused when an attacker injects malicious input into a program. When something goes wrong, Fixer throws up the anomaly and identifies the rules that have been violated. It then comes up with several potential patches designed to push the software into following the violated rules. (The patches are applied directly to the binary, bypassing the source code.) Fixer analyzes these possibilities to decide which are most likely to work, then installs the top candidates and tests their effectiveness. If additional rules are violated, or if a patch causes the system to crash, Fixer rejects it and tries another.

Fixer is particularly effective when installed on a group of machines running the same software. In that case, what Fixer learns from errors on one machine, is used to fix all the others. Because it doesn’t require access to source code, Fixer could be used to fix programs without requiring the cooperation of the company that made the software, or to repair programs that are no longer being maintained.

But Fixer’s approach could result in some hiccups for the user. For example, if a Web browser had a bug that made it unable to handle URLs past a certain length, Fixer’s patch might protect the system by clipping off the ends of URLs that were too long. By preventing the program from failing, it would also put a check on it working full throttle.

The word ‘resilient’ in “making software significantly more resilient against failure or attack” (Paragraph 1) could best be replaced by :



Brazil’s Average Unemployment Rate Falls to Record Low in 2012

By Dow Jones Business News

January 31, 2013

            Brazil’s unemployment rate for 2012 fell to 5.5%, down from the previous record low of 6.0% recorded last year, the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics, or IBGE, said Thursday. In December, unemployment fell to 4.6% compared with 4.9% in November, besting the previous record monthly low of 4.7% registered in December 2011, the IBGE said
            The 2012 average unemployment rate was in line with the 5.5% median estimate of economists polled by the local Estado news agency. Analysts had also pegged December’s unemployment rate at 4.4%.
            Brazil’s unemployment rate remains at historically low levels despite sluggish economic activity. Salaries have also been on the upswing in an ominous sign for inflation - a key area of concern for the Brazilian Central Bank after a series of interest rate cuts brought local interest rates to record lows last year. Inflation ended 2012 at 5.84%.
            The average monthly Brazilian salary retreated slightly to 1,805.00 Brazilian reais ($908.45) in December, down from the record high BRL1,809.60 registered in November, the IBGE said. Wages trended higher in 2012 as employee groups called on Brazilian companies and the government to increase wages and benefits to counter higher local prices. Companies were also forced to pay more to hire and retain workers because of the country’s low unemployment.
The IBGE measures unemployment in six of Brazil’s largest metropolitan areas, including São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Salvador, Belo Horizonte, Recife and Porto Alegre. Brazil’s unemployment rate, however, is not fully comparable to jobless rates in developed countries as a large portion of the population is either underemployed or works informally without paying taxes. In addition, workers not actively seeking a job in the month before the survey don’t count as unemployed under the IBGE’s methodology. The survey also doesn’t take into account farm workers.

                                    (www.nasdaq.com. Adaptado)

No trecho do ultimo parágrafo – In addition, workers not actively seeking a job – a expressão in addition pode ser substituída, sem alteração de sentido, por

  • furthermore - in addition; besides (used to introduce a fresh consideration in an argument).


In Higher Education, a Focus on Technology

The education gap facing the nation’s work force is evident in the numbers. Most new jobs will require more than a high school education, yet fewer than half of Americans under 30 have a (2) postsecondary degree of any kind. Recent state budget cuts, education experts agree, promise to make closing that gap even more difcult. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, and four nonproft education organizations are beginning an ambitious initiative to address that challenge by accelerating the development and use of online learning tools. An initial $20 million round of money, from the Gates Foundation, will be for postsecondary online courses, particularly ones tailored for community colleges and low-income young people. Another round of grants, for high school programs, is scheduled for next year.

Just how efective technology can be in improving education - by making students more efective, more engaged learners - is a subject of debate. To date, education research shows that good teachers matter a lot, class size may be less important than once thought and nothing improves student performance as much as one-on-one human tutoring. If technology is well designed, experts say, it can help tailor the learning experience to individual students, facilitate student- teacher collaboration, and assist teachers in monitoring student performance each day and in quickly fne-tuning lessons. The potential benefts of technology are greater as students become older, more independent learners. Making that point, Mr. Gates said in an interview that for children from kindergarten to about ffth grade “the idea that you stick them in front of a computer is (3) ludicrous.”

higher education: educação superior.
postsecondary: termo que se refere aos cursos feitos após o high school ou, no modelo educacional brasileiro, o Ensino Médio.
ludicrous: ridícula, absurda.

No mesmo trecho do terceiro parágrafo – (...) particularly ones tailored for community colleges and low-income young people. – a palavra tailored pode ser substituída, sem alteração do sentido do texto, por

  • Tailored = adaptado.


Michael Jackson went 60 days without real sleep

Michael Jackson died while preparing to set a world record for the most successful concert run ever, but he unknowingly set another record that led to his death.

Jackson may be the only human ever to go two months without REM - Rapid Eye Movement - sleep, which is vital to keep the brain and body alive. The 60 nights of propofol infusions Dr. Conrad Murray said he gave Jackson to treat his insomnia is something a sleep expert says no one had ever undergone.

“The symptoms that Mr. Jackson was exhibiting were consistent with what someone might expect to see of someone suffering from total sleep deprivation over a chronic period,” Dr. Charles Czeisler, a Harvard Medical School sleep expert, testified Friday at the wrongful-death trial of concert promoter AEG Live, company that hired Dr. Conrad Murray as Jackson's personal physician.
Propofol disrupts the normal sleep cycle and offers no REM sleep, yet it leaves a patient feeling refreshed as if they had experienced genuine sleep, according to Czeisler.
If the singer had not died on June 25, 2009, of an overdose of the surgical anesthetic, the lack of REM sleep may have soon taken his life anyway, according Czeisler's testimony Friday.

Na frase do texto “Propofol disrupts the normal sleep cycle and offers no REM sleep, yet it leaves a patient feeling refreshed”, a expressão “yet” poderia ser substituída por, EXCETO:



Michael Jackson went 60 days without real sleep

Michael Jackson died while preparing to set a world record for the most successful concert run ever, but he unknowingly set another record that led to his death.

Jackson may be the only human ever to go two months without REM - Rapid Eye Movement - sleep, which is vital to keep the brain and body alive. The 60 nights of propofol infusions Dr. Conrad Murray said he gave Jackson to treat his insomnia is something a sleep expert says no one had ever undergone.

“The symptoms that Mr. Jackson was exhibiting were consistent with what someone might expect to see of someone suffering from total sleep deprivation over a chronic period,” Dr. Charles Czeisler, a Harvard Medical School sleep expert, testified Friday at the wrongful-death trial of concert promoter AEG Live, company that hired Dr. Conrad Murray as Jackson's personal physician.
Propofol disrupts the normal sleep cycle and offers no REM sleep, yet it leaves a patient feeling refreshed as if they had experienced genuine sleep, according to Czeisler.
If the singer had not died on June 25, 2009, of an overdose of the surgical anesthetic, the lack of REM sleep may have soon taken his life anyway, according Czeisler's testimony Friday.

