
Instituto Rio Branco
Relações Internacionais

Durante parte da década de 80 até pelo menos a crise econômica de 2001, o realismo periférico (RP) despontou como importante corrente teórico-metodológica das relações internacionais na América Latina e, em particular, na Argentina. Julgue (C ou E) o seguinte item, referente ao arcabouço teórico do RP e (ou) à sua práxis política.

Na sequência da invasão norte-americana do Panamá, em 1989, a Argentina, em atitude condizente com os postulados do RP, foi o único país do continente americano a apoiar os EUA na sessão da OEA realizada em 22/12/1989, em que se aprovou resolução na qual a Organização “lamenta profundamente a intervenção militar no Panamá”.

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    Fighting in Panama: Latin America; U.S. Denounced by Nations Touchy About Intervention. By JAMES BROOKE, Special to The New York Times Published: December 21, 1989

    "From Mexico to Argentina, Latin American governments today roundly condemned the use of force by the United States against Gen. Manuel Antonio Noriega of Panama. Argentina, Brazil, Mexico, Venezuela and Peru criticized the action as interference in the sovereign affairs of a fellow American nation. Nicaragua placed its troops on alert, Peru recalled its Ambassador to the United States and Venezuela said it would not recognize the new Government of Guillermo Endara until United States troops were withdrawn [...] Argentina's Foreign Minister, Domingo Cavallo, said that Argentina deplored the United States action and that President Carlos Saul Menem was ''preoccupied by the news...'' 


  • "From Mexico to Argentina, Latin American governments today roundly condemned the use of force by the United States against Gen. Manuel Antonio Noriega of Panama. Argentina, Brazil, Mexico, Venezuela and Peru criticized the action as interference in the sovereign affairs of a fellow American nation. Nicaragua placed its troops on alert, Peru recalled its Ambassador to the United States and Venezuela said it would not recognize the new Government of Guillermo Endara until United States troops were withdrawn [...] Argentina's Foreign Minister, Domingo Cavallo, said that Argentina deplored the United States action and that President Carlos Saul Menem was ''preoccupied by the news...''