
Questões de Discurso direto e indireto | Reported speech


Choose the option that correctly completes the sentence:

I arrived home on foot and my husband asked me where ________________

  • Suj+verbo para afirmativa.


Choose the best option to rewrite the sentence keeping the same meaning.
On August 2"", 2010, Mary asked Peter: "What were you doing this morning at 8"?
Mary wanted to know what...



Mary saw James, her doctor, two days ago.
James said: "See me tomorrow again."
Which alternative best reports what he said?

  • "See me tomorrow again." está no Simple Present

    Lembrando da tabelinha

    Simple present---------->Simple Past


    He told her to see him the day after.



Choose the best option to rewrite the sentence keeping the same meaning.

On July 2nd , 2009, Peter asked Jane: "What time are we meeting tomorrow"?

Peter wanted to know what time...

  • Falta um "e" na C


Mary saw her boyfriend with another girl and they had a quarrel. She shouted: "Don't come here anymore! "

Which alternative best reports what she said?

  • No discurso direto, quando se trata de uma proibição, deve ser usado a estrutura:


    Nessa questão seria "not to go", não pode ser usado o "not to come" pelo mesmo motivo por que não pode ser usado o "here", pois a referência de quem está falando muda.

    Também tem que excluir as alternativas que não tem a regência correta:

    Told precisa de um complemento sem preposição: told me, told her

    Said não precisa de complemento, mas pode ser usado também (com preposição): said to me, said to us

    Dessa forma a resposta é a E.

Prefeitura de Aroeiras - PB

She Said, “I’m not going to call you again!” In other words, she said:

  • a) She was not going to call him again.

    The exercise calls for the mastery of reported speech, which is used for outlining speech as reported after it was uttered by the speaker. In reported speech, it's necessary that the tense used in the original utterance be set one tense back. So, if she told him" I am not seeing so and so again, it means that she told him something in the past, so we use the past tense: she was not seeing so and so again.

    EM Reported speech - fala indireta-, o tempo verbal é anterior ao do discurso original. Logo, ela disse que nao ia mais ligar para ele. É importante perceber que o modo como reported speech funciona no inglês é diferente de como ele é usado no portugues brasileiro.
  • Como saber se é you ou him?



Which is the correct alternative to complete the dialogue?

Susan: What did George ask you yesterday?

Sandy: He asked me ______________________ .

  • Qual é a alternativa correta  para completar o diálogo?
    Susan: O que George perguntou para você ontem?
    Sandy: Ele me perguntou se eu precisava de carona para casa. (if I needed a ride home.)
    Alternativa C
  • Sandy: He asked me_________

    Ele me perguntou se eu precisava de uma carona pra casa

    o se é if

    que está presente na letra C

FUNDEP (Gestão de Concursos)

INSTRUCTIONS: Read the following text carefully and then choose the correct answer.
                                         Leonardo da Vinci

Known as the greatest artist in the history of mankind, Leonardo da Vinci was also a great philosopher and scientist. Leonardo is the most influential figure in the Italian Renaissance and he is considered to be an inventive multi-genius.

Leonardo was born in 1452 in Vinci, Italy, as the child of Piero da Vinci, a notary, and Caterina, a country girl. He stayed with his father's family and they moved to Florence when he was just 12. At the age of 14, Leonardo started out his artist's apprenticeship at the studio of Andrea del Verrocchio (1435-1488), an Italian sculptor, goldsmith and painter.

The art of painting made Leonardo knowledgeable about anatomy and perspective. In addition to painting, Verrocchio's studio also offered technical and mechanical arts and sculpture. Leonardo had developed an interest in architecture so he went on to study engineering.

After a decade of highly original work as an artist, Leonardo wrote to several wealthy men to help finance his projects. The Duke of Milan, Ludovico Sforza (1452-1508), accepted his offer as Leonardo told him that he could design war weapons like guns and mines, and also structures like collapsible bridges. He lived in Milan with the Duke from 1482 to 1508, reportedly creating very innovational war machines. He also did painting and sculpture, as well as urban planning for large-scale water projects. There, he also wrote about making a telescope to view the moon.

                   Available at: <http://www.famousscientists.org/leonardo-da-vinc>  (Edited).

Read this sentence from the text and analyze it:

“The Duke of Milan, Ludovico Sforza (1452-1508), accepted his offer as Leonardo told him that he could design war weapons like guns and mines, and also structures like collapsible bridges.”

This sentence presents an example of reported speech. Which of the following alternatives also presents an example of reported speech?

  • Leia esta frase do texto e a analise:
    "O duque de Milão, Ludovico Sforza (1452-1508), aceitou sua oferta, uma vez que Leonardo lhe dissera que poderia projetar armas de guerra  e minas, e também estruturas como pontes dobráveis".
    Esta frase apresenta um exemplo de discurso indireto. Qual das seguintes alternativas também apresenta um exemplo de discurso indireto?
    A) Ann disse: "Estou muito cansada".
    B) Eu contei a ela uma história muito triste.
    C) Joanna estava falando alto.
    D) Zoe disse que estava perdida.
    O discurso indireto é uma das formas de narrar ou relatar informações.  Quando usamos esse tipo de discurso utilizando exatamente as palavras que alguém usou, não havendo necessidade do uso de aspas, mas, sim, reportando falas com nossas próprias palavras. 

    Ex: Direct speech: She said, “I am sad today." (Ela disse, “eu estou triste hoje.")
          Indirect speech: She said that she was sad that day. (Ela disse que estava triste naquele dia.)
          Direct speech: Zoe said: "I am lost." (Zoe disse: Estou perdida)
          Indirect speech: Zoe said that she was lost. (Zoe disse que estava perdida.)

    Gabarito do Professor: D


Which alternative best reports the stranger's speech in this passage?

In 1953, I got married. A few weeks after the wedding, I suddenly fell ill. My husband took me to a hospital. I was there for almost a week. I was in so much pain. And no one could say for sure what was wrong. One night, in the hospital, a stranger came to see me. He told me, "Janie, you1 re going to die tomorrow". That was my name then, the name I was born with.

(Adapted from http://www.notmyshoes.net/monologues/ hannah-march.html)

  • "Janie, you're going to die tomorrow" está no Simple present

    No reported speech fica Simple Past


    He told her she was going to die the day after.

    GAB.: A de Ave,Império!


Which alternative is correct?

  • Past Simple

    Past Participle

    Past Perfect

    Had To


    To infinitive

    Would + bare infinitive


    Indirect Speech ( Discurso Indireto)

    Sempre quandi vier o not= ( Vai ser antes do verbo )


Choose the sentence that corresponds to the right form of the reported speech for the dialogue:

The mother said to the son:

– Do not watch TV after midnight!

  • D) The mother told her son not to watch TV after midnight.

    não separa o "to" do verbo, o not vem antes do verbo.

  • Trata-se de questão sobre discurso direto e indireto (“Reported speech"). O candidato deve assinalar a alternativa que traz a forma correta do discurso indireto do seguinte diálogo:

    The mother said to the son:

    – Do not watch TV after midnight!

    No discurso indireto, o locutor usa as próprias palavras para reproduzir algo que foi dito por outrem. Nessa questão, é necessário reproduzir a ordem dada pela mãe ao filho. Estamos diante do modo imperativo.

    A reprodução do discurso no modo imperativo é ligeiramente diferente do modo indicativo e obedece a seguinte estrutura: Sujeito + tell(s)/told [para ordens] OU ask(s)/asked [para pedidos] + somebody ou object pronoun + to ou not to + infinitivo sem to + complemento.

    Assim, ao adequarmos o diálogo do enunciado à fórmula acima teremos:

    The mother + told + her son + not to + watch + TV after midnight.

    Logo, está CORRETA a alternativa D.

    Alternativa A.
    ERRADA. “Does" é a forma do simple present do verbo “to do" e jamais aparecerá depois de “to". Ademais, não usamos o auxiliar “do" na construção do discurso indireto do modo imperativo.

    Alternativa B.
    ERRADA. A construção “do not to watch" não existe. Quando usamos o auxiliar do para formar a negativa nos tempos simples, o verbo principal permanecerá na forma do “bare infinitive" (infinitivo sem to). Além disso, como vimos, não usamos o auxiliar “do" na construção do discurso indireto do modo imperativo.

    Alternativa C.
    ERRADA. Quando queremos reproduzir uma proibição (ordem negativa) para o discurso indireto, adicionamos “not" antes do “full infinitive" (infinitivo com “to").

    Gabarito do Professor: Letra D.


Which is the correct option to complete the dialogue?

What did John tell Mary last Saturday?

John told __________________ the day before.

  • Qual a opção correta para completar o diálogo?
    O que João disse a Mary  sábado passado?
    John lhe disse que tinha comprado algumas flores no dia anterior.
    A sentença foi respondida usando o discurso indireto (indirect speech)
    tinha comprado- had bought

    A sentença que completa o diálogo é: (...) her that he had bought some flowers 
    Alternativa B.

  • No Reported sppech vc deve:

    1. Mudar para 3º pessoa

    2. Mudar o verbo para o passado (voltando sempre uma casa)

    3. Relação de tempo e espaço longe (time expression)



  • Direto past /indireto past perfect



    A library tradition is being refashioned to emphasize early literacy and better prepare young children for school, and drawing many new fans in the process.

    Among parents of the under-5 set, spots for story time have become as coveted as seats for a hot Broadway show like “Hamilton.” Lines stretch down the block at some branches, with tickets given out on a first-come-first-served basis because there is not enough room to accommodate all of the children who show up.

    Workers at the 67th Street Library on the Upper East Side of Manhattan turn away at least 10 people from every reading. They have been so overwhelmed by the rush at story time — held in the branch’s largest room, on the third floor — that once the space is full, they close the door and shut down the elevator. “It is so crowded and so popular, it’s insane,” Jacqueline Schector, a librarian, said.

    Story time is drawing capacity crowds at public libraries across New York and across the country at a time when, more than ever, educators are emphasizing the importance of early literacy in preparing children for school and for developing critical thinking skills. The demand crosses economic lines, with parents at all income levels vying to get in.

    Many libraries have refashioned the traditional readings to include enrichment activities such as counting numbers and naming colors, as well as music and dance. And many parents have made story time a fixture in their family routines alongside school pickups and playground outings — and, for those who employ nannies, a nonnegotiable requirement of the job.

    In New York, demand for story time has surged across the city’s three library systems — the New York Public Library, the Brooklyn Public Library, and the Queens Library — and has posed logistical challenges for some branches, particularly those in small or cramped buildings. Citywide, story time attendance rose to 510,367 people in fiscal year 2015, up nearly 28 percent from 399,751 in fiscal 2013.

    “The secret’s out,” said Lucy Yates, 44, an opera coach with two sons who goes to story time at the Fort Washington Library every week.

    Stroller-pushing parents and nannies begin to line up for story time outside some branches an hour before doors open. To prevent overcrowding, tickets are given out at the New Amsterdam and Webster branches, both in Manhattan, the Parkchester branch in the Bronx, and a half-dozen branches in Brooklyn, including in Park Slope, Kensington and Bay Ridge.

