Leia o trecho a seguir:
You must see for yourselves that it will be
difficult to follow Peter Pan’s adventures unless
you are familiar with the Kensington Gardens. They
are in London, where the King lives, and I used to
take David there nearly everyday unless he was
looking decidedly flushed. No child has ever been
in the whole of the Gardens, because it is so soon
time to turn back. The reason it is soon time to turn
back is that, if you are as small as David, you sleep
from twelve to one. If your mother was not so sure
that you sleep from twelve to one, you could most
likely see the whole of them.”
(BARRIE, J. M. Peter Pan in Kensington Gardens. New
York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1910, p. 1)
A partir da leitura no início da obra de Barrei,
analise as afirmativas abaixo.
I. Quem conhece os Jardins de Kensington é
capaz de compreender a história de Peter Pan;
II. Davi, assim como as crianças pequenas,
comumente dormem até o meio-dia;
III. O rei mora em Londres, onde estão os Jardins
de Kensington.
IV. Todos os leitores, independentemente de sua
faixa etária e conhecimento são capazes de
compreender claramente as histórias de Peter
Estão corretas as afirmativas: