- ID
- 5577574
- Banca
- Marinha
- Órgão
- Ano
- 2021
- Provas
- Disciplina
- Inglês
- Assuntos
Which is the correct option to complete the text below?
Social engineering: here's how you _______ be hacked
Lean how social engineering ________ affect you, plus
common examples to help you identify and stay safe from
these schemes.
Social engineering is an important term in the security
world, but you _______ not be familiar with exactly what it
means. While it is a broad subject, there are specific types of
social engineering that we _______ examine to leam more. Let's
look at social engineering as a concept so you _______ avoid
falling victim to it.
Social engineering is the act of manipulating people
to steal private information from them, or make them give
up such confidential details.
(Adapted from https:/Avww.muo.com)