    The 67th Street branch keeps adding story times — there are now six a week — and holds sessions outdoors in the summer, when crowds can swell to 200 people.

    In Queens, 41 library branches are scheduled to add weekend hours this month, and many will undoubtedly include weekend story times. As Joanne King, a spokeswoman for the library explained, parents have been begging for them and “every story time is full, every time we have one.”

    Long a library staple, story time has typically been an informal reading to a small group of boys and girls sitting in a circle. Today’s story times involve carefully planned lessons by specially trained librarians that emphasize education as much as entertainment, and often include suggestions for parents and caregivers about how to reinforce what children have learned, library officials said.

    Libraries around the country have expanded story time and other children’s programs in recent years, attracting a new generation of patrons in an age when online offerings sometimes make trips to the book stacks unnecessary. Sari Feldman, president of the American Library Association, said such early-literacy efforts are part of a larger transformation libraries are undergoing to become active learning centers for their communities by offering services like classes in English as a second language, computer skills and career counseling.

    Ms. Feldman said the increased demand for story time was a product, in part, of more than a decade of work by the library association and others to encourage libraries to play a larger role in preparing young children for school. In 2004, as part of that effort, the association developed a curriculum, “Every Child Ready to Read,” that she said is now used by thousands of libraries.

    The New York Public Library is adding 45 children’s librarians to support story time and other programs, some of which are run in partnership with the city government. It has also designated 20 of its 88 neighborhood branches, including the Fort Washington Library, as “enhanced literary sites.” As such, they will double their story time sessions, to an average of four a week, and distribute 15,000 “family literacy kits” that include a book and a schedule of story times.

    “It is clear that reading and being exposed to books early in life are critical factors in student success,” Anthony W. Marx, president of the New York Public Library, said. “The library is playing an increasingly important role in strengthening early literacy in this city, expanding efforts to bring reading to children and their families through quality, free story times, curated literacy programs, after-school programs and more.”

    For its part, the Queens Library plans to expand a “Kick Off to Kindergarten” program that attracted more than 180 families for a series of workshops last year. Library officials said that more than three-quarters of the children who enrolled, many of whom spoke a language other than English at home, developed measurable classroom skills.

From: www.nytimes.com/2015/11/02

The sentence “Ms. Feldman said the increased demand for story time was a product, in part, of more than a decade of work by the library association and others to encourage libraries to play a larger role in preparing young children for school.” is an example of



Mark the INCORRECT option considering the correct structure of reported speech:

  • A única alternativa em que está incorreta a construção é a letra E. 

    O verbo "to say" necessariamente pede a preposição "to"

    O correto seria: "The policeman said to me not to park there.

    Fonte de consulta Essential Grammar in use. Pág. 110. 2007. 


  • Samuel, DISCORDO da sua explição - e DOU CERTEZA DO QUE ESTOU DIZENDO, valendo de minha experiência de 8 anos como professor. 


    Atenção! "Said to me" é usado no Direct Speech

    Ex: He said to me: "don`t park here"


    A questao nao está errada pelo motivo dado pelo colega abaixo, e sim pelo fato de o correto ser TOLD ME, o que é usado no indirect speech.


    Dessa maneira, o correto deveria ser:


    “Do not park here”. The policeman TOLD ME not to park there.  


    Bons estudos. 

  • e-

    Reported speech requires the verb in the direct speech clause to go one tense back, with the ensuing structural changes to keep coherence. Thus, "I want to go to the movies"  becomes "he said he wanted to go to the movies". "I swam in the beach yesterday" -> He said he had swum in the beach the day before yesterday. 

    Em reported speech, nao se usa -say- para modo imperativo: requests, statements & suggestions. 

    “Do not park here”. The policeman warned me not to park there. (proibido) || The policeman suggested that I should park elsewhere (zona de risco). 

  • Marque a opção INCORRETA considerando a estrutura correta de discurso indireto:

    A opção incorreta é a letra E. O correto seria: The policeman told me not to park there.

  • Mais um detalhe importante:

    O "said" e o "told" são formas no passado que utilizamos no discurso indireto. Embora ambos signifiquem "disse", eles são usados em situações diferentes. Vejamos:

    Say: quando nós dizemos algo para alguém, por exemplo: I said I knew that about my stress.

    Tell: quando nós dizemos a alguém sobre algo e mencionamos com quem estamos falando. Nesse caso, faz-se necessário o objeto (me, you, her, him, etc.), por exemplo: The professor told me I was stressed.

    Espero ter ajudado.

    Bons estudos!


Which is the correct option to complete the sentence?

Peter: I saw Jane yesterday.

Peter____________________ .

  • Quando queremos reproduzir as informações que alguém nos relatou, podemos fazê-lo de duas formas. E uma delas é o Discurso indireto(indirect speech ou reported speech), que é quando relatamos o que foi dito com as nossas palavras. 
    Ex: She said: I love you. Discurso indireto: She said that she loved me.
    Peter said: I saw Jane yesterday. Discurso indireto: Peter said that he had seen Jane the day before.
    Ao passar a frase para o discurso indireto temos que mudar o tempo verbal, alguns pronomes e até advérbios.
    She said, I am happy today.    She said that she was happy that day. 
    She said, I listened to music yesterday. She said that she had listened to music the day before. 
    She said, I will visit you tomorrow. She said that she would visit me the next day. 

    Gabarito do Professor: E

  • sai daí ZECA


  • Alternativa correta E. 

    Como o verbo “SAW “ é simple past( passado simples) devemos, no indirect report( discursos indireto), colocá-lo na forma verbal past perfect( passado perfeito) ficando “ had seen”. O advérbio de tempo “yesterday”( ontem) tbm muda ao passar para o discurso indireto, ficando “the day before”( o dia anterior)).


Prefeitura de Maricá - RJ

TEXT 1 below, retrieved and adapted from https://chroniclingamerica. loc.gov/lccn/sn83035487/1851-06-21/ed-1/seq-4/ on July 9th, 2018.

Text 1 

                    Women’s rights convention – Sojourner Truth

      One of the most unique and interesting speeches of the convention was made by Sojourner Truth, an emancipated slave. It is impossible to transfer it to paper or convey any adequate idea of the effect it produced upon the audience. Those only can appreciate it who saw her powerful form, her whole-souled, earnest gesture, and listened to her strong and truthful tones. She came forward to the platform and addressing the President said with great simplicity:

      "May I say a few words?" Receiving an affirmative answer, she proceeded: I want to say a few words about this matter. I am a woman's rights. I have as much muscle as any man and can do as much work as any man. I have plowed and reaped and husked and chopped and mowed, and can any man do more than that? I have heard much about the sexes being equal. I can carry as much as any man, and can eat as much too, if I can get it. I am as strong as any man that is now. As for intellect, all I can say is, if a woman has a pint, and a man a quart -- why can't she have her little pint full? You need not be afraid to give us our rights for fear we will take too much; -- for we can't take more than our pint will hold. The poor men seem to be all in confusion, and don't know what to do. Why children, if you have woman's rights, give it to her and you will feel better. You will have your own rights, and they won't be so much trouble. I can't read, but I can hear. I have heard the bible and have learned that Eve caused man to sin. Well, if a woman upset the world, do give her a chance to set it right side up again. The Lady has spoken about Jesus, how he never spurned woman from him, and she was right. When Lazarus died, Mary and Martha came to him with faith and love and besought him to raise their brother. And Jesus wept and Lazarus came forth. And how came Jesus into the world? Through God who created him and the woman who bore him. Man, where was your part? But the women are coming up blessed be God and a few of the men are coming up with them. But man is in a tight place, the poor slave is on him, woman is coming on him, he is surely between a hawk and a buzzard.

Reference: Robinson, M. (1851, June 21). Women’s rights convention: Sojourner Truth. Anti-slavery Bugle, vol. 6 no. 41, Page 160.

In general terms, it’s absolutely correct to say that the text was written:

  • by a person who heard a speech.

  • (D)

    1° Parágrafo:

    One of the most unique and interesting speeches of the convention was made by Sojourner Truth, an emancipated slave. It is impossible to transfer it to paper or convey any adequate idea of ​​the effect it produced upon the audience. Those only can appreciate it who saw her powerful form, her whole-souled, earnest gesture, and listened to her strong and truthful tones. She came forward to the platform and addressing the President said with great simplicity:

    Tradução-->Um dos discursos mais originais e interessantes da convenção foi feito por Sojourner Truth, um escravo emancipado. É impossível transferi-lo para o papel ou transmitir qualquer ideia adequada do efeito que produziu sobre o público. Só podem apreciar quem viu sua forma poderosa, seu gesto sincero e sincero, e ouviu seu tom forte e verdadeiro. Ela veio para a plataforma e se dirigindo ao presidente disse com grande simplicidade:

Prefeitura de Maricá - RJ

TEXT 1 below, retrieved and adapted from https://chroniclingamerica. loc.gov/lccn/sn83035487/1851-06-21/ed-1/seq-4/ on July 9th, 2018.

Text 1 

                    Women’s rights convention – Sojourner Truth

      One of the most unique and interesting speeches of the convention was made by Sojourner Truth, an emancipated slave. It is impossible to transfer it to paper or convey any adequate idea of the effect it produced upon the audience. Those only can appreciate it who saw her powerful form, her whole-souled, earnest gesture, and listened to her strong and truthful tones. She came forward to the platform and addressing the President said with great simplicity:

      "May I say a few words?" Receiving an affirmative answer, she proceeded: I want to say a few words about this matter. I am a woman's rights. I have as much muscle as any man and can do as much work as any man. I have plowed and reaped and husked and chopped and mowed, and can any man do more than that? I have heard much about the sexes being equal. I can carry as much as any man, and can eat as much too, if I can get it. I am as strong as any man that is now. As for intellect, all I can say is, if a woman has a pint, and a man a quart -- why can't she have her little pint full? You need not be afraid to give us our rights for fear we will take too much; -- for we can't take more than our pint will hold. The poor men seem to be all in confusion, and don't know what to do. Why children, if you have woman's rights, give it to her and you will feel better. You will have your own rights, and they won't be so much trouble. I can't read, but I can hear. I have heard the bible and have learned that Eve caused man to sin. Well, if a woman upset the world, do give her a chance to set it right side up again. The Lady has spoken about Jesus, how he never spurned woman from him, and she was right. When Lazarus died, Mary and Martha came to him with faith and love and besought him to raise their brother. And Jesus wept and Lazarus came forth. And how came Jesus into the world? Through God who created him and the woman who bore him. Man, where was your part? But the women are coming up blessed be God and a few of the men are coming up with them. But man is in a tight place, the poor slave is on him, woman is coming on him, he is surely between a hawk and a buzzard.

Reference: Robinson, M. (1851, June 21). Women’s rights convention: Sojourner Truth. Anti-slavery Bugle, vol. 6 no. 41, Page 160.

Question must be answered by looking at the following sentence from Text 1:

I have as much muscle as any man, and can do as much work as any man.

