
Prova Marinha - 2019 - ESCOLA NAVAL - Aspirante - 1º Dia


Sejam p(x),q(x) e r(x) polinômios reais. Considere que p(x) cumpre os seguintes requisitos:

I- O polinômio q(x) = 3x3 - 21x + 18 divide p(x);

II- p(0) = 162;

III- 1 é raiz de p'(x);

IV- p'(0) = -477;

V- p(x)/r(x) = q(x).

Sabendo que 0 gr(q(x)) > gr(r(x)) e p’(x) indica a primeira derivada de p(x), assinale a opção que apresenta o polinômio r(x).



Seja VABCD uma pirâmide regular cujas faces laterais são triângulos equiláteros de lado 1 e P uma extensão do seguimento VA, de modo que A VP e AP = 1/2. Considerando um plano determinado por P e os pontos médios dos seguimentos BC e AD, determine a área de intersecção entre a pirâmide e o plano e assinale a opção correta.

  • Cadê a resolução ???????

Raciocínio Lógico

Quantos são os anagramas de MARINHA, em que somente uma vogal apareça em sua posição de origem?

  • Putz. Errei!

    Alguém pode explicar?

  • Resolução da questão !!!

  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bs-J6_ay0hU

    Bemmm complicado, mais com calma dá pra entender. hahahahha


Um raio luminoso parte do ponto A(-1, 6, 2), reflete na superfície refletora do plano x= -5 , no ponto E, e atinge o ponto B(2,2,4). Indique a somas das coordenadas do ponto E.



Seja W o conjunto dos números múltiplos de 2 ou P, em que P é um primo ímpar. Sabendo que 3/5 de W, que são múltiplos de P, são ímpares; 2/5 de W são ímpares; e 77 elementos de W não são múltiplos de 2P, pode-se afirmar que a quantidade de elemenos de W que são ímpares é um número múltiplo de:



Seja a curva determinada pelo lugar geométrico dos centros das circunferências no 2, que tangenciam a reta x = 2 e passam pelo ponto (6,4). Sendo assim, a reta tangente a essa curva pelo ponto (6,8) possui equação:

  • Essa informação aqui você deve AGRADECER MUITO à banca kkkkkkkk

    "passam pelo ponto (6,4)"

    Se passa pelo ponto, então Quando X for 6, o Y TEM QUE SER 4

    Substituindo em todas as respostas,chegamos que

    D-> y=x+2


    Só pode ser essa!



O volume de um cubo de aresta 2x excede em 27 unidades o volume de um paralelepípedo retângulo com 54 unidades de área da base e altura x. Sendo assim, o valor de x é



Um círculo, contido no plano x - 2y + 4 = 0, de centro (4,4,4) e raio 5, é projetado ortogonalmente no plano y = 0, formando uma figura plana de área, em unidades de área, igual a:



Sabendo que f é uma função definida por f{x) = xx e que D é o domínio de f, é correto afirmar que:



Considere um conjunto de números inteiros A = {1,2,3, ...,n}, com n elementos. Se retirarmos um número do conjunto A, a média aritmética dos elementos restante é 16,4. Sabendo que p é o número que foi retirado, determine |p - n| e assinale a opção correta.

  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5-ZY1ClV9r4&list=PLH-w5KKYj7yQvmu0Fev2qzOqYwwZdiRKi&index=6


Uma loja de bombons está com o seguinte cartaz de promoção: “compre x bombons e ganhe x% de desconto”. A promoção é válida para compras de até 60 bombons, caso em que é concedido o desconto máximo de 60 %. Maria, Flávio, Gisele, Felipe, Evandro e Diego compram 53,40,33,47,38 e 57 bombons, respectivamente. Nessas condições, assinale a opção que apresenta o nome das pessoas que poderiam ter comprado mais bombons e pago a mesma quantia inicial.

  • O correto seria Flávio e Evandro. Deveria haver anulação

  • alguem me diz como fessa questao?

  • Concordo com o José

  • Na letra E, o resultado de Felipe foi 24 reais, e de Flávio 24,91. Na vida real 91 centavos não é diferença nenhuma, na matemática é. Portanto 24 é diferente de 24,91. Questão que deveria ser anulada

  • Cara, o certo não seria Maria e Felipe? Mas eu realmente concordo com a anulação dessa questão
  • Eu acho que o correto seria Maria e Felipe, porque o produto da quantidade de bombons pelo desconto é o mesmo: 53x(100-53)%=47x(100-53)%
  • Eu acertei, fiz a comparação 60 bombons = 100%

    X bombons(cada um) = X

    fiz que os que estão na casa dos 60% Flávio e Felipe ou Felipe e Flávio.

  • Galera, não sei se vcs concordam, mas dá pra resolver essa questão através de um Eq. do 2º Grau, vou tentar explicar:

    f(x) = x.p - (x/100).xp (Equação que representa o valor a ser pago) x = quantidade de bombons

    p = valor da unidade


    f(x) = (-x^2.p)/100 + xp (Percebam a Eq. do 2º grau)

    Calculemos o Xv para achar o ponto no qual o custo será o maior possível

    Xv = -b/2a

    Xv = -p / (-2p/100)

    Xv = -100p/-2p

    Xv = 50 (Certo, com 50 bombons o valor pago será máximo)

    Agora pensem numa parábola com ponto máximo em x = 50

    Devemos lembrar que o desconto máximo é de 60%

    Então, uma pessoa que comprar 40 bombons pagará o mesmo valor de uma pessoa que comprar 60, bem como, uma pessoa que comprar 47 bombons pagará o mesmo valor de um pessoa que comprar 53 bombons.

    Entre as possibilidade, temos apenas Felipe e Flávio.

    Qualquer erro, entrem em contato.

    A questão é excelente no meu ponto de vista.


Based on the text below, answer the six questions that follow it. The paragraphs of the text are numbered.

If children lose contact with nature they won't fight for it

    [1] According to recent research, even if the present rate of global decarbonisation were to double, we would still be on course for 6°C of warming by the end of the century. Limiting the rise to 2°C, which is the target of current policies, requires a six-time reduction in carbon intensity.
    [2] A new report shows that the UK has lost 20% of its breeding birds since 1966: once common species such as willow tits, lesser spotted woodpeckers and turtle doves have all but collapsed; even house sparrows have fallen by two thirds. Ash dieback is just one of many terrifying plant diseases, mostly spread by trade. They now threaten our oaks, pines and chestnuts.
    [3] While the surveys show that the great majority of people would like to see the living planet protected, few are prepared to take action. This, I think, reflects a second environmental crisis: the removal of children from the natural world. The young people we might have expected to lead the defence of nature have less and less to do with it.
    [4] We don't have to undervalue the indoor world, which has its own rich ecosystem, to lament children's disconnection from the outdoor world. But the experiences the two spheres offer are entirely different. There is no substitute for what takes place outdoors, mostly because the greatest joys of nature are unplanned. The thought that most of our children will never swim among phosphorescent plankton at night, will never be startled by a salmon leaping, or a dolphin breaching is almost as sad as the thought that their children might not have the opportunity.
    [5] The remarkable collapse of children's engagement with nature - which is even faster than the collapse of the natural world - is recorded in Richard Louv's book Last Child in the Woods, and in a report published recently by the National Trust. Since the 1970s the area in which children may roam without supervision has decreased by almost 90%. In one generation the proportion of children regularly playing in wild places in the UK has fallen from more than half to fewer than one in 10. In the US, in just six years (1997-2003) children with particular outdoor hobbies fell by half. Eleven- to 15-year-olds in Britain now spend, on average, half their waking day in front of a screen.
    [6] There are several reasons for this collapse: parents' irrational fear of strangers and rational fear of traffic, the destruction of the fortifying lands where previous generations played, the quality of indoor entertainment, the structuring of children's time, the criminalisation of natural play. The great indoors, as a result, has become a far more dangerous place than the diminished world beyond.
    [7] The rise of obesity and asthma and the decline in cardio-respiratory fitness are well documented. Louv also links the indoor life to an increase in attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and other mental ill health. Research conducted at the University of Illinois suggests that playing among trees and grass is associated with a marked reduction in indications of ADHD, while playing indoors appears to increase them. The disorder, Louv suggests, "may be a set of symptoms aggravated by lack of exposure to nature". Perhaps it's the environment, not the child, that has gone wrong.
    [8] In her famous essay the Ecology of Imagination in Childhood, Edith Cobb proposed that contact with nature stimulates creativity. Reviewing the biographies of 300 "geniuses", she exposed a common theme: intense experiences of the natural world in the middle age of childhood (between five and 12). Animals and plants, she argued, are among "the figures of speech in the rhetoric of play... which the genius, in particular of later life, seems to remember".
    [9] Studies in several nations show that children's games are more creative in green places than in concrete playgrounds. Natural spaces encourage fantasy and roleplay, reasoning and observation. The social standing of children there depends less on physical dominance, more on inventiveness and language skills.
    [10] And here we meet the other great loss. Most of those I know who fight for nature are people who spent their childhoods immersed in it. Without a feel for the texture and function of the natural world, without an intensity of engagement almost impossible in the absence of early experience, people will not devote their lives to its protection.
    [11] Forest Schools, Outward Bound, Woodcraft Folk, the John Muir Award, the Campaign for Adventure, Natural Connections, family nature clubs and many others are trying to bring children and the natural world back together. But all of them are fighting forces which, if they cannot be changed, will deprive the living planet of the wonder and delight that for millennia have attracted children to the wilds.

