


The Naval Nuclear Propulsion Program (NNPP) started in 1948. Since that time, the NNPP has provided safe and effective propulsion systems to power submarines, surface combatants, and aircraft carriers. Today, nuclear propulsion enables virtually undetectable US Navy submarines, including the sea-based leg of the strategic triad, and provides essentially inexhaustible propulsion power independent of forward logistical support to both our submarines and aircraft carriers. Over forty percent of the Navy's major combatant ships are nuclear-powered, and because of their demonstrated safety and reliability, these ships have access to seaports throughout the world. The NNPP has consistently sought the best way to affordably meet Navy requirements by evaluating, developing, and delivering a variety of reactor types, fuel systems, and structural materials. The Program has investigated many different fuel systems and reactor design features, and has designed, built, and operated over thirty different reactor designs in over twenty plant types to employ the most promising of these developments in practical applications. Improvements in naval reactor design have allowed increased power and energy to keep pace with the operational requirements of the modern nuclear fleet, while maintaining a conservative design approach that ensures reliability and safety to the crew, the public, and the environment. As just one example of the progress that has been made, the earliest reactor core designs in the NAUTILUS required refueling after about two years while modern reactor cores can last the life of a submarine, or over thirty years without refueling. These improvements have been the result of prudent, conservative engineering, backed by analysis, testing, and prototyping. The NNPP was also a pioneer in developing basic technologies and transferring technology to the civilian nuclear electric power industry. For example, the Program demonstrated the feasibility of commercial nuclear power generation in this country by designing, constructing and operating the Shipping port Atomic Power Station in Pennsylvania and showing the feasibility of a thorium-based breeder reactor.

In: Report on Low Enriched Uranium for Naval Reactor Cores. Page 1. Report to Congress, January 2014. Office of Naval Reactors. US Dept. of Energy. DC 2058 http://fissilematerials.org/library/doe14.pdf

According to the text, the Naval Nuclear Propulsion Program – NNPP

I. investigates more efficient fuels and reactors for the Navy.

II. is concerned about how to spend the financial resources received.

III. has also contributed with the civilian power industry.

The correct assertion(s) is(are)

  • Não identifiquei em parte alguma do texto a proposição II - is concerned about how to spend the financial resources received: está preocupado com a forma de gastar os recursos financeiros recebidos. 

    Acredito ser uma extrapolação, pois em nenhum momento o texto menciona tal preocupação. 
  • Letra E. Caro Fernando Moreira, o trecho "The NNPP has consistently sought the best way to affordably meet Navy requirements" (linha 5) pode ser traduzido por "A NNPP tem buscado a maneira mais barata de atender os requisitos da Marinha", tornando a proposição II verdadeira.

  • O texto não fala sobre requisitos financeiros e sim de requisitos da marinha, que são os de ter um melhor reator, melhor comubstível e material... nada de grana.
    A única resposta possível é uma extrapolação, em que qualquer pesquisa está limitada financeiramente e por isso eles têm que estar preocupados em como gastar melhor o dinheiro recebido.

  • There is an abism between  "The NNPP has consistently sought the best way to affordably meet Navy requirements" and ''is concerned about how to spend the financial resources received. '' definitely!

  • Ana Caiana

    quando "mais barata" for tradução de "best way", então a questão me convencerá.

  • A afirmativa II  é correta pelo uso da palavra affordably cuja definição segundo o dicionário Oxford é: cheaply enough that people can afford to buy it or pay it. O advérbio em questão vem do verbo to afford que significa ter dinheiro para comprar ou pagar por algo (to have enough money or time to be able to buy or to do something segundo Oxford). Apesar do texto não utilizar as palavras money ou financial resources, por exemplo, podemos inferir pela leitura que o NNPP está de fato preocupado em como utilizar os recursos financeiros do projeto, o que torna a assertiva II correta.

  • A II estar correta é um absurdo. Justamente porque na questão pede "de acordo com o texto". Posso até interpretar tal preocupação justamente pelo fato da NNPP buscar os melhores projetos, mas isso não quer dizer uma preocupação de como gastar os recursos recebidos.

  • De acordo com o texto, o Programa de Propulsão Nuclear Naval - NNPP
    I. investiga combustíveis e reatores mais eficientes para a Marinha. A a alternativa está correta conforme trecho abaixo. 
    L. 8 - The Program has investigated many different fuel systems and reactor design features, and has designed, built, and operated over thirty different reactor designs  in over twenty plant types to employ the most promising of these developments in practical applications.
    O Programa investigou muitos sistemas de combustível diferentes e recursos de projeto de reator e projetou, construiu e operou mais de trinta diferentes projetos de reator em mais de vinte tipos de plantas para empregar o mais promissor desses desenvolvimentos em aplicações práticas.

    II. Está preocupado com a forma de gastar os recursos financeiros recebidos. A alternativa está correta conforme trecho traduzido das linhas 14 e 15
    L. 14 e 15 -These improvements have been the result of prudent, conservative engineering, backed by analysis, testing, and prototyping. 
    Essas melhorias foram o resultado de uma engenharia prudente e conservadora, apoiada por análises, testes e prototipagem. 
    III. Também contribuiu com a indústria de energia civil. A alternativa está correta conforme trecho traduzido das linhas 15 e 16
    L. 15 e 16-The NNPP was also a pioneer in developing basic technologies and transferring technology to the civilian nuclear electric power industry.
    A NNPP também foi pioneira no desenvolvimento de tecnologias básicas e na transferência de tecnologia para a indústria  de energia elétrica civil.
    Gabarito do Professor: E
  • I - Since that time, the NNPP has provided safe and effective propulsion systems to power submarines, surface combatants, and aircraft carriers

    II - The NNPP has consistently sought the best way to affordably meet Navy requirements by evaluating, developing, and delivering a variety of reactor types, fuel systems, and structural materials.

    III - The NNPP was also a pioneer in developing basic technologies and transferring technology to the civilian nuclear electric power industry.


    Affordably - the condition of acquiring goods within one's given financial means, without going beyond an established budget