- ID
- 5577547
- Banca
- Marinha
- Órgão
- Ano
- 2021
- Provas
- Disciplina
- Inglês
- Assuntos
Read the text below and answer question.
Time to envision legal recourse for climate refugees
As gradually worsening climate patterns and
severe weather events prompt an increase in human
mobility, people who choose to move will do so with little
legal protection. The current system of international law is
not equipped to protect climate migrants, as there are no
legally binding agreements obliging countries to support
climate migrants.
While climate migrants who flee unbearable
conditions resemble refugees, the legal protections
afforded to refugees do not extend to them. In the
aftermath of World War Il, the United Nations established a
system to protect civilians who had been forced from their
home countries by political violence. Today, there are
almost 20.4 million officially designated refugees under the
protection of the United Nations High Commission for
Refugees (UNHCR), but there is an additional group of
21.5 million people who flee their homes as a result of
sudden onset weather hazards every year.
The UNHCR has refused to grant these people
refugee status, instead designating them as
“environmental migrants,” in large part because it lacks the
resources to address their needs. But with no organized
effort to supervise the migrant population, these desperate
individuals go where they can, not necessarily where they
should. As their numbers grow, it will become increasingly
difficult for the international community to ignore this
challenge. As severe climate change displaces more
people, the international community may be forced to
either redefine “refugees” to include climate migrants or
create a new legal category and accompanying institutional
framework to protect climate migrants. However, opening
that debate in the current context would be very difficult.
Currently, the atmosphere in Europe and the U.S. would
most likely lead to limiting refugee protections rather than
expanding them.
(Adapted from https://www.brookings.edu)
Choose the correct option according to the text.