
Prova Marinha - 2018 - COLÉGIO NAVAL - Aluno - 1° Dia


Seja ABC um triângulo equilátero de lado 3. Exteriormente ao triângulo, constroem-se três quadrados, sempre a partir de um lado do triângulo ABC, ou seja, no quadrado Q1( AB é um lado; no Q2, BC é um lado; e no Q31 AC é um lado. Com centro no baricentro “G” do triângulo ABC, traça-se um círculo de raio 3. A medida da área da parte do círculo que não pertence a nenhum dos quadrados Q1, Q2 e Q31 e nem ao triângulo ABC é igual a:

  • essa n foi anulada?


Considere as afirmações a seguir.

I- Seja P o conjunto dos números naturais pares positivos P = {2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, ...}. A soma de parcelas distintas, formada pelos inversos dos elementos de P, desde 2 até ‘m1, com m P, terá como resultado um número inteiro.
II- Se x é um número real e x < 0, então √x2 = -x.
III- A medida da corda determinada por uma reta numa circunferência é menor ou igual à medida do seu diâmetro.

Essas afirmações são, respectivamente:

  • eu não concordei totalmente com essa questão...

  • eu nao entendi por que a afirmaçao 2 ta certa

  • Vamos pedir ao professor que responda...

  • Na afirmativa 2, como x é um numero negativo e está elevado ao quadrado dentro da raiz, logo ele será positivo e a raiz dele tem que ser um numero positivo. Então -x é um numero positivo, pois o sinal de negativo do x com o sinal negativo da equação torna-o positivo. Tome isso como exemplo:



    A afirmativa 3 é verdadeira, pois qualquer corda (além do diâmetro) é menor que o diâmetro, e como sabe-se que o diâmetro é a maior corda da circunferência que passa pelo centro.


Os elementos do conjunto X são números naturais distintos formados apenas por algarismos iguais a 1, ou seja, X = {1, 11, 111, 1111, 11111, ...}, onde o maior elemento é formado por 2018 algarismos iguais a 1. Sabendo que 111111=15873 x 7, determine a quantidade de elementos do conjunto X que são divisíveis por 7 e marque a opção correta.

  • 2018/6 = 336 + 2 , ou seja , a quantidade é 336

  • N entendi

  • No conjunto X, o primeiro número que é divisível por 7 é número 111.111 ( que é o sexto número do conjunto)

    Significa que de 6 em 6 números, vamos ter um número divisível por 7.

    Como o maior elemento é constituído por 2018 números 1, significa que temos 2018 elementos dentro desse conjunto X.

    Pois, veja bem:

    Número 1 - primeiro elemento

    Número 11 - segundo elemento

    Número 111 - terceiro elemento

    Conclui-se que temos 2018 elementos no conjunto é de que 6 em 6 elementos, vamos ter um número divisível por 7.

    Logo, 2018/ 6 = 336, 3333 ...

    Conclui-se que temos 336 números divisíveis por 7 nesse conjunto X.

  • Um dos critérios de divisibilidade por 7 diz que o modulo da subtração da soma das classes pares menos a soma das classes ímpares deve ser um múltiplo de 7. Ex: 216342 ( 3+4+2=9 e 6+1+2=9, logo 9-9 =0, e 0 é um múltiplo de 7, 7x0=0) Assim pode-se concluir que todos os números,cuja quantidade de algarismos quando dividia por 3 der um número par, ou seja um múltiplo de 6, será divisível por 7( Especificamente nesta sequencia de uns que a questão apresenta)

    111.111( 1+1+1=3, 1+1+1=3 e 3-3=0= múltiplo de 7). Tente uma sequência de uns que possua a quantidade de algarismos múltipla de 3, mas não par. Ex: 111.111.111 (1+1+1=3, 1+1+1=3, 1+1+1=3, logo 3+3-3=3 que não é um múltiplo de 7. Logo basta pegar 2018 e dividir por 6 para descobrir a quantidade. 2018/6= 336 e resto 2.

  • Questão estúpida depois que você perde o medo. Logicamente, de seis em seis Números 1 será divisível por 7.

    Então se o Nº Máximo de algarismos é 2018, Dividimos-o por 6. que dá aproximadamente 336. Resposta Letra C.

    Simples, Rápido e Fácil.


O maior valor inteiro de ‘k’ para que x2 + 2018x + 2018k = 0 tenha soluções reais é:

  • Para que uma função tenha raizes reais, o DELTA deve ser MAIOR ou IGUAL a zero.

    Fazendo Delta>0

    K< 504,5

    Resposta: Maior valor inteiro nesse intervalo= 504 (E)

  • Como o Leonardo disse, para que uma função tenha raízes reais, o delta deve ser maior ou igual a zero.

    Temos então:

    2018² - 4 . 1 . 2018k > 0

    2018 (2018 - 4k) > 0

    2018 - 4k > 0

    4k < 2018

    k < 504,5

    Logo, o maior valor INTEIRO de k é 504


Seja A o conjunto formado pelos pares (x,y), onde x e y são inteiros positivos tais que 2x+3y = 2018. Sendo assim, é correto afirmar que a quantidade de elementos do conjunto A é:

  • 2x+3y=2018

    2x=2018 x=2018/2 = 1009

    3y=2018 x=2018/3 = 672,6

    1009 - 672,6 = 336,4 ..336.. gab B

    tá certo assim ??? rsrsr

  • Uma vez que a expressão 2x + 3y = 2018, onde x e y são números inteiros positivos, então podemos concluir que cada parcela da expressão é sempre inferior ao total da soma, ou seja:

    2x < 2018 → x < 1009 ^ 3y < 2018 → y < 672,66

    Além disso, note que y é um número par, já que y = 2.[(1009 – x)/3]

    Assim, y ∈ {2, 4, 6,..., 672} = 2 x {1, 2, 3, ..., 336} e como y tem correspondência com x, isto é, temos um par ordenado (x, y) ∈ A de inteiros, então, ao todo, teremos 336 pares ordenados em A.

    Resposta: B

  • Resolveremos fazendo um sistema:

    {2x + 3y = 2018

    {x + 3y = 1009

    Multiplica por (-1), e corta o 3y

    x= 1009

    E então divide 1009 por 3 que é igual a 336,333

    Gabarito letra B

  • Essa sai por equação diofantina pesquisem isso ajuda bastante

  • Se tiver algum erro me corrijam:



    y= aproximadamente 336

  • Equação Diofantina:

    2x + 3y = 2018

    Solução Particular:

    x = 1009 e y = 0; (1009, 0), porém essa solução não responde a questão, visto que as soluções precisam ser os pares ordenados (x, y), onde x e y, devem inteiros positivos.

    Resolvendo a equação:

    x = 1009 - 3k

    y = 0 + 2k

    onde k, são todos os inteiros porém, como y = 2k, e y deve ser inteiro positivo, então k deverá ser um número inteiro positivo, sendo então, k = 1 o menor valor possível de k.

    Vemos também que x = 1009 - 3t e, para que x tenha valores inteiros positivos, o maior valor possível de k deve ser 336.

    Se todos os valores inteiros de k, são todas as soluções possíveis e k assume valores de 1 a 336, então teremos 336 soluções possíveis.

    Alternativa B


As equações na incógnita 'x' dadas por ax + b = 0 e ax2 + bx + c = 0 , onde ‘a1, ‘b1 e ‘c’ são números reais e a 0 , possuem uma única raiz em comum. Sabendo que ‘m’ e ‘n’ são as raízes da equação do 2o grau, marque a opção que apresenta o valor da soma m2018 + n2018.

  • Temos que, X(aX + b) + c = 0 => c = 0


    X1 = -b/a

    X2 = 0

    -b/a^2018 + 0^2018 = (b/a)^2018

    Letra E


  • Vale destacar que só pelo fato de c = 0 já poderíamos achar a resposta já que as alternativas A, C e D seriam iguais a 0 e a alternativa B não existiria ( não existe divisão por zero)


Considere a expressão (20182018)2018, que é potência de uma potência. É correto afirmar que o último algarismo do resultado dessa expressão é:

  • (2018^2018)^2018

    Potência de potência: repete a base e multiplica os expoentes. 2018 x 2018 vai dar um número que termina em 4, pois 8 x 8=64

    Agora temos 2018^...4, ou seja, 8 x 8 x 8 x 8= 4096. Vai dar um resoltado que termina em 6.

    Resposta D

  • Questão para pensar um pouco.

    Vamos iniciar mostrando que as potências de números terminados em 8, não necessáriamente, resultam em números onde o último algarismo respeitará uma sequencia:

    (...8)^1 = ...8 (termina em 8) -

    (...8)^2 = ...4 (termina em 4) - 2°   ,pois 8 x 8 = 64

    (...8)^3 = ...2 (termina em 2) - 3°   ,pois 8 x 8 x 8 = 512

    (...8)^4 = ...6 (termina em 6) - 4°   ,pois 8 x 8 x 8 x 8 = 4096

    (...8)^5 = ...8 (termina em 8 novamente) - 1°   ,pois 8 x 8 x 8 x 8 x 8 = 32768


    E assim faz-se uma sequência de 4 terminações possíveis e que vão se repetindo.

    Faremos o seguinte, dividiremos 2018 por 4 (quantidade de números da sequência) :

    2018/4  = 504 e sobra 2.

    Resumindo, a sequência se repete 54 vezes e termina no 2° número da sequência. Concluímos, assim, que o resultado da potência terminará em 4.

    Temos agora a segunda potência, que pode ser resolvida da mesma forma, porém temos agora um número que termina em 4:

    (lembrando que pouco me importa a grande quantidade de algarismos presentes à esquerda do último número)

    (...4)^1 = ...4 (termina em 4) -

    (...4)^2 = ...6 (termina em 6) - 2°   ,pois 4 x 4 = 16

    (...4)^3 = ...4 (termina em 4 novamente) - 1°   ,pois 4 x 4 x 4 = 64

    (...4)^4 = ...6 (termina em 6 novamente) - 2°   ,pois 4 x 4 x 4 x 4 = 256


    E assim faz-se uma sequência de 2 terminações possíveis e que vão se repetindo.

    Dividiremos 2018 por 2 (quantidade de números da sequência) :

    2018/2  = 1009.

    Resumindo, a sequência se repete 1009 vezes terminando no 2° número da sequência. Concluímos, assim, que o resultado da potência TERMINARÁ EM 6. ( LETRA D)

  • Multiplica os expoentes 2018x2018 isso vai dar um número com final 4,porque 8×8 {ultimo algarismo de 2018} da 64 ou seja final 4...ou seja vai ser 2018 elevado a um expoente com 4 no final..

    Pois bem..

    2018 elevado a 1 = 2018

    2018 elevado a 2 =um número com final 4

    2018 elevado a 3 =um número com final 2

    2018 elevado a 4 =um número com final 6

    2018 elevado a 5 =um número com final 8

    A partir daí esse número vai só repetindo esses números:8,4,2,6 E 8 dnv....

    Pegamos o último número do expoente que é 4

    E vemos que número vai dar um expoente com final 4,no caso é o número 6

    Para resolver essa questão basta vc fazer os cálculos com base apenas na casa das unidades


Um fazendeiro possui 'x1 galinhas e ração estocada suficiente para ‘n’ dias. Sabe-se que cada galinha consome a mesma quantidade de ração diariamente. No final de ‘t’ dias (1 < t < n), o fazendeiro adquire outras ‘k1 galinhas, sendo que cada nova galinha consome o triplo da ração diária que uma das ‘x’ galinhas anteriores consome. Supondo que não houve renovação no estoque de ração e que, além de alimentar todas as galinhas conforme suas necessidades diárias, nenhuma foi retirada do galinheiro, marque a opção cuja sentença permite obter a quantidade de dias y que faltam para acabar o estoque atual de ração deste fazendeiro.



Um triângulo retângulo ABC é reto no vértice A, o ângulo C mede 30°, a hipotenusa BC mede 1cm e o segmento AM é a mediana relativa à hipotenusa. Por um ponto N, exterior ao triângulo, traçam-se os segmentos BN e NA, com BN // AM e NA // BM. A área, em cm2, do quadrilátero AN BC é:



Seja ABCD um quadrado de lado L, em que AC é uma de suas diagonais. Na semirreta BC, onde B é a origem, marca-se E de tal modo que BC = CE. Seja H a circunferência de centro em C e raio L, e P 0 ponto de interseção de AE com a circunferência H. Sendo assim, é correto afirmar que 0 segmento DP tem medida igual a:

  • Analisando e fazendo um esboço do enunciado percebe-se que o segmento DP nada mais é do que a diagonal DB do quadrado

    Com isso DP = L√2 (fórmula da diagonal)

    Letra A


  • alguém pode comentar essa por favor, não consigo resolver de jeito nunhum


Considere os dois números naturais 'a' e ‘b’,ambos formados por dois algarismos. Sabe-se que a • b = 2160 e que 0 máximo divisor comum de ‘a’ e ‘b’ é 12. Sendo assim, é correto afirmar que, ao se dividir a diferença positiva entre ‘a’ e ‘b’ por 11, encontra-se resto igual a:

  • alternativa D

  • Dados da questão:

    A.B = 2160

    MDC = 12 (quer dizer que os números A, B são múltiplos de 12)

    Se são múltiplos de 12 faremos assim: por tentativa

    12, 24, 36, 48, 60, 72, 84, 96

    Bizu: Sabemos que 2160, que é a multiplicação de A.B tem o último algarismo termina em 0. Logo, o único numero que quando multiplicado vai ter um 0 na última casa é o 60. Então o primeiro numero é 60. Basta achar o outro.... = 48 por tentativa.

    60- 48 = 24/11 = Resto 2

  • 60 e 36 !


    24/11= 22 resto é 2


A idade de cada um dos três filhos de um adulto, incluindo os dois filhos gêmeos, é representada por números inteiros. A soma das idades é igual a 21 e o produto igual a 320. Se colocarmos em forma de potência a maior idade e a menor idade deles, de tal modo que a maior seja a base da potência e a menor seja o expoente, está correto afirmar que ela terá o mesmo resultado do que:

  • X + X + Y = 21

    X * X * Y = 320

    Então X = 8 e Y = 5

    8^5 = 2^3*5 Letra E


  • não entendi, poderia me explicar melhor ?

  • Genilson Marques, teremos o seguinte sistema

    X + X + Y = 21

    X * X * Y = 320

    se tirarmos a raiz da segunda ficaremos com

    Raiz quadrada(X * X * Y) = Raiz quadrada(320)

    °Raiz quadrada de X² * Y = X * Raiz de Y

    °Raiz quadrada de 320 = 8 raiz de 5

    Portanto teremos X sendo 8 e 5 sendo Y

    Veja que 8 + 8 + 5 = 21 e seu produto é 320

    8^5 = (2^3)^5 = 2^15

    sendo assim letra E



Social media ’destroying how society works'

    A former Facebook executive has said social media is doing great harm to society around the world. The executive is a man called Chamath Palihapitiya. He ___________ Facebook in 2007 a n d ___________a vice president. He was responsible for increasing the number of users Facebook had. Mr Palihapitiya said he feels very guilty about getting more people to use social networks. He said the networks are destroying society because they are changing people's behavior. Twenty years ago, people talked to each other face to face. Today, people message each other and do not talk. People also really care about what other people think of them. They post photos and wait to see how many people like the photo. They get very sad if people do not like the photo.
    Mr. Palihapitiya said people should take a long break from social media so they can experience real life. He wants people to value each other instead of valuing online "hearts, likes, and thumbs-up". Palihapitiya also points out how fake news is affecting how we see the world, it is becoming easier for large websites to spread lies. It is also becoming easier to hurt other people online. Anyone can hide behind a fake user name and post lies about other people. Palihapitiya said this was a global problem. He is worried about social media so much that he has banned his children from using it. However, he did state that Facebook was a good company. He said: "Of course, it's not all bad. Facebook overwhelmingly does good in the world."

Read the statements to check if they are TRUE (T) or FALSE (F).

I- An ex-Facebook boss said social media is damaging society.
II- It is becoming more difficult for big websites to spread fake news.
III- People message each other today instead of talking face to face.
IV- Palihapitiya said social media does not change our behavior.

Choose the option that respectively represents the statements above.

  • Olá, Pessoal!!!

    Postei um vídeo no meu canal sobre Estratégias de Leitura em Inglês, vale apena conferir :)


  • Leia as instruções para verificar se elas são VERDADEIRAS (T) ou FALSAS (F).
    I- Um ex-chefe do Facebook disse que a mídia social está prejudicando a sociedade.
    (L. 1-2) A former Facebook executive has said social media is doing great harm to society around the world. Um antigo executivo do Facebook disse que a mídia social está causando um grande dano à sociedade em todo o mundo.
    II - Está se tornando mais difícil para grandes sites espalhar notícias falsas. 
    (L. 9-10) Palihapitiya also points out how fake news is affecting how we see the world, it is becoming easier for large websites to spread lies. Palihapitiya também aponta como a notícia falsa está afetando a maneira como vemos o mundo, está se tornando mais fácil para grandes sites espalharem mentiras. 
    III - As pessoas trocam mensagens hoje em vez de falar cara a cara. 
    (L. 5-6) Twenty years ago, people talked to each other face to face. Today, people message each other and do not talk. Vinte anos atrás, as pessoas conversavam cara a cara. Hoje, as pessoas trocam mensagens e não se falam.
    IV- Palihapitiya disse que a mídia social não muda nosso comportamento. 
    (L. 4-5) He said the networks are destroying society because they are changing people's behavior. Ele disse que as redes sociais estão destruindo a sociedade porque estão mudando o comportamento das pessoas.
     As declarações II e IV são falsas.
    Gabarito do Professor: C



Social media ’destroying how society works'

    A former Facebook executive has said social media is doing great harm to society around the world. The executive is a man called Chamath Palihapitiya. He ___________ Facebook in 2007 a n d ___________a vice president. He was responsible for increasing the number of users Facebook had. Mr Palihapitiya said he feels very guilty about getting more people to use social networks. He said the networks are destroying society because they are changing people's behavior. Twenty years ago, people talked to each other face to face. Today, people message each other and do not talk. People also really care about what other people think of them. They post photos and wait to see how many people like the photo. They get very sad if people do not like the photo.
    Mr. Palihapitiya said people should take a long break from social media so they can experience real life. He wants people to value each other instead of valuing online "hearts, likes, and thumbs-up". Palihapitiya also points out how fake news is affecting how we see the world, it is becoming easier for large websites to spread lies. It is also becoming easier to hurt other people online. Anyone can hide behind a fake user name and post lies about other people. Palihapitiya said this was a global problem. He is worried about social media so much that he has banned his children from using it. However, he did state that Facebook was a good company. He said: "Of course, it's not all bad. Facebook overwhelmingly does good in the world."

A!l the underlined words in text I are adjectives, EXCEPT:

  • D). O artigo "The" transforma qualquer palavra em substantivo.

  • Todas as palavras sublinhadas no texto são adjetivos, EXCETO:
    A) social.
    B) global.
    C) longo.
    D) executivo.
    E) anterior, ex
    A única palavra que não é um adjetivo é: Executivo. No texto ela aparece como substantivo.
    Gabarito do Professor: D
  • cuidado com esse artigo, nem sempre só pq tem artigo vai ser substantivo como por exemplo; se o substantivo estiver caracterizando outro substantivo, ele tá fazendo papel de um adjetivo, mas nesse caso oq vem depois é um verbo,logo, é um substantivo

  • Executive é substantivo.



Social media ’destroying how society works'

    A former Facebook executive has said social media is doing great harm to society around the world. The executive is a man called Chamath Palihapitiya. He ___________ Facebook in 2007 a n d ___________a vice president. He was responsible for increasing the number of users Facebook had. Mr Palihapitiya said he feels very guilty about getting more people to use social networks. He said the networks are destroying society because they are changing people's behavior. Twenty years ago, people talked to each other face to face. Today, people message each other and do not talk. People also really care about what other people think of them. They post photos and wait to see how many people like the photo. They get very sad if people do not like the photo.
    Mr. Palihapitiya said people should take a long break from social media so they can experience real life. He wants people to value each other instead of valuing online "hearts, likes, and thumbs-up". Palihapitiya also points out how fake news is affecting how we see the world, it is becoming easier for large websites to spread lies. It is also becoming easier to hurt other people online. Anyone can hide behind a fake user name and post lies about other people. Palihapitiya said this was a global problem. He is worried about social media so much that he has banned his children from using it. However, he did state that Facebook was a good company. He said: "Of course, it's not all bad. Facebook overwhelmingly does good in the world."

Which verb forms respectively complete the gaps in text I?

  • Quais formas verbais preenchem, respectivamente, as lacunas no texto I?

     The executive is a man called Chamath Palihapitiya. He joined Facebook in 2007 and became a vice president. 
    O executivo é um homem chamado Chamath Palihapitiya. Ele entrou no Facebook em 2007 e se tornou vice-presidente.
    Os verbos estão no simple past. Join é um verbo regular e seu passado é joined. Become é irregular e o passado é became.
    Gabarito do Professor: B

  • (B)

    The executive is a man called Chamath Palihapitiya. He joined Facebook in 2007 and became a vice president. 

    O executivo é um homem chamado Chamath Palihapitiya. Ele entrou no Facebook em 2007 e se tornou vice-presidente.

    Os verbos estão no simple past. Join é um verbo regular e seu passado é joinedBecome é irregular e o passado é became.

    Fonte QC



Social media ’destroying how society works'

    A former Facebook executive has said social media is doing great harm to society around the world. The executive is a man called Chamath Palihapitiya. He ___________ Facebook in 2007 a n d ___________a vice president. He was responsible for increasing the number of users Facebook had. Mr Palihapitiya said he feels very guilty about getting more people to use social networks. He said the networks are destroying society because they are changing people's behavior. Twenty years ago, people talked to each other face to face. Today, people message each other and do not talk. People also really care about what other people think of them. They post photos and wait to see how many people like the photo. They get very sad if people do not like the photo.
    Mr. Palihapitiya said people should take a long break from social media so they can experience real life. He wants people to value each other instead of valuing online "hearts, likes, and thumbs-up". Palihapitiya also points out how fake news is affecting how we see the world, it is becoming easier for large websites to spread lies. It is also becoming easier to hurt other people online. Anyone can hide behind a fake user name and post lies about other people. Palihapitiya said this was a global problem. He is worried about social media so much that he has banned his children from using it. However, he did state that Facebook was a good company. He said: "Of course, it's not all bad. Facebook overwhelmingly does good in the world."

Mark the option in which there is NO Present Continuous Tense.

  • increasing= cescimento

  • Marque a opção na qual NÃO existe verbo no  Present continuous.
    O Present continuous é formado com o verbo to be no presente e o verbo principal acrescido de "ing." 
    Na alternativa A -  is doing great harm 
    Na alternativa B - for increasing 
    Na alternativa C - are destroying
    Na alternativa D - is affecting 
    Todos as alternativas estão no Present continuous, com exceção da alternativa B. O verbo increasing está no gerúndio devido à preposição que o antecede.
    Gabarito do Professor: B
  • Present Continuous 

    > Am,Are,Is (to be) + ing form.Acrescentamos ''ING'' para a maioria dos verbos

    Terminações :

    E = - e + ing 

    Consoante-vogal-consoante = dobra a última consoante + ing


    To agree = Agreeing 

    To lie = Lying

    Gabarito: Letra B

  • Nao se usa preposiçao + to + verbo. Após preposiçoes os verbos devem vir no - ING.

  • presente do verbo TO BE + ING FROM


    A former Facebook executive has said social media is doing great harm to society around the world.

    He was responsible for increasing the number of users Facebookliad. = Correct answer.

    He said the networks are destroying society because they are changing people's behavior.

    Palihapitiya also points out how fake news is affecting how we see the world.

    It is becoming easier for large websites to spread lies.




How to Plan a Movie-Themed Vacation

It’s easier than you may expect to find, visit, and enjoy the places where your favorite movies were made.

Lars Leetaru

By Shivani Vora

March 8, 2018

    Whether it’s the “Lord of the Rings” trilogy in New Zealand or "Roman Holiday” in Rome, many noteworthy movies are filmed in appealing locales all over the world that travelers may want to visit and enjoy.

    According to Angela Tillson, a film location manager in Kauai who has worked on the set of films including "Jurassic Park: The Lost World” and “The Descendants," exploring a beloved movie set destination through the eyes of the film makes for an enjoyable vacation. "Seeing a place with a focus on a movie you love will give you a perspective that the average tourist doesn’t usually get. You’ll certainly have a better impression of the place,” she said. Here are her tips to get started.

Choose Your Destination

    If there’s a movie you love, you can find out where it was filmed by looking at the credits at the end of the film or by going online to The Internet Movie Database, also known as IMDB, which often lists filming locations. Once you know the locale, you can start planning your trip. Or, consider doing what Ms. Tillson often does when deciding on where to vacation: pick a spot you’re interested in visiting, and find out what movies have been filmed there. “It’s fun to sometimes let a destination determine the movie you're going to live rather than the other way around,” Ms. Tillson said.

Get in the Mood

    Before you head to your destination, be sure to rewatch the movie. A rewatch not only reminds you of identifiable spots to look out for during your trip, but it also adds to the excitement of your upcoming exploration.

    If the movie is based on a book, consider reading the book, too. It may have details about the locale that the movie doesn’t touch on. Also, books often have scenes that don’t make it into the movie adaptations, which gives you a deeper view of the destination. Ms. Tillson also recommended downloading the movie’s soundtrack or score, and listening to it throughout your trip.

Book a Themed Trip

    Some travel companies sell set itineraries focused on popular movies. Luxury tour operator Zicasso, for example, has an eight-day trip, all inclusive, to Ireland inspired by "Star Wars: The Last Jedi” and Wild Frontiers has an eleven-day trip to India inspired by "The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel." Ms. Tillson suggested doing a web search or checking with a travel agent to find out about such trips. Also, in some destinations, local tour operators and hotels sell movie-themed tours. For instance, The St. Regis Priceville Resort offers a tour that includes a private helicopter ride to Manawaiopuna Falls, made famous in "Jurassic Park,” and an ATV tour of filming locations of movies such as “Raiders of the Lost Ark" and “Pirates of the Caribbean.” Lunch is even included. The cost is $5,674 for two adults.

    A more affordable option, in Rome, is the four-hour “Roman Holiday" themed excursion from HR Tours, where travelers ride a Vespa with a driver and see ail the sites from the movie; the cost is 170 euros per person.

Hang Where the Movie Crew Did

    When they’re not working, movie crews enjoy hitting local bars and casual restaurants that serve tasty local cuisine, Ms. Tillson said.

    Find out where the behind-the-scenes staff of your film spent their time by asking your destination’s tourist board or your hotel’s concierge, and check out a few of the spots. “It’s another way to get involved in the film and spend time in bars and restaurants that you wouldn’t normally think to hit,” she said.

Mark the sentence that does NOT contain the use of comparative adjective.

  • Marque a frase que NÃO contém o uso de adjetivo comparativo.
    A) É mais fácil do que (easier) você pode esperar encontrar, visitar e aproveitar os lugares onde seus filmes favoritos foram feitos.
    B) Você certamente terá uma melhor (better) impressão do lugar.
    C) Às vezes, é divertido permitir que um destino determine o filme que você vai viver, e não o contrário.
    D) Além disso, os livros costumam ter cenas que não estão incluídas nas adaptações do filme, o que oferece uma visão mais detalhada (deeper) do destino.
    E) Uma opção mais acessível(more affordable) em Roma, é a excursão temática de quatro horas do Roman Holiday da HR Tours.
     A frase que não contém adjetivo comparativo é a C. "Rather" não é comparativo. 
    Gabarito do Professor: C

  • "It’s fun to sometimes let a destination determine the movie you're going to live rather than the other way around."

    o candidato que vai pensando que toda palavra com final er é comparativo cai nessa aqui. Rather é uma conjunção de contraste, indica em vez de.

    Alternativa C)

  • live é verbo, portanto não tem como rather ser adjetivo, GAB C




How to Plan a Movie-Themed Vacation

It’s easier than you may expect to find, visit, and enjoy the places where your favorite movies were made.

Lars Leetaru

By Shivani Vora

March 8, 2018

    Whether it’s the “Lord of the Rings” trilogy in New Zealand or "Roman Holiday” in Rome, many noteworthy movies are filmed in appealing locales all over the world that travelers may want to visit and enjoy.

    According to Angela Tillson, a film location manager in Kauai who has worked on the set of films including "Jurassic Park: The Lost World” and “The Descendants," exploring a beloved movie set destination through the eyes of the film makes for an enjoyable vacation. "Seeing a place with a focus on a movie you love will give you a perspective that the average tourist doesn’t usually get. You’ll certainly have a better impression of the place,” she said. Here are her tips to get started.

Choose Your Destination

    If there’s a movie you love, you can find out where it was filmed by looking at the credits at the end of the film or by going online to The Internet Movie Database, also known as IMDB, which often lists filming locations. Once you know the locale, you can start planning your trip. Or, consider doing what Ms. Tillson often does when deciding on where to vacation: pick a spot you’re interested in visiting, and find out what movies have been filmed there. “It’s fun to sometimes let a destination determine the movie you're going to live rather than the other way around,” Ms. Tillson said.

Get in the Mood

    Before you head to your destination, be sure to rewatch the movie. A rewatch not only reminds you of identifiable spots to look out for during your trip, but it also adds to the excitement of your upcoming exploration.

    If the movie is based on a book, consider reading the book, too. It may have details about the locale that the movie doesn’t touch on. Also, books often have scenes that don’t make it into the movie adaptations, which gives you a deeper view of the destination. Ms. Tillson also recommended downloading the movie’s soundtrack or score, and listening to it throughout your trip.

Book a Themed Trip

    Some travel companies sell set itineraries focused on popular movies. Luxury tour operator Zicasso, for example, has an eight-day trip, all inclusive, to Ireland inspired by "Star Wars: The Last Jedi” and Wild Frontiers has an eleven-day trip to India inspired by "The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel." Ms. Tillson suggested doing a web search or checking with a travel agent to find out about such trips. Also, in some destinations, local tour operators and hotels sell movie-themed tours. For instance, The St. Regis Priceville Resort offers a tour that includes a private helicopter ride to Manawaiopuna Falls, made famous in "Jurassic Park,” and an ATV tour of filming locations of movies such as “Raiders of the Lost Ark" and “Pirates of the Caribbean.” Lunch is even included. The cost is $5,674 for two adults.

    A more affordable option, in Rome, is the four-hour “Roman Holiday" themed excursion from HR Tours, where travelers ride a Vespa with a driver and see ail the sites from the movie; the cost is 170 euros per person.

Hang Where the Movie Crew Did

    When they’re not working, movie crews enjoy hitting local bars and casual restaurants that serve tasty local cuisine, Ms. Tillson said.

    Find out where the behind-the-scenes staff of your film spent their time by asking your destination’s tourist board or your hotel’s concierge, and check out a few of the spots. “It’s another way to get involved in the film and spend time in bars and restaurants that you wouldn’t normally think to hit,” she said.

What is true about the themed trip inspired by the film “Star Wars: The Last Jedi"?

  • O que é verdade sobre a viagem temática inspirada no filme “Star Wars: The Last Jedi"?
    A) Não oferece refeições.
    B) Dura 11 dias.
    C) É muito barata.
    D) Está localizada na Índia.
    E) É oferecida por Zicasso.
     Some travel companies sell set itineraries focused on popular movies. Luxury tour operator Zicasso, for example, has an eight-day trip, all inclusive, to Ireland inspired by "Star Wars: The Last Jedi" 
    Tradução: Algumas empresas de viagens vendem itinerários com foco em filmes populares. O operador turístico de luxo Zicasso, por exemplo, oferece uma viagem de oito dias, com tudo incluso, para a Irlanda inspirada em "Star Wars: The Last Jedi"
    Conforme tradução das primeiras linhas do parágrafo 4, podemos inferir que a viagem temática inspirada no filme “Star Wars: The Last Jedi" é oferecida por Zicasso.

    Gabarito do Professor: E




How to Plan a Movie-Themed Vacation

It’s easier than you may expect to find, visit, and enjoy the places where your favorite movies were made.

Lars Leetaru

By Shivani Vora

March 8, 2018

    Whether it’s the “Lord of the Rings” trilogy in New Zealand or "Roman Holiday” in Rome, many noteworthy movies are filmed in appealing locales all over the world that travelers may want to visit and enjoy.

    According to Angela Tillson, a film location manager in Kauai who has worked on the set of films including "Jurassic Park: The Lost World” and “The Descendants," exploring a beloved movie set destination through the eyes of the film makes for an enjoyable vacation. "Seeing a place with a focus on a movie you love will give you a perspective that the average tourist doesn’t usually get. You’ll certainly have a better impression of the place,” she said. Here are her tips to get started.

Choose Your Destination

    If there’s a movie you love, you can find out where it was filmed by looking at the credits at the end of the film or by going online to The Internet Movie Database, also known as IMDB, which often lists filming locations. Once you know the locale, you can start planning your trip. Or, consider doing what Ms. Tillson often does when deciding on where to vacation: pick a spot you’re interested in visiting, and find out what movies have been filmed there. “It’s fun to sometimes let a destination determine the movie you're going to live rather than the other way around,” Ms. Tillson said.

Get in the Mood

    Before you head to your destination, be sure to rewatch the movie. A rewatch not only reminds you of identifiable spots to look out for during your trip, but it also adds to the excitement of your upcoming exploration.

    If the movie is based on a book, consider reading the book, too. It may have details about the locale that the movie doesn’t touch on. Also, books often have scenes that don’t make it into the movie adaptations, which gives you a deeper view of the destination. Ms. Tillson also recommended downloading the movie’s soundtrack or score, and listening to it throughout your trip.

Book a Themed Trip

    Some travel companies sell set itineraries focused on popular movies. Luxury tour operator Zicasso, for example, has an eight-day trip, all inclusive, to Ireland inspired by "Star Wars: The Last Jedi” and Wild Frontiers has an eleven-day trip to India inspired by "The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel." Ms. Tillson suggested doing a web search or checking with a travel agent to find out about such trips. Also, in some destinations, local tour operators and hotels sell movie-themed tours. For instance, The St. Regis Priceville Resort offers a tour that includes a private helicopter ride to Manawaiopuna Falls, made famous in "Jurassic Park,” and an ATV tour of filming locations of movies such as “Raiders of the Lost Ark" and “Pirates of the Caribbean.” Lunch is even included. The cost is $5,674 for two adults.

    A more affordable option, in Rome, is the four-hour “Roman Holiday" themed excursion from HR Tours, where travelers ride a Vespa with a driver and see ail the sites from the movie; the cost is 170 euros per person.

Hang Where the Movie Crew Did

    When they’re not working, movie crews enjoy hitting local bars and casual restaurants that serve tasty local cuisine, Ms. Tillson said.

    Find out where the behind-the-scenes staff of your film spent their time by asking your destination’s tourist board or your hotel’s concierge, and check out a few of the spots. “It’s another way to get involved in the film and spend time in bars and restaurants that you wouldn’t normally think to hit,” she said.

In the first paragraph, the word "appealing” can be replaced by all these words, EXCEPT for

  • No primeiro parágrafo, a palavra "appealing" pode ser substituída por todas estas palavras, EXCETO para
    A) interessante.
    B) agradável.
    C) amável.
    D) repulsivo.
    E) atraente.
     Appealing - interessante, atraente, atrativo.
    A palavra appealing pode ser substituída por todos os adjetivos exceto "repulsive" (repulsivo).

    Gabarito do Professor: D

  • Repulsive traz a idéia de negação.

  • Da pra ir pelo contexto do texto!




How to Plan a Movie-Themed Vacation

It’s easier than you may expect to find, visit, and enjoy the places where your favorite movies were made.

Lars Leetaru

By Shivani Vora

March 8, 2018

    Whether it’s the “Lord of the Rings” trilogy in New Zealand or "Roman Holiday” in Rome, many noteworthy movies are filmed in appealing locales all over the world that travelers may want to visit and enjoy.

    According to Angela Tillson, a film location manager in Kauai who has worked on the set of films including "Jurassic Park: The Lost World” and “The Descendants," exploring a beloved movie set destination through the eyes of the film makes for an enjoyable vacation. "Seeing a place with a focus on a movie you love will give you a perspective that the average tourist doesn’t usually get. You’ll certainly have a better impression of the place,” she said. Here are her tips to get started.

Choose Your Destination

    If there’s a movie you love, you can find out where it was filmed by looking at the credits at the end of the film or by going online to The Internet Movie Database, also known as IMDB, which often lists filming locations. Once you know the locale, you can start planning your trip. Or, consider doing what Ms. Tillson often does when deciding on where to vacation: pick a spot you’re interested in visiting, and find out what movies have been filmed there. “It’s fun to sometimes let a destination determine the movie you're going to live rather than the other way around,” Ms. Tillson said.

Get in the Mood

    Before you head to your destination, be sure to rewatch the movie. A rewatch not only reminds you of identifiable spots to look out for during your trip, but it also adds to the excitement of your upcoming exploration.

    If the movie is based on a book, consider reading the book, too. It may have details about the locale that the movie doesn’t touch on. Also, books often have scenes that don’t make it into the movie adaptations, which gives you a deeper view of the destination. Ms. Tillson also recommended downloading the movie’s soundtrack or score, and listening to it throughout your trip.

Book a Themed Trip

    Some travel companies sell set itineraries focused on popular movies. Luxury tour operator Zicasso, for example, has an eight-day trip, all inclusive, to Ireland inspired by "Star Wars: The Last Jedi” and Wild Frontiers has an eleven-day trip to India inspired by "The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel." Ms. Tillson suggested doing a web search or checking with a travel agent to find out about such trips. Also, in some destinations, local tour operators and hotels sell movie-themed tours. For instance, The St. Regis Priceville Resort offers a tour that includes a private helicopter ride to Manawaiopuna Falls, made famous in "Jurassic Park,” and an ATV tour of filming locations of movies such as “Raiders of the Lost Ark" and “Pirates of the Caribbean.” Lunch is even included. The cost is $5,674 for two adults.

    A more affordable option, in Rome, is the four-hour “Roman Holiday" themed excursion from HR Tours, where travelers ride a Vespa with a driver and see ail the sites from the movie; the cost is 170 euros per person.

Hang Where the Movie Crew Did

    When they’re not working, movie crews enjoy hitting local bars and casual restaurants that serve tasty local cuisine, Ms. Tillson said.

    Find out where the behind-the-scenes staff of your film spent their time by asking your destination’s tourist board or your hotel’s concierge, and check out a few of the spots. “It’s another way to get involved in the film and spend time in bars and restaurants that you wouldn’t normally think to hit,” she said.

Mark the correct question for the following answer.

Angela Tillson is a film location manager in Kauai who has worked on the set of films including “Jurassic Park: The Lost World” and “The Descendants”.

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  • Marque a pergunta correta para a seguinte resposta.
    Angela Tillson é gerente de locação de filmes em Kauai que trabalhou no set de filmes, incluindo “Jurassic Park: "The Lost World" and “The Descendants".
    A) Quem é a Sra. Tilson?
    B) Onde está a Sra. Tilson?
    C) Como é a Sra. Tilson?
    D) Por que a Sra. Tilson está trabalhando?
    E) Quando a Sra. Tilson trabalha?
     De acordo com a tradução, a pergunta para a resposta em questão é "Who is Ms. Tilson?" ("Quem é a Sra. Tilson?")

    Gabarito do Professor: A

  • (A)

    in this case the question asks who is ms.Tilson

    Angela Tillson is a film location manager in Kauai who has worked on the set of films including “Jurassic Park: The Lost World” and “The Descendants”.

    -Angela Tillson é gerente de locação de filmes em Kauai e trabalhou no set de filmes, incluindo "Jurassic Park: O Mundo Perdido" e "Os Descendentes".




How to Plan a Movie-Themed Vacation

It’s easier than you may expect to find, visit, and enjoy the places where your favorite movies were made.

Lars Leetaru

By Shivani Vora

March 8, 2018

    Whether it’s the “Lord of the Rings” trilogy in New Zealand or "Roman Holiday” in Rome, many noteworthy movies are filmed in appealing locales all over the world that travelers may want to visit and enjoy.

    According to Angela Tillson, a film location manager in Kauai who has worked on the set of films including "Jurassic Park: The Lost World” and “The Descendants," exploring a beloved movie set destination through the eyes of the film makes for an enjoyable vacation. "Seeing a place with a focus on a movie you love will give you a perspective that the average tourist doesn’t usually get. You’ll certainly have a better impression of the place,” she said. Here are her tips to get started.

Choose Your Destination

    If there’s a movie you love, you can find out where it was filmed by looking at the credits at the end of the film or by going online to The Internet Movie Database, also known as IMDB, which often lists filming locations. Once you know the locale, you can start planning your trip. Or, consider doing what Ms. Tillson often does when deciding on where to vacation: pick a spot you’re interested in visiting, and find out what movies have been filmed there. “It’s fun to sometimes let a destination determine the movie you're going to live rather than the other way around,” Ms. Tillson said.

Get in the Mood

    Before you head to your destination, be sure to rewatch the movie. A rewatch not only reminds you of identifiable spots to look out for during your trip, but it also adds to the excitement of your upcoming exploration.

    If the movie is based on a book, consider reading the book, too. It may have details about the locale that the movie doesn’t touch on. Also, books often have scenes that don’t make it into the movie adaptations, which gives you a deeper view of the destination. Ms. Tillson also recommended downloading the movie’s soundtrack or score, and listening to it throughout your trip.

Book a Themed Trip

    Some travel companies sell set itineraries focused on popular movies. Luxury tour operator Zicasso, for example, has an eight-day trip, all inclusive, to Ireland inspired by "Star Wars: The Last Jedi” and Wild Frontiers has an eleven-day trip to India inspired by "The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel." Ms. Tillson suggested doing a web search or checking with a travel agent to find out about such trips. Also, in some destinations, local tour operators and hotels sell movie-themed tours. For instance, The St. Regis Priceville Resort offers a tour that includes a private helicopter ride to Manawaiopuna Falls, made famous in "Jurassic Park,” and an ATV tour of filming locations of movies such as “Raiders of the Lost Ark" and “Pirates of the Caribbean.” Lunch is even included. The cost is $5,674 for two adults.

    A more affordable option, in Rome, is the four-hour “Roman Holiday" themed excursion from HR Tours, where travelers ride a Vespa with a driver and see ail the sites from the movie; the cost is 170 euros per person.

Hang Where the Movie Crew Did

    When they’re not working, movie crews enjoy hitting local bars and casual restaurants that serve tasty local cuisine, Ms. Tillson said.

    Find out where the behind-the-scenes staff of your film spent their time by asking your destination’s tourist board or your hotel’s concierge, and check out a few of the spots. “It’s another way to get involved in the film and spend time in bars and restaurants that you wouldn’t normally think to hit,” she said.

What’s the main purpose of text II?

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  • Qual é o objetivo principal do texto II?
    A) Ensinar os alunos a planejar onde ir nas férias.
    B) Inspirar os fãs de "Senhor dos Anéis" para visitar a Nova Zelândia.
    C) Fazer com que as pessoas se interessem em assistir filmes famosos.
    D) Dar algumas sugestões sobre como viajar para um destino de set de filmagem.
    E) Anunciar empresas de viagens que vendem férias temáticas de filmes.
     O título já nos indica que o objetivo principal do texto é dar sugestões sobre como viajar para um destino de set de filmagem.
    How to Plan a Movie-Themed Vacation. It's easier than you may expect to find, visit, and enjoy the places where your favorite movies were made.
    Tradução: Como planejar umas férias com temas de filme. É mais fácil do que você possa esperar encontrar, visitar e aproveitar os lugares onde seus filmes favoritos foram criados.
    Gabarito do Professor: D
  • (D)

    the title itself of the answer

    It’s easier than you may expect to find, visit, and enjoy the places where your favorite movies were made.

    -É mais fácil do que você imagina encontrar, visitar e curtir os lugares onde seus filmes favoritos foram feitos.




How to Plan a Movie-Themed Vacation

It’s easier than you may expect to find, visit, and enjoy the places where your favorite movies were made.

Lars Leetaru

By Shivani Vora

March 8, 2018

    Whether it’s the “Lord of the Rings” trilogy in New Zealand or "Roman Holiday” in Rome, many noteworthy movies are filmed in appealing locales all over the world that travelers may want to visit and enjoy.

    According to Angela Tillson, a film location manager in Kauai who has worked on the set of films including "Jurassic Park: The Lost World” and “The Descendants," exploring a beloved movie set destination through the eyes of the film makes for an enjoyable vacation. "Seeing a place with a focus on a movie you love will give you a perspective that the average tourist doesn’t usually get. You’ll certainly have a better impression of the place,” she said. Here are her tips to get started.

Choose Your Destination

    If there’s a movie you love, you can find out where it was filmed by looking at the credits at the end of the film or by going online to The Internet Movie Database, also known as IMDB, which often lists filming locations. Once you know the locale, you can start planning your trip. Or, consider doing what Ms. Tillson often does when deciding on where to vacation: pick a spot you’re interested in visiting, and find out what movies have been filmed there. “It’s fun to sometimes let a destination determine the movie you're going to live rather than the other way around,” Ms. Tillson said.

Get in the Mood

    Before you head to your destination, be sure to rewatch the movie. A rewatch not only reminds you of identifiable spots to look out for during your trip, but it also adds to the excitement of your upcoming exploration.

    If the movie is based on a book, consider reading the book, too. It may have details about the locale that the movie doesn’t touch on. Also, books often have scenes that don’t make it into the movie adaptations, which gives you a deeper view of the destination. Ms. Tillson also recommended downloading the movie’s soundtrack or score, and listening to it throughout your trip.

Book a Themed Trip

    Some travel companies sell set itineraries focused on popular movies. Luxury tour operator Zicasso, for example, has an eight-day trip, all inclusive, to Ireland inspired by "Star Wars: The Last Jedi” and Wild Frontiers has an eleven-day trip to India inspired by "The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel." Ms. Tillson suggested doing a web search or checking with a travel agent to find out about such trips. Also, in some destinations, local tour operators and hotels sell movie-themed tours. For instance, The St. Regis Priceville Resort offers a tour that includes a private helicopter ride to Manawaiopuna Falls, made famous in "Jurassic Park,” and an ATV tour of filming locations of movies such as “Raiders of the Lost Ark" and “Pirates of the Caribbean.” Lunch is even included. The cost is $5,674 for two adults.

    A more affordable option, in Rome, is the four-hour “Roman Holiday" themed excursion from HR Tours, where travelers ride a Vespa with a driver and see ail the sites from the movie; the cost is 170 euros per person.

Hang Where the Movie Crew Did

    When they’re not working, movie crews enjoy hitting local bars and casual restaurants that serve tasty local cuisine, Ms. Tillson said.

    Find out where the behind-the-scenes staff of your film spent their time by asking your destination’s tourist board or your hotel’s concierge, and check out a few of the spots. “It’s another way to get involved in the film and spend time in bars and restaurants that you wouldn’t normally think to hit,” she said.

Read the sentence in text II.

"A rewaich not only reminds you of identifiable spots to look out for during your trip, but it also adds to the excitement of your upcoming exploration."

What does the pronoun it refer to?

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  • Leia a frase no texto II.
    "Rever um filme, não apenas lembra você de pontos identificáveis para se observar durante a sua viagem, mas também (it)  aumenta a excitação de sua próxima exploração."
    O que o pronome "it" refere?
    A) Viagem.
    B) Pontos.
    C) Excitação.
    D) Exploração.
    E) Rever um filme.

    O pronome "it" se refere a assistir novamente um filme. (Rewatch)
    Gabarito do Professor: E




How to Plan a Movie-Themed Vacation

It’s easier than you may expect to find, visit, and enjoy the places where your favorite movies were made.

Lars Leetaru

By Shivani Vora

March 8, 2018

    Whether it’s the “Lord of the Rings” trilogy in New Zealand or "Roman Holiday” in Rome, many noteworthy movies are filmed in appealing locales all over the world that travelers may want to visit and enjoy.

    According to Angela Tillson, a film location manager in Kauai who has worked on the set of films including "Jurassic Park: The Lost World” and “The Descendants," exploring a beloved movie set destination through the eyes of the film makes for an enjoyable vacation. "Seeing a place with a focus on a movie you love will give you a perspective that the average tourist doesn’t usually get. You’ll certainly have a better impression of the place,” she said. Here are her tips to get started.

Choose Your Destination

    If there’s a movie you love, you can find out where it was filmed by looking at the credits at the end of the film or by going online to The Internet Movie Database, also known as IMDB, which often lists filming locations. Once you know the locale, you can start planning your trip. Or, consider doing what Ms. Tillson often does when deciding on where to vacation: pick a spot you’re interested in visiting, and find out what movies have been filmed there. “It’s fun to sometimes let a destination determine the movie you're going to live rather than the other way around,” Ms. Tillson said.

Get in the Mood

    Before you head to your destination, be sure to rewatch the movie. A rewatch not only reminds you of identifiable spots to look out for during your trip, but it also adds to the excitement of your upcoming exploration.

    If the movie is based on a book, consider reading the book, too. It may have details about the locale that the movie doesn’t touch on. Also, books often have scenes that don’t make it into the movie adaptations, which gives you a deeper view of the destination. Ms. Tillson also recommended downloading the movie’s soundtrack or score, and listening to it throughout your trip.

Book a Themed Trip

    Some travel companies sell set itineraries focused on popular movies. Luxury tour operator Zicasso, for example, has an eight-day trip, all inclusive, to Ireland inspired by "Star Wars: The Last Jedi” and Wild Frontiers has an eleven-day trip to India inspired by "The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel." Ms. Tillson suggested doing a web search or checking with a travel agent to find out about such trips. Also, in some destinations, local tour operators and hotels sell movie-themed tours. For instance, The St. Regis Priceville Resort offers a tour that includes a private helicopter ride to Manawaiopuna Falls, made famous in "Jurassic Park,” and an ATV tour of filming locations of movies such as “Raiders of the Lost Ark" and “Pirates of the Caribbean.” Lunch is even included. The cost is $5,674 for two adults.

    A more affordable option, in Rome, is the four-hour “Roman Holiday" themed excursion from HR Tours, where travelers ride a Vespa with a driver and see ail the sites from the movie; the cost is 170 euros per person.

Hang Where the Movie Crew Did

    When they’re not working, movie crews enjoy hitting local bars and casual restaurants that serve tasty local cuisine, Ms. Tillson said.

    Find out where the behind-the-scenes staff of your film spent their time by asking your destination’s tourist board or your hotel’s concierge, and check out a few of the spots. “It’s another way to get involved in the film and spend time in bars and restaurants that you wouldn’t normally think to hit,” she said.

According to Ms. Tilson,

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  • De acordo com a Sra. Tilson,
    A) Ouvir as músicas do filme pode deixá-lo no clima de suas férias com temas de filmes.
    B) Você nunca pode escolher o destino em primeiro lugar. Sempre baseie sua viagem no filme que você gosta.
    C) Você não encontra nenhuma informação on-line sobre os itinerários temáticos. Você tem que verificar isso exclusivamente com um agente de viagens.
    D) É difícil ter uma perspectiva diferente quando você explora o destino baseado no filme.
    E) Você pode visitar bares e restaurantes locais e ter a oportunidade de conhecer a equipe do filme.
    Get in the Mood -  Ms. Tillson also recommended downloading the movie's soundtrack or score, and listening to it throughout your trip.
    Tradução: Entre no clima -  A Sra. Tillson também recomendou o download da trilha sonora do filme e ouvi-la durante toda a viagem.
    O final do terceiro parágrafo nos mostra que, de acordo com a Sra. Tilson, ouvir as músicas do filme pode deixá-lo no clima de suas férias com temas de filmes.
    Gabarito do Professor: A




    Stephen Hawking, one of the most famous scientists of the 21st century, died on March 14th, 2018. But his ideas on gravity, black holes and the Big Bang are the greatest legacy he left to the world.

Early Life and College

    On January 8th, 1942, Stephen Hawking was born to a successful family in Oxford, England. He was not the best student at fundamental or high school, but he was very smart. His dad wanted him to become a medical doctor, but Stephen really wanted to study math.

    Despite his poor grades at school, Stephen aced his exams for college. He was admitted to Oxford University, but they didn't have math as a major. So, he decided to study physics and chemistry instead.

    Stephen became a member of a rowing team when he was in college. After he graduated, he decided to continue his education and went to graduate school.

Graduate School, Marriage and Health Problems

    While in graduate school, he had some health problems. He began tripping for no reason, and his speech became hard to understand. His family encouraged him to go to the doctor. Stephen was diagnosed with a disease called ALS, or Lou Gehrig's disease, which affects the brain and spine. He was only twenty one, and the doctors initially gave him only a few years to live. Luckily, his condition progressed more slowly than is often the case.

    During this time, Stephen had a relationship with a woman named Jane. He said she and his work were his inspiration for living. Stephen earned his Ph.D. degree in 1965. He started to get worse, and eventually became confined to a wheelchair. Nonetheless, he and Jane married in 1965 and were able to have three children.

    He studied how space and time are related, including scientific studies of black holes in space and how they work in the universe. He also had a lot of success in his work as a college professor.

A New Voice

    In 1985, Stephen got really sick and doctors were able to save him, but he was unable to speak. He could only use his eyebrows to communicate. Eventually, he was able to use a special voice synthesizer, allowing him to talk by moving his cheek muscles and using a mouse pad.

Famous Works and Prizes

    His most notorious theory is that black holes can emit radiation; also known as Hawking radiation. He received numerous awards but never won the Nobel Prize.

    Stephen always enjoyed writing books. His best seller, “A Brief History in Time” made terms like the Big Bang and black holes easy to understand. Other famous Stephen Hawking books include: “A Briefer History in Time", “On the Shoulders of Giants” and "The Universe in a Nutshell". He also wrote many books for children along with his daughter Lucy. His famous books for children include "George’s Cosmic Treasure Hunt" and “George and the Big Bang”.

    His last work, submitted only two weeks before his death, reveals the universe will come to an end when stars run out of energy. However, his theory suggests that scientists will be able to find parallel universes using probes on spaceships.

Mark the sentence which has an adjective that is NOT in the superlative degree.

  • A questão está pedindo aquele que não é superlativo…

    Então aqueles que tiverem ''the...est'', ''the most'', ''the least'' cortamos...

    Obs: ''worse'' está no comparativo. Se estivesse no superlativo seria ''The worst'' é um adjetivo irregular

    Bad- Worse- The worst.

  • a 1° que vi fácil do CN.

  • Marque a frase que tem um adjetivo que NÃO está no grau superlativo.
    A) Stephen Hawking, um dos cientistas mais famosos do século XXI (...). (The most famous)
    B) Mas suas idéias (...) são o maior legado que ele deixou para o mundo. (The greatest legacy)
    C) Ele não foi o melhor aluno do ensino fundamental ou médio.(The best)
    D) Sua teoria mais notória é que os buracos negros podem emitir radiação. (The most notorious)
    E) Ele começou a piorar e, eventualmente, ficou confinado a uma cadeira de rodas.(worse than)
     Com exceção da alternativa E, todas as frases possuem um adjetivo no grau superlativo. O adjetivo da alternativa E está no grau comparativo (worse than). O superlativo seria "The worst". Que é o superlativo do adjetivo "bad". 
    Gabarito do Professor: E
  • Irregulares

    Good/Well - Comparativo ( Better ) - Superlativo ( Best )

    Many/Much - Comparativo ( More ) - Superlativo ( Most )

    Bad/Badly/ill - Comparativo ( Worse ) - Superlativo ( Worst )

    Little - Comparativo ( Less ) - Superlativo ( Least )

    Far - Comparativo (Farther/Further) - Superlativo ( Farthest/Furthest)

    Old - Comparativo (Elder/Older) - Superlativo (Eldest/Oldest)

    Dica Valiosa: Superlativo SEMPRE tem "st".


    1° caso - "the most + adjective"

    Mary is the most intelligent girl of our class. | Candice Swanepoel is the most beautiful model of the world.

    2° caso - Para os adjetivos com uma ou duas sílabas, deve-se utilizar o “the + adjective + est”

    The Volga is the longest river in Europe. | This car is the cheapest of this store.

    3° caso - Se o adjetivo com uma ou duas sílabas terminar em CVC (consoante + vogal + consoante), deve-se dobrar a última letra e acrescentar “est”

    Cindy is the thinnest girl of our family. | Mount Everest is the highest mountain in the world.

    4° caso - Se o adjetivo com uma ou duas sílabas terminar em “y” precedido de consoante, deve-se retirar o “y” e acrescentar “iest” ao adjetivo

    Daniel is the funniest guy I’ve ever seen. | Bob is the craziest boy of our classroom.

    Obs.: Os adjetivos “good” (bom) e “bad” (ruim) possuem formas próprias para o superlativo. São elas: Good → the best / Bad → the worst

    Amanda is the best teacher of our school. | This is the worst movie I’ve ever seen.

    Questão: Mark the sentence which has an adjective that is NOT in the superlative degree.

    A. Stephen Hawking, one of the most famous scientists of the 21st century (...).

    B. But his ideas (...) are the greatest legacy he left to the world.

    C. He was not the best student at fundamental or high school.

    D. His most notorious theory is that black holes can emit radiation.

    E. He started to get worse, and, eventually, became confined to a wheelchair. --> "Worse" não está no grau superlativo, mas sim no comparativo ("worse THAN something", no caso "than before"); se estivesse no superlativo seria "worst".

  • Minha contribuição

    Comparativo e Superlativo

    Comparativo=Compara algo com algo.

    Superlativo=Compara algo com um grupo.






    Composição é MORE+ADJETIVO INF.+ THAN quando o adjetivo for longo.

    Composição é Adj com ER+Than quando o adjetivo for curto.


    Composição é LESS+ADJETIVO INF.+ THAN




    Composição= The Least + adjetivo


    Composição=The most + Adjetivo quando o adjetivo for longo

    Composição=Adjetivo com EST quando o adjetivo for curto






    Stephen Hawking, one of the most famous scientists of the 21st century, died on March 14th, 2018. But his ideas on gravity, black holes and the Big Bang are the greatest legacy he left to the world.

Early Life and College

    On January 8th, 1942, Stephen Hawking was born to a successful family in Oxford, England. He was not the best student at fundamental or high school, but he was very smart. His dad wanted him to become a medical doctor, but Stephen really wanted to study math.

    Despite his poor grades at school, Stephen aced his exams for college. He was admitted to Oxford University, but they didn't have math as a major. So, he decided to study physics and chemistry instead.

    Stephen became a member of a rowing team when he was in college. After he graduated, he decided to continue his education and went to graduate school.

Graduate School, Marriage and Health Problems

    While in graduate school, he had some health problems. He began tripping for no reason, and his speech became hard to understand. His family encouraged him to go to the doctor. Stephen was diagnosed with a disease called ALS, or Lou Gehrig's disease, which affects the brain and spine. He was only twenty one, and the doctors initially gave him only a few years to live. Luckily, his condition progressed more slowly than is often the case.

    During this time, Stephen had a relationship with a woman named Jane. He said she and his work were his inspiration for living. Stephen earned his Ph.D. degree in 1965. He started to get worse, and eventually became confined to a wheelchair. Nonetheless, he and Jane married in 1965 and were able to have three children.

    He studied how space and time are related, including scientific studies of black holes in space and how they work in the universe. He also had a lot of success in his work as a college professor.

A New Voice

    In 1985, Stephen got really sick and doctors were able to save him, but he was unable to speak. He could only use his eyebrows to communicate. Eventually, he was able to use a special voice synthesizer, allowing him to talk by moving his cheek muscles and using a mouse pad.

Famous Works and Prizes

    His most notorious theory is that black holes can emit radiation; also known as Hawking radiation. He received numerous awards but never won the Nobel Prize.

