
Prova VUNESP - 2016 - Prefeitura de Rio Claro - SP - Professor de Educação Básica II - Inglês

Prefeitura de Rio Claro - SP

Leia o texto para responder a questão.

Sozinhos ou solitários?

    Mundo afora, um número crescente de pessoas moram sozinhas. Essa informação é quase sempre veiculada como sinal de alguma decadência urbana ou de uma espécie de patologia contemporânea.

      Os anos 1960 promoveram a vida em sociedade. Logo em 1959, uma psicanalista, Frieda Fromm-Reichmann, admitia que é possível ser solitário sem sequer se sentir sozinho, mas o que ficou a partir de então é que a solidão estaria na origem de todo tipo de sofrimento e de transtorno mental. Trinta anos mais tarde, já se constatava (ou se acreditava?) que a solidão encurtaria a vida do solitário.

      Enfim, é normal que a gente esteja e se sinta sozinho, mas resta saber se essa sensação é ruim para a saúde. Uma leitura sistemática de 148 pesquisas publicadas mostra que a falta de relações sociais fortes é um fator de mortalidade parecido com o fumo ou o álcool e maior que a inatividade física e a obesidade.

      Claro, os pesquisadores sabem que não é simples definir a solidão. Também sabem que muitos fumam, bebem, comem e ficam deitados vendo TV justamente porque estão sozinhos – o que faz que seja complicado descobrir qual é o verdadeiro fator de risco. De qualquer forma, para os autores, fica estabelecido que a solidão encurta a vida.

      Nos últimos 15 anos, apareceu uma nova questão: será que o uso da internet é uma causa ou um efeito da solidão que ameaçaria nossas vidas?

      Ao longo dessas décadas tão propensas a idealizar a convivência social, houve a voz discordante de Anthony Storr, outro psicanalista, que, em 1988, lembrou que, para alguns, ficar sozinho pode ser um jeito de se curar – não adoecer.

      Entre Fromm-Reichmann e Storr, uma pergunta: a solidão é um transtorno de nossa sociabilidade supostamente “natural”? Ou, então, nossa sociabilidade apenas manifestaria outro transtorno, que é o medo de ficarmos sozinhos conosco?

  1. (Contardo Calligaris. www.folha.uol.com.br/colunas/contardocalligaris/ 2015/04/1622746-sozinhos-ou-solitarios.shtml, 30.04.2015. Adaptado)

De acordo com o texto, pode-se asseverar que


    ? Claro, os pesquisadores sabem que não é simples definir a solidão. Também sabem que muitos fumam, bebem, comem e ficam deitados vendo TV justamente porque estão sozinhos ? o que faz que seja complicado descobrir qual é o verdadeiro fator de risco. De qualquer forma, para os autores, fica estabelecido que a solidão encurta a vida. Ao longo dessas décadas tão propensas a idealizar a convivência social, houve a voz discordante de Anthony Storr, outro psicanalista, que, em 1988, lembrou que, para alguns, ficar sozinho pode ser um jeito de se curar ? não adoecer.

    ? A solidão foi apontada como danosa pela maioria dos pesquisadores, até aparecer Storr, o qual trouxe um apontamento positivo para a solidão, efeito de cura, efeito terapêutico.

    Baixe a Planilha de Gestão Completa nos Estudos Grátis: http://3f1c129.contato.site/plangestaoestudost3


  • Gabarito B

    [...] mas o que ficou a partir de então é que a solidão estaria na origem de todo tipo de sofrimento e de transtorno mental.


    [...] lembrou que, para alguns, ficar sozinho pode ser um jeito de se curar – não adoecer [...]

    O autor citou ambos os lados da solução, o lado a ser combatido e o lado de se curar.

  • Assertiva B

    a solidão tem sido vista pela maioria das pessoas como um problema a ser combatido, embora, para alguns, possa ter efeito terapêutico.

Prefeitura de Rio Claro - SP

Leia o texto para responder a questão.

Sozinhos ou solitários?

    Mundo afora, um número crescente de pessoas moram sozinhas. Essa informação é quase sempre veiculada como sinal de alguma decadência urbana ou de uma espécie de patologia contemporânea.

      Os anos 1960 promoveram a vida em sociedade. Logo em 1959, uma psicanalista, Frieda Fromm-Reichmann, admitia que é possível ser solitário sem sequer se sentir sozinho, mas o que ficou a partir de então é que a solidão estaria na origem de todo tipo de sofrimento e de transtorno mental. Trinta anos mais tarde, já se constatava (ou se acreditava?) que a solidão encurtaria a vida do solitário.

      Enfim, é normal que a gente esteja e se sinta sozinho, mas resta saber se essa sensação é ruim para a saúde. Uma leitura sistemática de 148 pesquisas publicadas mostra que a falta de relações sociais fortes é um fator de mortalidade parecido com o fumo ou o álcool e maior que a inatividade física e a obesidade.

      Claro, os pesquisadores sabem que não é simples definir a solidão. Também sabem que muitos fumam, bebem, comem e ficam deitados vendo TV justamente porque estão sozinhos – o que faz que seja complicado descobrir qual é o verdadeiro fator de risco. De qualquer forma, para os autores, fica estabelecido que a solidão encurta a vida.

      Nos últimos 15 anos, apareceu uma nova questão: será que o uso da internet é uma causa ou um efeito da solidão que ameaçaria nossas vidas?

      Ao longo dessas décadas tão propensas a idealizar a convivência social, houve a voz discordante de Anthony Storr, outro psicanalista, que, em 1988, lembrou que, para alguns, ficar sozinho pode ser um jeito de se curar – não adoecer.

      Entre Fromm-Reichmann e Storr, uma pergunta: a solidão é um transtorno de nossa sociabilidade supostamente “natural”? Ou, então, nossa sociabilidade apenas manifestaria outro transtorno, que é o medo de ficarmos sozinhos conosco?

  1. (Contardo Calligaris. www.folha.uol.com.br/colunas/contardocalligaris/ 2015/04/1622746-sozinhos-ou-solitarios.shtml, 30.04.2015. Adaptado)

O segmento destacado em – Ao longo dessas décadas tão propensas a idealizar a convivência social… (6° parágrafo) – está corretamente substituído, com o sentido preservado, por:


    A) inclinadas a ? inclinadas a alguma coisa (=correto).

    B) refratárias a ? sentido diferente do original, "refratárias" significa que resiste a algo e não que se inclina a algo, que tende a algo.

    C) condicionadas de ? condicionadas a alguma coisa e não "de".

    D) obstinadas de ? obstinadas a alguma coisa e não "de".

    E) suscetíveis de ? suscetíveis a alguma coisa e não "de".

    Baixe a Planilha de Gestão Completa nos Estudos Grátis: http://3f1c129.contato.site/plangestaoestudost3


  • Gabarito A

    – Ao longo dessas décadas tão propensas a idealizar a convivência social… (6° parágrafo) 

    propensas a é equivalente à inclinadas.

  • Assertiva A

    inclinadas a. "pede a preposição 'A' "

Prefeitura de Rio Claro - SP

Leia o texto para responder a questão.

Sozinhos ou solitários?

    Mundo afora, um número crescente de pessoas moram sozinhas. Essa informação é quase sempre veiculada como sinal de alguma decadência urbana ou de uma espécie de patologia contemporânea.

      Os anos 1960 promoveram a vida em sociedade. Logo em 1959, uma psicanalista, Frieda Fromm-Reichmann, admitia que é possível ser solitário sem sequer se sentir sozinho, mas o que ficou a partir de então é que a solidão estaria na origem de todo tipo de sofrimento e de transtorno mental. Trinta anos mais tarde, já se constatava (ou se acreditava?) que a solidão encurtaria a vida do solitário.

      Enfim, é normal que a gente esteja e se sinta sozinho, mas resta saber se essa sensação é ruim para a saúde. Uma leitura sistemática de 148 pesquisas publicadas mostra que a falta de relações sociais fortes é um fator de mortalidade parecido com o fumo ou o álcool e maior que a inatividade física e a obesidade.

      Claro, os pesquisadores sabem que não é simples definir a solidão. Também sabem que muitos fumam, bebem, comem e ficam deitados vendo TV justamente porque estão sozinhos – o que faz que seja complicado descobrir qual é o verdadeiro fator de risco. De qualquer forma, para os autores, fica estabelecido que a solidão encurta a vida.

      Nos últimos 15 anos, apareceu uma nova questão: será que o uso da internet é uma causa ou um efeito da solidão que ameaçaria nossas vidas?

      Ao longo dessas décadas tão propensas a idealizar a convivência social, houve a voz discordante de Anthony Storr, outro psicanalista, que, em 1988, lembrou que, para alguns, ficar sozinho pode ser um jeito de se curar – não adoecer.

      Entre Fromm-Reichmann e Storr, uma pergunta: a solidão é um transtorno de nossa sociabilidade supostamente “natural”? Ou, então, nossa sociabilidade apenas manifestaria outro transtorno, que é o medo de ficarmos sozinhos conosco?

  1. (Contardo Calligaris. www.folha.uol.com.br/colunas/contardocalligaris/ 2015/04/1622746-sozinhos-ou-solitarios.shtml, 30.04.2015. Adaptado)

A expressão entre parênteses nesta passagem do 2° parágrafo do texto – Trinta anos mais tarde, já se constatava (ou se acreditava?) que a solidão encurtaria a vida do solitário. – equivale a


    ?  Trinta anos mais tarde, já se constatava (ou se acreditava?) que a solidão encurtaria a vida do solitário.

    ? O trecho entre parênteses marca um comentário do autor, uma opinião dele, marca a ideia que a constatação pode ser baseada em crenças somente, não tendo um valor verdadeiro, talvez.

    Baixe a Planilha de Gestão Completa nos Estudos Grátis: http://3f1c129.contato.site/plangestaoestudost3


  • Gabarito C

    "– Trinta anos mais tarde, já se constatava (ou se acreditava?) que a solidão encurtaria a vida do solitário."

    Parênteses ( ): são sinais de pontuação que marcam um momento intercalado no texto, onde há acréscimo de informação acessória. (norma culta)

    O autor fez um comentário no trecho.

  • Assertiva C

    um comentário à parte para relativizar o sentido expresso em “constatava”.

Prefeitura de Rio Claro - SP

Leia o texto para responder a questão.

Sozinhos ou solitários?

    Mundo afora, um número crescente de pessoas moram sozinhas. Essa informação é quase sempre veiculada como sinal de alguma decadência urbana ou de uma espécie de patologia contemporânea.

      Os anos 1960 promoveram a vida em sociedade. Logo em 1959, uma psicanalista, Frieda Fromm-Reichmann, admitia que é possível ser solitário sem sequer se sentir sozinho, mas o que ficou a partir de então é que a solidão estaria na origem de todo tipo de sofrimento e de transtorno mental. Trinta anos mais tarde, já se constatava (ou se acreditava?) que a solidão encurtaria a vida do solitário.