A expressão “deprivation" utilizada no texto pode ser substituída, sem alteração de sentido, por:



                                  This (Illegal) American Life

By Maria E. Andreu

      My parents came to New York City to make their fortune when I was a baby. Irresponsible and dreamy and in their early 20s, they didn't think things through when their visa expired; they decided to stay just a bit longer to build up a nest egg.
      But our stay got progressively longer, until, when I was 6, my grandfather died in South America. My father decided my mother and I should go to the funeral and, with assurances that he would handle everything, sat me down and told me I'd have a nice visit in his boyhood home in Argentina, then be back in America in a month.
      I didn't see him for two years.
      We couldn't get a visa to return. My father sent us money from New Jersey, as the months of our absence stretched into years. Finally, he met someone who knew "coyotes" - people who smuggled others into the U.S. via Mexico. He paid them what they asked for, and we flew to Mexico City.
      They drove us to the Mexican side of the border, and left us at a beach. Another from their operation picked us up there and drove us across as his family. We passed Disneyland on our way to the airport, where we boarded the plane to finally rejoin my father.
      As a child, I had thought coming back home would be the magical end to our troubles, but in many ways it was the beginning. I chafed at the strictures of undocumented life: no social security number meant no public school (instead I attended a Catholic school my parents could scarcely afford); no driver's license, no after-school job. My parents had made their choices, and I had to live with those, seeing off my classmates as they left on a class trip to Canada, or packing to go off to college, where 1 could not go.
      The year before I graduated from high school, Congress passed the amnesty law of 1987. A few months after my 18th birthday, I became legal and what had always seemed a blank future of no hope suddenly turned dazzling with possibility.
      When I went for my interview at the Immigration and Naturalization Service, the caseworker looked at me quizzically when he heard me talk in unaccented English and joke about current events. Surely this American teenager did not fit in with the crowd of illegals looking to make things right.
      At the time, I was flattered. His confusion meant I could pass as an American.

                                  (Newsweek, October 2f 2008. Page 12.)

I n "I was flattered. His confusion meant I could pass as an American." FLATTERED is

  • joyful = alegre. 

    pleased = satisfeito

    nativelike = como um nativo

    astonished = surpreendido

    overwhelmed = impressionado

  • Que questãozinha... joyful e pleased podem ser considerados sinônimos em certos contextos como esse.

  • Concordo com o andré.

  • 35 In “I was flattered. His confusion meant I could pass as an American.”


    35 Em "Fiquei lisonjeada. O fato de ele estar confuso significava que eu

    poderia passar como uma americana. "LISONJEADA é

    A) joyful. = feliz

    B) pleased. = satisfeita

    flattered= lisonjeada, adulada = pleased = embevecida, honrada

    C) nativelike. = como uma native

    D) astonished. = atônita, surpreso, admirado.

    E) overwhelmed.= oprimida, sobrecarregado.


  • flattered- extolled, praised, exalted,lauded.   The word as used in "At the time, I was flattered. " could pass off as pleased in the current context as it refers to the main character's perception of herself as having nativelike prosody, effectively eschewing the critical judgement of those who could mark her out as an illegal alien. 

    Flattered & pleased podem ser mais ou menos usados no contexto porque refletem o estado do eu-lírico em relação a si mesma


                                  This (Illegal) American Life

By Maria E. Andreu

      My parents came to New York City to make their fortune when I was a baby. Irresponsible and dreamy and in their early 20s, they didn't think things through when their visa expired; they decided to stay just a bit longer to build up a nest egg.
      But our stay got progressively longer, until, when I was 6, my grandfather died in South America. My father decided my mother and I should go to the funeral and, with assurances that he would handle everything, sat me down and told me I'd have a nice visit in his boyhood home in Argentina, then be back in America in a month.
      I didn't see him for two years.
      We couldn't get a visa to return. My father sent us money from New Jersey, as the months of our absence stretched into years. Finally, he met someone who knew "coyotes" - people who smuggled others into the U.S. via Mexico. He paid them what they asked for, and we flew to Mexico City.
      They drove us to the Mexican side of the border, and left us at a beach. Another from their operation picked us up there and drove us across as his family. We passed Disneyland on our way to the airport, where we boarded the plane to finally rejoin my father.
      As a child, I had thought coming back home would be the magical end to our troubles, but in many ways it was the beginning. I chafed at the strictures of undocumented life: no social security number meant no public school (instead I attended a Catholic school my parents could scarcely afford); no driver's license, no after-school job. My parents had made their choices, and I had to live with those, seeing off my classmates as they left on a class trip to Canada, or packing to go off to college, where 1 could not go.
      The year before I graduated from high school, Congress passed the amnesty law of 1987. A few months after my 18th birthday, I became legal and what had always seemed a blank future of no hope suddenly turned dazzling with possibility.
      When I went for my interview at the Immigration and Naturalization Service, the caseworker looked at me quizzically when he heard me talk in unaccented English and joke about current events. Surely this American teenager did not fit in with the crowd of illegals looking to make things right.
      At the time, I was flattered. His confusion meant I could pass as an American.

                                  (Newsweek, October 2f 2008. Page 12.)

In "My father decided my mother and I should go to the funeral" the modal can be replaced by


    Os dois são sinonimos

    should - deveria


    ougth - deveria

  • ought é sinonimo de must, não de should.

  • http://brasilescola.uol.com.br/ingles/modal-verbs.htm

  • 37 In “My father decided my mother and I should go to the funeral” the modal can be replaced by

    37 Em “Meu pai decidiu que minha mãe e eu deveríamos ir ao funeral” o modal pode ser substituido por

    A) may. = pode e B) could. = poderia e C) might. = poderia

    Os três modais são usados para indicar possibilidade ou probabilidade. Não cabem no contexto, pois está se falando de uma advertência, algo que se deve fazer por ser o certo e costumeiro. Opções erradas.


    C) have to. = ter que

    É mais usado para expressar algo que se deve fazer, não necessariamente por que se quer, mas por ser algo obrigado ou necessário. Errada.


    E) ought to. = deveria

    ought to = should = deve, deveria (conselho, advertência)

  • e-

    Modal verbs & substitutes

    must    to have to    
    can    to be able to    
    may    might (present possibility)
    need not    not to have to    
    should     ought



And congratulations on your new purchase. You’re now entitled to an unsurpassed service and a number of benefits as part of the Ericsson warranty and service program. Your Ericsson mobile phone was designed to offer you the ultimate in quality, convenience and performance. And of course, we guarantee it. From now on, as the new owner of an Ericsson mobile phone, you’ll have access to a number of exclusive advantages such as: a vast network of Ericsson service centers; a limited 1 year warranty and service agreement, and a toll-free customer service hotline.


Dear Customer,

If your Ericsson product needs warranty service, you should send the product to any company authorized service facility. For information contact the store from which you purchased the product. The product in all cases must be accompanied by the following items: your name, address, telephone number, warranty card, bill of sale bearing the serial number, date of delivery, or reasonable proof of these dates, and a detailed description of the problem.

Our warranty

This warranty is extended by Ericsson Inc. (“The Company”) to the original purchaser for use only. Ericsson warrants this product to be free of defects in material and workmanship at the time of its original purchase and for the subsequent period of one (1) year. All accessories for the product are covered for a period of one (1) year fromthe date of purchase.

What we will do

If, during the period of warranty, this product proves defective under normal use and service due to improper materials or workmanship, the company will repair or replace the defective item with a new or factory rebuilt replacement.

(Taken from Ericsson - One yearWarranty and ServiceAgreement)

The verb PURCHASED in: “contact the store from which you purchased the product”means:

  • Purchased => Passado o verbo "to purchase" (comprar/adquirir)

    Bought => Passado do verbo "to buy" (comprar/adquirir)

  • a)sold  b)found.  c)bought.  d)repaired.  e)borrowed.

    A) vendido   B) encontrado.   C) comprado.   D) reparado.   E) emprestado.

  • c-

    purchased - acquired through monetary exchange, bought



And congratulations on your new purchase. You’re now entitled to an unsurpassed service and a number of benefits as part of the Ericsson warranty and service program. Your Ericsson mobile phone was designed to offer you the ultimate in quality, convenience and performance. And of course, we guarantee it. From now on, as the new owner of an Ericsson mobile phone, you’ll have access to a number of exclusive advantages such as: a vast network of Ericsson service centers; a limited 1 year warranty and service agreement, and a toll-free customer service hotline.


Dear Customer,

If your Ericsson product needs warranty service, you should send the product to any company authorized service facility. For information contact the store from which you purchased the product. The product in all cases must be accompanied by the following items: your name, address, telephone number, warranty card, bill of sale bearing the serial number, date of delivery, or reasonable proof of these dates, and a detailed description of the problem.