    Stephen always enjoyed writing books. His best seller, “A Brief History in Time” made terms like the Big Bang and black holes easy to understand. Other famous Stephen Hawking books include: “A Briefer History in Time", “On the Shoulders of Giants” and "The Universe in a Nutshell". He also wrote many books for children along with his daughter Lucy. His famous books for children include "George’s Cosmic Treasure Hunt" and “George and the Big Bang”.

    His last work, submitted only two weeks before his death, reveals the universe will come to an end when stars run out of energy. However, his theory suggests that scientists will be able to find parallel universes using probes on spaceships.

Say if the following statements are T (true) or F (false) about Hawking’s disease. Then mark the correct option, from top to bottom.

( ) It confined him to a wheelchair.
( ) It affected his ability to speak.
( ) It was diagnosed when he was 21 years old.
( ) It progressed more quickly than expected.
( ) It made him sturhble for no reason.

  • Diga se as seguintes declarações são T (verdadeiras) ou F (falsas) sobre a doença de Hawking. Em seguida, marque a opção correta, de cima para baixo.
    (   ) O confinou a uma cadeira de rodas.
    He started to get worse, and eventually became confined to a wheelchair.  (Ele começou a piorar e, por fim, ficou confinado a uma cadeira de rodas.)
    (   ) Isso afetou sua capacidade de falar.
    In 1985, Stephen got really sick and doctors were able to save him, but he was unable to speak. Em 1985, Stephen ficou muito doente e os médicos conseguiram salvá-lo, mas ele não conseguiu falar.
    (   ) Foi diagnosticado quando tinha 21 anos de idade.
    Stephen was diagnosed with a disease called ALS, or Lou Gehrig's disease, which affects the brain and spine. He was only twenty one,[...] Stephen foi diagnosticado com uma doença chamada ALS, ou doença de Lou Gehrig, que afeta o cérebro e a espinha. Ele tinha apenas vinte e um anos,[...]
    (   ) Progrediu mais rapidamente que o esperado.
    Luckily, his condition progressed more slowly than is often the case. Felizmente, sua condição progrediu mais lentamente do que costuma ser o caso.
    (   ) Fez com que ele ficasse sem motivo. 
    He said she and his work were his inspiration for living. Ele disse que ela e seu trabalho foram sua inspiração para viver. 

    De acordo com as traduções dos excertos acima, podemos inferir que somente a alternativa 4 é  falsa. Portanto a sequência correta é: (T) (T) (T) (F) (T)
    Gabarito do Professor: C
  • Diga se as seguintes declarações são T (verdadeiras) ou F (falsas) sobre a doença de Hawking. Em seguida, marque a opção correta, de cima para baixo.

    ( ) O confinou a uma cadeira de rodas.

    He started to get worse, and eventually became confined to a wheelchair. (Ele começou a piorar e, por fim, ficou confinado a uma cadeira de rodas.)

    ( ) Isso afetou sua capacidade de falar.

    In 1985, Stephen got really sick and doctors were able to save him, but he was unable to speak. Em 1985, Stephen ficou muito doente e os médicos conseguiram salvá-lo, mas ele não conseguiu falar.

    (  ) Foi diagnosticado quando tinha 21 anos de idade.

    Stephen was diagnosed with a disease called ALS, or Lou Gehrig's disease, which affects the brain and spine. He was only twenty one,[...] Stephen foi diagnosticado com uma doença chamada ALS, ou doença de Lou Gehrig, que afeta o cérebro e a espinha. Ele tinha apenas vinte e um anos,[...]

    (  ) Progrediu mais rapidamente que o esperado.

    Luckily, his condition progressed more slowly than is often the case. Felizmente, sua condição progrediu mais lentamente do que costuma ser o caso.

    (  ) Fez com que ele ficasse sem motivo. 

    He said she and his work were his inspiration for living. Ele disse que ela e seu trabalho foram sua inspiração para viver. 

    De acordo com as traduções dos excertos acima, podemos inferir que somente a alternativa 4 é  falsa. Portanto a sequência correta é: (T) (T) (T) (F) (T

  • Qq é Sturhble?




    Stephen Hawking, one of the most famous scientists of the 21st century, died on March 14th, 2018. But his ideas on gravity, black holes and the Big Bang are the greatest legacy he left to the world.

Early Life and College

    On January 8th, 1942, Stephen Hawking was born to a successful family in Oxford, England. He was not the best student at fundamental or high school, but he was very smart. His dad wanted him to become a medical doctor, but Stephen really wanted to study math.

    Despite his poor grades at school, Stephen aced his exams for college. He was admitted to Oxford University, but they didn't have math as a major. So, he decided to study physics and chemistry instead.

    Stephen became a member of a rowing team when he was in college. After he graduated, he decided to continue his education and went to graduate school.

Graduate School, Marriage and Health Problems

    While in graduate school, he had some health problems. He began tripping for no reason, and his speech became hard to understand. His family encouraged him to go to the doctor. Stephen was diagnosed with a disease called ALS, or Lou Gehrig's disease, which affects the brain and spine. He was only twenty one, and the doctors initially gave him only a few years to live. Luckily, his condition progressed more slowly than is often the case.

    During this time, Stephen had a relationship with a woman named Jane. He said she and his work were his inspiration for living. Stephen earned his Ph.D. degree in 1965. He started to get worse, and eventually became confined to a wheelchair. Nonetheless, he and Jane married in 1965 and were able to have three children.

    He studied how space and time are related, including scientific studies of black holes in space and how they work in the universe. He also had a lot of success in his work as a college professor.

A New Voice

    In 1985, Stephen got really sick and doctors were able to save him, but he was unable to speak. He could only use his eyebrows to communicate. Eventually, he was able to use a special voice synthesizer, allowing him to talk by moving his cheek muscles and using a mouse pad.

Famous Works and Prizes

    His most notorious theory is that black holes can emit radiation; also known as Hawking radiation. He received numerous awards but never won the Nobel Prize.

    Stephen always enjoyed writing books. His best seller, “A Brief History in Time” made terms like the Big Bang and black holes easy to understand. Other famous Stephen Hawking books include: “A Briefer History in Time", “On the Shoulders of Giants” and "The Universe in a Nutshell". He also wrote many books for children along with his daughter Lucy. His famous books for children include "George’s Cosmic Treasure Hunt" and “George and the Big Bang”.

    His last work, submitted only two weeks before his death, reveals the universe will come to an end when stars run out of energy. However, his theory suggests that scientists will be able to find parallel universes using probes on spaceships.

What statement is correct about Hawking’s last work?

  • Olá, Pessoal!!!

    Postei um vídeo no meu canal sobre Estratégias de Leitura em Inglês, vale apena conferir :)


  • Qual declaração está correta sobre o último trabalho de Hawking?
    A) Previu o fim do universo.
    B) Sugere que não há universos paralelos.
    C) Não pôde ser terminado por causa de sua morte.
    D) Foi seu livro mais vendido e recebeu um prêmio.
    E) Introduziu sua teoria sobre o Big Bang.
     His last work, submitted only two weeks before his death, reveals the universe will come to an end when stars run out of energy. 
    Tradução: Seu último trabalho, apresentado apenas duas semanas antes de sua morte, revela que o universo chegará ao fim quando as estrelas ficarem sem energia.
    A declaração correta sobre o último trabalho de Hawking é que ele previu o fim do universo, conforme último parágrafo.
    Gabarito do Professor: A
  • Qual declaração está correta sobre o último trabalho de Hawking?
    A) Previu o fim do universo.
    B) Sugere que não há universos paralelos.
    C) Não pôde ser terminado por causa de sua morte.
    D) Foi seu livro mais vendido e recebeu um prêmio.
    E) Introduziu sua teoria sobre o Big Bang.
     His last work, submitted only two weeks before his death, reveals the universe will come to an end when stars run out of energy. 
    Tradução: Seu último trabalho, apresentado apenas duas semanas antes de sua morte, revela que o universo chegará ao fim quando as estrelas ficarem sem energia.
    A declaração correta sobre o último trabalho de Hawking é que ele previu o fim do universo, conforme último parágrafo.
    Gabarito do Professor: A
  • (A)

     His last work, submitted only two weeks before his death, reveals the universe will come to an end when stars run out of energy. However, his theory suggests that scientists will be able to find parallel universes using probes on spaceships

    - Seu último trabalho, enviado apenas duas semanas antes de sua morte, revela que o universo chegará ao fim quando as estrelas ficarem sem energia. No entanto, sua teoria sugere que os cientistas serão capazes de encontrar universos paralelos usando sondas em naves espaciais




    Stephen Hawking, one of the most famous scientists of the 21st century, died on March 14th, 2018. But his ideas on gravity, black holes and the Big Bang are the greatest legacy he left to the world.

Early Life and College

    On January 8th, 1942, Stephen Hawking was born to a successful family in Oxford, England. He was not the best student at fundamental or high school, but he was very smart. His dad wanted him to become a medical doctor, but Stephen really wanted to study math.

    Despite his poor grades at school, Stephen aced his exams for college. He was admitted to Oxford University, but they didn't have math as a major. So, he decided to study physics and chemistry instead.

    Stephen became a member of a rowing team when he was in college. After he graduated, he decided to continue his education and went to graduate school.

Graduate School, Marriage and Health Problems

    While in graduate school, he had some health problems. He began tripping for no reason, and his speech became hard to understand. His family encouraged him to go to the doctor. Stephen was diagnosed with a disease called ALS, or Lou Gehrig's disease, which affects the brain and spine. He was only twenty one, and the doctors initially gave him only a few years to live. Luckily, his condition progressed more slowly than is often the case.

    During this time, Stephen had a relationship with a woman named Jane. He said she and his work were his inspiration for living. Stephen earned his Ph.D. degree in 1965. He started to get worse, and eventually became confined to a wheelchair. Nonetheless, he and Jane married in 1965 and were able to have three children.

    He studied how space and time are related, including scientific studies of black holes in space and how they work in the universe. He also had a lot of success in his work as a college professor.

A New Voice

    In 1985, Stephen got really sick and doctors were able to save him, but he was unable to speak. He could only use his eyebrows to communicate. Eventually, he was able to use a special voice synthesizer, allowing him to talk by moving his cheek muscles and using a mouse pad.

