
Prova Marinha - 2021 - COLÉGIO NAVAL - Aluno - 1º Dia

Não definido

Duas embarcações, E1e E2 , solicitaram apoio para reabastecimento dos seus tanques, idênticos, de água. Para isso, foram utilizadas duas mangueiras, M1 e M2 • Sabendo que as duas iniciaram a distribuição de água juntas e que M1 enche o tanque de E1 em 10 horas e M2 completa o nível do tanque de E2 em 8 horas, aproximadamente, ao final de quanto tempo o volume que falta para encher o tanque de E2 será 1/4 do volume que falta para encher o volume de E1?  


Não definido

O MDC (1035 -1; 1040 -1) vale:


Não definido

Se X1 e X2 são os raios de duas circunferências, Y1 e Y2, respectivamente, com X1 > X2, e sendo Z a distancia entre Y1 e Y2, o número de pontos de interseção entre Y1 e Y2, quando Y1-Y2 < Z< Y1 + Y2, será igual a:


Não definido

Na natureza há bactérias que se multiplicam tão rapidamente que dobram de volume a cada minuto. Partindo-se de uma bactéria, em 50min um ambiente estará cheio de bactérias. Em quanto tempo, aproximadamente, esse mesmo processo irá acontecer se o estudo for feito com duas bactérias idênticas. 


Não definido

Em 2021, o período de adaptação dos alunos do Colégio Naval teve inicio no dia 15 de março, um domingo. Qual será o dia do inicio da próxima adaptação, se esta começar no dia 18 de junho de 2022?


Não definido

Para qualquer x real e maior que zero, associe os polinômios da 1ª coluna aos seus correspondentes, na forma fatorada, da 2ª coluna e assinale a opção que corresponde à sequência correta. 

(I) (x + 1) . (x - 1) . (x2 - x + 1) . (x2 + x + 1)                              ( ) x3 + 8
(II) (x + 2) . (x2 - 2x + 4)                                                            ( ) x6 + 2x3 + 1
(III) (x - 4) . (x2 + 4x + 16)                                                          ( ) x6 - 1
(IV) (x + 1)2 . (x2 - x + 1)2                                                         ( ) x3 - 64
(V) (x + 5) . (x2 - 5x + 25)                                                          ( ) x5 - x2
(VI) (x + 8) . (x + 3)


Não definido

A 157º casa decimal do número equivalente a 1/13 é:

  • Isso que eu pensei, não é pq eu estou insatisfeito que eu necessariamente reprovo

  • justamente, achei que fosse extrapolação

  • também os que não responderam, não sabe..

Não definido

Para a seleção de Alunos monitores do Colégio Naval, foram abertas inscrições para as disciplinas de Matemática, Português e Física. No entanto, não foi permitida a candidatura para Português e Física, simultaneamente, por incompatibilidade de horário. O total de inscritos para Português foi de 19 alunos, já para Física, foram 42. Dos 84 inscritos para Matemática, 49 são candidatos apenas para Matemática. Foi constatado que o número de inscritos apenas· para Português 1é de 10 alunos a menos que o número de inscritos apenas para Física. Assinale a opção que corresponde ao número de alunos que se inscreveram para Matemática e Física ao mesmo tempo. 


Não definido

Sejam m, n e x números reais, tais que m = 22, mn = 32 e m - n = x. O valor da expressão m-x. x -4 . 9n é: 



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Like students throughout California (USA), students in the West Contra Costa Unified school district, in Richmond, have coped with distance learning instituted this year in response to the coronavirus pandemic. Today, we are bringing you these students' reflections on their current experiences with distance learning and being out of school - what worked and what didn't. Students' remarks have been edited in some instances for clarity. 

Nayeli Mercado, 15, sophomore, Richmond High

Before distance learning, my mental health was never great, but it was controllable. However, once quarantine started, I have felt way more mentally exhausted because I can't go out. Also, l've been really emotional. I get really sad over little things ar angry at things I shouldn't get angry about. I used to complain about school a lot but I kind of miss it now. I miss my friends, teachers, attending class. I miss school in general.

Alizei De Leon, 15, sophomore, Middle College High

I have about the sarne amount of homework, ar maybe a little less in this second year since some teachers are trying to make this easier. Additionally, I don't have to study as much for tests anymore since some teachers have cancelled ·tests for the rest of the year... I spend about three to four hours on homework per day unless l've already finished all my work that week. l'm getting through my classes, but I know that I will forget most of this information throughout the summer.

Ricardo Castillo, 17, senior, Richmond High

At first, when this distance learning started, I thought the work was going to be easier. But then, as time passed, everything just fel! apart. l'm behind in all of my classes and it's nearly impossible to catch up. I can't do the work on my own. I want to learn with my classmates. Distance learning changed a lot of things for me. I wasn't able to spend time with my friends and my last year of high school hasn't been what I expected at all. 

Yashika Joshi, 17, senior, Aspire College PrepAcademy

Distance learning has been difficult lt's been hard to manage, teaching yourself through assignments ... I try to do my work when everybody is asleep at night. lf I was at school, I would've learned much more due to a teacher paying more attention. Teachers are assigning work on a daily basis, with 45 minutes to hour-long assignments for each class, all due at the end of the week. The workload has increased a lot. Some teachers have reached out (checked in) but not often.

Dana Reyes, 18, seniar, Middle College High

My classes are all being taught virtually, through email, or through Google Classraom. I have pushed my selfdetermination to the max and l'm experiencing something very strange. I am still receiving the content but now I have to work twice as hard to understand the material. Sometimes, it is discouraging, and I get unmotivated, but I still try my best to finish early even though teachers and staff have been very flexible and understanding with due dates.

Mekayla Saechao, 16, junior, Richmond High

Distance learning for me so far has been difficult but manageable. Most of my classes consist of completing work that is posted on Google Classroom With a Zoom meeting every other week. I don't believe l'm learning as much as I would have in school because l'm not getting a lesson from my teachers every day. My teachers have helped a lot by answering questions about assignments quickly ... To tell you the truth, it is a lot to manage since l'm not physically at school, working with my classmates and teachers. But being at home in my comfort zone has helped me become more organized with my works. 

Monishlla Maharaj, 18, senior, Richmond High

Although I have assignments from almast all of my classes every day, almost back-to-back, I always feel like I can do the work whenever I want to... lt's like fighting with my brain daily to do the work ar not to do the wark. As much as I wouldn't want to do online learning, I know it benefits everyone by preventing them from getting sick from the virus. 

Sarahi Yupit, 16, sophomore, Richmond High

lt is hard to concentrate at home during distance learning because I don't feel motivated to do the work since there is nabody my age whereas at school, I feel motivated. lt seems like it's easier to do the tasks and stay on task. There are teachers who teach the actual material. They also motivate you to do your best.

Adapted from https://edsource.org/, posted on June 3

Ricardo Castillo's statement about his experience studying out of school implies that he is feeling



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Like students throughout California (USA), students in the West Contra Costa Unified school district, in Richmond, have coped with distance learning instituted this year in response to the coronavirus pandemic. Today, we are bringing you these students' reflections on their current experiences with distance learning and being out of school - what worked and what didn't. Students' remarks have been edited in some instances for clarity. 

Nayeli Mercado, 15, sophomore, Richmond High

Before distance learning, my mental health was never great, but it was controllable. However, once quarantine started, I have felt way more mentally exhausted because I can't go out. Also, l've been really emotional. I get really sad over little things ar angry at things I shouldn't get angry about. I used to complain about school a lot but I kind of miss it now. I miss my friends, teachers, attending class. I miss school in general.

Alizei De Leon, 15, sophomore, Middle College High

I have about the sarne amount of homework, ar maybe a little less in this second year since some teachers are trying to make this easier. Additionally, I don't have to study as much for tests anymore since some teachers have cancelled ·tests for the rest of the year... I spend about three to four hours on homework per day unless l've already finished all my work that week. l'm getting through my classes, but I know that I will forget most of this information throughout the summer.

Ricardo Castillo, 17, senior, Richmond High

At first, when this distance learning started, I thought the work was going to be easier. But then, as time passed, everything just fel! apart. l'm behind in all of my classes and it's nearly impossible to catch up. I can't do the work on my own. I want to learn with my classmates. Distance learning changed a lot of things for me. I wasn't able to spend time with my friends and my last year of high school hasn't been what I expected at all. 

Yashika Joshi, 17, senior, Aspire College PrepAcademy

Distance learning has been difficult lt's been hard to manage, teaching yourself through assignments ... I try to do my work when everybody is asleep at night. lf I was at school, I would've learned much more due to a teacher paying more attention. Teachers are assigning work on a daily basis, with 45 minutes to hour-long assignments for each class, all due at the end of the week. The workload has increased a lot. Some teachers have reached out (checked in) but not often.

Dana Reyes, 18, seniar, Middle College High

My classes are all being taught virtually, through email, or through Google Classraom. I have pushed my selfdetermination to the max and l'm experiencing something very strange. I am still receiving the content but now I have to work twice as hard to understand the material. Sometimes, it is discouraging, and I get unmotivated, but I still try my best to finish early even though teachers and staff have been very flexible and understanding with due dates.

Mekayla Saechao, 16, junior, Richmond High

Distance learning for me so far has been difficult but manageable. Most of my classes consist of completing work that is posted on Google Classroom With a Zoom meeting every other week. I don't believe l'm learning as much as I would have in school because l'm not getting a lesson from my teachers every day. My teachers have helped a lot by answering questions about assignments quickly ... To tell you the truth, it is a lot to manage since l'm not physically at school, working with my classmates and teachers. But being at home in my comfort zone has helped me become more organized with my works. 

Monishlla Maharaj, 18, senior, Richmond High

Although I have assignments from almast all of my classes every day, almost back-to-back, I always feel like I can do the work whenever I want to... lt's like fighting with my brain daily to do the work ar not to do the wark. As much as I wouldn't want to do online learning, I know it benefits everyone by preventing them from getting sick from the virus. 

Sarahi Yupit, 16, sophomore, Richmond High

lt is hard to concentrate at home during distance learning because I don't feel motivated to do the work since there is nabody my age whereas at school, I feel motivated. lt seems like it's easier to do the tasks and stay on task. There are teachers who teach the actual material. They also motivate you to do your best.

Adapted from https://edsource.org/, posted on June 3

Read the following sentence.

"I spend about three to four hours on homework per day."

Mark the option that completes the sentence carrectly. 



