
Questões de Pronome demonstrativo | Demonstrative pronoun


          What are the best energy sources? "Best" depends
     on many factors - how the energy is being used, where
     it is being used, what energy sources are available,
     which sources are most convenient and reliable, which
5   are easiest to use, what each costs, and the effects on
     public safety, health, and the environment. Making smart
     energy choices means understanding resources and their
     relative costs and benefits.
          Some energy sources have advantages for specific
10  uses or locations. For example, fuels from petroleum
     are well suited for transportation because they pack a
     lot of energy in a small space and are easily transported
     and stored. Small hydroelectric installations are a good
     solution for supplying power or mechanical energy close
15  to where it is used. Coal is widely used for power
     generation in many fast-developing countries - including
     China, India, and many others - because domestic
     supplies are readily available.
          Efficiency is an important factor in energy costs.
20  How efficiently can the energy be produced, delivered,
     and used? How much energy value is lost in that process,
     and how much ends up being transformed into useful
     work? Industries that produce or use energy continually
     look for ways to improve efficiency, since this is a key to
25  making their products more competitive.
          The ideal energy source - cheap, plentiful, and
     pollution-free - may prove unattainable in our lifetime,
     but that is the ultimate goal. The energy industry is
     continuing to improve its technologies and practices, to
30  produce and use energy more efficiently and cleanly.
          Energy resources are often categorized as
     renewable or nonrenewable.
          Renewable energy resources are those that can be
     replenished quickly - examples are solar power,
35  biomass, geothermal, hydroelectric, wind power, and
     fast-reaction nuclear power. They supply about seven
     percent of energy needs in the United States; the other
     93 percent comes from nonrenewables. The two largest
     categories of renewable energy now in use in the U.S.
40  are biomass - primarily wood wastes that are used by
     the forest products industry to generate electricity and
     heat - and hydroelectricity.
          Nonrenewable energy resources include coal, oil,
     natural gas, and uranium-235, which is used to fuel
45  slow-reaction nuclear power. Projections of how long a
     nonrenewable energy resource will last depend on many
     changeable factors. These include the growth rate of
     consumption, and estimates of how much of the remaining
     resources can be economically recovered. New exploration
50  and production technologies often increase the ability of
     producers to locate and recover resources. World
     reserves of fossil energy are projected to last for many
     more decades - and, in the case of coal, for centuries.

In: http://www.classroom-energy.org/teachers/energy_tour/pg5.html

In the sentence "These include the growth rate of consumption, and estimates of how much of the remaining resources can be economically recovered." (lines 47-49), "these" refers to:

  • Projections of how long a nonrenewable energy resource will last depend on many changeable factors. These (changeable factors) include the growth rate of consumption, and estimates of how much of the remaining resources can be economically recovered

    Projeções de quanto tempo um recurso energético não renovável vai durar depende de muitos fatores variáveis. Estes (fatores variáveis) incluem a taxa de crescimento do consumo, e as estimativas de quanto dos recursos restantes podem ser economicamente recuperados

  • c-

    O pronome demonstrativo esta tao proximo do termo a que ele se refere que poderia ser substituido por pronome relativo.


    Projections of how long a nonrenewable energy resource will last depend on many changeable factors, which include include the growth rate of consumption, and estimates of how much of the remaining resources can be economically recovered.


Good Stuff? - A Consumption Manifesto:
The Top Ten Principles of Good Consumption
Consumption is one of life's great pleasures. Buying
things we desire, traveling to beautiful places, eating
delectable food: icing on the cake of life. But too often the
effects of our blissful consumption make for a sad story.
Giant cars exhaling dangerous exhaust, hog farms pumping
out harmful pollutants, toxic trash pestering poor
neighborhoods - none of this if there weren't something
to sell.
But there's no need to trade pleasure for guilt. With
thoughtfulness and commitment, consumption can be a force
for good. Through buying what we need, produced the way
we want, we can create the world we'd like to live in.
To that end and for the future, a Consumption Manifesto:
Principle One. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. This brilliant triad
says it all. Reduce: Avoid buying what you don't need-
and when you do get that dishwasher/lawnmower/toilet,
spend the money up front for an efficient model. Re-use:
Buy used stuff, and wring the last drop of usefulness out of
most everything you own. Recycle: Do it, but know that
it's the last and least effective leg of the triad. (Ultimately,
recycling simply results in the manufacture of more things.)
Principle Two. Stay close to home. Work close to home
to shorten your commute; eat food grown nearby; support
local businesses; join local organizations. All of these will
improve the look, shape, smell, and feel of your community.
Principle Three. Internal combustion engines are polluting,
and their use should be minimized. Period.
Principle Four. Watch what you eat. Whenever possible,
avoid food grown with pesticides, in feedlots, or by
agribusiness. It's an easy way to use your dollars to vote
against the spread of toxins in our bodies, land, and water.
Principle Five. Private industries have very little incentive
to improve their environmental practices. Our consumption
choices must encourage and support good behavior; our
political choices must support government regulation.
Principle Six. Support thoughtful innovations in
manufacturing and production. Hint: Drilling for oil is no
longer an innovation.
Principle Seven. Prioritize. Think hardest when buying
large objects; don't drive yourself mad fretting over the small
ones. It's easy to be distracted by the paper bag puzzle,
but an energy-sucking refrigerator is much more worthy of
your attention. (Small electronics are an exception.)
Principle Eight. Vote. Political engagement enables the
spread of environmentally conscious policies. Without
public action, thoughtful individuals are swimming
Principle Nine. Don't feel guilty. It only makes you sad.
Principle Ten. Enjoy what you have-the things that are
yours alone, and the things that belong to none of us. Both
are nice, but the latter are precious. Those things that we
cannot manufacture and should never own-water, air, birds,
trees-are the foundation of life's pleasures. Without them,
we're nothing. With us, there may be nothing left. It's our
Umbra Fisk, Grist Magazine.
Slightly adapted from: http://www.worldwatch.org/node/1470
Access on June 1, 2007.

Mark the correct statement concerning reference.

  • me recuso a responder essa questão.

    não tem as linhas marcadas no texto.

  • Marque a afirmação correta de acordo com a referência.

    A) "These" (essas coisas) não está se referindo a "organizations" (organizações), o último item mencionado no período anterior, mas sim a todas as ações e/ou atividades que poderão melhorar a aparência, a forma, o cheiro e a impressão de sua comunidade ("will improve the look, shape, smell, and feel of your community"). Nesse caso, então, "These" refere-se a: "Stay close to home. Work close to home to shorten your commute; eat food grown nearby; support local businesses; join local organizations." (Fique perto de casa. Trabalhe perto de casa para diminuir o seu deslocamento; coma alimentos cultivados pela redondeza; apoie o comércio local; filie-se a organizações locais.)

    B) "It" (isso) não se refere a "agribusiness" (agronegócio) exatamente, mas sim à ação de evitar alimentos cultivados com pesticidas, em currais de engorda, ou por agronegócio ("avoid food grown with pesticides, in feedlots, or by agribusiness").

    C) "Their" (seus/suas) não se refere a "practices" (práticas), mas sim a "private industries" (indústrias privadas). "Private industries have very little incentive to improve their environmental practices." (As indústrias privadas têm muito pouco incentivo para aprimorar suas práticas ambientais.)

    D) Correto. "Ones" (os/as) refere-se a "objects" (objetos). " Think hardest when buying large objects; don't drive yourself mad fretting over the small ones." (Pense duramente quando estiver comprando objetos grandes; não se perturbe preocupando-se com os [objetos]  pequenos.)

    E) "Them" (elas/eles) não se refere a "trees" (árvores) apenas, mas sim a tudo aquilo que não é fabricado por nós. "Those things that we cannot manufacture and should never own - water, air, birds, trees - are the foundation of life's pleasures. Without them, we're nothing." (Aquelas coisas que não podemos fabricar e que nunca deveríamos possuir - água, ar, pássaros, árvores - são a base dos prazeres da vida. Sem elas, não somos nada.)

    Gabarito: Letra "D".

  • Bela força de vontade vc tem, Pedro.

  • Alternativa correta: d. a) Incorreta, “these” é no plural e se refere a todas as coisas anteriormente citadas. // b) assim como a letra a), it se refere ao contexto inteiro e não apenas à agribusiness. // c) their é pronome possessivo, deles, logo não se refere às práticas. // d) Sim. “Think hardest when buying large objects; don't drive yourself mad fretting over the small (objects) ones.” // e) Não, them também se refere à todas as coisas anteriormente citadas e não a uma só. “Those things that we cannot manufacture and should never own - water, air, birds, trees - are the foundation of life's pleasures. Without them”

  • d-

    In order not to repeat a noun, a pronoun is used to refer back to it, thus avoiding pleonasm


Model copes with chaos to deliver relief Computer program helps responders transport supplies in tough conditions
By Rachel Ehrenberg Science News, Web edition: Monday, February 21st, 2011
WASHINGTON — Getting blood or other perishable supplies to an area that’s been struck by an earthquake or hurricane isn’t as simple as asking what brown can do for you. But a new model quickly determines the best routes and means for delivering humanitarian aid, even in situations where bridges are out or airport tarmacs are clogged with planes.
The research, presented February 18 at the annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, could help get supplies to areas which have experienced natural disasters or help prepare for efficient distribution of vaccines when the flu hits.
Efficient supply chains have long been a goal of manufacturers, but transport in fragile networks — where supply, demand and delivery routes may be in extremely rapid flux — requires a different approach, said Anna Nagurney of the University of Massachusetts Amherst, who presented the new work. Rather than considering the shortest path from one place to another to maximize profit, her system aims for the cleanest path at minimum cost, while capturing factors such as the perishability of the product and the uncertainty of supply routes. ‘You don’t know where demand is, so it’s tricky,’ said Nagurney. ‘It’s a multicriteria decision-making problem.’
By calculating the total cost associated with each link in a network, accounting for congestion and incorporating penalties for time and products that are lost, the computer model calculates the best supply chain in situations where standard routes may be disrupted.
‘Mathematical tools are essential to develop formal means to predict, and to respond to, such critical perturbations,’ said Iain Couzin of Princeton University, who uses similar computational tools to study collective animal behavior. ‘This is particularly important where response must be rapid and effective, such as during disaster scenarios … or during epidemics or breaches of national security.
’ The work can be applied to immediate, pressing situations, such as getting blood, food or medication to a disaster site, or to longer-term problems such as determining the best locations for manufacturing flu vaccines. . Retrieved April 7th, 2011.

In terms of pronominal reference,

  • ... transport in fragile networks - where supply, demand and ....
    ... transporte em redes frágeis, onde (redes nas quais) oferta, demanda e ...
  • a) “…that…" (line 2) refers to area
    b) “…which…" (line 11) refers to areas (line 10).

    c) “where…" (line 16) refers to “…networks" (line 15).
    but transport in fragile networks — where supply, demand and delivery routes may be in extremely rapid flux — requires a different approach

    d) “…where…" (line 31) refers to demands
    e) “This…" (line 37) refers to Mathematical tools being essential to develop formal means to predict


                                   Safety Meeting Presentation

  Today's meeting is really about you. I can stand in front of you and talk about working safely and what procedures to follow until I'm blue in the face. But until you understand the need for working safely, until you are willing to be responsible for your safety, it doesn't mean a whole lot.
   Some of you may be familiar with OSHA - the Occupational Safety & Health Administration. The sole purpose of this agency is to keep American workers safe. Complying with OSHA regulations isn't always easy, but if we work together, we can do it. Yet, complying with regulations is not the real reason for working safely. Our real motive is simple. We care about each and every one of you and will do what is necessary to prevent you from being injured.
   However, keeping our workplace safe takes input from everyone. Management, supervisor, and all of you have to come together on this issue, or we're in trouble. For example, upper management has to approve the purchase of safe equipment. Supervisors, including myself, have to ensure that each of you knows how to use that equipment safely. Then it's up to you to follow through the task and use the equipment as you were trained. If any one part of this chain fails, accidents are going to happen and people are going to get hurt.

Responsibility Number One - Recognize Hazards
   At the core of your safety responsibilities lies the task of recognizing safety and health hazards. In order to do that, you must first understand what constitutes a hazard. Extreme hazards are often obvious. Our hopes are that you won't find too many of those around here.
   There are, however, more subtle hazards that won't jump up and bite you. As a result of your safety training and meetings like these, some things may come to mind. For example, a machine may not be easy to lock out. Common practice may be to use a tag. This is a potential hazard and should be discussed. Maybe something can be changed to make it easier to use a lock. Other subtle hazards include such things as frayed electrical cords, a loose machine guard, a cluttered aisle, or maybe something that just doesn't look right.

Responsibility Number Two - Report Hazards
    A big part of recognizing hazards is using your instincts. Nobody knows your job as well as you do, so we're counting on you to let us know about possible problems. Beyond recognizing hazards, you have to correct them or report them to someone who can. This too, is a judgement call. For example, if something spills in your work area you can probably clean it up yourself. However, if there is an unlabeled chemical container and you have no idea what it is, you should report it to your supervisor.

Additional Employee Responsibilities
   Good housekeeping is a major part of keeping your work area safe. For example, you should take a few minutes each day to ensure that aisles, hallways, and stairways in your work area are not obstructed. If boxes, equipment, or anything else is left to pile up, you have a tripping hazard on your hands. Those obstructions could keep you from exiting the building quickly and safely should you face an emergency situation.
   Also watch out for spills. These can lead to slips and falls. Flammable materials are another thing to be aware of. Make sure they are disposed of properly.
   Keep Thinking. Even if you're doing your job safely and you are avoiding hazards, there are often even better ways to work safely. If you have ideas for improving the safety of your job or that of co-workers, share them.

   Concluding Remarks
  While nothing we do can completely eliminate the threat of an incident, we can work together to improve our odds. As I said, this must be a real team effort and I'm counting on input from all of you. Let's keep communicating and continue to improve safety.

  Available at: <http://www.ncsu.edu/ehs/www99/right/training/meeting/emplores.html>.Retrieved on: April 1st, 2012. Adapted.

The pronoun “those" in the sentence “Our hopes are that you won't find too many of those around here." (lines 32-33) refers to

  • c) extreme hazards (line 31)

    Those refers to extreme hazards, as the phrase is used in the prior sentence and is recalled straight after in reference contained within "those".

    Dêixis é uma noção linguística a qual faz denominação às coisas com referência a um foco no discurso. É um meio de conferir a seu referente uma sequência linguística, a qual intervém na compreensão das partes de um eununciado presente em uma informação contextual. Uma palavra ou expressão é uma dêixis se a sua interpretação varia em função do contexto, como é o caso dos pronomes, por exemplo. Dêixis com pronomes demonstrativos (this, that, these, those// este(a), aquele(a), estes (as), aqueles (as) pode ser anafórica ( referência ao que foi dito antes) ou catafórica ( referência ao que vai ser dito). O tópico da passagem é hazards. Extreme hazards aparece no período anterior ao pronome do período na questão, o qual, por coerência, retorna "Extreme hazards".


A clever ad for ................... new breakfast options, an aim to hit at McDonald’s domination of the market, includes a bunch of people who share the same name as Ronald McDonald but proclaim ................... love for Taco Bell’s new morning offerings.




Read the text below.

                                      What is hunger?

      Acute hunger or starvation are often highlighted on TV screens: hungry mothers too weak to breastfeed their children in drought-hit Ethiopia, refugees in war-torn Syria queuing for food rations, helicopters airlifting high energy biscuits to earthquake victims in Haiti or Pakistan.

      These situations are the result of high profile crises like war or natural disasters, which starve a population of food. Yet emergencies account for less than eight percent of hunger's victims.

      Daily undernourishment is a less visible form of hunger – but it affects many more people, from the shanty towns of Jakarta in Indonesia and the Cambodian capital Phnom Penh to the mountain villages of Bolivia and Nepal. In these places, hunger is much more than an empty stomach.

      For weeks, even months, its victims must live on significantly less than the recommended 2,100 kilocalories that the average person needs to lead a healthy life.

      The body compensates for the lack of energy by slowing down its physical and mental activities. A hungry mind cannot concentrate, a hungry body does not take initiative, a hungry child loses all desire to play and study.

      Hunger also weakens the immune system. Deprived of the right nutrition, hungry children are especially vulnerable and  become too weak to fight off disease and may die from common infections like measles and diarrhea. Each year, almost 7 million children die before reaching the age of five; malnutrition is a key factor in over a third of these deaths

                            (Source: Levels and Trends in Child Mortality, IGME, 2012 in http://www.wfp.org).

                               How much food do you need?

      The energy and protein that people need varies according to age, sex, body size, physical activity and, to some extent, climate. On average, the body needs more than 2,100 kilocalories per day per person to allow a normal, healthy life. Extra energy is needed during pregnancy and while breast-feeding.

Choose the alternative that presents the singular form of the demonstrative pronoun in the sentence below.

“These situations are the result of high profile crises like war or natural disasters [  ]". 

  • Singular -> Plural

    This -> These

    That -> Those


Read the sentence below, taken from the text, to answer  question.
“A malnourished person finds that their body has difficulty doing normal things such as growing and resisting disease."

Choose the alternative that presents the plural form of the demonstrative pronoun “that" in the sentence given above.

  • Não sei se o that nessa frase faz a função de pronome demonstrativo não...



    Sem me preocupar com o sentido do texto, se a frase fosse:

    “A malnourished person finds that" that "body has" (...)

    Poderíamos ter...

    "A malnourished person finds that" those bodies have (...)

    Mas, em ambos os casos o primeiro that continuaria existindo... não sei se ele poderia se modificar para those...


    Se o examinador queria somente saber o plural do pronome demonstrativo that (e, certamente é isso que ele queria). Ao meu ver, perguntou mal... Não precisaria fazer referência à frase do texto (<-- esse foi o problema)


    Sorte aos que ajudam a sorte...


  • Letra A

    THOSE é a forma plural de that. Veja os exemplos:

    Those boxes are brown. [Aquelas caixas são marrons]
    Those are brown boxes. [Aquelas são caixas marrons.]

  • Escolha a alternativa que apresenta a forma plural do pronome demonstrativo "that" na sentença dada acima.

    O plural do pronome "that" é "those"

    Gabarito do Professor: A


In which sentence ‘it’ is not correctly used?

  • Em qual sentença "it" não está corretamente usado?

     Não posso suportar ver  mulheres chorando. I can not bear it to see women crying.  
    O verbo suportar não tem necessidade de vir acompanhado do pronome objetivo "it"
    Portanto, "bear" não teria necessidade de vir acompanhado de  "it"
    Alternativa A está errada.
  • Olá, pessoal
    Eu tenho um canal no youtube que dou algumas dicas de Inglês!!!
    Esse vídeo aqui é sobre Pronomes


Leia o texto para responder à  questão.

                                  What is organized crime?

      Organized crime was characterised by the United Nations, in 1994, as: “group organization to commit crime; hierarchical links or personal relationships which permit leaders to control the group: violence, intimidation and corruption used to earn profits or control territories or markets; laundering of illicit proceeds both in furtherance of criminal activity and to infiltrate the legitimate economy; the potential for expansion into any new activities and beyond national borders; and cooperation with other organized transnational criminal groups.” 

       It is increasingly global. Although links between, for example, mafia groups in Italy and the USA have existed for decades, new and rapid means of communication have facilitated the development of international networks. Some build on shared linguistic or cultural ties, such as a network trafficking drugs and human organs, which links criminal gangs in Mozambique, Portugal, Brazil, Pakistan, Dubai and South Africa. Others bring together much less likely groups, such as those trafficking arms, drugs and people between South Africa, Nigeria, Pakistan and Russia, or those linking the Russian mafia with Colombian cocaine cartels or North American criminal gangs with the Japanese Yakuza. Trafficked commodities may pass from group to group along the supply chain; for instance heroin in Italy has traditionally been produced in Afghanistan, transported by Turks, distributed by Albanians, and sold by Italians.

Organized crime exploits profit opportunities wherever they arise. Globalization of financial markets, with free movement of goods and capital, has facilitated smuggling of counterfeit goods (in part a reflection of the creation of global brands), internet fraud, and money-laundering. On the other hand, organized crime also takes advantage of the barriers to free movement of people across national borders and the laws against non-medicinal use of narcotics: accordingly it earns vast profits in smuggling migrants and psychoactive drugs. Briquet and Favarel have identified deregulation and the “rolling back of the state” in some countries as creating lacunae that have been occupied by profiteers. The political changes in Europe in the late 1980s fuelled the growth in criminal networks, often involving former law enforcement officers. Failed states, such as the Democratic Republic of Congo or Sierra Leone, have provided further opportunities as criminal gangs smuggle arms in and commodities out, for example diamonds, gold, and rare earth metals, often generating violence against those involved in the trade and in the surrounding communities. Finally, there are a few states, such as the Democratic Republic of Korea and Burma and Guinea-Bissau (once described as a narco-state) where politicians have been alleged to have played an active role in international crime.

       Organized criminal gangs have strong incentives. Compared with legitimate producers, they have lower costs of production due to the ability to disregard quality and safety standards, tax obligations, minimum wages or employee benefits. Once established, they may threaten or use violence to eliminate competitors, and can obtain favourable treatment by regulatory authorities either through bribes or threats.

                                                                               (www.globalizationandhealth.com. Adaptado)

No trecho do segundo parágrafo – those linking the Russian mafia with Columbian cocaine cartels or North American criminal gangs with the Japanese Yakuza. – a palavra those refere-se, no texto, a

  • Those it's relative pronouns ( pronome relativo ) , logo ele retoma algo anteriormente já citado, no caso do 2 parágrafo está falando sobre redes internacionais, como as nações formam suas ''redes internacionais'' de crime.