(Adapted from: https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2012/nov/19/children-lose-contact-with-nature)

According to the text, which option completes the sentence below correctly?

The current policies aim at a ________ in the rise of temperatures by the end of the century.

  • Nessa questão de interpretação, podemos aplicar as estratégias de leitura skimming e scanning, já mencionadas anteriormente.
    De acordo com o texto, qual opção completa a frase abaixo corretamente?
    As políticas atuais visam ________ no aumento das temperaturas até o final do século.
    A) mínimo de 6°C
    B) máximo de 6°C
    C) máximo de 12°C
    D) máximo de 2°C
    E) mínimo de 2°C
     No primeiro parágrafo do texto, lemos que o objetivo das políticas atuais é limitar a porcentagem de aquecimento em 2°C, ou seja, o máximo de 2°C. [...] we would still be on course for 6°C of warming by the end of the century. Limiting the rise to 2°C, which is the target of current policies,[...]  [...] ainda estaríamos a caminho de 6°C de aquecimento até o final do século. Limitar o aumento a 2°C, que é o objetivo das políticas atuais,[...]
    Gabarito do Professor: D
  • Nessa questão de interpretação, podemos aplicar as estratégias de leitura skimming e scanning, já mencionadas anteriormente.
    De acordo com o texto, qual opção completa a frase abaixo corretamente?
    As políticas atuais visam ________ no aumento das temperaturas até o final do século.
    A) mínimo de 6 ° C
    B) máximo de 6 ° C
    C) máximo de 12 ° C
    D) máximo de 2 ° C
    E) mínimo de 2 ° C
     No primeiro parágrafo do texto, lemos que  o objetivo das políticas atuais é limitar a porcentagem de aquecimento em 2°C, ou seja, o máximo de 2°C. [...] we would still be on course for 6°C of warming by the end of the century. Limiting the rise to 2°C, which is the target of current policies,[...]  [...] ainda estaríamos a caminho de 6°C de aquecimento até o final do século. Limitar o aumento a 2°C, que é o objetivo das políticas atuais,[...]
    Gabarito do Professor: D
  • Nessa questão de interpretação, podemos aplicar as estratégias de leitura skimming e scanning, já mencionadas anteriormente.
    De acordo com o texto, qual opção completa a frase abaixo corretamente?
    As políticas atuais visam ________ no aumento das temperaturas até o final do século.
    A) mínimo de 6 ° C
    B) máximo de 6 ° C
    C) máximo de 12 ° C
    D) máximo de 2 ° C
    E) mínimo de 2 ° C
     No primeiro parágrafo do texto, lemos que  o objetivo das políticas atuais é limitar a porcentagem de aquecimento em 2°C, ou seja, o máximo de 2°C. [...] we would still be on course for 6°C of warming by the end of the century. Limiting the rise to 2°C, which is the target of current policies,[...]  [...] ainda estaríamos a caminho de 6°C de aquecimento até o final do século. Limitar o aumento a 2°C, que é o objetivo das políticas atuais,[...]
    Gabarito do Professor: D


Based on the text below, answer the six questions that follow it. The paragraphs of the text are numbered.

If children lose contact with nature they won't fight for it

    [1] According to recent research, even if the present rate of global decarbonisation were to double, we would still be on course for 6°C of warming by the end of the century. Limiting the rise to 2°C, which is the target of current policies, requires a six-time reduction in carbon intensity.
    [2] A new report shows that the UK has lost 20% of its breeding birds since 1966: once common species such as willow tits, lesser spotted woodpeckers and turtle doves have all but collapsed; even house sparrows have fallen by two thirds. Ash dieback is just one of many terrifying plant diseases, mostly spread by trade. They now threaten our oaks, pines and chestnuts.
    [3] While the surveys show that the great majority of people would like to see the living planet protected, few are prepared to take action. This, I think, reflects a second environmental crisis: the removal of children from the natural world. The young people we might have expected to lead the defence of nature have less and less to do with it.
    [4] We don't have to undervalue the indoor world, which has its own rich ecosystem, to lament children's disconnection from the outdoor world. But the experiences the two spheres offer are entirely different. There is no substitute for what takes place outdoors, mostly because the greatest joys of nature are unplanned. The thought that most of our children will never swim among phosphorescent plankton at night, will never be startled by a salmon leaping, or a dolphin breaching is almost as sad as the thought that their children might not have the opportunity.
    [5] The remarkable collapse of children's engagement with nature - which is even faster than the collapse of the natural world - is recorded in Richard Louv's book Last Child in the Woods, and in a report published recently by the National Trust. Since the 1970s the area in which children may roam without supervision has decreased by almost 90%. In one generation the proportion of children regularly playing in wild places in the UK has fallen from more than half to fewer than one in 10. In the US, in just six years (1997-2003) children with particular outdoor hobbies fell by half. Eleven- to 15-year-olds in Britain now spend, on average, half their waking day in front of a screen.
    [6] There are several reasons for this collapse: parents' irrational fear of strangers and rational fear of traffic, the destruction of the fortifying lands where previous generations played, the quality of indoor entertainment, the structuring of children's time, the criminalisation of natural play. The great indoors, as a result, has become a far more dangerous place than the diminished world beyond.
    [7] The rise of obesity and asthma and the decline in cardio-respiratory fitness are well documented. Louv also links the indoor life to an increase in attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and other mental ill health. Research conducted at the University of Illinois suggests that playing among trees and grass is associated with a marked reduction in indications of ADHD, while playing indoors appears to increase them. The disorder, Louv suggests, "may be a set of symptoms aggravated by lack of exposure to nature". Perhaps it's the environment, not the child, that has gone wrong.
    [8] In her famous essay the Ecology of Imagination in Childhood, Edith Cobb proposed that contact with nature stimulates creativity. Reviewing the biographies of 300 "geniuses", she exposed a common theme: intense experiences of the natural world in the middle age of childhood (between five and 12). Animals and plants, she argued, are among "the figures of speech in the rhetoric of play... which the genius, in particular of later life, seems to remember".
    [9] Studies in several nations show that children's games are more creative in green places than in concrete playgrounds. Natural spaces encourage fantasy and roleplay, reasoning and observation. The social standing of children there depends less on physical dominance, more on inventiveness and language skills.
    [10] And here we meet the other great loss. Most of those I know who fight for nature are people who spent their childhoods immersed in it. Without a feel for the texture and function of the natural world, without an intensity of engagement almost impossible in the absence of early experience, people will not devote their lives to its protection.
    [11] Forest Schools, Outward Bound, Woodcraft Folk, the John Muir Award, the Campaign for Adventure, Natural Connections, family nature clubs and many others are trying to bring children and the natural world back together. But all of them are fighting forces which, if they cannot be changed, will deprive the living planet of the wonder and delight that for millennia have attracted children to the wilds.

(Adapted from: https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2012/nov/19/children-lose-contact-with-nature)

What’s the meaning of the word “engagement” in paragraph 5?

  • A questão requer que o candidato tenha um bom vocabulário, podendo também, pelo contexto identificar o significado da palavra "engagement", uma vez que algumas opções são palavras cognatas.
     Qual é o significado da palavra "engagement" (engajamento, envolvimento) no parágrafo 5?
    A) Argumento.
    B) Desacordo.
    C) Envolvimento.
    D) Decepção.
    E) Punição.
    The remarkable collapse of children's engagement with nature[...] 
    O notável colapso do envolvimento das crianças com a natureza[...]
     Gabarito do Professor: C
  • Involvement.= engagement

  • Seria a relação das crianças com a natureza vendo pelo o contexto do texto a palavra engagement

    a) Argument.

    Errada, nada a ver argumento com o relacionamento das crianças com a natureza

    b) Disagreement ( Desacordo)

    Errada, nada a ver com o texto e nem com a frase

    c) Involvement ( Envolvimento)

    Correta, perceba que relacionamento com a natureza e envolvimento tem uma correspodência

    d) Disappointment (Desapontamento)

    Errada, não mantém o contexto

    e) Punishment ( Punição)

    Errado, não fala de punição


Based on the text below, answer the six questions that follow it. The paragraphs of the text are numbered.