Read text I to answer question


Like students throughout California (USA), students in the West Contra Costa Unified school district, in Richmond, have coped with distance learning instituted this year in response to the coronavirus pandemic. Today, we are bringing you these students' reflections on their current experiences with distance learning and being out of school - what worked and what didn't. Students' remarks have been edited in some instances for clarity. 

Nayeli Mercado, 15, sophomore, Richmond High

Before distance learning, my mental health was never great, but it was controllable. However, once quarantine started, I have felt way more mentally exhausted because I can't go out. Also, l've been really emotional. I get really sad over little things ar angry at things I shouldn't get angry about. I used to complain about school a lot but I kind of miss it now. I miss my friends, teachers, attending class. I miss school in general.

Alizei De Leon, 15, sophomore, Middle College High

I have about the sarne amount of homework, ar maybe a little less in this second year since some teachers are trying to make this easier. Additionally, I don't have to study as much for tests anymore since some teachers have cancelled ·tests for the rest of the year... I spend about three to four hours on homework per day unless l've already finished all my work that week. l'm getting through my classes, but I know that I will forget most of this information throughout the summer.

Ricardo Castillo, 17, senior, Richmond High

At first, when this distance learning started, I thought the work was going to be easier. But then, as time passed, everything just fel! apart. l'm behind in all of my classes and it's nearly impossible to catch up. I can't do the work on my own. I want to learn with my classmates. Distance learning changed a lot of things for me. I wasn't able to spend time with my friends and my last year of high school hasn't been what I expected at all. 

Yashika Joshi, 17, senior, Aspire College PrepAcademy

Distance learning has been difficult lt's been hard to manage, teaching yourself through assignments ... I try to do my work when everybody is asleep at night. lf I was at school, I would've learned much more due to a teacher paying more attention. Teachers are assigning work on a daily basis, with 45 minutes to hour-long assignments for each class, all due at the end of the week. The workload has increased a lot. Some teachers have reached out (checked in) but not often.

Dana Reyes, 18, seniar, Middle College High

My classes are all being taught virtually, through email, or through Google Classraom. I have pushed my selfdetermination to the max and l'm experiencing something very strange. I am still receiving the content but now I have to work twice as hard to understand the material. Sometimes, it is discouraging, and I get unmotivated, but I still try my best to finish early even though teachers and staff have been very flexible and understanding with due dates.

Mekayla Saechao, 16, junior, Richmond High

Distance learning for me so far has been difficult but manageable. Most of my classes consist of completing work that is posted on Google Classroom With a Zoom meeting every other week. I don't believe l'm learning as much as I would have in school because l'm not getting a lesson from my teachers every day. My teachers have helped a lot by answering questions about assignments quickly ... To tell you the truth, it is a lot to manage since l'm not physically at school, working with my classmates and teachers. But being at home in my comfort zone has helped me become more organized with my works. 

Monishlla Maharaj, 18, senior, Richmond High

Although I have assignments from almast all of my classes every day, almost back-to-back, I always feel like I can do the work whenever I want to... lt's like fighting with my brain daily to do the work ar not to do the wark. As much as I wouldn't want to do online learning, I know it benefits everyone by preventing them from getting sick from the virus. 

Sarahi Yupit, 16, sophomore, Richmond High

lt is hard to concentrate at home during distance learning because I don't feel motivated to do the work since there is nabody my age whereas at school, I feel motivated. lt seems like it's easier to do the tasks and stay on task. There are teachers who teach the actual material. They also motivate you to do your best.

Adapted from https://edsource.org/, posted on June 3

Say if the following statements are T (true) or F (false). Then, mark the correct option.

( ) Yashika Joshi's teachers give students tasks every day through distance learning.

( ) Monishlla Maharaj thinks online learning during the pandemic is beneficial to people.

( ) Alizei De Leon has had more homework during the pandemic than she had in the previous year.

( ) Dana Reyes' classes are being taught virtually, only through Google Classroom.

( ) Mekayla Saechao believes she has learned at home as much as she would have in school. 



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Like students throughout California (USA), students in the West Contra Costa Unified school district, in Richmond, have coped with distance learning instituted this year in response to the coronavirus pandemic. Today, we are bringing you these students' reflections on their current experiences with distance learning and being out of school - what worked and what didn't. Students' remarks have been edited in some instances for clarity. 

Nayeli Mercado, 15, sophomore, Richmond High

Before distance learning, my mental health was never great, but it was controllable. However, once quarantine started, I have felt way more mentally exhausted because I can't go out. Also, l've been really emotional. I get really sad over little things ar angry at things I shouldn't get angry about. I used to complain about school a lot but I kind of miss it now. I miss my friends, teachers, attending class. I miss school in general.

Alizei De Leon, 15, sophomore, Middle College High

I have about the sarne amount of homework, ar maybe a little less in this second year since some teachers are trying to make this easier. Additionally, I don't have to study as much for tests anymore since some teachers have cancelled ·tests for the rest of the year... I spend about three to four hours on homework per day unless l've already finished all my work that week. l'm getting through my classes, but I know that I will forget most of this information throughout the summer.

Ricardo Castillo, 17, senior, Richmond High

At first, when this distance learning started, I thought the work was going to be easier. But then, as time passed, everything just fel! apart. l'm behind in all of my classes and it's nearly impossible to catch up. I can't do the work on my own. I want to learn with my classmates. Distance learning changed a lot of things for me. I wasn't able to spend time with my friends and my last year of high school hasn't been what I expected at all. 

