
Prova FUNDEP (Gestão de Concursos) - 2019 - Prefeitura de Uberlândia - MG - Professor - Inglês

FUNDEP (Gestão de Concursos)
Prefeitura de Uberlândia - MG

                      O sintomático desprezo pela ciência

Em março de 2018, António Guterres, secretário-geral da ONU, declarou: “As manchetes são naturalmente dominadas pela escalada das tensões, de conflitos ou de eventos políticos de alto nível, mas a verdade é que as mudanças climáticas permanecem a mais sistêmica ameaça à humanidade. Informações divulgadas recentemente pela Organização Meteorológica Mundial, pelo Banco Mundial e pela Agência Internacional de Energia mostram sua evolução implacável”. Meses antes, um discurso proferido em Riad por Christine Lagarde, diretora do Fundo Monetário Internacional, exibia um teor similar: “Se não fizermos nada a respeito das mudanças climáticas, seremos tostados, assados e grelhados num horizonte de tempo de 50 anos”. Ambas as advertências reconhecem a extrema gravidade de nossa situação, a respeito da qual o Painel Intergovernamental sobre as Mudanças Climáticas (IPCC)é categórico:“O aquecimento do sistema climático é inequívoco. A influência humana sobre o sistema climático é clara. Limitar a mudança climática requer reduções substanciais e contínuas de emissões de gases de efeito estufa” (2007).


Malgrado esse acúmulo de saber e essa virtual unanimidade, a ciência do clima pode estar equivocada? Em princípio, sim. Ciência não é dogma, é diminuição da incerteza. Contestar um consenso científico, mesmo o mais sólido, não pode ser objeto de anátema. Mas quem o põe em dúvida deve apresentar argumentos convergentes e convincentes em sentido contrário. Na ausência destes, contestação torna-se simples denegação irracional, enfraquece o poder persuasivo da evidência, milita em favor da perda da autoridade da ciência na formação de uma visão minimamente racional do mundo e turbina a virulência das redes sociais, dos “fatos alternativos”, da pós-verdade, do fanatismo religioso e das crenças mais estapafúrdias e até há pouco inimagináveis. O negacionismo climático é apenas mais uma dessas crenças [...], e seu repertório esgrime as mesmas surradas inverdades, mil vezes refutadas: os cientistas estão divididos sobre a ciência do clima, os modelos climáticos são falhos, maiores concentrações atmosféricas de CO2 são efeito e não causa do aquecimento global e são benéficas para a fotossíntese, o próximo mínimo solar anulará o aquecimento global, não se deve temer esse aquecimento, mas a recaída numa nova glaciação etc. Esse palavreado resulta de esforços deliberados de denegação das evidências. Diretamente ou através, por exemplo, da Donors Trust e da Donors Capital Fund, as corporações injetam milhões de dólares em lobbies disseminadores de desinformação sobre as mudanças climáticas.


Malgrado alguma tangência ideológica entre certa esquerda e a extrema-direita, o negacionismo climático e a negação da ciência em geral são fundamentalmente uma bandeira da extrema-direita e é preciso pôr em evidência uma razão maior dessa estreita afinidade. Ela se encontra, a meu ver, numa mutação histórica fundamental do teor do discurso científico. Das revoluções científicas do século XVII a meados do século XX, a ciência galgou posição de hegemonia, destronando discursos de outra natureza, como o religioso e o artístico, porque foi capaz de oferecer às sociedades vitoriosas mais energia, mais mobilidade, mais bens em geral, mais capacidade de sobrevivência, em suma, mais segurança. Seus benefícios eram indiscutíveis e apenas confirmavam suas promessas, que pareciam ilimitadas. A partir de 1962, se quisermos uma data, o livro de Rachel Carson, “Primavera Silenciosa” punha a nu pela primeira vez o lado sombrio dessas conquistas da ciência: agrotóxicos como o DDT aumentavam, de fato, a produtividade agrícola, mas ao preço de danos tremendos à saúde e à biodiversidade. Essa primeira dissonância tornou-se muito maior nos anos 1980, quando o aquecimento global resultante das emissões de CO2 pela queima de combustíveis fósseis – justamente esses combustíveis aos quais devíamos o essencial de nosso progresso – tornou-se pela primeira vez inequívoco. A ciência começa, então, a mudar seu discurso. Ela passa a anunciar que havíamos passado da idade das promessas à idade das escolhas, de modo a evitar a idade das consequências. [...] Uma brecha começava a se abrir na imagem social da ciência. Enquanto os cientistas diziam o que queríamos ouvir, tudo era defesa e apologia da ciência. A partir do momento em que seu discurso converteu-se em alertas e advertências sobre os riscos crescentes a que começávamos a nos expor, esse entusiasmo arrefeceu.


Em nosso século, esse novo mal-estar na civilização não cessou de crescer. Ele toma hoje a forma de uma espécie de divisão esquizofrênica da autoimagem de uma sociedade moldada pela ciência. Quando entramos num avião, atravessamos uma ponte ou tomamos um remédio, somos gratos às tentativas da ciência de compreender o mundo e traduzi-lo em tecnologia. Mas quando dessa mesma ciência vem o aviso que é preciso mudar o modo de funcionamento de nossa economia, conter nossa voracidade, diminuir o consumo de carne, restaurar as florestas e redefinir nossa relação com a natureza, sob pena de nos precipitarmos num colapso de insondáveis proporções, a gratidão cede lugar à indiferença, ao descrédito e mesmo à hostilidade.


Disponível em:<https://adunicamp.org.br/artigo-o-sintomatico-desprezo-pela-ciencia/> . Acesso em: 2 ago. 2019.

Releia este trecho.

Malgrado alguma tangência ideológica entre certa esquerda e a extrema-direita, o negacionismo climático e a negação da ciência em geral são fundamentalmente uma bandeira da extrema-direita e é preciso pôr em evidência uma razão maior dessa estreita afinidade.”

A conjunção em destaque pode ser substituída, sem prejuízo de sentido, por:

  • Gabarito D

    malgrado exprime contrariedade, ressalva, oposição a uma ideia sem invalidá-la.

    Ex: Embora, conquanto , posto que, se bem que, mesmo que.


    ??Malgrado alguma tangência ideológica entre certa esquerda e a extrema-direita, o negacionismo climático e a negação da ciência em geral são fundamentalmente uma bandeira da extrema-direita e é preciso pôr em evidência uma razão maior dessa estreita afinidade.?

    ? Temos uma conjunção subordinativa concessiva, ela pode ser substituída perfeitamente por: apesar de, embora, mesmo que, apesar de que, conquanto, nem que, se bem que, ainda que, por muito que, por mais que, por menos que.

    Baixe a Planilha de Gestão Completa nos Estudos Grátis: http://3f1c129.contato.site/plangestaoestudost3


  • Assertiva D

    “Malgrado = concessiva.

  • A Por causa de

    Conjunções subordinativas causais: têm valor semântico de causa, motivo, razão...

    São elas: porque, porquanto, como, uma vez que, visto que, já que, posto que, por isso que...

    Ex.: Já que você está estudando bastante, suas chances de passar em concurso são enormes.

    B À medida que

    Conjunções subordinativas proporcionais: têm valor semântico de proporcionalidade, simultaneidade, concomitância...

    São elas: à medida que, à proporção que, ao passo que, quanto mais (ou menos)... mais/menos, tanto mais (ou menos)... mais/menos...

    Ex.: À medida que resolvia questões, aprendia o assunto das provas.

    C Uma vez que

    Conjunções subordinativas causais: têm valor semântico de causa, motivo, razão...

    São elas: porque, porquanto, como, uma vez que, visto que, já que, posto que, por isso que...

    Ex.: Já que você está estudando bastante, suas chances de passar em concurso são enormes.

    D Apesar de

    Conjunções subordinativas concessivas: têm valor semântico de concessão, contraste, consentimento, licença, quebra de expectativa...

    São elas: (muito) embora, ainda que, se bem que, mesmo que, mesmo quando, posto que, apesar de que, conquanto, malgrado, não obstante, inobstante...

    Ex.: Embora discordasse, aceitei sua explicação.

    Gabarito: Letra D

FUNDEP (Gestão de Concursos)
Prefeitura de Uberlândia - MG

                      O sintomático desprezo pela ciência

Em março de 2018, António Guterres, secretário-geral da ONU, declarou: “As manchetes são naturalmente dominadas pela escalada das tensões, de conflitos ou de eventos políticos de alto nível, mas a verdade é que as mudanças climáticas permanecem a mais sistêmica ameaça à humanidade. Informações divulgadas recentemente pela Organização Meteorológica Mundial, pelo Banco Mundial e pela Agência Internacional de Energia mostram sua evolução implacável”. Meses antes, um discurso proferido em Riad por Christine Lagarde, diretora do Fundo Monetário Internacional, exibia um teor similar: “Se não fizermos nada a respeito das mudanças climáticas, seremos tostados, assados e grelhados num horizonte de tempo de 50 anos”. Ambas as advertências reconhecem a extrema gravidade de nossa situação, a respeito da qual o Painel Intergovernamental sobre as Mudanças Climáticas (IPCC)é categórico:“O aquecimento do sistema climático é inequívoco. A influência humana sobre o sistema climático é clara. Limitar a mudança climática requer reduções substanciais e contínuas de emissões de gases de efeito estufa” (2007).


Malgrado esse acúmulo de saber e essa virtual unanimidade, a ciência do clima pode estar equivocada? Em princípio, sim. Ciência não é dogma, é diminuição da incerteza. Contestar um consenso científico, mesmo o mais sólido, não pode ser objeto de anátema. Mas quem o põe em dúvida deve apresentar argumentos convergentes e convincentes em sentido contrário. Na ausência destes, contestação torna-se simples denegação irracional, enfraquece o poder persuasivo da evidência, milita em favor da perda da autoridade da ciência na formação de uma visão minimamente racional do mundo e turbina a virulência das redes sociais, dos “fatos alternativos”, da pós-verdade, do fanatismo religioso e das crenças mais estapafúrdias e até há pouco inimagináveis. O negacionismo climático é apenas mais uma dessas crenças [...], e seu repertório esgrime as mesmas surradas inverdades, mil vezes refutadas: os cientistas estão divididos sobre a ciência do clima, os modelos climáticos são falhos, maiores concentrações atmosféricas de CO2 são efeito e não causa do aquecimento global e são benéficas para a fotossíntese, o próximo mínimo solar anulará o aquecimento global, não se deve temer esse aquecimento, mas a recaída numa nova glaciação etc. Esse palavreado resulta de esforços deliberados de denegação das evidências. Diretamente ou através, por exemplo, da Donors Trust e da Donors Capital Fund, as corporações injetam milhões de dólares em lobbies disseminadores de desinformação sobre as mudanças climáticas.


Malgrado alguma tangência ideológica entre certa esquerda e a extrema-direita, o negacionismo climático e a negação da ciência em geral são fundamentalmente uma bandeira da extrema-direita e é preciso pôr em evidência uma razão maior dessa estreita afinidade. Ela se encontra, a meu ver, numa mutação histórica fundamental do teor do discurso científico. Das revoluções científicas do século XVII a meados do século XX, a ciência galgou posição de hegemonia, destronando discursos de outra natureza, como o religioso e o artístico, porque foi capaz de oferecer às sociedades vitoriosas mais energia, mais mobilidade, mais bens em geral, mais capacidade de sobrevivência, em suma, mais segurança. Seus benefícios eram indiscutíveis e apenas confirmavam suas promessas, que pareciam ilimitadas. A partir de 1962, se quisermos uma data, o livro de Rachel Carson, “Primavera Silenciosa” punha a nu pela primeira vez o lado sombrio dessas conquistas da ciência: agrotóxicos como o DDT aumentavam, de fato, a produtividade agrícola, mas ao preço de danos tremendos à saúde e à biodiversidade. Essa primeira dissonância tornou-se muito maior nos anos 1980, quando o aquecimento global resultante das emissões de CO2 pela queima de combustíveis fósseis – justamente esses combustíveis aos quais devíamos o essencial de nosso progresso – tornou-se pela primeira vez inequívoco. A ciência começa, então, a mudar seu discurso. Ela passa a anunciar que havíamos passado da idade das promessas à idade das escolhas, de modo a evitar a idade das consequências. [...] Uma brecha começava a se abrir na imagem social da ciência. Enquanto os cientistas diziam o que queríamos ouvir, tudo era defesa e apologia da ciência. A partir do momento em que seu discurso converteu-se em alertas e advertências sobre os riscos crescentes a que começávamos a nos expor, esse entusiasmo arrefeceu.


Em nosso século, esse novo mal-estar na civilização não cessou de crescer. Ele toma hoje a forma de uma espécie de divisão esquizofrênica da autoimagem de uma sociedade moldada pela ciência. Quando entramos num avião, atravessamos uma ponte ou tomamos um remédio, somos gratos às tentativas da ciência de compreender o mundo e traduzi-lo em tecnologia. Mas quando dessa mesma ciência vem o aviso que é preciso mudar o modo de funcionamento de nossa economia, conter nossa voracidade, diminuir o consumo de carne, restaurar as florestas e redefinir nossa relação com a natureza, sob pena de nos precipitarmos num colapso de insondáveis proporções, a gratidão cede lugar à indiferença, ao descrédito e mesmo à hostilidade.


Disponível em:<https://adunicamp.org.br/artigo-o-sintomatico-desprezo-pela-ciencia/> . Acesso em: 2 ago. 2019.

Uma das ideias que o texto em questão aborda é o declínio da apreciação da ciência ao longo do tempo.

Assinale a alternativa que resume corretamente esse processo.

  • Letra C

    Enquanto os cientistas diziam o que queríamos ouvir, tudo era defesa e apologia da ciência. A partir do momento em que seu discurso converteu-se em alertas e advertências sobre os riscos crescentes a que começávamos a nos expor, esse entusiasmo arrefeceu.

FUNDEP (Gestão de Concursos)
Prefeitura de Uberlândia - MG

                      O sintomático desprezo pela ciência

Em março de 2018, António Guterres, secretário-geral da ONU, declarou: “As manchetes são naturalmente dominadas pela escalada das tensões, de conflitos ou de eventos políticos de alto nível, mas a verdade é que as mudanças climáticas permanecem a mais sistêmica ameaça à humanidade. Informações divulgadas recentemente pela Organização Meteorológica Mundial, pelo Banco Mundial e pela Agência Internacional de Energia mostram sua evolução implacável”. Meses antes, um discurso proferido em Riad por Christine Lagarde, diretora do Fundo Monetário Internacional, exibia um teor similar: “Se não fizermos nada a respeito das mudanças climáticas, seremos tostados, assados e grelhados num horizonte de tempo de 50 anos”. Ambas as advertências reconhecem a extrema gravidade de nossa situação, a respeito da qual o Painel Intergovernamental sobre as Mudanças Climáticas (IPCC)é categórico:“O aquecimento do sistema climático é inequívoco. A influência humana sobre o sistema climático é clara. Limitar a mudança climática requer reduções substanciais e contínuas de emissões de gases de efeito estufa” (2007).


Malgrado esse acúmulo de saber e essa virtual unanimidade, a ciência do clima pode estar equivocada? Em princípio, sim. Ciência não é dogma, é diminuição da incerteza. Contestar um consenso científico, mesmo o mais sólido, não pode ser objeto de anátema. Mas quem o põe em dúvida deve apresentar argumentos convergentes e convincentes em sentido contrário. Na ausência destes, contestação torna-se simples denegação irracional, enfraquece o poder persuasivo da evidência, milita em favor da perda da autoridade da ciência na formação de uma visão minimamente racional do mundo e turbina a virulência das redes sociais, dos “fatos alternativos”, da pós-verdade, do fanatismo religioso e das crenças mais estapafúrdias e até há pouco inimagináveis. O negacionismo climático é apenas mais uma dessas crenças [...], e seu repertório esgrime as mesmas surradas inverdades, mil vezes refutadas: os cientistas estão divididos sobre a ciência do clima, os modelos climáticos são falhos, maiores concentrações atmosféricas de CO2 são efeito e não causa do aquecimento global e são benéficas para a fotossíntese, o próximo mínimo solar anulará o aquecimento global, não se deve temer esse aquecimento, mas a recaída numa nova glaciação etc. Esse palavreado resulta de esforços deliberados de denegação das evidências. Diretamente ou através, por exemplo, da Donors Trust e da Donors Capital Fund, as corporações injetam milhões de dólares em lobbies disseminadores de desinformação sobre as mudanças climáticas.