If children lose contact with nature they won't fight for it

    [1] According to recent research, even if the present rate of global decarbonisation were to double, we would still be on course for 6°C of warming by the end of the century. Limiting the rise to 2°C, which is the target of current policies, requires a six-time reduction in carbon intensity.
    [2] A new report shows that the UK has lost 20% of its breeding birds since 1966: once common species such as willow tits, lesser spotted woodpeckers and turtle doves have all but collapsed; even house sparrows have fallen by two thirds. Ash dieback is just one of many terrifying plant diseases, mostly spread by trade. They now threaten our oaks, pines and chestnuts.
    [3] While the surveys show that the great majority of people would like to see the living planet protected, few are prepared to take action. This, I think, reflects a second environmental crisis: the removal of children from the natural world. The young people we might have expected to lead the defence of nature have less and less to do with it.
    [4] We don't have to undervalue the indoor world, which has its own rich ecosystem, to lament children's disconnection from the outdoor world. But the experiences the two spheres offer are entirely different. There is no substitute for what takes place outdoors, mostly because the greatest joys of nature are unplanned. The thought that most of our children will never swim among phosphorescent plankton at night, will never be startled by a salmon leaping, or a dolphin breaching is almost as sad as the thought that their children might not have the opportunity.
    [5] The remarkable collapse of children's engagement with nature - which is even faster than the collapse of the natural world - is recorded in Richard Louv's book Last Child in the Woods, and in a report published recently by the National Trust. Since the 1970s the area in which children may roam without supervision has decreased by almost 90%. In one generation the proportion of children regularly playing in wild places in the UK has fallen from more than half to fewer than one in 10. In the US, in just six years (1997-2003) children with particular outdoor hobbies fell by half. Eleven- to 15-year-olds in Britain now spend, on average, half their waking day in front of a screen.
    [6] There are several reasons for this collapse: parents' irrational fear of strangers and rational fear of traffic, the destruction of the fortifying lands where previous generations played, the quality of indoor entertainment, the structuring of children's time, the criminalisation of natural play. The great indoors, as a result, has become a far more dangerous place than the diminished world beyond.
    [7] The rise of obesity and asthma and the decline in cardio-respiratory fitness are well documented. Louv also links the indoor life to an increase in attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and other mental ill health. Research conducted at the University of Illinois suggests that playing among trees and grass is associated with a marked reduction in indications of ADHD, while playing indoors appears to increase them. The disorder, Louv suggests, "may be a set of symptoms aggravated by lack of exposure to nature". Perhaps it's the environment, not the child, that has gone wrong.
    [8] In her famous essay the Ecology of Imagination in Childhood, Edith Cobb proposed that contact with nature stimulates creativity. Reviewing the biographies of 300 "geniuses", she exposed a common theme: intense experiences of the natural world in the middle age of childhood (between five and 12). Animals and plants, she argued, are among "the figures of speech in the rhetoric of play... which the genius, in particular of later life, seems to remember".
    [9] Studies in several nations show that children's games are more creative in green places than in concrete playgrounds. Natural spaces encourage fantasy and roleplay, reasoning and observation. The social standing of children there depends less on physical dominance, more on inventiveness and language skills.
    [10] And here we meet the other great loss. Most of those I know who fight for nature are people who spent their childhoods immersed in it. Without a feel for the texture and function of the natural world, without an intensity of engagement almost impossible in the absence of early experience, people will not devote their lives to its protection.
    [11] Forest Schools, Outward Bound, Woodcraft Folk, the John Muir Award, the Campaign for Adventure, Natural Connections, family nature clubs and many others are trying to bring children and the natural world back together. But all of them are fighting forces which, if they cannot be changed, will deprive the living planet of the wonder and delight that for millennia have attracted children to the wilds.

(Adapted from: https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2012/nov/19/children-lose-contact-with-nature)

According to the text, which option is correct?

  • A questão, também, requer o uso das estratégias de leitura.
    De acordo com o texto, qual a opção correta?
    A) Richard Louv acredita que há uma conexão entre o transtorno do déficit de atenção e hiperatividade (TDAH) e a vida em ambientes fechados. Correto. O autor acha que o transtorno se agrava se a criança tiver uma vida em ambientes fechados. No parágrafo 7 lemos: (Louv suggests, "may be a set of symptoms aggravated by lack of exposure to nature". Louv sugere que o transtorno "pode ser um conjunto de sintomas agravados pela falta de exposição à natureza".)
    B) Richard Louv acredita que o TDAH consiste em um conjunto de sintomas agravados pela exposição excessiva à natureza. Errado. Segundo o autor, é exatamente  o contrário. Ele acredita que seja pela falta (lack) de exposição à natureza, conforme parágrafo 7. (Louv suggests, "may be a set of symptoms aggravated by lack of exposure to nature". Louv sugere que o transtorno "pode ser um conjunto de sintomas agravados pela falta de exposição à natureza".)
    C) Richard Louv aponta que o TDAH é uma doença causada pelas condições físicas de uma criança. Errado. O autor não diz que é uma doença causada pelas condições físicas, conforme lemos no parágrafo 7.( Louv also links the indoor life to an increase in attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and other mental ill health. Louv também vincula a vida interior a um aumento no transtorno do déficit de atenção com hiperatividade e outros problemas de saúde mental.)
    D) Os sintomas do TDAH aumentam quando uma criança é submetida a muitas condições inesperadas no mundo natural.  Errado. O autor vê a remoção de crianças do mundo natural como algo que reflete uma segunda crise ambiental. (Research conducted at the University of Illinois suggests that playing among trees and grass is associated with a marked reduction in indications of ADHD, while playing indoors appears to increase them. Pesquisas realizadas na Universidade de Illinois sugerem que brincar entre árvores e grama está associado a uma redução acentuada nas indicações de TDAH,)
    E) Richard Louv sugere que se o meio-ambiente não está bom, consequentemente, os pais devem ter medo de expor seus filhos a ele. Errado. Ele acha que o ambiente que está errado, e não a criança. (Perhaps it's the environment, not the child, that has gone wrong. Talvez seja o ambiente, não a criança, que deu errado.)
    Gabarito do Professor: A


Based on the text below, answer the six questions that follow it. The paragraphs of the text are numbered.

If children lose contact with nature they won't fight for it

    [1] According to recent research, even if the present rate of global decarbonisation were to double, we would still be on course for 6°C of warming by the end of the century. Limiting the rise to 2°C, which is the target of current policies, requires a six-time reduction in carbon intensity.
    [2] A new report shows that the UK has lost 20% of its breeding birds since 1966: once common species such as willow tits, lesser spotted woodpeckers and turtle doves have all but collapsed; even house sparrows have fallen by two thirds. Ash dieback is just one of many terrifying plant diseases, mostly spread by trade. They now threaten our oaks, pines and chestnuts.
    [3] While the surveys show that the great majority of people would like to see the living planet protected, few are prepared to take action. This, I think, reflects a second environmental crisis: the removal of children from the natural world. The young people we might have expected to lead the defence of nature have less and less to do with it.
    [4] We don't have to undervalue the indoor world, which has its own rich ecosystem, to lament children's disconnection from the outdoor world. But the experiences the two spheres offer are entirely different. There is no substitute for what takes place outdoors, mostly because the greatest joys of nature are unplanned. The thought that most of our children will never swim among phosphorescent plankton at night, will never be startled by a salmon leaping, or a dolphin breaching is almost as sad as the thought that their children might not have the opportunity.
    [5] The remarkable collapse of children's engagement with nature - which is even faster than the collapse of the natural world - is recorded in Richard Louv's book Last Child in the Woods, and in a report published recently by the National Trust. Since the 1970s the area in which children may roam without supervision has decreased by almost 90%. In one generation the proportion of children regularly playing in wild places in the UK has fallen from more than half to fewer than one in 10. In the US, in just six years (1997-2003) children with particular outdoor hobbies fell by half. Eleven- to 15-year-olds in Britain now spend, on average, half their waking day in front of a screen.
    [6] There are several reasons for this collapse: parents' irrational fear of strangers and rational fear of traffic, the destruction of the fortifying lands where previous generations played, the quality of indoor entertainment, the structuring of children's time, the criminalisation of natural play. The great indoors, as a result, has become a far more dangerous place than the diminished world beyond.
    [7] The rise of obesity and asthma and the decline in cardio-respiratory fitness are well documented. Louv also links the indoor life to an increase in attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and other mental ill health. Research conducted at the University of Illinois suggests that playing among trees and grass is associated with a marked reduction in indications of ADHD, while playing indoors appears to increase them. The disorder, Louv suggests, "may be a set of symptoms aggravated by lack of exposure to nature". Perhaps it's the environment, not the child, that has gone wrong.
    [8] In her famous essay the Ecology of Imagination in Childhood, Edith Cobb proposed that contact with nature stimulates creativity. Reviewing the biographies of 300 "geniuses", she exposed a common theme: intense experiences of the natural world in the middle age of childhood (between five and 12). Animals and plants, she argued, are among "the figures of speech in the rhetoric of play... which the genius, in particular of later life, seems to remember".
    [9] Studies in several nations show that children's games are more creative in green places than in concrete playgrounds. Natural spaces encourage fantasy and roleplay, reasoning and observation. The social standing of children there depends less on physical dominance, more on inventiveness and language skills.
    [10] And here we meet the other great loss. Most of those I know who fight for nature are people who spent their childhoods immersed in it. Without a feel for the texture and function of the natural world, without an intensity of engagement almost impossible in the absence of early experience, people will not devote their lives to its protection.
    [11] Forest Schools, Outward Bound, Woodcraft Folk, the John Muir Award, the Campaign for Adventure, Natural Connections, family nature clubs and many others are trying to bring children and the natural world back together. But all of them are fighting forces which, if they cannot be changed, will deprive the living planet of the wonder and delight that for millennia have attracted children to the wilds.