Yashika Joshi, 17, senior, Aspire College PrepAcademy

Distance learning has been difficult lt's been hard to manage, teaching yourself through assignments ... I try to do my work when everybody is asleep at night. lf I was at school, I would've learned much more due to a teacher paying more attention. Teachers are assigning work on a daily basis, with 45 minutes to hour-long assignments for each class, all due at the end of the week. The workload has increased a lot. Some teachers have reached out (checked in) but not often.

Dana Reyes, 18, seniar, Middle College High

My classes are all being taught virtually, through email, or through Google Classraom. I have pushed my selfdetermination to the max and l'm experiencing something very strange. I am still receiving the content but now I have to work twice as hard to understand the material. Sometimes, it is discouraging, and I get unmotivated, but I still try my best to finish early even though teachers and staff have been very flexible and understanding with due dates.

Mekayla Saechao, 16, junior, Richmond High

Distance learning for me so far has been difficult but manageable. Most of my classes consist of completing work that is posted on Google Classroom With a Zoom meeting every other week. I don't believe l'm learning as much as I would have in school because l'm not getting a lesson from my teachers every day. My teachers have helped a lot by answering questions about assignments quickly ... To tell you the truth, it is a lot to manage since l'm not physically at school, working with my classmates and teachers. But being at home in my comfort zone has helped me become more organized with my works. 

Monishlla Maharaj, 18, senior, Richmond High

Although I have assignments from almast all of my classes every day, almost back-to-back, I always feel like I can do the work whenever I want to... lt's like fighting with my brain daily to do the work ar not to do the wark. As much as I wouldn't want to do online learning, I know it benefits everyone by preventing them from getting sick from the virus. 

Sarahi Yupit, 16, sophomore, Richmond High

lt is hard to concentrate at home during distance learning because I don't feel motivated to do the work since there is nabody my age whereas at school, I feel motivated. lt seems like it's easier to do the tasks and stay on task. There are teachers who teach the actual material. They also motivate you to do your best.

Adapted from https://edsource.org/, posted on June 3

Read the following sentence.

"However, once quarantine started, I have felt way more mentally exhausted because I can't go out."

What's.the idea expressed by can't in the sentence?



Read text I to answer question


Like students throughout California (USA), students in the West Contra Costa Unified school district, in Richmond, have coped with distance learning instituted this year in response to the coronavirus pandemic. Today, we are bringing you these students' reflections on their current experiences with distance learning and being out of school - what worked and what didn't. Students' remarks have been edited in some instances for clarity. 

Nayeli Mercado, 15, sophomore, Richmond High

Before distance learning, my mental health was never great, but it was controllable. However, once quarantine started, I have felt way more mentally exhausted because I can't go out. Also, l've been really emotional. I get really sad over little things ar angry at things I shouldn't get angry about. I used to complain about school a lot but I kind of miss it now. I miss my friends, teachers, attending class. I miss school in general.

Alizei De Leon, 15, sophomore, Middle College High

I have about the sarne amount of homework, ar maybe a little less in this second year since some teachers are trying to make this easier. Additionally, I don't have to study as much for tests anymore since some teachers have cancelled ·tests for the rest of the year... I spend about three to four hours on homework per day unless l've already finished all my work that week. l'm getting through my classes, but I know that I will forget most of this information throughout the summer.

Ricardo Castillo, 17, senior, Richmond High

At first, when this distance learning started, I thought the work was going to be easier. But then, as time passed, everything just fel! apart. l'm behind in all of my classes and it's nearly impossible to catch up. I can't do the work on my own. I want to learn with my classmates. Distance learning changed a lot of things for me. I wasn't able to spend time with my friends and my last year of high school hasn't been what I expected at all. 

Yashika Joshi, 17, senior, Aspire College PrepAcademy

Distance learning has been difficult lt's been hard to manage, teaching yourself through assignments ... I try to do my work when everybody is asleep at night. lf I was at school, I would've learned much more due to a teacher paying more attention. Teachers are assigning work on a daily basis, with 45 minutes to hour-long assignments for each class, all due at the end of the week. The workload has increased a lot. Some teachers have reached out (checked in) but not often.

Dana Reyes, 18, seniar, Middle College High

My classes are all being taught virtually, through email, or through Google Classraom. I have pushed my selfdetermination to the max and l'm experiencing something very strange. I am still receiving the content but now I have to work twice as hard to understand the material. Sometimes, it is discouraging, and I get unmotivated, but I still try my best to finish early even though teachers and staff have been very flexible and understanding with due dates.

Mekayla Saechao, 16, junior, Richmond High

Distance learning for me so far has been difficult but manageable. Most of my classes consist of completing work that is posted on Google Classroom With a Zoom meeting every other week. I don't believe l'm learning as much as I would have in school because l'm not getting a lesson from my teachers every day. My teachers have helped a lot by answering questions about assignments quickly ... To tell you the truth, it is a lot to manage since l'm not physically at school, working with my classmates and teachers. But being at home in my comfort zone has helped me become more organized with my works. 

Monishlla Maharaj, 18, senior, Richmond High

Although I have assignments from almast all of my classes every day, almost back-to-back, I always feel like I can do the work whenever I want to... lt's like fighting with my brain daily to do the work ar not to do the wark. As much as I wouldn't want to do online learning, I know it benefits everyone by preventing them from getting sick from the virus. 