Our warranty

This warranty is extended by Ericsson Inc. (“The Company”) to the original purchaser for use only. Ericsson warrants this product to be free of defects in material and workmanship at the time of its original purchase and for the subsequent period of one (1) year. All accessories for the product are covered for a period of one (1) year fromthe date of purchase.

What we will do

If, during the period of warranty, this product proves defective under normal use and service due to improper materials or workmanship, the company will repair or replace the defective item with a new or factory rebuilt replacement.

(Taken from Ericsson - One yearWarranty and ServiceAgreement)

The verb REPAIR in “the company will repair or replace the defective item with a new or factory rebuilt replacement”means:



The phrasal verb “make something up” is the same:

  • Serve or act to compensate for something lost, missed, or deficient, or in the case, invent something that is not true.

  • Phrasal Verbs - Up


    a) save money to buy something = save up for something / to do something

    b) produce an idea = come up with an idea, a suggestion, etc.

    c) be introduced in a conversation = come up

    d) invent something that is not true = make something up

  • d-

    make something up - to contrive something that is not true or real, to fabricate evidence


  • A questão aborda os Phrasal verbs, que são verbos que vêm acompanhados por preposições ou advérbios, e podem modificar completamente o sentido do verbo original.

    Muitas vezes, para saber o significado, é preciso decorar ou deduzir pelo contexto.

    Exemplo: give up = desistir, sendo que o verbo give é traduzido como dar.

    O phrasal verb “make something up” é o mesmo que:

    Sabemos que o verbo make up pode ter vários significados (compensar, formar, maquiar, criar, inventar) porém nesta frase a que melhor se encaixaria é inventar, pois "make something up” é uma expressão bastante utilizada para expressar "inventar algo".

    Analisando as alternativas:

    A) Incorreta - economizar dinheiro para comprar algo

    B) Incorreta - produzir uma ideia

    C) Incorreta - ser apresentado em uma conversa

    D) Correta- inventar algo que não seja verdade

    Observação: Acredito que a resposta mais correta seja mesmo alternativa E, porém a alternativa D não está totalmente incorreta, pois produzir uma ideia também pode ser interpretado como inventar algo. Além disso, "make up" não precisa ser algo que não seja verdade. Então, acredito que essa questão está mal formulada e caberia recurso.

    Gabarito: D


The phrasal verb “give up” is the same:

  • O enunciado perguntou: "O verbo frasal "desistir" é a mesmo:"

    Gabarito: letra B. "Stop trying" tranduz-se em "pare de tentar".

  • Desistir é o mesmo que:

    a) usar espaço ou tempo

    b) parar de tentar

    c) use de tudo até que nada tenha restado

    d) chegar, aparecer

  • Phrasal Verbs - Up


    a) use space or time = take up space or time

    b) stop trying = give up

    c) use all of it so that nothing is left = use something up

    d) arrive, appear = turn up / show up

  • b-

    give up - to surrender, to quit, to admit defeat, to abandon one's original design, to stop trying

  • A questão aborda os Phrasal verbs, que são verbos que vêm acompanhados por preposições ou advérbios, e podem modificar completamente o sentido do verbo original.

    Muitas vezes, para saber o significado, é preciso decorar ou deduzir pelo contexto.

    Exemplo: give up = desistir, sendo que o verbo give é traduzido como dar.

    Vamos à tradução da questão:

    O verbo frasal "desistir" é o mesmo:

    Sabendo que give up é o mesmo que desistir, temos uma frase que significa o mesmo na letra B

    A) Incorreta - usar espaço ou tempo

    B) Correta - parar de tentar

    C) Incorreta - usar tudo isso para que nada sobre

    D) Incorreta - chegar, aparecer

    Gabarito: B


Read the text below and answer the questions.

Hedge Fund Manager Donates $100 Million for
Central Park

     Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg and the Central Park Conservancy announced that the hedge fund billionaire John A. Paulson, along with the Paulson Family Foundation, were giving $100 million to the Central Park Conservancy. It is believed to be the largest gift ever to a public park.
     Mr. Paulson, a lifelong New Yorker, said that as an infant he was pushed around in a baby carriage in the park and that he later remembered going to Bethesda Fountain as a teenager and seeing it covered in graffiti, with no water flowing. The announcement of the gift carne during a
ceremony at the fountain.
    When asked at the news conference what prompted the gift, Mr. Paulson said: "Walking through the
park in different seasons, it kept coming back that in my mind Central Park is the most deserving of ali of New York's cultural institutions. And I wanted the amount to make a difference. The park is very  large, and its endowment is relatively small."
    The park's current endowment stands at $144 million. Half of Mr. Paulson's gift will go to the endowment, while the other half will be used for capital improvements. Mr. Paulson mentioned that he considered important: Restoring the park's North Woods, and sprucing up the Merchanfs Gate entrance at the park's Southwest comer, the most heavily used entrance.
     Mr. Paulson has been a supporter of the Central Park Conservancy for 20 years, but this is his first major gift to the park. He joined the conservancy's board in June.
     Two former parks commissioners, Henry Stern and  Adrian Benepe, were at the news conference on Tuesday. It  was also attended by Elizabeth Barlow Rogers and Richard Gilder, key figures in the conservancy's founding.
     The announcement was made under cloudy skies in a ceremony attended by hundreds of employees of the Central Park Conservancy in their gray sweatshirts, as well  as the conservancy's board. Doug Blonsky, the president and chief executive officer of the conservancy, which operates Central Park for the city, hailed the gift as "transformational," saying that it would break the cycle of  restoration and decline that has marked the park  throughout its 153-year history.

                                                                                                                      (h ttp ://www. nytimes. com)

The word "capitar' in "capital improvements":

  • Na questão a palavra "Capital" está empregada como um adjetivo. Ela assume o sentido de "Essencial". Ou seja, metade dos fundos serão usados para melhorias essenciais. ---> capital improvements

  • o examinador era o chico bento?


    capital - chief, first and foremost, main, crucial.

  • O termo “capital” no presente contexto é um adjetivo que significa essencial, principal, primordial, vital, importante. Sabendo que se trata de um adjetivo, já podemos eliminar as alternativas C e D. Também podemos descartar as assertivas B e E, pois a palavra “capital” (essenciais) se refere às melhorias (improvements) e não ao Gestor de Fundos de Hedge, tampouco à cidade mais importante de um país.

           The park's current endowment stands at $144 million. Half of Mr. Paulson's gift will go to the endowment, while the other half will be used for capital improvements.

            Os recursos atuais do parque estão em 144 milhões de dólares. Metade da doação do Sr. Paulson vai para a dotação, enquanto a outra metade será usada para melhorias essenciais.

    Gabarito: A


Read the sentence below and choose the alternative that rewrites it using a synonym to the underlined word.

Our nation is embarked on an ambitious space exploration program, and we owe it to the American taxpayers to get it right.