If you were to report what Sojourner said instead of direct quoting her, you would say that:



               Fire Devastates Brazil's Oldest Science Museum

The overnight inferno likely claimed fossils, cultural artifacts, and more irreplaceable collections amassed over 200 years.

                                                                                    By Michael Greshko                                                   ______________________________________

                                                                   PUBLISHED September 6, 2018

Major pieces of Brazil's scientific and cultural heritage went up in smoke on September 2, as a devastating fire ripped through much of Rio de Janeiro's Museu Nacional, or National Museum. Founded in 1818, the museum is Brazil's oldest scientific institution and one of the largest and most renowned museums in Latin America, amassing a collection of some 20 million scientifically and culturally invaluable artifacts.

The Museu Nacional's holdings include Luzia, an 11,500-year-old skull considered one of South America's oldest human fossils, as well as the bones of uniquely Brazilian creatures such as the long-necked dinosaur Maxakalisaurus. Because of the auction tastes of Brazil's 19th-century emperors, the Museu Nacional also ended up with Latin America's oldest collection of Egyptian mummies and artifacts.

Even the building holds historical importance: It housed the exiled Portuguese royal family from 1808 to 1821, after they fled to Rio de Janeiro in 1807 to escape Napoleon. The complex also served as the palace for Brazil's post-independence emperors until 1889, before the museum collections were transferred there in 1902. In an September 5 email, Museu Nacional curator Débora Pires wrote that the entomology and arachnology collections were completely destroyed, as was most of the mollusk collection. However, technicians had braved the fire to save 80 percent of the mollusk holotypes—the specimens that formally serve as the global references for a given species. The museum's vertebrate specimens, herbarium, and library were housed separately and survived the fire.


An Irreplaceable Loss

It's not yet clear how the fire started, but it did begin after the museum was closed to the public, and no injuries have yet been reported. Firefighters worked through the night to douse the burnt-out shell of the main building, but it seems the blaze has already seared a gaping hole in many scientists' careers.

“The importance of the collections that were lost couldn't be overstated,” says Luiz Rocha, a Brazilian ichthyologist now at the California Academy of Sciences who has visited the Museu Nacional several times to study its collections. “They were unique as it gets: Many of them were irreplaceable, there's no way to put a monetary value on it.”

“In terms of [my] life-long research agenda, I'm pretty much lost,” says Marcus Guidoti, a Brazilian entomologist finishing up his Ph.D. in a program co-run by Brazil's Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul.

Guidoti studies lace bugs, an insect family with more than 2,000 species worldwide. The Museu Nacional held one of the world's largest lace bug collections, but the fire likely destroyed it and the rest of the museum's five million arthropod specimens. “Those type specimens can't be replaced, and they are crucial to understand the species,” he says by text message. “If I was willing to keep working on this family in this region of the globe, this was definitely a big hit.”

Paleontologist Dimila Mothé, a postdoctoral researcher at the Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro, adds that the blows to science extend beyond the collections themselves. “It's not only the cultural history, the natural history, but all the theses and research developed there,” she says. “Most of the laboratories there were lost, too, and the research of several professors. I'm not sure you can say the impact of what was lost.”

Brazil’s indigenous knowledge also has suffered. The Museu Nacional housed world-renowned collections of indigenous objects, as well as many audio recordings of indigenous languages from all over Brazil. Some of these recordings, now lost, were of languages that are no longer spoken.

“I have no words to say how horrible this is,” says Brazilian anthropologist Mariana Françozo, an expert on South American indigenous objects at Leiden University. “The indigenous collections are a tremendous loss … we can no longer study them, we can no longer understand what our ancestors did. It’s heartbreaking.” 

On Monday, The Brazilian publication G1 Rio reported that ashes of burned documents—some still flecked in notes or illustrations—have rained down from the sky more than a mile away from the Museu Nacional, thrown aloft by the inferno.


Editor's Note: This story was updated on September 6, 2018, with new details about which artifacts survived the fire. 

Taken from: https://www.nationalgeographic.com/science/2018/09/news-museu-nacional-fire-rio-de-janeiro-natural-history/. Access: 11 dez. 2018.

The correct reported speech form for the sentence “Most of the laboratories there were lost, too, and the research of several professors. I'm not sure you can say the impact of what was lost”, said by Dimila Mothé, is:



Text I

CLT or a task-based approach is not a panacea to language teaching. There are numerous challenges to making communicative language teaching happen. These issues have to do with the choice of content, context, specific skill areas (e.g., vocabulary, grammar, etc.), and particular learning tasks that determine a curriculum. 

These choices are tightly linked to questions about what it means to ―know‖ a language, to be proficient in a language, and what communicative abilities entail. While the literature on language teaching has attempted to provide answers to such questions, there are no universally accepted standards. The proficiency and standards movements have attempted to provide some guidelines, but they often remain broad in learner performance descriptions. This ultimately makes assessment of individual learners‘ communicative ability challenging, and it essentially leaves judgment of learner progress up to the teachers. 

Communicative abilities cannot be simply categorized as speaking, listening, reading, or writing skills, as it was done in a traditional four skills approach. For example, when two people talk to each other, the process normally involves speaking and listening skills as well as active communicative strategies such as asking for clarification and adjusting language to make each other understood. The endeavor to teach languages in a way that encompasses all skills, based on an interactive view of language behavior, has posed many challenges on how to go about integrating the four skills effectively in a daily and long-term curriculum. 

The teaching of proficiency and communicative-based skills raises the question not only about content but also about the choice of learning tasks or best teaching practices. CLT does not promote one standardized method or curriculum, but is eclectic in its approach. Being eclectic means it promotes the best or most effective techniques or methodologies. At the same time, the choice of techniques and learning tasks is not an arbitrary decision, but is firmly grounded in principles of learning as they are motivated by research in second language acquisition (SLA) and educational psychology. Learning what constitutes effective ways of learning and teaching initially requires intensive training and in the long run staying in touch with current SLA research findings. 

As a last point, the quality of CLT also often depends on the quality of teaching materials. Unfortunately, only in the most commonly taught languages—such as English, Spanish, French, and German—does an abundance of materials exist to support the development of communicative language abilities over a wide range of skills.

(Source: <http://www.pearsonhighered.com/samplechapter/0131579061.pdf> )

The sentence "These choices are tightly linked to questions about what it means to 'know' a language" (L.5) contains an indirect question. The direct form of this question is:

  • Esse exercício pede a forma direta, e não a indireta (reported speech)

    These choices are tightly linked to questions about what it means to 'know' a language. O Linked está no simple past.

    Quando ele está no simple past, significa que a forma direta dele é Simple present, pois de acordo com a tabela do reported speech, quando tem-se um Simple present----->Simple past


    D- What does it mean to 'know‘ a language? Presente

FUNDEP (Gestão de Concursos)
Prefeitura de Pará de Minas - MG

INSTRUCTIONS: This test comprises fifteen questions taken from the text below. Read the text carefully and then mark the alternatives that answer the questions or complete the sentences presented after it.

The whole affair began so very quietly. When I wrote, that summer, and asked my friend Louise if she would come with me on a car trip to Provence, I had no idea that I might be issuing an invitation to danger. And when we arrived one afternoon, after a hot but leisurely journey, at the enchanting little walled city of Avignon, we felt in that mood of pleasant weariness mingled with anticipation which marks, I believe, the beginning of every normal holiday.

I even sang to myself as I put the car away, and when I found they had given me a room with a balcony. And when, later on, the cat jumped on to my balcony, there was still nothing to indicate that this was the beginning of the whole strange, uneasy, tangled business. Or rather, not the beginning, but my own cue, the point where I came in. And, though the part I was to play in the tragedy was to break and re-form the pattern of my whole life, yet it was a very minor part, little more than a walk on in the last act. For most of the play had been played already; there had been love and lust and revenge and fear and murder – all the blood-tragedy – and now the killer, with blood enough on his hands, was waiting in the wings for the lights to go up again, on the last kill that would bring the final curtain down.

Louise is tall and fair and plump, with long legs, a pleasant voice, and beautiful hands. She is an artist, has no temperament to speak of, and is unutterably and incurably lazy. Before my marriage to Johnny Selbourne, I had taught at the Alice Private School for Girls in the West Midlands. Louise was still Art Mistress there, and owed her continued health and sanity to the habit of removing herself out of the trouble zone. 

When Louise had gone to her own room, I washed, changed into a white frock with a wide blue belt, and did my face and hair very slowly. It was still hot, and the late sun’s rays fell obliquely across the balcony, through the half-opened shutter, in a shaft of copper-gold. Motionless, the shadows of the thin leaves traced a pattern across it as delicate and precise as a Chinese painting on silk, the image of the tree, brushed in like that by the sun, had a grace that the tree itself gave no hint of, for it was merely one of the nameless spindly affairs, parched and dustladen, that struggled up towards the sky from their pots in the hotel out below. 

The courtyard was empty: people were still resting, or changing, or, if they were the mad English, walking out in the afternoon sun. A white-painted trellis wall separated the court on one side from the street, and beyond it people, mules, cars, occasionally even buses, moved about their business up and down the narrow thoroughfare. But inside the vine-covered trellis it was very still and peaceful.

Then fate took a hand. The first cue I had of it was the violent shaking of the shadows on the balcony. Then the ginger cat shot on to my balcony and sent down on her assailant the look to end all looks, and sat calmly down to wash. From below a rush and a volley of barking explained everything.

Then came a crash, and the sound of running feet.

The courtyard, formerly so empty and peaceful, seemed all of a sudden remarkably full of a boy and a large, nondescript dog. The latter, with his earnest gaze still on the balcony, was leaping futilely up and down, pouring out rage, hatred and excitement, while the boy tried with one hand to catch and quell him and with the other to lift one of the tables which had been knocked on to its side. It was, luckily, not one of those which had been set for dinner.

The boy looked up and saw me. He straightened, pushed his hair back from his forehead, and grinned.

“My French isn’t terribly good,” I said. “Do you speak English?”

He looked immensely pleased.

“Well, as a matter of fact, I am English,” he admitted. ”My name’s David,” he said. “David Shelley.”

Well, I was into the play.

I judged him to be about thirteen – who was lucky enough to be enjoying a holiday in the South of France.

Before I could speak again we were interrupted by a woman who came in through the vine-trellis, from the street. She was, I guessed, thirty-five. She was also blonde, tall, and quite the most beautiful woman I had ever seen. The simple cream dress she wore must have been one of Dior’s favourite dreams, and the bill for it her husband’s nightmare.

She did not see me at all, which again was perfectly natural. She paused a moment when she saw the boy and the dog, then came forward with a kind of eyecompelling glance which would have turned heads in Piccadilly on a wet Monday morning.

She paused and spoke. Her voice was pleasant, her English perfect, but her accent was that of a Frenchwoman.

No reply.
      “Mon fils... “

Her son? He did not glance up. “Don’t you know what time it is? Hurry up and change. It’s nearly dinner time.”