Malgrado alguma tangência ideológica entre certa esquerda e a extrema-direita, o negacionismo climático e a negação da ciência em geral são fundamentalmente uma bandeira da extrema-direita e é preciso pôr em evidência uma razão maior dessa estreita afinidade. Ela se encontra, a meu ver, numa mutação histórica fundamental do teor do discurso científico. Das revoluções científicas do século XVII a meados do século XX, a ciência galgou posição de hegemonia, destronando discursos de outra natureza, como o religioso e o artístico, porque foi capaz de oferecer às sociedades vitoriosas mais energia, mais mobilidade, mais bens em geral, mais capacidade de sobrevivência, em suma, mais segurança. Seus benefícios eram indiscutíveis e apenas confirmavam suas promessas, que pareciam ilimitadas. A partir de 1962, se quisermos uma data, o livro de Rachel Carson, “Primavera Silenciosa” punha a nu pela primeira vez o lado sombrio dessas conquistas da ciência: agrotóxicos como o DDT aumentavam, de fato, a produtividade agrícola, mas ao preço de danos tremendos à saúde e à biodiversidade. Essa primeira dissonância tornou-se muito maior nos anos 1980, quando o aquecimento global resultante das emissões de CO2 pela queima de combustíveis fósseis – justamente esses combustíveis aos quais devíamos o essencial de nosso progresso – tornou-se pela primeira vez inequívoco. A ciência começa, então, a mudar seu discurso. Ela passa a anunciar que havíamos passado da idade das promessas à idade das escolhas, de modo a evitar a idade das consequências. [...] Uma brecha começava a se abrir na imagem social da ciência. Enquanto os cientistas diziam o que queríamos ouvir, tudo era defesa e apologia da ciência. A partir do momento em que seu discurso converteu-se em alertas e advertências sobre os riscos crescentes a que começávamos a nos expor, esse entusiasmo arrefeceu.


Em nosso século, esse novo mal-estar na civilização não cessou de crescer. Ele toma hoje a forma de uma espécie de divisão esquizofrênica da autoimagem de uma sociedade moldada pela ciência. Quando entramos num avião, atravessamos uma ponte ou tomamos um remédio, somos gratos às tentativas da ciência de compreender o mundo e traduzi-lo em tecnologia. Mas quando dessa mesma ciência vem o aviso que é preciso mudar o modo de funcionamento de nossa economia, conter nossa voracidade, diminuir o consumo de carne, restaurar as florestas e redefinir nossa relação com a natureza, sob pena de nos precipitarmos num colapso de insondáveis proporções, a gratidão cede lugar à indiferença, ao descrédito e mesmo à hostilidade.


Disponível em:<https://adunicamp.org.br/artigo-o-sintomatico-desprezo-pela-ciencia/> . Acesso em: 2 ago. 2019.

Releia este trecho.

“Em março de 2018, António Guterres, secretário-geral da ONU, declarou: ‘As manchetes são naturalmente dominadas pela escalada das tensões, de conflitos ou de eventos políticos de alto nível, mas a verdade é que as mudanças climáticas permanecem a mais sistêmica ameaça à humanidade.’”

Quanto à estratégia argumentativa utilizada nesse trecho, é correto afirmar que se trata de argumentação por


    ? Em março de 2018, António Guterres, secretário-geral da ONU, declarou: ?As manchetes são naturalmente dominadas pela escalada das tensões, de conflitos ou de eventos políticos de alto nível, mas a verdade é que as mudanças climáticas permanecem a mais sistêmica ameaça à humanidade. Informações divulgadas recentemente pela Organização Meteorológica Mundial, pelo Banco Mundial e pela Agência Internacional de Energia mostram sua evolução implacável?

    ? Temos uma citação direta entre aspas, ela marca um argumento de autoridade, ele tem como propósito trazer solidez ao texto, procurando deixar os argumentos com teor de convencimento.

    Baixe a Planilha de Gestão Completa nos Estudos Grátis: http://3f1c129.contato.site/plangestaoestudost3


  • Que eu saiba António Guterres não é um especialista no assunto, apenas uma pessoa sensata. Ele é formado em Eng. Elétrica e Física segundo a wikipedia.

FUNDEP (Gestão de Concursos)
Prefeitura de Uberlândia - MG

                      O sintomático desprezo pela ciência

Em março de 2018, António Guterres, secretário-geral da ONU, declarou: “As manchetes são naturalmente dominadas pela escalada das tensões, de conflitos ou de eventos políticos de alto nível, mas a verdade é que as mudanças climáticas permanecem a mais sistêmica ameaça à humanidade. Informações divulgadas recentemente pela Organização Meteorológica Mundial, pelo Banco Mundial e pela Agência Internacional de Energia mostram sua evolução implacável”. Meses antes, um discurso proferido em Riad por Christine Lagarde, diretora do Fundo Monetário Internacional, exibia um teor similar: “Se não fizermos nada a respeito das mudanças climáticas, seremos tostados, assados e grelhados num horizonte de tempo de 50 anos”. Ambas as advertências reconhecem a extrema gravidade de nossa situação, a respeito da qual o Painel Intergovernamental sobre as Mudanças Climáticas (IPCC)é categórico:“O aquecimento do sistema climático é inequívoco. A influência humana sobre o sistema climático é clara. Limitar a mudança climática requer reduções substanciais e contínuas de emissões de gases de efeito estufa” (2007).


Malgrado esse acúmulo de saber e essa virtual unanimidade, a ciência do clima pode estar equivocada? Em princípio, sim. Ciência não é dogma, é diminuição da incerteza. Contestar um consenso científico, mesmo o mais sólido, não pode ser objeto de anátema. Mas quem o põe em dúvida deve apresentar argumentos convergentes e convincentes em sentido contrário. Na ausência destes, contestação torna-se simples denegação irracional, enfraquece o poder persuasivo da evidência, milita em favor da perda da autoridade da ciência na formação de uma visão minimamente racional do mundo e turbina a virulência das redes sociais, dos “fatos alternativos”, da pós-verdade, do fanatismo religioso e das crenças mais estapafúrdias e até há pouco inimagináveis. O negacionismo climático é apenas mais uma dessas crenças [...], e seu repertório esgrime as mesmas surradas inverdades, mil vezes refutadas: os cientistas estão divididos sobre a ciência do clima, os modelos climáticos são falhos, maiores concentrações atmosféricas de CO2 são efeito e não causa do aquecimento global e são benéficas para a fotossíntese, o próximo mínimo solar anulará o aquecimento global, não se deve temer esse aquecimento, mas a recaída numa nova glaciação etc. Esse palavreado resulta de esforços deliberados de denegação das evidências. Diretamente ou através, por exemplo, da Donors Trust e da Donors Capital Fund, as corporações injetam milhões de dólares em lobbies disseminadores de desinformação sobre as mudanças climáticas.


Malgrado alguma tangência ideológica entre certa esquerda e a extrema-direita, o negacionismo climático e a negação da ciência em geral são fundamentalmente uma bandeira da extrema-direita e é preciso pôr em evidência uma razão maior dessa estreita afinidade. Ela se encontra, a meu ver, numa mutação histórica fundamental do teor do discurso científico. Das revoluções científicas do século XVII a meados do século XX, a ciência galgou posição de hegemonia, destronando discursos de outra natureza, como o religioso e o artístico, porque foi capaz de oferecer às sociedades vitoriosas mais energia, mais mobilidade, mais bens em geral, mais capacidade de sobrevivência, em suma, mais segurança. Seus benefícios eram indiscutíveis e apenas confirmavam suas promessas, que pareciam ilimitadas. A partir de 1962, se quisermos uma data, o livro de Rachel Carson, “Primavera Silenciosa” punha a nu pela primeira vez o lado sombrio dessas conquistas da ciência: agrotóxicos como o DDT aumentavam, de fato, a produtividade agrícola, mas ao preço de danos tremendos à saúde e à biodiversidade. Essa primeira dissonância tornou-se muito maior nos anos 1980, quando o aquecimento global resultante das emissões de CO2 pela queima de combustíveis fósseis – justamente esses combustíveis aos quais devíamos o essencial de nosso progresso – tornou-se pela primeira vez inequívoco. A ciência começa, então, a mudar seu discurso. Ela passa a anunciar que havíamos passado da idade das promessas à idade das escolhas, de modo a evitar a idade das consequências. [...] Uma brecha começava a se abrir na imagem social da ciência. Enquanto os cientistas diziam o que queríamos ouvir, tudo era defesa e apologia da ciência. A partir do momento em que seu discurso converteu-se em alertas e advertências sobre os riscos crescentes a que começávamos a nos expor, esse entusiasmo arrefeceu.


Em nosso século, esse novo mal-estar na civilização não cessou de crescer. Ele toma hoje a forma de uma espécie de divisão esquizofrênica da autoimagem de uma sociedade moldada pela ciência. Quando entramos num avião, atravessamos uma ponte ou tomamos um remédio, somos gratos às tentativas da ciência de compreender o mundo e traduzi-lo em tecnologia. Mas quando dessa mesma ciência vem o aviso que é preciso mudar o modo de funcionamento de nossa economia, conter nossa voracidade, diminuir o consumo de carne, restaurar as florestas e redefinir nossa relação com a natureza, sob pena de nos precipitarmos num colapso de insondáveis proporções, a gratidão cede lugar à indiferença, ao descrédito e mesmo à hostilidade.


Disponível em:<https://adunicamp.org.br/artigo-o-sintomatico-desprezo-pela-ciencia/> . Acesso em: 2 ago. 2019.

Releia este trecho.

“Ciência não é dogma, é diminuição da incerteza.”

Considerando o trecho e o contexto no qual se insere, é correto afirmar que a ideia que ele expressa também se encontra em:

  • ??? Não entendi

  • “Ciência não é dogma, é diminuição da incerteza.”

    Logo após a frase acima, no texto, o autor explica, dizendo que é possível que a ciência esteja errada, mas para contestar algo que seja consensual no meio científico, você deve ter argumentos contundentes no sentido contrário.

    Dessa forma, observamos que o trecho “Contestar um consenso científico, mesmo o mais sólido, não pode ser objeto de anátema" traz consigo essa equivalência que a questão pede. Em que, A ciência não é dogma, pode ser contestada, mas não deve ser um anátema (algo energicamente negado).

    Espero ter ajudado. Bons estudos!

  • anátema



    1. rel
    2. sentença de maldição que expulsa da Igreja; excomunhão
    3. "<proferiu-se por fim o a. contra o herege> "
    4. p.ext.
    5. reprovação enérgica; condenação, repreensão, maldição, execração
    6. "<lançar o a. sobre o inimigo> "
    7. que ou aquele que foi atingido por anátema; excomungado
    8. "<um a. não entra na casa de Deus> " · [mais]
    9. p.ext.
    10. que ou aquele que está à margem da sociedade; maldito, execrado
    11. "<todo traficante é a.> " · [mais]

  • nem eu

  • Por que não a C?

FUNDEP (Gestão de Concursos)
Prefeitura de Uberlândia - MG

                      O sintomático desprezo pela ciência

Em março de 2018, António Guterres, secretário-geral da ONU, declarou: “As manchetes são naturalmente dominadas pela escalada das tensões, de conflitos ou de eventos políticos de alto nível, mas a verdade é que as mudanças climáticas permanecem a mais sistêmica ameaça à humanidade. Informações divulgadas recentemente pela Organização Meteorológica Mundial, pelo Banco Mundial e pela Agência Internacional de Energia mostram sua evolução implacável”. Meses antes, um discurso proferido em Riad por Christine Lagarde, diretora do Fundo Monetário Internacional, exibia um teor similar: “Se não fizermos nada a respeito das mudanças climáticas, seremos tostados, assados e grelhados num horizonte de tempo de 50 anos”. Ambas as advertências reconhecem a extrema gravidade de nossa situação, a respeito da qual o Painel Intergovernamental sobre as Mudanças Climáticas (IPCC)é categórico:“O aquecimento do sistema climático é inequívoco. A influência humana sobre o sistema climático é clara. Limitar a mudança climática requer reduções substanciais e contínuas de emissões de gases de efeito estufa” (2007).


Malgrado esse acúmulo de saber e essa virtual unanimidade, a ciência do clima pode estar equivocada? Em princípio, sim. Ciência não é dogma, é diminuição da incerteza. Contestar um consenso científico, mesmo o mais sólido, não pode ser objeto de anátema. Mas quem o põe em dúvida deve apresentar argumentos convergentes e convincentes em sentido contrário. Na ausência destes, contestação torna-se simples denegação irracional, enfraquece o poder persuasivo da evidência, milita em favor da perda da autoridade da ciência na formação de uma visão minimamente racional do mundo e turbina a virulência das redes sociais, dos “fatos alternativos”, da pós-verdade, do fanatismo religioso e das crenças mais estapafúrdias e até há pouco inimagináveis. O negacionismo climático é apenas mais uma dessas crenças [...], e seu repertório esgrime as mesmas surradas inverdades, mil vezes refutadas: os cientistas estão divididos sobre a ciência do clima, os modelos climáticos são falhos, maiores concentrações atmosféricas de CO2 são efeito e não causa do aquecimento global e são benéficas para a fotossíntese, o próximo mínimo solar anulará o aquecimento global, não se deve temer esse aquecimento, mas a recaída numa nova glaciação etc. Esse palavreado resulta de esforços deliberados de denegação das evidências. Diretamente ou através, por exemplo, da Donors Trust e da Donors Capital Fund, as corporações injetam milhões de dólares em lobbies disseminadores de desinformação sobre as mudanças climáticas.


Malgrado alguma tangência ideológica entre certa esquerda e a extrema-direita, o negacionismo climático e a negação da ciência em geral são fundamentalmente uma bandeira da extrema-direita e é preciso pôr em evidência uma razão maior dessa estreita afinidade. Ela se encontra, a meu ver, numa mutação histórica fundamental do teor do discurso científico. Das revoluções científicas do século XVII a meados do século XX, a ciência galgou posição de hegemonia, destronando discursos de outra natureza, como o religioso e o artístico, porque foi capaz de oferecer às sociedades vitoriosas mais energia, mais mobilidade, mais bens em geral, mais capacidade de sobrevivência, em suma, mais segurança. Seus benefícios eram indiscutíveis e apenas confirmavam suas promessas, que pareciam ilimitadas. A partir de 1962, se quisermos uma data, o livro de Rachel Carson, “Primavera Silenciosa” punha a nu pela primeira vez o lado sombrio dessas conquistas da ciência: agrotóxicos como o DDT aumentavam, de fato, a produtividade agrícola, mas ao preço de danos tremendos à saúde e à biodiversidade. Essa primeira dissonância tornou-se muito maior nos anos 1980, quando o aquecimento global resultante das emissões de CO2 pela queima de combustíveis fósseis – justamente esses combustíveis aos quais devíamos o essencial de nosso progresso – tornou-se pela primeira vez inequívoco. A ciência começa, então, a mudar seu discurso. Ela passa a anunciar que havíamos passado da idade das promessas à idade das escolhas, de modo a evitar a idade das consequências. [...] Uma brecha começava a se abrir na imagem social da ciência. Enquanto os cientistas diziam o que queríamos ouvir, tudo era defesa e apologia da ciência. A partir do momento em que seu discurso converteu-se em alertas e advertências sobre os riscos crescentes a que começávamos a nos expor, esse entusiasmo arrefeceu.


Em nosso século, esse novo mal-estar na civilização não cessou de crescer. Ele toma hoje a forma de uma espécie de divisão esquizofrênica da autoimagem de uma sociedade moldada pela ciência. Quando entramos num avião, atravessamos uma ponte ou tomamos um remédio, somos gratos às tentativas da ciência de compreender o mundo e traduzi-lo em tecnologia. Mas quando dessa mesma ciência vem o aviso que é preciso mudar o modo de funcionamento de nossa economia, conter nossa voracidade, diminuir o consumo de carne, restaurar as florestas e redefinir nossa relação com a natureza, sob pena de nos precipitarmos num colapso de insondáveis proporções, a gratidão cede lugar à indiferença, ao descrédito e mesmo à hostilidade.


Disponível em:<https://adunicamp.org.br/artigo-o-sintomatico-desprezo-pela-ciencia/> . Acesso em: 2 ago. 2019.

A respeito da argumentação observada no texto sobre a contestação da ciência do clima, analise as afirmativas a seguir.

I. O autor não acredita na possibilidade de se contestar as notícias alarmantes sobre o tema.

II. A ideia de que “não se deve temer esse aquecimento,mas a recaída numa nova glaciação” é tomada pelo texto como uma contestação válida contra o alarmismo do aquecimento global.

III. Segundo o texto, existe uma motivação financeira impulsionando a desinformação a respeito dos avisos feitos pela ciência do clima.

Está correto o que se afirma em

  • I. O autor não acredita na possibilidade de se contestar as notícias alarmantes sobre o tema. Errada

    Trecho do segundo parágrafo: "Contestar um consenso científico, mesmo o mais sólido, não pode ser objeto de anátema. Mas quem o põe em dúvida deve apresentar argumentos convergentes e convincentes em sentido contrário." Você pode contestar, existe a possibilidade, mas tenha argumentos para defender sua contestação.

    II. A ideia de que “não se deve temer esse aquecimento,mas a recaída numa nova glaciação” é tomada pelo texto como uma contestação válida contra o alarmismo do aquecimento globa. Errada

    Trecho do segundo parágrafo: " O negacionismo climático é apenas mais uma dessas crenças [...], e seu repertório esgrime as mesmas surradas inverdades, mil vezes refutadas: ( Reparem os dois pontos, a partir desse ponto o autor faz uma enumeração de argumentos que devem ser refutados, inverdades).os cientistas estão divididos sobre a ciência do clima, os modelos climáticos são falhos, maiores concentrações atmosféricas de CO2 são efeito e não causa do aquecimento global e são benéficas para a fotossíntese, o próximo mínimo solar anulará o aquecimento global, não se deve temer esse aquecimento, mas a recaída numa nova glaciação etc."

    III. Segundo o texto, existe uma motivação financeira impulsionando a desinformação a respeito dos avisos feitos pela ciência do clima. Correta

    "Esse palavreado resulta de esforços deliberados de denegação das evidências. Diretamente ou através, por exemplo, da Donors Trust e da Donors Capital Fund, as corporações injetam milhões de dólares em lobbies disseminadores de desinformação sobre as mudanças climáticas''

FUNDEP (Gestão de Concursos)
Prefeitura de Uberlândia - MG

Analise o trecho a seguir.

“Não por acaso, o novo conhecimento deixou o mundo perplexo e foi aplicado na investigação genética dos mais diversos casos: verificação de paternidade, de outros graus de parentesco, identificação de fósseis e até o estudo de predisposição genética a algumas doenças.”

Disponível em: <https://tinyurl.com/y2c3ot4f>. Acesso em: 5 ago. 2019.

A respeito do uso dos dois-pontos, é correto afirmar que, nesse trecho, eles marcam uma


    ? ?Não por acaso, o novo conhecimento deixou o mundo perplexo e foi aplicado na investigação genética dos mais diversos casos: verificação de paternidade, de outros graus de parentesco, identificação de fósseis e até o estudo de predisposição genética a algumas doenças.?

    ? Os dois-pontos dão início a um aposto enumerativo, ele enumera e explica quais são esses "diversos casos".

    Baixe a Planilha de Gestão Completa nos Estudos Grátis: http://3f1c129.contato.site/plangestaoestudost3


FUNDEP (Gestão de Concursos)
Prefeitura de Uberlândia - MG


‘Stamos em pleno mar... Abrindo as velas  

Ao quente arfar das virações marinhas,  

Veleiro brigue corre à flor dos mares,  

Como roçam na vaga as andorinhas...

Donde vem? onde vai?  Das naus errantes  

Quem sabe o rumo se é tão grande o espaço?  

Neste saara os corcéis o pó levantam,   

Galopam, voam, mas não deixam traço.


Negras mulheres, suspendendo às tetas   

Magras crianças, cujas bocas pretas   

Rega o sangue das mães:   

Outras moças, mas nuas e espantadas,   

No turbilhão de espectros arrastadas,  

Em ânsia e mágoa vãs!

E ri-se a orquestra irônica, estridente...  

E da ronda fantástica a serpente   

Faz doudas espirais...  

Se o velho arqueja, se no chão resvala,   

Ouvem-se gritos... o chicote estala.  

E voam mais e mais...

Presa nos elos de uma só cadeia,   

A multidão faminta cambaleia,  

E chora e dança ali!  

Um de raiva delira, outro enlouquece,   

Outro, que martírios embrutece,  

Cantando, geme e ri!

No entanto o capitão manda a manobra,  

E após fitando o céu que se desdobra,  

Tão puro sobre o mar,  

Diz do fumo entre os densos nevoeiros:  

“Vibrai rijo o chicote, marinheiros!

Fazei-os mais dançar!...”

                                                            (Navio Negreiro – Castro Alves – 1880).

Disponível em:<http://biblio.com.br/defaultz.asp?link=http://biblio.com.br/ conteudo/ Castro Alves/navionegreiro.htm>. Acesso em: 5 ago. 2019.


Estamos em pleno mar, embarcações de ferro e aço

Onde pessoas disputam palmo a palmo por um espaço

Nesse imenso rio negro de piche e asfalto

Cristo observa tudo calado de braços abertos lá do alto

Onde a lei do silêncio impede que ecoe o grito do morro

Dos poetas em barracos sem forro, que clamam por socorro

Homens de pele escura, sem sobrenome importante

Filhos de reis e rainhas de uma terra tão distante

O mar separa o Brasil da África

Um rio separa as periferias das mansões de magnatas

Uniformes diferenciam funcionários de patrões

A cor denuncia vítimas antigas de explorações

Trazidos em porões e navios negreiros

Tratados como animais, vendidos a fazendeiros

Vivendo em cativeiros

Negociados como mercadoria

Enriquecendo a classe nobre, hoje chamada burguesia

Deixou pra trás dialetos e crença

Caçados, mortos e açoitados quem tentou resistência

Tratados como gado, sem direito à educação

Emudeceram seus tambores, amaldiçoaram sua religião


                                                     (Navio Negreiro – Slim Rimografia – 2011).

Disponível em:<https://www.letras.mus.br/slim-rimografia/navio-negreiro/> . Acesso em: 5 ago. 2019.

A respeito da relação que os dois textos estabelecem entre si, analise as afirmativas a seguir.

I. Apesar de se tratar de textos de gêneros textuais distintos (poesia e letra de música), ambos os abordam o processo de escravidão no Brasil.

II. A repetição do primeiro verso e o uso do mesmo título do texto I, feitos pelo texto II, contribuem para a construção do significado do texto II.

III. No texto I, observa-se o uso de aspectos estéticos da linguagem, trabalhada de forma poética por Castro Alvos. Essa característica não está presente no texto II.

Está correto o que se afirma em

  • Gabarito foi alterado para letra A

  • Não concordo com esse gabarito.

    I.Apesar de se tratar de textos de gêneros textuais distintos (poesia e letra de música), ambos os abordam o processo de escravidão no Brasil.

    Presa nos elos de uma só cadeia,   

    A multidão faminta cambaleia,  

    E chora e dança ali! 

    Texto 1

    Trazidos em porões e navios negreiros

    Tratados como animais, vendidos a fazendeiros

    Vivendo em cativeiros

    Negociados como mercadoria

    Enriquecendo a classe nobre, hoje chamada burguesia

    Texto 2. Falando, claramente da escravidão.

    II. A repetição do primeiro verso e o uso do mesmo título do texto I, feitos pelo texto II, contribuem para a construção do significado do texto II.

    Creio que a simples menção do título 'Navio Negreiro', já nos faz acessar o assunto que será tratado. A música nos diz qual é o navio negreiro de hoje, nos morros e favelas nos quais negros ainda são inferiorizados, maltratados, sem condições e oportunidades de ter um teto e condições dignas para se viver. A escravidão não acabou.

    Por isso, acredito que a repetição do primeiro verso e o uso do mesmo título do texto I, feitos pelo texto II, contribuem para a construção do significado do texto deste.

    Enfim, minha opinião!

  • Concordo que a afirmativa II contribui para construção de significação do texto II. Ao utilizar o inicio de um trecho famoso de Castro Alves o leitor que tem conhecimento do intertexto por já conhecer e ter tido contato com a obra obtém ideia rápida sobre o assunto.

  • Pra mim, gabarito Letra B.

    A banca que se procure.

  • II. A repetição do primeiro verso e o uso do mesmo título do texto I, feitos pelo texto II, contribuem para a construção do significado do texto II

    É uma questão que envolve compreensão e interpretação. O autor do texto II repetiu apenas um trecho do primeiro verso do texto I, o que torna incorreta a primeira parte da alternativa (compreensão textual). A segunda parte da alternativa está correta porque contribui, sim, para a construção do significado do texto II porque há intertextualidade.

FUNDEP (Gestão de Concursos)
Prefeitura de Uberlândia - MG


‘Stamos em pleno mar... Abrindo as velas  

Ao quente arfar das virações marinhas,  

Veleiro brigue corre à flor dos mares,  

Como roçam na vaga as andorinhas...

Donde vem? onde vai?  Das naus errantes  

Quem sabe o rumo se é tão grande o espaço?  

Neste saara os corcéis o pó levantam,   

Galopam, voam, mas não deixam traço.


Negras mulheres, suspendendo às tetas   

Magras crianças, cujas bocas pretas   

Rega o sangue das mães:   

Outras moças, mas nuas e espantadas,   

No turbilhão de espectros arrastadas,  

Em ânsia e mágoa vãs!

E ri-se a orquestra irônica, estridente...  

E da ronda fantástica a serpente   

Faz doudas espirais...  

Se o velho arqueja, se no chão resvala,   

Ouvem-se gritos... o chicote estala.  

E voam mais e mais...

Presa nos elos de uma só cadeia,   

A multidão faminta cambaleia,  

E chora e dança ali!  

Um de raiva delira, outro enlouquece,   

Outro, que martírios embrutece,  

Cantando, geme e ri!

No entanto o capitão manda a manobra,  

E após fitando o céu que se desdobra,  

Tão puro sobre o mar,  

Diz do fumo entre os densos nevoeiros:  

“Vibrai rijo o chicote, marinheiros!

Fazei-os mais dançar!...”

                                                            (Navio Negreiro – Castro Alves – 1880).

Disponível em:<http://biblio.com.br/defaultz.asp?link=http://biblio.com.br/ conteudo/ Castro Alves/navionegreiro.htm>. Acesso em: 5 ago. 2019.


Estamos em pleno mar, embarcações de ferro e aço

Onde pessoas disputam palmo a palmo por um espaço

Nesse imenso rio negro de piche e asfalto

Cristo observa tudo calado de braços abertos lá do alto

Onde a lei do silêncio impede que ecoe o grito do morro

Dos poetas em barracos sem forro, que clamam por socorro

Homens de pele escura, sem sobrenome importante

Filhos de reis e rainhas de uma terra tão distante

O mar separa o Brasil da África

Um rio separa as periferias das mansões de magnatas

Uniformes diferenciam funcionários de patrões

A cor denuncia vítimas antigas de explorações

Trazidos em porões e navios negreiros

Tratados como animais, vendidos a fazendeiros

Vivendo em cativeiros

Negociados como mercadoria

Enriquecendo a classe nobre, hoje chamada burguesia

Deixou pra trás dialetos e crença

Caçados, mortos e açoitados quem tentou resistência

Tratados como gado, sem direito à educação

Emudeceram seus tambores, amaldiçoaram sua religião


                                                     (Navio Negreiro – Slim Rimografia – 2011).

Disponível em:<https://www.letras.mus.br/slim-rimografia/navio-negreiro/> . Acesso em: 5 ago. 2019.

O texto de Slim realiza uma intertextualidade com o texto de Castro Alves.

Sobre esse diálogo, é incorreto afirmar:

  • Paráfrase é uma reescrita do texto original. O que não é o caso.

  • paráfrase consiste na reescrita de um texto, mas mantendo sua essência em termos temáticos, é uma espécie de tradução dentro da própria língua. É um processo de recriação que não utiliza recursos como a ironia ou humor e não desvincula a ideia central previamente apresentada.

  • Observa-se que o texto II objetiva recontar a narrativa contada pelo texto I, realizando uma paráfrase, traduzindo, porém, a linguagem de Castro Alves para uma linguagem contemporânea e urbana, típica do rap

  • GAB A

    INTERTEXTUALIDADE: Dá se o nome de intertextualidade ao fato de um texto explícito remeter a um texto implícito, o qual deve ser percebido pelo o leitor. Portanto, a intertextualidade é um dos mecanismos de polifonia. A Paráfrase (com ou sem caráter de paródia) também revela intertextualidade.


  • PARÁFRASE é interpretação, explicação ou nova apresentação de um texto (entrecho, obra etc.) que visa torná-lo mais inteligível ou que sugere novo enfoque para o seu sentido.

    Gabarito A

FUNDEP (Gestão de Concursos)
Prefeitura de Uberlândia - MG
Legislação Municipal

De acordo com a Lei Orgânica do Município de Uberlândia, é de competência do município



    ? Art. 7º Compete ao Município: XIV - elaborar o plano diretor de desenvolvimento integrado.

    Baixe a Planilha de Gestão Completa nos Estudos Grátis: http://3f1c129.contato.site/plangestaoestudost3


  • Gabarito B

    Art. 7º Compete ao Município:

    IV - criar, organizar e suprimir distritos, observada a legislação estadual;

    VIII - manter, com a cooperação técnica e financeira da União e do Estado, programas de educação pré-escolar e de ensino fundamental;

    XI - legislar sobre os seguintes assuntos, observadas as normas gerais da União e as suplementares do Estado:

    XIV - elaborar o plano diretor de desenvolvimento integrado.

  • Sempre esqueço que o "que" exerce a função de sujeito

  • Eu também

FUNDEP (Gestão de Concursos)
Prefeitura de Uberlândia - MG
Legislação Municipal

Baseando-se no que que dispõe a Constituição da República de 1988, a Lei Orgânica do Município de Uberlândia trata da organização dos poderes municipais.
Tendo em vista o Poder Legislativo municipal, assinale com V as afirmativas verdadeiras e com F as falsas.

( ) Cabe à Câmara Municipal, com a sanção do prefeito, dispor sobre a aquisição onerosa ou alienação de bens imóveis do município.
( ) O subsídio dos vereadores será revisado anualmente, observando-se a mesma data e índice do subsídio dos deputados estaduais.
( ) Poderá o vereador, desde a sua eleição até o fim de sua legislatura, ser titular de mais de um cargo ou mandato público eletivo, desde que compatíveis entre si.
( ) Perderá o mandato o vereador investido na função de secretário ou procurador municipal, recebendo a remuneração da nova função assumida.

Assinale a sequência correta.|

  • GAB: B


    (V) Cabe à Câmara Municipal, com a sanção do prefeito, dispor sobre a aquisição onerosa ou alienação de bens imóveis do município.

    LOrg. Uberlândia, Art. 11 - Cabe à Câmara Municipal, com a sanção do Prefeito, dispor sobre todas as matérias de competência do Município, especialmente: XI - aquisição onerosa ou alienação de bens imóveis do Município;


    (V) O subsídio dos vereadores será revisado anualmente, observando-se a mesma data e índice do subsídio dos deputados estaduais.

    LOrg. Uberlândia, Art. 12, §1º - O subsídio dos Vereadores será revisado anualmente, observando-se a mesma data e índice do subsídio dos Deputados Estaduais.


    (F) Poderá o vereador, desde a sua eleição até o fim de sua legislatura, ser titular de mais de um cargo ou mandato público eletivo, desde que compatíveis entre si.

    LOrg. Uberlândia, Art. 15 - O Vereador não poderá: II - desde a posse: d) ser titular de mais de um cargo ou mandato público eletivo.


    (F) Perderá o mandato o vereador investido na função de secretário ou procurador municipal, recebendo a remuneração da nova função assumida.

    LOrg. Uberlândia, Art. 17 - Não perderá o mandato o Vereador: I - investido na função de Secretário ou Procurador Municipal, podendo optar pela remuneração de Vereador;

FUNDEP (Gestão de Concursos)
Prefeitura de Uberlândia - MG
Legislação Municipal

A Lei Complementar nº 40/1992 do município de Uberlândia estabelece critérios para a contagem do tempo de serviço público municipal local.
Será(ão) contado(s) apenas para efeito de aposentadoria e disponibilidade


    ? Segundo Lei Complementar nº 40/1992:

    ? Art. 46 - Contar-se-á apenas para efeito de aposentadoria e disponibilidade:

    I - O tempo de serviço público prestado a União, Estados, Municípios, suas respectivas autarquias e fundações, bem como as empresas públicas e sociedades de economia mista;

    II - A licença para atividade política, no caso do art. 122.