      Enfim, é normal que a gente esteja e se sinta sozinho, mas resta saber se essa sensação é ruim para a saúde. Uma leitura sistemática de 148 pesquisas publicadas mostra que a falta de relações sociais fortes é um fator de mortalidade parecido com o fumo ou o álcool e maior que a inatividade física e a obesidade.

      Claro, os pesquisadores sabem que não é simples definir a solidão. Também sabem que muitos fumam, bebem, comem e ficam deitados vendo TV justamente porque estão sozinhos – o que faz que seja complicado descobrir qual é o verdadeiro fator de risco. De qualquer forma, para os autores, fica estabelecido que a solidão encurta a vida.

      Nos últimos 15 anos, apareceu uma nova questão: será que o uso da internet é uma causa ou um efeito da solidão que ameaçaria nossas vidas?

      Ao longo dessas décadas tão propensas a idealizar a convivência social, houve a voz discordante de Anthony Storr, outro psicanalista, que, em 1988, lembrou que, para alguns, ficar sozinho pode ser um jeito de se curar – não adoecer.

      Entre Fromm-Reichmann e Storr, uma pergunta: a solidão é um transtorno de nossa sociabilidade supostamente “natural”? Ou, então, nossa sociabilidade apenas manifestaria outro transtorno, que é o medo de ficarmos sozinhos conosco?

  1. (Contardo Calligaris. www.folha.uol.com.br/colunas/contardocalligaris/ 2015/04/1622746-sozinhos-ou-solitarios.shtml, 30.04.2015. Adaptado)

Ao substituir-se “a gente” por “nós”, o trecho destacado em – … é normal que a gente esteja e se sinta sozinho… (3° parágrafo) – deverá assumir a seguinte redação, para manter-se de acordo com a norma-padrão da língua portuguesa e preservar seu sentido original:


    ? a gente esteja e se sinta sozinho ? "esteja" (=terceira pessoa do singular do presente do subjuntivo); "sinta" (=terceira pessoa do singular do presente do subjuntivo).

    ? Usando a terceira pessoa do plural "nós": nós estejamos e nos sintamos sozinhos (=conjugação correta no mesmo tempo verbal e adjetivo "sozinhos" concordando com "nós").

    Baixe a Planilha de Gestão Completa nos Estudos Grátis: http://3f1c129.contato.site/plangestaoestudost3


  • Gabarito E

    "– … é normal que a gente esteja e se sinta sozinho… (3° parágrafo)"

    que eu esteja (1o pessoa do Presente do Subjuntivo)

    que nós Estejamos (3o pessoa do Presente do Subjuntivo)

    Seguindo plural com plural. (Sozinhos)

  • Assertiva E

    nós estejamos e nos sintamos sozinhos.

Prefeitura de Rio Claro - SP

Assinale a alternativa em que a concordância está de acordo com a norma-padrão da língua portuguesa.


    A) O fato de cada vez mais pessoas morarem sozinhas tem sido analisadas como uma patologia contemporânea ? núcleo do sujeito é o substantivo "fato", logo, o correto é "analisado".

    B) A partir da década de 1960, todo tipo de sofrimento e transtorno mental passaram a ser relacionado com a solidão ? o núcleo do sujeito é "tipo", logo, o correto é "passou".

    C) Após a leitura de 148 estudos, concluíram-se que a inatividade física e a obesidade não matam tanto quanto a solidão ? voz passiva sintética com sujeito paciente sendo uma oração, concluiu-se isso (isso foi concluído).

    D) Recentemente, está ocorrendo vários debates que tratam da relação entre a solidão e o uso excessivo da internet ? sujeito posposto ao verbo (=vários debates), vários debates estão ocorrendo.

    E) É preciso que se publiquem mais estudos sobre a solidão e a internet, para se compreender como ambas se relacionam ? voz passiva sintética com sujeito paciente no plural "mais estudos", mais estudos sejam publicados; depois concordância feita corretamente no plural com o termo "ambas".

    Baixe a Planilha de Gestão Completa nos Estudos Grátis: http://3f1c129.contato.site/plangestaoestudost3


  • Gabarito E

    A) O fato de cada vez mais pessoas morarem sozinhas tem sido ANALISADO como uma patologia contemporânea. ⇢ O núcleo do sujeito está no masculino e no singular

    B) A partir da década de 1960, todo tipo de sofrimento e transtorno mental PASSOU a ser relacionado com a solidão. O núcleo do sujeito está no singular "tipo".

    C) Após a leitura de 148 estudos, CONCLUIU-SE que a inatividade física e a obesidade não matam tanto quanto a solidão. ⇢ concluiu-se isso, veja que o sujeito é oracional, portando o verbo fica na terceira pessoa do singular.

    D) Recentemente, ESTÃO ocorrendo vários debates que tratam da relação entre a solidão e o uso excessivo da internet. ⇢ O verbo deve concordar com sujeito. O núcleo do sujeito é "debates".

    E) É preciso que se publiquem mais estudos sobre a solidão e a internet, para se compreender como ambas se relacionam. Gabarito

  • Rumo a PM do Piauí

Prefeitura de Rio Claro - SP

Leia o texto para responder a questão.

Roteiro da solidão

      Um dia você acorda sozinho, sem ninguém no mundo, o telefone não toca e o silêncio toma conta de tudo. Foi num dia assim que dona Ineide começou a se desesperar. Às vezes cantava só para sentir que ainda tinha voz. O marido morrera, os filhos se foram e, de repente, ei-la sozinha naquele casarão. Depois de muito pensar, resolveu colocá-lo à venda, não para ir morar num apartamento, mas apenas para ter alguém batendo à sua porta, convidar para entrar, tomar um café e entabular negociações em que ela não estaria nem um pouco interessada.

      Os interessados começam a aparecer. Dona Ineide fica muito feliz, toma novos ares, come melhor. Até um pouco de maquiagem ela passa a usar, coisa simples, um pó compacto, um batom leve. Está velha, mas ainda tem alguma vaidade. Não tem medo de assaltos, porque também não tem nada de valor em casa. As joias, deu-as todas para as filhas e noras.

      Desde então, a manhã de dona Ineide tem se ido numa rapidez espantosa. A tarde é sempre mais preguiçosa, mais demorada. Liga a TV e já nem presta mais atenção nos comentários feitos por aquela apresentadora de voz enjoada e fraquinha. Os programas são sempre ruins, ela sabe disso, mas o som da TV é sempre uma boa companhia. Têm aparecido mais homens que mulheres interessados em comprar seu casarão. Ela dá um preço irreal, alguns tentam entabular negociação, outros desistem logo. Dona Ineide abre o sorriso ainda perfeito para alguém de sua idade e diz: “Que pena, pense bem, o local é ótimo, precisa só de uma boa pintura”. Claro que é mentira. O casarão está muito escalavrado.

(Antonio Carlos Viana. Jeito de matar lagartas. Companhia das Letras, São Paulo, 2015, p. 10-11. Adaptado)

O texto narra a história de dona Ineide, uma senhora


    ? Baita texto, sensacional.

    ? A história de uma senhora que possuía como única companheira a solidão, até que, um dia, decide colocar sua casa à venda com um preço absurdo somente para que receba visitas e contorne a solidão com momentos com alguma companhia.

    Baixe a Planilha de Gestão Completa nos Estudos Grátis: http://3f1c129.contato.site/plangestaoestudost3


  • Assertiva D

    idosa que coloca sua casa à venda para ter um pretexto para receber visitas e, assim, contornar sua solidão.

    Texto reflexivo

Prefeitura de Rio Claro - SP

Leia o texto para responder a questão.

Roteiro da solidão

      Um dia você acorda sozinho, sem ninguém no mundo, o telefone não toca e o silêncio toma conta de tudo. Foi num dia assim que dona Ineide começou a se desesperar. Às vezes cantava só para sentir que ainda tinha voz. O marido morrera, os filhos se foram e, de repente, ei-la sozinha naquele casarão. Depois de muito pensar, resolveu colocá-lo à venda, não para ir morar num apartamento, mas apenas para ter alguém batendo à sua porta, convidar para entrar, tomar um café e entabular negociações em que ela não estaria nem um pouco interessada.

      Os interessados começam a aparecer. Dona Ineide fica muito feliz, toma novos ares, come melhor. Até um pouco de maquiagem ela passa a usar, coisa simples, um pó compacto, um batom leve. Está velha, mas ainda tem alguma vaidade. Não tem medo de assaltos, porque também não tem nada de valor em casa. As joias, deu-as todas para as filhas e noras.

      Desde então, a manhã de dona Ineide tem se ido numa rapidez espantosa. A tarde é sempre mais preguiçosa, mais demorada. Liga a TV e já nem presta mais atenção nos comentários feitos por aquela apresentadora de voz enjoada e fraquinha. Os programas são sempre ruins, ela sabe disso, mas o som da TV é sempre uma boa companhia. Têm aparecido mais homens que mulheres interessados em comprar seu casarão. Ela dá um preço irreal, alguns tentam entabular negociação, outros desistem logo. Dona Ineide abre o sorriso ainda perfeito para alguém de sua idade e diz: “Que pena, pense bem, o local é ótimo, precisa só de uma boa pintura”. Claro que é mentira. O casarão está muito escalavrado.

(Antonio Carlos Viana. Jeito de matar lagartas. Companhia das Letras, São Paulo, 2015, p. 10-11. Adaptado)

Uma palavra empregada com sentido exclusivamente figurado está em destaque em:


    ? Queremos um sentido figurado, sentido conotativo, sentido irreal:

    ? Os interessados começam a aparecer. Dona Ineide fica muito feliz, toma novos ares, come melhor ? denotativamente, o termo refere-se ao sentido de arar a terra, aqui está sendo usado com o sentido de mudar os sentimentos, passar a ver as coisas com mais positividade (=sentido figurado).

    Baixe a Planilha de Gestão Completa nos Estudos Grátis: http://3f1c129.contato.site/plangestaoestudost3


  • Gabarito B

    O sentido literal da palavra "ares" foi empregado como novos rumos/animada diante dos interessados em comprar a sua casa.

Prefeitura de Rio Claro - SP

A frase redigida em conformidade com a norma-padrão da língua portuguesa é:


    A) Dona Ineide considerava os programas da tarde ruins, mas a TV fazia-lhe companhia ? correto.

    B) Quando o homem entrou na casa de dona Ineide, ela ofereceu-o café com biscoitos ? ofereceu alguma coisa (café com biscoitos) a alguém (objeto direto, o correto era usar o pronome oblíquo átono "lhe", referindo-se "ao homem").

    C( Dona Ineide alegou de que o casarão era bem localizado e só iria requerer uma boa pintura ? alegou alguma coisa e não "de" alguma coisa (=que o casarão... ? oração subordinada substantiva objetiva direta).

    D) Muitos tentaram persuadir-lhe de baixar o preço da casa, mas a mulher estava irredutível ? persuadir alguém (pronome "lhe" não pode ser usado como um objeto direto, o correto é "persuadi-lo", verbo terminado em -r, -s e -z, essas letras saem, e usa-se -lo(s), -la(s)).