Without a word the boy went into the hotel, trailing a somewhat subdued dog after him on the end of a string. His mother stared after him for a moment, with an expression half puzzled, half exasperated. Then she gave a smiling little shrug of the shoulders and went into the hotel after the boy.

I picked my bag up and went downstairs for a drink.

STEWART, Mary. Madam, will you talk?. Hodder and
Stoughton: Coronet Books, 1977, p. 5-14 (Edited).

When I wrote, that summer, and asked my friend Louise if she would come with me on a car trip to Provence, [...]

To reproduce the dialogue shown in the sentence above, found in the beginning of the text, we will have:


    Last summer I wrote to my friend Louise and asked: “Will you come with me on a car trip to Provence?”

FUNDEP (Gestão de Concursos)
Prefeitura de Pará de Minas - MG

INSTRUCTIONS: This test comprises fifteen questions taken from the text below. Read the text carefully and then mark the alternatives that answer the questions or complete the sentences presented after it.

The whole affair began so very quietly. When I wrote, that summer, and asked my friend Louise if she would come with me on a car trip to Provence, I had no idea that I might be issuing an invitation to danger. And when we arrived one afternoon, after a hot but leisurely journey, at the enchanting little walled city of Avignon, we felt in that mood of pleasant weariness mingled with anticipation which marks, I believe, the beginning of every normal holiday.

I even sang to myself as I put the car away, and when I found they had given me a room with a balcony. And when, later on, the cat jumped on to my balcony, there was still nothing to indicate that this was the beginning of the whole strange, uneasy, tangled business. Or rather, not the beginning, but my own cue, the point where I came in. And, though the part I was to play in the tragedy was to break and re-form the pattern of my whole life, yet it was a very minor part, little more than a walk on in the last act. For most of the play had been played already; there had been love and lust and revenge and fear and murder – all the blood-tragedy – and now the killer, with blood enough on his hands, was waiting in the wings for the lights to go up again, on the last kill that would bring the final curtain down.

Louise is tall and fair and plump, with long legs, a pleasant voice, and beautiful hands. She is an artist, has no temperament to speak of, and is unutterably and incurably lazy. Before my marriage to Johnny Selbourne, I had taught at the Alice Private School for Girls in the West Midlands. Louise was still Art Mistress there, and owed her continued health and sanity to the habit of removing herself out of the trouble zone. 

When Louise had gone to her own room, I washed, changed into a white frock with a wide blue belt, and did my face and hair very slowly. It was still hot, and the late sun’s rays fell obliquely across the balcony, through the half-opened shutter, in a shaft of copper-gold. Motionless, the shadows of the thin leaves traced a pattern across it as delicate and precise as a Chinese painting on silk, the image of the tree, brushed in like that by the sun, had a grace that the tree itself gave no hint of, for it was merely one of the nameless spindly affairs, parched and dustladen, that struggled up towards the sky from their pots in the hotel out below. 

The courtyard was empty: people were still resting, or changing, or, if they were the mad English, walking out in the afternoon sun. A white-painted trellis wall separated the court on one side from the street, and beyond it people, mules, cars, occasionally even buses, moved about their business up and down the narrow thoroughfare. But inside the vine-covered trellis it was very still and peaceful.

Then fate took a hand. The first cue I had of it was the violent shaking of the shadows on the balcony. Then the ginger cat shot on to my balcony and sent down on her assailant the look to end all looks, and sat calmly down to wash. From below a rush and a volley of barking explained everything.

Then came a crash, and the sound of running feet.

The courtyard, formerly so empty and peaceful, seemed all of a sudden remarkably full of a boy and a large, nondescript dog. The latter, with his earnest gaze still on the balcony, was leaping futilely up and down, pouring out rage, hatred and excitement, while the boy tried with one hand to catch and quell him and with the other to lift one of the tables which had been knocked on to its side. It was, luckily, not one of those which had been set for dinner.

The boy looked up and saw me. He straightened, pushed his hair back from his forehead, and grinned.

“My French isn’t terribly good,” I said. “Do you speak English?”

He looked immensely pleased.

“Well, as a matter of fact, I am English,” he admitted. ”My name’s David,” he said. “David Shelley.”

Well, I was into the play.

I judged him to be about thirteen – who was lucky enough to be enjoying a holiday in the South of France.

Before I could speak again we were interrupted by a woman who came in through the vine-trellis, from the street. She was, I guessed, thirty-five. She was also blonde, tall, and quite the most beautiful woman I had ever seen. The simple cream dress she wore must have been one of Dior’s favourite dreams, and the bill for it her husband’s nightmare.

She did not see me at all, which again was perfectly natural. She paused a moment when she saw the boy and the dog, then came forward with a kind of eyecompelling glance which would have turned heads in Piccadilly on a wet Monday morning.

She paused and spoke. Her voice was pleasant, her English perfect, but her accent was that of a Frenchwoman.

No reply.
      “Mon fils... “

Her son? He did not glance up. “Don’t you know what time it is? Hurry up and change. It’s nearly dinner time.”

Without a word the boy went into the hotel, trailing a somewhat subdued dog after him on the end of a string. His mother stared after him for a moment, with an expression half puzzled, half exasperated. Then she gave a smiling little shrug of the shoulders and went into the hotel after the boy.

I picked my bag up and went downstairs for a drink.

STEWART, Mary. Madam, will you talk?. Hodder and
Stoughton: Coronet Books, 1977, p. 5-14 (Edited).

Mark the correct form for the reported speech of the sentence found in the text: “Well, as a matter of fact, I am English,” he admitted.

  • Gabarito B.

    Reported speech = Discurso Indireto

    No enunciado “Well, as a matter of fact, I am English,” he admitted (verbo no simple present; procurar dentre as alternativas a que tenha verbo no simple past)


    A - verbo no presente

    C - diverge com a frase do enunciado da questão

    D - além de divergÊncias com o enunciado, colocou aqui spoke em vez de admitted

    E - apresenta discurso direto

    Logo B

    Direct speech /////////////// Reported speech

    Simple present /////////////////// Simple past

    Simple past //////////////////////////// Past perfect

    Present continuous ////////////////// Past continuous

    Present perfect ///////////////////////// Past perfect

    Can /////////////////////////////////////////// Could

    Will ////////////////////////////////////////////// Would

Instituto Ânima Sociesc
Prefeitura de Jaraguá do Sul - SC

Australia fires: What's being done to fight the flames?

Large parts of Australia __________ (devastate) by the worst wildfires the country __________ (see) in decades, with huge blazes tearing through bush, woodland and national parks. Record-breaking temperatures and months of drought __________ (help) the fires burn an estimated 10 million hectares (100,000 sq km) of land since 1 July.

Bushfire conditions EASED over the weekend, giving fire crews a period of temporary respite. But authorities __________ (say) the huge fires will persist until there is substantial rainfall. More hot weather is __________ (expect) next week and the risk was far from over, they said. Thousands of firefighters are still battling blazes across large swathes of Australia - ranging in size from small fires to infernos burning across hectares of land. Entire towns have been engulfed and residents across several states have lost their homes. At least 28 people have died.

State and federal authorities have been working together to try to stem the spread. While they have managed to contain some within a matter of days, the biggest blazes have been burning for months.

At least 3,700 firefighters are on the ground at any one time across the country during the worst periods, according to the country's state fire services. Most are in the worst-hit states of New South Wales (NSW) and Victoria. When fires have been at their worst, about 2,700 firefighters have been battling the blazes at any one time in NSW alone. Ben Shepherd, of the NSW Rural Fire Service, said his colleagues had dealt with 4.2m hectares of burning land this season, compared with the typical 300,000 hectares. "It's been an incredibly long campaign," he said.

Fire crews across the country have been joined by 3,000 army, navy and air force reservists who are assisting with search and rescue and clean-up efforts. Further support coming from the US, Canada, and New Zealand, who have sent additional teams and equipment to help.

                                         (https://www.bbc.com/news/world-australia-51008051 )

Choose the correct passive voice for the sentence: Ben Shepherd, of the NSW Rural Fire Service, (…) "It's been an incredibly long campaign," he said.

  • Choose the correct passive voice for the sentence: Ben Shepherd, of the NSW Rural Fire Service, (…) "It's been an incredibly long campaign," he said.

    Transcrevendo a frase para a voz passiva:

    Ben Shepherd said that it had been an incredibly long campaign.

    Gabarito: letra A

  • mas o apostrofo S nao quer dizer has não??

  • Isso tá mais pra questão de Reported Speech do que de Passive Voice.

  • A questão cobra conhecimento gramatical, especificamente sobre discurso direto e indireto.

    Vamos analisar o enunciado:

    Choose the correct passive voice for the sentence: Ben Shepherd, of the NSW Rural Fire Service, (…) "It's been an incredibly long campaign," he said. Tradução -Escolha a voz passiva correta para a frase: Ben Shepherd, do Serviço de Bombeiros Rural de NSW, (...) "Tem sido uma campanha incrivelmente longa", disse ele.

    Essa questão deveria ter sido anulada. Não se trata de uma questão sobre Voz Passiva e Voz Ativa, e sim sobre Discurso Direto e Indireto. A questão até pode ser resolvida como tal, mas o enunciado está totalmente errado. Vou, então, resolvê-la como Discurso Direto e Indireto.

    Vamos relembrar o "Reported Speech" (discurso indireto):

    Frequentemente nos deparamos com situações em que precisamos citar frases ditas por outras pessoas. O discurso direto representa exatamente o que a pessoa disse, por exemplo:

    Ana  - Eu gosto de gatos.

    Já o discurso indireto é utilizado para contar a outra pessoa aquilo que Ana nos disse. É necessário adaptar a frase, construindo uma estrutura diferente, como:

    Naquele dia Ana me disse que gostava de gatos.

    Em Inglês, a fim de ser utilizado de maneira correta, o reported speech pede uma adaptação dos tempos verbais presentes na frase. Isso também acontece em Português. Veja o exemplo:

    Ana – Ontém comprei uma TV para minha mãe.

    Se você contasse isso para um amigo um tempo depois iria dizer “Naquele dia a Ana me disse que no dia anterior tinha comprado uma TV para sua mãe".

    Percebe? Várias adaptações precisam ser feitas para manter a coerência da sentença.

    Veja abaixo as mudanças de tempos verbais em Inglês:

    Direct speech         Reported speech
    Simple presente   Simple past
    Simple past   Past perfect
    Present continuous      Past continuous
    Present perfect             Past perfect
    Can        Could
    Will         Would

    Voltando à questão e às alternativas:

    Ben Shepherd, of the NSW Rural Fire Service, (…) "It's been an incredibly long campaign," he said.

    Ben Shepard disse: "It's been an incredibly long campaign,". O tempo verbal da sentença, que está no discurso direto é o Present Perfect (has been) e na mudança para o discurso indireto, de acordo com a tabela acima, deve ser transformado para o Past Perfect, ou seja, "had been".
    A única alternativa que apresenta esse tempo verbal (had been) é a alternativa A.

    Gabarito do Professor: Letra A.
    Questão deveria ter sido anulada, embora a banca tenha optado pela alternativa A.

Prefeitura de Vila Velha - ES

Text 1:

How being bilingual can boost your career

Whether you’re fresh out of college or a seasoned executive, insiders agree that fluency in a second language can not only help you stand out among prospective employers, it can also open doors to opportunities that those without foreign language skills might miss. 

In today’s global economy, the ability to communicate in another language has become a significant advantage in the workforce. Research has found that people who speak at least one foreign language have an average annual household income that’s $10,000 higher than the household income of those who only speak English. And about 17 percent of those who speak at least one foreign language earn more than $100,000 a year. 

A recent survey found that nearly 9 out of 10 headhunters in Europe, Latin America, and Asia say that being at least bilingual is critical for success in today’s business environment. And 66 percent of North American recruiters agreed that being bilingual will be increasingly important in the next 10 years. 

“In today’s global economy you really have to understand the way business is done overseas to maximize your potential. A second language equips you for that,” says Alister Wellesley, managing partner of a Connecticut-based recruiting firm. “If you’re doing business overseas, or with someone from overseas, you obtain a certain degree of respect if you’re able to talk in their native language.” 

Language skills can also be key for service industries. At the Willard InterContinental Washington, a luxury hotel a few blocks from the White House, a staff of about 570 represents 42 nations, speaking 19 languages. The Willard’s front-of-house employees such as the concierge speak at least two languages. Bilingualism is not an absolute requirement, but it is desirable, according to Wendi Colby, director of human resources. 

Workers with skills in a second language may have an edge when it comes to climbing Willard’s professional ladder. “The individual that spoke more languages would have a better chance for a managerial role, whatever the next level would be,” Colby says. “They are able to deal with a wide array of clients, employees.” 

So which languages can give you a leg up on the job market? Insiders agree the most popular – and marketable – languages are Spanish, German, French, Italian, Russian and Japanese, with a growing emphasis on Mandarin, given China’s booming economy. So let’s learn Mandarin!

“We see demand from a full range of industries,” says Wellesley. “Actually it depends on which company you’re working for and the country in which they’re located.” 

Adapted from: LATHAM-KOENIG, Christina & OXENDEN, Clive. American English File 5. 2nd edition. Oxford: OUP, 2018. 

Wendy told John, one of her coworkers: “Don’t be late!”
Choose, among the options below, the correct sentence in reported speech: 

  • Não consigo ver a letra E como incorrera. Pode não ser a mais apropriada, mas não há regra clara para isso.
  • "To" não pode ficar separado do "� be ", neste caso.

Prefeitura de Porciúncula - RJ

Consider the quoted speech below:

He said, “Don’t take the bus”.

The reported speech is:


Prefeitura de Cabeceira Grande - MG

Mark the CORRECT alternative according to the correct grammar use of the Reported Speech. The indirect form to the sentence below is:

“This has been a wonderful trip.”

  • Letra c

    O "said" e o "told" são formas no passado que utilizamos no discurso indireto. Embora ambos significam "disse", eles são usados em situações diferentes.

    • Say: quando nós dizemos algo para alguém, por exemplo: I said I knew that about my stress. (Eu disse que sabia sobre o meu stress).
    • Tell: quando nós dizemos a alguém sobre algo e mencionamos com quem estamos falando. Nesse caso, faz se necessário o objeto (me, you, her, him, etc.), por exemplo: The profesor told me I was stressed. (O professor me disse que eu estava estressado).



     Brazil plowed billions of dollars into building a railroad across arid backlands, only for the longdelayed project to fall prey to metal scavengers. Curvaceous new public buildings designed by the famed architect Oscar Niemeyer were abandoned right after being constructed. There was even an illfated U.F.O. museum built with federal funds. Its skeletal remains now sit like a lost ship among the weeds.
     As Brazil sprints to get ready for the World Cup in June, it has run up against a catalog of delays, some caused by deadly construction accidents at stadiums, and cost overruns. It is building bus and rail systems for spectators that will not be finished until long after the games are done. But the World Cup projects are just a part of a bigger national problem casting a pall over Brazil’s grand ambitions: an array of lavish projects conceived when economic growth was surging that now stand abandoned, stalled or wildly over budget. 
    Some economists say the troubled projects reveal a crippling bureaucracy, irresponsible allocation of resources and bastions of corruption.
    Huge street protests have been aimed at costly new stadiums being built in cities like Manaus and Brasília, whose paltry fan bases are almost sure to leave a sea of empty seats after the World Cup events are finished, adding to concerns that even more white elephants will emerge from the tournament. 
   “The fiascos are multiplying, revealing disarray that is regrettably systemic,” said Gil Castello Branco, director of Contas Abertas, a Brazilian watchdog group that scrutinizes public budgets. “We’re waking up to the reality that immense resources have been wasted on extravagant projects when our public schools are still a mess and raw sewage is still in our streets.” 
     The growing list of troubled development projects includes a $3.4 billion network of concrete canals in the drought-plagued hinterland of northeast Brazil — which was supposed to be finished in 2010 — as well as dozens of new wind farms idled by a lack of transmission lines and unfinished luxury hotels blighting Rio de Janeiro’s skyline.
     Economists surveyed by the nation’s central bank see Brazil’s economy growing just 1.63 percent this year, down from 7.5 percent in 2010, making 2014 the fourth straight year of slow growth. 
     President Dilma Rousseff’s supporters contend that the public spending has worked, helping to keep unemployment at historical lows and preventing what would have been a much worse economic slowdown had the government not pumped its considerable resources into infrastructure development.
    Still, a growing chorus of critics argues that the inability to finish big infrastructure projects reveals weaknesses in Brazil’s model of state capitalism. First, they say, Brazil gives extraordinary influence to a web of state-controlled companies, banks and pension funds to invest in ill-advised projects. Then other bastions of the vast public bureaucracy cripple projects with audits and lawsuits.
     “Some ventures never deserved public money in the first place,” said Sérgio Lazzarini, an economist at Insper, a São Paulo business school, pointing to the millions in state financing for the overhaul of the Glória hotel in Rio, owned until recently by a mining tycoon, Eike Batista. The project was left unfinished, unable to open for the World Cup, when Mr. Batista’s business empire crumbled last year. “For infrastructure projects which deserve state support and get it,” Mr. Lazzarini continued, “there’s the daunting task of dealing with the risks that the state itself creates.” 
     The Transnordestina, a railroad begun in 2006 here in northeast Brazil, illustrates some of the pitfalls plaguing projects big and small. Scheduled to be finished in 2010 at a cost of about $1.8 billion, the railroad, designed to stretch more than 1,000 miles, is now expected to cost at least $3.2 billion, with most financing from state banks. Officials say it should be completed around 2016. But with work sites abandoned because of audits and other setbacks months ago in and around Paulistana, a town in Piauí, one of Brazil’s poorest states, even that timeline seems optimistic. Long stretches where freight trains were already supposed to be running stand deserted. Wiry vaqueiros, or cowboys, herd cattle in the shadow of ghostly railroad bridges that tower 150 feet above parched valleys. “Thieves are pillaging metal from the work sites,” said Adailton Vieira da Silva, 42, an electrician who labored with thousands of others before work halted last year. “Now there are just these bridges left in the middle of nowhere.” 
     Brazil’s transportation minister, César Borges, expressed exasperation with the delays in finishing the railroad, which is needed to transport soybean harvests to port. He listed the bureaucracies that delay projects like the Transnordestina: the Federal Court of Accounts; the Office of the Comptroller General; an environmental protection agency; an institute protecting archaeological patrimony; agencies protecting the rights of indigenous peoples and descendants of escaped slaves; and the Public Ministry, a body of independent prosecutors. Still, Mr. Borges insisted, “Projects get delayed in countries around the world, not just Brazil.”
    Some economists contend that the way Brazil is investing may be hampering growth instead of supporting it. The authorities encouraged energy companies to build wind farms, but dozens cannot operate because they lack transmission lines to connect to the electricity grid. Meanwhile, manufacturers worry over potential electricity rationing as reservoirs at hydroelectric dams run dry amid a drought.
     Then there is the extraterrestrial museum in Varginha, a city in southeast Brazil where residents claimed to have seen an alien in 1996. Officials secured federal money to build the museum, but now all that remains of the unfinished project is the rusting carcass of what looks like a flying saucer. “That museum,” said Roberto Macedo, an economist at the University of São Paulo, “is an insult to both extraterrestrials and the terrestrial beings like ourselves who foot the bill for yet another project failing to deliver.”

Adapted from www.nytimes.com/April 12, 2014.

The two sentences “‘Some ventures never deserved public money in the first place,’ said Sérgio Lazzarini, an economist at Insper, a São Paulo business school” and “‘That museum,’ said Roberto Macedo, an economist at the University of São Paulo, ‘is an insult to both extraterrestrials and the terrestrial beings like ourselves who foot the bill for yet another project failing to deliver’” contain, respectively, examples of


FUNDEP (Gestão de Concursos)
Prefeitura de Santa Luzia - MG

While at home in Ireland my poor mother wept bitter tears at the thought of her daughter with the university education serving hamburgers to pop stars.

I had been working there about six months the night I met James. It was a Friday night, which was traditionally the night the OJs frequented our restaurant. “OJ” standing, of course, for Office Jerks.

At five o’clock every Friday, like graves disgorging their dead, offices all over the center of London liberated their staffs for the weekend so that hordes of pale, cheapsuited clerks descended on us.

It was de rigueur for us waitresses to stand around sneering disdainfully at the besuited clientele, shaking our heads in disbelieving pity at the attire, hairstyles, etc., of the poor customers.

On the night in question, James and three of his colleagues sat in my section and I attended to their needs in my normal irresponsible and slapdash fashion. I paid them almost no attention whatsoever, barely listened to them as I took their order and certainly made no eye contact with them. If I had I might have noticed that one of them (yes, James, of course) was very handsome, in a black-haired, green-eyed, five-foottenish kind of way. I should have looked beyond the suit and seen the soul of the man.

Oh, shallowness, thy name is Clare.

But I wanted to be out back with the other waitresses, drinking beer and smoking and talking about sex. Customers were an unwelcome interference.

“Can I have my stake very rare?” asked one of the men.

“Um,” I said vaguely. I was even more uninterested than usual because I had noticed a book on the table. It was a really good book, one that I had read myself.

I loved books. And I loved reading. And I loved men who read. I loved a man who knew his existentialism from his magi-realism.And I had spent the last six months working with people who could just about manage to read Stage magazine (laboriously mouthing the words silently as they did so). I suddenly realized, with a pang, how much I missed the odd bit of intelligent conversation.

Suddenly the people at this table stopped being mere irritants and took on some sort of identity for me.

“Who owns this book?” I asked abruptly, interrupting the order placing.

The table of four men were startled. I had spoken to them! I had treated them almost as if they were human!

“I do,” said James, and as my blue eyes met his green eyes across his mango daiquiri, that was it, the silvery magic dust was sprinkled on us. In that instant something wonderful happened. From the moment we really looked at each other, we both knew we had met someone special.