Famous Works and Prizes

    His most notorious theory is that black holes can emit radiation; also known as Hawking radiation. He received numerous awards but never won the Nobel Prize.

    Stephen always enjoyed writing books. His best seller, “A Brief History in Time” made terms like the Big Bang and black holes easy to understand. Other famous Stephen Hawking books include: “A Briefer History in Time", “On the Shoulders of Giants” and "The Universe in a Nutshell". He also wrote many books for children along with his daughter Lucy. His famous books for children include "George’s Cosmic Treasure Hunt" and “George and the Big Bang”.

    His last work, submitted only two weeks before his death, reveals the universe will come to an end when stars run out of energy. However, his theory suggests that scientists will be able to find parallel universes using probes on spaceships.

It can be inferred from the text that Stephen Hawking

  • Olá, Pessoal!!!

    Postei um vídeo no meu canal sobre Estratégias de Leitura em Inglês, vale apena conferir :)


  • Pode-se inferir do texto que Stephen Hawking
    A) Recebeu inúmeros prêmios, incluindo um Prêmio Nobel.
    B) Tinha setenta e seis anos quando morreu.
    C) Se casou com Jane um ano depois que ele obteve seu doutorado.
    D) Escreveu "Uma Breve História a Tempo" para crianças.
    On January 8th, 1942, Stephen Hawking was born to a successful family in Oxford, England.
    Stephen Hawking, one of the most famous scientists of the 21st century, died on March 14th, 2018.  
     Tradução: Em 8 de janeiro de 1942, Stephen Hawking nasceu de uma família de sucesso em Oxford, Inglaterra.   
    Stephen Hawking, um dos cientistas mais famosos do século 21, morreu em 14 de março de 2018.
    Nasceu em 1942 e morreu em 2018 - Portanto, tinha 76 anos.
    Gabarito do Professor: B
  • 1942-2018= 76 b




    Stephen Hawking, one of the most famous scientists of the 21st century, died on March 14th, 2018. But his ideas on gravity, black holes and the Big Bang are the greatest legacy he left to the world.

Early Life and College

    On January 8th, 1942, Stephen Hawking was born to a successful family in Oxford, England. He was not the best student at fundamental or high school, but he was very smart. His dad wanted him to become a medical doctor, but Stephen really wanted to study math.

    Despite his poor grades at school, Stephen aced his exams for college. He was admitted to Oxford University, but they didn't have math as a major. So, he decided to study physics and chemistry instead.

    Stephen became a member of a rowing team when he was in college. After he graduated, he decided to continue his education and went to graduate school.

Graduate School, Marriage and Health Problems

    While in graduate school, he had some health problems. He began tripping for no reason, and his speech became hard to understand. His family encouraged him to go to the doctor. Stephen was diagnosed with a disease called ALS, or Lou Gehrig's disease, which affects the brain and spine. He was only twenty one, and the doctors initially gave him only a few years to live. Luckily, his condition progressed more slowly than is often the case.

    During this time, Stephen had a relationship with a woman named Jane. He said she and his work were his inspiration for living. Stephen earned his Ph.D. degree in 1965. He started to get worse, and eventually became confined to a wheelchair. Nonetheless, he and Jane married in 1965 and were able to have three children.

    He studied how space and time are related, including scientific studies of black holes in space and how they work in the universe. He also had a lot of success in his work as a college professor.

A New Voice

    In 1985, Stephen got really sick and doctors were able to save him, but he was unable to speak. He could only use his eyebrows to communicate. Eventually, he was able to use a special voice synthesizer, allowing him to talk by moving his cheek muscles and using a mouse pad.

Famous Works and Prizes

    His most notorious theory is that black holes can emit radiation; also known as Hawking radiation. He received numerous awards but never won the Nobel Prize.

    Stephen always enjoyed writing books. His best seller, “A Brief History in Time” made terms like the Big Bang and black holes easy to understand. Other famous Stephen Hawking books include: “A Briefer History in Time", “On the Shoulders of Giants” and "The Universe in a Nutshell". He also wrote many books for children along with his daughter Lucy. His famous books for children include "George’s Cosmic Treasure Hunt" and “George and the Big Bang”.

    His last work, submitted only two weeks before his death, reveals the universe will come to an end when stars run out of energy. However, his theory suggests that scientists will be able to find parallel universes using probes on spaceships.

In the sentence, “Despite his poor grades at school, Stephen aced his exams for college.” (paragraph 3), the underlined phrase means that Stephen

  • Na sentença, “Apesar de suas notas baixas na escola, Stephen teve sucesso nos seus exames para a faculdade." (Parágrafo 3), a frase sublinhada significa que Stephen
    A) Obteve notas ruins em seus testes.
    B) Passou com notas médias.
    C) Alcançou notas altas no teste.
    D) Tentou arduamente mas não passou.
    E) Teve uma segunda mudança (chance) e passou. Acredito que houve erro de digitação. Chance ao invés de change. Chance ficaria melhor. 
     De qualquer forma, a expressão "aced" significa se sair bem, tirar nota máxima.
    Gabarito do Professor: C


Read the sentence in order to do the question below.

This is my friends’ car and that one is my car.

Mark the option which rewrites the sentence using the correct possessive.

  • their - Possessive Adjective ( usado antes do objeto de posse)

    theirs - possessive pronoun ( usado depois do objeto de posse)

    my - Possessive Adjective ( usado antes do objeto de posse)

    mine - possessive pronoun ( usado depois do objeto de posse)

  • Marque a opção que reescreve a sentença usando o possessivo correto.
    Este é o carro dos meus amigos e esse é o meu carro.
    O carro dos meus amigos pode ser substituído por "O carro deles" - (their car)
    E esse é meu, pode ser substituído por "meu" (mine) Mine é usado para substituir um substantivo já mencionado antes. (carro)
    This car is theirs and that one is mine. (Este carro é deles e esse é meu.)

    Gabarito do Professor: A
  • Bizu

    Pronomes Possesivos não admitem subst. depois deles

  • Acrescentando um comentário ao de Patrick

    Possessive Pronouns - Não vem Substantivo após eles

    Possessive Adjectives- Vem Substantivo após eles

    Ex: It's Their problem not ours.

    Their - Esse seria um Possessive Adjective porque após ele vem o substantivo problem

    Ours - Esse seria um Possessive Pronouns porque perceba que ele finaliza a frase e após ele não tem nenhum substantivo, porém não quer dizer que os possessive pronouns sempre finaliza uma frase mas geralmente quando tem os dois em uma frase ele finaliza.


Mark the sentence which is grammatically correct.

  • Marque a sentença que está gramaticalmente correta.

    A) How many girls are there at your party last week? "are there" teria que estar no "simple past" (were there) How many girls were there at your party last week?

    B) Is there anybody in room 201 at the moment

    C) Sarah said there is twelve people waiting.  "there is " deveria estar no "simple past" (there were)
    Sarah said there were twelve people waiting.

    D) There isn't an accident in our street last night. "there isn't " deveria estar no "simple past" (there wasn't) There wasn't an accident in our street last night.

    E) There is exercise bars so you can work out. " there is " deveria estar no plural. (there are)
    There are exercise bars so you can work out.

    Gabarito do Professor: B
  • ???

  • tendi nada dessa questao ai truta


    Logo, letra B


  • a maioria dos erros são de concordância, vejam

    A) How many girls are there at your party last week?

    o certo: How many girls were there at your party last week?

    o erro é que a frase está no passado, então o verbo to be também tem que estar.

    B) Is there anybody in room 201 at the moment? (GABARITO)

    C) Sarah said there is twelve people waiting.

    o certo: Sarah said there were twelve people waiting.

    mesmo erro da letra A, o correto é o verbo to be no passado e também plural

    D) There isn’t an accident in our street last night.

    o certo: There wasn't an accident in our street last night.

    de novo, a mesma coisa, o certo é no passado

    E) There is exercise bars so you can work out.

    o certo: There are exercise bars so you can work out.

    aqui é concordância entre verbo to be e plural, como temos "bars"

    verbo to be tem que estar no plural


Read the text to do the question below. Complete with a, the or Ø (no article).

___________ Brazil is a huge country.

In,___________North, there are____________rain forests and ___________ longest river is also situated there. In ___________ South, ____________ climate is more European. ___________ Brazil also has many social differences.___________ rich own most of____________ country’s wealth and ___________ poor often live on minimum wage.

Now mark the option which completes the gaps respectively.

  • como resolvi a questão:

    antes de cidade não se usa THE;

    para se falar de nomes geográficos usa-se THE;

    usa-se The antes de superlativo;

    na última linha em branco: usa-se THE para substantivar adjetivos caso o seu sujeito não seja especificado.

  •  Algumas regras do uso dos artigos the, a, an. 
    A (um, uma) é utilizado antes de palavras que iniciem por som de consoante, ou seja, antes de consoantes, da semivogal Y e do H sonoro/audível:
    A book (um livro)
    A house (uma casa)
    A year (um ano)

    AN (um, uma) é utilizado antes de palavras que iniciem por som de vogal, ou seja, antes de vogais e do H mudo/não audível:

    An egg (um ovo)
    An evening (uma noite)       
    An hour (uma hora)  

    O Artigo Definido The é usado antes de um substantivo já conhecido. Significa O, A, OS, AS.   
    Não se usa "the"antes de países com exceção de alguns países:
    The United Kingdom (o Reino Unido)                                                                                                      The United States (os Estados Unidos)                                                                                                 The United Arab Emirates (os Emirados Árabes Unidos)
    Com superlativos: The longest river.
    Quando o adjetivo é usado como substantivos no plural:The poor ( Os pobres) The rich ( Os ricos)
     Brazil is a huge country. In the North, there are rain forests and the longest river is also situated there. In the South, the climate is more European.  Brazil also has many social differences. The rich own most of the country's wealth and the poor often live on minimum wage.
    O Brasil é um país enorme. No norte, há florestas tropicais e o rio mais longo também está situado lá. No sul, o clima é mais europeu. O Brasil também tem muitas diferenças sociais. Os ricos possuem a maior parte da riqueza do país e os pobres geralmente vivem com salário mínimo.
     Gabarito do Professor: C
  • "The" longest mata tudo