(Adapted from: https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2012/nov/19/children-lose-contact-with-nature)

According to the text, which option is correct?

  • A dica para a resolução dessa questão, também, é o uso das estratégias "skimming" e "scanning". O candidato deve, também, focar no contexto, lembrando que um conhecimento prévio sobre os mais diversos assuntos pode ajudar muito. 
    De acordo com o texto, qual opção está correta?
    A) Edith Cobb propôs que o contato com a natureza estimula a criatividade porque muitos gênios apresentaram teorias a favor disso. A alternativa pode induzir  candidato ao erro, uma vez que a primeira parte está correta, conforme oitavo parágrafo, mas quando a autora menciona as biografias de 300 gênios, ela não fala sobre teorias apresentadas por eles. Edith Cobb proposed that contact with nature stimulates creativity. Reviewing the biographies of 300 "geniuses", she exposed a common theme: intense experiences of the natural world in the middle age of childhood[...] Edith Cobb propôs que o contato com a natureza estimula a criatividade. Revendo as biografias de 300 "gênios", ela expôs um tema comum: experiências intensas do mundo natural na meia idade da infância[...]
    B) A criatividade de muitos gênios levou-os a sugerir que crianças entre cinco e 12 anos deveriam entrar em contato com a natureza. Mais uma vez a alternativa usa palavras mencionadas no texto para confundir o candidato, uma vez que no texto, fala-se da criatividade que é estimulada pelo contato com a natureza. Edith Cobb proposed that contact with nature stimulates creativity. Reviewing the biographies of 300 "geniuses", she exposed a common theme: intense experiences of the natural world in the middle age of childhood[...] Edith Cobb propôs que o contato com a natureza estimula a criatividade. Revendo as biografias de 300 "gênios", ela expôs um tema comum: experiências intensas do mundo natural na meia idade da infância[...]
    C) A criatividade de muitos gênios parece ter sido influenciada por suas intensas experiências do mundo natural quando crianças. Essa alternativa está correta de acordo com o texto. Edith Cobb proposed that contact with nature stimulates creativity. Reviewing the biographies of 300 "geniuses", she exposed a common theme: intense experiences of the natural world in the middle age of childhood (between five and 12). Animals and plants, she argued, are among "the figures of speech in the rhetoric of play... which the genius, in particular of later life, seems to remember". Edith Cobb propôs que o contato com a natureza estimula a criatividade. Revendo as biografias de 300 "gênios", ela expôs um tema comum: experiências intensas do mundo natural na meia idade da infância (entre cinco e 12 anos). Animais e plantas, argumentou ela, estão entre "as figuras de linguagem na retórica da brincadeira ... das quais o gênio, em particular mais tarde na vida, parece se lembrar".
    D) Edith Cobb propôs que as biografias de muitos gênios deveriam conter informações sobre como sua criatividade foi melhorada. Conforme trecho traduzido na alternativa C, podemos inferir que não está correta a alternativa.
    E) Edith Cobb escreveu sobre o fato de que os gênios da vida adulta costumavam apresentar discursos em público. O oitavo parágrafo, o qual lemos o que Edith Cobb escreveu, já mencionado na alternativa C, não menciona o fato de que os gênios costumavam apresentar discursos em público.
    Gabarito do Professor: C  


Based on the text below, answer the six questions that follow it. The paragraphs of the text are numbered.

If children lose contact with nature they won't fight for it

    [1] According to recent research, even if the present rate of global decarbonisation were to double, we would still be on course for 6°C of warming by the end of the century. Limiting the rise to 2°C, which is the target of current policies, requires a six-time reduction in carbon intensity.
    [2] A new report shows that the UK has lost 20% of its breeding birds since 1966: once common species such as willow tits, lesser spotted woodpeckers and turtle doves have all but collapsed; even house sparrows have fallen by two thirds. Ash dieback is just one of many terrifying plant diseases, mostly spread by trade. They now threaten our oaks, pines and chestnuts.
    [3] While the surveys show that the great majority of people would like to see the living planet protected, few are prepared to take action. This, I think, reflects a second environmental crisis: the removal of children from the natural world. The young people we might have expected to lead the defence of nature have less and less to do with it.
    [4] We don't have to undervalue the indoor world, which has its own rich ecosystem, to lament children's disconnection from the outdoor world. But the experiences the two spheres offer are entirely different. There is no substitute for what takes place outdoors, mostly because the greatest joys of nature are unplanned. The thought that most of our children will never swim among phosphorescent plankton at night, will never be startled by a salmon leaping, or a dolphin breaching is almost as sad as the thought that their children might not have the opportunity.
    [5] The remarkable collapse of children's engagement with nature - which is even faster than the collapse of the natural world - is recorded in Richard Louv's book Last Child in the Woods, and in a report published recently by the National Trust. Since the 1970s the area in which children may roam without supervision has decreased by almost 90%. In one generation the proportion of children regularly playing in wild places in the UK has fallen from more than half to fewer than one in 10. In the US, in just six years (1997-2003) children with particular outdoor hobbies fell by half. Eleven- to 15-year-olds in Britain now spend, on average, half their waking day in front of a screen.
    [6] There are several reasons for this collapse: parents' irrational fear of strangers and rational fear of traffic, the destruction of the fortifying lands where previous generations played, the quality of indoor entertainment, the structuring of children's time, the criminalisation of natural play. The great indoors, as a result, has become a far more dangerous place than the diminished world beyond.
    [7] The rise of obesity and asthma and the decline in cardio-respiratory fitness are well documented. Louv also links the indoor life to an increase in attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and other mental ill health. Research conducted at the University of Illinois suggests that playing among trees and grass is associated with a marked reduction in indications of ADHD, while playing indoors appears to increase them. The disorder, Louv suggests, "may be a set of symptoms aggravated by lack of exposure to nature". Perhaps it's the environment, not the child, that has gone wrong.
    [8] In her famous essay the Ecology of Imagination in Childhood, Edith Cobb proposed that contact with nature stimulates creativity. Reviewing the biographies of 300 "geniuses", she exposed a common theme: intense experiences of the natural world in the middle age of childhood (between five and 12). Animals and plants, she argued, are among "the figures of speech in the rhetoric of play... which the genius, in particular of later life, seems to remember".
    [9] Studies in several nations show that children's games are more creative in green places than in concrete playgrounds. Natural spaces encourage fantasy and roleplay, reasoning and observation. The social standing of children there depends less on physical dominance, more on inventiveness and language skills.
    [10] And here we meet the other great loss. Most of those I know who fight for nature are people who spent their childhoods immersed in it. Without a feel for the texture and function of the natural world, without an intensity of engagement almost impossible in the absence of early experience, people will not devote their lives to its protection.
    [11] Forest Schools, Outward Bound, Woodcraft Folk, the John Muir Award, the Campaign for Adventure, Natural Connections, family nature clubs and many others are trying to bring children and the natural world back together. But all of them are fighting forces which, if they cannot be changed, will deprive the living planet of the wonder and delight that for millennia have attracted children to the wilds.

(Adapted from: https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2012/nov/19/children-lose-contact-with-nature)

In paragraph 9, the word "there” refers to

  • A questão requer que o candidato encontre a que se refere o advérbio "there" na frase. Dessa forma, faz-se necessário traduzir o trecho.
    No parágrafo 9, a palavra "there" refere-se a
    A) posição social.
    B) parques de concreto.
    C) nações.
    D) estudos.
    E) espaços naturais.
     Natural spaces encourage fantasy and roleplay, reasoning and observation. The social standing of children there depends [...]
     Tradução: Os espaços naturais incentivam a fantasia e a interpretação, o raciocínio e a observação. A posição social das crianças lá (nos espaços naturais) depende menos[...]
    O advérbio "there" refere-se aos espaços naturais (natural spaces).

    Gabarito do Professor: E
  • (E)

    Natural spaces encourage fantasy and roleplay, reasoning and observation. The social standing of children there depends [...]


    Tradução----> Os espaços naturais incentivam a fantasia e a interpretação, o raciocínio e a observação. A posição social das crianças lá (nos espaços naturais) depende menos[...]

    O advérbio "there" refere-se aos espaços naturais (natural spaces).


Based on the text below, answer the six questions that follow it. The paragraphs of the text are numbered.