  • To owe = to be in debt to

  • To owe = dever, estar em dívida


                        History of the Income Tax in the United States
      The nation had few taxes in its early history. From 1791 to 1802, the United States government was supported by internal taxes on distilled spirits, carriages, refined sugar, tobacco and snuff, property sold at auction, corporate bonds, and slaves. The high cost of the War of 1812 brought about the nation's first sales taxes on gold, silverware, jewelry, and watches. In 1817, however, Congress did away with all internal taxes, relying on tariffs on imported goods to provide sufficient funds for running the government.
      In 18 62, in order to support the Civil War effort, Congress enacted the nation's first income tax law. It was a forerunner of our modern income tax in that it was based on the principles of graduated, or progressive, taxation and of withholding income at the source. Additional sales and excise taxes were added, and an "inheritance" tax also made its debut.
      The Act of 18 62 established the office of Commissioner of Internal Revenue. The Commissioner [TO GIVE] the power to assess, levy, and collect taxes, and the right to enforce the tax laws through seizure of property and income and through prosecution. The powers and authority remain very much the same today.
      In 18 68 , Congress again focused its taxation efforts on tobacco and distilled spirits and eliminated the income tax in 1872. It had a short-lived revival in 18 94 and 18 95. In the latter year, the U.S. Supreme Court decided that the income tax was unconstitutional because it was not apportioned among the states in conformity with the Constitution.
      In 1913, the 16th Amendment to the Constitution made the income tax a permanent fixture in the U.S. tax system. The amendment gave Congress legal authority to tax income and resulted in a revenue law that taxed incomes of both individuals and corporations. The withholding tax on wages was introduced in 1943 and was instrumental in increasing the number of taxpayers to 60 million and tax collections to $43 billion by 1945.
      In 1981  , Congress enacted the largest tax cut in U.S. history, approximately $750 billion over six years. The tax reduction, however, was partially offset by two tax acts, in 1982 and 1984, that attempted to raise approximately $265 billion.
(Adapted from http://w w w .infoplease.com/ipa/A0005921.html)

Um sinônimo para offset, no texto, é

  • Gabarito Letra C

    Synonyms of offset

    Meaning: to balance with an equal force so as to make ineffective offset the D from your last one

    Synonyms annul, cancel (out), compensate (for), correct, counteract, counterbalance, counterpoise, make up (for), negative, neutralize

    bons estudos


Computers are used to control a wide range of systems from simple domestic machines, through games controllers, to entire manufacturing plants. These computers interact directly with hardware devices. Their software must react to events generated by the hardware and, often, issue control signals in response to these events. These signals result in an action, such as the initiation of a phone call, the movement of a character on the screen, the opening of a valve, or the display of the system status. The software in these systems is embedded in system hardware, often in read-only memory, and usually responds, in real time, to events from the system’s environment. By real time, I mean that the software system has a deadline for responding to external events. If this deadline is missed, then the overall hardware-software system will not operate correctly.

Embedded software is very important economically because almost every electrical device now includes software. There are therefore many more embedded software systems than other types of software system. If you look around your house you may have three or four personal computers. But you probably have 20 or 30 embedded systems, such as systems in phones, cookers, microwaves etc

Responsiveness in real time is the critical difference between embedded systems and other software systems, such as information systems, web-based systems, or personal software systems, whose main purpose is data processing. For non-real- time systems, the correctness of a system can be defined by specifying how system inputs map to corresponding outputs that should be produced by the system. In response to an input, a corresponding output should be generated by the system and, often, some data should be stored. For example, if you choose a create command in a patient information system, then the correct system response is to create a new patient record in a database, and to confirm that this has been done. Within reasonable limits, it does not matter how long this takes.

However, in a real-time system, the correctness depends both on the response to an input and the time taken to generate that response. If the system takes too long to respond, then the required response may be ineffective. For example, if embedded software controlling a car braking system is too slow, then an accident may occur because it is impossible to stop the car in time.

(Extraído de: Software Engineering, I. Sommerville, 9th Edition, 2011, pg. 538.)

Na frase “Within reasonable limits, it does not matter how long this takes.”, o termo reasonable, no contexto, tem o significado de

  • Questão complicadinha... Razoável e admissível são sinônimos.

  • e-

    reasonable vem de reason, o q significa razao. a semelhanca semantica remete ao processo de formacao de razoavel, oqual usa como radical de desinencia razao.

  • "Within reasonable limits, it does not matter how long this takes."

    extraído do dicionário, seria equivalente a : not exceeding the limit prescribed by reason; not excessive: reasonable terms.

    Como sinônimos temos: acceptable, feasible, admissible, fair, plausible, etc..


Read the text below and answer the questions that follow:

Text 1:

At the Airport

Laura is at the airport. She waits for her flight. Her flight is to Berlin, and it is 4 hours away. Laura walks around the airport and looks at the shops. She has a nice time.

After an hour she wants to visit the bathroom. She searches for it, but she doesn’t find it. “Where is the bathroom?” she asks herself. She looks and looks but she can’t find it. She starts asking people where it is.

Laura: “Excuse me sir, could you please tell mewhere is the bathroom?”
Man: “Youmean the restroom, right?”
Laura: “No, Imean the bathroom.”
Man: “Well, the restroom is over there.” He says andwalks away.

Laura doesn’t understand. She asks a lady: “Excusememadam, could you please tellmewhere is the bathroom?”

“The restroom is over there,” the lady answers andwalks away.

Laura is confused. “What’s their problem? I need to use the bathroomand they sendme to rest?! I don’t need a restroom, I need the bathroom!”

After a while Laura gives up. She feels tired of all this walking and asking. She decides that maybe they are all right and she does need to rest. She walks to the restroom. Now she is surprised. She realizes the restroom is actually the name for a public bathroom!

(Taken from: < www.really-learn-english.com>)

In the sentence “She searches for it, but she doesn’t find it”, the verb SEARCHFOR means:



This twisted ideology is also behind the current federal government shutdown in the US. An opinion poli at the end ofJune 2012 showed that a majority of Americans, while opposing Obamacare, strongly support most of its provisions. Here we encounter Tea Party ideology at its purest: the majority wants to have its ideological cake and eat the real baking. They want the real benefits of healthcare reform, while rejecting its ideological form, which they perceive as a threat to the “freedom ofchoice". They reject the concept offruit, but they want apples, plums and strawberries". Slavoj Zizek 

The best synonym for “twisted" in “twisted ideology" is: a) Confusing.

  • Gabarito está C.


    Questão difícil, na minha opinião. Deve haver algo muito sutil que diferencie A de C.


    Eu marquei A.

  • Letra C

    Percebe-se no texto a utilização contínua de contradições/contrastes. Ex:

    "They want the real benefits of healthcare reform, while rejecting its ideological form"


    O melhor sinônimo para “twisted” (distorcida; deturpada) no presente contexto é incoherent (incoerente). Observe que, de fato, há uma incoerência: a maioria dos americanos, embora não estejam de acordo com Obamacare, apoiam várias de suas disposições.

    “This twisted ideology is also behind the current federal government shutdown in the US. An opinion poll at the end of June 2012 showed that a majority of Americans, while opposing Obamacare, strongly support most of its provisions. 

    "Esta ideologia distorcida também está por trás da atual paralisação do governo federal nos EUA. Uma pesquisa de opinião no final de junho de 2012 demonstrou que a maioria dos americanos, embora se opondo ao Obamacare, apoiam fortemente a maior parte das suas disposições.

    Gabarito: Alternativa C


This twisted ideology is also behind the current federal government shutdown in the US. An opinion poli at the end ofJune 2012 showed that a majority of Americans, while opposing Obamacare, strongly support most of its provisions. Here we encounter Tea Party ideology at its purest: the majority wants to have its ideological cake and eat the real baking. They want the real benefits of healthcare reform, while rejecting its ideological form, which they perceive as a threat to the “freedom ofchoice". They reject the concept offruit, but they want apples, plums and strawberries". Slavoj Zizek  

Choose a good substitute for while in:

“a majority of Americans, while opposing Obamacare, strongly support most of its provisions"