    E) A mulher recebeu propostas de compra, às quais não estava nem um pouco interessada ? nem um pouco interessada "em" alguma coisa (em+as= nas quais).

    Baixe a Planilha de Gestão Completa nos Estudos Grátis: http://3f1c129.contato.site/plangestaoestudost3


  • Gabarito A

    "quem fazia" fazia alguma coisa a alguém ⇢ Companhia = objeto indireto

    Lhe = Dona Ineide/objeto indireto

Prefeitura de Rio Claro - SP

Assinale a alternativa em que o sinal indicativo de crase está empregado corretamente.


    ? O menino Calvin estava com seu pai à mesa quando fez esse discurso.

    ? Em destaque temos um adjunto adverbial de lugar com base feminina, uso da crase correto e obrigatório.

    Baixe a Planilha de Gestão Completa nos Estudos Grátis: http://3f1c129.contato.site/plangestaoestudost3


  • Gabarito C

    A) Calvin supôs que haveria na China um garoto disposto à vir para os EUA. ⇢ Não há crase antes de verbo.

    B) O garoto à quem Calvin gostaria de falar moraria em algum lugar na China. ⇢ Não há crase antes de pronome indefinido.

    C) O menino Calvin estava com seu pai à mesa quando fez esse discurso. ⇢ "à mesa" locução adverbial feminina, visto que foi inciada com preposição "a".

    D) O pai de Calvin não deu atenção à essa fala cheia de indignação do filho.⇢ Não há crase antes de pronome demostrativo.

    E) Aparentemente, Calvin tinha horror à alguma verdura que estava no prato. ⇢ Não há crase antes de pronome indefinido.


    O menino Calvin estava com seu pai à mesa quando fez esse discurso. ? "à mesa" locução adverbial feminina, visto que foi inciada com preposição "a".

Prefeitura de Rio Claro - SP

Segundo Cunha, no desenvolvimento dos jogos individuais e de grupo, a atitude do professor adquire uma importância que nem sempre é bem avaliada. Por tal razão, antes de tudo, é fundamental que o professor aprimore a sua capacidade de observação e saiba identificar as diferentes etapas por meio das quais o jogo das crianças evolui, para poder intervir de forma a garantir


Prefeitura de Rio Claro - SP

Para Carolyn, o papel das crianças no relacionamento é mais o de aprendiz do que o de alvo da instrução ou o de objeto de elogios. Em uma escola na qual não existem lições pré-estabelecidas formais que todas as crianças devem aprender (como em Reggio Emilia, por exemplo), os professores podem criar atividades que contribuam para o desenvolvimento de entendimentos mais apropriados sobre o tópico. Portanto, o conteúdo do relacionamento entre o professor e a criança é rico com a


Prefeitura de Rio Claro - SP

No entendimento de Smole, um dos maiores motivos para o estudo da matemática na escola é desenvolver a habilidade de resolver problemas. Para uma criança, assim como para um adulto, um problema é toda situação que ela enfrenta e não encontra solução imediata que lhe permita ligar os dados de partida ao objetivo a atingir. Para a autora, essa habilidade é importante para que

  • E- A criança desenvolva suas potencialidades em termos de inteligência e cognição.

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Para Paulo Freire, não é possível pensar sequer a educação sem que se pense a questão do poder. As relações entre a educação enquanto subsistema e o sistema maior são relações dinâmicas, contraditórias e não mecânicas. Segundo o autor, a educação


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Segundo Madalena Freire, a criança pensa, agindo concretamente sobre os objetos; ela opera, pensa a realidade transformando-a, e cada vez mais este pensar vai deixando de se apoiar no concreto. A criança vai interiorizando, abstraindo suas ações sobre a realidade. Ressalta a autora que o pensamento da criança se desenvolve por meio


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Na escola, segundo Jolibert, ler é “ler de verdade”, desde o início, textos autênticos, completos, em situações reais de uso e relacionados aos projetos, necessidades e desejos em pauta. Portanto, para Jolibert, ler é

  • GABARITO B compreender o texto que se está lendo com o propósito de utilizá-lo de imediato.

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A educação inclusiva sustenta que é necessário considerar o aluno de forma individualizada e colaborativa, contemplando suas habilidades e dificuldades no aprendizado em grupo. É inegável que a inclusão na escola implica renovar as mentes e a própria escola. Inclusão, segundo Mantoan,


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Em nome de uma escola eficaz e de qualidade e de uma avaliação exigente, cultivamos índices cruéis de repetência e evasão na escola que sempre se disse de direito e obrigatória. Em relação à aprendizagem, uma avaliação a serviço da ação tem por objetivo a


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Becker afirma que é preciso compreender o processo de construção do conhecimento como condição prévia, em cada patamar, de qualquer aprendizagem. Condição prévia significa estrutura construída; o conteúdo deve ser entendido como meio e não como objetivo. Para o autor, o processo de aprendizagem humana


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Segundo Teberosky e Colomer, a partir da perspectiva construtivista, a diferença fundamental já não se situava entre aprendizagens prévias ou pré-requisitos, mas entre as aprendizagens convencionais ou normativas e as aprendizagens não convencionais ou não normativas. A perspectiva construtivista, segundo as autoras, é importante por considerar que

  • A alfabetização NÃO é um processo abstrato.

    Assim como NÃO há um limite claro entre pré leitor e leitor.

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A gestão democrática das instituições de ensino, prevista nas Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais Gerais para a Educação Básica, representa um importante instrumento de consolidação de democracia em nível de sociedade, considerando que a escola e a sociedade estão dialeticamente constituídas. Nesse sentido, a gestão democrática

  • alguém pode me dizer pq a D também não está correta? grato


    Art. 55. A gestão democrática constitui-se em instrumento de horizontalização das relações, de vivência e convivência colegiada, superando o autoritarismo no planejamento e na concepção e organização curricular, educando para a conquista da cidadania plena e fortalecendo a ação conjunta que busca criar e recriar o trabalho da e na escola.

    Obs: Acredito que o erro na alternativa D seja o "formalmente constituídas", não encontrei esse termo no documento.

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Segundo Vygotsky, ao longo do processo de desenvolvimento, o indivíduo deixa de necessitar de marcas externas e passa a utilizar signos internos, ou seja, elementos que representam objetos, eventos, situações. Para o teórico da educação, a criação e o uso de instrumentos e de signos externos como mediadores da atividade humana compreendem o processo de

  • Se eu disser a palavra catimblum, você não sabe o que é, mas se eu disse que é uma explosão, fará uma representação mental.

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A Resolução CNE/CEB n° 04/10, que estabelece as Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais Gerais para a Educação Básica, afirma que a organização do percurso formativo deve assegurar a escolha da abordagem didático-pedagógica disciplinar, pluridisciplinar, interdisciplinar ou transdisciplinar pela escola, que oriente o projeto político-pedagógico. Acerca da interdisciplinaridade mencionada nessa Resolução, é correto afirmar que

  • se trata de uma abordagem epistemológica dos objetos do conhecimento.

  • § 6º A transversalidade refere-se à dimensão didático-pedagógica, e a interdisciplinaridade, à abordagem epistemológica dos objetos de conhecimento.

    § 5º A transversalidade difere da interdisciplinaridade e ambas complementam-se, rejeitando a concepção de conhecimento que toma a realidade como algo estável, pronto e acabado.

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A Resolução CNE/CEB n° 07/2010, ao definir as Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais para o Ensino Fundamental de 9 (nove) anos, afirma que a educação deve proporcionar o desenvolvimento do potencial humano, permitindo o exercício dos direitos civis, políticos, sociais e do direito à diferença, possibilitando também a formação cidadã e o usufruto dos bens sociais e culturais. Dessa forma, uma das funções da escola é promover uma educação de qualidade e relevante. A respeito da relevância, prescrita na Resolução, é correto afirmar que se refere à

  • Letra A - Art. 5° $2 DCN EF

    A) ação de aprendizagens significativas do ponto de vista das exigências sociais e de desenvolvimento pessoal.

    B) possibilidade de atender às necessidades e às características dos estudantes de diversos contextos sociais e culturais e com diferentes capacidades e interesses. Pertinência

    C) importância de tratar de forma idêntica o que se apresenta como desigual no ponto de partida, assegurando a todos a igualdade de direito à educação. Equidade

    D) necessidade de o professor desenvolver todo o conteúdo estabelecido para cada etapa como forma de se garantir a uniformidade do processo educacional.

    E) importância de a escola considerar que todos os alunos podem aprender os conteúdos trabalhados da mesma forma.

  • Segundo a CNE/CEB 07/2010, no § 2º : A educação de qualidade, como um direito fundamental, é, antes de tudo, relevante, pertinente e equitativa. I – A relevância reporta-se à promoção de aprendizagens significativas do ponto de vista das exigências sociais e de desenvolvimento pessoal. II – A pertinência refere-se à possibilidade de atender às necessidades e às características dos estudantes de diversos contextos sociais e culturais e com diferentes capacidades e interesses. III – A equidade alude à importância de tratar de forma diferenciada o que se apresenta como desigual no ponto de partida, com vistas a obter desenvolvimento e aprendizagens equiparáveis, assegurando a todos a igualdade de direito à educação.

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As Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais para o Ensino Fundamental de 9 (nove) anos, expressas no Parecer CNE/CEB nº 11/2010, estabelecem que as escolas deverão formular o projeto político-pedagógico por meio de processos participativos relacionados à gestão democrática. Acerca do projeto político-pedagógico, orienta o Parecer que ele deve

  • Gabarito D, mas nao entendi, se alguem conseguir explicar, por favor !

  • Art. 20 As escolas deverão formular o projeto político-pedagógico e elaborar o regimento escolar de acordo com a proposta do Ensino Fundamental de 9 (nove) anos, por meio de processos participativos relacionados à gestão democrática.

    § 1º O projeto político-pedagógico da escola traduz a proposta educativa construída pela comunidade escolar no exercício de sua autonomia, com base nas características dos alunos, nos profissionais e recursos disponíveis, tendo como referência as orientações curriculares nacionais e dos respectivos sistemas de ensino.

  • Acredito que se demais assertivas fazem Parte do regimento escolar!

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O currículo do ensino fundamental é entendido como constituído pelas experiências escolares que se desdobram em torno do conhecimento, permeadas pelas relações sociais, buscando articular vivências e saberes dos alunos com os conhecimentos historicamente acumulados e contribuindo para construir as identidades dos estudantes. Com esse entendimento, é correto afirmar, segundo a Resolução CNE/CEB n° 04/2010, que currículo significa

  • A

    Art. 13. O currículo, assumindo como referência os princípios educacionais garantidos à educação, assegurados no artigo 4º desta Resolução, configura-se como o conjunto de valores e práticas que proporcionam a produção, a socialização de significados no espaço social e contribuem intensamente para a construção de identidades socioculturais dos educandos.

  • Toda vez que a questão pedir que define o que seja currículo para essa resolução, vc tem que decorar duas palavrinhas = conjunto de valores e práticas.