    Alguns utilizam o trafico de arma, outros; traços culturais e etc... INTERNATIONAL NETWORKS




Japan WW2 Soldier Who Refused to Surrender Dies

   A Japanese soldier who refused to surrender after World War Two ended and spent 29 years in the jungle has died aged 91 in Tokyo. Hiroo Onoda remained in the jungle on Lubang Island near Luzon, in the Philippines, until 1974 because he did not believe that the war had ended. He was finally persuaded to emerge after his ageing former commanding officer was flown in to see him. Onoda was greeted as a hero on his return to Japan.
    The young soldier had orders not to surrender - a command he obeyed for nearly three decades. “I became an officer and I received an order. If I could not carry it out, I would feel shame. I am very competitive”, he said. Three other soldiers were with him at the end of the war. One emerged from the jungle in 1950 and the other two died.
     Mr Onoda ignored several attempts to get him to surrender. He later said that he dismissed search parties sent to him, and leaflets dropped by Japan, because there was always something suspicious, so he never believed that the war had really ended. Though Onoda had been officially declared dead in December 1959, search parties were sent out in 1972, when the last person from his group was killed by local police, but they did not find him. Onoda was now alone.
     On February 20, 1974, a Japanese man, Norio Suzuki, found Onoda after four days of searching. They became friends, but Onoda still refused to surrender, saying that he was waiting for orders from a superior officer. Suzuki returned to Japan with photographs of himself and Onoda as proof of their encounter, and the Japanese government located Onoda’s commanding officer, Major Yoshimi Taniguchi. He flew to Lubang where on March 9, 1974, he finally met with Onoda and rescinded his original orders in person.
     The Philippine government granted him a pardon, although many in Lubang never forgave him for killing 30 people during his campaign on the island. The news media reported on this and other misgivings, but at the same time welcomed his return home.

Adapted from http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-25772192 and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hiroo_Onoda

In the sentence “The news media reported on this and other misgivings...” (paragraph 5), this refers to

  • Olá, pessoal
    Eu tenho um canal no youtube que dou algumas dicas de Inglês!!!
    Esse vídeo aqui é sobre Pronomes

  • The Philippine government granted him a pardon, although many in Lubang never forgave him for killing 30 people during his campaign on the island. The news media reported on this and other misgivings, but at the same time welcomed his return home.


  • Morre o soldado japonês da 2ª Guerra Mundial que se recusou a se render

      Um soldado japonês que se recusou a se render após o fim da Segunda Guerra Mundial e passou 29 anos na selva morreu aos 91 anos em Tóquio. Hiroo Onoda permaneceu na selva da Ilha Lubang perto de Luzon, nas Filipinas, até 1974 porque não acreditava que a guerra tivesse acabado. Ele foi finalmente persuadido a emergir depois que seu idoso ex-comandante foi trazido de avião para vê-lo. Onoda foi saudado como um herói em seu retorno ao Japão.

      O jovem soldado recebeu ordens de não se render - uma ordem que ele obedeceu por quase três décadas. “Tornei-me oficial e recebi uma encomenda. Se não pudesse cumprir, sentiria vergonha. Sou muito competitivo ”, disse. Três outros soldados estavam com ele no final da guerra. Um emergiu da selva em 1950 e os outros dois morreram.

       O Sr. Onoda ignorou várias tentativas de fazê-lo se render. Mais tarde, ele disse que dispensou grupos de busca enviados a ele e panfletos espalhados pelo Japão, porque sempre havia algo suspeito, então ele nunca acreditou que a guerra realmente tivesse terminado. Embora Onoda tenha sido oficialmente declarado morto em dezembro de 1959, grupos de busca foram enviados em 1972, quando a última pessoa de seu grupo foi morta pela polícia local, mas não o encontraram. Onoda agora estava sozinho.

       Em 20 de fevereiro de 1974, um japonês, Norio Suzuki, encontrou Onoda após quatro dias de busca. Eles se tornaram amigos, mas Onoda ainda se recusou a se render, dizendo que estava esperando ordens de um oficial superior. Suzuki voltou ao Japão com fotos dele e de Onoda como prova de seu encontro, e o governo japonês localizou o comandante de Onoda, major Yoshimi Taniguchi. Ele voou para Lubang onde, em 9 de março de 1974, finalmente se encontrou com Onoda e rescindiu pessoalmente suas ordens originais.

       O governo filipino concedeu-lhe perdão, embora muitos em Lubang nunca o tenham perdoado por matar 30 pessoas durante sua campanha na ilha. A mídia noticiou esta e outras dúvidas, mas ao mesmo tempo saudou seu retorno para casa.

    Na frase "A mídia noticiosa noticiou sobre esta e outras dúvidas ..." (parágrafo 5), isso se refere a

    A)outras dúvidas.

    B)matando 30 pessoas.

    C)tanta atenção.

    D)o governo filipino.

    E)pedidos originais.

    Questão complexa, é preciso entender muito bem a língua inglesa para conseguir responder.


               Genetically Modified Foods, Pros and Cons. 
      Genetically modified foods (GMs)are becoming increasingly coirtmon in many countries. However, before one opts for any of these foods, it is very important to know about their pros and cons.
           There are a variety of reasons for developing GMs. For instance, some foods are genetically modified to prevent the occurrence of allergies after consumption, while some are developed to improve their shelf life.
            Though the seeds of GMs are quite expensive, their cost of production is said to be lesser than that of the traditional crops for these foods do have natural resistance towards damaging pests and insects. This reduces the necessity of exposing crops to hazardous Chemicals. It is also said that GMs grow faster. Due to this, productivity increases, providing the population with more food. At times, GMs crops can be grown at places with unfavorable climatic conditions whereas a normal crop can grow only in specific season or under some favorable climatic conditions.
            The biggest threat caused by GMs is that they can have harmful effects on the human body. It is believed that they can cause diseases which are immune to antibiotics. Moreover, according to some experts, people who consume such foods have high chances of developing câncer. Besides, not much is known about their long-term effects on human beings.
            In many countries, manufacturers do not mention on the labei that foods are genetically modified because they think that this would affect their business. However, this is not a good practice as consumers do not get the chance to decide whether they should really opt for these foods, Experts are of the opinion that with the increase of genetically modified foods, developing countries would start depending more on industrial countries because it is likely that the food production would be controlled by them in the time to come.

(Adapted from http://www.buzzle.com)

Which alternat:ive below is INCORRECT, basied on the above?

  • Na linha "31" começa com "Experts are of the opinion that with the increase of genetically modified foods, developing countries would start depending more on industrial countries because it is likely that the food production would be controlled by them in the time to come."

    A produção de comidas deveriam ser controladas por eles, eles quem? Os Especialista,ora!

    E está ERRADA

Prefeitura do Rio de Janeiro - RJ
Prefeitura de Rio de Janeiro - RJ

Answer question according to TEXT 1 below, adapted from http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/americas/8606466.stm (accessed on April 7th, 2010) .


At least 200 people have died in the Brazilian state of Rio de Janeiro after another storm. This is arguably the worst torrential rain for decades, causing flooding and landslides. Our website readers in Rio de Janeiro have been sharing their experiences.

Comment 1 - I’ve never seen such chaos. We weren’t prepared for this, even though we were warned that a big storm was about to come. Newspapers are saying that the reason for the catastrophe is the garbage. Well it may have been. We need to teach recycling at schools and community groups, otherwise we will have more disasters like this. (Lia, Niterói)

Comment 2 - Today I witnessed Rio de Janeiro on the brink of collapse. I ventured out around midday, just as the electric power blacked out in my neighbourhood. Three hours later, looking out of my office window, the city still reminded me of a war zone. “What´ve we done to deserve this?”, I thought. It’s night time now and I haven’t been able to return home. I might do so tomorrow. (José, Rio)

Comment 3 - Worldwide, we are seeing more and more climate instability. The deserts of central Asia are growing, while areas of the US (and now Rio) are drenched. The lakes in Minnesota have never thawed this early, at any time in the recorded record. The icecaps will be history, and islands around the world are disappearing under the surf. The oceans are warming, the coral reefs are dying. How much more evidence do we need of global warming? (João, Brasília)

The pronoun “this” in the excerpt “We weren’t prepared for this” refers back to:

  • The answers in letters A, B and C are not correct because they are not related to the text.

    As respostas nas letras A, B e C não estão corretas pois elas não estão ligadas ao texto.