Sarahi Yupit, 16, sophomore, Richmond High

lt is hard to concentrate at home during distance learning because I don't feel motivated to do the work since there is nabody my age whereas at school, I feel motivated. lt seems like it's easier to do the tasks and stay on task. There are teachers who teach the actual material. They also motivate you to do your best.

Adapted from https://edsource.org/, posted on June 3

The best title for the text is  



Read text I to answer question


Like students throughout California (USA), students in the West Contra Costa Unified school district, in Richmond, have coped with distance learning instituted this year in response to the coronavirus pandemic. Today, we are bringing you these students' reflections on their current experiences with distance learning and being out of school - what worked and what didn't. Students' remarks have been edited in some instances for clarity. 

Nayeli Mercado, 15, sophomore, Richmond High

Before distance learning, my mental health was never great, but it was controllable. However, once quarantine started, I have felt way more mentally exhausted because I can't go out. Also, l've been really emotional. I get really sad over little things ar angry at things I shouldn't get angry about. I used to complain about school a lot but I kind of miss it now. I miss my friends, teachers, attending class. I miss school in general.

Alizei De Leon, 15, sophomore, Middle College High

I have about the sarne amount of homework, ar maybe a little less in this second year since some teachers are trying to make this easier. Additionally, I don't have to study as much for tests anymore since some teachers have cancelled ·tests for the rest of the year... I spend about three to four hours on homework per day unless l've already finished all my work that week. l'm getting through my classes, but I know that I will forget most of this information throughout the summer.

Ricardo Castillo, 17, senior, Richmond High

At first, when this distance learning started, I thought the work was going to be easier. But then, as time passed, everything just fel! apart. l'm behind in all of my classes and it's nearly impossible to catch up. I can't do the work on my own. I want to learn with my classmates. Distance learning changed a lot of things for me. I wasn't able to spend time with my friends and my last year of high school hasn't been what I expected at all. 

Yashika Joshi, 17, senior, Aspire College PrepAcademy

Distance learning has been difficult lt's been hard to manage, teaching yourself through assignments ... I try to do my work when everybody is asleep at night. lf I was at school, I would've learned much more due to a teacher paying more attention. Teachers are assigning work on a daily basis, with 45 minutes to hour-long assignments for each class, all due at the end of the week. The workload has increased a lot. Some teachers have reached out (checked in) but not often.

Dana Reyes, 18, seniar, Middle College High

My classes are all being taught virtually, through email, or through Google Classraom. I have pushed my selfdetermination to the max and l'm experiencing something very strange. I am still receiving the content but now I have to work twice as hard to understand the material. Sometimes, it is discouraging, and I get unmotivated, but I still try my best to finish early even though teachers and staff have been very flexible and understanding with due dates.

Mekayla Saechao, 16, junior, Richmond High

Distance learning for me so far has been difficult but manageable. Most of my classes consist of completing work that is posted on Google Classroom With a Zoom meeting every other week. I don't believe l'm learning as much as I would have in school because l'm not getting a lesson from my teachers every day. My teachers have helped a lot by answering questions about assignments quickly ... To tell you the truth, it is a lot to manage since l'm not physically at school, working with my classmates and teachers. But being at home in my comfort zone has helped me become more organized with my works. 

Monishlla Maharaj, 18, senior, Richmond High

Although I have assignments from almast all of my classes every day, almost back-to-back, I always feel like I can do the work whenever I want to... lt's like fighting with my brain daily to do the work ar not to do the wark. As much as I wouldn't want to do online learning, I know it benefits everyone by preventing them from getting sick from the virus. 

Sarahi Yupit, 16, sophomore, Richmond High

lt is hard to concentrate at home during distance learning because I don't feel motivated to do the work since there is nabody my age whereas at school, I feel motivated. lt seems like it's easier to do the tasks and stay on task. There are teachers who teach the actual material. They also motivate you to do your best.

Adapted from https://edsource.org/, posted on June 3

One of the students pointed out an advantage of studying from home during the pandemic. Who is this student and what is the advantage mentioned?



Read text I to answer question


Like students throughout California (USA), students in the West Contra Costa Unified school district, in Richmond, have coped with distance learning instituted this year in response to the coronavirus pandemic. Today, we are bringing you these students' reflections on their current experiences with distance learning and being out of school - what worked and what didn't. Students' remarks have been edited in some instances for clarity. 

Nayeli Mercado, 15, sophomore, Richmond High

Before distance learning, my mental health was never great, but it was controllable. However, once quarantine started, I have felt way more mentally exhausted because I can't go out. Also, l've been really emotional. I get really sad over little things ar angry at things I shouldn't get angry about. I used to complain about school a lot but I kind of miss it now. I miss my friends, teachers, attending class. I miss school in general.

Alizei De Leon, 15, sophomore, Middle College High

I have about the sarne amount of homework, ar maybe a little less in this second year since some teachers are trying to make this easier. Additionally, I don't have to study as much for tests anymore since some teachers have cancelled ·tests for the rest of the year... I spend about three to four hours on homework per day unless l've already finished all my work that week. l'm getting through my classes, but I know that I will forget most of this information throughout the summer.

