
Questões de Oposto | Opposite


Reducing the dependence on oil
Ildo Sauer, Gas and Energy Director, Petrobras.

Brazil's energy sector is following the worldwide
tendency towards greater diversification of primary energy
sources and the increased use of natural gas and
biofuels. There are several reasons for this change. The
most important are the environmental restrictions that
are gradually being adopted in the world's principal
energy-consuming markets and the need to reduce the
dependence on oil, set against a scenario of accelerated
depletion in oil reserves and escalating prices.
The share of gas in Brazilian primary energy
consumption has more than doubled in a short period,
increasing from 4.1% in 1999 to 8.9% in 2004, and this
share is forecast to rise to 12% by 2010.
Over the past two decades, the world gas industry
has experienced a structural and regulatory
transformation. These changes have altered the strategic
behaviour of gas firms, with an intensification of
competition, the search for diversification (especially in
the case of power generation) and the internationalisation
of industry activities. Together, these changes have
radically changed the economic environment and the level
of competition in the industry.
Brazil's gas industry is characterised by its late
development, although in recent years, internal supply
imports and demand have grown significantly - the
growth trajectory of recent years exceeds that of countries
with more mature markets, such as Spain, Argentina,
the UK and the US. And the outlook is positive for
continued growth over the next few years, particularly
when set against the investment plans already
announced in Brazil.
The country has a small transportation network
concentrated near the coast. The distribution network is
concentrated in the major consumption centres.
Domestic gas sources are largely offshore in the Campos
basin and Bolivia provides imports. Given the degree
of gas penetration in the country's primary energy
consumption, the industry is poorly developed when
compared with other countries. The industry requires
heavy investment in expanding the transport and
distribution (T&D) networks, as well as in diversifying and
increasing its supplies. Such investments are necessary
for realising the industry's enormous potential.
Another key industry highlight is the changing profile
of gas supply. A large part of the gas produced
domestically to date has been associated with oil
production. The latter diluting or even totally absorbing
the costs of exploiting the gas. In most cases, gas
production was feasible only in conjunction with oil
production activities. However, the country's latest gas
finds are non-associated. Thus, an exclusively dedicated
structure must be developed to produce this gas -
translating into a significant rise in production costs. This
is more significant when analysed against the high costs
associated with the market for exploration and production
(E&P) sector equipment. In recent years, the leasing costs
of drilling rigs and E&P equipment have been climbing in
parallel with escalating oil prices. This directly affects endconsumer
In a world of primary energy consumption
diversification, of greater environmental restrictions and
the reduced dependence on oil, Brazil has been seeking
to develop alternative energy sources - principally natural
gas and biofuels. The gas industry holds enormous
potential for Brazil, although there is still a long way to go
before it reaches maturity and major investment is

World Energy in 2006. copyright © 2006, World Energy Council.
p.29-31 (adapted)

Check the only correct option.

  • depletion - esgotamento
    forecast - previsão / backcast - revés, algo que trás má sorte
    set against - ficar contra / set forth - demonstrar, anunciar
    feasible - possível / unlikely - improvável 

  • Só complementando a Mayara.

    backcast pode ser algo como reverter, voltar um passo atrás.
    Não é sinonimo nem antonimo de forecast, simplesmente não tem nunhum ligação de significado apesar do final coicidente.
  • d- 

    to date: until now, heretofore, so far, hitherto, até o momento.


The oil and natural gas industry has developed and
applied an impressive array of innovative technologies to
improve productivity and efficiency, while yielding
environmental benefits. According to the U.S. Department
of Energy, "the petroleum business has transformed itself
into a high-technology industry."
State-of-the-art technology allows the industry to
produce more oil and natural gas from more remote
places - some previously unreachable - with significantly
less adverse effect on the environment. Among the
benefits: increased supply to meet the world's growing
energy demand, reduced energy consumption at oil and
natural gas facilities and refineries, reduced noise from
operations, decreased size of facilities, reduced
emissions of pollutants, better protection of water
resources, and preservation of habitats and wildlife.
With advanced exploration and production
technologies, the oil and gas industry can pinpoint
resources more accurately, extract them more efficiently
and with less surface disturbance, minimize associated
wastes, and, ultimately, restore sites to original or better
Exploration and production advances include
advanced directional drilling, slimhole drilling, and 3-D
seismic technology. Other segments of the industry have
benefited from technological advances as well. Refineries
are becoming highly automated with integrated process
and energy system controls; this results in improved
operational and environmental performance and enables
refineries to run harder and produce more products safer
than ever before. Also, new process equipment and
catalyst technology advances have been made very
recently to meet new fuel regulations requiring very low
levels of sulfur in gasoline and diesel.
Technology advances such as these are making it
possible for the oil and natural gas industry to grow in
tandem with the nation's energy needs while maintaining
a cleaner environment. The industry is committed to
investing in advanced technologies that will continue to
provide affordable and reliable energy to support our
current quality of life, and expand our economic horizons.
For example, we are researching fuel cells that may
power the vehicles of tomorrow with greater efficiency
and less environmental impact. We are investigating ways
to tap the huge natural gas resources locked in gas
hydrates. Gas hydrates are common in sediments in
the ocean's deep waters where cold temperatures and
high pressures cause natural gas and water to freeze
together, forming solid gas hydrates. Gas hydrates could
be an important future source of natural gas for our nation.
Some of our companies are also investigating
renewable energy resources such as solar, wind,
biomass and geothermal energy. By conducting research
into overcoming the many technological hurdles that limit
these energy resources, they hope to make them more
reliable, affordable and convenient for future use. Although
the potential for these energy resources is great,
scientists do not expect them to be a significant part of
the nation's energy mix for many decades. For this
reason, the industry must continue to invest in
conventional resources such as oil and natural gas. We
will need to rely on these important energy resources for
many decades to come.

In: http://api-ec.api.org/focus/index

The only pair of antonyms is:

  • c-

    accurate- free from error or defect; consistent with a standard, rule, or model;precise; exact.




  • A) unreachable = inacessível

    Ou seja, a questão colocou um sinônimo, mas o que é pedido é o antônimo

    B) to meet = encontrar

    Um possível antônimo poderia ser mismatch


    accurately = precisamente

    Ou seja, algo oposto a preciso seria impreciso ou incorreto.

    D) recently = recentemente

    lately = ultimamente

    E) reliable = confiável

    dependable é um sinônimo, podendo ser traduzido como confiável, seguro.


          Green is the hot topic these days, and the concept
     is having an impact on the way people think about
     datacenters. Companies around the world are
     announcing ways to save energy and reduce costs by
5   buying new hardware and services. Yet, there is little
     guidance on how you can take action to control energy
     costs. In the past, electricity has been treated as an
     overhead expense, like the cost of space. But with rising
     power costs and issues regarding reliability, supply, and
10  capacity, electricity requires its own specific strategy.
          Projects regarding performance optimization and
     cost reduction are a part of everyday best practices in
     nearly every area of business. So why not treat energy
     cost in the same way?
15      As Information Technologies (IT) pros, many of us
     make decisions about the configuration and setup of
     servers, the specifications on the equipment our
     organizations purchase, and the requirements for
     datacenter upgrades and construction. We even provide
20  early design input during application development. When
     it comes to these projects, we obviously have a golden
     opportunity to be green and influence the energy
     efficiency of any datacenter.
          The first part of any strategy is to know your current
25  energy usage. You need to know where your energy is
     used and by what specific equipment, as well as what
     usage is efficient and what is wasteful in the datacenter.
     Unfortunately, it's rare to find power-consumption
     metering in place that can break down usage to a level
30  where people can see the results of their actions. Most
     organizations typically only see a monthly power bill
     that rolls up consumption into an overall bottom line.
     This offers little incentive for saving energy since
     individuals never see the impact of their decisions, and
35  there is no way for them to prove that their changes
     have actually saved energy.
          One of the first issues people confront when
     considering a green datacenter initiative is whether they
     have executive support. For the purpose of the article, I
40  am going to assume the answer is "not yet." Executive
     support requires a serious commitment that provides
     resources and budget for your initiative. And while there
     is a lot of talk about green datacenters, the reality is
     that there is still often a lack of serious support at the
45  executive level. If you did already have such executive
     support, you would probably be running a green
     datacenter right now.
          Still, even assuming you are not getting the support
     you need, there is a great deal you can do to push your
50  green datacenter initiative forward. So how do you
     determine effective actions to take in achieving your
     goals? Fortunately, energy efficiency is not a new
     concept and there is a lot that IT pros can learn from
     other industries. [.]
55      Anyway, for whichever direction you choose,
     planning an energy efficiency program for your datacenter
     will require collaboration across groups in IT. Until
     recently, the typical approach to planning IT solutions
     has been to ignore power costs early on during the design
60  phase, focusing on the hardware and software being
     purchased, along with the labor and hosting costs of
     the solution. When power is buried in the overhead cost
     of running solutions in a datacenter, energy efficiency
     is a low priority. Exposing the actual power being
65  consumed by solutions is the first critical step in changing
     the behavior of your organization.

By Dave Ohara
TechNet Magazine, October 2007

The correct opposites for the words "hot" (line 1) and "wasteful" (line 27) as they are used in the text are, respectively:

  • hot no texto quer dizer assunto do momento - extra, redline - assunto popular, tópico principal , ''quente'' e o antonimo seria unpopular, desinteressante.Wasteful - desperdicioso, contrário de economical.
  • Os opostos corretos para as palavras "hot" (linha 1) e "wasteful" (linha 27) como são usados  no texto são, respectivamente:

    A) fora de moda - imprudente
    B) impopular - econômico.
    C) ultrapassado - excessivo.
    D) legal - desnecessário.
    E) na moda - econômico.
    "hot"- intenso, caloroso

    No texto -  "Green is the hot topic...", quer dizer : assunto popular, que está em evidência no momento.

    "wasteful" - desperdiçador, esbanjador

    Segundo o texto, as palavras "hot" e "wasteful" significam respectivamente "popular" e "esbanjador".
    Portanto os apostam são: impopular e econômico.

    RESPOSTA: Alternativa B.
  • b-

    hot - current, up-to-date, trending != unpopular

    wasteful - lavish, spendthrift != economical



    Fonte: Karla Branco

    A questão trata sobre antônimos. É preciso entender as intenções do autor do texto e confrontá-las com as afirmações de cada opção de resposta, após analisá-las. Para isso, é importante estar atento ao uso do vocabulário no contexto em que foi usado.

     No texto, hot (l. 1) significa “quente”, “atual, “importante”, “familiar”. Observe: 

    • Green is the hot topic these days (l. 1) 

    Wasteful (l. 27), por sua vez, significa “desperdiçador”, “esbanjador”, “desnecessário”:

    • […] what usage is efficient and what is wasteful in the datacenter. (l. 26-27)

    Assim, é preciso localizar a alternativa que traduz corretamente o sentido oposto dessas duas palavras.


    A - out of fashion – imprudent


    De acordo com o dicionário MacMillan, a expressão out of fashion significa “fora de moda” e a palavra imprudent pode ser traduzida como “imprudente”. 

    Sendo assim, no contexto de uso no texto, out of fashion até poderia ser considerada como antônimo de hot (l. 1). Contudo, imprudent wasteful (l. 27) NÃO são palavras antônimas.


    B - unpopular – economical.


    De acordo com o dicionário MacMillan, a palavra unpopular significa “impopular”; “malquisto” e a palavra economical pode ser traduzida como “econômico”. 

    Sendo assim, unpopular e economical podem ser consideradas, respectivamente, como antônimos de hot (l. 1) e wasteful (l. 27), no contexto em que estas foram usadas no texto.


    C - outdated – excessive.


    De acordo com o dicionário MacMillan, a palavra outdated significa “antiquado”, “obsoleto” e a palavra excessive pode ser traduzida como “excessivo”, “exorbitante”, “exagerado”. 

    Sendo assim, no contexto de uso no texto, outdated até poderia ser considerada como antônimo de hot (l. 1). Contudo, excessive wasteful (l. 27) NÃO são palavras antônimas.


    D - cool – unnecessary.


    De acordo com o dicionário MacMillan, a palavra cool significa “fresco”, “tranquilo”; “arrojado”; “excelente” e a palavra unnecessary pode ser traduzida como “desnecessário”, “supérfluo”, “inútil”. 

    Sendo assim, cool e unnecessary NÃO são, respectivamente, antônimos de hot (l. 1) e wasteful (l. 27), no contexto em que foram usadas no texto.


    E - trendy – thrifty.


    De acordo com o dicionário MacMillan, a palavra trendy significa “na moda”, “moderno” e a palavra thrifty pode ser traduzida como “econômico”, “próspero”, “viçoso”. 

    Sendo assim, no contexto de uso no texto, thrifty até poderia ser considerada como antônimo de wasteful (l. 27). Contudo, trendy hot (l. 1) NÃO são palavras antônimas, mas sinônimas.


          Repliee is more than a humanoid robot ? it is an
     honest-to-goodness android, so lifelike that it seems like
     a real person. It has moist lips, glossy hair and vivid
     eyes that blink slowly. Seated on a stool with hands
 5    folded primly on its lap at the 2005 World Exposition in
     Japan's Aichi prefecture, it wore a bright pink blazer and
     gray slacks. For a mesmerizing few seconds from several
     meters away, Repliee was virtually indistinguishable from
     an ordinary woman in her 30s. In fact, it was a copy of
 10    one.
          Japan is proud of the most advanced humanoids in
     the world, which are expected to eventually be used as
     the workforce diminishes among the decreasing and aging
     population. But why build a robot with pigmented silicone
 15    skin, smooth gestures and even makeup? To Repliee's
     creator, Hiroshi Ishiguro, Director of Osaka University's
     Intelligent Robotics Laboratory, the answer is simple:
     "Android science."
          Besides the justification for making robots
 20    anthropomorphic and bipedal so they can work in human
     environments with architectural features such as stairs,
     Ishiguro believes that people respond better to very
     humanlike automatons. Androids can thus elicit the most
     natural communication. "Appearance is very important
 25    to have better interpersonal relationships with a robot,"
     says the 42-year-old Ishiguro. "Robots are information
     media, especially humanoid robots. Their main role in
     our future is to interact naturally with people."
          Mild colorblindness forced Ishiguro to abandon his
 30    aspirations of a career as an oil painter. Drawn to
     computer and robot vision instead, he built a guide robot
     for the blind as an undergraduate at the University of
     Yamanashi. A fan of the android character Data from the
     Star Trek franchise, he sees robots as the ideal vehicle
 35    to understand more about ourselves.
          To imitate human looks and behavior successfully,
     Ishiguro combines robotics with cognitive science. In turn,
     cognitive science research can use the robot to study
     human perception, communication and other faculties.
 40    This novel cross-fertilization is what Ishiguro describes
     as android science. In a 2005 paper, he and his
     collaborators explained it thus: "To make the android
     humanlike, we must investigate human activity from the
     standpoint of cognitive science, behavioral science and
 45    neuroscience, and to evaluate human activity, we need
     to implement processes that support it in the android."
          One key strategy in Ishiguro's approach is to model
     his artificial creations on real people. He began research
     four years ago with his then four-year-old daughter,
 50    casting a rudimentary android from her body, but its
     mechanisms resulted in strange, unnatural motion.
          Humanlike robots run the risk of compromising
     people's comfort zones. Because the android's
     appearance is very similar to that of a human, any subtle
 55    differences in motion and responses will make it seem
     strange. Repliee, though, is so lifelike that it has
     overcome the creepiness factor, partly because of the
     natural way it moves.
          Ishiguro wants his next android, a male, to be as
 60    authentic as possible. The model? Himself. The scientist
     thinks having a robot clone could ease his busy schedule:
     he could dispatch it to classes and meetings and then
     teleconference through it. "My question has always been,
     Why are we living, and what is human?" he says. An
 65    Ishiguro made of circuitry and silicone might soon be
     answering his own questions.

adapted from www.scientificamerican.com - May 2006

Check the only correct statement.

  • Marque a única afirmativa correta.
    A)"decreasing"- "diminuir" (linha 13) é o oposto de "diminishing " diminuir.
    B) "ideal"- "ideal" (linha 34) poderia ser substituído por "appropriate" - adequado.
    C)"collaborators"-  "colaboradores" (linha 42) e "assistants"- assistentes são antônimos.
    D)"rudimentary"-  "rudimentar" (linha 50) significa"sophisticated"-  sofisticado.
    E)"authentic"-  "autêntico" (linha 60) e "real"- real são sinônimos.
    Segundo tradução das palavras, inferimos que a opção E está correta.
  • authentic = credible, accurate, convincing, legit,real.

  • A) decreasing e diminishing significam diminuir, mas a questão fala que são palavras opostas.

    B) ideal = ideal.

    Appropriate = adequado

    Perceba que o ideal vehicle (veículo ideal) é bem mais específico do que simplesmente ser um "veículo adequado"

    C) collaborators = colaboradores

    assistants = assistentes

    D) rudimentary = rudimentar. E o sophisticated = sofisticado. Logo, são palavras opostas


    authentic = autêntico. Essa palavra tem o mesmo sentido de real. O texto diz que Ishiguro  quer um robô mais autêntico possível a ele próprio, ou seja mais real à imagem do cientista.


How to dig out from the information avalanche
Majority of workers feel overwhelmed by deluge of data,
survey finds
By Eve Tahmincioglu
updated 8:18 p.m. ET March 16, 2008
Don't expect Shaun Osher, the CEO of Core Group
Marketing in New York, to answer your e-mail right away.
He has stopped responding to e-mails every minute and
only checks his e-mail account twice a day. He also started
turning off his BlackBerry during meetings.
This tactic has made him so much more productive
that earlier this year he held a meeting with his staff of 50
and "strongly suggested" that they stop relying so heavily
on e-mail and actually start calling clients on the phone.
And, he requested his employees put cell phones and
PDAs on silent mode during meetings, as well as curtail
the common practice of cc-ing everybody when sending
out an e-mail. "There was so much redundancy, so much
unnecessary work," he explains. "One person could handle
an issue that should take two minutes, but when an email
goes out and five people get cc-ed, then everybody
responds to it and there's a snowball effect."
It's not that Osher has anything against technology. In
fact, he loves it. The problem is, last year he realized he
was inundated with so many e-mails and so much
information in general that he began to experience data
overload. "In the beginning, e-mail and all this data was a
great phenomenon, revolutionizing what we do. But the
pendulum has swung way too much to the other side," he
maintains. "We're less productive."
Osher isn't the only one out there under a data
avalanche. Thanks to technological innovations, you can
be talking to a customer on your cell phone, answering a
LinkedIn invitation on your laptop, and responding to email
on your PDA all at the same time. Besides, during
tough economic times, who will want to miss any
information when your job could be on the line if you indulge
in the luxury of being offline? Turns out, seven out of 10
office workers in the United States feel overwhelmed by
information in the workplace, and more than two in five
say they are headed for a data "breaking point," according
to a recently released Workplace Productivity Survey.
Mike Walsh, CEO of LexisNexis U.S. Legal Markets,
says there are a host of reasons we're all on the information
brink: "exponential growth of the size of the information
'haystack,' the immensity and immediacy of digital
communications, and the fact that professionals are not
being provided with sufficient tools and training to help
them keep pace with the growing information burden."
Ellen Kossek, a professor from Michigan State, believes
we are less productive in this age of 24-7 technology, and
our multitasking mentality has spawned a "not-mentallypresent"
society. "We're becoming an attention-deficit
disorder society switching back and forth like crazy,"
Kossek says. "We're connected all the time. We're
working on planes, in coffee shops, working on the
weekends. Work is very seductive, but yet we're actually
less effective."
The key to getting your head above the data flood,
according to workplace experts, is managing and reducing
the information you're bombarded with.

© 2008 MSNBC Interactive - (slightly adapted)

Which option describes accurately the meaning relationship between the pairs of words?

  • e-

    spawn - engender, produce, stem, generate



    Fonte:  Prof. Ena Loiola

    Which option describes accurately the meaning relationship between the pairs of words? = Que opção descreve com precisão o significado do relacionamento entre o par de palavras? 


    Opção A: “actually” (line 9) means rarely = “na verdade” (linha 9) significa raramente

    • actually = na verdade, na realidade, de fato 


    • Cuidado! Trata-se de um falso cognato! (falso amigo). A  palavra  “actually”  não  significa  “atualmente”  como  parece,  e  nem  também raramente. 
    • Errada



    Opção  B:  “curtail”  (line  11)  is  the  opposite  of  reduce  =  "reduzir"  (linha  11)  é  o  oposto  de reduzir. 

    • Curtail = reduzir, restringir, encurtar, abreviar = reduce = reduzir, diminuir; 


    • Não é oposto. Eles são sinônimos. 
    • Opção errada



    Opção  C:  “overwhelmed”  (line  34)  and  unaffected  are  synonymous  =  "oprimido"  (linha  34)  e não afetados são sinônimos. 


    • overwhelmed = oprimido, sobrecarregado, esmagado, soterrado, esgotado, afetado por algo;  

    • unaffected = não afetado, que não sofre efeitos; 


    • Os dois vocábulos são opostos, antônimos ao invés de sinônimos. 
    • Errada



    Opção  D:  “immediacy”  (line  41)  and  proximity  are  antonyms  =  "imediatismo"  (linha  41)  e  a proximidade são antônimos. 


    • Eles têm significados diferentes, porém não são opostos. 
    • Errada.



    Opção E: “spawned” (line 47) could be replaced by generated = “gerado” (linha 47) poderia ser substituído por gerado. 


    • Ellen Kossek, a professor from Michigan State, believes we are less productive in this age of 24-7 technology, and our multitasking mentality has spawned/generated a “not-mentally present” society.  
    • Ellen Kossek, uma professora do estado de Michigan, acha que somos menos produtivos nesta época em que se usa a tecnologia o tempo todo, e nossa mentalidade multitarefa tem gerado uma sociedade "não-mentalmente presente"


    • spawn = causar, gerar = generate = criar, gerar 


    • A assertiva traz um sinônimo do vocábulo encontrado no texto. Tanto faz usar um como o outro que não vai alterar a interpretação textual. 
    • Certa

Senado Federal

Read text I and answer questions 31 to 36.


Beware the power of the blog

Companies may not like blogs, but if they ignore them
they may be inviting some PR disasters

The number of blogs on the internet is doubling every five
months, according to blog-tracking site Technorati. The total is
now around 20 million, with around 1.3 million posts made each
day. Most are no more interesting than overhearing another
person's telephone call, but there are exceptions that can have a
remarkable impact.

(from http://www.computing.co.uk/itweek/comment/ 2145491/beware-power-blog, retrieved on September 24th, 2008)

The opposite of the underlined word in “more interesting than” is

  • d) less.

    Por se tratar de uma comparação ( x adjetivo than ), usa-se less para menos e more para mais. Se fosse uma afirmação comum, o certo seria least
  • Uma pequena correção ao comentário do Mano, em relação ao 'least', que não é usado numa afirmação comum, e sim quando o caso é de superlativo de inferioridade.

    COMPARATIVO DE INFERIORIDADE: less(more) + adjetivo + than
    A silver ring is less expensive than a gold ring.
    [Um anel de prata é menos caro do que um anel de ouro.]

    SUPERLATIVO DE INFERIORIDADE: the least + adjetivo
    This lesson was the least difficult of all.
    [Essa lição foi a menos difícil de todas]

    Vale lembrar que a expressão at least significa pelo menos.


  • O oposto da palavra sublinhada em "mais interessante do que" é

    a)um mínimo.
    b) a maioria.
    c) muitos.
    d) menos.
    e) por último.
  • More - adj 1 mais. 2 adicional, extra. • adv 1 além do mais. 
    Usamos "more"para construção do comparativo de superioridade de adjetivos de 3 ou mais sílabas.

    Less - adj 1 menos. 2 menor. 3 inferior. • adv menos. • prep menos.  
    Usamos "more"para construção do comparativo de inferioridade. 
    O oposto de "more", é "less"

    Alternativa D está correta.
  •  a) least.- é o  grau superlativo de superioridade para quantidade/qualidade inferior. e.g.: The least intelligent student in the room. The least pleasant plum in the basket etc. Least (ou most) é usado quando a extensão do adjetivo passar 2 sílabas (beautiful, expensive, intricate), apesar de haver variações regionais que admitem least/most com 2 sílabas (e.g.: pretty, mundance etc).O uso correto de least é para uncountable nouns (nao-contáveis). e.g.: this plate holds the least rice. This burlap sack contains the least corn. this carton has the least milk etc, enquanto que p/ countable nouns se usa fewest. e.g. this player has scored the fewest goals this season. this school yard has the fewest trees of the neighbourhood etc. 

     b) most. é o  grau superlativo de superioridade para quantidade/qualidade superior. This student has the most impressive grades. This teacher has the most outstanding achievements etc.

     c) many.- pronome indefinido para countable nouns. e.g.: many beachballs, many books etc

     d) less.- (correto)grau superlativo de comparação de inferioridade. this tv set is less exepnsive than the previous one. 

     e)last. - último

  • Olá, pessoal!!!

    Acabei de fazer um vídeo sobre Quantificadores em inglês


  • LESS grau superlativo de comparação de inferioridade e MORE grau superlativo de comparação de superioridade


Model copes with chaos to deliver relief Computer program helps responders transport supplies in tough conditions
By Rachel Ehrenberg Science News, Web edition: Monday, February 21st, 2011
WASHINGTON — Getting blood or other perishable supplies to an area that’s been struck by an earthquake or hurricane isn’t as simple as asking what brown can do for you. But a new model quickly determines the best routes and means for delivering humanitarian aid, even in situations where bridges are out or airport tarmacs are clogged with planes.
The research, presented February 18 at the annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, could help get supplies to areas which have experienced natural disasters or help prepare for efficient distribution of vaccines when the flu hits.
Efficient supply chains have long been a goal of manufacturers, but transport in fragile networks — where supply, demand and delivery routes may be in extremely rapid flux — requires a different approach, said Anna Nagurney of the University of Massachusetts Amherst, who presented the new work. Rather than considering the shortest path from one place to another to maximize profit, her system aims for the cleanest path at minimum cost, while capturing factors such as the perishability of the product and the uncertainty of supply routes. ‘You don’t know where demand is, so it’s tricky,’ said Nagurney. ‘It’s a multicriteria decision-making problem.’
By calculating the total cost associated with each link in a network, accounting for congestion and incorporating penalties for time and products that are lost, the computer model calculates the best supply chain in situations where standard routes may be disrupted.
‘Mathematical tools are essential to develop formal means to predict, and to respond to, such critical perturbations,’ said Iain Couzin of Princeton University, who uses similar computational tools to study collective animal behavior. ‘This is particularly important where response must be rapid and effective, such as during disaster scenarios … or during epidemics or breaches of national security.
’ The work can be applied to immediate, pressing situations, such as getting blood, food or medication to a disaster site, or to longer-term problems such as determining the best locations for manufacturing flu vaccines. . Retrieved April 7th, 2011.

Based on the meanings in the text, the two items are antonymous in

  • tough = difícil
    complicated = complicado
    clogged = entupido
    crowded = lotado
    disrupted = interrompido
    destroyed = destruído
    breaches = violações
    violations = violações
    pressing = premente, urgente, imediato, que não pode esperar
    trivial = trivial, comum, sem muito importância ou urgência, ordinárias
  • e-

    pressing, urgent, compelling, dire, high-priority.

    trivial, secondary, unimportant, minor, low-priority


    Based on the meanings in the text, the two items are antonymous in:

    A) “…tough/DIFÍCIL/RESISTENTE/DURO…" (subtitle) – complicated/COMPLICADO/COMPLEXO

    B) “…clogged/ENTUPIDO…" (line 7) – crowded/LOTADO

    C) “…disrupted/PERTURBADO." (line 32) – destroyed/DESTRUÍDO

    D) “…breaches/VIOLAÇÕES…" (line 40) – violations/VIOLAÇÕES



                                   Safety Meeting Presentation

  Today's meeting is really about you. I can stand in front of you and talk about working safely and what procedures to follow until I'm blue in the face. But until you understand the need for working safely, until you are willing to be responsible for your safety, it doesn't mean a whole lot.
   Some of you may be familiar with OSHA - the Occupational Safety & Health Administration. The sole purpose of this agency is to keep American workers safe. Complying with OSHA regulations isn't always easy, but if we work together, we can do it. Yet, complying with regulations is not the real reason for working safely. Our real motive is simple. We care about each and every one of you and will do what is necessary to prevent you from being injured.
   However, keeping our workplace safe takes input from everyone. Management, supervisor, and all of you have to come together on this issue, or we're in trouble. For example, upper management has to approve the purchase of safe equipment. Supervisors, including myself, have to ensure that each of you knows how to use that equipment safely. Then it's up to you to follow through the task and use the equipment as you were trained. If any one part of this chain fails, accidents are going to happen and people are going to get hurt.

Responsibility Number One - Recognize Hazards
   At the core of your safety responsibilities lies the task of recognizing safety and health hazards. In order to do that, you must first understand what constitutes a hazard. Extreme hazards are often obvious. Our hopes are that you won't find too many of those around here.
   There are, however, more subtle hazards that won't jump up and bite you. As a result of your safety training and meetings like these, some things may come to mind. For example, a machine may not be easy to lock out. Common practice may be to use a tag. This is a potential hazard and should be discussed. Maybe something can be changed to make it easier to use a lock. Other subtle hazards include such things as frayed electrical cords, a loose machine guard, a cluttered aisle, or maybe something that just doesn't look right.

Responsibility Number Two - Report Hazards
    A big part of recognizing hazards is using your instincts. Nobody knows your job as well as you do, so we're counting on you to let us know about possible problems. Beyond recognizing hazards, you have to correct them or report them to someone who can. This too, is a judgement call. For example, if something spills in your work area you can probably clean it up yourself. However, if there is an unlabeled chemical container and you have no idea what it is, you should report it to your supervisor.

Additional Employee Responsibilities
   Good housekeeping is a major part of keeping your work area safe. For example, you should take a few minutes each day to ensure that aisles, hallways, and stairways in your work area are not obstructed. If boxes, equipment, or anything else is left to pile up, you have a tripping hazard on your hands. Those obstructions could keep you from exiting the building quickly and safely should you face an emergency situation.
   Also watch out for spills. These can lead to slips and falls. Flammable materials are another thing to be aware of. Make sure they are disposed of properly.
   Keep Thinking. Even if you're doing your job safely and you are avoiding hazards, there are often even better ways to work safely. If you have ideas for improving the safety of your job or that of co-workers, share them.

   Concluding Remarks
  While nothing we do can completely eliminate the threat of an incident, we can work together to improve our odds. As I said, this must be a real team effort and I'm counting on input from all of you. Let's keep communicating and continue to improve safety.

  Available at: <http://www.ncsu.edu/ehs/www99/right/training/meeting/emplores.html>.Retrieved on: April 1st, 2012. Adapted.

Based on the meanings in the text, it is clear that

  • Sobre a E:

     the probability (= how likely it is) that a particular thing will or will not happen:If you drive a car all your life, the odds are that you'll have an accident at some point.There are heavy odds against people succeeding in such a bad economic climate.What are the odds on him being (= do you think he will be) re-elected?The odds are stacked against a woman succeeding (= it is not likely that a woman will succeed) in the business.in gambling (= the activity of risking money guessing the result of something), aprobability expressed as a number:The odds against my horse winning (= that it will not win)/on my horse winning (= that it will win) are a hundred to one.The odds that the US entrant will win the race are ten to one.
  • Sole tem o mesmo significado de only, single, etc.

    Exemplo: The sole survivor of the accident was found in the water after six hours.

  • A - Sole e Only expressam ideias parecidas → Sole = único, Só; Only = só, somente - CERTO

    B - Injured e hurt são antonimos → Injured = ferido, prejudicado; Hurt= ferido, prejudicado.- ERRADO

    C- Ensure e Guarantee expressam ideais contraditórias → Ensures = garantir, assegurar; Guarantee = garantir. - ERRADO

    D- Subtle e Obvious são sinônimos → Subtle = sutil, misterioso; Obvious= óbvio, evidente - ERRADO

    E- Odds e Probabilities não tem significado equivalente → Odds = possibilidade, probabilidade; Probabilites= probabilidade, possibilidade -ERRADO

  • Com base nos significados do texto, é evidente que
    A) "sole"- exclusivo, único (linha 9) e exclusivo expressam ideias semelhantes.
    B) "ferido" (linha 15) e ferido são antônimos.
    C) "garantir" (linha 21) e garantir  expressam ideias contraditórias.
    D) "sutil" (linha 41) e óbvio são sinônimos.
    E) "probabilidades" (linha 77) e probabilidades não têm significados equivalentes.
    Podemos afirmar que "sole"- único e "only"- exclusivo, expressam ideias semelhantes. Alternativa A.


Can I help reduce energy consumption?

We have an important role to play right now. Energy conservation helps a lot in preserving our planet’s rich natural resources and promoting a healthy environment. Here you will find simple things that you can do to help reduce energy consumption.

·         Turn–off non-essential lights and appliances. The electricity generated by fossil fuels for a single home puts more carbon dioxide into the air than two average cars.

·         Avoid turning on large appliances such as washers, dryers, and electric ovens during peak energy hours: from 5:00 am to 9:00 am and 4: pm to 7:00 pm.

·         Install white window curtains to reflect heat away from the house. Close them at night to reduce the amount of heat lost through windows. People who live in countries that have warm climates should do this during the day as well.

·         Turn off the lights in any room you are not using and consider installing timers, photo cells, or occupancy sensors to reduce the amount of time your lights are on.

Assinale a alternativa que apresenta os antônimos da sequência de palavras: healthy – rich – large.

  •  e) unhealthy – poor – small

    Antonyms: delicate, diseased, fragile, ill, indisposed, infirm, poor, sick, sickly, unhealthy, worn

    Antonyms: affluent, rich, wealthy

    Antonyms: big, enormous, generous, huge, immense, large


The correct opposites for the words “hot” and “waste” are respectively:

  • O enunciado perguntou: "Os opostos corretos para as palavras "quente" e "desperdício" são, respectivamente:".
    Assim, o gabarito é a letra A, que, segundo o dicionário Michaelis, significam:

    Compartilhe esta página:

    n 1 frio, temperatura baixa. 2 tempo frio. 3 sensação de frio, calafrio.

    adj 1 proveitoso, profícuo, conveniente, benéfico. 2 aproveitável, útil. 3 slcompetente, hábil.

  • a-

    cold - hot

    waste - an unusable or unwanted substance or material

    useful - that can be put to use, something that confers some advantage

  • Questão de conhecimento de vocabulário, para resolver era preciso conhecer as palavras trazidas no enunciado e também palavras com significados opostos.

    Segue tradução:

    Os opostos corretos para as palavras "quente" e "desperdício" são, respectivamente:

    A) Correta - frio - útil

    B) Incorreta - congelar - lazer

    C) Incorreta - gelo - íngreme

    D) Incorreta - quente - resolver

    Gabarito: A


Choose the alternative that presents the antonym of the word enough.

  • - LETRA B -

    n o bastante, o suficiente. adj bastante, suficiente. two is (are) enough! / dois bastam! it is enough for me to know / basta-me saber. adv suficientemente, adequadamente. enough of that! / basta! I have had enough of it estou farto disto. be kind enough to help me / faça o favor de ajudar-me. he works well enough / ele trabalha satisfatoriamente. you know well enough what I mean! / você bem entende o que eu quero dizer! interj basta! chega! enough and to spare mais do que o suficiente.

    Fonte: http://michaelis.uol.com.br/moderno/ingles/index.php?lingua=ingles-portugues&palavra=enough

    Go ahead!

  • Só para visializar.

    a) ample = amplo
    b) insufficient = insuficiente
    c) plenty = abundância
    d) abundant = abundante
    e) rodent = roedor

  • b-

    O antônimo foi formado com prefixo indicando negação: insufficient


    ample, abundant & plentiful sao sinonimos de sufficient consoante thesaurus.com. 

  • Pay attention with the command of question. The question required the ANTONYM and not SYNONYM, so the right answer is letter b
    Insufficient - insuficiente
    Enough - bastante/suficiente

  • Questão básica de conhecimento de vocabulário e antônimos (significado contrário):

    Choose the alternative that presents the antonym of the word “enough”.

    Escolha a alternativa que apresenta o antônimo da palavra “suficiente”.

    A) Incorreta - Amplo.

    B) Correta - Insuficiente.

    C) Incorreta - Bastante.

    D) Incorreta - Abundante.

    E) Incorreta - Roedor.

    Gabarito: B


Based on the text below, answer question.

                                                 The Future of Libraries Has Little to Do with Books

On a Monday morning between Christmas and New Year's Eve in Paris, the line for modern art museum Centre Georges Pompidou winds around the block. But the patrons waiting in the cold aren't there to catch a glimpse of a Magritte —they're young locais queueing for access through the museum’s back door to another attraction: the public library.
In a digital age that has left book publishers reeling, libraries in the world's major cities seem poised for a comeback, though it1s one that has very little to do with books. The Independent Library Report — published in December by the U.K.'s Department for Culture, Media, and Sport — found that libraries across the nation are reinventing themseives by increasingly becoming "vibrant and attractive community hubs", focusing on the "need to create digital literacy, and in an ideal world, digital fluency.”
Taking into account the proliferation of freelancing, the gig economy, and remote working (also known as 'technomadism'), the rise of library as community hub begins to make sense. Cities are increasingly attracting location independent workers, and those workers need space and amenities that expensive and unreliable coffee shops simply cannot provide enough of.
Furthermore, when one considers that the most vulnerable and underserved city dwellers are also those who generally do not have access to the Internet, the need for a free and publicly connected space becomes even clearer.
According to a 2013 Pew poli, 90 percent in the U.S. said their community would be negatively impacted if their local library closed. But if libraries are going to survive the digital age, they need to be more about helping patrons filter vast quantities of digital Information rather than access to analog materiais. Good news carne for U.S. libraries in November, when Federal Communications Commission Chairman Tom Wheeler announced a 62 percent increase in spending on high-speed Internet for schools and public libraries.
When it comes to this need for connectivity, Britainfs library report stated a "Wi-Fi connection should be delivered in a comfortable, retail standard environment with the usual amenities of coffee, sofas and etc." The report suggested that libraries focus less on loaning physical books and more on widening access via loaning of e-books, which the report noted was up by 80 percent in Britain from 2013.
Also in 2013, the first bookless public library in the United States opened in San Antonio, Texas. The cityTs BiblioTech offers an all-digital, cloud-based collection of more than 10,000 e-books, plus e-readers available for checkout. Located in San Antonio’s underserved South Side, the BiblioTech provides an important digital hub in a city with a population that still struggles to connect to wireless Internet, Last month saw the opening of Canada's Halifax Central Library, designed by a world-leading Danish design firm. With its auditorium, meeting space for entrepreneurs, multiple cafes, adult literacy classes and gaming facilities, actual books seemed like an afterthought.

(Abridged from http://magazine.good.is/articles/public-libraries-reimagined).

The word "unreliable" in " [...] those workers need space and amenities that expensive and unreliable coffee shops simply cannot provide enough of." is the opposite of.

  • A palavra "unreliable" em "[...] os trabalhadores precisam de espaço e comodidades que as cafeterias caras e não  confiáveis  simplesmente não podem oferecer o suficiente." é o oposto.
    A) confiável.
    B) independente.
    C) dependente.
    D) insuficiente.
    E) caro.
    "reliable"- significa confiável. E o prefixo "un" forma o oposto de alguns adjetivos.
    certain (certo)- uncertain (incerto)
    common (comum) - uncomun (incomum)
    Portanto, "unreliable"(não confiável)  é o oposto de "reliable"- confiável  e "dependable"- (confiável, fidedigno)
    Alternativa A


  • unreliable = inseguro, instável, não confiável.

    dependable = seguro, estável, confiável

  • Cai na pegadinha kkkkkkkk.Os famosos falso cognatos!


Mother to small son: “Be sure to wash your arms before you put on your new shirt.”

Small son: “Should I wash for long or short sleeves?” 

In “Mother to small son:”, the opposite of the underlined word is

  • small- pequeno

    big- grande.

    Letra a


                                                        Text 3

                                   Xerox and the Icarus Paradox

                                                                                                             Schilling, Melissa A.

Strategic Management of Technological Innovation, Mc Graw-Hill International Edition, Fourth Edition

      According to Greek mythology, when King Minos imprisoned the crafstman Daedalus and his son Icarus, Daedalus built wings of wax and feathers so that he and his son could fly to their escape. Icarus was so enthralled by his wings and drawn to the light of the sun that despite his father's warning, he flew too high. The sun melted his wings, crashing Icarus to death in the sea. This was the inspiration for the now well-known Icarus Paradox – that which you excel at can ultimately be your undoing. Success can engender overconfidence, carelessness, and an unquestioning adherence to one's way of doing things.

      For example, in the 1960s and 1970s, Xerox had such a stranglehold on the photocopier market that it did not pay much attention when new Japanese competition began to infiltrate the market for smaller, inexpensive copiers. Xerox management did not believe competitors would ever be able to produce machines comparable to Xerox's quality and cost. However, Xerox was dangerously wrong. By the mid-1970s, Xerox was losing market share to the Japanese at an alarming rate. When Canon introduced a copier that sold for less than Xerox's manufacturing costs, Xerox knew it was in trouble and had to engage in a major benchmarking and restructuring effort to turn the company around.

The antonym of "engender" in the sentence: "Success can engender overconfidence (...)" is:

  • A) trazer
    B) ativar
    C) devolver
    D) impedir, esconder
    E) acender
    Success can engender overconfidence, carelessness, and an unquestioning adherence to one's way of doing things.
    Tradução: O sucesso pode gerar excesso de confiança, falta de cuidado, e uma adesão inquestionável à sua maneira de fazer as coisas.
    O antônimo de "engender" (gerar, causar) é "hinder" ( impedir, esconder)
    Alternativa D


                                                        Text 3

                                     Xerox and the Icarus Paradox

                                                                                                                 Schilling, Melissa A.

        Strategic Management of Technological Innovation, Mc Graw-Hill International Edition,  

                                                                                                                         Fourth Edition

      According to Greek mythology, when King Minos imprisoned the crafstman Daedalus and his son Icarus, Daedalus built wings of wax and feathers so that he and his son could fly to their escape. Icarus was so enthralled by his wings and drawn to the light of the sun that despite his father's warning, he flew too high. The sun melted his wings, crashing Icarus to death in the sea. This was the inspiration for the now well-known Icarus Paradox – that which you excel at can ultimately be your undoing. Success can engender overconfidence, carelessness, and an unquestioning adherence to one's way of doing things.

      For example, in the 1960s and 1970s, Xerox had such a stranglehold on the photocopier market that it did not pay much attention when new Japanese competition began to infiltrate the market for smaller, inexpensive copiers. Xerox management did not believe competitors would ever be able to produce machines comparable to Xerox's quality and cost. However, Xerox was dangerously wrong. By the mid-1970s, Xerox was losing market share to the Japanese at an alarming rate. When Canon introduced a copier that sold for less than Xerox's manufacturing costs, Xerox knew it was in trouble and had to engage in a major benchmarking and restructuring effort to turn the company around.

The antonym of "engender" in the sentence: "Success can engender overconfidence (...)" is:

  • engender - engendrar, formar, gerar

    bring about - provocar

    trigger - desencadear

    turn in - ligar

    hinder - atrapalhar

    kindle - acender


Read TEXT 3 and answer question.  

TEXT 3  


Michael Scherer

Back-to-school night this year in Mr. G’s sixth-grade classroom felt a bit like an inquisition.

Teacher Matthew Gudenius, a boyish, 36-year-old computer whiz who runs his class like a preteen tech startup, had prepared 26 PowerPoint slides filled with facts and footnotes to deflect the concerns of parents. But time was short, the worries were many, and it didn’t take long for the venting to begin.

“I like a paper book. I don’t like an e-book,” one father told him, as about 30 adults squeezed into a room for 22 students. Another dad said he could no longer help his son with homework because all the assignments were online. “I’m now kind of taking out of the routine.”, he complained. Rushing to finish, Gudenius passed a slide about the debate over teaching cursive, mumbling, “We don’t care about handwriting.” In a flash a mother objected: “Yeah, we do.”

At issue was far more than penmanship. The future of K-12 education is arriving fast, and it looks a lot like Mr. G’s classroom in the northern foothills of California’s wine country. Last year, President Obama announced a federal effort to get a laptop, tablet or smartphone into the hands of every student in every school in the U.S. and to pipe in enough bandwidth to get all 49.8 million American kids online simultaneously by 2017. Bulky textbooks will be replaced by flat screens. Worksheets will be stored in the cloud, not clunky Trapper Keepers. The Dewey decimal system will give way to Google. “This one is a big, big deal,” says Secretary of Education Arne Duncan.

It’s a deal Gudenius has been working to realize for years. He doesn’t just teach a computer on every student’s desk; he also tries to do it without any paper at all, saving, by his own estimate, 46,800 sheets a year, or about four trees. The paperless learning environment, while not the goals of most fledgling programs, represents the ultimate result of technology transforming classroom.

Gudenius started teaching as a computer-lab instructor, seeing students for just a few hours each month. That much time is still the norm for most kids. American schools have about 3.6 students for every classroom computing device, according to Education Market Research, and only 1 in 5 school buildings has the wiring to get all students online at once. But Gudenius always saw computers as a tool, not a subject. “We don’t have a paper-and-pencil lab, he says. When you are learning to be a mechanic, you don’t go to a wrench lab.”

Ask his students if they prefer the digital to the tree-based technology and everyone will say yes. It is not unusual for kids to groan when the bell rings because they don’t want to leave their work, which is often done in ways that were impossible just a few years ago. Instead of telling his students to show their work when they do an algebra equation, Gudenius asks them to create and narrate a video about the process, which can then be shown in class. History lessons are enlivened by brief videos that run on individual tablets. And spelling, grammar and vocabulary exercises have the feel of a game, with each student working at his own speed, until Gudenius – who tracks the kids’ progress on a smartphone – gives commands like “Spin it” to let the kids know to flip the screens of their devices around so that he can see their work and begin the next lesson.

Source: TIME- How to Eat Now. Education: The Paperless Classroom is Coming, p. 36-37; October 20, 2014 

Synonyms and antonyms can play a very important role in alerting the reader to a change in the direction of the passage. In the sentence “for many of my students a tablet or a laptop screen is almost as quaint as a paper book”, the antonym for quaint is

  • b-

    All the answer choices broach concepts related to something being quaint, which means something of ancient qualities still retaining a curious aspect. Something run-of-the-mill would hardly be regarded as "quaint".

    obs.: wise is mentioned an archaic meaning for quaint.

    'quaint' significa antigo mas não de modo ofensivo. Seria algo clássico e ao mesmo tempo fora do comum. 


    Quaint means pitoresco, synonyms: unusual, funny, curious
    nevertheless, antonym is: conventional (convencional)

  • A questão cobra conhecimento de vocabulário, especificamente sobre antônimos.

    Vamos analisar o enunciado:

    Synonyms and antonyms can play a very important role in alerting the reader to a change in the direction of the passage. In the sentence “for many of my students a tablet or a laptop screen is almost as quaint as a paper book", the antonym for quaint is....
    - Sinônimos e antônimos podem desempenhar um papel muito importante para alertar o leitor sobre uma mudança na direção da passagem. Na frase "para muitos dos meus alunos, a tela de um tablet ou laptop é quase tão pitoresca quanto um livro de papel", o antônimo de pitoresca é...

    "Quaint" significa pitoresco. Algo que é pitoresco é original, diferente, exótico, curioso, inusitado, singular. Portanto, o antônimo de pitoresco seria normal, habitual, usual, convencional, trivial, corriqueiro, frequente, regular.

    Analisando as alternativas teremos:

    A) Incorreto - wise. = sábio

    B) Correto - conventional.  = convencional

    C) Incorreto - original.  = original

    D) Incorreto - obsolete.  = obsoleto

    E) Incorreto - unusual. = não usual

    Gabarito do Professor: Letra B.


The correct opposites for the words “hot” and “waste” are respectively:

  • Antônimos de hot (quente) e waste (desperdício):

    a) congelar - lazer

    b) frio - útil

    c) calor - resolver

    d) gelo - íngreme

  • b-

    waste - anything or anyone regarded as useless, worthless, or in excess of what is required. Waste might also refer to something that has been used and is no longer wanted, because the useful part has been removed or worn off

  • Questão de conhecimento de vocabulário, para resolver era preciso conhecer as palavras trazidas no enunciado e também palavras com significados opostos.

    Segue tradução:

    Os opostos corretos para as palavras "quente" e "desperdício" são, respectivamente:

    A) Incorreta - congelar - lazer

    B) Correta - frio - útil

    C) Incorreta - quente - resolver

    D) Incorreta - gelo - íngreme

    Gabarito: B


Executive Secretary

We are looking for a competent Executive Secretary to support high-ranking officials in our company. You will be the one to organize and maintain the executive’s schedule and assist them by performing a variety of administrative tasks.

Executive secretaries must be quick professionals with great time-management and multitasking abilities. It is with their diligence and competence in their work that executives can focus on their managerial responsibilities without worrying for other tasks.

The goal is to contribute to the efficiency of the overall business by ensuring all assigned administrative duties are carried on timely and efficiently.


• Maintain executive’s agenda and assist in planning appointments, board meetings, conferences, etc;

• Attend meetings and keep minutes;

• Receive and screen phone calls and redirect them when appropriate;

• Handle and prioritize all outgoing or incoming correspondence (e-mail, letters, packages etc.);

• Make travel arrangements for executives;

• Handle confidential documents ensuring they remain secure;

• Prepare invoices or financial statements and provide assistance in bookkeeping;

• Monitor office supplies and negotiate terms with suppliers to ensure the most cost-effective orders;

• Maintain electronic and paper records ensuring information is organized and easily accessible;

• Conduct research and prepare presentations or reports as assigned.


• Proven experience as executive secretary or similar administrative role;  Proficient in MS Office and “back-office” software (e.g. ERP);

• In depth knowledge of office management as well as technical vocabulary of relevant industry;

• Familiarity with basic research methods and reporting techniques;

• Excellent organizational and time-management skills;

• Outstanding communication and negotiation abilities;

• Integrity and confidentiality;

• Degree in business administration or relative field.

(Adapted from: https://resources.workable.com/executive-secretary-job-description)

Consider the following words from the text:


We can state that possible opposites for them are:

  • a-

    disregard - contempt, scorn, neglect, disdain, heedlessness, insouciance, lassitude, oversight. Ant.: care, concern, interest, attention, diligence.


    discontinue - break off, cease, halt, interrupt, end, finish. Ant.: continue, go (on), keep going, carry on.


    specific - distinct, different, peculiar, unique. Ant.: generic, ordinary, standard, run of the mill, overall.

  • Pay attention, the question require the OPPOSITE

    Diligence - diligência 
    carried on - continuar, prosseguir
    overall - global, geral, total

    In other words, the answer right is letter a

    disregard - negligenciar, desconsiderar, ignorar
    Discontinued - descontinuada
    Specific - específico, preciso, pontual



Utilize o texto a seguir para responder a questão.


Small as a peanut,
Big as a giant,
We’re all the same size
When we turn off the light.

Rich as a sultan,
Poor as a mite,
We’re all worth the same
When we turn off the light.

Red, black or orange,
Yellow or white,
We all look the same
When we turn off the light

So maybe the way
To make everything right
Is for God just reach out
And turn off the light!

(Where the Sidewalk Ends, the poems and drawings of Shel Silverstein. New York, Harper Collins Publishers, 1974)

De acordo com o texto, assinale a alternativa incorreta na oposição de adjetivos.

  • same: mesma

    difference: diferença


Quais expressões a seguir não configuram um oximoro?