    Resposta: D

    This is correct because flooding and landslides are mentioned before and, to avoid repetition, they use the pronoun this.

    Esta resposta está correta pois flooding and landslides são mencionados anteriormente e, para evitar a repetição, usa-se o pronome this.

  • O pronome "this" no trecho "Não estávamos preparados para isso" refere-se a:
       A) 200 vítimas e relatórios
       B) preparação e catástrofe
       C) chuva leve e experiências
       D) inundações e deslizamentos de terra


Too many third graders can’t read this sentence

9 Feb. 2017- Editor's Picks

      Two-thirds of U.S. third graders face challenges that will impact their future, including academic struggles that could lead to dimmer academic and career prospects. Sadly, only one in three U.S. students demonstrates reading proficiency at the end of third grade. This has alarming consequences for these children, and for our country.

      A report released today from the Business Roundtable (BRT) sheds light on this troubling trend in American education, and advises business leaders on how they can help put more children on a path to success.


      I’ve heard it said that before third grade, students are learning to read, while after third grade, they’re reading to learn. Grade three is a critical crossroads in a life's journey. If you’ve read this far, then you understand why this is so important. Not enough of our young learners can say the same.

      I encourage you to read the BRT report. As you read, please consider ways to help our schools and our teachers keep students on paths to bright futures.

Leave your comments below

Michel Jonas

      Really, all I read was blabla wa wa wa. Are you Charlie Brown’s teacher? If we can't understand our children who are crying out for help and direction, then there is something wrong with you. Please go back and check yourself! They are worth so much more.

Rick Shire

      Thanks for sharing. With two young children, I increasingly think about the importance of early childhood education. Pre-k care is far too inaccessible, ultimately magnifying inequality from the earliest stages of life.

Tom Franks

      What exactly is education? Academic education doesn't make someone a better person or even a better employee, I would guess that anything we learn in the education process is at the most 10% useful to us as people. Education should teach academia but also life skills such as budgeting, EQ skills, languages etc., all the elements to be a successful person and not necessarily a successful professional.

(Adapted from https ://www.linkedin.com)

By reading the text, we CANNOT state that the pronoun


  • Ao ler o texto, não podemos afirmar que o pronome
    A)"Deles" em "Dois terços dos alunos da terceira série dos EUA enfrentam desafios que afetarão o futuro deles ..." refere-se a "Dois terços dos alunos da terceira série dos EUA". Correta
    B)"estes" em "Isto tem consequências alarmantes para estas crianças ..." refere-se a "apenas um em cada três estudantes dos EUA". L. 2 e 3 - Infelizmente, apenas um em cada três estudantes dos EUA demonstra a proficiência de leitura no final do terceiro ano. Isto tem consequências alarmantes para estas crianças e para o nosso país. Errada. O pronome "these" refere-se à todas as crianças que não demonstram proficiência.
    C)"Eles" em "... como eles podem ajudar a colocar mais crianças em um caminho para o sucesso." Refere-se a "líderes empresariais". L. 4 e 5 [...] e aconselha os líderes empresariais sobre como eles podem ajudar a colocar mais crianças em um caminho para o sucesso. Correta
    D) "eles" em "... enquanto depois da terceira série, eles estão lendo para aprender." Refere-se a "alunos". L. 6 - Eu ouvi dizer que, antes da terceira série, os alunos estão aprendendo a ler, enquanto que depois da terceira série, eles estão lendo para aprender. Correta.
    E) "você" em "eu encorajo você a ler o relatório de BRT" refere-se ao leitor. Correta
    Gabarito do Professor: B
  • Children significa crianças, deveria ser usado o Those.

  • Isso é um alarme para todas as crianças e não apenas uma a cada três. Gabarito B!
  • Gabarito letra B

    Acredito que seja uma consequência alarmante para aquelas crianças que não possuem proficiência, note que a questão diz que a consequência seria alarmante para o referente "Apenas uma a cada três tem proficiência", para a criança que tem proficiência a consequência não é alarmante, pois não a tocará, só sendo alarmante para as outras duas e a acertiva estaria correta se assim o dissesse.

  • A questão quer alternativa que está errada.

    Na B) o these se refere a children( estas crianças) e não a “only one in three U.S. students”.

    b)"these" in "This has alarming consequences for these children...” refers to “only one in three U.S. students”.

  • Stanley na verdade não, o these já é plural, refere-se a "essas" crianças e não aquelas


O texto a seguir é referência para a questão.

Ancient dreams of intelligent machines: 3,000 years of robots

    The French philosopher René Descartes was reputedly fond of automata: they inspired his view that living things were biological machines that function like clockwork. Less known is a strange story that began to circulate after the philosopher’s death in 1650. This centred on Descartes’s daughter Francine, who died of scarlet fever at the age of five.
    According to the tale, a distraught Descartes had a clockwork Francine made: a walking, talking simulacrum. When Queen Christina invited the philosopher to Sweden in 1649, he sailed with the automaton concealed in a casket. Suspicious sailors forced the trunk open; when the mechanical child sat up to greet them, the horrified crew threw it overboard.
    The story is probably apocryphal. But it sums up the hopes and fears that have been associated with human-like machines for nearly three millennia. Those who build such devices do so in the hope that they will overcome natural limits – in Descartes’s case, death itself. But this very unnaturalness terrifies and repulses others. In our era of advanced robotics and artificial intelligence (AI), those polarized responses persist, with pundits and the public applauding or warning against each advance. Digging into the deep history of intelligent machines, both real and imagined, we see how these attitudes evolved: from fantasies of trusty mechanical helpers to fears that runaway advances in technology might lead to creatures that supersede humanity itself.

(Disponível em: <https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-018-05773-y>.)

In the sentence “This centred on Descartes’s daughter Francine, who died of scarlet fever …”, the underlined word refers to the:

  • Desculpa , mas para mim não tem nada sublinhado ...
  • Na sentença  "Isso centrou-se na filha de Descartes, Francine, que morreu de escarlatina ...", a palavra sublinhada refere-se a:
    A) morte do filósofo.
    B) relógio.
    C) filósofo francês.
    D) história estranha.
    E) autômatos.
      Less known is a strange story that began to circulate after the philosopher's death in 1650. This centred on Descartes's daughter Francine, who died of scarlet fever at the age of five.
     Tradução: Pouco conhecida é uma história estranha que começou a circular após a morte do filósofo em 1650. A história (This) era centrada na filha de Descartes, Francine, que morreu de escarlatina aos cinco anos de idade.

    Gabarito do Professor: D
  • o "this" está sublinhado

Prefeitura de Vitória - ES

In relation to the use of demonstrative pronouns, judge the following item.

Come over here! Can you see these spots on my face? Don’t touch them, OK? The doctor said they have to be removed

  • Afinal de contas, qual foi a pergunta da questão?

    Todos os pronomes foram usados de forma correta.


  • Use of demonstrative pronouns!