Ricardo Castillo, 17, senior, Richmond High

At first, when this distance learning started, I thought the work was going to be easier. But then, as time passed, everything just fel! apart. l'm behind in all of my classes and it's nearly impossible to catch up. I can't do the work on my own. I want to learn with my classmates. Distance learning changed a lot of things for me. I wasn't able to spend time with my friends and my last year of high school hasn't been what I expected at all. 

Yashika Joshi, 17, senior, Aspire College PrepAcademy

Distance learning has been difficult lt's been hard to manage, teaching yourself through assignments ... I try to do my work when everybody is asleep at night. lf I was at school, I would've learned much more due to a teacher paying more attention. Teachers are assigning work on a daily basis, with 45 minutes to hour-long assignments for each class, all due at the end of the week. The workload has increased a lot. Some teachers have reached out (checked in) but not often.

Dana Reyes, 18, seniar, Middle College High

My classes are all being taught virtually, through email, or through Google Classraom. I have pushed my selfdetermination to the max and l'm experiencing something very strange. I am still receiving the content but now I have to work twice as hard to understand the material. Sometimes, it is discouraging, and I get unmotivated, but I still try my best to finish early even though teachers and staff have been very flexible and understanding with due dates.

Mekayla Saechao, 16, junior, Richmond High

Distance learning for me so far has been difficult but manageable. Most of my classes consist of completing work that is posted on Google Classroom With a Zoom meeting every other week. I don't believe l'm learning as much as I would have in school because l'm not getting a lesson from my teachers every day. My teachers have helped a lot by answering questions about assignments quickly ... To tell you the truth, it is a lot to manage since l'm not physically at school, working with my classmates and teachers. But being at home in my comfort zone has helped me become more organized with my works. 

Monishlla Maharaj, 18, senior, Richmond High

Although I have assignments from almast all of my classes every day, almost back-to-back, I always feel like I can do the work whenever I want to... lt's like fighting with my brain daily to do the work ar not to do the wark. As much as I wouldn't want to do online learning, I know it benefits everyone by preventing them from getting sick from the virus. 

Sarahi Yupit, 16, sophomore, Richmond High

lt is hard to concentrate at home during distance learning because I don't feel motivated to do the work since there is nabody my age whereas at school, I feel motivated. lt seems like it's easier to do the tasks and stay on task. There are teachers who teach the actual material. They also motivate you to do your best.

Adapted from https://edsource.org/, posted on June 3

All students below are in the last year of their courses, EXCEPT for 



Read text li to answer question

Text II

10  Shorts Not to Miss at 2020's

Annecy "Carne" (Camila Kater, Abano Produciónes, Doctela, Brazil, Spain)

Camila Kater's debut short is _______ fresh, unprejudiced reflection on femininity through successive stages of life. A resourceful documentary, "Carne" mixes diverse techniques such as paint, watercolor, stop motion, 35mm film and virtual imagery decomposition to obtain a harmonious, vindicating ensemble narrated by five women from childhood to old age, from around the world. Produced by Spain's Abano and Brazil's Doctela, it premiered last year at Locamo, earning a special mention. Multiple further awards fo!lowed.


According to the text, it is correct to say that "Carne" 



Read text li to answer question

Text II

10  Shorts Not to Miss at 2020's

Annecy "Carne" (Camila Kater, Abano Produciónes, Doctela, Brazil, Spain)

Camila Kater's debut short is _______ fresh, unprejudiced reflection on femininity through successive stages of life. A resourceful documentary, "Carne" mixes diverse techniques such as paint, watercolor, stop motion, 35mm film and virtual imagery decomposition to obtain a harmonious, vindicating ensemble narrated by five women from childhood to old age, from around the world. Produced by Spain's Abano and Brazil's Doctela, it premiered last year at Locamo, earning a special mention. Multiple further awards fo!lowed.


Read the following sentence.

"Camila Kater's debut short is ______ fresh, unprejudiced reflection on femininity through successive stages of life."

Mark the option that completes the sentence correctly



Read text Ili to answer question.

Text III

Causes and Effects of Climate Change

Glaciers are melting, sea levels are rising, cloud forests are dying, and wildlife is scrambling to keep pace. lt has become clear that humans have caused most of the past century's warming by releasing heat-trapping gases as we power our modem tives. Called greenhouse gases, their leveis are higher now than at any time in the last 800,000 years. 

We often call the result global warming, but it is causing a set of changes to the Earth's climate, or long-term weather patterns, that varies from place to place. While many people think of global warming and climate change as synonyms, scientists use "climate change" when describing the complex shífts now affecting our planet's weather and climate systems - in part because some areas actually get cooler in the short term.

Climate change encampasses not only rising average temperatures but also extreme weather events, shifting wildlife populations and habitats, rising seas, and a range of other impacts. Ali of those changes are emerging as humans continue to add heat-trapping greenhouse gases to the atmosphere, changing the rhythms of climate that ali living things have come to rely on. 

What will we do - what can we do - to slow this humancaused warming? How will we cape with the changes we ___ into motion? While we struggle to figure it ali out, the fate of the Earth as we know it - coasts, forests, farms, and snow-capped mountains - hangs in the balance.

By Christina Nunez Adapted from


Read the statements. Mark {T) for true and (F) false.

( ) Glaciers, sea leveis, forests and wild life are suffering from global warming.

( ) Global warming and climate change are synonyms.