If children lose contact with nature they won't fight for it

    [1] According to recent research, even if the present rate of global decarbonisation were to double, we would still be on course for 6°C of warming by the end of the century. Limiting the rise to 2°C, which is the target of current policies, requires a six-time reduction in carbon intensity.
    [2] A new report shows that the UK has lost 20% of its breeding birds since 1966: once common species such as willow tits, lesser spotted woodpeckers and turtle doves have all but collapsed; even house sparrows have fallen by two thirds. Ash dieback is just one of many terrifying plant diseases, mostly spread by trade. They now threaten our oaks, pines and chestnuts.
    [3] While the surveys show that the great majority of people would like to see the living planet protected, few are prepared to take action. This, I think, reflects a second environmental crisis: the removal of children from the natural world. The young people we might have expected to lead the defence of nature have less and less to do with it.
    [4] We don't have to undervalue the indoor world, which has its own rich ecosystem, to lament children's disconnection from the outdoor world. But the experiences the two spheres offer are entirely different. There is no substitute for what takes place outdoors, mostly because the greatest joys of nature are unplanned. The thought that most of our children will never swim among phosphorescent plankton at night, will never be startled by a salmon leaping, or a dolphin breaching is almost as sad as the thought that their children might not have the opportunity.
    [5] The remarkable collapse of children's engagement with nature - which is even faster than the collapse of the natural world - is recorded in Richard Louv's book Last Child in the Woods, and in a report published recently by the National Trust. Since the 1970s the area in which children may roam without supervision has decreased by almost 90%. In one generation the proportion of children regularly playing in wild places in the UK has fallen from more than half to fewer than one in 10. In the US, in just six years (1997-2003) children with particular outdoor hobbies fell by half. Eleven- to 15-year-olds in Britain now spend, on average, half their waking day in front of a screen.
    [6] There are several reasons for this collapse: parents' irrational fear of strangers and rational fear of traffic, the destruction of the fortifying lands where previous generations played, the quality of indoor entertainment, the structuring of children's time, the criminalisation of natural play. The great indoors, as a result, has become a far more dangerous place than the diminished world beyond.
    [7] The rise of obesity and asthma and the decline in cardio-respiratory fitness are well documented. Louv also links the indoor life to an increase in attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and other mental ill health. Research conducted at the University of Illinois suggests that playing among trees and grass is associated with a marked reduction in indications of ADHD, while playing indoors appears to increase them. The disorder, Louv suggests, "may be a set of symptoms aggravated by lack of exposure to nature". Perhaps it's the environment, not the child, that has gone wrong.
    [8] In her famous essay the Ecology of Imagination in Childhood, Edith Cobb proposed that contact with nature stimulates creativity. Reviewing the biographies of 300 "geniuses", she exposed a common theme: intense experiences of the natural world in the middle age of childhood (between five and 12). Animals and plants, she argued, are among "the figures of speech in the rhetoric of play... which the genius, in particular of later life, seems to remember".
    [9] Studies in several nations show that children's games are more creative in green places than in concrete playgrounds. Natural spaces encourage fantasy and roleplay, reasoning and observation. The social standing of children there depends less on physical dominance, more on inventiveness and language skills.
    [10] And here we meet the other great loss. Most of those I know who fight for nature are people who spent their childhoods immersed in it. Without a feel for the texture and function of the natural world, without an intensity of engagement almost impossible in the absence of early experience, people will not devote their lives to its protection.
    [11] Forest Schools, Outward Bound, Woodcraft Folk, the John Muir Award, the Campaign for Adventure, Natural Connections, family nature clubs and many others are trying to bring children and the natural world back together. But all of them are fighting forces which, if they cannot be changed, will deprive the living planet of the wonder and delight that for millennia have attracted children to the wilds.

(Adapted from: https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2012/nov/19/children-lose-contact-with-nature)

According to the text, which option is correct?

  • De acordo com o texto, qual opção está correta?
    A) Subestimar o mundo interno seria uma solução para o problema da desconexão das crianças da natureza. Conforme quarto parágrafo, a alternativa está errada. We don't have to undervalue the indoor world, which has its own rich ecosystem, to lament children's disconnection from the outdoor world. Não precisamos subestimar o mundo interno, que possui seu próprio ecossistema rico, para lamentar a desconexão das crianças do mundo externo.
    B) Subestimar o mundo interno enfatizaria o fato de que existem duas esferas que são completamente diferentes. Ainda no quarto parágrafo lemos que não precisamos subestimar o mundo interno e ele não enfatiza a existência de duas esferas diferentes. We don't have to undervalue the indoor world, which has its own rich ecosystem, to lament children's disconnection from the outdoor world. But the experiences the two spheres offer are entirely different. Não precisamos subestimar o mundo interno, que possui seu próprio ecossistema rico, para lamentar a desconexão das crianças do mundo externo. Mas as experiências que as duas esferas oferecem são totalmente diferentes. 
    C) Não há nada que possa substituir estar em contato com a natureza, porque as maiores alegrias da natureza não são planejadas. É exatamente isso que está escrito no parágrafo. There is no substitute for what takes place outdoors, mostly because the greatest joys of nature are unplanned. Não há nada que possa substituir o que acontece ao ar livre, principalmente porque as maiores alegrias da natureza não são planejadas. 
    D) Não há nada que possa substituir o que acontece ao ar livre porque as crianças nunca nadam entre o plâncton fosforescente à noite.  Errado. O trecho diz que nada substitui a vida ao ar livre, mas não fala que crianças nadam entre o plâncton fosforescente à noite.  There is no substitute for what takes place outdoors, mostly because the greatest joys of nature are unplanned. The thought that most of our children will never swim among phosphorescent plankton at night, will never be startled by a salmon leaping, [...] Não há nada que substitua o que acontece ao ar livre, principalmente porque as maiores alegrias da natureza não são planejadas. O pensamento de que a maioria de nossos filhos nunca nadará entre plâncton fosforescente à noite, nunca será surpreendido por um salto de salmão, [...]
    E) O pensamento de que os filhos de nossos filhos talvez não tenham a oportunidade de apreciar a natureza foi superestimado por décadas. Errado.  The thought that most of our children will never swim among phosphorescent plankton at night, will never be startled by a salmon leaping, or a dolphin breaching is almost as sad as the thought that their children might not have the opportunity. O pensamento de que a maioria de nossos filhos nunca nadará entre plâncton fosforescente à noite, nunca será surpreendido por um salto de salmão, ou um rompimento de golfinhos é quase tão triste quanto o pensamento de que seus filhos talvez não tenham a oportunidade.
     Gabarito do Professor: C
  •   [4] We don't have to undervalue the indoor world, which has its own rich ecosystem, to lament children's disconnection from the outdoor world. But the experiences the two spheres offer are entirely different. There is no substitute for what takes place outdoors, mostly because the greatest joys of nature are unplanned. The thought that most of our children will never swim among phosphorescent plankton at night, will never be startled by a salmon leaping, or a dolphin breaching is almost as sad as the thought that their children might not have the opportunity.

    Alternativa C


Which is the correct option to complete the paragraph below?

The power of a thank-you note

Thank-you notes might seem old-fashioned ________ there's plenty of value to be found in the tradition. ________ a study by Accountemps, just 24% of job applicants send thank-you notes after interviews - ________ 80% of hiring managers who receive them say they are useful in evaluating the potential of applicants. Proponents of thank-you notes say they are an inexpensive way to strengthen a relationship ________ show the applicant cares about the job.

(Adapted from https://www.linkedin.com)

  • A questão requer conhecimentos de alguns conectivos (linking words). but (mas), according to (de acordo com), and (e), because of, (por causa de), because (porque), so (então), in addition (além do mais)

    Thank-you notes might seem old-fashioned but there's plenty of value to be found in the tradition.
    According to a study by Accountemps, just 24% of job applicants send thank-you notes after interviews - but 80% of hiring managers who receive them say they are useful in evaluating the potential of applicants. Proponents of thank-you notes say they are an inexpensive way to strengthen a relationship and show the applicant cares about the job.
    As notas de agradecimento podem parecer antiquadas, mas há muito valor na tradição. De acordo com um estudo da Accountemps, apenas 24% dos candidatos a empregos enviam notas de agradecimento após as entrevistas - mas 80% dos gerentes de contratação que as recebem dizem que são úteis na avaliação do potencial dos candidatos. Os defensores das notas de agradecimento dizem que são uma maneira barata de fortalecer um relacionamento e mostrar que o candidato se preocupa com o trabalho.
    Para completar as lacunas, usamos os conectivos: but (mas), according to (de acordo com), and (e)

    Gabarito do Professor: A


Which option completes the dialogue below correctly?

John: What’s the matter?
Mary: My notebook isn’t working properly. I must call the technician and________ immediately.

  • Presente simples o "i" diz como o verbo ter deve ficar : no caso "have"

    obs na terceira pessoa fica has

  • A questão é sobre uma construção que usamos, as vezes, de forma errada na fala informal.
     Dê uma olhada nessas duas frases. Qual é a diferença de significado entre elas?
    "I cut my hair." "Eu cortei meu cabelo."
    "I had my hair cut." "Eu tive meu cabelo cortado."
    "I cut my hair"  significa que eu mesma cortei meu cabelo.
    "I had my hair cut" significa que alguém cortou meu cabelo para mim.
    Nós usamos  "have something done" quando temos uma outra pessoa que presta um serviço para nós.
    Qual opção completa o diálogo abaixo corretamente?
    John: Qual é o problema?
    Maria: Meu notebook não está funcionando corretamente. Devo ligar para o técnico consertá-lo imediatamente.
     Nesse caso, também, teremos alguém para consertar meu notebook. Usaremos a mesma construção: "have something done", ou seja: "have my notebook fixed". 
    Mary: My notebook isn't working properly. I must call the technician and have it fixed immediately. 
    Gabarito do Professor: B


Which option completes the paragraph below correctly?

