- ID
- 5304814
- Banca
- Órgão
- Prefeitura de Areial - PB
- Ano
- 2021
- Provas
- Disciplina
- Inglês
- Assuntos
English in Brazil: Insights from the Analysis of Language Policies, Internationalization Programs and the CLIL Approach
Abstract: The paper proposes a reflection on the role of English in the globalized world and its teaching/learning in Brazil. With that aim, the study reviews language policies and internationalization programs in Brazil regarding the role of foreign languages in general and of English in particular. The theoretical framework includes a review of an English language teaching (ELT) approach used mainly in Europe, as a result of globalization and internationalization, the Content and Language Integrated Approach (CLIL). In order to support this reflection, a case study was carried out to examine pre-service English teachers’ beliefs on the use of CLIL in Brazil. The results of study show that pre-service English teachers understand the importance of the CLIL approach though they are aware of the various obstacles to its implementation in that context. The study suggests a review of language policies in Brazil so as to ensure a convergence between them and internationalization policies and approaches, at all levels of education. Regarding the ELT approach analyzed, the study concludes that despite the difficulties associated with the implementation of CLIL in Brazil, it represents a relevant alternative in that context.
Keywords: English language teaching (ELT), Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL), Language policies, Internationalization, Brazil
FINARDI, Kyria; LEÃO, Roberta; PINHEIRO, Livia Melina. English in Brazil: Insights from the Analysis of Language Policies, Internationalization Programs and the CLILApproach. In: Education and Linguistics Research, 2016, Vol. 2, No. 1. Available at:
ation_Programs_and_the_CLIL_Approach/links/5814871508aeffbed6bdf5ba/English-in-Brazil-Insights-from-the-Analysis-of-Language-Policiesth Internationalization-Programs-and-the-CLIL-Approach.pdf . Accessed on September 29th , 2020.
Based on Text IV, analyze the following sentences and check True (T) or False (F).
( ) In-service English teachers are aware of the importance of the CLIL approach as well as of the obstacles to its implementation in that context.
( ) The study suggests a review of language and internalization policies in Brazil to ensure a convergence between them and internationalization policies and approaches, mainly at higher education.
( ) Globalization and internationalization have influenced the use of CLIL as an ELT approach.
Choose the alternative with the CORRECT sequence: