
Prova Colégio Pedro II - 2019 - Colégio Pedro II - Professor - Inglês

Colégio Pedro II
Colégio Pedro II
Direito Constitucional

De acordo com o disposto na Constituição Federal de 1988, no que se refere à educação, é correto afirmar que


    ? Conforme a CF de 1988:

    ? Art. 206. O ensino será ministrado com base nos seguintes princípios:

    III - pluralismo de idéias e de concepções pedagógicas, e coexistência de instituições públicas e privadas de ensino.

    Baixe a Planilha de Gestão Completa nos Estudos Grátis: http://3f1c129.contato.site/plangestaoestudost3


  • A questão exige conhecimento acerca da disciplina constitucional ligada à Educação. Analisemos as assertivas, com base na CF/88:

    Alternativa “a": está incorreta. Conforme art. 205. A educação, direito de todos e dever do Estado e da família, será promovida e incentivada com a colaboração da sociedade, visando ao pleno desenvolvimento da pessoa, seu preparo para o exercício da cidadania e sua qualificação para o trabalho.

    Alternativa “b": está correta. Conforme art. 206. O ensino será ministrado com base nos seguintes princípios: I - igualdade de condições para o acesso e permanência na escola; II - liberdade de aprender, ensinar, pesquisar e divulgar o pensamento, a arte e o saber; III - pluralismo de ideias e de concepções pedagógicas, e coexistência de instituições públicas e privadas de ensino; IV - gratuidade do ensino público em estabelecimentos oficiais; V - valorização dos profissionais da educação escolar, garantidos, na forma da lei, planos de carreira, com ingresso exclusivamente por concurso público de provas e títulos, aos das redes públicas; VI - gestão democrática do ensino público, na forma da lei; VII - garantia de padrão de qualidade. VIII - piso salarial profissional nacional para os profissionais da educação escolar pública, nos termos de lei federal.   

    Alternativa “c": está incorreta. Conforme art. 207. As universidades gozam de autonomia didático-científica, administrativa e de gestão financeira e patrimonial, e obedecerão ao princípio de indissociabilidade entre ensino, pesquisa e extensão.

    Alternativa “d": está incorreta. Conforme art. 206, Parágrafo único. A lei disporá sobre as categorias de trabalhadores considerados profissionais da educação básica e sobre a fixação de prazo para a elaboração ou adequação de seus planos de carreira, no âmbito da União, dos Estados, do Distrito Federal e dos Municípios.

    Gabarito do professor: letra b.

  • Art. 207. As universidades gozam de autonomia didático-científica, administrativa e de gestão financeira e patrimonial, e obedecerão ao princípio de indissociabilidade entre ensino, pesquisa e extensão.


    Assertiva A. Incorreta. Art. 205, CF. A educação, direito de todos e dever do Estado e da família, será promovida e incentivada com a colaboração da sociedade, visando ao pleno desenvolvimento da pessoa, seu preparo para o exercício da cidadania e sua qualificação para o trabalho.

    Assertiva B. Correta. Art. 206. O ensino será ministrado com base nos seguintes princípios: (...) III - pluralismo de idéias e de concepções pedagógicas, e coexistência de instituições públicas e privadas de ensino (...)

    Assertiva C. Incorreta. Art. 207,CF. As universidades gozam de autonomia didático-científica, administrativa e de gestão financeira e patrimonial, e obedecerão ao princípio de indissociabilidade entre ensino, pesquisa e extensão.

    Assertiva D. Incorreta. Art. 206, CF. Parágrafo único. A lei disporá sobre as categorias de trabalhadores considerados profissionais da educação básica e sobre a fixação de prazo para a elaboração ou adequação de seus planos de carreira, no âmbito da União, dos Estados, do Distrito Federal e dos Municípios.        


    a) ERRADO: Art. 205. A educação, direito de todos e dever do Estado e da família, será promovida e incentivada com a colaboração da sociedade, visando ao pleno desenvolvimento da pessoa, seu preparo para o exercício da cidadania e sua qualificação para o trabalho.

    b) CERTO: Art. 206. O ensino será ministrado com base nos seguintes princípios: III - pluralismo de idéias e de concepções pedagógicas, e coexistência de instituições públicas e privadas de ensino;

    c) ERRADO: Art. 207. As universidades gozam de autonomia didático-científica, administrativa e de gestão financeira e patrimonial, e obedecerão ao princípio de indissociabilidade entre ensino, pesquisa e extensão.

    d) ERRADO: Art. 206. Parágrafo único. A lei disporá sobre as categorias de trabalhadores considerados profissionais da educação básica e sobre a fixação de prazo para a elaboração ou adequação de seus planos de carreira, no âmbito da União, dos Estados, do Distrito Federal e dos Municípios.  

Colégio Pedro II
Colégio Pedro II
Legislação Federal

De acordo com o disposto na Lei n. 12.772/2012, é correto afirmar que

  • A - o cumprimento do interstício de 18 (dezoito) meses de efetivo exercício em cada nível é um dos requisitos para a progressão na Carreira de Magistério do Ensino Básico, Técnico e Tecnológico.

    (24 meses)

    B o ingresso nos cargos de provimento efetivo de Professor da Carreira de Magistério do Ensino Básico, Técnico e Tecnológico ocorrerá sempre no Nível IV da Classe C I, mediante aprovação em concurso público.

    (Sempre no Nível 1 da Classe D I)

    C - no regime de dedicação exclusiva, será admitida, observadas as condições da regulamentação própria de cada Instituição Federal de Ensino, a percepção de remuneração de cargos de direção ou funções de confiança.


    D - para os fins do disposto nesta lei, promoção é a passagem do servidor para o nível de vencimento imediatamente superior dentro da mesma classe, e progressão, a passagem do servidor de um nível para outro subsequente.

    (Inverteu os conceitos. Dica: lembre que no dicionário progressão vem antes de promoção. Logo, progressão é dentro da mesma classe, promoção fora da classe).

  • Essa foi por eliminação. Item C.

  • Para "ProGRessão" lembre da palavra "deGRau", ou seja, mudança de nível, de "altura".

Colégio Pedro II
Colégio Pedro II
Direito Administrativo

No que se refere ao disposto no Estatuto do Servidor Público Federal (Lei n. 8.112/1990), é correto afirmar que



    A administração pública tem o dever de apurar também as denúnciais anônimas em desfavor de seus servidores, contudo, para isso, checará primeiramente a veracidade do conteúdo da denúncia por meio de procedimento investigativo menos invasivo e menos complexo. A abertura de sindicância é o procedimento mais comum para apurar denúncias anônimas. 


    * A autoridade administrativa não poderá se valer, exclusivamente, de denúncia anônima para instaurar processo administrativo disciplinar - PAD em desfavor de seus servidores. A denúncia deve, primeiramente, ser averiguada. 

  • A) Art. 143.  A autoridade que tiver ciência de irregularidade no serviço público é obrigada a promover a sua apuração imediata, mediante sindicância ou processo administrativo disciplinar, assegurada ao acusado ampla defesa.

    B) Art. 147.  Como medida cautelar e a fim de que o servidor não venha a influir na apuração da irregularidade, a        autoridade instauradora do processo disciplinar poderá determinar o seu afastamento do exercício do cargo, pelo prazo de até 60 (sessenta) dias, sem prejuízo da remuneração.

    C) Art. 144.  As denúncias sobre irregularidades serão objeto de apuração, desde que contenham a identificação e o endereço do denunciante e sejam formuladas por escrito, confirmada a autenticidade.

    D) Art. 152.  O prazo para a conclusão do processo disciplinar não excederá 60 (sessenta) dias, contados da data de publicação do ato que constituir a comissão, admitida a sua prorrogação por igual prazo, quando as circunstâncias o exigirem.

    Lei 8.112/90

  • Gab: C

    Acrescentando que se a denúncia não preencher os requisitos ou se o fato não configurar evidente infração disciplinar ou ilícito penal, será ela arquivada. :)

  • E continuarei marcando a Letra A até o fim da minha existência

  • Gab: C A incorreta A autoridade é obrigada a PROMOVER apuração imediata; B incorreta Prazo é de 60 dias, SEM prejuízo da remuneração D incorreta Não excederá 60 dias, pode ser prorrogado por igual prazo.
  • Vejamos as opções propostas, individualmente:

    a) Errada:

    Na realidade, a obrigação é de apuração imediata, o que pode se dar tanto por processo administrativo disciplinar quanto por sindicância, a depender do caso concreto. Neste sentido, o teor do art. 143 da Lei 8.112/90, a seguir colacionado:

    "Art. 143.  A autoridade que tiver ciência de irregularidade no serviço público é obrigada a promover a sua apuração imediata, mediante sindicância ou processo administrativo disciplinar, assegurada ao acusado ampla defesa."

    b) Errado:

    Em rigor, o afastamento preventivo deve se dar sem prejuízo da remuneração do servidor, na forma do art. 147, caput, da Lei 8.112/90, in verbis:

    "Art. 147.  Como medida cautelar e a fim de que o servidor não venha a influir na apuração da irregularidade, a autoridade instauradora do processo disciplinar poderá determinar o seu afastamento do exercício do cargo, pelo prazo de até 60 (sessenta) dias, sem prejuízo da remuneração."

    c) Certo:

    Trata-se de assertiva respaldada pelo teor do art. 144 da Lei 8.112/90, de sorte que inexistem equívocos a serem indicados.

    "Art. 144.  As denúncias sobre irregularidades serão objeto de apuração, desde que contenham a identificação e o endereço do denunciante e sejam formuladas por escrito, confirmada a autenticidade."

    d) Errado:

    Na realidade, o prazo legal para conclusão do PAD é de sessenta dias, podendo ser prorrogado por igual período, e não de 120 dias, prorrogável por outros 120 dias, tal como aduzido pela Banca, equivocadamente.

    "Art. 152.  O prazo para a conclusão do processo disciplinar não excederá 60 (sessenta) dias, contados da data de publicação do ato que constituir a comissão, admitida a sua prorrogação por igual prazo, quando as circunstâncias o exigirem."

    Gabarito do professor: C

  • Vejamos as opções propostas, individualmente:

    a) Errada:

    Na realidade, a obrigação é de apuração imediata, o que pode se dar tanto por processo administrativo disciplinar quanto por sindicância, a depender do caso concreto. Neste sentido, o teor do art. 143 da Lei 8.112/90, a seguir colacionado:

    "Art. 143.  A autoridade que tiver ciência de irregularidade no serviço público é obrigada a promover a sua apuração imediata, mediante sindicância ou processo administrativo disciplinar, assegurada ao acusado ampla defesa."

    b) Errado:

    Em rigor, o afastamento preventivo deve se dar sem prejuízo da remuneração do servidor, na forma do art. 147, caput, da Lei 8.112/90, in verbis:

    "Art. 147.  Como medida cautelar e a fim de que o servidor não venha a influir na apuração da irregularidade, a autoridade instauradora do processo disciplinar poderá determinar o seu afastamento do exercício do cargo, pelo prazo de até 60 (sessenta) dias, sem prejuízo da remuneração."

    c) Certo:

    Trata-se de assertiva respaldada pelo teor do art. 144 da Lei 8.112/90, de sorte que inexistem equívocos a serem indicados.

    "Art. 144.  As denúncias sobre irregularidades serão objeto de apuração, desde que contenham a identificação e o endereço do denunciante e sejam formuladas por escrito, confirmada a autenticidade."

    d) Errado:

    Na realidade, o prazo legal para conclusão do PAD é de sessenta dias, podendo ser prorrogado por igual período, e não de 120 dias, prorrogável por outros 120 dias, tal como aduzido pela Banca, equivocadamente.

    "Art. 152.  O prazo para a conclusão do processo disciplinar não excederá 60 (sessenta) dias, contados da data de publicação do ato que constituir a comissão, admitida a sua prorrogação por igual prazo, quando as circunstâncias o exigirem."

    Gabarito do professor: C
  • a. sindicância ou PAD

    b. 60 dias, sem prejuízo à remuneração (admite prorrogação)

    c. correta

    d. 60 dias, podendo ser prorrogada por igual período.

  • Gabarito letra C

    Em relação à letra A: dependendo da penalidade a autoridade pode aplicar o PAD, sindicância ou rito sumário.

    Espero ter ajudado.


    Título V

    Do Processo Administrativo Disciplinar

    Capítulo I

    Disposições Gerais

    Art. 144.  As denúncias sobre irregularidades serão objeto de apuração, desde que contenham a identificação e o endereço do denunciante e sejam formuladas por escrito, confirmada a autenticidade.

    Parágrafo único.  Quando o fato narrado não configurar evidente infração disciplinar ou ilícito penal, a denúncia será arquivada, por falta de objeto.

    FONTE: LEI Nº 8.112, DE 11 DE DEZEMBRO DE 1990. 

  • A autoridade que tiver ciência de irregularidade no serviço público é obrigada a instaurar, imediatamente, processo administrativo disciplinar, assegurada ao acusado ampla defesa.

    Art. 143.  A autoridade que tiver ciência de irregularidade no serviço público é obrigada a promover a sua apuração imediata, mediante sindicância ou processo administrativo disciplinar, assegurada ao acusado ampla defesa.

    B a autoridade instauradora do processo disciplinar poderá, como medida cautelar, afastar o servidor do exercício do cargo, pelo prazo de até 90 (noventa) dias, sem remuneração.

    Art. 147.  Como medida cautelar e a fim de que o servidor não venha a influir na apuração da irregularidade, a  autoridade instauradora do processo disciplinar poderá determinar o seu afastamento do exercício do cargo, pelo prazo de até 60 (sessenta) dias, sem prejuízo da remuneração.

    C as denúncias sobre irregularidades serão objeto de apuração, desde que contenham a identificação e o endereço do denunciante e sejam formuladas por escrito, confirmada a autenticidade.

    Art. 144.  As denúncias sobre irregularidades serão objeto de apuração, desde que contenham a identificação e o endereço do denunciante e sejam formuladas por escrito, confirmada a autenticidade.

    D o prazo para a conclusão do processo disciplinar não excederá 120 (cento e vinte) dias, contados da data do fato, admitida a sua prorrogação por igual prazo, quando as circunstâncias o exigirem.

    Art. 152.  O prazo para a conclusão do processo disciplinar não excederá 60 (sessenta) dias, contados da data de publicação do ato que constituir a comissão, admitida a sua prorrogação por igual prazo, quando as circunstâncias o exigirem

  • Rapaz, essa C foi a primeira que julguei como essa, pressupondo a existência das denúncias anônimas.

  • Gab C.


    Súmula 611-STJ: Desde que devidamente motivada e com amparo em investigação ou sindicância, é permitida a instauração de processo administrativo disciplinar com base em denúncia anônima, em face do poder-dever de autotutela imposto à Administração. STJ. 1ª Seção. Aprovada em 09/05/2018, DJe 14/05/2018. 

    É possível instaurar processo administrativo disciplinar com base em “denúncia anônima”? SIM, mas a jurisprudência afirma que, antes, a autoridade deverá realizar uma investigação preliminar ou sindicância para averiguar o conteúdo e confirmar se a “denúncia anônima” possui um mínimo de plausibilidade.

    Denúncia anônima exige prévia sindicância ou investigação prévia O STJ afirmou que, no caso de denúncia anônima, não se deve instaurar imediatamente (diretamente) o processo administrativo disciplinar. Antes disso, por precaução e prudência, o administrador deverá realizar uma sindicância, ou seja, uma investigação prévia para examinar se essa denúncia anônima não é completamente infundada

    (...) 3. Conquanto a Lei n. 8.112/1990, no art. 144, preveja a formulação por escrito, com identificação e endereço do denunciante, não há expressa determinação legal para que denúncias anônimas sejam ignoradas e simplesmente arquivadas, uma vez que a Administração dispõe do poder-dever de autotutela. (...) STJ. 6ª Turma. AgRg no REsp 1126789/RS, Rel. Min. Og Fernandes, julgado em 06/08/2013.

    Em suma, mesmo com o art. 144 da Lei nº 8.112/90, admite-se a denúncia anônima.

    Fonte: Dizer o direito.

Colégio Pedro II
Colégio Pedro II
Estatuto da Pessoa com Deficiência - Lei nº 13.146 de 2015

A Lei n. 13.146/2015 institui a Lei Brasileira de Inclusão da Pessoa com Deficiência (Estatuto da Pessoa com Deficiência).

No que se refere aos seus dispositivos, é correto afirmar que


    ? Segundo o Estatuto da Pessoa com Deficiência (13.146/2015):

    A) para fins de aplicação desta Lei, consideram-se barreiras arquitetônicas aquelas existentes nas vias e nos espaços públicos e privados abertos ao público ou de uso coletivo. ? incorreto, a) barreiras urbanísticas: as existentes nas vias e nos espaços públicos e privados abertos ao público ou de uso coletivo.

    B) é dever exclusivo do Estado assegurar à pessoa com deficiência, com prioridade, a efetivação dos direitos referentes à vida, à saúde, à sexualidade, à paternidade e à maternidade, à alimentação. ? incorreto, segue correção: Art. 8º É dever do Estado, da sociedade e da família.

    C) a educação constitui direito da pessoa com deficiência, assegurados sistema educacional privado e trabalho ao longo de toda a vida, de forma a alcançar o desenvolvimento de seus talentos e habilidades. ? incorreto, correção: Art. 27. A educação constitui direito da pessoa com deficiência, assegurados sistema educacional inclusivo em todos os níveis e aprendizado ao longo de toda a vida, de forma a alcançar o máximo desenvolvimento possível de seus talentos e habilidades físicas, sensoriais, intelectuais e sociais, segundo suas características, interesses e necessidades de aprendizagem.

    D) os casos de suspeita de violência praticada contra a pessoa com deficiência serão objeto de notificação compulsória pelos serviços de saúde públicos e privados à autoridade policial e ao Ministério Público. ? correto, segundo art.26 do referido Estatuto.

    Baixe a Planilha de Gestão Completa nos Estudos Grátis: http://3f1c129.contato.site/plangestaoestudost3



    Lei 13.146/2015 (EPcD), art. 3, IV


    a) barreiras urbanísticas: as existentes nas vias e nos espaços públicos e privados abertos ao público ou de uso coletivo;

    b) barreiras arquitetônicas: as existentes nos edifícios públicos e privados;


  • Estatuto das PCD:

    Art. 26. Os casos de suspeita ou de confirmação de violência praticada contra a pessoa com deficiência serão objeto de notificação compulsória pelos serviços de saúde públicos e privados à autoridade policial e ao Ministério Público, além dos Conselhos dos Direitos da Pessoa com Deficiência.

    Parágrafo único. Para os efeitos desta Lei, considera-se violência contra a pessoa com deficiência qualquer ação ou omissão, praticada em local público ou privado, que lhe cause morte ou dano ou sofrimento físico ou psicológico.

  • A ) INCORRETA Lei 13146/2015

    Art. 3º Para fins de aplicação desta Lei, consideram-se:

    IV - barreiras: qualquer entrave, obstáculo, atitude ou comportamento que limite ou impeça a participação social da pessoa, bem como o gozo, a fruição e o exercício de seus direitos à acessibilidade, à liberdade de movimento e de expressão, à comunicação, ao acesso à informação, à compreensão, à circulação com segurança, entre outros, classificadas em:

    a) barreiras urbanísticas: as existentes nas vias e nos espaços públicos e privados abertos ao público ou de uso coletivo;

    b) barreiras arquitetônicas: as existentes nos edifícios públicos e privados;

    B) INCORRETA - Lei 13146/2015

    Art. 8º É dever do Estado, da sociedade e da família assegurar à pessoa com deficiência, com prioridade, a efetivação dos direitos referentes à vida, à saúde, à sexualidade, à paternidade e à maternidade, à alimentação, à habitação, à educação, à profissionalização, ao trabalho, à previdência social, à habilitação e à reabilitação, ao transporte, à acessibilidade, à cultura, ao desporto, ao turismo, ao lazer, à informação, à comunicação, aos avanços científicos e tecnológicos, à dignidade, ao respeito, à liberdade, à convivência familiar e comunitária, entre outros decorrentes da Constituição Federal, da Convenção sobre os Direitos das Pessoas com Deficiência e seu Protocolo Facultativo e das leis e de outras normas que garantam seu bem-estar pessoal, social e econômico.

    C) INCORRETA - Lei 13146/2015

    Art. 27. A educação constitui direito da pessoa com deficiência, assegurados sistema educacional inclusivo em todos os níveis e aprendizado ao longo de toda a vida, de forma a alcançar o máximo desenvolvimento possível de seus talentos e habilidades físicas, sensoriais, intelectuais e sociais, segundo suas características, interesses e necessidades de aprendizagem.

    D) CORRETA - Lei 13146/2015

    Art. 26. Os casos de suspeita ou de confirmação de violência praticada contra a pessoa com deficiência serão objeto de notificação compulsória pelos serviços de saúde públicos e privados à autoridade policial e ao Ministério Público, além dos Conselhos dos Direitos da Pessoa com Deficiência.


    Art. 26. Os casos de suspeita ou de confirmação de violência praticada contra a pessoa com deficiência serão objeto de notificação compulsória pelos serviços de saúde públicos e privados à autoridade policial e ao Ministério Público, além dos Conselhos dos Direitos da Pessoa com Deficiência.

  • As alternativas são resolvidas com base na literalidade da Lei n. 13.146/2015.

    Letra A - A alternativa trocou o conceito de barreiras arquitetônicas pelo de barreiras urbanísticas - Art. 3º, IV, b) barreiras arquitetônicas: as existentes nos edifícios públicos e privados; a) barreiras urbanísticas: as existentes nas vias e nos espaços públicos e privados abertos ao público ou de uso coletivo;

    Letra B - Não é um dever exclusivo do Estado - Art. 8º É dever do Estado, da sociedade e da família assegurar à pessoa com deficiência, com prioridade, a efetivação dos direitos referentes à vida, à saúde, à sexualidade, à paternidade e à maternidade, à alimentação (...).

    Letra C - Art. 27. A educação constitui direito da pessoa com deficiência, assegurados sistema educacional inclusivo em todos os níveis e aprendizado ao longo de toda a vida, de forma a alcançar o máximo desenvolvimento possível de seus talentos e habilidades físicas, sensoriais, intelectuais e sociais, segundo suas características, interesses e necessidades de aprendizagem.

    Letra D (CORRETA) - Art. 26. Os casos de suspeita ou de confirmação de violência praticada contra a pessoa com deficiência serão objeto de notificação compulsória pelos serviços de saúde públicos e privados à autoridade policial e ao Ministério Público, além dos Conselhos dos Direitos da Pessoa com Deficiência.


  • A Lei n. 13.146/2015 institui a Lei Brasileira de Inclusão da Pessoa com Deficiência (Estatuto da Pessoa com Deficiência).

    No que se refere aos seus dispositivos, é correto afirmar que: os casos de suspeita de violência praticada contra a pessoa com deficiência serão objeto de notificação compulsória pelos serviços de saúde públicos e privados à autoridade policial e ao Ministério Público.

Colégio Pedro II
Colégio Pedro II
Direito da Criança e do Adolescente - Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente (ECA) - Lei nº 8.069 de 1990

Referente ao Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente (Lei n. 8.069/1990), foram feitas as seguintes afirmativas:

I. As revistas destinadas ao público infanto-juvenil não poderão conter ilustrações, fotografias ou anúncios de bebidas alcoólicas e tabaco, e deverão respeitar os valores éticos e sociais da família.
II. O acesso ao ensino obrigatório é direito público subjetivo e o seu não oferecimento pelo poder público ou sua oferta irregular importa responsabilidade da autoridade competente.
III. É dever das instituições de ensino, clubes e agremiações recreativas e de estabelecimentos congêneres assegurar medidas de conscientização e prevenção ao uso ou dependência de drogas ilícitas.
IV. As instituições de ensino deverão atuar de forma articulada na execução de ações destinadas a coibir o uso de castigo físico ou de tratamento cruel e difundir formas não violentas de educação de crianças e de adolescentes.

Estão corretas


    ? IV - As instituições de ensino deverão atuar de forma articulada na execução de ações destinadas a coibir o uso de castigo físico ou de tratamento cruel e difundir formas não violentas de educação de crianças e de adolescentes.

    ? Correção, conforme o ECA (8069/90): Art. 70-A. A União, os Estados, o Distrito Federal e os Municípios deverão atuar de forma articulada na elaboração de políticas públicas e na execução de ações destinadas a coibir o uso de castigo físico ou de tratamento cruel ou degradante e difundir formas não violentas de educação de crianças e de adolescentes, tendo como principais ações: (Incluído pela Lei nº 13.010, de 2014).

    Baixe a Planilha de Gestão Completa nos Estudos Grátis: http://3f1c129.contato.site/plangestaoestudost3


  • Gabarito letra A

    I. Art. 79. As revistas e publicações destinadas ao público infanto-juvenil não poderão conter ilustrações, fotografias, legendas, crônicas ou anúncios de bebidas alcoólicas, tabaco, armas e munições, e deverão respeitar os valores éticos e sociais da pessoa e da família.

    II. Art. 54. § 1º O acesso ao ensino obrigatório e gratuito é direito público subjetivo.

    § 2º O não oferecimento do ensino obrigatório pelo poder público ou sua oferta irregular importa responsabilidade da autoridade competente.

    III. Art. 53-A. É dever da instituição de ensino, clubes e agremiações recreativas e de estabelecimentos congêneres assegurar medidas de conscientização, prevenção e enfrentamento ao uso ou dependência de drogas ilícitas. 

    IV. Art. 70-A. A União, os Estados, o Distrito Federal e os Municípios deverão atuar de forma articulada na elaboração de políticas públicas e na execução de ações destinadas a coibir o uso de castigo físico ou de tratamento cruel ou degradante e difundir formas não violentas de educação de crianças e de adolescentes, tendo como principais ações: 

    Bons estudos!

  • A questão exige o conhecimento de diversos dispositivos elencados no Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente, e pede que o candidato assinale os itens corretos.

    Vamos aos itens:

    Item I: correto. Art. 79 ECA: as revistas e publicações destinadas ao público infanto-juvenil não poderão conter ilustrações, fotografias, legendas, crônicas ou anúncios de bebidas alcoólicas, tabaco, armas e munições, e deverão respeitar os valores éticos e sociais da pessoa e da família.

    Item II: correto. Art. 54, §1º, ECA: o acesso ao ensino obrigatório e gratuito é direito público subjetivo.

    Art. 54, §2º, ECA: o não oferecimento do ensino obrigatório pelo poder público ou sua oferta irregular importa responsabilidade da autoridade competente.

    Item III: correto. Art. 53-A ECA: é dever da instituição de ensino, clubes e agremiações recreativas e de estabelecimentos congêneres assegurar medidas de conscientização, prevenção e enfrentamento ao uso ou dependência de drogas ilícitas.

    Item IV: incorreto. O erro do item está em afirmar que as ações destinadas a coibir o uso de castigo físico ou tratamento cruel devem ser formuladas pelas instituições de ensino, quando, em verdade, devem ser formuladas pela União, Estados, DF e Municípios.

    Art. 70-A ECA: a União, os Estados, o DF e os Municípios deverão atuar de forma articulada na elaboração de políticas públicas e na execução de ações destinadas a coibir o uso de castigo físico ou de tratamento cruel ou degradante e difundir formas não violentas de educação de crianças e de adolescentes, tendo como principais ações: (...)

    Gabarito: A (I, II e III corretas)

Colégio Pedro II
Colégio Pedro II


School for sexism

By Deborah Cameron (Oxford University)

      This week, it was announced that schools in England are being issued with new guidelines on combatting sexism and gender stereotyping. This initiative follows research conducted for the Institute of Physics (IoP), which found that most schools took sexism less seriously than other kinds of prejudice and discrimination. […]

      The IoP’s main concern—one it shares with the government, which co-funded the research—is that girls are being deterred from studying science subjects by the sexist attitudes they encounter in school. Language is only one of the issues the report urges schools to tackle. […] But language was the main theme picked up in media reporting on the new guidelines, with many news outlets dramatically proclaiming that children ‘as young as five’ were going to be ‘banned’ from using certain words.

      […] I think we can guess why these newspapers were so keen on the language angle. They’ve known since the heyday of ‘political correctness gone mad’ that nothing stirs up the wrath of Middle England like a story about someone trying to ban words. Never mind that no sane parent permits total free expression for the under-fives […].

      This reporting only underlined the point that sexism isn’t taken as seriously as other forms of prejudice. […] Rather than being outraged by the idea of telling primary school children to watch their words, shouldn’t we be asking why ‘children as young as five’ are using sexist language in the first place?

      We may not want to think that this is happening among children still at primary school, but unfortunately the evidence says it is. […] Girl Guiding UK publishes an annual survey of girls’ attitudes: the 2015 survey, conducted with a sample of nearly 1600 girls and young women aged between 7 and 21, found that in the week before they were questioned, over 80% of respondents had experienced or witnessed some form of sexism, much of which was perpetrated by boys of their own age, and some of which undoubtedly occurred in school. 39% of respondents had been subjected to demeaning comments on their appearance, and 58% had heard comments or jokes belittling women and girls. […]

      By the time they go to secondary school, girls are conscious of this everyday sexism as a factor which restricts their freedom, affecting where they feel they can go, what they feel able to wear and how much they are willing to talk in front of boys. In the Girl Guiding UK survey, a quarter of respondents aged 11-16 reported that they avoided speaking in lessons because of their fear of attracting sexist comments.

      So, the Institute of Physics isn’t just being perverse when it identifies sexist ‘banter’ as a problem that affects girls’ education. It’s to the organization’s credit that it’s saying this shouldn’t be tolerated—and it’s also to its credit that it’s offering practical advice. Its recommendations are sensible, and its report contains many good ideas for teachers to consider. […]

      When the Sunday Times talks about ‘boys and girls cheerfully baiting each other in the playground’, the implication is that we’re dealing with something reciprocal, a ‘battle of the sexes’ in which the two sides are evenly matched. But they’re not evenly matched. What can a girl say to a boy that will make him feel like a commodity, a piece of meat? What popular catchphrase can she fling at him that has the same dismissive force as ‘make me a sandwich’? […]

      The IoP report does not seem to grasp that there is more to sexism than gender stereotyping. It falls back on the liberal argument that stereotyping harms both sexes equally: it’s as bad for the boy who wants to be a ballet dancer as it is for the girl who dreams of becoming an astrophysicist. But sexism doesn’t harm boys and girls equally, just as racism doesn’t harm white people and people of colour equally. It is the ideology of a system based on structural sexual inequality: male dominance and female subordination. You can’t address the problem of gender stereotyping effectively if you don’t acknowledge the larger power structure it is part of.

                               Disponível em: https://debuk.wordpress.com. Acesso em: 20 out. 2019. 

According to linguist Deborah Cameron, the IoP report:

  • letra c


    claims that it is necessary to ban certain words from school environment so that girls feel more encouraged to study sciences.

  • c-

    They’ve known since the heyday of ‘political correctness gone mad’ that nothing stirs up the wrath of Middle England like a story about someone trying to ban words.

Colégio Pedro II
Colégio Pedro II


School for sexism

By Deborah Cameron (Oxford University)

      This week, it was announced that schools in England are being issued with new guidelines on combatting sexism and gender stereotyping. This initiative follows research conducted for the Institute of Physics (IoP), which found that most schools took sexism less seriously than other kinds of prejudice and discrimination. […]

      The IoP’s main concern—one it shares with the government, which co-funded the research—is that girls are being deterred from studying science subjects by the sexist attitudes they encounter in school. Language is only one of the issues the report urges schools to tackle. […] But language was the main theme picked up in media reporting on the new guidelines, with many news outlets dramatically proclaiming that children ‘as young as five’ were going to be ‘banned’ from using certain words.

      […] I think we can guess why these newspapers were so keen on the language angle. They’ve known since the heyday of ‘political correctness gone mad’ that nothing stirs up the wrath of Middle England like a story about someone trying to ban words. Never mind that no sane parent permits total free expression for the under-fives […].

      This reporting only underlined the point that sexism isn’t taken as seriously as other forms of prejudice. […] Rather than being outraged by the idea of telling primary school children to watch their words, shouldn’t we be asking why ‘children as young as five’ are using sexist language in the first place?

      We may not want to think that this is happening among children still at primary school, but unfortunately the evidence says it is. […] Girl Guiding UK publishes an annual survey of girls’ attitudes: the 2015 survey, conducted with a sample of nearly 1600 girls and young women aged between 7 and 21, found that in the week before they were questioned, over 80% of respondents had experienced or witnessed some form of sexism, much of which was perpetrated by boys of their own age, and some of which undoubtedly occurred in school. 39% of respondents had been subjected to demeaning comments on their appearance, and 58% had heard comments or jokes belittling women and girls. […]

      By the time they go to secondary school, girls are conscious of this everyday sexism as a factor which restricts their freedom, affecting where they feel they can go, what they feel able to wear and how much they are willing to talk in front of boys. In the Girl Guiding UK survey, a quarter of respondents aged 11-16 reported that they avoided speaking in lessons because of their fear of attracting sexist comments.

      So, the Institute of Physics isn’t just being perverse when it identifies sexist ‘banter’ as a problem that affects girls’ education. It’s to the organization’s credit that it’s saying this shouldn’t be tolerated—and it’s also to its credit that it’s offering practical advice. Its recommendations are sensible, and its report contains many good ideas for teachers to consider. […]

      When the Sunday Times talks about ‘boys and girls cheerfully baiting each other in the playground’, the implication is that we’re dealing with something reciprocal, a ‘battle of the sexes’ in which the two sides are evenly matched. But they’re not evenly matched. What can a girl say to a boy that will make him feel like a commodity, a piece of meat? What popular catchphrase can she fling at him that has the same dismissive force as ‘make me a sandwich’? […]

      The IoP report does not seem to grasp that there is more to sexism than gender stereotyping. It falls back on the liberal argument that stereotyping harms both sexes equally: it’s as bad for the boy who wants to be a ballet dancer as it is for the girl who dreams of becoming an astrophysicist. But sexism doesn’t harm boys and girls equally, just as racism doesn’t harm white people and people of colour equally. It is the ideology of a system based on structural sexual inequality: male dominance and female subordination. You can’t address the problem of gender stereotyping effectively if you don’t acknowledge the larger power structure it is part of.

                               Disponível em: https://debuk.wordpress.com. Acesso em: 20 out. 2019. 

Assuming a sociointeractional viewpoint, Giesel (in FERREIRA, 2012) argues that all forms of discourse can be understood as a social product, since they are present in the experiences of students.

Regarding the position presented above, choose the quote below from Cameron’s text which might support the idea that language teachers should approach aspects of sexist language and gender stereotyping in their lessons.

  • d-

    Sexism awareness is apparent in secondary school, giving rise to a case where educators may broach the issue by going over language class plans and re-adapting them to suit the agenda

Colégio Pedro II
Colégio Pedro II


School for sexism

By Deborah Cameron (Oxford University)

      This week, it was announced that schools in England are being issued with new guidelines on combatting sexism and gender stereotyping. This initiative follows research conducted for the Institute of Physics (IoP), which found that most schools took sexism less seriously than other kinds of prejudice and discrimination. […]

      The IoP’s main concern—one it shares with the government, which co-funded the research—is that girls are being deterred from studying science subjects by the sexist attitudes they encounter in school. Language is only one of the issues the report urges schools to tackle. […] But language was the main theme picked up in media reporting on the new guidelines, with many news outlets dramatically proclaiming that children ‘as young as five’ were going to be ‘banned’ from using certain words.

      […] I think we can guess why these newspapers were so keen on the language angle. They’ve known since the heyday of ‘political correctness gone mad’ that nothing stirs up the wrath of Middle England like a story about someone trying to ban words. Never mind that no sane parent permits total free expression for the under-fives […].

      This reporting only underlined the point that sexism isn’t taken as seriously as other forms of prejudice. […] Rather than being outraged by the idea of telling primary school children to watch their words, shouldn’t we be asking why ‘children as young as five’ are using sexist language in the first place?

      We may not want to think that this is happening among children still at primary school, but unfortunately the evidence says it is. […] Girl Guiding UK publishes an annual survey of girls’ attitudes: the 2015 survey, conducted with a sample of nearly 1600 girls and young women aged between 7 and 21, found that in the week before they were questioned, over 80% of respondents had experienced or witnessed some form of sexism, much of which was perpetrated by boys of their own age, and some of which undoubtedly occurred in school. 39% of respondents had been subjected to demeaning comments on their appearance, and 58% had heard comments or jokes belittling women and girls. […]

      By the time they go to secondary school, girls are conscious of this everyday sexism as a factor which restricts their freedom, affecting where they feel they can go, what they feel able to wear and how much they are willing to talk in front of boys. In the Girl Guiding UK survey, a quarter of respondents aged 11-16 reported that they avoided speaking in lessons because of their fear of attracting sexist comments.

      So, the Institute of Physics isn’t just being perverse when it identifies sexist ‘banter’ as a problem that affects girls’ education. It’s to the organization’s credit that it’s saying this shouldn’t be tolerated—and it’s also to its credit that it’s offering practical advice. Its recommendations are sensible, and its report contains many good ideas for teachers to consider. […]

      When the Sunday Times talks about ‘boys and girls cheerfully baiting each other in the playground’, the implication is that we’re dealing with something reciprocal, a ‘battle of the sexes’ in which the two sides are evenly matched. But they’re not evenly matched. What can a girl say to a boy that will make him feel like a commodity, a piece of meat? What popular catchphrase can she fling at him that has the same dismissive force as ‘make me a sandwich’? […]

      The IoP report does not seem to grasp that there is more to sexism than gender stereotyping. It falls back on the liberal argument that stereotyping harms both sexes equally: it’s as bad for the boy who wants to be a ballet dancer as it is for the girl who dreams of becoming an astrophysicist. But sexism doesn’t harm boys and girls equally, just as racism doesn’t harm white people and people of colour equally. It is the ideology of a system based on structural sexual inequality: male dominance and female subordination. You can’t address the problem of gender stereotyping effectively if you don’t acknowledge the larger power structure it is part of.

                               Disponível em: https://debuk.wordpress.com. Acesso em: 20 out. 2019. 

The following quote from Cameron’s article presents a standard passive construction, according to Parrott (2010): “This week, it was announced that schools in England are being issued with new guidelines on combatting sexism and gender stereotyping.”

Among the sentences below, choose the only one that follows a different pattern from standard passive constructions.

  • c-

    Not really a passive construction as it's an action which the subject incurred on himself

Colégio Pedro II
Colégio Pedro II


School for sexism

By Deborah Cameron (Oxford University)

      This week, it was announced that schools in England are being issued with new guidelines on combatting sexism and gender stereotyping. This initiative follows research conducted for the Institute of Physics (IoP), which found that most schools took sexism less seriously than other kinds of prejudice and discrimination. […]

      The IoP’s main concern—one it shares with the government, which co-funded the research—is that girls are being deterred from studying science subjects by the sexist attitudes they encounter in school. Language is only one of the issues the report urges schools to tackle. […] But language was the main theme picked up in media reporting on the new guidelines, with many news outlets dramatically proclaiming that children ‘as young as five’ were going to be ‘banned’ from using certain words.

      […] I think we can guess why these newspapers were so keen on the language angle. They’ve known since the heyday of ‘political correctness gone mad’ that nothing stirs up the wrath of Middle England like a story about someone trying to ban words. Never mind that no sane parent permits total free expression for the under-fives […].

      This reporting only underlined the point that sexism isn’t taken as seriously as other forms of prejudice. […] Rather than being outraged by the idea of telling primary school children to watch their words, shouldn’t we be asking why ‘children as young as five’ are using sexist language in the first place?

      We may not want to think that this is happening among children still at primary school, but unfortunately the evidence says it is. […] Girl Guiding UK publishes an annual survey of girls’ attitudes: the 2015 survey, conducted with a sample of nearly 1600 girls and young women aged between 7 and 21, found that in the week before they were questioned, over 80% of respondents had experienced or witnessed some form of sexism, much of which was perpetrated by boys of their own age, and some of which undoubtedly occurred in school. 39% of respondents had been subjected to demeaning comments on their appearance, and 58% had heard comments or jokes belittling women and girls. […]

      By the time they go to secondary school, girls are conscious of this everyday sexism as a factor which restricts their freedom, affecting where they feel they can go, what they feel able to wear and how much they are willing to talk in front of boys. In the Girl Guiding UK survey, a quarter of respondents aged 11-16 reported that they avoided speaking in lessons because of their fear of attracting sexist comments.

      So, the Institute of Physics isn’t just being perverse when it identifies sexist ‘banter’ as a problem that affects girls’ education. It’s to the organization’s credit that it’s saying this shouldn’t be tolerated—and it’s also to its credit that it’s offering practical advice. Its recommendations are sensible, and its report contains many good ideas for teachers to consider. […]

      When the Sunday Times talks about ‘boys and girls cheerfully baiting each other in the playground’, the implication is that we’re dealing with something reciprocal, a ‘battle of the sexes’ in which the two sides are evenly matched. But they’re not evenly matched. What can a girl say to a boy that will make him feel like a commodity, a piece of meat? What popular catchphrase can she fling at him that has the same dismissive force as ‘make me a sandwich’? […]

      The IoP report does not seem to grasp that there is more to sexism than gender stereotyping. It falls back on the liberal argument that stereotyping harms both sexes equally: it’s as bad for the boy who wants to be a ballet dancer as it is for the girl who dreams of becoming an astrophysicist. But sexism doesn’t harm boys and girls equally, just as racism doesn’t harm white people and people of colour equally. It is the ideology of a system based on structural sexual inequality: male dominance and female subordination. You can’t address the problem of gender stereotyping effectively if you don’t acknowledge the larger power structure it is part of.

                               Disponível em: https://debuk.wordpress.com. Acesso em: 20 out. 2019. 

Regarding the use of gerunds and infinitives, choose the alternative in which all the verbs follow the same pattern of the underlined verb in the excerpt: “They’ve known since the heyday of ‘political correctness gone mad’ that nothing stirs up the wrath of Middle England like a story about someone trying to ban words”.

  • d-

    Verb pattern is the concept of the form of a verb following another. The second verb may either be in the infinitive or present participle. trying to ban - try + to + verb

Colégio Pedro II
Colégio Pedro II


School for sexism

By Deborah Cameron (Oxford University)

      This week, it was announced that schools in England are being issued with new guidelines on combatting sexism and gender stereotyping. This initiative follows research conducted for the Institute of Physics (IoP), which found that most schools took sexism less seriously than other kinds of prejudice and discrimination. […]

      The IoP’s main concern—one it shares with the government, which co-funded the research—is that girls are being deterred from studying science subjects by the sexist attitudes they encounter in school. Language is only one of the issues the report urges schools to tackle. […] But language was the main theme picked up in media reporting on the new guidelines, with many news outlets dramatically proclaiming that children ‘as young as five’ were going to be ‘banned’ from using certain words.

      […] I think we can guess why these newspapers were so keen on the language angle. They’ve known since the heyday of ‘political correctness gone mad’ that nothing stirs up the wrath of Middle England like a story about someone trying to ban words. Never mind that no sane parent permits total free expression for the under-fives […].

      This reporting only underlined the point that sexism isn’t taken as seriously as other forms of prejudice. […] Rather than being outraged by the idea of telling primary school children to watch their words, shouldn’t we be asking why ‘children as young as five’ are using sexist language in the first place?

      We may not want to think that this is happening among children still at primary school, but unfortunately the evidence says it is. […] Girl Guiding UK publishes an annual survey of girls’ attitudes: the 2015 survey, conducted with a sample of nearly 1600 girls and young women aged between 7 and 21, found that in the week before they were questioned, over 80% of respondents had experienced or witnessed some form of sexism, much of which was perpetrated by boys of their own age, and some of which undoubtedly occurred in school. 39% of respondents had been subjected to demeaning comments on their appearance, and 58% had heard comments or jokes belittling women and girls. […]

      By the time they go to secondary school, girls are conscious of this everyday sexism as a factor which restricts their freedom, affecting where they feel they can go, what they feel able to wear and how much they are willing to talk in front of boys. In the Girl Guiding UK survey, a quarter of respondents aged 11-16 reported that they avoided speaking in lessons because of their fear of attracting sexist comments.

      So, the Institute of Physics isn’t just being perverse when it identifies sexist ‘banter’ as a problem that affects girls’ education. It’s to the organization’s credit that it’s saying this shouldn’t be tolerated—and it’s also to its credit that it’s offering practical advice. Its recommendations are sensible, and its report contains many good ideas for teachers to consider. […]

      When the Sunday Times talks about ‘boys and girls cheerfully baiting each other in the playground’, the implication is that we’re dealing with something reciprocal, a ‘battle of the sexes’ in which the two sides are evenly matched. But they’re not evenly matched. What can a girl say to a boy that will make him feel like a commodity, a piece of meat? What popular catchphrase can she fling at him that has the same dismissive force as ‘make me a sandwich’? […]

      The IoP report does not seem to grasp that there is more to sexism than gender stereotyping. It falls back on the liberal argument that stereotyping harms both sexes equally: it’s as bad for the boy who wants to be a ballet dancer as it is for the girl who dreams of becoming an astrophysicist. But sexism doesn’t harm boys and girls equally, just as racism doesn’t harm white people and people of colour equally. It is the ideology of a system based on structural sexual inequality: male dominance and female subordination. You can’t address the problem of gender stereotyping effectively if you don’t acknowledge the larger power structure it is part of.

                               Disponível em: https://debuk.wordpress.com. Acesso em: 20 out. 2019. 

Select the sentence that best paraphrases the excerpt:

“Language is only one of the issues the report urges schools to tackle. […] But language was the main theme picked up in media reporting on the new guidelines”.

  • b-

    but - yet, still, however, alas, notwithstanding, nonetheless, nevertheless, although, despite, in spite of

Colégio Pedro II
Colégio Pedro II


School for sexism

By Deborah Cameron (Oxford University)

      This week, it was announced that schools in England are being issued with new guidelines on combatting sexism and gender stereotyping. This initiative follows research conducted for the Institute of Physics (IoP), which found that most schools took sexism less seriously than other kinds of prejudice and discrimination. […]

      The IoP’s main concern—one it shares with the government, which co-funded the research—is that girls are being deterred from studying science subjects by the sexist attitudes they encounter in school. Language is only one of the issues the report urges schools to tackle. […] But language was the main theme picked up in media reporting on the new guidelines, with many news outlets dramatically proclaiming that children ‘as young as five’ were going to be ‘banned’ from using certain words.

      […] I think we can guess why these newspapers were so keen on the language angle. They’ve known since the heyday of ‘political correctness gone mad’ that nothing stirs up the wrath of Middle England like a story about someone trying to ban words. Never mind that no sane parent permits total free expression for the under-fives […].

      This reporting only underlined the point that sexism isn’t taken as seriously as other forms of prejudice. […] Rather than being outraged by the idea of telling primary school children to watch their words, shouldn’t we be asking why ‘children as young as five’ are using sexist language in the first place?

      We may not want to think that this is happening among children still at primary school, but unfortunately the evidence says it is. […] Girl Guiding UK publishes an annual survey of girls’ attitudes: the 2015 survey, conducted with a sample of nearly 1600 girls and young women aged between 7 and 21, found that in the week before they were questioned, over 80% of respondents had experienced or witnessed some form of sexism, much of which was perpetrated by boys of their own age, and some of which undoubtedly occurred in school. 39% of respondents had been subjected to demeaning comments on their appearance, and 58% had heard comments or jokes belittling women and girls. […]

      By the time they go to secondary school, girls are conscious of this everyday sexism as a factor which restricts their freedom, affecting where they feel they can go, what they feel able to wear and how much they are willing to talk in front of boys. In the Girl Guiding UK survey, a quarter of respondents aged 11-16 reported that they avoided speaking in lessons because of their fear of attracting sexist comments.

      So, the Institute of Physics isn’t just being perverse when it identifies sexist ‘banter’ as a problem that affects girls’ education. It’s to the organization’s credit that it’s saying this shouldn’t be tolerated—and it’s also to its credit that it’s offering practical advice. Its recommendations are sensible, and its report contains many good ideas for teachers to consider. […]

      When the Sunday Times talks about ‘boys and girls cheerfully baiting each other in the playground’, the implication is that we’re dealing with something reciprocal, a ‘battle of the sexes’ in which the two sides are evenly matched. But they’re not evenly matched. What can a girl say to a boy that will make him feel like a commodity, a piece of meat? What popular catchphrase can she fling at him that has the same dismissive force as ‘make me a sandwich’? […]

      The IoP report does not seem to grasp that there is more to sexism than gender stereotyping. It falls back on the liberal argument that stereotyping harms both sexes equally: it’s as bad for the boy who wants to be a ballet dancer as it is for the girl who dreams of becoming an astrophysicist. But sexism doesn’t harm boys and girls equally, just as racism doesn’t harm white people and people of colour equally. It is the ideology of a system based on structural sexual inequality: male dominance and female subordination. You can’t address the problem of gender stereotyping effectively if you don’t acknowledge the larger power structure it is part of.

                               Disponível em: https://debuk.wordpress.com. Acesso em: 20 out. 2019. 

The words WRATH (§ 3), DEMEANING (§ 5) and SENSIBLE (§ 7) were used in Cameron’s text.

Choose the group of synonyms which could respectively replace them.

  • a-

    wrath - fury, anger, ire, rage

    demeaning - belittling, scornful, despising, disdainful

    sensible - reasonable, sage, wise

Colégio Pedro II
Colégio Pedro II

Consider the excerpt “It’s to the organization’s credit that it’s saying that it shouldn’t be tolerated”.

The subjunctive mood has been correctly used to rephrase it in all the sentences, EXCEPT

  • b-

    *It’s desirable that sexism be not tolerated.

Colégio Pedro II
Colégio Pedro II

Santos (2012) points out that a sociointeractional approach to learning occurs from the development of a context in which a more competent partner gives the learner the necessary support in the learning process, emphasizing the idea that the learning process is always mediated. Such mediation involves the interaction between teachers, students, resources and teaching materials. Still, on the relevant aspects of the sociointeractional approach to learning, the author mentions Vygotsky's notion that language is the most important mediating tool. Therefore, thinking, reading, writing, and talking about a specific topic have an important impact on our understanding of the world.

Thus, regarding the teaching and learning of reading from a sociointeractional perspective and the role strategies have in that process, it is possible to draw some conclusions. Read the conclusions below, decide which ones are in accordance with that approach and mark the most adequate answer A – D.

I. Developing learner strategies in the foreign language reading class implies that the learner will be at the centre and in control of the use of strategies, being the agent of his/her strategic decisions.

II. Since the 1990s, reading has come to be understood as a complex and dynamic activity that involves not only bottom-up and top-down cognitive processes, but also other contextual elements such as the reader's experience with other texts, the medium in which the text is written and the reader's decisions, as well as the reading strategies that he/she uses.

III. Successful readers often focus their attention on the general meaning of the text, but always use the dictionary when they encounter unfamiliar words. They also seek to break up word groups into single words to improve their comprehension.

IV. Activation of the student's prior knowledge of a subject, attention to the title of the text, its images, as well as typographic marks (font type, bold, italics, etc.) and identification of the textual genre are important pre-reading strategies that can lead the learner to formulate successful hypotheses about the text, making it easier to understand.