What Parents Can Do to Nurture Good Writers

Steve Graham, a professor at Arizona State University’s Teachers College, has been researching how young people learn to write for more than 30 years. He is a co-author of numerous books on writing instruction, including “Powerful Writing Strategies for All Students.”
How does reading at home help children become better writers?
is really critical, but it’s not enough. We don’t have much evidence that if you just read more, you’ll be a better writer. But analyzing text does make a difference. So when we read to kids, we can also have conversations with them about the author’s craft. How did this author make this place seem real in terms of description? What words did they use? How did they present this idea or this argument?
Should a parent correct a child’s writing, or just be encouraging?
Sometimes when kids come to you to share what they’re writing, they’re not coming for feedback. They are coming for affirmation. It’s really important we emphasize first and foremost what we really like about it. And if you’re going to give feedback, just pick one or two things. English teachers — and parents are guilty of this, too — sometimes overwhelm kids with more feedback than they can absorb all at once. The other thing that’s really important, particularly for parents, is to remember that they don’t own this piece. It’s their child’s.
What should parents look for to assess the writing instruction at their child’s school?
After about third grade, very little time is devoted to explicit writing instruction. It’s like we’ve imagined that kids have acquired what they need to know to be good writers by then! In middle and high school, the most common activities are fill-in-the-blanks on worksheets, writing single sentences, making lists or writing a paragraph summary. When you start talking about persuasive essays or an informative paper, those things occur infrequently in English class and even less so in social studies and science. So the first questions are: “Is my kid writing at school, and was he given writing assignments to work on at home? Do those require writing more extended thoughts for the purposes of analysis and interpretation?” That’s what they need to be able to do for college.
Fonte: adaptado de < https://www.nytimes.com/2017/08/02/education/edlife/parents-children-writing.html

Mark the INCORRECT alternative.


IF Sudeste - MG
IF Sudeste - MG

Read the following excerpt from a newspaper, ignoring the gaps numbered (1-5). After that, choose the CORRECT alternative.

Published in 1981, Todd Strasser’s The Wave recounts a true incident that took place in a history class at a Palo Alto, California, high school in 1969. The teacher of the class, Ron Jones, (1)__________ is fictionally renamed Ben Ross in the book, actually formulated the experiment described in the narrative in an effort to help his students understand how the Holocaust could have happened without the mass condemnation of the German people. What begins as a simple class project quickly takes on a life of its own, (2) __________, as students conform mindlessly to the experimental system, and others are pressured ruthlessly to join in.
Group dynamics and peer influence bordering on coercion create a sinister atmosphere of fear and mistrust, The Wave spontaneously takes on the characteristics of a cult. The event disrupts an entire school (3) __________ raises a plethora of dark questions concerning responsibility, freedom, and group dynamics. Ron Jones calls it “one of the most frightening events ever experienced in the classroom.” As a novelization of a teleplay by Johnny Dawkins, based on a short story by Ron Jones, Strasser’s book (4) __________ not have attracted an abundance of criticism as a literary entity in itself, (5) __________ The Wave clearly holds an important place in the canon of young adult literature. (…)
Available at: <http://www.enotes.com/topics/the-wave/critical-essays>. Accessed on: 20 set. 2016

Choose the CORRECT alternative..



The true potential of technology to change behavior

    Technology could successfully change behaviours where decades of campaigns and legislation have failed. With the quantified self already walking among us and the internet of things within easy reach, digital technology is creating unprecedented opportunities to encourage, enable and empower more sustainable behaviours.

     If we are to unlock the power of technology we must be more ambitious than simply digitising analogue strategies or creating another communications channel.

    The true potential of technology lies in its ability to do things that nothing else can do. In behaviour change terms, the potential to succeed where decades of education programmes, awareness campaigns and product innovation have failed; to make a difference where government policy and legislation has had limited impact.

    Using behavioural insights, it is possible to highlight the bottlenecks, drop out points and achilles heels of traditional behaviour change efforts — the reasons why we have failed in the past — and apply the unique possibilities of technology to these specific challenges.

    Overcoming our limitations

    Luckily, the history of the human race is almost defined by its ability to invent stuff that bolsters its feeble capabilities. That stuff is, of course, what we generically refer to as 'technology'. And in the same way that the internal combustion engine and the light bulb allow us to overcome our relatively feeble powers of motion and perception, so digital technology can be directed to overcoming our relatively feeble powers of reasoning, selfcontrol, motivation, self-awareness and agency—the factors that make behaviour change so difficult.

    Herein lies the true potential of technology: not in the laboratory or the workshop, but in an understanding of the behavioural dynamics that define the human condition, both generally and within the context of a specific user-group, market segment or community.

Fonte: JOHNSON, Steven. Recognising the true potential of technology to change behaviour. Disponível em:<https://www.theguardian.com/sustainablebusiness/behavioural-insights/true-potential-technology-change-behaviour> . Acesso em: 23 ago. 2017. (Adaptado). 

Analisando-se aspectos linguísticos e estruturais do texto, constata-se que

  • a. Successfully não é formado prefixação e sim sufixação.

    b. CORRETA.

    c. "has" está errado.

    d. could=poderia que é diferente de should=deveria

    e. "that" está na função de pronome relativo.

Prefeitura de Vitória - ES

Read this excerpt from one of the previous texts:

“Let’s face it: most of us were taught in classrooms where styles of teachings reflected the notion of a single norm of thought and experience, which we were encouraged to believe was universal. This has been just as true for nonwhite teachers as for white teachers.”

What does the demonstrative pronoun “this” highlighted above refer to?



Choose the alternative that best completes the dialogue:

Mary: Hi, ____ am Mary Smith. ___ am from the USA. What’s your name?

Paul: _____ name is Paul Thompson.

Mary: Nice to meet you. _____ are you from?

Paul: Nice to meet you, too. _____ am from London. And who is ____ woman?

Mary: ____ is Jessica Lopez. ____ is from the USA too.

  • A questão cobra conhecimento gramatical, especificamente sobre pronomes: pronomes pessoais, pronomes interrogativos, pronomes demonstrativos e pronomes possessivos.

    Vamos analisar o enunciado:

    Choose the alternative that best completes the dialogue: Tradução -Escolha a alternativa que melhor completa o diálogo:

    Vejamos a tradução do diálogo:

    Mary: Olá, ____ sou Mary Smith. ___ sou dos EUA. Qual o seu nome?
    Paul: _____ nome é Paul Thompson.
    Maria: Prazer em conhecê-lo. De_____ você é?
    Paul: Prazer em conhecê-la também. _____ sou de Londres. E quem é ____ mulher?
    Maria: ____ é Jessica Lopez. ____ é dos EUA também.

    Vejamos como ficaria esse diálogo completado corretamente:

    Mary: Olá, eu sou Mary Smith. Eu sou dos EUA. Qual o seu nome?
    Paul: Meu nome é Paul Thompson.
    Maria: Prazer em conhecê-lo. De onde você é?
    Paul: Prazer em conhecê-la também. Eu sou de Londres. E quem é essa/aquela mulher?
    Maria: Ela é Jessica Lopez. Ela é dos EUA também.

    A única lacuna que admitiria duas respostas seria "E quem é essa/aquela mulher?".
    Mas como nas alternativas não há a opção "essa" (this), podemos assumir que a resposta é "aquela".

    Agora vejamos como seriam esses pronomes em Inglês, respectivamente:

    eu - eu - meu - onde - eu - aquela - ela - ela   =    I - I - my -  where -  I - that - she - she.

    Gabarito do Professor: Alternativa B.

  • questão nível fundamental, amei

  • Essa aí só quem joga dualingo maja

  • Como eu queria que minha vida fosse igual a essa questão...

  • Desrrespeito com o cara que estuda o ano inteiro cair uma m3rd@ dessa


Complete the sentences with the right demonstrative pronoun:

    Who is ________ officer over there? 


    That: esse(a), isso, aquele(a), aquilo.

    Who is that officer over there? - Quem é aquele policial ali?

    OBS: não poderia ser THOSE, pois THOSE está no plural: Aqueles(as)

  • Revisão básica...