House Approves Higher Debt Limit Without Condition
Feb. 11, 2014

      WASHINGTON - Ending three years of brinkmanship in which the threat of a devastating default on the nation’s debt was used to wring conservative concessions from President Obama, the House on Tuesday voted to raise the government’s borrowing limit until March 2015, without any conditions.
      The vote - 221 to 201 - relied almost entirely on Democrats in the Republican-controlled House to carry the measure and represented the first debt ceiling increase since 2009 that was not attached to other legislation. Only 28 Republicans voted yes, and only two Democrats voted no.
      Simply by holding the vote, Speaker John A. Boehner of Ohio effectively ended a three-year Tea Party-inspired era of budget showdowns that had raised the threat of default and government shutdowns, rattled economic confidence and brought serious scrutiny from other nations questioning Washington’s ability to govern. In the process, though, Mr. Boehner also set off a series of reprisals from fellow Republican congressmen and outside groups that showcased the party’s deep internal divisions.
      During the October 2013 government shutdown, The Times’s David Leonhardt explained the debt limit and how a failure to raise it could have affected the economy both at home and abroad.
      “He gave the president exactly what he wanted, which is exactly what the Republican Party said we did not want,” said a Republican representative, Tim Huelskamp of Kansas, who last year unsuccessfully tried to rally enough support to derail Mr. Boehner’s re-election as speaker. “It’s going to really demoralize the base.”
      The vote was a victory for President Obama, Democrats and those Senate Republicans who have argued that spending money for previously incurred obligations was essential for the financial standing of the federal government. “Tonight’s vote is a positive step in moving away from the political brinkmanship that’s a needless drag on our economy,” Jay Carney, the White House press secretary, said in a statement.
      “A clean debt ceiling is a complete capitulation on the speaker’s part and demonstrates that he has lost the ability to lead the House of Representatives, let alone his own party,” said Jenny Beth Martin, co-founder of the Tea Party Patriots. “It is time for him to go.”
      Senator Harry Reid of Nevada, the majority leader, commended the speaker and promised to pass the bill as soon as possible. “We’re happy to see the House is legislating the way they should have legislated for a long time,” he said.

            (Adapted from http://www.nytimes.com/2014/02/12/us/politics/ boehner-to-bring-debt-
            ceiling-to-vote-without-policy- attachments. html?nl=todaysheadlines&emc=edit_th_2014021 2&_r=0

As used in the text, and without any change in meaning, though could be replaced by

  • Letra B

    though significa contudo, no entanto, embora. Está na classe das conjunções coordenadas adversativas cujo valor semântico equivale à oposição e contraste.

    Em Inglês, os sinônimos de though podem ser: but, nevertheless, however, howsoever etc.

    O significado das demais alternativas:

    in addition to = Alem de, Em adição com

    therefore = Por isso, portanto

    then = Então, em seguida

    in spite of = Apesar de, embora

    Espero ter auxiliado!

  • In spite of não caberia?

  • @Isabella Branco

    In spite of = conjunção de valor concessivo

    though = conjunção de valor adversativo


  • "Though" também é concessivo. Por que não "In spite of", se significa "embora"?

  • Também fiquei com essa dúvida, pois se a ação é involuntária, automaticamente é uma excludente de conduta, fazendo afastar o fato tipico e consequentemente o crime.

    Mas, como tinha certeza que a alternativa II estava errada, fazendo por eliminação, a única que sobra é a letra B.


Read the text below to answer the questions 11-15.

NASA Researchers Studying Advanced Nuclear Rocket Technologies

January 9, 2013

By using an innovative test facility at NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Ala., researchers are able to use non-nuclear materials to simulate nuclear thermal rocket fuels - ones capable of propelling bold new exploration missions to the Red Planet and beyond. The Nuclear Cryogenic Propulsion Stage team is tackling a three-year project to demonstrate the viability of nuclear propulsion system technologies. A nuclear rocket engine uses a nuclear reactor to heat hydrogen to very high temperatures, which expands through a nozzle to generate thrust. Nuclear rocket engines generate higher thrust and are more than twice as efficient as conventional chemical rocket engines.

The team recently used Marshall’s Nuclear Thermal Rocket Element Environmental Simulator, or NTREES, to perform realistic, non-nuclear testing of various materials for nuclear thermal rocket fuel elements. In an actual reactor, the fuel elements would contain uranium, but no radioactive materials are used during the NTREES tests. Among the fuel options are a graphite composite and a “cermet” composite - a blend of ceramics and metals. Both materials were investigated in previous NASA and U.S. Department of Energy research efforts.

Nuclear-powered rocket concepts are not new; the United States conducted studies and significant ground testing from 1955 to 1973 to determine the viability of nuclear propulsion systems, but ceased testing when plans for a crewed Mars mission were deferred.

The NTREES facility is designed to test fuel elements and materials in hot flowing hydrogen, reaching pressures up to 1,000 pounds per square inch and temperatures of nearly 5,000 degrees Fahrenheit - conditions that simulate space-based nuclear propulsion systems to provide baseline data critical to the research team.

“This is vital testing, helping us reduce risks and costs associated with advanced propulsion technologies and ensuring excellent performance and results as we progress toward further system development and testing,” said Mike Houts, project manager for nuclear systems at Marshall.

A first-generation nuclear cryogenic propulsion system could propel human explorers to Mars more efficiently than conventional spacecraft, reducing crews’ exposure to harmful space radiation and other effects of long-term space missions. It could also transport heavy cargo and science payloads. Further development and use of a first-generation nuclear system could also provide the foundation for developing extremely advanced propulsion technologies and systems in the future - ones that could take human crews even farther into the solar system.

Building on previous, successful research and using the NTREES facility, NASA can safely and thoroughly test simulated nuclear fuel elements of various sizes, providing important test data to support the design of a future Nuclear Cryogenic Propulsion Stage. A nuclear cryogenic upper stage - its liquid- hydrogen propellant chilled to super-cold temperatures for launch - would be designed to be safe during all mission phases and would not be started until the spacecraft had reached a safe orbit and was ready to begin its journey to a distant destination. Prior to startup in a safe orbit, the nuclear system would be cold, with no fission products generated from nuclear operations, and with radiation below significant levels.

“The information we gain using this test facility will permit engineers to design rugged, efficient fuel elements and nuclear propulsion systems,” said NASA researcher Bill Emrich, who manages the NTREES facility at Marshall. “It’s our hope that it will enable us to develop a reliable, cost-effective nuclear rocket engine in the not-too-distant future."

The Nuclear Cryogenic Propulsion Stage project is part of the Advanced Exploration Systems program, which is managed by NASA’s Human Exploration and Operations Mission Directorate and includes participation by the U.S. Department of Energy. The program, which focuses on crew safety and mission operations in deep space, seeks to pioneer new approaches for rapidly developing prototype systems, demonstrating key capabilities and validating operational concepts for future vehicle development and human missions beyond Earth orbit.

Marshall researchers are partnering on the project with NASA’s Glenn Research Center in Cleveland, Ohio; NASA’s Johnson Space Center in Houston; Idaho National Laboratory in Idaho Falls; Los Alamos National Laboratory in Los Alamos, N.M.; and Oak Ridge National Laboratory in Oak Ridge, Tenn.

The Marshall Center leads development of the Space Launch System for NASA. The Science & Technology Office at Marshall strives to apply advanced concepts and capabilities to the research, development and management of a broad spectrum of NASA programs, projects and activities that fall at the very intersection of science and exploration, where every discovery and achievement furthers scientific knowledge and understanding, and supports the agency’s ambitious mission to expand humanity’s reach across the solar system. The NTREES test facility is just one of numerous cutting-edge space propulsion and science research facilities housed in the state-of- the-art Propulsion Research & Development Laboratory at Marshall, contributing to development of the Space Launch System and a variety of other NASA programs and missions.

Available in: http://www.nasa.gov

Read the excerpt below taken from the text.

“The program, which focuses on crew safety and mission operations in deep space, seeks to pioneer new approaches for rapidly developing prototype systems, demonstrating key capabilities and validating operational concepts for future vehicle development and human missions beyond Earth orbit.”