( ) Greenhouse gases interferes in weather events.

( ) Humans still need to find out how to solve global warming problems.

Mark the correct option.



Read text Ili to answer question.

Text III

Causes and Effects of Climate Change

Glaciers are melting, sea levels are rising, cloud forests are dying, and wildlife is scrambling to keep pace. lt has become clear that humans have caused most of the past century's warming by releasing heat-trapping gases as we power our modem tives. Called greenhouse gases, their leveis are higher now than at any time in the last 800,000 years. 

We often call the result global warming, but it is causing a set of changes to the Earth's climate, or long-term weather patterns, that varies from place to place. While many people think of global warming and climate change as synonyms, scientists use "climate change" when describing the complex shífts now affecting our planet's weather and climate systems - in part because some areas actually get cooler in the short term.

Climate change encampasses not only rising average temperatures but also extreme weather events, shifting wildlife populations and habitats, rising seas, and a range of other impacts. Ali of those changes are emerging as humans continue to add heat-trapping greenhouse gases to the atmosphere, changing the rhythms of climate that ali living things have come to rely on. 

What will we do - what can we do - to slow this humancaused warming? How will we cape with the changes we ___ into motion? While we struggle to figure it ali out, the fate of the Earth as we know it - coasts, forests, farms, and snow-capped mountains - hangs in the balance.

By Christina Nunez Adapted from


Read the following sentence.

"How will we cope with the changes we _____ into motion?"

Which option completes the sentence correctly?

  • Gabarito A

    "How will we cope with the changes we HAVE ALREADY SET into motion?"

    "Como vamos lidar com as mudanças que já iniciamos?"


Read text Ili to answer question.

Text III

Causes and Effects of Climate Change

Glaciers are melting, sea levels are rising, cloud forests are dying, and wildlife is scrambling to keep pace. lt has become clear that humans have caused most of the past century's warming by releasing heat-trapping gases as we power our modem tives. Called greenhouse gases, their leveis are higher now than at any time in the last 800,000 years. 

We often call the result global warming, but it is causing a set of changes to the Earth's climate, or long-term weather patterns, that varies from place to place. While many people think of global warming and climate change as synonyms, scientists use "climate change" when describing the complex shífts now affecting our planet's weather and climate systems - in part because some areas actually get cooler in the short term.

Climate change encampasses not only rising average temperatures but also extreme weather events, shifting wildlife populations and habitats, rising seas, and a range of other impacts. Ali of those changes are emerging as humans continue to add heat-trapping greenhouse gases to the atmosphere, changing the rhythms of climate that ali living things have come to rely on. 

What will we do - what can we do - to slow this humancaused warming? How will we cape with the changes we ___ into motion? While we struggle to figure it ali out, the fate of the Earth as we know it - coasts, forests, farms, and snow-capped mountains - hangs in the balance.

By Christina Nunez Adapted from


What's the meaning of the expression hangs in the balance in "... coasts, forests, farms, and snow-capped mountains - hangs in the balance."? lt 

  • While we struggle to figure it ali out, the fate of the Earth as we know it - coasts, forests, farms, and snow-capped mountains - hangs in the balance

    Enquanto lutamos para descobrir tudo, o destino da Terra como a conhecemos - costas, florestas, fazendas e montanhas cobertas de neve - está em jogo ou está em perigo

    hangs in the balance = está em jogo = é incerto = is uncertain (Gab.: Letra D)


Read text IV to answer question.


Generation Z News - Latest Characteristics, Research, and Facts 

Generation Z (aka Gen Z, iGen, or centennials}, refers to the generation that was born between 1996-2010, following millennials. This generation has been raised on the internet and social media, with some the oldest finishing college by 2020 and entering the workforce. Generation Z is the youngest, most ethnically-diverse, and largest generation in American history, comprising 27% of the US population. Pew Research recently defined Gen Z as anyone born after 1997. Gen Z 1______ up with technology, the internet, and social media, which sometimes causes them to be stereotyped as techaddicted, anti-social, or "social justice warriors." The average Gen Z got their first smart phone just before their twelfth birthday. They communicate primarily through social media and texts, and spend as much time on their phones as older generations do watching television. The majority of Gen Zs prefer streaming services to traditional cable, as well as getting snackable content they can get on their phones and computers. Gen Z is the most ethnically diverse and largest generation in American history, and eclipses all other generations before it in embracing diversity and inclusion.

Adapted from https:/twww.businessinsider.com/generation-z

AH the sentences have comparative or superlative adjectives EXCEPT for 



Read text IV to answer question.


Generation Z News - Latest Characteristics, Research, and Facts 

Generation Z (aka Gen Z, iGen, or centennials}, refers to the generation that was born between 1996-2010, following millennials. This generation has been raised on the internet and social media, with some the oldest finishing college by 2020 and entering the workforce. Generation Z is the youngest, most ethnically-diverse, and largest generation in American history, comprising 27% of the US population. Pew Research recently defined Gen Z as anyone born after 1997. Gen Z 1______ up with technology, the internet, and social media, which sometimes causes them to be stereotyped as techaddicted, anti-social, or "social justice warriors." The average Gen Z got their first smart phone just before their twelfth birthday. They communicate primarily through social media and texts, and spend as much time on their phones as older generations do watching television. The majority of Gen Zs prefer streaming services to traditional cable, as well as getting snackable content they can get on their phones and computers. Gen Z is the most ethnically diverse and largest generation in American history, and eclipses all other generations before it in embracing diversity and inclusion.