    A alternativa que tiver isso vai estar certa na maioria dos casos.

    Gabarito A

  • Palavra chave: conjunto de valores e práticas.

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A Constituição Federal de 1988 assegura o direito à educação a todo cidadão no território brasileiro, sem discriminação de qualquer espécie, e estabelece que é responsabilidade do Estado garanti-lo. Assim, determina que o dever do Estado com a educação será efetivado mediante a garantia

  • Art. 208. O dever do Estado com a educação será efetivado mediante a garantia de:

    I- A educação básica obrigatória e gratuita dos 4 (quatro) aos 17 (dezessete) anos de idade.

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A mãe de um aluno do ensino fundamental solicita ao professor de educação física que seu filho seja dispensado das aulas, argumentando que ele não tem nenhuma aptidão para a prática de esportes. Tendo como base a Lei Federal n° 9.394/96, o professor responderá à mãe que

  • Art. 26. Os currículos da educação infantil, do ensino fundamental e do ensino médio devem ter base nacional comum, a ser complementada, em cada sistema de ensino e em cada estabelecimento escolar, por uma parte diversificada, exigida pelas características regionais e locais da sociedade, da cultura, da economia e dos educandos.           

    § 3º A educação física, integrada à proposta pedagógica da escola, é componente curricular obrigatório da educação básica, sendo sua prática facultativa ao aluno:             

    I – que cumpra jornada de trabalho igual ou superior a seis horas;          

    II – maior de trinta anos de idade;         

    III – que estiver prestando serviço militar inicial ou que, em situação similar, estiver obrigado à prática da educação física;         

    IV – amparado pelo ;          

    V –   VETADO        

    VI – que tenha prole.

    Art. 35-A.

    § 2º A Base Nacional Comum Curricular referente ao ensino médio incluirá obrigatoriamente estudos e práticas de educação física, arte, sociologia e filosofia.             

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O Conselho Tutelar, criado no âmbito do Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente, Lei Federal n° 8.069/90, é o órgão responsável para fiscalizar e zelar pelo cumprimento dos direitos das crianças e dos adolescentes. A respeito do Conselho Tutelar, é correto afirmar que


    ? Conforme o ECA (8069/90):

    ? Art. 18-B. Os pais, os integrantes da família ampliada, os responsáveis, os agentes públicos executores de medidas socioeducativas ou qualquer pessoa encarregada de cuidar de crianças e de adolescentes, tratá-los, educá-los ou protegê-los que utilizarem castigo físico ou tratamento cruel ou degradante como formas de correção, disciplina, educação ou qualquer outro pretexto estarão sujeitos, sem prejuízo de outras sanções cabíveis, às seguintes medidas, que serão aplicadas de acordo com a gravidade do caso: (Incluído pela Lei nº 13.010, de 2014)

    I - encaminhamento a programa oficial ou comunitário de proteção à família; (Incluído pela Lei nº 13.010, de 2014)

    II - encaminhamento a tratamento psicológico ou psiquiátrico; (Incluído pela Lei nº 13.010, de 2014)

    III - encaminhamento a cursos ou programas de orientação; (Incluído pela Lei nº 13.010, de 2014)

    IV - obrigação de encaminhar a criança a tratamento especializado; (Incluído pela Lei nº 13.010, de 2014)

    V - advertência. (Incluído pela Lei nº 13.010, de 2014)

    Parágrafo único. As medidas previstas neste artigo serão aplicadas pelo Conselho Tutelar, sem prejuízo de outras providências legais. (Incluído pela Lei nº 13.010, de 2014).

    Baixe a Planilha de Gestão Completa nos Estudos Grátis: http://3f1c129.contato.site/plangestaoestudost3


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Legislação Municipal

O Plano Municipal de Educação de Rio Claro (PME), instituído pela Lei Municipal n° 4.886/2015, traduz e concilia os desejos, as necessidades e as capacidades educacionais do município para a oferta da educação básica nos próximos dez anos, levando em consideração a trajetória histórica, as características socioculturais e ambientais, a vocação e a perspectiva de futuro do município. Nesse sentido, é correto afirmar que o PME


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Leia o texto a seguir para responder a questão.

Learning and Teaching

    What is learning and what is teaching and how do they interact? Consider again some traditional definitions. A search in contemporary dictionaries reveals that learning is “acquiring or getting of knowledge of a subject or a skill by study, experience, or instruction.” A more specialized definition might read as follows: “Learning is a relatively permanent change in a behavioral tendency and is the result of reinforced practice” (Kimble and Garmezy 1963:133). Similarly, teaching, which is implied in the first definition of learning, may be defined as “showing or helping someone to learn how to do something, giving instructions, guiding in the study of something, providing with knowledge, causing to know or understand.” How awkward these definitions are! Isn’t it rather curious that learned lexicographers cannot devise more precise scientific definitions? More than perhaps anything else, such definitions reflect the difficulty of defining complex concepts like learning and teaching.

    These concepts can also give way to a number of subfields within the discipline of psychology: acquisition processes, perception memory (storage) systems, recall, conscious and subconscious learning, learning styles and strategies, theories of forgetting, reinforcement, the role of practice. Very quickly the concept of learning becomes every bit as complex as the concept of language. Yet the second language learner brings all these and more variables into play in the learning of a second language.

    Teaching cannot be defined apart from learning. Nathan Gage (1964:269) noted that “to satisfy the practical demands of education, theories of learning must be ‘stood on their head’ so as to yield theories of teaching.” Teaching is guiding and facilitating learning, enabling the learner to learn, setting the conditions for learning. Your understanding of how the learner learns will determine your philosophy of education, your teaching style, your approach, methods, and classroom techniques. If, like B. F. Skinner, you look at learning as a process of operant conditioning through a carefully paced program of reinforcement, you will teach accordingly. If you view second language learning basically as a deductive rather than an inductive process, you will probably choose to present copious rules and paradigms to your students rather than let them “discover” those rules inductively. An extended definition—or theory—of teaching will spell out governing principles for choosing certain methods and techniques. A theory of teaching, in harmony with your integrated understanding of the learner and of the subject matter to be learned, will point the way to successful procedures on a given day for given learners under the various constraints of the particular context of learning.

(Principles of language learning and teaching, H. Douglas Brown. Adaptado)

The main issue discussed in the text is

  • "Teaching cannot be defined apart from learning. NathanGage (1964:269) noted that “to satisfy the practical demandsof education, theories of learning must be ‘stood on theirhead’ so as to yield theories of teaching.”

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Leia o texto a seguir para responder a questão.

Learning and Teaching

    What is learning and what is teaching and how do they interact? Consider again some traditional definitions. A search in contemporary dictionaries reveals that learning is “acquiring or getting of knowledge of a subject or a skill by study, experience, or instruction.” A more specialized definition might read as follows: “Learning is a relatively permanent change in a behavioral tendency and is the result of reinforced practice” (Kimble and Garmezy 1963:133). Similarly, teaching, which is implied in the first definition of learning, may be defined as “showing or helping someone to learn how to do something, giving instructions, guiding in the study of something, providing with knowledge, causing to know or understand.” How awkward these definitions are! Isn’t it rather curious that learned lexicographers cannot devise more precise scientific definitions? More than perhaps anything else, such definitions reflect the difficulty of defining complex concepts like learning and teaching.

    These concepts can also give way to a number of subfields within the discipline of psychology: acquisition processes, perception memory (storage) systems, recall, conscious and subconscious learning, learning styles and strategies, theories of forgetting, reinforcement, the role of practice. Very quickly the concept of learning becomes every bit as complex as the concept of language. Yet the second language learner brings all these and more variables into play in the learning of a second language.

    Teaching cannot be defined apart from learning. Nathan Gage (1964:269) noted that “to satisfy the practical demands of education, theories of learning must be ‘stood on their head’ so as to yield theories of teaching.” Teaching is guiding and facilitating learning, enabling the learner to learn, setting the conditions for learning. Your understanding of how the learner learns will determine your philosophy of education, your teaching style, your approach, methods, and classroom techniques. If, like B. F. Skinner, you look at learning as a process of operant conditioning through a carefully paced program of reinforcement, you will teach accordingly. If you view second language learning basically as a deductive rather than an inductive process, you will probably choose to present copious rules and paradigms to your students rather than let them “discover” those rules inductively. An extended definition—or theory—of teaching will spell out governing principles for choosing certain methods and techniques. A theory of teaching, in harmony with your integrated understanding of the learner and of the subject matter to be learned, will point the way to successful procedures on a given day for given learners under the various constraints of the particular context of learning.

(Principles of language learning and teaching, H. Douglas Brown. Adaptado)

According to the text

  • "A theory of teaching, in harmony with your integratedunderstanding of the learner and of the subject matter to belearned, will point the way to successful procedures on agiven day for given learners under the various constraints ofthe particular context of learning."

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Leia o texto a seguir para responder a questão.

Learning and Teaching

    What is learning and what is teaching and how do they interact? Consider again some traditional definitions. A search in contemporary dictionaries reveals that learning is “acquiring or getting of knowledge of a subject or a skill by study, experience, or instruction.” A more specialized definition might read as follows: “Learning is a relatively permanent change in a behavioral tendency and is the result of reinforced practice” (Kimble and Garmezy 1963:133). Similarly, teaching, which is implied in the first definition of learning, may be defined as “showing or helping someone to learn how to do something, giving instructions, guiding in the study of something, providing with knowledge, causing to know or understand.” How awkward these definitions are! Isn’t it rather curious that learned lexicographers cannot devise more precise scientific definitions? More than perhaps anything else, such definitions reflect the difficulty of defining complex concepts like learning and teaching.

    These concepts can also give way to a number of subfields within the discipline of psychology: acquisition processes, perception memory (storage) systems, recall, conscious and subconscious learning, learning styles and strategies, theories of forgetting, reinforcement, the role of practice. Very quickly the concept of learning becomes every bit as complex as the concept of language. Yet the second language learner brings all these and more variables into play in the learning of a second language.

    Teaching cannot be defined apart from learning. Nathan Gage (1964:269) noted that “to satisfy the practical demands of education, theories of learning must be ‘stood on their head’ so as to yield theories of teaching.” Teaching is guiding and facilitating learning, enabling the learner to learn, setting the conditions for learning. Your understanding of how the learner learns will determine your philosophy of education, your teaching style, your approach, methods, and classroom techniques. If, like B. F. Skinner, you look at learning as a process of operant conditioning through a carefully paced program of reinforcement, you will teach accordingly. If you view second language learning basically as a deductive rather than an inductive process, you will probably choose to present copious rules and paradigms to your students rather than let them “discover” those rules inductively. An extended definition—or theory—of teaching will spell out governing principles for choosing certain methods and techniques. A theory of teaching, in harmony with your integrated understanding of the learner and of the subject matter to be learned, will point the way to successful procedures on a given day for given learners under the various constraints of the particular context of learning.