Choose the alternative that presents the words that best substitutes, respectively, the bold and underlined ones in the sentences above

  • c) try to find or get something

    procurar, desejar, obter

    I am seeking advice on the matter.

    continuing after a particular time or date

    além de

    Not many people live beyond the age of a hundred

  • Seek = Tries

    Beyond = Outside

  • c-

    seek to - look to, try to

    beyond - past, away from, outside



The Naval Nuclear Propulsion Program (NNPP) started in 1948. Since that time, the NNPP has provided safe and effective propulsion systems to power submarines, surface combatants, and aircraft carriers. Today, nuclear propulsion enables virtually undetectable US Navy submarines, including the sea-based leg of the strategic triad, and provides essentially inexhaustible propulsion power independent of forward logistical support to both our submarines and aircraft carriers. Over forty percent of the Navy's major combatant ships are nuclear-powered, and because of their demonstrated safety and reliability, these ships have access to seaports throughout the world. The NNPP has consistently sought the best way to affordably meet Navy requirements by evaluating, developing, and delivering a variety of reactor types, fuel systems, and structural materials. The Program has investigated many different fuel systems and reactor design features, and has designed, built, and operated over thirty different reactor designs in over twenty plant types to employ the most promising of these developments in practical applications. Improvements in naval reactor design have allowed increased power and energy to keep pace with the operational requirements of the modern nuclear fleet, while maintaining a conservative design approach that ensures reliability and safety to the crew, the public, and the environment. As just one example of the progress that has been made, the earliest reactor core designs in the NAUTILUS required refueling after about two years while modern reactor cores can last the life of a submarine, or over thirty years without refueling. These improvements have been the result of prudent, conservative engineering, backed by analysis, testing, and prototyping. The NNPP was also a pioneer in developing basic technologies and transferring technology to the civilian nuclear electric power industry. For example, the Program demonstrated the feasibility of commercial nuclear power generation in this country by designing, constructing and operating the Shipping port Atomic Power Station in Pennsylvania and showing the feasibility of a thorium-based breeder reactor.

In: Report on Low Enriched Uranium for Naval Reactor Cores. Page 1. Report to Congress, January 2014. Office of Naval Reactors. US Dept. of Energy. DC 2058 http://fissilematerials.org/library/doe14.pdf

Read the passage taken of the text below.

“The Naval Nuclear Propulsion Program (NNPP) started in 1948. Since that time, the NNPP has provided safe and effective propulsion systems to power submarines, surface combatants, and aircraft carriers. Today, nuclear propulsion enables virtually undetectable US Navy submarines, including the sea-based leg of the strategic triad, and provides essentially inexhaustible propulsion power independent of forward logistical support to both our submarines and aircraft carriers.”

Choose the alternative in which the words can properly substitute the ones in bold and underlined, respectively.

  • D) Synonyms: effective, effectual, efficacious
    Theseadjectivesmeanproducingorcapableofproducingadesiredeffect:an effective reprimand; an effectual complaint; an efficacious remedy.

  • Fácil

  • d-

    effective - adequate, cogent, useful, valid, efficient
    undetectable - indiscernible, ephemeral, evanescent, invisible
    inexhaustible - neverending, endless

  • A meu ver eficiente e efetivo (eficaz) tem significados um pouco diferentes, mas as outras alternativas não tem nada a ver.


                        Solar System’s Water is Older Than the Sun

      Next time you’re swimming in the ocean, consider this: part of the water is older than the sun.
      So concludes a team of scientists who ran computer models comparing the ratios of hydrogen isotopes over time. Taking into account new insights that the solar nebula had less ionizing radiation than previously thought, the models show that at least some of the water found in the ocean, as well as in comets, meteorites and on the moon, predate the sun’s birth.
      The only other option, the scientists conclude, is that it formed in the cold, intersteller cloud from which the sun itself originated.
      The discovery, reported in this week’s Science, stems from the insight of lead author Lauren Ilsedore Cleeves, a doctoral student at the University of Michigan, who realized that planet- forming disks around young stars should be shielded from galactic rays by the strong solar winds, dramatically altering the chemistry occurring inside the disks, said Conel Alexander, with the Carnegie Institution of Washington.
      “The findingX makes it quite hard for these regions in the disk to synthesize any new molecules. This was an ‘aha’ moment for us - without any new water creation the only place these ices could have come from was the chemically rich interstellar gas out of which the solar system formed originally,” Cleeves wrote in an email to Discovery News.
      “It’s remarkable that these ices survived the entire process of stellar birth,” she added.
      The finding has implications for the search for life beyond Earth, as water is believed to be necessary for life.
      “If the sun’s formation was typical, interstellar ices - including water - are likely common ingredients present during the formation of all planetary systems, which puts a wonderful outlook on the possibility of other life in the universe,” Cleeves said.
      In addition, it’s not just water that likely survived the solar system’s birth.
      “The same must be true for the organic matter that we know is present in molecular cloud ices. So I think this strengthens the case that we have interstellar organic matter in meteorites and comets too,” Alexander wrote in an email to Discovery News.

                                                                                          Available in: http://news.discovery.com

Read the sentence taken from the text and, according to the context, choose the alternative that presents a synonym to the underlined word.

“It’s remarkable that these ices survived the entire process of stellar birth”.

  • The meaning of word remarkable can be understood as exceptional or notable. But, in this regard, is defined as the surprising event that allow ices survive.

  • a-

    remarkable - noteworthy, noticeable, impressive, surprising


                                   Don't drink and ride

Alcohol can increase your risk of being hurt in a car accident, even if you aren't behind the wheel. A new University of Michigan study reports that men who have been drinking are 50 percent more likely to experience a serious injury during a car accident than sober passengers.

The word “who", underlined in the text, can be replaced by

  • O "that" é obrigatório apenas quando: ocupa lugar de sujeito ( pronome relativo )

    letra d está correta.

  • 'Who' está como sujeito ali e introduz uma oração adjetiva restritiva, então você pode utilizar 'that'.


Investigators trying to find out what happened to a Malaysia Airlines jet that disappeared en route to Beijing on Saturday morning were examining the causes of plane crashes: mechanical failure, pilot error, bad weather. But the discovery that two of the passengers were carrying stolen passports also raised the possibility of criminal violence.

(Adapted from “Passport Theft adds mystery of missing Malaysia Airlines Jet”)

raised – aumentou, ampliou

“find out”, in bold type in the text, is closest in meaning to



A man stepped onto the overnight train and told the conductor, “I need you to wake me up  in Philadelphia. I'm a  deep sleeper and can be angry when I get up, but no matter what, I want you to help me make that stop. Here's $100 to  make sure".

The conductor agreed. The man  fell asleep, and when he awoke he heard  the announcement  that  the  train was  approaching New York, which meant they had passed Philadelphia a long time ago.  Furious, he ran to the conductor. “I gave you $100 to make sure I got off in Philadelphia, you idiot!"  “Wow," another passenger said to his traveling companion. “Is that guy mad!"  “Yeah," his companion replied. “But not half as mad as that guy they forced off the train in Philadelphia." 

                                                            (English2Go, No 7,The Reader's Digest Association, 2005. P. 80.) 

In “Here's $100 to make sure" MAKE SURE is closest in meaning to:

  • é porque os outros verbos são irregulares e esse não?

  • Isso mesmo, André CB.

  • make sure:  certifique-se que.

    letra: D

  • sim a banca quer saber se voce conece os verbos irregulares:

    fall - fell - fallen

    mean - meant - meant

    hear - heard - heard

    reply - replied - replied

    awake - awoke - awoken

    resposta: D

  • Isso mesmo, os outros verbos são irregulares, menos Reply. 

  • Questão: "Certifique-se de que" é mais próximo no sentido de:

    a) Pare

    b) Socorro

    c) Concordar

    d) Certificar

    e) Alterar




  • make sure- make certain, insure, guarantee, certify

Gestão Concurso

Texto para a questão.