    A lawyer I worked ________ told me he was impressed because i wasn't afraid________ anything. I had no idea what he was talking ________. I'm scared ________ everything.

(Adapted from www.hrexaminer.com)

  • A questão requer conhecimento de preposições. Lembrando que as (prepositions) são palavras importantes na construção de uma frase, uma vez que elas se ligam a outros elementos, precedendo-os (substantivos, pronomes ou gerúndios) para indicar noções de lugar, direção, tempo entre outras funções. 
    Há uma outra situação em que alguns verbos e adjetivos são acompanhados por preposições. Verbo + Preposição: listen to; look at; believe in; talk about; wait for, etc. Adjetivo + Preposição: afraid of, angry at, scared of, etc.
    Na sentença abaixo, as preposições que completam o parágrafo são: with / of / about / of 
    A lawyer I worked with told me he was impressed because I wasn't afraid of anything. I had no idea what he was talking about. I'm scared of everything. 
    Um advogado com quem trabalhei me disse que estava impressionado porque eu não tinha medo de nada. Eu não tinha ideia do que ele estava falando. Eu tenho medo de tudo.
     Gabarito do Professor: C
  • Gabarito: Charlie

    A lawyer (that) I worked ________ 

    Se tu não sabes o que é Lawyer, pensa que é alguém.

    Alguém (que) eu trabalhei ____ ( com as opções você observa que não pode ser AT, pois não faria o menor sentido, ficaria mais completo sendo com)

    Alguém que eu trabalhei com=with


    afraid________ anything.

    Afraid é medo, quem tem medo tem medo "de" algo, "for" não é "de".


    he was talking ________.

    Pelo contexto você entende que ele não entendia sobre o que ele estava falando.

    Sendo mais adequado usar o about.

    Descarta A


Which word best completes the question below?

How________ do YOU look at your phone?

The average user now picks up their device more than 1,500 times a week.


  • A questão requer que o candidato saiba o significado das  WH questions. Aqui estão algumas delas: who (quem), where (onde), why (por que), what (o quê, qual), which (o quê, qual), when (quando),  how (como), how often (com que frequência, quantas vezes), how far (quão longe, qual distância), how old ( quantos anos), how high (quão alto), how many (quantos), how much (quanto) 
    Observe que algumas não começam com WH, que é o caso das alternativas da questão mas, ainda assim elas se enquadram na categoria de WH questions.
    Para completar a pergunta, veremos a resposta primeiro. 
    The average user now picks up their device more than 1,500 times a week.
    O usuário médio pega seu dispositivo mais de 1.500 vezes por semana.
    Portanto, usaremos "quantas vezes" (how often) "How often do you look at your phone?" Quantas vezes(ou com que frequência) você olha para o seu telefone?
    Portanto, a a alternativa que completa a lacuna é D (often).

    Gabarito do Professor: D
  • há exceção , se o adjunto adverbial for curto a vírgula será facultativa

    EX: "hoje", ficarei em casa ou (hoje ficarei em casa) as duas orações estão corretas

  • há exceção , se o adjunto adverbial for curto a vírgula será facultativa

    EX: "hoje", ficarei em casa ou (hoje ficarei em casa) as duas orações estão corretas


Which option completes the text below correctly?

Tips for a Healthy Diet

    You ________ eat vegetables every day. Vegetables contain essential vitamins and substances that are very important for your organism.
    You ________ only eat what you like to eat because to stay healthy you also need to eat what your organism needs you to eat.

(Adapted from https://nexter.org/top-5-tips-for-a-healthy-diet)

  • No primeiro espaço deve-se ter em mente a leitura e compreensão do texto, somente sabendo interpretar você pode descartar as negações, pois para uma dieta boa você Deve(Should) comer vegetais.

    No segundo espaço é somente interpretar, que Não se deve(Shouldn't) comer o que você gosta, pois para ser saudável você deve comer o que seu organismo precisa.

    Espero ter ajudado!

  • GAB:D

  • Nessa questão, precisamos saber um pouco de alguns  Modal verbs.
    Temos aqui o "can" e o "should"
    Modal verbs é uma classe especial de verbos auxiliares que possuem características próprias e não seguem algumas regras de gramática comuns para outros verbos.
    O verbo "can" é usado para permissão e habilidade. Ex: Can I use your cellphone? Posso usar seu celular?  /  Can you play the piano? Você sabe tocar piano? A negativa do verbo é cannot, pode ser contraída para can't:
    O verbo "should" (deve, deveria) é usado para dar conselhos e sugestões. Ex: You're tired. You should go to bed.  Você está cansado. Deveria ir para a cama.
    Na questão usaremos o verbo com a função e sugestão
    Tips for a Healthy Diet
        You should eat vegetables every day. Vegetables contain essential vitamins and substances that are very important for your organism.
        You shouldn't only eat what you like to eat because to stay healthy you also need to eat what your organism needs you to eat.
    Dicas para uma dieta saudável
         Você deve comer vegetais todos os dias. Os vegetais contêm vitaminas e substâncias essenciais que são muito importantes para o seu organismo.
         Você não deve apenas comer o que gosta de comer, porque, para se manter saudável, também precisa comer o que seu organismo precisa que você coma.
     Gabarito do Professor: D
  • should- ought to -- expressam conselho, advertencia, obrigaçao ou expectativa


Mark the sentence that is correct.

  •  O candidato, nessa questão, deve ter conhecimento das condicionais (If clauses).

    Vamos ver a formação de cada uma e um exemplo.

    Zero conditional  -   é formada por duas sentenças, geralmente ligadas pelo “if" e as duas orações com os verbos no presente. If the milk boils, it spills. Se o leite ferver, derrama.

     First conditional - formada com if + verbo no presente, ...futuro com (will ou going to) ou, também, com os modais (may, can) Ex: If you don't make the laundry, you'll be in trouble.  Se você não lavar a roupa, estará encrencado. If your notebook doesn't work, you can buy a new one. Se o seu notebook não funcionar, você poderá comprar outro. 
    Second conditional - formada com if + verbo no passado, ...conditional (would) ou, também, com os modais (might, could, should) Ex: If I were you, I would go to that party. Se eu fosse você, iria naquela festa. If she had more money, she could buy a fancy car.  Se ela tivesse mais dinheiro, poderia comprar um carro chique. 

    Third conditional - formada com if + verbo no passado perfeito, ...conditional perfect. Ex: If I had bought that camera, we would have taken a lot of pictures. Se eu tivesse comprado aquela câmera, nós teríamos tirado muitas fotos.
    As alternativas A, B e C estariam corretas da seguinte forma: Segunda condicional- If your computer didn't have Bluetooth support, you could buy a cheap Bluetooth adapter.

    A alternativa E estaria correta se estivesse como a D: Primeira condicional If your computer doesn't have Bluetooth support, you can buy a cheap Bluetooth adapter. 

    Gabarito do Professor: D


Which option completes the paragraph below correctly?

After a particularly long week in Shanghai and Beijing, several of u s ________ on a United flight direct to Chicago on a late Friday afternoon. We ________ at the airport only to find out the company________ the flight right before takeoff.

(Adapted from https://www.linkedin.com/pulse)

  • As lacunas devem ser preenchidas com o tempo verbal correto.

    Temos primeiro o verbo to be no Simple past (was, were). É necessário  lembrar que "was" usamos para (I, he, she, it). E "were" para (we, you, they)
    No trecho: After a particularly long week in Shanghai and Beijing, several of us were on a United flight direct to Chicago on a late Friday afternoon. Depois de uma semana particularmente longa em Xangai e Pequim, vários de nós estávamos em um voo da United direto para Chicago no final da tarde de sexta-feira. Several of us (vários de nós) temos que usar "were"
    No outro trecho, percebemos que foi mencionado um tempo "on a late Friday afternoon" (no final da tarde de sexta-feira), portanto, teremos que usar o verbo no  Simple past ( arrived).
    E por último, teremos que usar o Past perfect para a ação que já tinha acontecido quando chegamos (arrived) no aeroporto. 
    We arrived at the airport only to find out the company had canceled the flight right before takeoff. Chegamos (arrived) ao aeroporto apenas para descobrir que a empresa tinha cancelado (had canceled) o voo antes da decolagem.
    Gabarito do Professor: E 


Mark the correct option to complete the paragraph below.

The doctor ________ Peggy if she ________ the blood pressure pill. Peggy________ to the doctor that she _________ taking it several weeks before. The doctor ________ Peggy ________ taking the medicine again.