    III - O tempo correspondente ao desempenho de mandato eletivo municipal, estadual ou federal, anterior ao ingresso no serviço público municipal;

    IV - O tempo de serviço em atividade privada, vinculada a Previdência Social;

    V - O tempo de serviço relativo a tiro de guerra;

    VI - Exercício de cargo em comissão ou equivalente em órgão ou entidade federal, estadual, municipal ou Distrito Federal.

    Baixe a Planilha de Gestão Completa nos Estudos Grátis: http://3f1c129.contato.site/plangestaoestudost3


FUNDEP (Gestão de Concursos)
Prefeitura de Uberlândia - MG
Legislação Municipal

Sobre os direitos e vantagens dos servidores públicos do município de Uberlândia previstos na Lei Complementar Municipal nº 40/1992, assinale a alternativa incorreta.


    ? Queremos a alternativa incorreta, segundo Lei Complementar Municipal nº 40/1992:

    ? Art. 64 - O vencimento, a remuneração e o provento não serão objeto de arresto, sequestro ou penhora, exceto nos casos de prestação de alimentos resultante de decisão judicial.

    Parágrafo Único - O servidor que for exonerado do serviço público municipal terá direito à percepção do saldo do proporcional aos dias trabalhados no mês, até o dia de seu desligamento.

    Baixe a Planilha de Gestão Completa nos Estudos Grátis: http://3f1c129.contato.site/plangestaoestudost3


FUNDEP (Gestão de Concursos)
Prefeitura de Uberlândia - MG

Considerando que a Base Nacional Comum Curricular (BNCC) é um documento normativo que se aplica à educação escolar e que está orientada por princípios éticos, políticos e estéticos, analise as afirmativas a seguir.

I. A BNCC define o conjunto orgânico e progressivo de aprendizagens essenciais que todos os alunos devem desenvolver ao longo das etapas e modalidades da Educação Básica.
II. A BNCC integra a política nacional da Educação Básica sendo referência nacional para a formulação dos currículos dos sistemas e das redes escolares e das propostas pedagógicas das instituições escolares.
III. A BNCC está ancorada em dois fundamentos pedagógicos, quais sejam, o foco no desenvolvimento de competências e o compromisso com a educação integral.
IV. A BNCC está estruturada em dez componentes curriculares que se distribuem, em cada etapa da Educação Básica, em competências específicas de área que, por sua vez, se subdividem em competências gerais.

A BNCC prevê o que se afirma em

  • Esse questão se repete várias vezes sem parar

  • IV. A BNCC está estruturada em dez componentes curriculares que se distribuem, em cada etapa da Educação Básica, em competências específicas de área que, por sua vez, se subdividem em competências gerais.

    Em dez competências. Gabarito ''c''.

FUNDEP (Gestão de Concursos)
Prefeitura de Uberlândia - MG
Direito da Criança e do Adolescente - Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente (ECA) - Lei nº 8.069 de 1990

Segundo o que prevê o Art. 54 da Lei nº 8.069, de 13 de julho de 1990, que dispõe sobre o Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente, é dever do Estado assegurar à criança e ao adolescente:


    ? Segundo o ECA (8069/90):

    ? Art. 54. É dever do Estado assegurar à criança e ao adolescente:

    I - ensino fundamental, obrigatório e gratuito, inclusive para os que a ele não tiveram acesso na idade própria;

    II - progressiva extensão da obrigatoriedade e gratuidade ao ensino médio;

    III - atendimento educacional especializado aos portadores de deficiência, preferencialmente na rede regular de ensino;

    IV ? atendimento em creche e pré-escola às crianças de zero a cinco anos de idade; (Redação dada pela Lei nº 13.306, de 2016)

    V - acesso aos níveis mais elevados do ensino, da pesquisa e da criação artística, segundo a capacidade de cada um;

    VI - oferta de ensino noturno regular, adequado às condições do adolescente trabalhador;

    VII - atendimento no ensino fundamental, através de programas suplementares de material didático-escolar, transporte, alimentação e assistência à saúde.

    Baixe a Planilha de Gestão Completa nos Estudos Grátis: http://3f1c129.contato.site/plangestaoestudost3


  • A questão exige o conhecimento do direito à educação, garantia prevista tanto na Constituição Federal quanto no Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente. É importante ressaltar que o direito à educação é uma garantia constitucional (prevista no art. 227 da Constituição Federal), e foi reproduzida no ECA.

    Vamos às alternativas:

    ALTERNATIVA A: INCORRETA. Art. 54, IV, ECA: é dever do Estado assegurar à criança e ao adolescente: atendimento em creche e pré-escola às crianças de 0 a 5 anos de idade.

    ALTERNATIVA B: INCORRETA. Art. 53, V, ECA: a criança e o adolescente têm direito à educação, visando ao pleno desenvolvimento de sua pessoa, preparo para o exercício da cidadania e qualificação para o trabalho, assegurando-se-lhes: acesso à escola pública e gratuita, próxima de sua residência, garantindo-se vagas no mesmo estabelecimento a irmãos que frequentem a mesma etapa ou ciclo de ensino da educação básica.

    ALTERNATIVA C: INCORRETA. Art. 54, VI, ECA: é dever do Estado assegurar à criança e ao adolescente: oferta de ensino noturno regular, adequado às condições do adolescente trabalhador.

    ALTERNATIVA D: CORRETA. Art. 54, VII, ECA: é dever do Estado assegurar à criança e ao adolescente: atendimento no ensino fundamental, através de programas suplementares de material didático-escolar, transporte, alimentação e assistência à saúde.


FUNDEP (Gestão de Concursos)
Prefeitura de Uberlândia - MG

Segundo o que dispõe o Art. 13 da Resolução nº 4, de 13 de julho de 2010, que define as Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais Gerais para a Educação Básica, o currículo “[...] configura-se como o conjunto de valores e práticas que proporcionam a produção, a socialização de significados no espaço social e contribuem intensamente para a construção de identidades socioculturais dos educandos.” (BRASIL, 2010).
A organização do percurso formativo, segundo essa perspectiva, não deve assegurar:


FUNDEP (Gestão de Concursos)
Prefeitura de Uberlândia - MG

A Lei nº 9.394, de 20 de dezembro de 1996, que estabelece as diretrizes e bases da educação nacional, define, no Título IV, a organização da educação nacional.
Acerca dessa organização, é correto afirmar:

  • Sobre a letra c)

    Os estados incumbir-se-ão de estabelecer competências e diretrizes para a Educação Infantil, o Ensino Fundamental e o Ensino Médio, que nortearão os currículos e seus conteúdos mínimos.

    O que diz a Lei 9394 é:

    Cabe a União estabelecer, em colaboração com os Estados, o Distrito Federal e os Municípios, competências e diretrizes para a educação infantil, o ensino fundamental e o ensino médio, que nortearão os currículos e sesus conteúdo mínimos, de modo a assegurar formação básica comum.

FUNDEP (Gestão de Concursos)
Prefeitura de Uberlândia - MG

Analise os itens a seguir.

I. Atendimento educacional especializado, realizado no mesmo turno da classe comum, em substituição à escolarização que se processa na sala de aula.
II. Transversalidade da educação especial desde a Educação Infantil até a Educação Superior.
III. Acessibilidade urbanística, arquitetônica, nos mobiliários e equipamentos, nos transportes, na comunicação e informação.
IV. Continuidade da escolarização nos níveis mais elevados do ensino quando amparada em diagnósticos emitidos após avaliações médicas e aplicação de testes psicométricos.

São garantias previstas pela Política Nacional de Educação Especial na Perspectiva da Educação Inclusiva


FUNDEP (Gestão de Concursos)
Prefeitura de Uberlândia - MG
Legislação Municipal

De acordo com a Lei Complementar nº 40, de 6 de novembro de 1992, que dispõe sobre o Estatuto dos Servidores Públicos do Município de Uberlândia, suas Autarquias, Fundações Públicas e Câmara Municipal, são deveres do servidor, exceto:


    ? Queremos a alternativa incorreta, segundo LEI COMPLEMENTAR Nº 40/1992:

    ? Art. 163 - São deveres do servidor:

    I - Exercer com zelo e dedicação as atribuições do cargo;

    II - Ser leal às instituições a que servir;

    III - Observar as normas legais e regulamentares;

    IV - Cumprir as ordens superiores, exceto quando manifestamente ilegais; entre outros itens.

    Baixe a Planilha de Gestão Completa nos Estudos Grátis: http://3f1c129.contato.site/plangestaoestudost3


FUNDEP (Gestão de Concursos)
Prefeitura de Uberlândia - MG

INSTRUCTIONS: Read the text carefully and then mark the alternatives that answer the questions or complete the sentences presented after it.


Using authentic reading materials in FLT

Let us discuss what reading in a foreign language is, how it differs from reading in one’s mother-tongue. If the foreign language learners are poor readers in their mother-tongue, we can’t expect them to read efficiently in the foreign language. But if they are good readers in their mother-tongue, we expect them to transfer their reading strategies to the foreign language automatically. Unfortunately, this doesn’t always happen. Automatic transfer of reading strategies from L1 to L2 is difficult or never occurs. Good readers use top-down and bottom-up strategies to make predictions about the meaning of the text and check them. They vary their reading speed and strategies according to the purpose for their reading and the type of the text. When the same students read a text in the foreign language, they tend to use bottom-up strategies, i.e. their linguistic knowledge, but they rarely dare to use top-down strategies, i.e. their knowledge abouttheworld.Appropriate reading strategies are rarely used and even some faulty reading habits, e.g. subvocalizing, regressive eye movements, etc., can be observed. So, foreign language students usually need more reading practice in order to become efficient readers in the foreign language. The use of authentic materials is an important principle of Communicative Language Teaching. In real life we read because we are interested in the communicative purpose of the text, in the ideas that the writer has expressed or the effect that the text is supposed to produce on the reader. The language in an authentic text is varied, whereas in a non-authentic one there is often one single structure that is repeated. The use of truly authentic texts is an important means of teaching students to communicate effectively.
Unfortunately, most textbooks make use of non-authentic texts. They are supposed to be easier than authentic ones and to be better suited to the students’ language proficiency level. However, this is not true because:
• non-authentic texts are usually over-explicit: they say too much because they lack the natural redundancy of authentic ones, they abound with details, so, the students are not given the chance to make any inferences;
• textbook reading materials usually deal with over-familiar topics. This can hardly be avoided at beginner level but at the higher levels the reading texts can be more informative, enjoyable and interesting;
• there is often a noticeable emphasis on the product of the activity, i.e. on the answers to the comprehension questions, over the process, i.e. the appropriate use of reading skills and strategies in order to understand the text.
We can overcome these shortcomings quite successfully if we provide supplementary authentic texts. Thus the language learners will become better readers, confident in their ability to cope with reading in real life situations.
So, why do we read? In our daily lives we read for two basic reasons: for pleasure and for information (Grellet, 1981:4). We read for information because we want to find out something, to learn something from the text, or for instruction, in order to do something with the information we get, to find out how to act. These reasons for reading are authentic. […]
Having mentioned the major drawbacks of textbook reading materials, let’s now consider the guidelines for selecting a text to supplement them or even replace them. These are the readability, the suitability of content and the exploitability of the authentic text (Nuttal, 1982:25).
Readability means that the text should be at the right level. When we try to find a readable text, we have to assess the level of its structural and lexical difficulty. Still, we should not forget that the students can deal with more difficult texts, provided the task is not too difficult.
Suitability of content means that the text should be interesting and informative. The students’ preferences should not be neglected and a survey of their tastes might help the teacher quite a lot.
Exploitability means that the text should facilitate the development of reading skills in order to help the students become competent and independent readers.
However, we shouldn’t forget the fact that language classes are not entirely homogeneous: the level of the students is not the same, their tastes may vary and it is virtually impossible to create an ideal reader who could tackle all existing texts successfully. So, our goals and criteria should be realistic.
What should be pointed out in conclusion is the vital importance of using authentic texts as supplements to textbook reading materials in order to prepare students for real life reading.Authentic texts foster the development of their reading skills thus helping them gain confidence in their reading ability in the foreign language. They become autonomous readers, who can take responsibility for their own reading.

Available at: <https://www.beta-iatefl.org/1106/blog-
publications>. Accessed on: July 9th, 2019. (Adapted).

According to the text, a good reader in the mother tongue usually


FUNDEP (Gestão de Concursos)
Prefeitura de Uberlândia - MG

INSTRUCTIONS: Read the text carefully and then mark the alternatives that answer the questions or complete the sentences presented after it.


Using authentic reading materials in FLT

Let us discuss what reading in a foreign language is, how it differs from reading in one’s mother-tongue. If the foreign language learners are poor readers in their mother-tongue, we can’t expect them to read efficiently in the foreign language. But if they are good readers in their mother-tongue, we expect them to transfer their reading strategies to the foreign language automatically. Unfortunately, this doesn’t always happen. Automatic transfer of reading strategies from L1 to L2 is difficult or never occurs. Good readers use top-down and bottom-up strategies to make predictions about the meaning of the text and check them. They vary their reading speed and strategies according to the purpose for their reading and the type of the text. When the same students read a text in the foreign language, they tend to use bottom-up strategies, i.e. their linguistic knowledge, but they rarely dare to use top-down strategies, i.e. their knowledge abouttheworld.Appropriate reading strategies are rarely used and even some faulty reading habits, e.g. subvocalizing, regressive eye movements, etc., can be observed. So, foreign language students usually need more reading practice in order to become efficient readers in the foreign language. The use of authentic materials is an important principle of Communicative Language Teaching. In real life we read because we are interested in the communicative purpose of the text, in the ideas that the writer has expressed or the effect that the text is supposed to produce on the reader. The language in an authentic text is varied, whereas in a non-authentic one there is often one single structure that is repeated. The use of truly authentic texts is an important means of teaching students to communicate effectively.
Unfortunately, most textbooks make use of non-authentic texts. They are supposed to be easier than authentic ones and to be better suited to the students’ language proficiency level. However, this is not true because:
• non-authentic texts are usually over-explicit: they say too much because they lack the natural redundancy of authentic ones, they abound with details, so, the students are not given the chance to make any inferences;
• textbook reading materials usually deal with over-familiar topics. This can hardly be avoided at beginner level but at the higher levels the reading texts can be more informative, enjoyable and interesting;
• there is often a noticeable emphasis on the product of the activity, i.e. on the answers to the comprehension questions, over the process, i.e. the appropriate use of reading skills and strategies in order to understand the text.
We can overcome these shortcomings quite successfully if we provide supplementary authentic texts. Thus the language learners will become better readers, confident in their ability to cope with reading in real life situations.
So, why do we read? In our daily lives we read for two basic reasons: for pleasure and for information (Grellet, 1981:4). We read for information because we want to find out something, to learn something from the text, or for instruction, in order to do something with the information we get, to find out how to act. These reasons for reading are authentic. […]
Having mentioned the major drawbacks of textbook reading materials, let’s now consider the guidelines for selecting a text to supplement them or even replace them. These are the readability, the suitability of content and the exploitability of the authentic text (Nuttal, 1982:25).
Readability means that the text should be at the right level. When we try to find a readable text, we have to assess the level of its structural and lexical difficulty. Still, we should not forget that the students can deal with more difficult texts, provided the task is not too difficult.
Suitability of content means that the text should be interesting and informative. The students’ preferences should not be neglected and a survey of their tastes might help the teacher quite a lot.
Exploitability means that the text should facilitate the development of reading skills in order to help the students become competent and independent readers.
However, we shouldn’t forget the fact that language classes are not entirely homogeneous: the level of the students is not the same, their tastes may vary and it is virtually impossible to create an ideal reader who could tackle all existing texts successfully. So, our goals and criteria should be realistic.
What should be pointed out in conclusion is the vital importance of using authentic texts as supplements to textbook reading materials in order to prepare students for real life reading.Authentic texts foster the development of their reading skills thus helping them gain confidence in their reading ability in the foreign language. They become autonomous readers, who can take responsibility for their own reading.

Available at: <https://www.beta-iatefl.org/1106/blog-
publications>. Accessed on: July 9th, 2019. (Adapted).

According to the text, the strategies used by readers vary

  • letra a


    in accordance to their reading purposes.

FUNDEP (Gestão de Concursos)
Prefeitura de Uberlândia - MG

INSTRUCTIONS: Read the text carefully and then mark the alternatives that answer the questions or complete the sentences presented after it.


Using authentic reading materials in FLT

Let us discuss what reading in a foreign language is, how it differs from reading in one’s mother-tongue. If the foreign language learners are poor readers in their mother-tongue, we can’t expect them to read efficiently in the foreign language. But if they are good readers in their mother-tongue, we expect them to transfer their reading strategies to the foreign language automatically. Unfortunately, this doesn’t always happen. Automatic transfer of reading strategies from L1 to L2 is difficult or never occurs. Good readers use top-down and bottom-up strategies to make predictions about the meaning of the text and check them. They vary their reading speed and strategies according to the purpose for their reading and the type of the text. When the same students read a text in the foreign language, they tend to use bottom-up strategies, i.e. their linguistic knowledge, but they rarely dare to use top-down strategies, i.e. their knowledge abouttheworld.Appropriate reading strategies are rarely used and even some faulty reading habits, e.g. subvocalizing, regressive eye movements, etc., can be observed. So, foreign language students usually need more reading practice in order to become efficient readers in the foreign language. The use of authentic materials is an important principle of Communicative Language Teaching. In real life we read because we are interested in the communicative purpose of the text, in the ideas that the writer has expressed or the effect that the text is supposed to produce on the reader. The language in an authentic text is varied, whereas in a non-authentic one there is often one single structure that is repeated. The use of truly authentic texts is an important means of teaching students to communicate effectively.
Unfortunately, most textbooks make use of non-authentic texts. They are supposed to be easier than authentic ones and to be better suited to the students’ language proficiency level. However, this is not true because:
• non-authentic texts are usually over-explicit: they say too much because they lack the natural redundancy of authentic ones, they abound with details, so, the students are not given the chance to make any inferences;
• textbook reading materials usually deal with over-familiar topics. This can hardly be avoided at beginner level but at the higher levels the reading texts can be more informative, enjoyable and interesting;
• there is often a noticeable emphasis on the product of the activity, i.e. on the answers to the comprehension questions, over the process, i.e. the appropriate use of reading skills and strategies in order to understand the text.
We can overcome these shortcomings quite successfully if we provide supplementary authentic texts. Thus the language learners will become better readers, confident in their ability to cope with reading in real life situations.
So, why do we read? In our daily lives we read for two basic reasons: for pleasure and for information (Grellet, 1981:4). We read for information because we want to find out something, to learn something from the text, or for instruction, in order to do something with the information we get, to find out how to act. These reasons for reading are authentic. […]
Having mentioned the major drawbacks of textbook reading materials, let’s now consider the guidelines for selecting a text to supplement them or even replace them. These are the readability, the suitability of content and the exploitability of the authentic text (Nuttal, 1982:25).
Readability means that the text should be at the right level. When we try to find a readable text, we have to assess the level of its structural and lexical difficulty. Still, we should not forget that the students can deal with more difficult texts, provided the task is not too difficult.
Suitability of content means that the text should be interesting and informative. The students’ preferences should not be neglected and a survey of their tastes might help the teacher quite a lot.
Exploitability means that the text should facilitate the development of reading skills in order to help the students become competent and independent readers.
However, we shouldn’t forget the fact that language classes are not entirely homogeneous: the level of the students is not the same, their tastes may vary and it is virtually impossible to create an ideal reader who could tackle all existing texts successfully. So, our goals and criteria should be realistic.
What should be pointed out in conclusion is the vital importance of using authentic texts as supplements to textbook reading materials in order to prepare students for real life reading.Authentic texts foster the development of their reading skills thus helping them gain confidence in their reading ability in the foreign language. They become autonomous readers, who can take responsibility for their own reading.

Available at: <https://www.beta-iatefl.org/1106/blog-
publications>. Accessed on: July 9th, 2019. (Adapted).

The article says that in communicative language teaching authentic texts should be presented


FUNDEP (Gestão de Concursos)
Prefeitura de Uberlândia - MG

INSTRUCTIONS: Read the text carefully and then mark the alternatives that answer the questions or complete the sentences presented after it.


Using authentic reading materials in FLT

Let us discuss what reading in a foreign language is, how it differs from reading in one’s mother-tongue. If the foreign language learners are poor readers in their mother-tongue, we can’t expect them to read efficiently in the foreign language. But if they are good readers in their mother-tongue, we expect them to transfer their reading strategies to the foreign language automatically. Unfortunately, this doesn’t always happen. Automatic transfer of reading strategies from L1 to L2 is difficult or never occurs. Good readers use top-down and bottom-up strategies to make predictions about the meaning of the text and check them. They vary their reading speed and strategies according to the purpose for their reading and the type of the text. When the same students read a text in the foreign language, they tend to use bottom-up strategies, i.e. their linguistic knowledge, but they rarely dare to use top-down strategies, i.e. their knowledge abouttheworld.Appropriate reading strategies are rarely used and even some faulty reading habits, e.g. subvocalizing, regressive eye movements, etc., can be observed. So, foreign language students usually need more reading practice in order to become efficient readers in the foreign language. The use of authentic materials is an important principle of Communicative Language Teaching. In real life we read because we are interested in the communicative purpose of the text, in the ideas that the writer has expressed or the effect that the text is supposed to produce on the reader. The language in an authentic text is varied, whereas in a non-authentic one there is often one single structure that is repeated. The use of truly authentic texts is an important means of teaching students to communicate effectively.
Unfortunately, most textbooks make use of non-authentic texts. They are supposed to be easier than authentic ones and to be better suited to the students’ language proficiency level. However, this is not true because:
• non-authentic texts are usually over-explicit: they say too much because they lack the natural redundancy of authentic ones, they abound with details, so, the students are not given the chance to make any inferences;
• textbook reading materials usually deal with over-familiar topics. This can hardly be avoided at beginner level but at the higher levels the reading texts can be more informative, enjoyable and interesting;
• there is often a noticeable emphasis on the product of the activity, i.e. on the answers to the comprehension questions, over the process, i.e. the appropriate use of reading skills and strategies in order to understand the text.
We can overcome these shortcomings quite successfully if we provide supplementary authentic texts. Thus the language learners will become better readers, confident in their ability to cope with reading in real life situations.
So, why do we read? In our daily lives we read for two basic reasons: for pleasure and for information (Grellet, 1981:4). We read for information because we want to find out something, to learn something from the text, or for instruction, in order to do something with the information we get, to find out how to act. These reasons for reading are authentic. […]
Having mentioned the major drawbacks of textbook reading materials, let’s now consider the guidelines for selecting a text to supplement them or even replace them. These are the readability, the suitability of content and the exploitability of the authentic text (Nuttal, 1982:25).
Readability means that the text should be at the right level. When we try to find a readable text, we have to assess the level of its structural and lexical difficulty. Still, we should not forget that the students can deal with more difficult texts, provided the task is not too difficult.
Suitability of content means that the text should be interesting and informative. The students’ preferences should not be neglected and a survey of their tastes might help the teacher quite a lot.
Exploitability means that the text should facilitate the development of reading skills in order to help the students become competent and independent readers.
However, we shouldn’t forget the fact that language classes are not entirely homogeneous: the level of the students is not the same, their tastes may vary and it is virtually impossible to create an ideal reader who could tackle all existing texts successfully. So, our goals and criteria should be realistic.
What should be pointed out in conclusion is the vital importance of using authentic texts as supplements to textbook reading materials in order to prepare students for real life reading.Authentic texts foster the development of their reading skills thus helping them gain confidence in their reading ability in the foreign language. They become autonomous readers, who can take responsibility for their own reading.

Available at: <https://www.beta-iatefl.org/1106/blog-
publications>. Accessed on: July 9th, 2019. (Adapted).

Some textbooks still make use of non-authentic texts because


FUNDEP (Gestão de Concursos)
Prefeitura de Uberlândia - MG

INSTRUCTIONS: Read the text carefully and then mark the alternatives that answer the questions or complete the sentences presented after it.


Using authentic reading materials in FLT

Let us discuss what reading in a foreign language is, how it differs from reading in one’s mother-tongue. If the foreign language learners are poor readers in their mother-tongue, we can’t expect them to read efficiently in the foreign language. But if they are good readers in their mother-tongue, we expect them to transfer their reading strategies to the foreign language automatically. Unfortunately, this doesn’t always happen. Automatic transfer of reading strategies from L1 to L2 is difficult or never occurs. Good readers use top-down and bottom-up strategies to make predictions about the meaning of the text and check them. They vary their reading speed and strategies according to the purpose for their reading and the type of the text. When the same students read a text in the foreign language, they tend to use bottom-up strategies, i.e. their linguistic knowledge, but they rarely dare to use top-down strategies, i.e. their knowledge abouttheworld.Appropriate reading strategies are rarely used and even some faulty reading habits, e.g. subvocalizing, regressive eye movements, etc., can be observed. So, foreign language students usually need more reading practice in order to become efficient readers in the foreign language. The use of authentic materials is an important principle of Communicative Language Teaching. In real life we read because we are interested in the communicative purpose of the text, in the ideas that the writer has expressed or the effect that the text is supposed to produce on the reader. The language in an authentic text is varied, whereas in a non-authentic one there is often one single structure that is repeated. The use of truly authentic texts is an important means of teaching students to communicate effectively.
Unfortunately, most textbooks make use of non-authentic texts. They are supposed to be easier than authentic ones and to be better suited to the students’ language proficiency level. However, this is not true because:
• non-authentic texts are usually over-explicit: they say too much because they lack the natural redundancy of authentic ones, they abound with details, so, the students are not given the chance to make any inferences;
• textbook reading materials usually deal with over-familiar topics. This can hardly be avoided at beginner level but at the higher levels the reading texts can be more informative, enjoyable and interesting;
• there is often a noticeable emphasis on the product of the activity, i.e. on the answers to the comprehension questions, over the process, i.e. the appropriate use of reading skills and strategies in order to understand the text.
We can overcome these shortcomings quite successfully if we provide supplementary authentic texts. Thus the language learners will become better readers, confident in their ability to cope with reading in real life situations.
So, why do we read? In our daily lives we read for two basic reasons: for pleasure and for information (Grellet, 1981:4). We read for information because we want to find out something, to learn something from the text, or for instruction, in order to do something with the information we get, to find out how to act. These reasons for reading are authentic. […]
Having mentioned the major drawbacks of textbook reading materials, let’s now consider the guidelines for selecting a text to supplement them or even replace them. These are the readability, the suitability of content and the exploitability of the authentic text (Nuttal, 1982:25).
Readability means that the text should be at the right level. When we try to find a readable text, we have to assess the level of its structural and lexical difficulty. Still, we should not forget that the students can deal with more difficult texts, provided the task is not too difficult.
Suitability of content means that the text should be interesting and informative. The students’ preferences should not be neglected and a survey of their tastes might help the teacher quite a lot.
Exploitability means that the text should facilitate the development of reading skills in order to help the students become competent and independent readers.
However, we shouldn’t forget the fact that language classes are not entirely homogeneous: the level of the students is not the same, their tastes may vary and it is virtually impossible to create an ideal reader who could tackle all existing texts successfully. So, our goals and criteria should be realistic.
What should be pointed out in conclusion is the vital importance of using authentic texts as supplements to textbook reading materials in order to prepare students for real life reading.Authentic texts foster the development of their reading skills thus helping them gain confidence in their reading ability in the foreign language. They become autonomous readers, who can take responsibility for their own reading.

Available at: <https://www.beta-iatefl.org/1106/blog-
publications>. Accessed on: July 9th, 2019. (Adapted).

The author of the article does not consider that non-authentic texts

  • letra c
    are supposed to be harder for foreign students.

FUNDEP (Gestão de Concursos)
Prefeitura de Uberlândia - MG

INSTRUCTIONS: Read the text carefully and then mark the alternatives that answer the questions or complete the sentences presented after it.


Using authentic reading materials in FLT

Let us discuss what reading in a foreign language is, how it differs from reading in one’s mother-tongue. If the foreign language learners are poor readers in their mother-tongue, we can’t expect them to read efficiently in the foreign language. But if they are good readers in their mother-tongue, we expect them to transfer their reading strategies to the foreign language automatically. Unfortunately, this doesn’t always happen. Automatic transfer of reading strategies from L1 to L2 is difficult or never occurs. Good readers use top-down and bottom-up strategies to make predictions about the meaning of the text and check them. They vary their reading speed and strategies according to the purpose for their reading and the type of the text. When the same students read a text in the foreign language, they tend to use bottom-up strategies, i.e. their linguistic knowledge, but they rarely dare to use top-down strategies, i.e. their knowledge abouttheworld.Appropriate reading strategies are rarely used and even some faulty reading habits, e.g. subvocalizing, regressive eye movements, etc., can be observed. So, foreign language students usually need more reading practice in order to become efficient readers in the foreign language. The use of authentic materials is an important principle of Communicative Language Teaching. In real life we read because we are interested in the communicative purpose of the text, in the ideas that the writer has expressed or the effect that the text is supposed to produce on the reader. The language in an authentic text is varied, whereas in a non-authentic one there is often one single structure that is repeated. The use of truly authentic texts is an important means of teaching students to communicate effectively.
Unfortunately, most textbooks make use of non-authentic texts. They are supposed to be easier than authentic ones and to be better suited to the students’ language proficiency level. However, this is not true because:
• non-authentic texts are usually over-explicit: they say too much because they lack the natural redundancy of authentic ones, they abound with details, so, the students are not given the chance to make any inferences;
• textbook reading materials usually deal with over-familiar topics. This can hardly be avoided at beginner level but at the higher levels the reading texts can be more informative, enjoyable and interesting;
• there is often a noticeable emphasis on the product of the activity, i.e. on the answers to the comprehension questions, over the process, i.e. the appropriate use of reading skills and strategies in order to understand the text.
We can overcome these shortcomings quite successfully if we provide supplementary authentic texts. Thus the language learners will become better readers, confident in their ability to cope with reading in real life situations.
So, why do we read? In our daily lives we read for two basic reasons: for pleasure and for information (Grellet, 1981:4). We read for information because we want to find out something, to learn something from the text, or for instruction, in order to do something with the information we get, to find out how to act. These reasons for reading are authentic. […]
Having mentioned the major drawbacks of textbook reading materials, let’s now consider the guidelines for selecting a text to supplement them or even replace them. These are the readability, the suitability of content and the exploitability of the authentic text (Nuttal, 1982:25).
Readability means that the text should be at the right level. When we try to find a readable text, we have to assess the level of its structural and lexical difficulty. Still, we should not forget that the students can deal with more difficult texts, provided the task is not too difficult.
Suitability of content means that the text should be interesting and informative. The students’ preferences should not be neglected and a survey of their tastes might help the teacher quite a lot.
Exploitability means that the text should facilitate the development of reading skills in order to help the students become competent and independent readers.
However, we shouldn’t forget the fact that language classes are not entirely homogeneous: the level of the students is not the same, their tastes may vary and it is virtually impossible to create an ideal reader who could tackle all existing texts successfully. So, our goals and criteria should be realistic.
What should be pointed out in conclusion is the vital importance of using authentic texts as supplements to textbook reading materials in order to prepare students for real life reading.Authentic texts foster the development of their reading skills thus helping them gain confidence in their reading ability in the foreign language. They become autonomous readers, who can take responsibility for their own reading.

Available at: <https://www.beta-iatefl.org/1106/blog-
publications>. Accessed on: July 9th, 2019. (Adapted).

According to the text, the authentic reasons we read can be summarized as:

  • Letra b

    We read for leisure and information purposes.

FUNDEP (Gestão de Concursos)
Prefeitura de Uberlândia - MG

INSTRUCTIONS: Read the text carefully and then mark the alternatives that answer the questions or complete the sentences presented after it.


Using authentic reading materials in FLT

Let us discuss what reading in a foreign language is, how it differs from reading in one’s mother-tongue. If the foreign language learners are poor readers in their mother-tongue, we can’t expect them to read efficiently in the foreign language. But if they are good readers in their mother-tongue, we expect them to transfer their reading strategies to the foreign language automatically. Unfortunately, this doesn’t always happen. Automatic transfer of reading strategies from L1 to L2 is difficult or never occurs. Good readers use top-down and bottom-up strategies to make predictions about the meaning of the text and check them. They vary their reading speed and strategies according to the purpose for their reading and the type of the text. When the same students read a text in the foreign language, they tend to use bottom-up strategies, i.e. their linguistic knowledge, but they rarely dare to use top-down strategies, i.e. their knowledge abouttheworld.Appropriate reading strategies are rarely used and even some faulty reading habits, e.g. subvocalizing, regressive eye movements, etc., can be observed. So, foreign language students usually need more reading practice in order to become efficient readers in the foreign language. The use of authentic materials is an important principle of Communicative Language Teaching. In real life we read because we are interested in the communicative purpose of the text, in the ideas that the writer has expressed or the effect that the text is supposed to produce on the reader. The language in an authentic text is varied, whereas in a non-authentic one there is often one single structure that is repeated. The use of truly authentic texts is an important means of teaching students to communicate effectively.
Unfortunately, most textbooks make use of non-authentic texts. They are supposed to be easier than authentic ones and to be better suited to the students’ language proficiency level. However, this is not true because:
• non-authentic texts are usually over-explicit: they say too much because they lack the natural redundancy of authentic ones, they abound with details, so, the students are not given the chance to make any inferences;
• textbook reading materials usually deal with over-familiar topics. This can hardly be avoided at beginner level but at the higher levels the reading texts can be more informative, enjoyable and interesting;
• there is often a noticeable emphasis on the product of the activity, i.e. on the answers to the comprehension questions, over the process, i.e. the appropriate use of reading skills and strategies in order to understand the text.
We can overcome these shortcomings quite successfully if we provide supplementary authentic texts. Thus the language learners will become better readers, confident in their ability to cope with reading in real life situations.
So, why do we read? In our daily lives we read for two basic reasons: for pleasure and for information (Grellet, 1981:4). We read for information because we want to find out something, to learn something from the text, or for instruction, in order to do something with the information we get, to find out how to act. These reasons for reading are authentic. […]
Having mentioned the major drawbacks of textbook reading materials, let’s now consider the guidelines for selecting a text to supplement them or even replace them. These are the readability, the suitability of content and the exploitability of the authentic text (Nuttal, 1982:25).
Readability means that the text should be at the right level. When we try to find a readable text, we have to assess the level of its structural and lexical difficulty. Still, we should not forget that the students can deal with more difficult texts, provided the task is not too difficult.
Suitability of content means that the text should be interesting and informative. The students’ preferences should not be neglected and a survey of their tastes might help the teacher quite a lot.
Exploitability means that the text should facilitate the development of reading skills in order to help the students become competent and independent readers.
However, we shouldn’t forget the fact that language classes are not entirely homogeneous: the level of the students is not the same, their tastes may vary and it is virtually impossible to create an ideal reader who could tackle all existing texts successfully. So, our goals and criteria should be realistic.
What should be pointed out in conclusion is the vital importance of using authentic texts as supplements to textbook reading materials in order to prepare students for real life reading.Authentic texts foster the development of their reading skills thus helping them gain confidence in their reading ability in the foreign language. They become autonomous readers, who can take responsibility for their own reading.

Available at: <https://www.beta-iatefl.org/1106/blog-
publications>. Accessed on: July 9th, 2019. (Adapted).

According to Nuttal (mentioned in the text), the selection of authentic reading material should consider some guidelines, as presented below. Mark the alternative that is not included as an item.

  • O texto so cita o tal no Nuttal em seu final :

    Having mentioned the major drawbacks of textbook reading materials, let’s now consider the guidelines for selecting a text to supplement them or even replace them. These are the readability, the suitability of content and the exploitability of the authentic text (Nuttal, 1982:25).

    • Readability means that the text should be at the right level. When we try to find a readable text, we have to assess the level of its structural and lexical difficulty. Still, we should not forget that the students can deal with more difficult texts, provided the task is not too difficult.

    • Suitability of content means that the text should be interesting and informative. The students’ preferences should not be neglected and a survey of their tastes might help the teacher quite a lot.

    • Exploitability means that the text should facilitate the development of reading skills in order to help the students become competent and independent readers.

    However, we shouldn’t forget the fact that language classes are not entirely homogeneous: the level of the students is not the same, their tastes may vary and it is virtually impossible to create an ideal reader who could tackle all existing texts successfully. So, our goals and criteria should be realistic.



    O primeiro topico ´´readablility´´ ou na tradução livre ´´legibilidade´´ o texto tem que ser legivel em sua estrutura e linguagem, porem o texto pode vim com palavras mais dificeis desde que isso não atrapalhe o leitor

    O segundo tópico ´´Suitability´´ significa que o texto deve ser informativo e interessante para trazer a atenção do leitor, sendo que a negligencia nesse aspecto leva a falta de interesse do leitor

    o terceiro e ultimo tópico´´ suitability´´ ou na tradução livre ´´explorabilidade´´ significa que o texto tem que incentivar o leitor a se tornar um leitor independente e ´´completo´´

    Logo vemos que a alternatica ´´b´´ extrapola bastante tudo que foi trago por Nuttal

FUNDEP (Gestão de Concursos)
Prefeitura de Uberlândia - MG

INSTRUCTIONS: Read the text carefully and then mark the alternatives that answer the questions or complete the sentences presented after it.


Reading approaches language practices which come directly from the interaction of the reader with the written text, especially under the focus of the constitution of meaning, based on understanding and interpreting genres written in the English language, which circulate in the various fields and layers of society. The practice of reading in English promotes, for example, the development of strategies of textual recognition (the use of verbal and non-verbal clues into the formulation of hypotheses and inferences) and of the investigation of the ways in which the contexts in the BNCC facilitate processes of meaning and critical reflection of the themes under study.
The work with verbal and hybrid genres, mainly potentialized by digital media, makes it possible to live, in a meaningful and pre-given way, diverse ways of reading (reading in order to have a general idea of the text, search for specific information, understand details, etc.), as well as different aims at reading (in order to do research, or enhance one’s own writing, read aloud to defend ideas or arguments, to act in the actual world, always in a critical manner, among other aims). Besides, reading practices in English include diverse possibilities of contexts in the use of languages for research and enhancing of knowledge of meaningful themes for the students, in interdisciplinary works or esthetic appreciation of genres like poems, plays, etc.
Reading from chosen texts, involving practice with diverse written and multimodal texts, of great importance to the life of students in their school, social and cultural aspects, as well as the analyzing and problematizing of the chosen texts, help develop critical reading and the building of an autonomous and creative trajectory in language learning.

BRASIL. Base Nacional Comum Curricular (BNCC).
Available at: <http://basenacionalcomum.mec.gov.br/>.
Acessed on: August 31th, 2019 (Free translation).

The reading practice does not:

  • understanding and interpreting genres written in the English language, which circulate in the various fields and layers of society

    Olha o que a letra c fala /

    bring people from one layer of society into a higher one.

FUNDEP (Gestão de Concursos)
Prefeitura de Uberlândia - MG

INSTRUCTIONS: Read the text carefully and then mark the alternatives that answer the questions or complete the sentences presented after it.


Reading approaches language practices which come directly from the interaction of the reader with the written text, especially under the focus of the constitution of meaning, based on understanding and interpreting genres written in the English language, which circulate in the various fields and layers of society. The practice of reading in English promotes, for example, the development of strategies of textual recognition (the use of verbal and non-verbal clues into the formulation of hypotheses and inferences) and of the investigation of the ways in which the contexts in the BNCC facilitate processes of meaning and critical reflection of the themes under study.
The work with verbal and hybrid genres, mainly potentialized by digital media, makes it possible to live, in a meaningful and pre-given way, diverse ways of reading (reading in order to have a general idea of the text, search for specific information, understand details, etc.), as well as different aims at reading (in order to do research, or enhance one’s own writing, read aloud to defend ideas or arguments, to act in the actual world, always in a critical manner, among other aims). Besides, reading practices in English include diverse possibilities of contexts in the use of languages for research and enhancing of knowledge of meaningful themes for the students, in interdisciplinary works or esthetic appreciation of genres like poems, plays, etc.
Reading from chosen texts, involving practice with diverse written and multimodal texts, of great importance to the life of students in their school, social and cultural aspects, as well as the analyzing and problematizing of the chosen texts, help develop critical reading and the building of an autonomous and creative trajectory in language learning.

BRASIL. Base Nacional Comum Curricular (BNCC).
Available at: <http://basenacionalcomum.mec.gov.br/>.
Acessed on: August 31th, 2019 (Free translation).

The text says that the digital media

  • Letra c enhance the work with verbal and hybrid genres.

FUNDEP (Gestão de Concursos)
Prefeitura de Uberlândia - MG

INSTRUCTIONS: Read the text carefully and then mark the alternatives that answer the questions or complete the sentences presented after it.


Reading approaches language practices which come directly from the interaction of the reader with the written text, especially under the focus of the constitution of meaning, based on understanding and interpreting genres written in the English language, which circulate in the various fields and layers of society. The practice of reading in English promotes, for example, the development of strategies of textual recognition (the use of verbal and non-verbal clues into the formulation of hypotheses and inferences) and of the investigation of the ways in which the contexts in the BNCC facilitate processes of meaning and critical reflection of the themes under study.
The work with verbal and hybrid genres, mainly potentialized by digital media, makes it possible to live, in a meaningful and pre-given way, diverse ways of reading (reading in order to have a general idea of the text, search for specific information, understand details, etc.), as well as different aims at reading (in order to do research, or enhance one’s own writing, read aloud to defend ideas or arguments, to act in the actual world, always in a critical manner, among other aims). Besides, reading practices in English include diverse possibilities of contexts in the use of languages for research and enhancing of knowledge of meaningful themes for the students, in interdisciplinary works or esthetic appreciation of genres like poems, plays, etc.
Reading from chosen texts, involving practice with diverse written and multimodal texts, of great importance to the life of students in their school, social and cultural aspects, as well as the analyzing and problematizing of the chosen texts, help develop critical reading and the building of an autonomous and creative trajectory in language learning.

BRASIL. Base Nacional Comum Curricular (BNCC).
Available at: <http://basenacionalcomum.mec.gov.br/>.
Acessed on: August 31th, 2019 (Free translation).

Among other advantages in the learning process, reading

  • letra a helps to build autonomy in language learning.

FUNDEP (Gestão de Concursos)
Prefeitura de Uberlândia - MG

INSTRUCTIONS: Read the text carefully and then mark the alternatives that answer the questions or complete the sentences presented after it.

The cab had arrived ten minutes late, then had got stuck in a monumental traffic jam on Charing Cross Road. ‘Sorry, love, nothing doing,’ the driver had said. Joanna had looked at her watch, chucked a ten-pound note at him and jumped out of the cab. As she’d hared through the streets towards Covent Garden, her chest laboring and her nose streaming, she’d wondered whether life could get any worse.
Joanna was snapped out of her reverie as the congregation suddenly ceased their chatter. She opened her eyes and turned round as Sir James Harrison’s family members began to file into the church.
Leading the party was Charles Harrison, Sir James’s only child, now well into his sixties. He lived in Los Angeles, and was an acclaimed director of big-budget action films filled with special effects. She vaguely remembered that he had won an Oscar some time ago, but his films weren’t the kind she usually went to see.
By Charles Harrison’s side was Zoe Harrison, his daughter. As Alec had hoped, Zoe looked stunning in a fitted black suit with a short skirt that showed her long legs, and her hair was pulled back in a sleek chignon that set off her classic English-rose beauty to perfection. She was an actress, whose film career was on the rise, and Matthew had been mad about her. He always said Zoe reminded him of Grace Kelly his dream woman, apparently – leading Joanna to wonder why Matthew was going out with a dark-eyed, gangly brunette such as herself. She swallowed a lump in her throat, betting that Winnie the Pooh hot-water bottle that his ‘Samantha” was a petite blonde.
Holding Zoe Harrison’s hand was a young boy of around nine or ten, looking uncomfortable in a black suit and tie: Zoe’s son Jamie Harrison, named after his great-grandfather. Zoe had given birth to Jamie when she was only nineteen and still refused to name the father. Sir
James had loyally defended his granddaughter and her decision to both have the baby and to remain silent about Jamie’s paternity.
Joanna thought how alike Jamie and his mother were: the same fine features, a milk and rose complexion, and huge blue eyes. Zoe Harrison kept him away from the cameras as much as possible – if Steve had got a shot of mother and son together, it would probably make the front page tomorrow morning.
Behind them came Marcus Harrison, Zoe’s brother. Joanna watched him as he drew level with her pew. Even with her thoughts still on Matthew, she had to admit Marcus Harrison was a serious ‘hottie’, as her fellow reporter Alice would say. Joanna recognised him from the gossip columns – most recently squiring a blonde British socialite with a triple-barreled surname. As dark as his sister was fair, but sharing the same blue eyes, Marcus carried himself with louche confidence. His hair almost touched his shoulders and, wearing a crumpled black jacket and a white shirt unbuttoned at the neck, he oozed charisma. Joanna dragged her gaze away from him. Next time, she thought firmly, I’m going for a middle-aged man who likes bird watching and stamp collecting. She struggled to recall what Marcus Harrison did for a living – a fledgling film producer, she thought. Well, he certainly looked the part.
‘Good morning, ladies and gentlemen’. The vicar spoke from the pulpit, a large picture of Sir James Harrison in front of him, surrounded with wreaths of white roses. ‘Sir James’s family welcomes you all here and thanks you for coming to pay tribute to a friend, a colleague, a father, grandfather and great-grandfather, and perhaps the finest actor of this century. For those of us who had the good fortune to know him well, it will not come as a surprise that Sir James was adamant that this was not to be a sombre occasion, but a celebration. Both his family and I have honoured his wishes. Therefore, we start with Sir James’s favourite hymn “I Vow to Thee My Country”. Please stand’.
RILEY, Lucinda. The Love Letter. London: Pan Books, 2018, p. 13-15. 

Read the following statements.

I. Five people of the same family are named in the text.
II. Jamie Harrison was the great-grandson of the man whose funeral was being held.
III. Marcus Harrison was believed to be the young boy’s father.
IV. Marcus Harrison was truly a very handsome and attractive man.

The alternative that contains the correct statements, according to the text, is:


FUNDEP (Gestão de Concursos)
Prefeitura de Uberlândia - MG

INSTRUCTIONS: Read the text carefully and then mark the alternatives that answer the questions or complete the sentences presented after it.

The cab had arrived ten minutes late, then had got stuck in a monumental traffic jam on Charing Cross Road. ‘Sorry, love, nothing doing,’ the driver had said. Joanna had looked at her watch, chucked a ten-pound note at him and jumped out of the cab. As she’d hared through the streets towards Covent Garden, her chest laboring and her nose streaming, she’d wondered whether life could get any worse.
Joanna was snapped out of her reverie as the congregation suddenly ceased their chatter. She opened her eyes and turned round as Sir James Harrison’s family members began to file into the church.
Leading the party was Charles Harrison, Sir James’s only child, now well into his sixties. He lived in Los Angeles, and was an acclaimed director of big-budget action films filled with special effects. She vaguely remembered that he had won an Oscar some time ago, but his films weren’t the kind she usually went to see.
By Charles Harrison’s side was Zoe Harrison, his daughter. As Alec had hoped, Zoe looked stunning in a fitted black suit with a short skirt that showed her long legs, and her hair was pulled back in a sleek chignon that set off her classic English-rose beauty to perfection. She was an actress, whose film career was on the rise, and Matthew had been mad about her. He always said Zoe reminded him of Grace Kelly his dream woman, apparently – leading Joanna to wonder why Matthew was going out with a dark-eyed, gangly brunette such as herself. She swallowed a lump in her throat, betting that Winnie the Pooh hot-water bottle that his ‘Samantha” was a petite blonde.
Holding Zoe Harrison’s hand was a young boy of around nine or ten, looking uncomfortable in a black suit and tie: Zoe’s son Jamie Harrison, named after his great-grandfather. Zoe had given birth to Jamie when she was only nineteen and still refused to name the father. Sir
James had loyally defended his granddaughter and her decision to both have the baby and to remain silent about Jamie’s paternity.
Joanna thought how alike Jamie and his mother were: the same fine features, a milk and rose complexion, and huge blue eyes. Zoe Harrison kept him away from the cameras as much as possible – if Steve had got a shot of mother and son together, it would probably make the front page tomorrow morning.
Behind them came Marcus Harrison, Zoe’s brother. Joanna watched him as he drew level with her pew. Even with her thoughts still on Matthew, she had to admit Marcus Harrison was a serious ‘hottie’, as her fellow reporter Alice would say. Joanna recognised him from the gossip columns – most recently squiring a blonde British socialite with a triple-barreled surname. As dark as his sister was fair, but sharing the same blue eyes, Marcus carried himself with louche confidence. His hair almost touched his shoulders and, wearing a crumpled black jacket and a white shirt unbuttoned at the neck, he oozed charisma. Joanna dragged her gaze away from him. Next time, she thought firmly, I’m going for a middle-aged man who likes bird watching and stamp collecting. She struggled to recall what Marcus Harrison did for a living – a fledgling film producer, she thought. Well, he certainly looked the part.
‘Good morning, ladies and gentlemen’. The vicar spoke from the pulpit, a large picture of Sir James Harrison in front of him, surrounded with wreaths of white roses. ‘Sir James’s family welcomes you all here and thanks you for coming to pay tribute to a friend, a colleague, a father, grandfather and great-grandfather, and perhaps the finest actor of this century. For those of us who had the good fortune to know him well, it will not come as a surprise that Sir James was adamant that this was not to be a sombre occasion, but a celebration. Both his family and I have honoured his wishes. Therefore, we start with Sir James’s favourite hymn “I Vow to Thee My Country”. Please stand’.
RILEY, Lucinda. The Love Letter. London: Pan Books, 2018, p. 13-15. 

The girl first named in the text is


FUNDEP (Gestão de Concursos)
Prefeitura de Uberlândia - MG

INSTRUCTIONS: Read the text carefully and then mark the alternatives that answer the questions or complete the sentences presented after it.

The cab had arrived ten minutes late, then had got stuck in a monumental traffic jam on Charing Cross Road. ‘Sorry, love, nothing doing,’ the driver had said. Joanna had looked at her watch, chucked a ten-pound note at him and jumped out of the cab. As she’d hared through the streets towards Covent Garden, her chest laboring and her nose streaming, she’d wondered whether life could get any worse.
Joanna was snapped out of her reverie as the congregation suddenly ceased their chatter. She opened her eyes and turned round as Sir James Harrison’s family members began to file into the church.
Leading the party was Charles Harrison, Sir James’s only child, now well into his sixties. He lived in Los Angeles, and was an acclaimed director of big-budget action films filled with special effects. She vaguely remembered that he had won an Oscar some time ago, but his films weren’t the kind she usually went to see.
By Charles Harrison’s side was Zoe Harrison, his daughter. As Alec had hoped, Zoe looked stunning in a fitted black suit with a short skirt that showed her long legs, and her hair was pulled back in a sleek chignon that set off her classic English-rose beauty to perfection. She was an actress, whose film career was on the rise, and Matthew had been mad about her. He always said Zoe reminded him of Grace Kelly his dream woman, apparently – leading Joanna to wonder why Matthew was going out with a dark-eyed, gangly brunette such as herself. She swallowed a lump in her throat, betting that Winnie the Pooh hot-water bottle that his ‘Samantha” was a petite blonde.
Holding Zoe Harrison’s hand was a young boy of around nine or ten, looking uncomfortable in a black suit and tie: Zoe’s son Jamie Harrison, named after his great-grandfather. Zoe had given birth to Jamie when she was only nineteen and still refused to name the father. Sir
James had loyally defended his granddaughter and her decision to both have the baby and to remain silent about Jamie’s paternity.
Joanna thought how alike Jamie and his mother were: the same fine features, a milk and rose complexion, and huge blue eyes. Zoe Harrison kept him away from the cameras as much as possible – if Steve had got a shot of mother and son together, it would probably make the front page tomorrow morning.
Behind them came Marcus Harrison, Zoe’s brother. Joanna watched him as he drew level with her pew. Even with her thoughts still on Matthew, she had to admit Marcus Harrison was a serious ‘hottie’, as her fellow reporter Alice would say. Joanna recognised him from the gossip columns – most recently squiring a blonde British socialite with a triple-barreled surname. As dark as his sister was fair, but sharing the same blue eyes, Marcus carried himself with louche confidence. His hair almost touched his shoulders and, wearing a crumpled black jacket and a white shirt unbuttoned at the neck, he oozed charisma. Joanna dragged her gaze away from him. Next time, she thought firmly, I’m going for a middle-aged man who likes bird watching and stamp collecting. She struggled to recall what Marcus Harrison did for a living – a fledgling film producer, she thought. Well, he certainly looked the part.
‘Good morning, ladies and gentlemen’. The vicar spoke from the pulpit, a large picture of Sir James Harrison in front of him, surrounded with wreaths of white roses. ‘Sir James’s family welcomes you all here and thanks you for coming to pay tribute to a friend, a colleague, a father, grandfather and great-grandfather, and perhaps the finest actor of this century. For those of us who had the good fortune to know him well, it will not come as a surprise that Sir James was adamant that this was not to be a sombre occasion, but a celebration. Both his family and I have honoured his wishes. Therefore, we start with Sir James’s favourite hymn “I Vow to Thee My Country”. Please stand’.
RILEY, Lucinda. The Love Letter. London: Pan Books, 2018, p. 13-15. 

Read the text again carefully and then mark the alternative that contradicts it.

  • gabarito diz c mas não concordo

FUNDEP (Gestão de Concursos)
Prefeitura de Uberlândia - MG

INSTRUCTIONS: Read the text carefully and then mark the alternatives that answer the questions or complete the sentences presented after it.

The cab had arrived ten minutes late, then had got stuck in a monumental traffic jam on Charing Cross Road. ‘Sorry, love, nothing doing,’ the driver had said. Joanna had looked at her watch, chucked a ten-pound note at him and jumped out of the cab. As she’d hared through the streets towards Covent Garden, her chest laboring and her nose streaming, she’d wondered whether life could get any worse.
Joanna was snapped out of her reverie as the congregation suddenly ceased their chatter. She opened her eyes and turned round as Sir James Harrison’s family members began to file into the church.
Leading the party was Charles Harrison, Sir James’s only child, now well into his sixties. He lived in Los Angeles, and was an acclaimed director of big-budget action films filled with special effects. She vaguely remembered that he had won an Oscar some time ago, but his films weren’t the kind she usually went to see.
By Charles Harrison’s side was Zoe Harrison, his daughter. As Alec had hoped, Zoe looked stunning in a fitted black suit with a short skirt that showed her long legs, and her hair was pulled back in a sleek chignon that set off her classic English-rose beauty to perfection. She was an actress, whose film career was on the rise, and Matthew had been mad about her. He always said Zoe reminded him of Grace Kelly his dream woman, apparently – leading Joanna to wonder why Matthew was going out with a dark-eyed, gangly brunette such as herself. She swallowed a lump in her throat, betting that Winnie the Pooh hot-water bottle that his ‘Samantha” was a petite blonde.
Holding Zoe Harrison’s hand was a young boy of around nine or ten, looking uncomfortable in a black suit and tie: Zoe’s son Jamie Harrison, named after his great-grandfather. Zoe had given birth to Jamie when she was only nineteen and still refused to name the father. Sir
James had loyally defended his granddaughter and her decision to both have the baby and to remain silent about Jamie’s paternity.
Joanna thought how alike Jamie and his mother were: the same fine features, a milk and rose complexion, and huge blue eyes. Zoe Harrison kept him away from the cameras as much as possible – if Steve had got a shot of mother and son together, it would probably make the front page tomorrow morning.
Behind them came Marcus Harrison, Zoe’s brother. Joanna watched him as he drew level with her pew. Even with her thoughts still on Matthew, she had to admit Marcus Harrison was a serious ‘hottie’, as her fellow reporter Alice would say. Joanna recognised him from the gossip columns – most recently squiring a blonde British socialite with a triple-barreled surname. As dark as his sister was fair, but sharing the same blue eyes, Marcus carried himself with louche confidence. His hair almost touched his shoulders and, wearing a crumpled black jacket and a white shirt unbuttoned at the neck, he oozed charisma. Joanna dragged her gaze away from him. Next time, she thought firmly, I’m going for a middle-aged man who likes bird watching and stamp collecting. She struggled to recall what Marcus Harrison did for a living – a fledgling film producer, she thought. Well, he certainly looked the part.
‘Good morning, ladies and gentlemen’. The vicar spoke from the pulpit, a large picture of Sir James Harrison in front of him, surrounded with wreaths of white roses. ‘Sir James’s family welcomes you all here and thanks you for coming to pay tribute to a friend, a colleague, a father, grandfather and great-grandfather, and perhaps the finest actor of this century. For those of us who had the good fortune to know him well, it will not come as a surprise that Sir James was adamant that this was not to be a sombre occasion, but a celebration. Both his family and I have honoured his wishes. Therefore, we start with Sir James’s favourite hymn “I Vow to Thee My Country”. Please stand’.
RILEY, Lucinda. The Love Letter. London: Pan Books, 2018, p. 13-15. 

Look at the sentence ‘Joanna was snapped out of her reverie as the congregation suddenly ceased their chatter’.
Mark the correct alternative that corresponds to this sentence in meaning.


FUNDEP (Gestão de Concursos)
Prefeitura de Uberlândia - MG

INSTRUCTIONS: Read the text carefully and then mark the alternatives that answer the questions or complete the sentences presented after it.

The cab had arrived ten minutes late, then had got stuck in a monumental traffic jam on Charing Cross Road. ‘Sorry, love, nothing doing,’ the driver had said. Joanna had looked at her watch, chucked a ten-pound note at him and jumped out of the cab. As she’d hared through the streets towards Covent Garden, her chest laboring and her nose streaming, she’d wondered whether life could get any worse.
Joanna was snapped out of her reverie as the congregation suddenly ceased their chatter. She opened her eyes and turned round as Sir James Harrison’s family members began to file into the church.
Leading the party was Charles Harrison, Sir James’s only child, now well into his sixties. He lived in Los Angeles, and was an acclaimed director of big-budget action films filled with special effects. She vaguely remembered that he had won an Oscar some time ago, but his films weren’t the kind she usually went to see.
By Charles Harrison’s side was Zoe Harrison, his daughter. As Alec had hoped, Zoe looked stunning in a fitted black suit with a short skirt that showed her long legs, and her hair was pulled back in a sleek chignon that set off her classic English-rose beauty to perfection. She was an actress, whose film career was on the rise, and Matthew had been mad about her. He always said Zoe reminded him of Grace Kelly his dream woman, apparently – leading Joanna to wonder why Matthew was going out with a dark-eyed, gangly brunette such as herself. She swallowed a lump in her throat, betting that Winnie the Pooh hot-water bottle that his ‘Samantha” was a petite blonde.
Holding Zoe Harrison’s hand was a young boy of around nine or ten, looking uncomfortable in a black suit and tie: Zoe’s son Jamie Harrison, named after his great-grandfather. Zoe had given birth to Jamie when she was only nineteen and still refused to name the father. Sir
James had loyally defended his granddaughter and her decision to both have the baby and to remain silent about Jamie’s paternity.
Joanna thought how alike Jamie and his mother were: the same fine features, a milk and rose complexion, and huge blue eyes. Zoe Harrison kept him away from the cameras as much as possible – if Steve had got a shot of mother and son together, it would probably make the front page tomorrow morning.
Behind them came Marcus Harrison, Zoe’s brother. Joanna watched him as he drew level with her pew. Even with her thoughts still on Matthew, she had to admit Marcus Harrison was a serious ‘hottie’, as her fellow reporter Alice would say. Joanna recognised him from the gossip columns – most recently squiring a blonde British socialite with a triple-barreled surname. As dark as his sister was fair, but sharing the same blue eyes, Marcus carried himself with louche confidence. His hair almost touched his shoulders and, wearing a crumpled black jacket and a white shirt unbuttoned at the neck, he oozed charisma. Joanna dragged her gaze away from him. Next time, she thought firmly, I’m going for a middle-aged man who likes bird watching and stamp collecting. She struggled to recall what Marcus Harrison did for a living – a fledgling film producer, she thought. Well, he certainly looked the part.
‘Good morning, ladies and gentlemen’. The vicar spoke from the pulpit, a large picture of Sir James Harrison in front of him, surrounded with wreaths of white roses. ‘Sir James’s family welcomes you all here and thanks you for coming to pay tribute to a friend, a colleague, a father, grandfather and great-grandfather, and perhaps the finest actor of this century. For those of us who had the good fortune to know him well, it will not come as a surprise that Sir James was adamant that this was not to be a sombre occasion, but a celebration. Both his family and I have honoured his wishes. Therefore, we start with Sir James’s favourite hymn “I Vow to Thee My Country”. Please stand’.
RILEY, Lucinda. The Love Letter. London: Pan Books, 2018, p. 13-15. 

The correct passive voice for the sentence ‘Sir James’s family welcomes you all here and thanks you for coming to pay tribute to a friend’ will be:


FUNDEP (Gestão de Concursos)
Prefeitura de Uberlândia - MG

INSTRUCTIONS: Read the text carefully and then mark the alternatives that answer the questions or complete the sentences presented after it.

The cab had arrived ten minutes late, then had got stuck in a monumental traffic jam on Charing Cross Road. ‘Sorry, love, nothing doing,’ the driver had said. Joanna had looked at her watch, chucked a ten-pound note at him and jumped out of the cab. As she’d hared through the streets towards Covent Garden, her chest laboring and her nose streaming, she’d wondered whether life could get any worse.
Joanna was snapped out of her reverie as the congregation suddenly ceased their chatter. She opened her eyes and turned round as Sir James Harrison’s family members began to file into the church.
Leading the party was Charles Harrison, Sir James’s only child, now well into his sixties. He lived in Los Angeles, and was an acclaimed director of big-budget action films filled with special effects. She vaguely remembered that he had won an Oscar some time ago, but his films weren’t the kind she usually went to see.
By Charles Harrison’s side was Zoe Harrison, his daughter. As Alec had hoped, Zoe looked stunning in a fitted black suit with a short skirt that showed her long legs, and her hair was pulled back in a sleek chignon that set off her classic English-rose beauty to perfection. She was an actress, whose film career was on the rise, and Matthew had been mad about her. He always said Zoe reminded him of Grace Kelly his dream woman, apparently – leading Joanna to wonder why Matthew was going out with a dark-eyed, gangly brunette such as herself. She swallowed a lump in her throat, betting that Winnie the Pooh hot-water bottle that his ‘Samantha” was a petite blonde.
Holding Zoe Harrison’s hand was a young boy of around nine or ten, looking uncomfortable in a black suit and tie: Zoe’s son Jamie Harrison, named after his great-grandfather. Zoe had given birth to Jamie when she was only nineteen and still refused to name the father. Sir
James had loyally defended his granddaughter and her decision to both have the baby and to remain silent about Jamie’s paternity.
Joanna thought how alike Jamie and his mother were: the same fine features, a milk and rose complexion, and huge blue eyes. Zoe Harrison kept him away from the cameras as much as possible – if Steve had got a shot of mother and son together, it would probably make the front page tomorrow morning.
Behind them came Marcus Harrison, Zoe’s brother. Joanna watched him as he drew level with her pew. Even with her thoughts still on Matthew, she had to admit Marcus Harrison was a serious ‘hottie’, as her fellow reporter Alice would say. Joanna recognised him from the gossip columns – most recently squiring a blonde British socialite with a triple-barreled surname. As dark as his sister was fair, but sharing the same blue eyes, Marcus carried himself with louche confidence. His hair almost touched his shoulders and, wearing a crumpled black jacket and a white shirt unbuttoned at the neck, he oozed charisma. Joanna dragged her gaze away from him. Next time, she thought firmly, I’m going for a middle-aged man who likes bird watching and stamp collecting. She struggled to recall what Marcus Harrison did for a living – a fledgling film producer, she thought. Well, he certainly looked the part.
‘Good morning, ladies and gentlemen’. The vicar spoke from the pulpit, a large picture of Sir James Harrison in front of him, surrounded with wreaths of white roses. ‘Sir James’s family welcomes you all here and thanks you for coming to pay tribute to a friend, a colleague, a father, grandfather and great-grandfather, and perhaps the finest actor of this century. For those of us who had the good fortune to know him well, it will not come as a surprise that Sir James was adamant that this was not to be a sombre occasion, but a celebration. Both his family and I have honoured his wishes. Therefore, we start with Sir James’s favourite hymn “I Vow to Thee My Country”. Please stand’.
RILEY, Lucinda. The Love Letter. London: Pan Books, 2018, p. 13-15. 

In the sentence “She was an actress, whose film career was on the rise”, the word whose is

  • Answer (D)

    Whose é um pronome relativo que se equipara ao "cujo" do português.

  • Pronomes relativos


    Who= quem, o qual


    Whose= cujo, cuja que relaciona dois substantivos com sentido de posse


    Which= o qual, que


    Where= onde, em que


    When= quando, no qual


    That= que


    What= o que

  • Veja art.230, §2º da CF/88.