    This: Usamos quando queremos se referir a algo próximo no Singular

    That: Usamos quando queremos se referir a algo longe no Singular

    These: Usamos quando queremos se referir a algo próximo no Plural

    Those: Usamos quando queremos se referir a algo longe no Plural

FACET Concursos
Prefeitura de Capim - PB

Analyze the sentences extracted from the article, then choose the alternative that best explains the underlined elements, respectively.

i. […] that’s how we’re going to meet those targets. (line 12)
ii. These are chiefly focused on scientific, policymaking and political capacity […] (line 35)

  • c-

    seguem abaixo as partes destacadas que a questao quer saber:

    I. […] that’s how we’re going to meet those targets.

    II. These are chiefly focused on scientific, policymaking and political capacity […]


Which option completes the paragraph below correctly?

It is important that female navy officers are now commanding vessels, not only because of ________ achievement in and of itself, but also because ________ types of posts will help ______ advance even more in ______ careers.

(Adapted from http://cimsec.org)

  • A resolução da questão envolve o conhecimento de pronomes. Cabe, então, um breve resumo a respeito do tema. Pronome é a classe de palavras usada para substituir um substantivo ou sintagma nominal a fim de evitar repetições. Os pronomes são divididos em diferentes categorias com base na função que eles exercem na oração. Eles podem ser pessoais, reflexivos, relativos, possessivos, demonstrativos, indefinidos ou interrogativos.

    Nessa questão, devemos escolher, dentre as alternativas propostas, aquela cujas opções preenchem as lacunas do texto. Para melhor organizar a resposta, numeramos tais lacunas de 1 a 4.

    It is important that female navy officers are now commanding vessels, not only because of ___1___ achievement in and of itself, but also because ___2___ types of posts will help ___3___ advance even more in ___4___ careers.

    Lacuna 1.
    Para preencher essa lacuna devemos escolher entre os pronomes demonstrativos “these" e “this". Os pronomes demonstrativos ajudam a determinar a pessoa, o objeto ou o evento indicando sua posição. Por indicar a posição queremos dizer situar algo no espaço, no tempo ou no próprio texto. “This" e “these" são demonstrativos de proximidade. Usamos “this" para nos referirmos a substantivos singulares e “these" para substantivos plurais.
    No caso em tela, o demonstrativo determina o substantivo “achievement" (conquista) indicando que o autor se refere à conquista recém mencionada, qual seja, o fato de mulheres oficiais da marinha estarem comandando navios. “Achievement" é singular. Portanto, a opção correta é “this.

    Podemos eliminar, desde já, as alternativas A e D.

    Lacuna 2.
    De novo, as opções apresentam os pronomes demonstrativos “this" e “these". A lacuna 2 determina o substantivo plural “types". Logo, a opção correta é o demonstrativo “these".

    Após essa análise, restam apenas as lacunas C e E.

    Lacuna 3.
    A questão sugere as opções “it", “her" ou “them", que são pronomes pessoais do tipo objetivo. Os pronomes objetivos atuam como objeto do verbo e indicam uma das pessoas do discurso. No caso em tela, procuramos o pronome correto que servirá de complemento ao verbo “help". Para tanto, precisamos saber quem será ajudado a avançar na carreira. Ora, o trecho nos conta que mulheres oficiais da marinha agora comandam navios. São essas mulheres, portanto, que poderão avançar na carreira. Assim, o pronome que completa a lacuna é “them", que indica a terceira pessoa do discurso no plural, isto é, aquelas de quem se fala, as mulheres.

    Nesse ponto, a única alternativa que contém a sequência this / these / them, verificada até aqui, é a alternativa E. Logo, essa é a alternativa CORRETA.

    Lacuna 4.
    Por último, é preciso definir o adjetivo possessivo que completa a lacuna 4, indicando a quem pertence as carreiras mencionadas. Os adjetivos possessivos precedem um substantivo indicando que ele pertence a uma determinada pessoas do discurso. Após a análise da lacuna 3, não deve haver dúvidas de que o autor está falando das oficiais da marinha. As carreiras pertencem a essas mulheres. O adjetivo possessivo que indica posse pela terceira pessoa do plural é “their".

    A sequência correta é this / these / them / their. Está confirmada a letra E como opção CORRETA.

  • Antes de começar a questão vamos analisar a principal diferença entre This These:

    • Lembre se usamos This para apontar algo que está perto no singular
    • Usamos These para apontar algo que está longe no plural

    1. Completamos com This pois estou me referindo a carreira delas no singular
    2. Usamos These pois estou me referindo a Types Photos que tá no plural portanto usamos These
    3. It usamos apenas pra He, She , It perceba que estamos nos referindo a Elas portanto só pode ser Them
    4. Carreiras delas portanto não pode ser Her tem que ser Their

Prefeitura de Iporã do Oeste - SC

Analyze the fragment below.

Though the bright scene before us betrayed ____ words, I was nevertheless certain of ___ place on the calendar.

Identify the option that completes the context given.


Prefeitura de Timon - MA

Answers the question according to the text below.


The time to embrace change in education is right now! In fact, it’s long overdue. Did you know that the model for modern-day public education was created by the need for on-time mechanical workers during the industrial revolution? That was certainly a technological disruption, but it happened 250 years ago. It’s what we call the front-lead method, and it’s not the best model for addressing the learning needs of many students: divergent thinkers, neurodiverse minds, creatives, scientists, and the list goes on. Which brings us to our next point: it’s time for the next wave of disruption. Luckily for us, it’s here. And it’s been here since 1989, when Tim Berners-Lee — a British scientist from CERT — invented the World Wide Web. We know, you use the internet every day, and it’s great, but maybe you’re skeptical that it can revolutionize education. Well, if you didn’t know, it already is. A large body of evidence-based, peer reviewed work points to the web as one of the central hubs for positive educational change today. It’s our connection to others, our access to a world of educational resources, it’s a format that works for many learners, it’s at the heart of countless services (that don’t work in an unconnected world), and it’s driving access to education. 


The pronoun IT (line 11), refers to:

  • "We know, you use the internet every day, and it’s great, but maybe you’re skeptical that it can revolutionize education. Well, if you didn’t know, it already is."

    it already is."=" ela/isto já está "

    Quem/o que já está revolucionando a educação? A internet.

Prefeitura de Patos - PB

The defenders of Normandy were not the best of Hitler's army. Those were in Russia and Italy, as well as in France, but on the other side of the Seine, the Pas-de-Calais, which the Germans thought the more likely invasion target. (Extracted from Time– June 6, 1994)
– O pronome demonstrativo "those" faz referência aos:

  • Pelo contexto, analisemos:

    Os soldados que estavam na defesa da Normandia não era os melhores das tropas de Hitler. Estes estavam... Note, os que estavam na Normandia não estavam na Rússia e Itália, obviamente. Logo, o referente "those", por meio da lógica, aponta para os mais preparados/adestrados/equipados/fortes. Então, a alternativa correta é a letra C.

    EsPCEx 2022

  • Para acertar esta questão, era preciso saber que o pronome demonstrativo those é o termo que usamos para fazer referência a algo ou alguém distante no espaço ou no tempo. Normalmente significa: esse, essa, isso, aquele e aquela. É a forma plural de that. Também era preciso saber a quem ele se refere no texto, exigindo a capacidade do candidato em interpretar corretamente.

    Tradução do enunciado: Os defensores da Normandia não eram os melhores do exército de Hitler. Aqueles (os melhores) estavam na Rússia e na Itália, bem como na França, bem como do outro lado do Sena, o Pas-de-Calais, que os alemães consideravam o alvo mais provável da invasão.

    Analisando as alternativas:

    a) Incorreta – “Soldados escalados para a defesa da Normandia”.