(Adapted from McAslan, Mary Sue. Read the Prescription Label. Balboa Press, 2012, p. 150-151)

  • Para completar as lacunas com os verbos corretos, faz-se necessário traduzir o texto para encontrar o verbo que melhor se encaixa. 
    O médico perguntou a Peggy se ela estava tomando a pílula da pressão arterial. Peggy admitiu ao médico que havia parado de tomá-lo várias semanas antes. O médico disse a Peggy para começar a tomar o medicamento novamente.
    The doctor asked Peggy if she was taking the blood pressure pill. Peggy admitted to the doctor that she had stopped taking it several weeks before. The doctor told Peggy to start taking the medicine again.
    Devemos lembrar que quando usamos o verbo "said", temos logo em seguida o que a pessoa disse. E quando usamos o "told" nós temos um pronome objetivo [me, him, her, us ....]. Isso significa que com o verbo "told" sempre indicaremos para quem algo foi falado. Examples: She said she was tired. (Ela disse que estava cansada.) She told me she was tired. (Ela me disse que estava cansada.)
    Dessa forma, temos a sequência de verbos: asked / was taking / admitted / had stopped / told / to start  

    Gabarito do Professor: D


Which option completes the tips below correctly?


- ______ way to lead is to lead by example. A good leader tells you how it’s done, a great one shows you how.

- As a leader,________ thing that you can give your team members is your time. A lot of them will go through a bad phase or will be clueless about what to do. At those times, they need to know you are there.

- People will look up to you. At times, even for things in which they are fa r________ than you. You don’t have to take their decisions, just provide them your confidence so that they can take their decisions.

((Abridged from: https://yourstory.com/mystory/4b6ce51011-85-things-ilearned-being-a-ceo)

  • As duas primeiras lacunas são superlativas. (A melhor, A maior); The best / The biggest ; respectivamente.

    Repare que na última a construção se inicia com "Estão longe ____ que você".

    Só pode ser comparativa, pois superlativa você não precisa do "que"


    Eu sou o mais bonito - Grau superlativo relativo de superioridade

    Eu sou mais bonito que você - Grau comparativo de superioridade

  • A questão requer que o candidato saiba empregar corretamente o comparativo e superlativo.

    ______ way to lead is to lead by example. A good leader tells you how it's done, a great one shows you how. As a leader,________ thing that you can give your team members is your time. A lot of them will go through a bad phase or will be clueless about what to do. At those times, they need to know you are there. People will look up to you. At times, even for things in which they are far more skilled than you. You don't have to take their decisions, just provide them your confidence so that they can take their decisions.
    Na primeira lacuna, pede-se um superlativo. "A melhor maneira de liderar... (The best way to lead...)"
    Na segunda lacuna, também, faz-se necessário o uso de um superlativo." Como líder, a maior coisa que você pode dar aos membros da sua equipe é o seu tempo. As a leader, the biggest thing that you can give your team members is your time."
    Na terceira lacuna, usaremos o comparativo, uma vez que estamos comparando quem é mais habilidoso do que o outro. (People will look up to you. At times, even for things in which they are far more skilled than you. As pessoas vão admirar você. Às vezes, mesmo para coisas nas quais eles são muito mais habilidosos que você.)
    Gabarito do Professor: D
  •  even for things in which they are fa r________ than you. ESSE THAN, SO ACEITA FORMA COMPARATIVA


  • MATEI SÓ PELO THAN depois do adj

  • Bizu(lacuna+ than)se usa comparativo

    Letra D

  • Comparativo de Igualdade dos Adjetivos

    Estrutura => Substantivo 1 (sujeito) + verbo + as + adjetivo as + substantivo 2 (objeto)

    The dog as big as lion

    Nessa questão o adjetivo é low

    Superlativo de Superioridade dos Adjetivos

    Estrutura => Substantivo + verbo + artigo THE + adjetivo no superlativo

    cr7 is the most famous soccer player

    messi is the smallest soccer player

    Adjetivo da questão é high, adjetivo curto ou seja, acrescenta-se sufixo -est

    Logo, highest

    O comparativo tem a função de expressar uma característica ou qualidade de um substantivo, comparando-o com outro

    Exemplo:Sally is stronger than bob . (Sally é mais forte do que Bob.)


Analyze these sentences.

I - Sheriff Grady Judd decided to do something to cheer up young Daylin.
II - He came to Daylin's house to bringing him a brand new bike and a helmet.
III - Daylin thanked the man while he worked to making sure the helmet fit.
IV - Daylin will be able to ride the bike after he finishes his medical treatment.
V - Sheriff Grady Judd hopes this bike will help him enjoy to be a kid again.

(Adapted from https://edition.cnn.com)

Choose the correct option.

  • A questão requer a análise das seguintes sentenças:

    I- Sheriff Grady Judd decided to do something to cheer up young Daylin. A sentença está gramaticalmente correta. (O xerife Grady Judd decidiu fazer algo para animar o jovem Daylin.) 
    II - He came to Daylin's house to bringing him a brand new bike and a helmet. Nessa sentença, o verbo "to bringing"  está sendo usado de forma incorreta, uma vez que "to" não é uma preposição, logo não temos que usar o gerúndio. Nesse caso "to" é a partícula para se formar o infinitivo: "to bring". He came to Daylin's house to bring him a brand new bike and a helmet.(Ele veio à casa de Daylin para lhe trazer uma bicicleta nova e um capacete.)
    III - Daylin thanked the man while he worked to making sure the helmet fit. Da mesma forma explicada acima, a partícula "to" em (to making), é para formar o infinitivo (to make), não o gerúndio. Além disso, ficaria correto se usássemos o present continuous após "while" (he was working). Mais um erro na sentença, foi o uso do verbo "fit'. Estamos falando de helmet (it), portanto, teremos que usar "fits". Ficaria sim:  Daylin thanked the man while he was working to make sure the helmet fits. Daylin agradeceu ao homem enquanto estava trabalhando para garantir o encaixe do capacete.
    IV - Daylin will be able to ride the bike after he finishes his medical treatment. A sentença está gramaticalmente correta.(Daylin poderá andar de bicicleta depois que terminar o tratamento médico.)
    V - Sheriff Grady Judd hopes this bike will help him enjoy to be a kid again. O verbo que vem depois de "enjoy" deve estar no gerúndio. "Enjoy being". Sheriff Grady Judd hopes this bike will help him enjoy being a kid again. (O xerife Grady Judd espera que esta bicicleta o ajude a gostar de ser criança novamente.)
     Gabarito do Professor: B


Which of the options completes the text below correctly?

I got into________ accident on my bike

If you have experienced ________ crash on your Citi Bike and are injured, call 911 immediately. You should also call ________ police department w here_________ crash took place and file ________ report w ith __________officer to make sure that all important information is documented.

(Adapted from https://help.citibikenyc.com)

  • Em "call THE police" você mata a questão.

    I got into an accident on my bike

    an --> proximo de vogal ou som de vogal

    If you have experienced a crash

    a --> próximo de consoantes.

    Por aí vai. Além do mais, interprete se quem é tratado na frase é DEFINIDO ou INDEFINIDO !


    Se quiser mais explicações, pode chamar.

  • @josé fábio,na verdade está departamento de polícia , realmente é (O) departamento de polícia,fiquei na dúvida se poderia utilizar o the ou nao item a e item b,pq, não se pode utilizar o the antes de pronomes possessivos,substantivos próprios e dias da semana,porém tem alguma exceções.

  • A questão requer o uso dos artigos indefinidos "a" e "an" e do definido "the". 
    I got into an accident on my bike (usamos "an" antes de palavras com som de vogal.) Ex: an apple, an indian
    If you have experienced a crash on your Citi Bike and are injured, call 911 immediately. (usamos "a" antes de palavras com som de consoante) Ex: a book, a chair
    You should also call the police department where the crash took place and file a report with an officer to make sure that all important information is documented. (O uso dos artigos "the" nesse trecho, fez-se necessário por se tratar de algo específico.) 

    Eu sofri um acidente na minha bicicleta
    Se você sofreu um acidente na sua Citi Bike e se machucou, ligue para o 911 imediatamente. Você também deve ligar para o departamento de polícia onde ocorreu o acidente e registrar um relatório com um policial para garantir que todas as informações importantes sejam documentadas.
     *Citi Bike  é um sistema público de compartilhamento de bicicletas de propriedade privada, que atende os bairros de Nova York, Manhattan, Queens e Brooklyn, além de Jersey City, Nova Jersey.
    Gabarito do Professor: A
  • papo reto

    se a palavra for repetida, THE obrigatorio


Mark the correct option to complete the text below.

When Debbie Carr collapsed unconscious on the floor after an epileptic fit, ________ son might easily have panicked. But the youngster showed the kind of coolness in a crisis - and conversational skill - that was way beyond ________ years.
________ picked up the phone, dialled 999 and gave the operator ________ full name, _________ mother's name and the number of the house and the street where ________, lived. An ambulance was duly dispatched to Whinfield Terrace in Rowlands Gill, near Gateshead, Tyne and Wear.
The operator kept ________ on the line until for around half an hour, awaiting the arrival of the ambulance.

(Adapted from: <https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-21322/The-boy-saved-mothers-life.html>)

  • her / his / He / his / his / they / him

  • Nessa questão sobre subjective pronouns, objective pronouns, possessive adjective, possessive pronouns, o candidato deve traduzir os trechos e colocar os pronomes corretos.