I maintained that we fell in love immediately.

He maintained nothing of the sort, and said that I was a romantic fool. He claimed it took at least thirty seconds longer for him to fall in love with me.

First of all he had to establish that I had read the book in question also. Because he thought that I must be some kind of not-so-bright model or singer if I was working there. You know, the same way that I had written him off as some kind of subhuman clerk. Served me right.

KEYES, Marian. Watermelon. New York: Perennial, HarperCollins, 2002 (Edited).

The reported speech for the passage ‘“CanThe reported speech for the passage ‘“Can I have my stake very rare?” asked one of the men’ is:



No discurso indireto, a sentença “Patriotism means to stand by the country”, presente no Texto II, seria:



How World Leaders Reacted to Trump at the U.N.


He was called a “giant gold Goliath” and a “rogue newcomer.” But in a few corners the remarks made by President Trump at the United Nations were described as “courageous” and “gratifying.”

Throughout the week, Mr. Trump’s first address to the General Assembly drew many direct and indirect swipes, from allies and rivals alike, and sparse support.

While the North Korean leader, Kim Jong-un, attacked Mr. Trump from afar — calling him a “dotard” in a statement on North Korean national television — others used their platforms at the United Nations to respond.

Some leaders were more subtle than others.

Robert Mugabe, Zimbabwe’s 93-year-old president, took aim at Mr. Trump during his own speech on Thursday. Mr. Mugabe mocked Mr. Trump as a “giant gold Goliath” and said other nations were “embarrassed if not frightened” by his statements about North Korea. 

“Are we having a return of Goliath to our midst, who threatens the extinction of other countries?” Mr. Mugabe asked. Some responded with applause to his reference to the biblical character who threatened the Israelites before being slain by the young shepherd David, who would become king.

Mr. Mugabe then went on to address Mr. Trump directly, telling him to “blow your trumpet in a musical way towards the values of unity, peace, cooperation, togetherness and dialogue which we have always stood for.”

During his speech, Mr. Trump notably omitted any talk of climate change, seen as one of the most pressing issues for many world leaders.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau of Canada received the longest applause during his General Assembly speech on Thursday after an implicit dig at Mr. Trump.

“There is no country on the planet that can walk away from the challenge and reality of climate change,” Mr. Trudeau said, referring to Mr. Trump’s plans to pull out of the Paris climate accord.

(Adapted from https://www.nytimes.com/2017/09/23/world/americas/world-leaders-trump-un.html?mcubz=0)

Choose the correct option considering the use of the reported speech:
“There is no country on the planet that can walk away from the challenge and reality of climate change,” Mr. Trudeau said, referring to Mr. Trump’s plans to pull out of the Paris climate accord.


Prefeitura de Porto Belo - SC

Albert Einstein once said, “I am by heritage a Jew, by citizenship a Swiss, and by makeup a human being, and only a human being, without any special attachment to any state or national entity whatsoever”. How would you report what he said? Choose the correct alternative:

  • Letra e

    O "said" e o "told" são formas no passado que utilizamos no discurso indireto. Embora ambos significam "disse", eles são usados em situações diferentes.

    • Say: quando nós dizemos algo para alguém, por exemplo: I said I knew that about my stress. (Eu disse que sabia sobre o meu stress).
    • Tell: quando nós dizemos a alguém sobre algo e mencionamos com quem estamos falando. Nesse caso, faz se necessário o objeto (me, you, her, him, etc.), por exemplo: The profesor told me I was stressed. (O professor me disse que eu estava estressado).


Prefeitura de Vitória - ES

In the text you read above (see QUESTÃO 41), the author cites Paulo Freire’s “banking system of education”. Authors usually bring different voices to their text in order to reinforce an argument with expert’s perspectives.

This is can also be done by resorting to:

  • Letra b

    O discurso indireto também é chamado de "reported speech"

Prefeitura de Vitória - ES

Questão 44 Read this excerpt from one of the previous texts:

“Let’s face it: most of us were taught in classrooms where styles of teachings reflected the notion of a single norm of thought and experience, which we were encouraged to believe was universal.”

Focusing on reported speech, choose the best alternative to rephrase the citation above.

  • Letra a

    Quando o Discurso direto estiver no simple past, a frase no discurso indireto fica no past perfect.


    Discurso direto

    Simple past

    They said “we didn’t watch that movie”. - Eles disseram “nós não assistimos àquele filme”.

    Discurso indireto

    Past perfect

    They said they hadn’t watched that movie. - Eles disseram que não tinham assistido àquele filme.



Can you recognize your emotions?

    If I ask you how you are feeling, you may answer: “I’m feeling good, I’m fine”! But what does that “good” or “fine” really mean? Would it mean fascinated, curious, balanced, joyful, encouraged, hopeful, motivated, happy?

    On the other hand you might also reply: “I’m feeling bad”, and, then, recognize that you are feeling bored, lonely, sorry, anxious, fearful, nervous, insecure or frustrated.

    The advantage of making such distinctions, rather than feeling “good” or “bad” is that your emotions indicate what you need to do to feel more satisfying.

    For example, if you are angry with a person, you can argue with him, you can request him to stop his offensive behavior or you can avoid him. You have choices. Recognize each of your emotions and pay attention to what they are communicating to you.

Adapted from Inglês no mundo do trabalho

Put this statement into the reported speech:

She said: “I’m feeling good, she is fine”.

  • D

  • BIZU


Prefeitura de Irati - PR

Read the text below to answer the question:


   An enormous iceberg that is heading toward the island of South Georgia in the southern Atlantic Ocean has broken up into three large chunks. Scientists from NASA have been tracking the berg - dubbed A68a - for several weeks. It actually calved from the Larsen C ice shelf in 2017 and has been floating northwards ever since. In recent weeks, a fast-moving stream of water known as the Southern Antarctic Circumpolar Current Front has put the chunks on a trajectory that means they could run aground off the coast of South Georgia. Scientists say the three fragments are roughly 2,600 square kilometres in size. The submerged part of one chunk is 106 metres at its thickest point.

   The sheer bulk of the three iceberg chunks poses a serious threat to the wildlife of South Georgia. There could be an environmental catastrophe waiting to happen. If the three mini icebergs collide with the seabed, they could obstruct penguins and seals from foraging for fish. They could also block the route between penguin colonies and their feeding grounds during the breeding season. Scientists worry the underside of the fragments could grind the seabed near South Georgia and disrupt delicate underwater ecosystems. This could be exacerbated by the introduction of a mass of fresh water to the ecosystems as the stationary fragments melt over the summer months. 

Available at: https://breakingnewsenglish.com/2012/201229-iceberg-a68a.html Accessed on January 5th 2021.

The sentence: Scientists say the three fragments are roughly 2,600 square kilometres in size._ in the Direct Speech is:

  • A questão cobra conhecimento gramatical, especificamente sobre discurso direto e indireto.

    Vamos analisar o enunciado:

    The sentence "Scientists say the three fragments are roughly 2,600 square kilometres in size"  in the Direct Speech is:
    Tradução - A frase "Os cientistas dizem que os três fragmentos têm aproximadamente 2.600 quilômetros quadrados de tamanho" no discurso direto é:

    Vamos relembrar:
    O discurso direto se dá quando a fala das personagens é reproduzida de maneira direta ou seja, é a reprodução integral e literal do que foi dito. Geralmente no discurso direto as falas são precedidas por um verbo declarativo, como dizer, falar, perguntar.
    Já no discurso indireto relatamos com as nossas palavras o que a pessoa falou. Nós reportamos o que já foi dito por alguém. É muito utilizado para narrar histórias e fatos que já aconteceram. Veja exemplos:

    • Maria disse: - Na semana que vem vou comprar um carro para minha mãe. (Discurso Direto)
    • Naquele dia Maria me disse que na semana seguinte iria comprar um carro novo para sua mãe. (Discurso Indireto).

    Voltando à questão, a frase "Os cientistas dizem que os três fragmentos têm aproximadamente 2.600 quilômetros quadrados de tamanho" no discurso direto, a reprodução integral e literal do que foi dito seria:
    Os cientistas dizem: Os três fragmentos têm aproximadamente 2.600 quilômetros quadrados de tamanho.
    Analisando as alternativas teremos:

    A) Incorreto - Scientists say: The three fragments had roughly 2,600 square kilometres in size.
    Tradução - Os cientistas dizem: Os três fragmentos tinham aproximadamente 2.600 quilômetros quadrados de tamanho.
    Não é "tinham", mas sim "têm". Além disso, o verbo da frase original "are" foi mudado para "have", o que é um segundo erro.

    B) Correto - Scientists say: The three fragments are roughly 2,600 square kilometres in size.
    Tradução - Os cientistas dizem: Os três fragmentos têm aproximadamente 2.600 quilômetros quadrados de tamanho.
    Perfeito. Veja frase em negrito acima.

    C) Incorreto - Scientists say: The three fragments were roughly 2,600 square kilometres in size.
    Tradução - Os cientistas dizem: Os três fragmentos tinham aproximadamente 2.600 quilômetros quadrados de tamanho.
    Não é "tinham", mas sim "têm". O tempo do verbo deve ser mantido para que a reprodução do que foi dito seja integral e literal.

    D) Incorreto - Scientists said: The three fragments were roughly 2,600 square kilometres in size.
    Tradução - Os cientistas disseram: Os três fragmentos tinham aproximadamente 2.600 quilômetros quadrados de tamanho.
    Não é "disseram", mas sim "dizem" e não é "tinham", mas sim "têm". O tempo do verbo deve ser mantido para que a reprodução do que foi dito seja integral e literal.

    E) Incorreto - Scientists said: The three fragments are roughly 2,600 square kilometres in size.
    Tradução - Os cientistas disseram: Os três fragmentos têm aproximadamente 2.600 quilômetros quadrados de tamanho.
    Não é "disseram", mas sim "dizem". O tempo do verbo deve ser mantido para que a reprodução do que foi dito seja integral e literal.

    Gabarito do Professor: Letra B

Prefeitura de Irati - PR

The stranger said: How long is the film? In the Reported Speech the previous sentence is:

  • A questão cobra conhecimento gramatical, especificamente sobre discurso direto e indireto.

    Vamos analisar o enunciado:

    The stranger said: How long is the film? In the Reported Speech the previous sentence is:

    Tradução - O estranho disse: Quão longo é o filme? No Discurso Indireto a frase anterior é:

    Vamos relembrar:
    Frequentemente nos deparamos com situações em que precisamos citar frases ditas por outras pessoas. O discurso direto representa exatamente o que a pessoa disse, por exemplo:

    Ana  - Eu gosto de gatos.

    Já o discurso indireto é utilizado para contar a outra pessoa aquilo que Ana nos disse. É necessário adaptar a frase, construindo uma estrutura diferente, como:

    Naquele dia Ana me disse que gostava de gatos.

    Em Inglês, a fim de ser utilizado de maneira correta, o reported speech (discurso indireto) pede uma adaptação dos tempos verbais presentes na frase. Isso também acontece em Português. Veja o exemplo:

    Ana – Ontém comprei uma TV para minha mãe.