The correct option is

  • b-

    It's highly unrecommend to resort to the dictionary whenever one comes across an unfamiliar word or expression. It's always best to work out its meaning through the contextual clues and overall meaning of the passage. Also, individual words shouldn't be dwelt on; rather, it's better to understand the whole expression as having a single meaning. e.g.: for idioms and phrasal verbs, it's pointless to go over each word of the expression. for instance, catch 22, catch red-handed, off the rocker all are expressions that are understood as a whole concept, rather than a set of separate meanings

Colégio Pedro II
Colégio Pedro II


“In spite of sharing Fairclough’s (1995/2010) view that the pedagogy of multiliteracies is situated in a critical language awareness perspective since its constructions parts from the problematization of work, citizenship and lifeworlds relations in the new global capitalism to propose the (re)design of meanings so as to account for the multiplicity of semiosis and lifestyles in contemporaneity, we can still notice that, in several aspects, the pedagogy designed by the New London Group legitimize some of the orders of discourse from this same capitalism it criticizes. Such a legitimation appears, for instance, in the comparison between teachers and managers used to define the notion of designer. It can also be noticed in the emphasis the Group places on the preparation for the labor market, even though the development of a metalanguage able to raise critical awareness about every practice is also emphasized. It is also worthwhile to highlight that the pedagogy of multiliteracies was thought as an educational alternative to respond to the “dramatic global economic change” we have been going through “as new business and management theories and practices emerge across the developed world” (NEW LONDON GROUP, 2000, p.10). Within this context, the fact of the multiliteracies pedagogy be constructed in the clash between legitimatizing and problematizing crystallized literacy practices from this developed world in the search of alternative life and educational designs becomes comprehensible.”

OLIVEIRA, M. B. F.; SZUNDI, P. T. C. Multiliteracies Practices at School: for a responsive education to contemporaneity.

Bakhtiniana, São Paulo, v. 9, n. 2, Jul./Dec. 2014, p. 202, 203.

According to the text, we may say that

  • a-

    “In spite of sharing Fairclough’s (1995/2010) view that the pedagogy of multiliteracies is situated in a critical language awareness perspective since its constructions parts from the problematization of work, citizenship and lifeworlds relations in the new global capitalism to propose the (re)design of meanings so as to account for the multiplicity of semiosis and lifestyles in contemporaneity, we can still notice that, in several aspects, the pedagogy designed by the New London Group legitimize some of the orders of discourse from this same capitalism it criticizes.

Colégio Pedro II
Colégio Pedro II


“Despite the contemporary calling of the speech/textual genre conceptions to deal with privations in the educational system (ROJO, 2008), the treatment given to genre, especially in theories operating with the notion of textual genre, has mainly focused on genre’s stable characteristics and on the development of competencies/capacities that lead to the comprehension and production of the oral and written genres circulating in the social world.

One of the implications of this kind of treatment for the literacy practices at school has considerably often been the genre displacement from micro and macrolinguistic contexts that interact in meaning construction to abstractly focus on the stable characteristics defining news, comics, recipes, editorial, blogs etc. Another, and maybe more serious, unfolding is that since it doesn’t look at how genres mingle and hybridize with other genres and semiosis in processes of constant (re)designing meanings, such a treatment can end up contributing to the mere (re)production of genres legitimized by school, leaving little or no space at all for the innovations and destabilization that mingling and transgression processes print to texts in contemporaneity and, as a consequence, for a critical position in relation to meanings constructed in the margins of what school validates as acceptable literacy practices.”

OLIVEIRA, M. B. F.; SZUNDI, P. T. C. Multiliteracies Practices at School: for a responsive education to contemporaneity.

                                   Bakhtiniana, São Paulo, v. 9, n. 2, Jul./Dec. 2014, p. 206,207.

In the excerpt “the treatment given to genre, especially in theories operating with the notion of textual genre, has mainly focused on genre’s stable characteristics”, the present perfect tense has been used to express the idea that the treatment given to genre

  • c-

    The present perfect is formed from the present tense of the verb have as the auxiliary verb of the clause and the past participle of its main verb.

    the present perfect is used for:

    a- for something that started in the past and continues in the present:

    They've been married for a while.

    She has lived in the shire all her life.

    ß - when talking about one's experience up to the present:

       I've seen that film before.

       I've played the guitar ever since I was a teenager.

    c- When recounting an event without a specific time:

    Compare "I've lost my wallet" to "I lost my wallet yesterday".

Colégio Pedro II
Colégio Pedro II


“Despite the contemporary calling of the speech/textual genre conceptions to deal with privations in the educational system (ROJO, 2008), the treatment given to genre, especially in theories operating with the notion of textual genre, has mainly focused on genre’s stable characteristics and on the development of competencies/capacities that lead to the comprehension and production of the oral and written genres circulating in the social world.

One of the implications of this kind of treatment for the literacy practices at school has considerably often been the genre displacement from micro and macrolinguistic contexts that interact in meaning construction to abstractly focus on the stable characteristics defining news, comics, recipes, editorial, blogs etc. Another, and maybe more serious, unfolding is that since it doesn’t look at how genres mingle and hybridize with other genres and semiosis in processes of constant (re)designing meanings, such a treatment can end up contributing to the mere (re)production of genres legitimized by school, leaving little or no space at all for the innovations and destabilization that mingling and transgression processes print to texts in contemporaneity and, as a consequence, for a critical position in relation to meanings constructed in the margins of what school validates as acceptable literacy practices.”

OLIVEIRA, M. B. F.; SZUNDI, P. T. C. Multiliteracies Practices at School: for a responsive education to contemporaneity.

                                   Bakhtiniana, São Paulo, v. 9, n. 2, Jul./Dec. 2014, p. 206,207.

The sentence in which the underlined word shares the same word class as “abstractly” in “to abstractly focus on the stable characteristics defining news, comics, recipes, editorial, blogs etc” is:

  • Somente na letra B vamos o advérbio modificando um verbo

  • b-

    Both abstractly and fast design adverbs. The remainder of the answer choices contain adjectives

Colégio Pedro II
Colégio Pedro II


“It must be fairly obvious from the discussion in the foregoing paragraphs that the very concept of ‘World Englishes’ throws a number of challenges at all those of us who are in one way or another involved in it. For ELT professionals all over the world, it means, among other things, having to take a fresh look at many of the things that have been taken for granted for long.

Consider, for instance, the following. World English is not the mother-tongue of anyone – and this includes even those who used to rejoice in their status as the ‘native-speakers’ of their own varieties of English. This is so because World English is a language that is in the making and, from the looks of it is bound to remain so for the foreseeable future. Incidentally, any temptation to consider World English a pidgin would be totally misguided in that it is not a make-shift language, nor one that is progressing towards a full-fledged language in its own right. Nor, for that matter, is it gathering a new generation of native speakers. Rather, it is resistant to the very terminology that the linguists resort to in describing conventional ‘natural’ languages.”

RAJAGOPALAN, K. The identity of "World English”: New Challenges in Language and Literature. Belo Horizonte: FALE/UFMG, 2009, p.104. 

The word “SO” is used anaphorically in two instances in the excerpt: “This is so because World English is a language that is in the making and, from the looks of it is bound to remain so for the foreseeable future.” They were used to refer respectively to the fact that

  • a-

    World English is not the mother-tongue of anyone – and this includes even those who used to rejoice in their status as the ‘native-speakers’ of their own varieties of English. This is so because World English is a language that is in the making and, from the looks of it is bound to remain so for the foreseeable future.

Colégio Pedro II
Colégio Pedro II


“It must be fairly obvious from the discussion in the foregoing paragraphs that the very concept of ‘World Englishes’ throws a number of challenges at all those of us who are in one way or another involved in it. For ELT professionals all over the world, it means, among other things, having to take a fresh look at many of the things that have been taken for granted for long.

Consider, for instance, the following. World English is not the mother-tongue of anyone – and this includes even those who used to rejoice in their status as the ‘native-speakers’ of their own varieties of English. This is so because World English is a language that is in the making and, from the looks of it is bound to remain so for the foreseeable future. Incidentally, any temptation to consider World English a pidgin would be totally misguided in that it is not a make-shift language, nor one that is progressing towards a full-fledged language in its own right. Nor, for that matter, is it gathering a new generation of native speakers. Rather, it is resistant to the very terminology that the linguists resort to in describing conventional ‘natural’ languages.”

RAJAGOPALAN, K. The identity of "World English”: New Challenges in Language and Literature. Belo Horizonte: FALE/UFMG, 2009, p.104. 

Considering the word formation process, the prefix FORE in the words “foregoing” and “foreseeable”, used in the text, carries the same meaning as the prefixes in the following words:

  • letra c foreword, predict, antenuptial

  • c-

    fore as a prefix means "before" (in space, time, condition, etc.), “front,” “superior,” etc.: forehead; forecastle; forecast; foretell; foreman.