FUNDEP (Gestão de Concursos)
Prefeitura de Uberlândia - MG

INSTRUCTIONS: Read the text carefully and then mark the alternatives that answer the questions or complete the sentences presented after it.

The cab had arrived ten minutes late, then had got stuck in a monumental traffic jam on Charing Cross Road. ‘Sorry, love, nothing doing,’ the driver had said. Joanna had looked at her watch, chucked a ten-pound note at him and jumped out of the cab. As she’d hared through the streets towards Covent Garden, her chest laboring and her nose streaming, she’d wondered whether life could get any worse.
Joanna was snapped out of her reverie as the congregation suddenly ceased their chatter. She opened her eyes and turned round as Sir James Harrison’s family members began to file into the church.
Leading the party was Charles Harrison, Sir James’s only child, now well into his sixties. He lived in Los Angeles, and was an acclaimed director of big-budget action films filled with special effects. She vaguely remembered that he had won an Oscar some time ago, but his films weren’t the kind she usually went to see.
By Charles Harrison’s side was Zoe Harrison, his daughter. As Alec had hoped, Zoe looked stunning in a fitted black suit with a short skirt that showed her long legs, and her hair was pulled back in a sleek chignon that set off her classic English-rose beauty to perfection. She was an actress, whose film career was on the rise, and Matthew had been mad about her. He always said Zoe reminded him of Grace Kelly his dream woman, apparently – leading Joanna to wonder why Matthew was going out with a dark-eyed, gangly brunette such as herself. She swallowed a lump in her throat, betting that Winnie the Pooh hot-water bottle that his ‘Samantha” was a petite blonde.
Holding Zoe Harrison’s hand was a young boy of around nine or ten, looking uncomfortable in a black suit and tie: Zoe’s son Jamie Harrison, named after his great-grandfather. Zoe had given birth to Jamie when she was only nineteen and still refused to name the father. Sir
James had loyally defended his granddaughter and her decision to both have the baby and to remain silent about Jamie’s paternity.
Joanna thought how alike Jamie and his mother were: the same fine features, a milk and rose complexion, and huge blue eyes. Zoe Harrison kept him away from the cameras as much as possible – if Steve had got a shot of mother and son together, it would probably make the front page tomorrow morning.
Behind them came Marcus Harrison, Zoe’s brother. Joanna watched him as he drew level with her pew. Even with her thoughts still on Matthew, she had to admit Marcus Harrison was a serious ‘hottie’, as her fellow reporter Alice would say. Joanna recognised him from the gossip columns – most recently squiring a blonde British socialite with a triple-barreled surname. As dark as his sister was fair, but sharing the same blue eyes, Marcus carried himself with louche confidence. His hair almost touched his shoulders and, wearing a crumpled black jacket and a white shirt unbuttoned at the neck, he oozed charisma. Joanna dragged her gaze away from him. Next time, she thought firmly, I’m going for a middle-aged man who likes bird watching and stamp collecting. She struggled to recall what Marcus Harrison did for a living – a fledgling film producer, she thought. Well, he certainly looked the part.
‘Good morning, ladies and gentlemen’. The vicar spoke from the pulpit, a large picture of Sir James Harrison in front of him, surrounded with wreaths of white roses. ‘Sir James’s family welcomes you all here and thanks you for coming to pay tribute to a friend, a colleague, a father, grandfather and great-grandfather, and perhaps the finest actor of this century. For those of us who had the good fortune to know him well, it will not come as a surprise that Sir James was adamant that this was not to be a sombre occasion, but a celebration. Both his family and I have honoured his wishes. Therefore, we start with Sir James’s favourite hymn “I Vow to Thee My Country”. Please stand’.
RILEY, Lucinda. The Love Letter. London: Pan Books, 2018, p. 13-15. 

In the sentence “[…] leading Joanna to wonder why Matthew was going out with a dark-eyed, gangly brunette such as herself”, the pronoun herself refers to

  • Answer (A)

    leading Joanna to wonder why Matthew was going out with a dark-eyed, gangly brunette such as herself

    Herself -> Ela mesma.

    Joanna era parecida com a tal da Brunette e estava se perguntando por que o Matthew estava saindo com alguém parecida com ela mesma, ou seja, com Joanna.

    ʕ•́ᴥ•̀ʔっ INSS 2020/21.

FUNDEP (Gestão de Concursos)
Prefeitura de Uberlândia - MG

INSTRUCTIONS: Read the text carefully and then mark the alternatives that answer the questions or complete the sentences presented after it.

The cab had arrived ten minutes late, then had got stuck in a monumental traffic jam on Charing Cross Road. ‘Sorry, love, nothing doing,’ the driver had said. Joanna had looked at her watch, chucked a ten-pound note at him and jumped out of the cab. As she’d hared through the streets towards Covent Garden, her chest laboring and her nose streaming, she’d wondered whether life could get any worse.
Joanna was snapped out of her reverie as the congregation suddenly ceased their chatter. She opened her eyes and turned round as Sir James Harrison’s family members began to file into the church.
Leading the party was Charles Harrison, Sir James’s only child, now well into his sixties. He lived in Los Angeles, and was an acclaimed director of big-budget action films filled with special effects. She vaguely remembered that he had won an Oscar some time ago, but his films weren’t the kind she usually went to see.
By Charles Harrison’s side was Zoe Harrison, his daughter. As Alec had hoped, Zoe looked stunning in a fitted black suit with a short skirt that showed her long legs, and her hair was pulled back in a sleek chignon that set off her classic English-rose beauty to perfection. She was an actress, whose film career was on the rise, and Matthew had been mad about her. He always said Zoe reminded him of Grace Kelly his dream woman, apparently – leading Joanna to wonder why Matthew was going out with a dark-eyed, gangly brunette such as herself. She swallowed a lump in her throat, betting that Winnie the Pooh hot-water bottle that his ‘Samantha” was a petite blonde.
Holding Zoe Harrison’s hand was a young boy of around nine or ten, looking uncomfortable in a black suit and tie: Zoe’s son Jamie Harrison, named after his great-grandfather. Zoe had given birth to Jamie when she was only nineteen and still refused to name the father. Sir
James had loyally defended his granddaughter and her decision to both have the baby and to remain silent about Jamie’s paternity.
Joanna thought how alike Jamie and his mother were: the same fine features, a milk and rose complexion, and huge blue eyes. Zoe Harrison kept him away from the cameras as much as possible – if Steve had got a shot of mother and son together, it would probably make the front page tomorrow morning.
Behind them came Marcus Harrison, Zoe’s brother. Joanna watched him as he drew level with her pew. Even with her thoughts still on Matthew, she had to admit Marcus Harrison was a serious ‘hottie’, as her fellow reporter Alice would say. Joanna recognised him from the gossip columns – most recently squiring a blonde British socialite with a triple-barreled surname. As dark as his sister was fair, but sharing the same blue eyes, Marcus carried himself with louche confidence. His hair almost touched his shoulders and, wearing a crumpled black jacket and a white shirt unbuttoned at the neck, he oozed charisma. Joanna dragged her gaze away from him. Next time, she thought firmly, I’m going for a middle-aged man who likes bird watching and stamp collecting. She struggled to recall what Marcus Harrison did for a living – a fledgling film producer, she thought. Well, he certainly looked the part.
‘Good morning, ladies and gentlemen’. The vicar spoke from the pulpit, a large picture of Sir James Harrison in front of him, surrounded with wreaths of white roses. ‘Sir James’s family welcomes you all here and thanks you for coming to pay tribute to a friend, a colleague, a father, grandfather and great-grandfather, and perhaps the finest actor of this century. For those of us who had the good fortune to know him well, it will not come as a surprise that Sir James was adamant that this was not to be a sombre occasion, but a celebration. Both his family and I have honoured his wishes. Therefore, we start with Sir James’s favourite hymn “I Vow to Thee My Country”. Please stand’.
RILEY, Lucinda. The Love Letter. London: Pan Books, 2018, p. 13-15. 

Mark the letter which corresponds to the word which is not an adverb formed with the suffix ly

  • Answer (B)

    The question is asking about an adverb.

    Suddenly -> Adverb;

    Family -> Substantive;

    Vaguely -> Adverb

    Recently -> Adverb

    ʕ•́ᴥ•̀ʔっ INSS 2020/21.

  • kkkkkkkkk gente, sério isso? omg

    podiam ser todas assim (joking, of course)

FUNDEP (Gestão de Concursos)
Prefeitura de Uberlândia - MG

INSTRUCTIONS: Read the text carefully and then mark the alternatives that answer the questions or complete the sentences presented after it.

The cab had arrived ten minutes late, then had got stuck in a monumental traffic jam on Charing Cross Road. ‘Sorry, love, nothing doing,’ the driver had said. Joanna had looked at her watch, chucked a ten-pound note at him and jumped out of the cab. As she’d hared through the streets towards Covent Garden, her chest laboring and her nose streaming, she’d wondered whether life could get any worse.
Joanna was snapped out of her reverie as the congregation suddenly ceased their chatter. She opened her eyes and turned round as Sir James Harrison’s family members began to file into the church.
Leading the party was Charles Harrison, Sir James’s only child, now well into his sixties. He lived in Los Angeles, and was an acclaimed director of big-budget action films filled with special effects. She vaguely remembered that he had won an Oscar some time ago, but his films weren’t the kind she usually went to see.
By Charles Harrison’s side was Zoe Harrison, his daughter. As Alec had hoped, Zoe looked stunning in a fitted black suit with a short skirt that showed her long legs, and her hair was pulled back in a sleek chignon that set off her classic English-rose beauty to perfection. She was an actress, whose film career was on the rise, and Matthew had been mad about her. He always said Zoe reminded him of Grace Kelly his dream woman, apparently – leading Joanna to wonder why Matthew was going out with a dark-eyed, gangly brunette such as herself. She swallowed a lump in her throat, betting that Winnie the Pooh hot-water bottle that his ‘Samantha” was a petite blonde.
Holding Zoe Harrison’s hand was a young boy of around nine or ten, looking uncomfortable in a black suit and tie: Zoe’s son Jamie Harrison, named after his great-grandfather. Zoe had given birth to Jamie when she was only nineteen and still refused to name the father. Sir
James had loyally defended his granddaughter and her decision to both have the baby and to remain silent about Jamie’s paternity.
Joanna thought how alike Jamie and his mother were: the same fine features, a milk and rose complexion, and huge blue eyes. Zoe Harrison kept him away from the cameras as much as possible – if Steve had got a shot of mother and son together, it would probably make the front page tomorrow morning.
Behind them came Marcus Harrison, Zoe’s brother. Joanna watched him as he drew level with her pew. Even with her thoughts still on Matthew, she had to admit Marcus Harrison was a serious ‘hottie’, as her fellow reporter Alice would say. Joanna recognised him from the gossip columns – most recently squiring a blonde British socialite with a triple-barreled surname. As dark as his sister was fair, but sharing the same blue eyes, Marcus carried himself with louche confidence. His hair almost touched his shoulders and, wearing a crumpled black jacket and a white shirt unbuttoned at the neck, he oozed charisma. Joanna dragged her gaze away from him. Next time, she thought firmly, I’m going for a middle-aged man who likes bird watching and stamp collecting. She struggled to recall what Marcus Harrison did for a living – a fledgling film producer, she thought. Well, he certainly looked the part.
‘Good morning, ladies and gentlemen’. The vicar spoke from the pulpit, a large picture of Sir James Harrison in front of him, surrounded with wreaths of white roses. ‘Sir James’s family welcomes you all here and thanks you for coming to pay tribute to a friend, a colleague, a father, grandfather and great-grandfather, and perhaps the finest actor of this century. For those of us who had the good fortune to know him well, it will not come as a surprise that Sir James was adamant that this was not to be a sombre occasion, but a celebration. Both his family and I have honoured his wishes. Therefore, we start with Sir James’s favourite hymn “I Vow to Thee My Country”. Please stand’.
RILEY, Lucinda. The Love Letter. London: Pan Books, 2018, p. 13-15. 

The correct reported alternative for the sentence “Next time, she thought firmly, I’m going for a middle-aged man who likes bird watching and stamp collecting” is:


FUNDEP (Gestão de Concursos)
Prefeitura de Uberlândia - MG

INSTRUCTIONS: Read the text carefully and then mark the alternatives that answer the questions or complete the sentences presented after it.

The cab had arrived ten minutes late, then had got stuck in a monumental traffic jam on Charing Cross Road. ‘Sorry, love, nothing doing,’ the driver had said. Joanna had looked at her watch, chucked a ten-pound note at him and jumped out of the cab. As she’d hared through the streets towards Covent Garden, her chest laboring and her nose streaming, she’d wondered whether life could get any worse.
Joanna was snapped out of her reverie as the congregation suddenly ceased their chatter. She opened her eyes and turned round as Sir James Harrison’s family members began to file into the church.
Leading the party was Charles Harrison, Sir James’s only child, now well into his sixties. He lived in Los Angeles, and was an acclaimed director of big-budget action films filled with special effects. She vaguely remembered that he had won an Oscar some time ago, but his films weren’t the kind she usually went to see.
By Charles Harrison’s side was Zoe Harrison, his daughter. As Alec had hoped, Zoe looked stunning in a fitted black suit with a short skirt that showed her long legs, and her hair was pulled back in a sleek chignon that set off her classic English-rose beauty to perfection. She was an actress, whose film career was on the rise, and Matthew had been mad about her. He always said Zoe reminded him of Grace Kelly his dream woman, apparently – leading Joanna to wonder why Matthew was going out with a dark-eyed, gangly brunette such as herself. She swallowed a lump in her throat, betting that Winnie the Pooh hot-water bottle that his ‘Samantha” was a petite blonde.
Holding Zoe Harrison’s hand was a young boy of around nine or ten, looking uncomfortable in a black suit and tie: Zoe’s son Jamie Harrison, named after his great-grandfather. Zoe had given birth to Jamie when she was only nineteen and still refused to name the father. Sir
James had loyally defended his granddaughter and her decision to both have the baby and to remain silent about Jamie’s paternity.
Joanna thought how alike Jamie and his mother were: the same fine features, a milk and rose complexion, and huge blue eyes. Zoe Harrison kept him away from the cameras as much as possible – if Steve had got a shot of mother and son together, it would probably make the front page tomorrow morning.
Behind them came Marcus Harrison, Zoe’s brother. Joanna watched him as he drew level with her pew. Even with her thoughts still on Matthew, she had to admit Marcus Harrison was a serious ‘hottie’, as her fellow reporter Alice would say. Joanna recognised him from the gossip columns – most recently squiring a blonde British socialite with a triple-barreled surname. As dark as his sister was fair, but sharing the same blue eyes, Marcus carried himself with louche confidence. His hair almost touched his shoulders and, wearing a crumpled black jacket and a white shirt unbuttoned at the neck, he oozed charisma. Joanna dragged her gaze away from him. Next time, she thought firmly, I’m going for a middle-aged man who likes bird watching and stamp collecting. She struggled to recall what Marcus Harrison did for a living – a fledgling film producer, she thought. Well, he certainly looked the part.
‘Good morning, ladies and gentlemen’. The vicar spoke from the pulpit, a large picture of Sir James Harrison in front of him, surrounded with wreaths of white roses. ‘Sir James’s family welcomes you all here and thanks you for coming to pay tribute to a friend, a colleague, a father, grandfather and great-grandfather, and perhaps the finest actor of this century. For those of us who had the good fortune to know him well, it will not come as a surprise that Sir James was adamant that this was not to be a sombre occasion, but a celebration. Both his family and I have honoured his wishes. Therefore, we start with Sir James’s favourite hymn “I Vow to Thee My Country”. Please stand’.
RILEY, Lucinda. The Love Letter. London: Pan Books, 2018, p. 13-15. 

Look at the following sentence, found in the text: “Zoe looked stunning in a fitted black suit with a short skirt that showed her long legs, and her hair was pulled back in a sleek chignon that set off her classic English-rose beauty to perfection.”
All of the words or phrases underlined in the sentence are

  • Na gramática, um modificador é um elemento opcional na estrutura da frase ou estrutura da cláusula. Um modificador é chamado porque é dito que ele modifica outro elemento na estrutura da qual depende.

  • GAB: C


  • Qual a diferença entre modificador e adjetivo?

  • um modificador seria tipo uma locução adjetiva adaptada para o Inglês?