(Principles of language learning and teaching, H. Douglas Brown. Adaptado)

De acordo com o terceiro parágrafo, a abordagem, o método e o estilo do professor, entre outros, dependem

  • "Teaching cannot be defined apart from learning. NathanGage (1964:269) noted that “to satisfy the practical demandsof education, theories of learning must be ‘stood on theirhead’ so as to yield theories of teaching.”
  • Teaching is guiding and facilitating learning, enabling the learner to learn, setting the conditions for learning. Your understanding of "HOW THE LEARNER LEARNS WILL DETERMINE YOUR PHILOSOPHY OF EDUCATION"

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Leia o texto a seguir para responder a questão.

Learning and Teaching

    What is learning and what is teaching and how do they interact? Consider again some traditional definitions. A search in contemporary dictionaries reveals that learning is “acquiring or getting of knowledge of a subject or a skill by study, experience, or instruction.” A more specialized definition might read as follows: “Learning is a relatively permanent change in a behavioral tendency and is the result of reinforced practice” (Kimble and Garmezy 1963:133). Similarly, teaching, which is implied in the first definition of learning, may be defined as “showing or helping someone to learn how to do something, giving instructions, guiding in the study of something, providing with knowledge, causing to know or understand.” How awkward these definitions are! Isn’t it rather curious that learned lexicographers cannot devise more precise scientific definitions? More than perhaps anything else, such definitions reflect the difficulty of defining complex concepts like learning and teaching.

    These concepts can also give way to a number of subfields within the discipline of psychology: acquisition processes, perception memory (storage) systems, recall, conscious and subconscious learning, learning styles and strategies, theories of forgetting, reinforcement, the role of practice. Very quickly the concept of learning becomes every bit as complex as the concept of language. Yet the second language learner brings all these and more variables into play in the learning of a second language.

    Teaching cannot be defined apart from learning. Nathan Gage (1964:269) noted that “to satisfy the practical demands of education, theories of learning must be ‘stood on their head’ so as to yield theories of teaching.” Teaching is guiding and facilitating learning, enabling the learner to learn, setting the conditions for learning. Your understanding of how the learner learns will determine your philosophy of education, your teaching style, your approach, methods, and classroom techniques. If, like B. F. Skinner, you look at learning as a process of operant conditioning through a carefully paced program of reinforcement, you will teach accordingly. If you view second language learning basically as a deductive rather than an inductive process, you will probably choose to present copious rules and paradigms to your students rather than let them “discover” those rules inductively. An extended definition—or theory—of teaching will spell out governing principles for choosing certain methods and techniques. A theory of teaching, in harmony with your integrated understanding of the learner and of the subject matter to be learned, will point the way to successful procedures on a given day for given learners under the various constraints of the particular context of learning.

(Principles of language learning and teaching, H. Douglas Brown. Adaptado)

A frase do terceiro parágrafo – Teaching is guiding and facilitating learning, enabling the learner to learn, setting the conditions for learning. – pode ser entendida como uma tentativa de


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Leia o texto a seguir para responder a questão.

Learning and Teaching

    What is learning and what is teaching and how do they interact? Consider again some traditional definitions. A search in contemporary dictionaries reveals that learning is “acquiring or getting of knowledge of a subject or a skill by study, experience, or instruction.” A more specialized definition might read as follows: “Learning is a relatively permanent change in a behavioral tendency and is the result of reinforced practice” (Kimble and Garmezy 1963:133). Similarly, teaching, which is implied in the first definition of learning, may be defined as “showing or helping someone to learn how to do something, giving instructions, guiding in the study of something, providing with knowledge, causing to know or understand.” How awkward these definitions are! Isn’t it rather curious that learned lexicographers cannot devise more precise scientific definitions? More than perhaps anything else, such definitions reflect the difficulty of defining complex concepts like learning and teaching.

    These concepts can also give way to a number of subfields within the discipline of psychology: acquisition processes, perception memory (storage) systems, recall, conscious and subconscious learning, learning styles and strategies, theories of forgetting, reinforcement, the role of practice. Very quickly the concept of learning becomes every bit as complex as the concept of language. Yet the second language learner brings all these and more variables into play in the learning of a second language.

    Teaching cannot be defined apart from learning. Nathan Gage (1964:269) noted that “to satisfy the practical demands of education, theories of learning must be ‘stood on their head’ so as to yield theories of teaching.” Teaching is guiding and facilitating learning, enabling the learner to learn, setting the conditions for learning. Your understanding of how the learner learns will determine your philosophy of education, your teaching style, your approach, methods, and classroom techniques. If, like B. F. Skinner, you look at learning as a process of operant conditioning through a carefully paced program of reinforcement, you will teach accordingly. If you view second language learning basically as a deductive rather than an inductive process, you will probably choose to present copious rules and paradigms to your students rather than let them “discover” those rules inductively. An extended definition—or theory—of teaching will spell out governing principles for choosing certain methods and techniques. A theory of teaching, in harmony with your integrated understanding of the learner and of the subject matter to be learned, will point the way to successful procedures on a given day for given learners under the various constraints of the particular context of learning.

(Principles of language learning and teaching, H. Douglas Brown. Adaptado)

A última frase do texto indica que

  • "A theory of teaching, in harmony with your integratedunderstanding of the learner and of the subject matter to belearned, will point the way to successful procedures on agiven day for given learners under the various constraints ofthe particular context of learning."

Prefeitura de Rio Claro - SP

Leia o texto a seguir para responder a questão.

Learning and Teaching

    What is learning and what is teaching and how do they interact? Consider again some traditional definitions. A search in contemporary dictionaries reveals that learning is “acquiring or getting of knowledge of a subject or a skill by study, experience, or instruction.” A more specialized definition might read as follows: “Learning is a relatively permanent change in a behavioral tendency and is the result of reinforced practice” (Kimble and Garmezy 1963:133). Similarly, teaching, which is implied in the first definition of learning, may be defined as “showing or helping someone to learn how to do something, giving instructions, guiding in the study of something, providing with knowledge, causing to know or understand.” How awkward these definitions are! Isn’t it rather curious that learned lexicographers cannot devise more precise scientific definitions? More than perhaps anything else, such definitions reflect the difficulty of defining complex concepts like learning and teaching.

    These concepts can also give way to a number of subfields within the discipline of psychology: acquisition processes, perception memory (storage) systems, recall, conscious and subconscious learning, learning styles and strategies, theories of forgetting, reinforcement, the role of practice. Very quickly the concept of learning becomes every bit as complex as the concept of language. Yet the second language learner brings all these and more variables into play in the learning of a second language.

    Teaching cannot be defined apart from learning. Nathan Gage (1964:269) noted that “to satisfy the practical demands of education, theories of learning must be ‘stood on their head’ so as to yield theories of teaching.” Teaching is guiding and facilitating learning, enabling the learner to learn, setting the conditions for learning. Your understanding of how the learner learns will determine your philosophy of education, your teaching style, your approach, methods, and classroom techniques. If, like B. F. Skinner, you look at learning as a process of operant conditioning through a carefully paced program of reinforcement, you will teach accordingly. If you view second language learning basically as a deductive rather than an inductive process, you will probably choose to present copious rules and paradigms to your students rather than let them “discover” those rules inductively. An extended definition—or theory—of teaching will spell out governing principles for choosing certain methods and techniques. A theory of teaching, in harmony with your integrated understanding of the learner and of the subject matter to be learned, will point the way to successful procedures on a given day for given learners under the various constraints of the particular context of learning.

(Principles of language learning and teaching, H. Douglas Brown. Adaptado)

No trecho do primeiro parágrafo – A more specialized definition might read as follows –, o verbo modal contido na frase denota o sentido de

  • Gabarito: A

    → "Might" Indica uma possibilidade que talvez algo aconteça. É uma possibilidade fraca, mas existe. Exemplo:

    "It might be expensive" → "Talvez isto seja caro"

    Não tenho certeza que aquilo é caro, talvez seja (ou não). É uma possibilidade vaga.

    Bons estudos! :)

  • MAY e MIGHT: são usados para dizermos se alguma coisa é possível e para falarmos sobre ações e acontecimentos possíveis no futuro.



  • There is some ways to employ the modal verb might;

    -It might rain this night (Possibility)

    -Peter might call me later (Deduction)

    -My parents might be home (Remote possibility)

Prefeitura de Rio Claro - SP

Leia o texto a seguir para responder a questão.

Learning and Teaching

    What is learning and what is teaching and how do they interact? Consider again some traditional definitions. A search in contemporary dictionaries reveals that learning is “acquiring or getting of knowledge of a subject or a skill by study, experience, or instruction.” A more specialized definition might read as follows: “Learning is a relatively permanent change in a behavioral tendency and is the result of reinforced practice” (Kimble and Garmezy 1963:133). Similarly, teaching, which is implied in the first definition of learning, may be defined as “showing or helping someone to learn how to do something, giving instructions, guiding in the study of something, providing with knowledge, causing to know or understand.” How awkward these definitions are! Isn’t it rather curious that learned lexicographers cannot devise more precise scientific definitions? More than perhaps anything else, such definitions reflect the difficulty of defining complex concepts like learning and teaching.

    These concepts can also give way to a number of subfields within the discipline of psychology: acquisition processes, perception memory (storage) systems, recall, conscious and subconscious learning, learning styles and strategies, theories of forgetting, reinforcement, the role of practice. Very quickly the concept of learning becomes every bit as complex as the concept of language. Yet the second language learner brings all these and more variables into play in the learning of a second language.

    Teaching cannot be defined apart from learning. Nathan Gage (1964:269) noted that “to satisfy the practical demands of education, theories of learning must be ‘stood on their head’ so as to yield theories of teaching.” Teaching is guiding and facilitating learning, enabling the learner to learn, setting the conditions for learning. Your understanding of how the learner learns will determine your philosophy of education, your teaching style, your approach, methods, and classroom techniques. If, like B. F. Skinner, you look at learning as a process of operant conditioning through a carefully paced program of reinforcement, you will teach accordingly. If you view second language learning basically as a deductive rather than an inductive process, you will probably choose to present copious rules and paradigms to your students rather than let them “discover” those rules inductively. An extended definition—or theory—of teaching will spell out governing principles for choosing certain methods and techniques. A theory of teaching, in harmony with your integrated understanding of the learner and of the subject matter to be learned, will point the way to successful procedures on a given day for given learners under the various constraints of the particular context of learning.

(Principles of language learning and teaching, H. Douglas Brown. Adaptado)

Na frase do primeiro parágrafo – How awkward these definitions are! –, a palavra em destaque poderia ser substituída, sem alteração de sentido da frase, por

  • awkward tradução: difícil, complicado, embaraçoso, constrangedor, desajeitado.
  • Significado de clumsy em inglês clumsy adjective UK /ˈklʌm.zi/ US /ˈklʌm.zi/ B2 A clumsy person often has accidents because they do not behave in a careful, controlled way: That's the third glass you've smashed this week - you're so clumsy! awkward in movement or manner: The first mobile phones were heavy and clumsy to use, but nowadays they are much easier to handle. He gave a clumsy bow. not skilful in the way you deal with or express something: Her clumsy handling of the situation only made it worse. My attempts to apologize were very clumsy. Some of the wording of the statement was a bit clumsy.