    Lembrando que os Possessive adjectives  aparecem sempre acompanhados de substantivos. Ex: My car is new. (Meu carro é novo.)
    Os Possessive Pronouns nunca são usados antes de substantivo, pois sua função é substituí-lo a fim de evitar repetição.  Ex: My car is green. Hers is blue. (Meu carro é verde. O dela é azul.)
    Os Objective pronouns funcionam como objeto do verbo ou da preposição em uma oração. Os pronomes objetos são utilizados para substituir nomes de pessoas, animais ou coisas, que têm função de objetos diretos ou indiretos na frase. Ex: I love my children. I love them. (Eu amo meus filhos. Eu os amo.)
    Os Subjective pronouns são os pronomes que indicam o sujeito da ação verbal. Ex: She loves hanging out with her friends. (Ela adora sair com seus amigos.)
    Vamos então Usá-los no texto.
    When Debbie Carr collapsed unconscious on the floor after an epileptic fit, her son might easily have panicked. But the youngster showed the kind of coolness in a crisis - and conversational skill - that was way beyond his years. He picked up the phone, dialed 999 and gave the operator his full name, his mother's name and the number of the house and the street where they lived. An ambulance was duly dispatched to Whinfield Terrace in Rowlands Gill, near Gateshead, Tyne and Wear. The operator kept him on the line until for around half an hour, awaiting the arrival of the ambulance.
    Quando Debbie Carr desmaiou no chão após um ataque epilético, seu filho poderia ter entrado em pânico facilmente. Mas o jovem mostrou o tipo de calma em uma crise - e habilidade para conversar - que estava muito além da sua idade. Ele pegou o telefone, discou o número 999 e deu à operadora o nome completo, o nome da mãe e o número da casa e da rua onde moravam. Uma ambulância foi devidamente despachada para Whinfield Terrace em Rowlands Gill, perto de Gateshead, Tyne e Wear. O operador manteve-o na linha por cerca de meia hora, aguardando a chegada da ambulância.
    Gabarito do Professor: E
  • Pra quem ficou em dúvida entre "her" e "hers" no primeiro espaço:

    Deve-se usar "her" pois se trata de um possessive adjective, que modifica o substantivo "son"




  • Corto as certas chega na hora de acertar eu erro


Which is the correct option to complete the text below?

All 12 members of the Wild Boar soccer team and their coach ________ after more than two weeks trapped inside a cave in Thailand. The rescue mission was complicated. Here's how it went down.

First, experts ________ to teach the boys how to use scuba gear. During the hours-long trip out of the cave, each boy ________ underwater by two divers. The boys and their escorts ________ to squeeze through a narrow, flooded channel. Having completed that narrow section, the boys ________ to separate, specialist rescue teams, who _________ them through the remainder of the cave.

(Adapted from: https://edition.cnn.com/asia/live-news/thai-cave-rescue-live-intl/index.htmI)

  • A questão requer o uso da voz passiva (passive voice) na maioria das lacunas.  Ela é utilizada quando se busca enfatizar, em uma oração, o receptor da ação, isto é, o objeto da voz ativa.
    Active voice (sujeito  + verbo + objeto) Ex: She wrote the letter. (Ele escreveu a carta.) 
    Passive voice (sujeito + verbo auxiliar to be + verbo principal no particípio passado) Ex: The letter was written by her. (A carta foi escrita por ela)
    Para completar as lacunas, é necessário traduzir os trechos e buscar o verbo que melhor se encaixa.
    All 12 members of the Wild Boar soccer team and their coach were rescued after more than two weeks trapped inside a cave in Thailand. The rescue mission was complicated. Here's how it went down. First, experts were sent in to teach the boys how to use scuba gear. During the hours-long trip out of the cave, each boy was accompanied underwater by two divers. The boys and their escorts were required to squeeze through a narrow, flooded channel. Having completed that narrow section, the boys were handed over to separate, specialist rescue teams, who helped them through the remainder of the cave.
    Todos os 12 membros da equipe de futebol do Wild Boar e seu treinador foram resgatados após mais de duas semanas presos dentro de uma caverna na Tailândia. A missão de resgate foi complicada. Aqui está como tudo aconteceu. Primeiro, especialistas foram enviados para ensinar os meninos como usar equipamento de mergulho. Durante a viagem de uma hora fora da caverna, cada garoto foi acompanhado debaixo d'água por dois mergulhadores. Os meninos e suas escoltas foram obrigados a se espremer por um canal estreito e inundado. Depois de completar aquela seção estreita, os meninos foram entregues a equipes de resgate especializadas e separadas, que os ajudaram a atravessar o restante da caverna.
    Com exceção do verbo "helped" na última lacuna, usamos a voz passiva para completar.
     Gabarito do Professor: B
  • A questão requer o uso da voz passiva (passive voice) na maioria das lacunas.  Ela é utilizada quando se busca enfatizar, em uma oração, o receptor da ação, isto é, o objeto da voz ativa.
    Active voice (sujeito agente + verbo + objeto paciente) Ex: She wrote the letter. (Ele escreveu a carta.) 
    Passive voice (sujeito paciente + verbo auxiliar to be + verbo principal no particípio passado) Ex: The letter was written by her. (A carta foi escrita por ela)
    Para completar as lacunas, é necessário traduzir os trechos e buscar o verbo que melhor se encaixa.
    All 12 members of the Wild Boar soccer team and their coach were rescued after more than two weeks trapped inside a cave in Thailand. The rescue mission was complicated. Here's how it went down. First, experts were sent in to teach the boys how to use scuba gear. During the hours-long trip out of the cave, each boy was accompanied underwater by two divers. The boys and their escorts were required to squeeze through a narrow, flooded channel. Having completed that narrow section, the boys were handed over to separate, specialist rescue teams, who helped them through the remainder of the cave.
    Todos os 12 membros da equipe de futebol do Wild Boar e seu treinador foram resgatados após mais de duas semanas presos dentro de uma caverna na Tailândia. A missão de resgate foi complicada. Aqui está como tudo aconteceu. Primeiro, especialistas foram enviados para ensinar aos meninos como usar equipamento de mergulho. Durante a viagem de uma hora para fora da caverna, cada garoto foi acompanhado debaixo d'água por dois mergulhadores. Os meninos e suas escoltas foram obrigados a se espremer por um canal estreito e inundado. Depois de completar aquela seção estreita, os meninos foram entregues a equipes de resgate especializadas e separadas, que os ajudaram a atravessar o restante da caverna.

  • Todos os 12 membros e o coach deles FORAM RESGATADOS(were-plural- rescued e não was-singular-).....

    Com isso, eliminamos C/D/E. Não pode ser a C ou D, pois eles não resgataram e sim foram resgatados.

    Ficamos entre a A e a B.

    Pulando para a 3 lacuna, já que a segunda é igual em ambas, temos: Cada garoto FOI ACOMPANHADO(was accompanied e não acompanhou-accompanied)...

    Com isso, a questão já está morta e o gab é a B. Todavia, vamos confirmar com a última lacuna.

    ...times de especialistas em resgate, os quais AJUDARAM(helped e não foram ajudados-were helped)

    Bora que a vitória vai chegar, Rapaziada!

    Força e Honra!


Which option completes the sentence below correctly?

Like any technology, artificial intelligence has both positive aspects and more worrying aspects, ________?

(Adapted from: https://cryptoid.com.br/international-news/artificial-intelligence-and-the-energy-sector-huge-potential-tough-questions/)

  • Verbo da sentença has: TO HAVE em 3° pessoa, presente. Como o único verbo que não precisa de auxiliar é o verbo TO BE, para formar a tag question, precisamos de um verbo auxiliar que esteja no mesmo tempo verbal do verbo da oração, HAS, que é o auxiiar DO(No caso, DOES, 3° pessoa) + um pronome que substitua o sujeito, 3°pessoa singular IT.

    Frase afirmativa, tag question negativa: DOESN'T IT?

  • A questão pede a "tag question" correta.  Tag questions são usadas, principalmente, para confirmar a informação dita na frase. Quando a primeira oração for afirmativa, a  tag question será negativa, e quando ela for negativa, a  tag question será positiva. Ex: She is your teacher, isn't she?(Ela é sua professora, não é?) They aren't your friends. Are they? (Eles não são seus amigos, são?)

    Algumas vezes, a oração aparece sem o auxiliar na primeira frase. Para identificar qual o auxiliar devemos utilizar, podemos transformar a frase afirmativa em interrogativa.
    Afirmativa: She comes for dinner. (Ela vem para o jantar.)
    Interrogativa: Does she come for dinner? (Ela vem para o jantar?)
     A Tag question, então, ficaria assim: She comes for dinner, doesn't she? (Ela vem para o jantar, não vem?)
    Dessa forma, temos: 
    Afirmativa: Like any technology, artificial intelligence has both positive aspects and more worrying aspects.
    Interrogativa: Like any technology, does artificial intelligence have both positive aspects and more worrying aspects) 
    Tag question: Like any technology, artificial intelligence has both positive aspects and more worrying aspects, doesn't it? (Como qualquer tecnologia, a inteligência artificial tem aspectos positivos e aspectos mais preocupantes, não é?)
     Gabarito do Professor: C
  • Por que a resposta não é hasn't it?