    Conforme nos fala a primeira oração do texto, os soldados defensores da Normandia não eram os melhores e sim aqueles (those) que foram escalados para o alvo mais provável de invasão.

    b) Incorreta – “Soldados soviéticos da Ásia Central”.

    O texto fala sobre soldados alemães e não cita a Ásia.

    c) Correta – “Soldados mais adestrados do exército de Hitler”.

    A segunda oração do texto fala sobre a quem se refere o Those, que são aqueles escalados para defender o alvo mais provável da invasão, ou seja, os melhores do exército de Hitler.

    d) Incorreta – “Soldados das divisões estacionárias”.

    O texto sequer cita estas divisões.

    e) Incorreta – “Soldados russos, italianos e franceses”.

    O texto não fala sobre soldados dessas nacionalidades e sim alemães que estavam nessas regiões.

    Gabarito: C

  • Hitler's o apóstrofo com S, faz referência à posse

    "os soldados mais adestrados do exército de Hitler"


    The history of language study illustrates widely divergent attitudes concerning the relationship between writing and speech. Written language was the medium of literature, and, thus, a source of standards of linguistic excellence. It was felt to provide language with permanence and authority. The rules of grammar were, accordingly, illustrated exclusively from written texts.
    The everyday spoken language, by contrast, was ignored or condemned as an object unworthy of study, demonstrating only lack of care and organization. It was said to have no rules, and speakers were left under the illusion that, in order to “speak properly”, it was necessary to follow the “correct” norms, as laid down in the recognized grammar books and manuals of written style.
    There was sporadic criticism of this viewpoint throughout the 19th century, but it was not until the 20th century that an alternative approach became widespread. This approach pointed out that speech is many thousands of years older than writing; that it develops naturally in children (whereas writing has to be artificially taught); and that writing systems are derivative — mostly based on sounds of speech.

D. Crystal. How Language Works. London: Penguin Books, 2006 (adapted).

Based on the previous text, judge the following item.

In the first paragraph, the word “It” (third sentence) refers to “a source of standards” (second sentence).

  • Acho que se refere ao termo "Written language" ou estou enganado?

  • Alguem poderia comentar alguma coisa a respeito? Tb queria saber a que o "it" se refere...

  • Based on the previous text, judge the following item.

    In the first paragraph, the word “It” (third sentence) refers to “a source of standards” (second sentence).

    The history of language study illustrates widely divergent attitudes concerning the relationship between writing and speech. Written language was the medium of literature, and, thus, a source of standards of linguistic excellence. It was felt to provide language with permanence and authority. The rules of grammar were, accordingly, illustrated exclusively from written texts.

    Com base no texto anterior, julgue o item seguinte.

    No primeiro parágrafo, a palavra “It” (terceira frase) refere-se a “uma fonte de padrões” (segunda frase).

    A história do estudo da linguagem ilustra atitudes amplamente divergentes a respeito da relação entre a escrita e a fala. A linguagem escrita era o meio da literatura e, portanto, uma fonte de padrões de excelência linguística. Sentiu-se que (ela - a linguagem escrita) fornecia linguagem com permanência e autoridade. As regras gramaticais foram, portanto, ilustradas exclusivamente a partir de textos escritos.

    Aqui aquele verbo to be chato do ensino médio serviu um pouco, pois o "it", ou "ela", em português, é o pronome pessoal feminino usado para coisas ou animais. Acredito que seja isso. Se eu estiver errado, corrijam-me!

    Bons estudos a todos!

  • Se refere a linguagem escrita pois esse termo é o sujeito dessa sentença e o it faz a retomada.

  • "I was felt" pode ser traduzido como "considerou-se que". Fazendo uma analogia ao portugues, seria um sujeito indeterminado (empty subject). isto é: Considerou-se que concederia à linguagem permanência e autoridade.

    A questão é bem avançada para nós mortais, mas tenho certeza que um professor de inglês tiraria de Letras (pun intended)

  • Errei, mas depois me fiz a pergunta em inglês: What is the source of standards of linguistic excellence? The written language. Ficou mais fácil para achar o sujeito.

Avança SP
Prefeitura de Louveira - SP

Observe as sentenças a seguir:

I - For now on you have your own bedroom.

II - My father was a bus driver for 10 years.

III - My mother-in-law is very sweet.

Assinale a alternativa correta: 

  • A - sentença I possui o verbo to have.

    B - As três sentenças possuem substantivos compostos.- CORRETO

    I - bedroom

    II - Bus driver

    III - mother-in-law

    Podemos formar os substantivos compostos com diversos elementos, como verbos, advérbios, substantivos e adjetivos. Veja alguns tipos de combinações e exemplos de substantivos compostos:

    Elementos e Exemplos:

    Noun (bed) + Noun (room) = bedroom

    (,,, Fonte: https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/ingles/substantivos-compostos-ingles.htm)

    C - A sentença III não possui um erro ortográfico. 

    D - As sentenças II e III não possuem pronomes reflexivos. 

    E - A sentença I não possui um pronome demonstrativo.


Text 9A3-I  

      If you were to judge 2018’s most important legal technology by looking at conference agendas and media coverage, you’d probably say it was the continuing development of artificial intelligence. But if you judge the most important technology by its direct impact on the practice of law, then it would have to be analytics. As I suggested in a recent column, we could be nearing the point where it would be malpractice for a lawyer not to use analytics. 

Internet: <lawsitesblog.com> (adapted). 

In the first sentence of text 9A3-I, the word “it” refers to 

  • GABARITO: Letra D

    O pronome ''it'' faz referência ao mais importante avanço na tecnologia legal (mais conhecido como Legal Tech) no ano de 2018.

    ''If you were to judge 2018’s most important legal technology by looking at conference agendas and media coverage, you’d probably say it was the continuing development of artificial intelligence. ''

    ''Se você fosse dizer qual foi a mais importante tecnologia legal em 2018 pelas conferências ou pela imprensa, você provavelmente diria que foi o continuo desenvolvimento da inteligência artificial''. (Uma tradução aproximada)


   Jack Kilby’s revolutionary idea was to make all the different components of a circuit out of the same flat block of semiconductor material. Not only would this get rid of wires and faulty connections, it would make the entire circuit much more compact. Kilby demonstrated his first “integrated circuit” on Sept. 12, 1958.
   Six months later, in California, another engineer, Robert Noyce, independently came up with the idea of making an integrated circuit. Noyce’s chip was better suited to be manufactured in large numbers, and soon he was part of a young company called Intel.
   Thus was launched a revolution. The first chip-based computer was the first U.S. Air Force computer, built in 1961. The true potential of the integrated circuit was shown when Texas Instruments unveiled the pocket calculator. Previously calculators had been bulky devices that needed to be plugged in to electrical mains. The pocket calculator, small enough to hold in one’s palm, had a chip inside and batteries were adequate to power it.
   Progress was rapid thereafter. Many have already heard of Moore’s law, which has become a mantra of the digital age. First put forward by the Intel co-founder Gordon Moore in the 1960s, it says that the processing power of a chip doubles every two years, while the price falls by half. For more than four decades, Moore’s law has held, driving incredible growth and miniaturization — and wealth.
  The question is whether the semiconductor industry can sustain this pace. Further increasing the processing power of chips is proving to be problematic as certain fundamental physical barriers are being reached. At the same time, new frontiers are opening up. The quest is on to make chips that are powered by light instead of electricity, which will enable much faster computers.

Saswato Das. The Chip that Changed the World. Internet: <www.nytimes.com> (adapted).

Considering the text above, judge the following item. 

In the third sentence of the fourth paragraph, the pronoun “it” refers to Intel. 

  • Gabarito E

    O pronome "It" não se refere a Intel, mas sim a Lei de Moore