“Dear Robert,

I can’t believe I have found your email address, because I thought I’d lost it! It’s been so long we haven’t talked, I feel I have so much to tell you. Do you remember Alex from our high school class? We got married! And we’ve been married for about six years. We have two kids, Lily and Oliver. They’re so lovely! Lily is five and Oliver is two. We moved from Florida right after we had Lily for Alex got a nice job as a chief engineer of a car factory in Chicago and we’ve been living here since then. Chicago is an incredible city. There are many shopping centers, parks, libraries and the nightlife is pretty fun. Of course, after having two kids, Alex and I don’t have plenty of time to go out at night, but we do catch a movie every once in a while, we just have to find a babysitter! I’m still working as a teacher in a primary school very close to our neighborhood. I work in the afternoons and it gives me the opportunity to see the kids in the morning and at night. Alex usually works all day, yet he gets home before I do, so that when I arrive the kids have already taken their showers and are finishing their supper. It’s very rewarding to be a mom, even though I may get worn out at times. So, I heard you run a taco place in central Florida, is that right? Me and my husband love Mexican food and we’re planning on visiting our parents in the city on Thanksgiving. Maybe we could stop by your business and grab a taco! Well, Oliver has just woken up from his afternoon nap and is calling for me! I’m looking forward to hearing from you soon!



De acordo com o texto acima, as expressões destacadas for, every once in a while e yet podem ser substituídas, sem prejuízo de sentido, respectivamente, por

  • a-

    for - as, since, for the reason that, owing to the fact that, because

    every once in a while, now and then, at times, sometimes

    yet, still, nonetheless, nevertheless, alas, but.


    There's nothing nice about Chicago nowadays...


                                                     Generation Y
                                                                                     By Sally Kane, About.com Guide

Born in the mid-1980's and later, Generation Y legal professionals are in their 20s and are just entering the workforce. With numbers estimated as high as 70 million, Generation Y (also -1- as the Millennials) is the fastest growing segment of today's workforce. As law firms compete for available talent, employers cannot ignore the needs, desires and attitudes of this vast generation. Below are a few common traits that define Generation Y.

Tech-Savvy: Generation Y grew up with technology and rely on it to perform their jobs better. Armed with BlackBerrys, laptops, cellphones and other gadgets, Generation Y is plugged-in 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. This generation prefers to communicate through e-mail and text messaging rather than face-to-face contact and -2- webinars and online technology to traditional lecture-based presentations.

Family-Centric: The fast-track has lost much of its appeal for Generation Y who is willing to trade high pay for fewer billable hours, flexible schedules and a better work/life balance. While older generations may view this attitude as narcissistic or lacking commitment, discipline and drive, Generation Y legal professionals have a different vision of workplace expectations and prioritize family over work.

Achievement-Oriented: Nurtured and pampered -3- parents who did not want to make the mistakes of the previous generation, Generation Y is confident, ambitious and achievement-oriented. They have high expectations of their employers, seek out new challenges and are not afraid to question authority. Generation Y wants meaningful work and a solid learning curve

Team-Oriented: As children, Generation Y participated in team sports, play groups and other group activities. They value teamwork and seek the input and affirmation of others. Part of a no-person-left-behind generation, Generation Y is loyal, committed and wants to be included and involved.

Attention-Craving: Generation Y craves attention in the forms of feedback and guidance. They appreciate being kept in the loop and seek frequent praise and reassurance. Generation Y may benefit greatly from mentors who can help guide and develop their young careers.

Font: http://legalcareers.about.com/od/practicetips/a/Ge...

No primeiro parágrafo, o termo available pode ser traduzido como:




                    Gabriel García Márquez was a Literary Giant
                               With a Passion for Journalism

                      By Karla Zabludovsky Friday, April 18,2014

      The late Gabriel García Márquez holds a special place in the hearts of journalists.
      Like Charles Dickens, Mark Twain and Ernest Hemingway — or contemporaries like Pete Hamill and Tom Wolfe — García Márquez, a titan of 20th century literature, honed his writing skills as a reporter
before he became a celebrated novelist.
      Even as his literary star rose, García Márquez, known colloquially across Latin America as Gabo, spoke proudly, tenderly and frequently about journalism.
      “Those who are self-taught are avid and quick, and during those bygone times, we were that to a great extent in order to keep paving the way for the best profession in the world… as we ourselves called
it," said García Márquez during a speech about journalism at the 52nd Assembly of the Inter American Press Association in 1996.

                                                                                                                                             Newsweek Magazine

Choose the letter that best defines the phrase bygone times in the passage.



When I ..................... a long time, very patiently, without ..................... him lie down, I resolved to open a little — a very, very little crevice in the lantern. So I opened it — you cannot imagine how stealthily,
stealthily — until, at length, a single dim ray, like the thread of the spider, shot from out the crevice and full upon the vulture eye.

                                                                                   Extracted from The Tell-Tale Heart by Edgar Allan Poe

Choose the words that best keep the meaning of the original sentence if they are substituted for the underlined words.



                                      What causes hunger?

      The world produces enough to feed the entire global population of 7 billion people. And yet, one person in eight on the planet goes to bed hungry each night. In some countries, one child in three is underweight. Why does hunger exist? There are many reasons for the presence of hunger in the world and they are often interconnected. Here are six that we think are important.  

      Poverty trap

      People living in poverty cannot afford nutritious food for themselves and their families. This makes them weaker and less able to earn the money that would help them escape poverty and hunger. This is not just a day-to-day problem: when children are chronically malnourished, or ‘stunted’, it can affect their future income, condemning them to a life of poverty and hunger. In developing countries, farmers often cannot afford seeds, so they cannot plant the crops that would provide for their families. They may have to cultivate crops without the tools and fertilizers they need. Others have no land or water or education. In short, the poor are hungry and their hunger traps them in poverty. 

      Lack of investment in agriculture

      Too many developing countries lack key agricultural infrastructure, such as enough roads, warehouses and irrigation. The results are high transport costs, lack of storage facilities and unreliable water supplies. All conspire to limit agricultural yields and access to food. Investments in improving land management, using water more efficiently and making more resistant seed types available can bring big improvements. Research by the UN Food and Agriculture Organization shows that investment in agriculture is five times more effective in reducing poverty and hunger than investment in any other sector. 

      Climate and weather

      Natural disasters such as floods, tropical storms and long periods of drought are on the increase – with calamitous consequences for the hungry poor in developing countries. Drought is one of the most common causes of food shortages in the world. In 2011, recurrent drought caused crop failures and heavy livestock losses in parts of Ethiopia, Somalia and Kenya. In 2012 there was a similar situation in the Sahel region of West Africa. In many countries, climate change is exacerbating  already adverse natural conditions. Increasingly, the world’s fertile farmland is under threat from erosion, salination and desertification. Deforestation by human hands accelerates the erosion of land which could be used for growing food.

      War and displacement

      Across the globe, conflicts consistently disrupt farming and food production. Fighting also forces millions of people to flee their homes, leading to hunger emergencies as the displaced find themselves without the means to feed themselves. The conflict in Syria is a recent example. In war, food sometimes becomes a weapon. Soldiers will starve opponents into submission by seizing or destroying food and livestock and systematically wrecking local markets. Fields are often mined and water wells contaminated, forcing farmers to abandon their land. Ongoing conflict in Somalia and the has contributed significantly to the level of hunger in the two countries. By comparison, hunger is on the retreat in more peaceful parts of Africa such as Ghana and Rwanda.  

      Unstable markets

      In recent years, the price of food products has been very unstable. Roller-coaster food prices make it difficult for the poorest people to access nutritious food consistently. The poor need access to adequate food all year round. Price spikes may temporarily put food out of reach, which can have lasting consequences for small children. When prices rise, consumers often shift to cheaper, less-nutritious foods, heightening the risks of micronutrient deficiencies and other forms of malnutrition.  