Prefeitura de Rio Claro - SP

Leia o texto a seguir para responder a questão.

Learning and Teaching

    What is learning and what is teaching and how do they interact? Consider again some traditional definitions. A search in contemporary dictionaries reveals that learning is “acquiring or getting of knowledge of a subject or a skill by study, experience, or instruction.” A more specialized definition might read as follows: “Learning is a relatively permanent change in a behavioral tendency and is the result of reinforced practice” (Kimble and Garmezy 1963:133). Similarly, teaching, which is implied in the first definition of learning, may be defined as “showing or helping someone to learn how to do something, giving instructions, guiding in the study of something, providing with knowledge, causing to know or understand.” How awkward these definitions are! Isn’t it rather curious that learned lexicographers cannot devise more precise scientific definitions? More than perhaps anything else, such definitions reflect the difficulty of defining complex concepts like learning and teaching.

    These concepts can also give way to a number of subfields within the discipline of psychology: acquisition processes, perception memory (storage) systems, recall, conscious and subconscious learning, learning styles and strategies, theories of forgetting, reinforcement, the role of practice. Very quickly the concept of learning becomes every bit as complex as the concept of language. Yet the second language learner brings all these and more variables into play in the learning of a second language.

    Teaching cannot be defined apart from learning. Nathan Gage (1964:269) noted that “to satisfy the practical demands of education, theories of learning must be ‘stood on their head’ so as to yield theories of teaching.” Teaching is guiding and facilitating learning, enabling the learner to learn, setting the conditions for learning. Your understanding of how the learner learns will determine your philosophy of education, your teaching style, your approach, methods, and classroom techniques. If, like B. F. Skinner, you look at learning as a process of operant conditioning through a carefully paced program of reinforcement, you will teach accordingly. If you view second language learning basically as a deductive rather than an inductive process, you will probably choose to present copious rules and paradigms to your students rather than let them “discover” those rules inductively. An extended definition—or theory—of teaching will spell out governing principles for choosing certain methods and techniques. A theory of teaching, in harmony with your integrated understanding of the learner and of the subject matter to be learned, will point the way to successful procedures on a given day for given learners under the various constraints of the particular context of learning.

(Principles of language learning and teaching, H. Douglas Brown. Adaptado)

On the last sentence of the second paragraph – Yet the second language learner brings all these and more variables into play in the learning of a second language. – the adverb yet could be correctly replaced, with no change in the sense of the paragraph, by

  • If something is true notwithstanding something else, it is true in spite of that other thing. [formal] He despised William Pitt, notwithstanding the similar views they both held. Sinônimos: despite, in spite of, regardless of Mais sinônimos de notwithstanding Notwithstanding is also an adverb. His relations with colleagues, differences of opinion notwithstanding, were unfailingly friendly.

Prefeitura de Rio Claro - SP

Leia o texto a seguir para responder a questão.

Learning and Teaching

    What is learning and what is teaching and how do they interact? Consider again some traditional definitions. A search in contemporary dictionaries reveals that learning is “acquiring or getting of knowledge of a subject or a skill by study, experience, or instruction.” A more specialized definition might read as follows: “Learning is a relatively permanent change in a behavioral tendency and is the result of reinforced practice” (Kimble and Garmezy 1963:133). Similarly, teaching, which is implied in the first definition of learning, may be defined as “showing or helping someone to learn how to do something, giving instructions, guiding in the study of something, providing with knowledge, causing to know or understand.” How awkward these definitions are! Isn’t it rather curious that learned lexicographers cannot devise more precise scientific definitions? More than perhaps anything else, such definitions reflect the difficulty of defining complex concepts like learning and teaching.

    These concepts can also give way to a number of subfields within the discipline of psychology: acquisition processes, perception memory (storage) systems, recall, conscious and subconscious learning, learning styles and strategies, theories of forgetting, reinforcement, the role of practice. Very quickly the concept of learning becomes every bit as complex as the concept of language. Yet the second language learner brings all these and more variables into play in the learning of a second language.

    Teaching cannot be defined apart from learning. Nathan Gage (1964:269) noted that “to satisfy the practical demands of education, theories of learning must be ‘stood on their head’ so as to yield theories of teaching.” Teaching is guiding and facilitating learning, enabling the learner to learn, setting the conditions for learning. Your understanding of how the learner learns will determine your philosophy of education, your teaching style, your approach, methods, and classroom techniques. If, like B. F. Skinner, you look at learning as a process of operant conditioning through a carefully paced program of reinforcement, you will teach accordingly. If you view second language learning basically as a deductive rather than an inductive process, you will probably choose to present copious rules and paradigms to your students rather than let them “discover” those rules inductively. An extended definition—or theory—of teaching will spell out governing principles for choosing certain methods and techniques. A theory of teaching, in harmony with your integrated understanding of the learner and of the subject matter to be learned, will point the way to successful procedures on a given day for given learners under the various constraints of the particular context of learning.

(Principles of language learning and teaching, H. Douglas Brown. Adaptado)

No fragmento do terceiro parágrafo – so as to yield theories of teaching –, o verbo yield tem o mesmo sentido que o verbo

  • "the land yields grapes and tobacco"

    2 give way to arguments, demands, or pressure.

Prefeitura de Rio Claro - SP

Leia o texto a seguir para responder a questão.

Learning and Teaching

    What is learning and what is teaching and how do they interact? Consider again some traditional definitions. A search in contemporary dictionaries reveals that learning is “acquiring or getting of knowledge of a subject or a skill by study, experience, or instruction.” A more specialized definition might read as follows: “Learning is a relatively permanent change in a behavioral tendency and is the result of reinforced practice” (Kimble and Garmezy 1963:133). Similarly, teaching, which is implied in the first definition of learning, may be defined as “showing or helping someone to learn how to do something, giving instructions, guiding in the study of something, providing with knowledge, causing to know or understand.” How awkward these definitions are! Isn’t it rather curious that learned lexicographers cannot devise more precise scientific definitions? More than perhaps anything else, such definitions reflect the difficulty of defining complex concepts like learning and teaching.

    These concepts can also give way to a number of subfields within the discipline of psychology: acquisition processes, perception memory (storage) systems, recall, conscious and subconscious learning, learning styles and strategies, theories of forgetting, reinforcement, the role of practice. Very quickly the concept of learning becomes every bit as complex as the concept of language. Yet the second language learner brings all these and more variables into play in the learning of a second language.

    Teaching cannot be defined apart from learning. Nathan Gage (1964:269) noted that “to satisfy the practical demands of education, theories of learning must be ‘stood on their head’ so as to yield theories of teaching.” Teaching is guiding and facilitating learning, enabling the learner to learn, setting the conditions for learning. Your understanding of how the learner learns will determine your philosophy of education, your teaching style, your approach, methods, and classroom techniques. If, like B. F. Skinner, you look at learning as a process of operant conditioning through a carefully paced program of reinforcement, you will teach accordingly. If you view second language learning basically as a deductive rather than an inductive process, you will probably choose to present copious rules and paradigms to your students rather than let them “discover” those rules inductively. An extended definition—or theory—of teaching will spell out governing principles for choosing certain methods and techniques. A theory of teaching, in harmony with your integrated understanding of the learner and of the subject matter to be learned, will point the way to successful procedures on a given day for given learners under the various constraints of the particular context of learning.

(Principles of language learning and teaching, H. Douglas Brown. Adaptado)

No fragmento do terceiro parágrafo – An extended definition –, o sufixo “-ed” contido em extended é pronunciado em inglês seguindo o mesmo padrão fonológico da palavra

  • Se-pa-re-ted / Ex-ten-ded ✅




Prefeitura de Rio Claro - SP

O texto a seguir apresenta lacunas numeradas das quais foram omitidas uma ou mais palavras. Assinale a alternativa que apresenta a palavra ou expressão que completa corretamente cada uma das lacunas numeradas, tanto quanto à correção gramatical como quanto ao sentido e à estruturação do texto.

What is Communicative Language Teaching?

   Not long ago, when American structural linguistics and behaviorist psychology were the prevailing influences in language teaching methods and materials, second/foreign language teachers talked about communication in terms of four language skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. 41  skill categories were widely accepted and provided a ready-made framework for methods manuals, learner course materials, and teacher education programs. Speaking and writing were collectively 42 as active skills, reading and listening as passive skills.

    Today, listeners and readers no longer are regarded as passive. They are seen as active participants in the negotiation of 43 . Schemata, expectancies, and top-down/bottom-up processing are among the terms now used to capture the necessarily complex, interactive nature of this negotiation. Yet full and widespread understanding of 44 as negotiation has been made difficult by the terms that came to replace the earlier active/passive dichotomy. The skills needed to engage in speaking and writing activities were described subsequently as productive,  45   listening and reading skills were said to be receptive. While certainly an improvement over the earlier active/passive representation, the terms “productive” and “receptive” fall short of capturing the interactive nature of communication.

    The inadequacy of a four-skills model of language use is now recognized. And the  46  of audiolingual methodology are widely acknowledged. There is general acceptance of the complexity and interrelatedness of skills in both  47  and oral communication and of the need for learners to have the experience of communication, to participate in the negotiation of meaning rather than memorizing and repeating words and sentences. Newer, more comprehensive theories of language and language behavior have  48  those that looked to American structuralism and behaviorist psychology for support. The expanded, interactive view of language behavior they offer presents a number of  49  for teachers. Among them, how should form and function be integrated in an instructional sequence? What is an appropriate norm for learners? How is it determined ?What is an error? And what, if anything, should be done when one  50 ? How is language learning success to be measured? Acceptance of communicative criteria entails a commitment to address these admittedly complex issues.

(Communicative Language Teaching for the Twenty-First Century, by Sandra J. Savignon in Teaching English as a Second or Foreign Language, by Marianne Celce-Murcia (ed.). Adaptado)

Assinale a alternativa que apresenta a palavra ou expressão que completa corretamente cada uma das lacunas numeradas, tanto quanto à correção gramatical como quanto ao sentido e à estruturação do texto.

  • Algo muito estranho com esta questão. :(

  • a questao pede o 41

Prefeitura de Rio Claro - SP

O texto a seguir apresenta lacunas numeradas das quais foram omitidas uma ou mais palavras. Assinale a alternativa que apresenta a palavra ou expressão que completa corretamente cada uma das lacunas numeradas, tanto quanto à correção gramatical como quanto ao sentido e à estruturação do texto.

What is Communicative Language Teaching?

   Not long ago, when American structural linguistics and behaviorist psychology were the prevailing influences in language teaching methods and materials, second/foreign language teachers talked about communication in terms of four language skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. 41  skill categories were widely accepted and provided a ready-made framework for methods manuals, learner course materials, and teacher education programs. Speaking and writing were collectively 42 as active skills, reading and listening as passive skills.

    Today, listeners and readers no longer are regarded as passive. They are seen as active participants in the negotiation of 43 . Schemata, expectancies, and top-down/bottom-up processing are among the terms now used to capture the necessarily complex, interactive nature of this negotiation. Yet full and widespread understanding of 44 as negotiation has been made difficult by the terms that came to replace the earlier active/passive dichotomy. The skills needed to engage in speaking and writing activities were described subsequently as productive,  45   listening and reading skills were said to be receptive. While certainly an improvement over the earlier active/passive representation, the terms “productive” and “receptive” fall short of capturing the interactive nature of communication.

    The inadequacy of a four-skills model of language use is now recognized. And the  46  of audiolingual methodology are widely acknowledged. There is general acceptance of the complexity and interrelatedness of skills in both  47  and oral communication and of the need for learners to have the experience of communication, to participate in the negotiation of meaning rather than memorizing and repeating words and sentences. Newer, more comprehensive theories of language and language behavior have  48  those that looked to American structuralism and behaviorist psychology for support. The expanded, interactive view of language behavior they offer presents a number of  49  for teachers. Among them, how should form and function be integrated in an instructional sequence? What is an appropriate norm for learners? How is it determined ?What is an error? And what, if anything, should be done when one  50 ? How is language learning success to be measured? Acceptance of communicative criteria entails a commitment to address these admittedly complex issues.

(Communicative Language Teaching for the Twenty-First Century, by Sandra J. Savignon in Teaching English as a Second or Foreign Language, by Marianne Celce-Murcia (ed.). Adaptado)

Assinale a alternativa que apresenta a palavra ou expressão que completa corretamente cada uma das lacunas numeradas, tanto quanto à correção gramatical como quanto ao sentido e à estruturação do texto.

  • a questao pede a 42

Prefeitura de Rio Claro - SP

O texto a seguir apresenta lacunas numeradas das quais foram omitidas uma ou mais palavras. Assinale a alternativa que apresenta a palavra ou expressão que completa corretamente cada uma das lacunas numeradas, tanto quanto à correção gramatical como quanto ao sentido e à estruturação do texto.

What is Communicative Language Teaching?

   Not long ago, when American structural linguistics and behaviorist psychology were the prevailing influences in language teaching methods and materials, second/foreign language teachers talked about communication in terms of four language skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. 41  skill categories were widely accepted and provided a ready-made framework for methods manuals, learner course materials, and teacher education programs. Speaking and writing were collectively 42 as active skills, reading and listening as passive skills.

    Today, listeners and readers no longer are regarded as passive. They are seen as active participants in the negotiation of 43 . Schemata, expectancies, and top-down/bottom-up processing are among the terms now used to capture the necessarily complex, interactive nature of this negotiation. Yet full and widespread understanding of 44 as negotiation has been made difficult by the terms that came to replace the earlier active/passive dichotomy. The skills needed to engage in speaking and writing activities were described subsequently as productive,  45   listening and reading skills were said to be receptive. While certainly an improvement over the earlier active/passive representation, the terms “productive” and “receptive” fall short of capturing the interactive nature of communication.

    The inadequacy of a four-skills model of language use is now recognized. And the  46  of audiolingual methodology are widely acknowledged. There is general acceptance of the complexity and interrelatedness of skills in both  47  and oral communication and of the need for learners to have the experience of communication, to participate in the negotiation of meaning rather than memorizing and repeating words and sentences. Newer, more comprehensive theories of language and language behavior have  48  those that looked to American structuralism and behaviorist psychology for support. The expanded, interactive view of language behavior they offer presents a number of  49  for teachers. Among them, how should form and function be integrated in an instructional sequence? What is an appropriate norm for learners? How is it determined ?What is an error? And what, if anything, should be done when one  50 ? How is language learning success to be measured? Acceptance of communicative criteria entails a commitment to address these admittedly complex issues.

(Communicative Language Teaching for the Twenty-First Century, by Sandra J. Savignon in Teaching English as a Second or Foreign Language, by Marianne Celce-Murcia (ed.). Adaptado)

Assinale a alternativa que apresenta a palavra ou expressão que completa corretamente cada uma das lacunas numeradas, tanto quanto à correção gramatical como quanto ao sentido e à estruturação do texto.

  • a questao pede a 43

Prefeitura de Rio Claro - SP

O texto a seguir apresenta lacunas numeradas das quais foram omitidas uma ou mais palavras. Assinale a alternativa que apresenta a palavra ou expressão que completa corretamente cada uma das lacunas numeradas, tanto quanto à correção gramatical como quanto ao sentido e à estruturação do texto.

What is Communicative Language Teaching?

   Not long ago, when American structural linguistics and behaviorist psychology were the prevailing influences in language teaching methods and materials, second/foreign language teachers talked about communication in terms of four language skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. 41  skill categories were widely accepted and provided a ready-made framework for methods manuals, learner course materials, and teacher education programs. Speaking and writing were collectively 42 as active skills, reading and listening as passive skills.

    Today, listeners and readers no longer are regarded as passive. They are seen as active participants in the negotiation of 43 . Schemata, expectancies, and top-down/bottom-up processing are among the terms now used to capture the necessarily complex, interactive nature of this negotiation. Yet full and widespread understanding of 44 as negotiation has been made difficult by the terms that came to replace the earlier active/passive dichotomy. The skills needed to engage in speaking and writing activities were described subsequently as productive,  45   listening and reading skills were said to be receptive. While certainly an improvement over the earlier active/passive representation, the terms “productive” and “receptive” fall short of capturing the interactive nature of communication.

    The inadequacy of a four-skills model of language use is now recognized. And the  46  of audiolingual methodology are widely acknowledged. There is general acceptance of the complexity and interrelatedness of skills in both  47  and oral communication and of the need for learners to have the experience of communication, to participate in the negotiation of meaning rather than memorizing and repeating words and sentences. Newer, more comprehensive theories of language and language behavior have  48  those that looked to American structuralism and behaviorist psychology for support. The expanded, interactive view of language behavior they offer presents a number of  49  for teachers. Among them, how should form and function be integrated in an instructional sequence? What is an appropriate norm for learners? How is it determined ?What is an error? And what, if anything, should be done when one  50 ? How is language learning success to be measured? Acceptance of communicative criteria entails a commitment to address these admittedly complex issues.

(Communicative Language Teaching for the Twenty-First Century, by Sandra J. Savignon in Teaching English as a Second or Foreign Language, by Marianne Celce-Murcia (ed.). Adaptado)

Assinale a alternativa que apresenta a palavra ou expressão que completa corretamente cada uma das lacunas numeradas, tanto quanto à correção gramatical como quanto ao sentido e à estruturação do texto.

  • a questao pede a 44

Prefeitura de Rio Claro - SP

O texto a seguir apresenta lacunas numeradas das quais foram omitidas uma ou mais palavras. Assinale a alternativa que apresenta a palavra ou expressão que completa corretamente cada uma das lacunas numeradas, tanto quanto à correção gramatical como quanto ao sentido e à estruturação do texto.

What is Communicative Language Teaching?

   Not long ago, when American structural linguistics and behaviorist psychology were the prevailing influences in language teaching methods and materials, second/foreign language teachers talked about communication in terms of four language skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. 41  skill categories were widely accepted and provided a ready-made framework for methods manuals, learner course materials, and teacher education programs. Speaking and writing were collectively 42 as active skills, reading and listening as passive skills.

    Today, listeners and readers no longer are regarded as passive. They are seen as active participants in the negotiation of 43 . Schemata, expectancies, and top-down/bottom-up processing are among the terms now used to capture the necessarily complex, interactive nature of this negotiation. Yet full and widespread understanding of 44 as negotiation has been made difficult by the terms that came to replace the earlier active/passive dichotomy. The skills needed to engage in speaking and writing activities were described subsequently as productive,  45   listening and reading skills were said to be receptive. While certainly an improvement over the earlier active/passive representation, the terms “productive” and “receptive” fall short of capturing the interactive nature of communication.

    The inadequacy of a four-skills model of language use is now recognized. And the  46  of audiolingual methodology are widely acknowledged. There is general acceptance of the complexity and interrelatedness of skills in both  47  and oral communication and of the need for learners to have the experience of communication, to participate in the negotiation of meaning rather than memorizing and repeating words and sentences. Newer, more comprehensive theories of language and language behavior have  48  those that looked to American structuralism and behaviorist psychology for support. The expanded, interactive view of language behavior they offer presents a number of  49  for teachers. Among them, how should form and function be integrated in an instructional sequence? What is an appropriate norm for learners? How is it determined ?What is an error? And what, if anything, should be done when one  50 ? How is language learning success to be measured? Acceptance of communicative criteria entails a commitment to address these admittedly complex issues.

(Communicative Language Teaching for the Twenty-First Century, by Sandra J. Savignon in Teaching English as a Second or Foreign Language, by Marianne Celce-Murcia (ed.). Adaptado)

Assinale a alternativa que apresenta a palavra ou expressão que completa corretamente cada uma das lacunas numeradas, tanto quanto à correção gramatical como quanto ao sentido e à estruturação do texto.

  • a questao pede a 45

Prefeitura de Rio Claro - SP

O texto a seguir apresenta lacunas numeradas das quais foram omitidas uma ou mais palavras. Assinale a alternativa que apresenta a palavra ou expressão que completa corretamente cada uma das lacunas numeradas, tanto quanto à correção gramatical como quanto ao sentido e à estruturação do texto.

What is Communicative Language Teaching?

   Not long ago, when American structural linguistics and behaviorist psychology were the prevailing influences in language teaching methods and materials, second/foreign language teachers talked about communication in terms of four language skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. 41  skill categories were widely accepted and provided a ready-made framework for methods manuals, learner course materials, and teacher education programs. Speaking and writing were collectively 42 as active skills, reading and listening as passive skills.

    Today, listeners and readers no longer are regarded as passive. They are seen as active participants in the negotiation of 43 . Schemata, expectancies, and top-down/bottom-up processing are among the terms now used to capture the necessarily complex, interactive nature of this negotiation. Yet full and widespread understanding of 44 as negotiation has been made difficult by the terms that came to replace the earlier active/passive dichotomy. The skills needed to engage in speaking and writing activities were described subsequently as productive,  45   listening and reading skills were said to be receptive. While certainly an improvement over the earlier active/passive representation, the terms “productive” and “receptive” fall short of capturing the interactive nature of communication.

    The inadequacy of a four-skills model of language use is now recognized. And the  46  of audiolingual methodology are widely acknowledged. There is general acceptance of the complexity and interrelatedness of skills in both  47  and oral communication and of the need for learners to have the experience of communication, to participate in the negotiation of meaning rather than memorizing and repeating words and sentences. Newer, more comprehensive theories of language and language behavior have  48  those that looked to American structuralism and behaviorist psychology for support. The expanded, interactive view of language behavior they offer presents a number of  49  for teachers. Among them, how should form and function be integrated in an instructional sequence? What is an appropriate norm for learners? How is it determined ?What is an error? And what, if anything, should be done when one  50 ? How is language learning success to be measured? Acceptance of communicative criteria entails a commitment to address these admittedly complex issues.