    Se você contasse isso para um amigo um tempo depois iria dizer “Naquele dia a Ana me disse que no dia anterior tinha comprado uma TV para sua mãe". Percebe? Várias adaptações precisam ser feitas para manter a coerência da sentença. Veja abaixo as mudanças de tempos verbais em Inglês:

    Direct speech                                                                          Reported speech

    Simple present                                                                         Simple past

    Simple past                                                                                Past perfect

    Present continuous                                                                  Past continuous

    Present perfect                                                                         Past perfect

    Can                                                                                               Could

    Will                                                                                                Would

    Voltando à questão, na frase "O estranho disse: Quão longo é o filme?" , o discurso indireto seria : O estranho perguntou quão longo o filme era. 

    Vamos analisar a tradução das alternativas:

    A) Correto - The stranger asked how long the film was. = O estranho perguntou quão longo o filme era.
    Perfeito. Veja sentença em negrito acima.

    B) Incorreto - The stranger asked how long was the film. = O estranho perguntou quão longo era o filme.
    Em Português essa sentença estaria correta, mas em Inglês está incorreta. Quando reportamos uma sentença em Inglês, devemos deixar o verbo em forma afirmativa e não interrogativa. "how long was the film" está em forma interrogativa. O correto seria "how long the film was" porque essa sentença (O estranho perguntou quão longo era o filme.) não é mais uma pergunta.
    Veja um outro exemplo:
    - Do you like milk? - Essa é uma pergunta, discurso direto.
    O discurso indireto seria "She asked me if I liked milk." e não "She asked me if did I like milk". Percebe? O discurso indireto nunca é uma interrogação em si, apenas reporta a pergunta que foi feita.

    C) Incorreto - The stranger said the film was how long. = O estranho disse que o filme era quão longo.
    A sentença não faz sentido nem em Inglês nem em Português.

    D) Incorreto - The stranger said how long is the film. = O estranho disse quão longo é o filme.
    Como o estranho fez uma pergunta, o verbo correto para se reportar é o verbo perguntar. Portanto, o correto seria "o estranho perguntou..."

    E) Incorreto - The stranger told how long is the film. = O estranho disse quão longo é o filme.
    Como o estranho fez uma pergunta, o verbo correto para se reportar é o verbo perguntar. Portanto, o correto seria "o estranho perguntou..."

    Gabarito do Professor: Letra A.

Prefeitura de São João Batista - SC

Quando transformamos um discurso direto (direct speech) que está no tempo verbal simple present para discurso indireto (indirect speech), o tempo verbal a ser utilizado deve ser o simple past, como no exemplo a seguir:

Mary said, I study every day. (simple presente) Mary said she studied every day. (simple past) Nesse contexto, quando o tempo verbal do discurso direto for simple future, ao transformarmos para discurso indireto, o tempo verbal a ser utilizado deve ser:

  • Não é o Past Perfect. O Simple Future (will) quando é para o indirect speech transforma para "would".

    Direct Speech: She said, "I will take down my Facebook account this month".

    Reported/Indirect Speech: She said that she would take down her Facebook account this month.

  • meu chara está certo kkkk

  • A


Prefeitura de Irati - PR

Read the text below to answer the question:


    An enormous iceberg that is heading toward the island of South Georgia in the southern Atlantic Ocean has broken up into three large chunks. Scientists from NASA have been tracking the berg - dubbed A68a - for several weeks. It actually calved from the Larsen C ice shelf in 2017 and has been floating northwards ever since. In recent weeks, a fast-moving stream of water known as the Southern Antarctic Circumpolar Current Front has put the chunks on a trajectory that means they could run aground off the coast of South Georgia. Scientists say the three fragments are roughly 2,600 square kilometres in size. The submerged part of one chunk is 106 metres at its thickest point.
     The sheer bulk of the three iceberg chunks poses a serious threat to the wildlife of South Georgia. There could be an environmental catastrophe waiting to happen. If the three mini icebergs collide with the seabed, they could obstruct penguins and seals from foraging for fish. They could also block the route between penguin colonies and their feeding grounds during the breeding season. Scientists worry the underside of the fragments could grind the seabed near South Georgia and disrupt delicate underwater ecosystems. This could be exacerbated by the introduction of a mass of fresh water to the ecosystems as the stationary fragments melt over the summer months.
Available at: https://breakingnewsenglish.com/2012/201229-iceberg-a68a.html Accessed on January 5th 2021.

The sentence: Scientists say the three fragments are roughly 2,600 square kilometres in size._ in the Direct Speech is:

  • Letra b

    Direct speech - Discurso direto

    Como o próprio nome diz, o direct speech é utilizado para se referir a discursos diretos, ou seja, reproduzir fielmente o que outra pessoa falou.

    Scientists say: The three fragments are roughly 2,600 square kilometres in size.

    Indirect speech - Discurso indireto

    No discurso indireto as frases se adaptam ao contexto para falar as informações ditas por outra pessoa, sem necessidade de reprodução exata das palavras. O indirect speech também é conhecido como reported speech.

    Scientists say the three fragments are roughly 2,600 square kilometres in size.

    Direct speech - Reported speech

    Simple present - Simple past

    Simple past - Past perfect

    Present continuous - Past continuous

    Present perfect - Past perfect

    Can - Could

    Will - Would


  • A questão cobra conhecimento gramatical, especificamente sobre discurso direto e indireto.

    Vamos analisar o enunciado:

    The sentence "Scientists say the three fragments are roughly 2,600 square kilometres in size."  in the Direct Speech is:

    Tradução - A frase "Os cientistas dizem que os três fragmentos têm aproximadamente 2.600 quilômetros quadrados de tamanho."  no discurso direto é:

    Vamos relembrar sobre Discurso Direto e Indireto:
    O discurso direto se dá quando a fala das personagens é reproduzida de maneira direta ou seja, é a reprodução integral e literal do que foi dito. Geralmente no discurso direto as falas são precedidas por um verbo declarativo, como dizer, falar, perguntar.
    No discurso indireto relatamos com as nossas palavras o que a pessoa falou. Nós reportamos o que já foi dito por alguém. É muito utilizado para narrar histórias e fatos que já aconteceram. Veja exemplos:

    • Maria disse: - Na semana que vem vou comprar um carro para minha mãe. (Discurso Direto)
    • Naquele dia Maria me disse que na semana seguinte iria comprar um carro novo para sua mãe. (Discurso Indireto)

    Voltando à questão e às alternativas:

    A frase "Os cientistas dizem que os três fragmentos têm aproximadamente 2.600 quilômetros quadrados de tamanho."  no discurso direto é:
    Cientistas dizem: - Os três fragmentos têm aproximadamente 2.600 quilômetros quadrados de tamanho. Note que o verbo "dizem" está no Presente e o verbo "têm" também está no Presente.
    Em Inglês essa sentença seria:
    Scientists say: The three fragments are roughly 2,600 square kilometres in size.

    A) Incorreto - Scientists say: The three fragments had roughly 2,600 square kilometres in size. 
    Verbo "had" usado indevidamente.

    B) Correto - Scientists say: The three fragments are roughly 2,600 square kilometres in size.

    C) Incorreto - Scientists say: The three fragments were roughly 2,600 square kilometres in size. 
    Verbo "were" está no passado.

    D) Incorreto - Scientists said: The three fragments were roughly 2,600 square kilometres in size.
    Verbos "said" e "were" estão no passado.

    E) Incorreto - Scientists said: The three fragments are roughly 2,600 square kilometres in size.
    Verbo "said" está no passado.

    Gabarito do Professor: Letra B.
  • C

    Scientists say: The three fragments were roughly 2,600 square kilometres in size

Prefeitura de Jaguaribe - CE


Mr. Floyd had big plans for life nearly 30 years ago. His death in police custody is powering a movement against police brutality and racial injustice.

HOUSTON — It was the last day of 11th grade at Jack Yates High School in Houston, nearly three decades ago. A group of close friends, on their way home, were contemplating what senior year and beyond would bring. They were black teenagers on the precipice of manhood. What, they asked one another, did they want to do with their lives?

 “George turned to me and said, ‘I want to touch the world,’” said Jonathan Veal, 45, recalling the aspiration of one of the young men — a tall, gregarious star athlete named George Floyd whom he had met in the school cafeteria on the first day of sixth grade. To their 17-year-old minds, touching the world maybe meant the N.B.A. or the N.F.L.

“It was one of the first moments I remembered after learning what happened to him,” Mr. Veal said. “He could not have imagined that this is the tragic way people would know his name.”

The world now knows George Perry Floyd Jr. through his final harrowing moments, as he begged for air, his face wedged for nearly nine minutes between a city street and a police officer’s knee.


“I want to touch the world,”

How can we change the sentence above into indirect speech?

  • d-

    A direct speech report usually has a reporting verb in the past simple. The most common reporting verb is said. The reporting clause may come first or second.

FACET Concursos
Prefeitura de Capim - PB

Analyze the following sentences regarding the verb tenses and direct or reported speech. Choose the alternative that best describes them and in the correct order:

i. None of them were, leaving global biodiversity in a parlous state, the statement says. (line 4)
ii. Thompson said Scotland was set to meet nine of the Aichi goals. (line 34)

  • a-

    Direct speech is a representation of the actual words someone said. Indirect speech focuses more on the content of what someone said rather than their exact words. In indirect speech, the structure of the reported clause depends on whether the speaker is reporting a statement, a question or a command.

    A direct speech report usually has a reporting verb in the past simple. The most common reporting verb is said. The reporting clause may come first or second.

GS Assessoria e Concursos
Prefeitura de Romelândia - SC

The author said to me: Did you buy my book? The previous sentence in the Reported Speech is:

  • Se o discurso direto estiver no simple past, o discurso indireto ficará no past perfect.

Prefeitura de Vargem Bonita - MG

O reported speech, ou discurso indireto, é a maneira de falar sobre algo que alguém disse ou até mesmo para repassar uma notícia. Falado na voz de quem está contando a ação e não na de quem a viveu, esse mecanismo do idioma possibilita melhorar as técnicas de conversação.

Analise a seguinte oração: “I told my boss I won’t be able to go to the meeting next week.” Assinale a alternativa cuja frase, em discurso indireto, indica o mesmo que a oração apresentada.

  • Jack said that he had told his boss he wouldn’t be able to go to the meeting the following week.

Prefeitura de Bandeirante - SC

Choose the wrong sentence observing the reported speech.

  • Seria na verdade She said she would answer the phone.

Prefeitura de São Bento do Sul - SC

Read and answer.

Lady Gaga's dogs found safe after armed robbery

Lady Gaga's two stolen French bulldogs have been found safe and handed in to police, according to officials.

The two dogs, stolen in an armed robbery, have been "reunited" with the singer's representatives, police said. Lady Gaga's dog walker, Ryan Fischer, was shot by two men who abducted the dogs in Hollywood, Los Angeles, on Wednesday. He is in hospital and his family said on Friday that he was expected to make a full recovery.