      Food wastage

      One third of all food produced (1.3 billion tons) is never consumed. This food wastage represents a missed opportunity to improve global food security in a world where one in 8 is hungry. Producing this food also uses up precious natural resources that we need to feed the planet. Each year, food that is produced but not eaten guzzles up a volume of water equivalent to the annual flow of Russia’s Volga River. Producing this food also adds 3.3 billion tons of greenhouse gases to the atmosphere, with consequences for the climate and, ultimately, for food production. 

Choose the alternative that presents the phrasal verb that, once conjugated, can properly replace “on the retreat” in the sentence below.

“[ ] hunger is on the retreat in more peaceful parts of Africa such as Ghana and Rwanda.”

  • As a verb, retreat means to back out of something — like a lawyer who is forced to retreat from his argument when the opposing evidence is too convincing.

  • Na minha opinião, a questão deveria ser anulada, pois BACK OF é diferente de BACK OUT OF.

    Recuar, bater em retirada seria BACK OFF.

    BACK OF seria "estar atrás de algo" ou "por trás de algo".

  • e-

    back off - to retreat, abandon. 


What is malnutrition?

    A malnourished person finds that their body has difficulty doing normal things such as growing and resisting disease. Physical work becomes problematic and even learning abilities can be diminished. For women, pregnancy becomes risky and they cannot be sure of producing nourishing breast milk.

   When a person is not getting enough food or not getting the right sort of food, malnutrition is just around the corner. Even if people get enough to eat, they will become malnourished if the food they eat does not provide the proper amounts of micronutrients – vitamins and minerals – to meet daily nutritional requirements.

   Disease and malnutrition are closely linked. Sometimes disease is the result of malnutrition, sometimes it is a contributing cause. In fact, malnutrition is the largest single contributor to disease in the world, according to the UN's Standing Committee on Nutrition (SCN).

Window of opportunity

The first two years of life are a critical “window of opportunity”. In this period it is possible to prevent the largely irreversible damage that follows early childhood undernutrition. WFP's operations routinely focus on the earliest phase of life, i.e. from conception (-9 months) to 24 months of age. We try to ensure under-twos receive the vitamins and minerals they need.

   There are two sides to eliminating malnutrition: sustaining the quality and quantity of food a person eats and ensuring adequate health care and a healthy environment.

Choose the alternative that presents the synonym of the noun “malnourishment".

  • - LETRA E -

    Fonte: http://www.merriam-webster.com/medical/malnourishment


Read the sentence below, taken from the text, to answer  question.
“A malnourished person finds that their body has difficulty doing normal things such as growing and resisting disease."

Choose the alternative that presents the word that can properly substitute the idiom “such as" in the sentence above.

  • - LETRA D -

    Such as/like equivale a nossa conjunção comparativa "como". 

    Fontes: http://www.aulete.com.br/como; http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/like


                                                   Is blue growth the beginning or 
                                                        end of a healthier ocean?

March 17th 2015

Across the globe, countries are increasingly looking seaward in search of new economic opportunities, including oil, gas, and mineral extraction from the sea floor, renewable energy development, and biotechnology.
The push to expand this so-called “blue economy" comes at a time when the ecological health of the oceans is seriously degraded. Last year, the Economist's World Ocean Summit concluded with a resounding consensus that more needs to be done to protect and restore the world's seas, especially the high seas. Will blue growth help or harm efforts to achieve a healthier ocean ecosystem?
The U.N. has proposed ambitious sustainable development goals relating to ocean health. They include reducing pollution from agriculture run-off, decreasing untreated sewage and solid waste, rebuilding depleted fish stocks, and protecting and restoring natural habitats.
A healthy ocean ecosystem is a public good—both locally and globally. Mangroves, corals, and salt marshes protect  coastal towns from storms. Oceans store carbon and produce oxygen that benefits us all. And areas of high biodiversity support global fisheries and are essential for resilient and productive oceans.
These natural benefits can remain intact if nations encourage—and even require—participants in the blue economy to reinvest the economic capital created from that economy in the natural capital of marine and coastal ecosystems; namely by restoring degraded habitats, protecting healthy ones, and financing blue economy “greening" efforts.
Channeling the new wealth of a growing blue economy into projects that will build a healthier ocean will require new financial tools. For instance, a global ocean trust fund, eco taxes, or user fees could be managed at the global level (say the U.N., World Bank, or the Global Environmental Facility) or even at a regional level, perhaps through existing regional seas organisations.
But for now the blue economy needs to aim higher than merely to do no harm. Converting blue economic capital into blue natural capital can raise all boats and produce a healthier, more sustainable blue economy.


A palavra “good” em “A healthy ocean ecosystem is a public good” significa:



What is organized crime?

      Organized crime was characterised by the United Nations, in 1994, as: “group organization to commit crime; hierarchical links or personal relationships which permit leaders to control the group: violence, intimidation and corruption used to earn profits or control territories or markets; laundering of illicit proceeds both in furtherance of criminal activity and to infiltrate the legitimate economy; the potential for expansion into any new activities and beyond national borders; and cooperation with other organized transnational criminal groups.
      It is increasingly global. Although links between, for example, mafia groups in Italy and the USA have existed for decades, new and rapid means of communication have facilitated the development of international networks. Some build on shared linguistic or cultural ties, such as a network trafficking drugs and human organs, which links criminal gangs in Mozambique, Portugal, Brazil, Pakistan, Dubai and South Africa. Others bring together much less likely groups, such as those trafficking arms, drugs and people between South Africa, Nigeria, Pakistan and Russia, or those linking the Russian mafia with Colombian cocaine cartels or North American criminal gangs with the Japanese Yakuza. Trafficked commodities may pass from group to group along the supply chain; for instance heroin in Italy has traditionally been produced in Afghanistan, transported by Turks, distributed by Albanians, and sold by Italians.
      Organized crime exploits profit opportunities wherever they arise. Globalization of financial markets, with free movement of goods and capital, has facilitated smuggling of counterfeit goods (in part a reflection of the creation of global brands), internet fraud, and money-laundering. On the other hand, organized crime also takes advantage of the barriers to free movement of people across national borders and the laws against non-medicinal use of narcotics: accordingly it earns vast profits in smuggling migrants and psychoactive drugs. Briquet and Favarel have identified deregulation and the “rolling back of the state” in some countries as creating lacunae that have been occupied by profiteers. The political changes in Europe in the late 1980s fuelled the growth in criminal networks, often involving former law enforcement officers. Failed states, such as the Democratic Republic of Congo or Sierra Leone, have provided further opportunities as criminal gangs smuggle arms in and commodities out, for example diamonds, gold, and rare earth metals, often generating violence against those involved in the trade and in the surrounding communities. Finally, there are a few states, such as the Democratic Republic of Korea and Burma and Guinea-Bissau (once described as a narco-state) where politicians have been alleged to have played an active role in international crime.
     Organized criminal gangs have strong incentives. Compared with legitimate producers, they have lower costs of production due to the ability to disregard quality and safety standards, tax obligations, minimum wages or employee benefits. Once established, they may threaten or use violence to eliminate competitors, and can obtain favourable treatment by regulatory authorities either through bribes or threats.
(www.globalizationandhealth.com. Adaptado)

No trecho do segundo parágrafo – Trafficked commodities may pass from group to group along the supply chain; for instance heroin in Italy has traditionally been produced in Afghanistan, transported by Turks, distributed by Albanians, and sold by Italians. – a expressão for instance pode ser substituída, sem alteração de sentido, por


    No trecho do segundo parágrafo - As mercadorias traficadas podem passar de grupo para grupo ao longo da cadeia de abastecimento; Por exemplo, a heroína na Itália foi tradicionalmente produzida no Afeganistão, transportada pelos turcos, distribuída pelos albaneses e vendida pelos italianos. - uma expressão por exemplo pode ser substituída, sem alteração de sentido, por

      A) por exemplo.   B) provável.   C) porque.   D) bem como.   E) no entanto.