Adapted from https:/twww.businessinsider.com/generation-z

Read the sentence and mark the correct option.

"The majority of Gen Zs prefer streaming services to traditional cable, as well as getting snackable content they can get on their phones and computers."

According to the context, you can change · the word "snackable" without modifying its meaning for  



Read text IV to answer question.


Generation Z News - Latest Characteristics, Research, and Facts 

Generation Z (aka Gen Z, iGen, or centennials}, refers to the generation that was born between 1996-2010, following millennials. This generation has been raised on the internet and social media, with some the oldest finishing college by 2020 and entering the workforce. Generation Z is the youngest, most ethnically-diverse, and largest generation in American history, comprising 27% of the US population. Pew Research recently defined Gen Z as anyone born after 1997. Gen Z 1______ up with technology, the internet, and social media, which sometimes causes them to be stereotyped as techaddicted, anti-social, or "social justice warriors." The average Gen Z got their first smart phone just before their twelfth birthday. They communicate primarily through social media and texts, and spend as much time on their phones as older generations do watching television. The majority of Gen Zs prefer streaming services to traditional cable, as well as getting snackable content they can get on their phones and computers. Gen Z is the most ethnically diverse and largest generation in American history, and eclipses all other generations before it in embracing diversity and inclusion.

Adapted from https:/twww.businessinsider.com/generation-z

Complete gap 1 in the text with the right verb form and mark the correct option. 



Read text IV to answer question.


Generation Z News - Latest Characteristics, Research, and Facts 

Generation Z (aka Gen Z, iGen, or centennials}, refers to the generation that was born between 1996-2010, following millennials. This generation has been raised on the internet and social media, with some the oldest finishing college by 2020 and entering the workforce. Generation Z is the youngest, most ethnically-diverse, and largest generation in American history, comprising 27% of the US population. Pew Research recently defined Gen Z as anyone born after 1997. Gen Z 1______ up with technology, the internet, and social media, which sometimes causes them to be stereotyped as techaddicted, anti-social, or "social justice warriors." The average Gen Z got their first smart phone just before their twelfth birthday. They communicate primarily through social media and texts, and spend as much time on their phones as older generations do watching television. The majority of Gen Zs prefer streaming services to traditional cable, as well as getting snackable content they can get on their phones and computers. Gen Z is the most ethnically diverse and largest generation in American history, and eclipses all other generations before it in embracing diversity and inclusion.

Adapted from https:/twww.businessinsider.com/generation-z

ln relation to generation Z, it is correct to say that they

  • after= depois before= antes


Read text V to answer question .


There are no excuses for racism. 

Racism take$ many forms and can happen 1 __ many places. lt includes prejudice, discrimination ar hatred directed at someone because of their colour, ethnicity or national origin.

People often associate racism with acts of abuse or harassment. However, it doesn't need to involve violent or intimidating behaviour. Take racial name-calling and jokes. Or consider situations when people may be excluded from groups or activities because of where they come 2 _______.

Racism can be revealed through people's actions as well as their altitudes. !t can also be reflected in systems and institutions. But sometímes it may not be revealed at ali. Not ali racism is obvious. For examp!e, someone may look 3 _______ a list of job applicants and decide not to interview people with certain surnames.

Racism is more than just words, beliefs and actions. lt includes ali the barriers that prevent people from enjoying dignity and equality because of their race. 


Read the following sentence.

"People often associate racism with acts of abuse or harassment."

The underlined word "often" can be replaced by



Read text V to answer question .


There are no excuses for racism. 

Racism take$ many forms and can happen 1 __ many places. lt includes prejudice, discrimination ar hatred directed at someone because of their colour, ethnicity or national origin.

People often associate racism with acts of abuse or harassment. However, it doesn't need to involve violent or intimidating behaviour. Take racial name-calling and jokes. Or consider situations when people may be excluded from groups or activities because of where they come 2 _______.

Racism can be revealed through people's actions as well as their altitudes. !t can also be reflected in systems and institutions. But sometímes it may not be revealed at ali. Not ali racism is obvious. For examp!e, someone may look 3 _______ a list of job applicants and decide not to interview people with certain surnames.

Racism is more than just words, beliefs and actions. lt includes ali the barriers that prevent people from enjoying dignity and equality because of their race. 


Complete the gaps 1, 2, and 3 in the text, respectively, with the correct preposition and then, mark the correct option.



Read text V to answer question .


There are no excuses for racism. 

Racism take$ many forms and can happen 1 __ many places. lt includes prejudice, discrimination ar hatred directed at someone because of their colour, ethnicity or national origin.

People often associate racism with acts of abuse or harassment. However, it doesn't need to involve violent or intimidating behaviour. Take racial name-calling and jokes. Or consider situations when people may be excluded from groups or activities because of where they come 2 _______.

Racism can be revealed through people's actions as well as their altitudes. !t can also be reflected in systems and institutions. But sometímes it may not be revealed at ali. Not ali racism is obvious. For examp!e, someone may look 3 _______ a list of job applicants and decide not to interview people with certain surnames.

Racism is more than just words, beliefs and actions. lt includes ali the barriers that prevent people from enjoying dignity and equality because of their race. 


According to the tex, racism