Details of how the dogs were recovered are unclear. The Associated Press said a woman had brought them to the Olympic Community Police Station in LA and the singer's representatives had confirmed they were hers. The woman appeared to be "uninvolved and unassociated" with the robbery, a police spokesman said.

Lady Gaga had offered $500,000 for their safe return but it is not clear if the reward has been claimed. The star - whose real name is Stefani Germanotta - is currently in Rome working on a new Ridley Scott film, Gucci. In her first public reaction to the attack, Gaga tweeted on Friday: "My heart is sick. I am praying my family will be whole again with an act of kindness. I will pay $500,000 for their safe return."

Footage has emerged showing one of the suspects firing at Mr. Fischer before making off with the dogs, Koji and Gustav. A third bulldog, named Miss Asia, ran away and was later recovered by police.

The dog walker was shot in the chest, according to reports in US media. His family released a statement on Friday praising the medical staff who had been caring for him and saying they were confident for his full recovery, according to US media: "We cannot possibly say enough to thank all of the first responders, nurses and doctors who have worked so tirelessly to care for Ryan," the statement said. They also said: "Of course, we also want to thank Lady Gaga who has shown nothing but non-stop love and concern for Ryan and our family right from the outset. Ryan loves Gustavo and Koji as much as Lady Gaga does; so we join in her plea for their safe return." 

Police said the attack happened at about 21:40 local time on 24 February, in the area of Sierra Bonita Avenue and Sunset Boulevard: "The suspects approached the victim in a white Nissan Altima four door. Two suspects exited the vehicle and demanded the victim turn over the dogs at gunpoint," the LAPD said in an updated statement on Friday: "The victim struggled with the suspects and was shot once by one of the suspects. The suspects took two of the three dogs and fled the scene in the suspect vehicle."

The statement said "the victim is in stable condition", and the two suspects are described as black males aged 20-25.

It is not clear whether Lady Gaga's dogs were specifically targeted in the attack.

No arrests have been made.

Adaptado de: BBC. 2021. Disponível em: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-56218620. Acesso em: 29 mar. 2021.

All the underlined sentences are examples of:

  • a) Direct speech: “I had a headache yesterday.” (Gabarito)

    b) Conditional clauses/if clauses: "If I study a lot, I get tired."

    c) Words of connection: "By the way /Speaking of that"

    d) Robbery: "the crime of stealing from somewhere or someone - He committed several robberies." (Cambridge Dictionary)

  • A

    Direct Speech.

  • Robbery????? kkkk

Prefeitura de São Bento do Sul - SC

Leia o texto e responda à questão.

Brazil Becomes the Second Nation After the U.S. to Top

300,000 COVID-19 Deaths

Brazil topped 300,000 confirmed COVID-19 deaths on Wednesday, becoming the second country to do so amid a spike in infections that has seen the South American country report record death tolls in recent days.

The United States reached the grim milestone on Dec. 14, but has a larger population than Brazil.

On Wednesday, Brazil’s health ministry reported 2,009 daily COVID-19 deaths, bringing its pandemic total to 300,685. On Tuesday, the country saw a single-day record of 3,251 deaths.

According to local media reports, the latest coronavirus figures might be affected by changes in the government’s counting system. Newly appointed Health Minister Marcelo Queiroga said in a press conference that he was going to check whether the numbers had been artificially reduced.

With daily death tolls at pandemic highs, state governors and mayors in Brazil have expressed fears that April could be as bad as March for the country’s overwhelmed hospitals.

Just in the past 75 days, Brazil has registered 100,000 confirmed coronavirus deaths, a spike health experts blame on a lack of political coordination in fighting the virus, new variants that spread more easily and a disregard for health protocols. 

President Jair Bolsonaro on Wednesday held a meeting with the heads of other government branches to coordinate anti-virus efforts. But he didn’t propose any policies to deal with the pandemic.

Bolsonaro has consistently downplayed the severity of the pandemic, insisting the economy must be kept humming to prevent worse hardship, and he has criticized health measures imposed by local leaders.

Adaptado de: SAVARESE, Mauricio. 2021. Disponível em: https://time.com/5949897/brazil-300000-covid-19- deaths/. Acesso em 26 mar. 2021.

The underlined sentence is an example of:

  • D

    Indirect Speech.

  • (D)

    Newly appointed Health Minister Marcelo Queiroga said in a press conference that he was going to check whether the numbers had been artificially reduced.

    Tradução-->O recém-nomeado ministro da Saúde, Marcelo Queiroga, disse em entrevista coletiva que vai verificar se os números foram reduzidos artificialmente.

    O discurso indireto é definido como o registro da fala da personagem sob influência por parte do narrador. Nesse tipo de discurso, os tempos verbais são modificados para que haja entendimento quanto à pessoa que fala. Além disso, costuma a citar o nome de quem fez a fala ou fazer algum tipo de referência.

Prefeitura de Macaparana - PE

“Are you coming to the party?”
He asked if I _____ to the party


Prefeitura de Guarujá do Sul - SC

Analyze the following fragment.
Last night the police officer said:
‘We have found the missing child.’
As the sentence should be rewritten in a reported clause, identify the correct verb form in the underlined item.


Prefeitura de Jardinópolis - SC

Tony said to Ann: Do you need my computer? The previous sentence in the Reported Speech is:

  • Tony said to Ann: Do you need my computer? 

    Tony disse para Ann: Você precisa do meu computador?


    Tony asked Ann if she needed his computer.

    Tony perguntou para Ann se ela precisava do seu computador.


    Gabarito: Letra D

Prefeitura de Seara - SC

Direct speech is a representation of the actual words someone said. Indirect speech focuses more on the content of what someone said rather than their exact words. In indirect speech, the structure of the reported clause depends on whether the speaker is reporting a statement, a question or a command.

It is not true about direct and indirect speech:

  • d-

    'that' isn't left out according to the answer choice's explanation, contradicting its own assertion

  • Bagunça da zorra nessa questão aí viu, Qc?


The World Might Be Running Low on Americans

    The world has been stricken by scarcity. Our post-pandemic pantry has run bare of gasoline, lumber, microchips, chicken wings, ketchup packets, cat food, used cars and Chickfil-A sauce. Like the Great Toilet Paper Scare of 2020, though, many of these shortages are the consequence of near-term, Covid-related disruptions. Soon enough there will again be a chicken wing in every pot and more than enough condiments to go with it.

    But there is one recently announced potential shortage that should give Americans great reason for concern. It is a shortfall that the nation has rarely had to face, and nobody quite knows how things will work when we begin to run out.

    I speak, of course, of all of us: The world may be running low on Americans — most crucially, tomorrow’s working-age, childbearing, idea-generating, community-building young Americans. Late last month, the Census Bureau released the first results from its 2020 count, and the numbers confirmed what demographers have been warning of for years: The United States is undergoing “demographic stagnation,” transitioning from a relatively fast-growing country of young people to a slow-growing, older nation.

    Many Americans might consider slow growth a blessing. Your city could already be packed to the gills, the roads clogged with traffic and housing prices shooting through the roof. Why do we need more folks? And, anyway, aren’t we supposed to be conserving resources on a planet whose climate is changing? Yet demographic stagnation could bring its own high costs, among them a steady reduction in dynamism, productivity and a slowdown in national and individual prosperity, even a diminishment of global power.

    And there is no real reason we have to endure such a transition, not even an environmental one. Even if your own city is packed like tinned fish, the U.S. overall can accommodate millions more people. Most of the counties in the U.S. are losing working-age adults; if these declines persist, local economies will falter, tax bases will dry up, and local governments will struggle to maintain services. Growth is not just an option but a necessity — it’s not just that we can afford to have more people, it may be that we can’t afford not to.

    But how does a country get more people? There are two ways: Make them, and invite them in. Increasing the first is relatively difficult — birthrates are declining across the world, and while family-friendly policies may be beneficial for many reasons, they seem to do little to get people to have more babies. On the second method, though, the United States enjoys a significant advantage — people around the globe have long been clamoring to live here, notwithstanding our government’s recent hostility to foreigners. This fact presents a relatively simple policy solution to a vexing long-term issue: America needs more people, and the world has people to send us. All we have to do is let more of them in.

    For decades, the United States has enjoyed a significant economic advantage over other industrialized nations — our population was growing faster, which suggested a more youthful and more prosperous future. But in the last decade, American fertility has gone down. At the same time, there has been a slowdown in immigration.

    The Census Bureau’s latest numbers show that these trends are catching up with us. As of April 1, it reports that there were 331,449,281 residents in the United States, an increase of just 7.4 percent since 2010 — the second-smallest decade-long growth rate ever recorded, only slightly ahead of the 7.3 percent growth during the Depression-struck 1930s.

    The bureau projects that sometime next decade — that is, in the 2030s — Americans over 65 will outnumber Americans younger than 18 for the first time in our history. The nation will cross the 400-million population mark sometime in the late 2050s, but by then we’ll be quite long in the tooth — about half of Americans will be over 45, and one fifth will be older than 85.

    The idea that more people will lead to greater prosperity may sound counterintuitive — wouldn’t more people just consume more of our scarce resources? Human history generally refutes this simple intuition. Because more people usually make for more workers, more companies, and most fundamentally, more new ideas for pushing humanity forward, economic studies suggest that population growth is often an important catalyst of economic growth.

    A declining global population might be beneficial in some ways; fewer people would most likely mean less carbon emission, for example — though less than you might think, since leading climate models already assume slowing population growth over the coming century. And a declining population could be catastrophic in other ways. In a recent paper, Chad Jones, an economist at Stanford, argues that a global population decline could reduce the fundamental innovativeness of humankind. The theory is simple: Without enough people, the font of new ideas dries up, Jones argues; without new ideas, progress could be imperiled.

    There are more direct ways that slow growth can hurt us. As a country’s population grows heavy with retiring older people and light with working younger people, you get a problem of too many eaters and too few cooks. Programs for seniors like Social Security and Medicare may suffer as they become dependent on ever-fewer working taxpayers for funding. Another problem is the lack of people to do all the work. For instance, experts predict a major shortage of health care workers, especially home care workers, who will be needed to help the aging nation.

    In a recent report, Ali Noorani, the chief executive of the National Immigration Forum, an immigration-advocacy group, and a co-author, Danilo Zak, say that increasing legal immigration by slightly more than a third each year would keep America’s ratio of working young people to retired old people stable over the next four decades. 

    As an immigrant myself, I have to confess I find much of the demographic argument in favor of greater immigration quite a bit too anodyne. Immigrants bring a lot more to the United States than simply working-age bodies for toiling in pursuit of greater economic growth. I also believe that the United States’ founding idea of universal equality will never be fully realized until we recognize that people outside our borders are as worthy of our ideals as those here through an accident of birth.

The passage “In a recent report, Ali Noorani, the chief executive of the National Immigration Forum, an immigration-advocacy group, and a co-author, Danilo Zak, say that increasing legal immigration by slightly more than a third each year would keep America’s ratio of working young people to retired old people stable over the next four decades.” contains an example of