Colégio Pedro II
Colégio Pedro II


“In other words, there are those among us who argue that the future of English is dependent on the likelihood or otherwise of the U.S. continuing to play its hegemonic role in world affairs. Since that possibility seems uncertain to many, especially in view of the much-talked-of ascendancy of emergent economies, many are of the opinion that English will soon lose much of its current glitter and cease to be what it is today, namely a world language. And there are those amongst us who further speculate that, in fifty or a hundred years’ time, we will all have acquired fluency in, say, Mandarin, or, if we haven’t, will be longing to learn it. […] Consider the following argument: a language such as English can only be claimed to have attained an international status to the very extent it has ceased to be national, i.e., the exclusive property of this or that nation in particular (Widdowson). In other words, the U.K. or the U.S.A. or whosoever cannot have it both ways. If they do concede that English is today a world language, then it only behooves them to also recognize that it is not their exclusive property, as painful as this might indeed turn out to be. In other words, it is part of the price they have to pay for seeing their language elevated to the status of a world language. Now, the key word here is “elevated”. It is precisely in the process of getting elevated to a world status that English or what I insist on referring to as the “World English” goes through a process of metamorphosis.”

RAJAGOPALAN, K. The identity of "World English”. New Challenges in Language and Literature. Belo Horizonte: FALE/UFMG, 2009, p. 99-100.

The author’s main purpose in this paragraph is to

  • c-

    If they do concede that English is today a world language, then it only behooves them to also recognize that it is not their exclusive property, as painful as this might indeed turn out to be.

  • Perfeito! Pensei exatamente o mesmo...

Colégio Pedro II
Colégio Pedro II


“In other words, there are those among us who argue that the future of English is dependent on the likelihood or otherwise of the U.S. continuing to play its hegemonic role in world affairs. Since that possibility seems uncertain to many, especially in view of the much-talked-of ascendancy of emergent economies, many are of the opinion that English will soon lose much of its current glitter and cease to be what it is today, namely a world language. And there are those amongst us who further speculate that, in fifty or a hundred years’ time, we will all have acquired fluency in, say, Mandarin, or, if we haven’t, will be longing to learn it. […] Consider the following argument: a language such as English can only be claimed to have attained an international status to the very extent it has ceased to be national, i.e., the exclusive property of this or that nation in particular (Widdowson). In other words, the U.K. or the U.S.A. or whosoever cannot have it both ways. If they do concede that English is today a world language, then it only behooves them to also recognize that it is not their exclusive property, as painful as this might indeed turn out to be. In other words, it is part of the price they have to pay for seeing their language elevated to the status of a world language. Now, the key word here is “elevated”. It is precisely in the process of getting elevated to a world status that English or what I insist on referring to as the “World English” goes through a process of metamorphosis.”

RAJAGOPALAN, K. The identity of "World English”. New Challenges in Language and Literature. Belo Horizonte: FALE/UFMG, 2009, p. 99-100.

The argument presented by Widdowson and cited in the paragraph means that

  • a-

    Consider the following argument: a language such as English can only be claimed to have attained an international status to the very extent it has ceased to be national, i.e., the exclusive property of this or that nation in particular (Widdowson).

Colégio Pedro II
Colégio Pedro II


“In other words, there are those among us who argue that the future of English is dependent on the likelihood or otherwise of the U.S. continuing to play its hegemonic role in world affairs. Since that possibility seems uncertain to many, especially in view of the much-talked-of ascendancy of emergent economies, many are of the opinion that English will soon lose much of its current glitter and cease to be what it is today, namely a world language. And there are those amongst us who further speculate that, in fifty or a hundred years’ time, we will all have acquired fluency in, say, Mandarin, or, if we haven’t, will be longing to learn it. […] Consider the following argument: a language such as English can only be claimed to have attained an international status to the very extent it has ceased to be national, i.e., the exclusive property of this or that nation in particular (Widdowson). In other words, the U.K. or the U.S.A. or whosoever cannot have it both ways. If they do concede that English is today a world language, then it only behooves them to also recognize that it is not their exclusive property, as painful as this might indeed turn out to be. In other words, it is part of the price they have to pay for seeing their language elevated to the status of a world language. Now, the key word here is “elevated”. It is precisely in the process of getting elevated to a world status that English or what I insist on referring to as the “World English” goes through a process of metamorphosis.”

RAJAGOPALAN, K. The identity of "World English”. New Challenges in Language and Literature. Belo Horizonte: FALE/UFMG, 2009, p. 99-100.

Ellipsis and substitution can be used as resources for avoiding repetition.

There are examples of ellipsis and substitution in the excerpt “And there are those amongst us who further speculate that, in fifty or a hundred years’ time, we will all have acquired fluency in, say, Mandarin, or, if we haven’t, will be longing to learn it.”.

Mark the alternative that contains an example of ellipsis only.

  • d-

    Cathy could speak Mandarin much better than Sue (could).

Colégio Pedro II
Colégio Pedro II


“Probably the best-known and most often cited dimension of the WE (World Englishes) paradigm is the model of concentric circles: the ‘norm-providing’ inner circle, where English is spoken as a native language (ENL), the ‘norm-developing’ outer circle, where it is a second language (ESL), and the ‘norm-dependent’ expanding circle, where it is a foreign language (EFL). Although only ‘tentatively labelled’ (Kachru, 1985, p.12) in earlier versions, it has been claimed more recently that ‘the circles model is valid in the senses of earlier historical and political contexts, the dynamic diachronic advance of English around the world, and the functions and standards to which its users relate English in its many current global incarnations’ (Kachru and Nelson, 1996, p. 78).”

PENNYCOOK, A. Global Englishes and Transcultural Flows. New York: Routledge, 2007, p. 21.

According to the text, it is possible to say that the “circles model” established by Kachru

  • b-

    Although only ‘tentatively labelled’ in earlier versions, it has been claimed more recently that ‘the circles model is valid in the senses of earlier historical and political contexts, the dynamic diachronic advance of English around the world, and the functions and standards to which its users relate English in its many current global incarnations’

Colégio Pedro II
Colégio Pedro II


“This, then, is the site of resistance, change, adaptation and reformulation. It is akin to what Canagarajah (1999) in his discussion of resistance to the global spread of English describes as a ‘resistance perspective’, highlighting the ways in which postcolonial subjects ‘may find ways to negotiate, alter and oppose political structures, and reconstruct their languages, cultures and identities to their advantage. The intention is not to reject English, but to reconstitute it in more inclusive, ethical and democratic terms.”

PENNYCOOK, A. Global Englishes and Transcultural Flows. New York: Routledge, 2007, p. 29.

The sentence that best preserves the meaning of the following excerpt “The intention is not to reject English, but to reconstitute it.” is:

  • a-

    It makes an amendment to the original statement, rectifying it with an explanation of its intended aim

Colégio Pedro II
Colégio Pedro II


“As far as practical conditions and educational relevance are concerned, virtually no major change has occurred in order to justify reframing our teaching. However, in what concerns social relevance, it is undeniable that the growth of the Internet has provided a new context for the use of the English language outside schools. For that reason, it is my belief that skills other than reading may now be taught in our classes without representing a return to a rationale that is alien to our schools. The teaching of writing in the context of Internet genres and practices is definitely necessary, if we want our students to have their own voice, becoming able to project their own local identities in global contexts.”

ALMEIDA, R. L. T. The teaching of English as a foreign language in the context of Brazilian regular schools: a retrospective and prospective view of policies and practices. Revista Brasileira de Linguística Aplicada, Belo Horizonte, v. 12, n. 2, 2012, p. 347. 

Read the sentences below and decide which ones are in accordance with the ideas presented in the text. Mark the most adequate answer A-D.

I. The internet has introduced a new relevance for learning a foreign language.

II. Practical conditions and educational relevance have justified changes to teaching.

III. The use of the English language outside schools has always been considered relevant.

IV. The author claims that reading should be the focus of teaching English in schools.

V. Producing internet related texts may be a way to empower our students.

The correct option is

  • d-

    However, in what concerns social relevance, it is undeniable that the growth of the Internet has provided a new context for the use of the English language outside schools.[...]The teaching of writing in the context of Internet genres and practices is definitely necessary, if we want our students to have their own voice, becoming able to project their own local identities in global contexts.”

Colégio Pedro II
Colégio Pedro II


“As far as practical conditions and educational relevance are concerned, virtually no major change has occurred in order to justify reframing our teaching. However, in what concerns social relevance, it is undeniable that the growth of the Internet has provided a new context for the use of the English language outside schools. For that reason, it is my belief that skills other than reading may now be taught in our classes without representing a return to a rationale that is alien to our schools. The teaching of writing in the context of Internet genres and practices is definitely necessary, if we want our students to have their own voice, becoming able to project their own local identities in global contexts.”

ALMEIDA, R. L. T. The teaching of English as a foreign language in the context of Brazilian regular schools: a retrospective and prospective view of policies and practices. Revista Brasileira de Linguística Aplicada, Belo Horizonte, v. 12, n. 2, 2012, p. 347. 

The same word may belong to different word classes. In text 8, for example, the word "alien" is an adjective, but it could also be a noun in another context.

Select the group of words below in which there is ONE element that belongs to only one word class.

  • d-

    Rationale is the only noun that can't double as an adjective, verb etc. It means rationalisation or inner justification for carrying on an action