(Communicative Language Teaching for the Twenty-First Century, by Sandra J. Savignon in Teaching English as a Second or Foreign Language, by Marianne Celce-Murcia (ed.). Adaptado)

Assinale a alternativa que apresenta a palavra ou expressão que completa corretamente cada uma das lacunas numeradas, tanto quanto à correção gramatical como quanto ao sentido e à estruturação do texto.

  • a questao pede a 46

Prefeitura de Rio Claro - SP

O texto a seguir apresenta lacunas numeradas das quais foram omitidas uma ou mais palavras. Assinale a alternativa que apresenta a palavra ou expressão que completa corretamente cada uma das lacunas numeradas, tanto quanto à correção gramatical como quanto ao sentido e à estruturação do texto.

What is Communicative Language Teaching?

   Not long ago, when American structural linguistics and behaviorist psychology were the prevailing influences in language teaching methods and materials, second/foreign language teachers talked about communication in terms of four language skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. 41  skill categories were widely accepted and provided a ready-made framework for methods manuals, learner course materials, and teacher education programs. Speaking and writing were collectively 42 as active skills, reading and listening as passive skills.

    Today, listeners and readers no longer are regarded as passive. They are seen as active participants in the negotiation of 43 . Schemata, expectancies, and top-down/bottom-up processing are among the terms now used to capture the necessarily complex, interactive nature of this negotiation. Yet full and widespread understanding of 44 as negotiation has been made difficult by the terms that came to replace the earlier active/passive dichotomy. The skills needed to engage in speaking and writing activities were described subsequently as productive,  45   listening and reading skills were said to be receptive. While certainly an improvement over the earlier active/passive representation, the terms “productive” and “receptive” fall short of capturing the interactive nature of communication.

    The inadequacy of a four-skills model of language use is now recognized. And the  46  of audiolingual methodology are widely acknowledged. There is general acceptance of the complexity and interrelatedness of skills in both  47  and oral communication and of the need for learners to have the experience of communication, to participate in the negotiation of meaning rather than memorizing and repeating words and sentences. Newer, more comprehensive theories of language and language behavior have  48  those that looked to American structuralism and behaviorist psychology for support. The expanded, interactive view of language behavior they offer presents a number of  49  for teachers. Among them, how should form and function be integrated in an instructional sequence? What is an appropriate norm for learners? How is it determined ?What is an error? And what, if anything, should be done when one  50 ? How is language learning success to be measured? Acceptance of communicative criteria entails a commitment to address these admittedly complex issues.

(Communicative Language Teaching for the Twenty-First Century, by Sandra J. Savignon in Teaching English as a Second or Foreign Language, by Marianne Celce-Murcia (ed.). Adaptado)

Assinale a alternativa que apresenta a palavra ou expressão que completa corretamente cada uma das lacunas numeradas, tanto quanto à correção gramatical como quanto ao sentido e à estruturação do texto.

  • a questao pede a 47

Prefeitura de Rio Claro - SP

O texto a seguir apresenta lacunas numeradas das quais foram omitidas uma ou mais palavras. Assinale a alternativa que apresenta a palavra ou expressão que completa corretamente cada uma das lacunas numeradas, tanto quanto à correção gramatical como quanto ao sentido e à estruturação do texto.

What is Communicative Language Teaching?

   Not long ago, when American structural linguistics and behaviorist psychology were the prevailing influences in language teaching methods and materials, second/foreign language teachers talked about communication in terms of four language skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. 41  skill categories were widely accepted and provided a ready-made framework for methods manuals, learner course materials, and teacher education programs. Speaking and writing were collectively 42 as active skills, reading and listening as passive skills.

    Today, listeners and readers no longer are regarded as passive. They are seen as active participants in the negotiation of 43 . Schemata, expectancies, and top-down/bottom-up processing are among the terms now used to capture the necessarily complex, interactive nature of this negotiation. Yet full and widespread understanding of 44 as negotiation has been made difficult by the terms that came to replace the earlier active/passive dichotomy. The skills needed to engage in speaking and writing activities were described subsequently as productive,  45   listening and reading skills were said to be receptive. While certainly an improvement over the earlier active/passive representation, the terms “productive” and “receptive” fall short of capturing the interactive nature of communication.

    The inadequacy of a four-skills model of language use is now recognized. And the  46  of audiolingual methodology are widely acknowledged. There is general acceptance of the complexity and interrelatedness of skills in both  47  and oral communication and of the need for learners to have the experience of communication, to participate in the negotiation of meaning rather than memorizing and repeating words and sentences. Newer, more comprehensive theories of language and language behavior have  48  those that looked to American structuralism and behaviorist psychology for support. The expanded, interactive view of language behavior they offer presents a number of  49  for teachers. Among them, how should form and function be integrated in an instructional sequence? What is an appropriate norm for learners? How is it determined ?What is an error? And what, if anything, should be done when one  50 ? How is language learning success to be measured? Acceptance of communicative criteria entails a commitment to address these admittedly complex issues.

(Communicative Language Teaching for the Twenty-First Century, by Sandra J. Savignon in Teaching English as a Second or Foreign Language, by Marianne Celce-Murcia (ed.). Adaptado)

Assinale a alternativa que apresenta a palavra ou expressão que completa corretamente cada uma das lacunas numeradas, tanto quanto à correção gramatical como quanto ao sentido e à estruturação do texto.

  • a questao pede a 48

Prefeitura de Rio Claro - SP

O texto a seguir apresenta lacunas numeradas das quais foram omitidas uma ou mais palavras. Assinale a alternativa que apresenta a palavra ou expressão que completa corretamente cada uma das lacunas numeradas, tanto quanto à correção gramatical como quanto ao sentido e à estruturação do texto.

What is Communicative Language Teaching?

   Not long ago, when American structural linguistics and behaviorist psychology were the prevailing influences in language teaching methods and materials, second/foreign language teachers talked about communication in terms of four language skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. 41  skill categories were widely accepted and provided a ready-made framework for methods manuals, learner course materials, and teacher education programs. Speaking and writing were collectively 42 as active skills, reading and listening as passive skills.

    Today, listeners and readers no longer are regarded as passive. They are seen as active participants in the negotiation of 43 . Schemata, expectancies, and top-down/bottom-up processing are among the terms now used to capture the necessarily complex, interactive nature of this negotiation. Yet full and widespread understanding of 44 as negotiation has been made difficult by the terms that came to replace the earlier active/passive dichotomy. The skills needed to engage in speaking and writing activities were described subsequently as productive,  45   listening and reading skills were said to be receptive. While certainly an improvement over the earlier active/passive representation, the terms “productive” and “receptive” fall short of capturing the interactive nature of communication.

    The inadequacy of a four-skills model of language use is now recognized. And the  46  of audiolingual methodology are widely acknowledged. There is general acceptance of the complexity and interrelatedness of skills in both  47  and oral communication and of the need for learners to have the experience of communication, to participate in the negotiation of meaning rather than memorizing and repeating words and sentences. Newer, more comprehensive theories of language and language behavior have  48  those that looked to American structuralism and behaviorist psychology for support. The expanded, interactive view of language behavior they offer presents a number of  49  for teachers. Among them, how should form and function be integrated in an instructional sequence? What is an appropriate norm for learners? How is it determined ?What is an error? And what, if anything, should be done when one  50 ? How is language learning success to be measured? Acceptance of communicative criteria entails a commitment to address these admittedly complex issues.

(Communicative Language Teaching for the Twenty-First Century, by Sandra J. Savignon in Teaching English as a Second or Foreign Language, by Marianne Celce-Murcia (ed.). Adaptado)

Assinale a alternativa que apresenta a palavra ou expressão que completa corretamente cada uma das lacunas numeradas, tanto quanto à correção gramatical como quanto ao sentido e à estruturação do texto

  • a questao pede a 49

Prefeitura de Rio Claro - SP

O texto a seguir apresenta lacunas numeradas das quais foram omitidas uma ou mais palavras. Assinale a alternativa que apresenta a palavra ou expressão que completa corretamente cada uma das lacunas numeradas, tanto quanto à correção gramatical como quanto ao sentido e à estruturação do texto.

What is Communicative Language Teaching?

   Not long ago, when American structural linguistics and behaviorist psychology were the prevailing influences in language teaching methods and materials, second/foreign language teachers talked about communication in terms of four language skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. 41  skill categories were widely accepted and provided a ready-made framework for methods manuals, learner course materials, and teacher education programs. Speaking and writing were collectively 42 as active skills, reading and listening as passive skills.

    Today, listeners and readers no longer are regarded as passive. They are seen as active participants in the negotiation of 43 . Schemata, expectancies, and top-down/bottom-up processing are among the terms now used to capture the necessarily complex, interactive nature of this negotiation. Yet full and widespread understanding of 44 as negotiation has been made difficult by the terms that came to replace the earlier active/passive dichotomy. The skills needed to engage in speaking and writing activities were described subsequently as productive,  45   listening and reading skills were said to be receptive. While certainly an improvement over the earlier active/passive representation, the terms “productive” and “receptive” fall short of capturing the interactive nature of communication.

    The inadequacy of a four-skills model of language use is now recognized. And the  46  of audiolingual methodology are widely acknowledged. There is general acceptance of the complexity and interrelatedness of skills in both  47  and oral communication and of the need for learners to have the experience of communication, to participate in the negotiation of meaning rather than memorizing and repeating words and sentences. Newer, more comprehensive theories of language and language behavior have  48  those that looked to American structuralism and behaviorist psychology for support. The expanded, interactive view of language behavior they offer presents a number of  49  for teachers. Among them, how should form and function be integrated in an instructional sequence? What is an appropriate norm for learners? How is it determined ?What is an error? And what, if anything, should be done when one  50 ? How is language learning success to be measured? Acceptance of communicative criteria entails a commitment to address these admittedly complex issues.

(Communicative Language Teaching for the Twenty-First Century, by Sandra J. Savignon in Teaching English as a Second or Foreign Language, by Marianne Celce-Murcia (ed.). Adaptado)

Assinale a alternativa que apresenta a palavra ou expressão que completa corretamente cada uma das lacunas numeradas, tanto quanto à correção gramatical como quanto ao sentido e à estruturação do texto.

  • Occurs definition, to happen; take place; come to pass: When did the accident occur?
  • ele quer o da 50, por nada

Prefeitura de Rio Claro - SP

Para responder a questão, leia o artigo de jornal a seguir.

Trial with migrants

        The Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban is against migration there. He says that the EU risks losing another country if the migration is not stopped. Nine men were sentenced to nearly a year in jail; however, they were released at the judge’s discretion due to time already served. One of the group was kept behind bars after receiving a three-year sentence for issuing instructions to the rioters through a loudspeaker. After the trial, a United Nations spokesman said that he was worried that a country would criminalize people who are fleeing war zones.

(www.ondemandnews.com – Adaptado)

Quanto à questão da imigração, o Primeiro Ministro da Hungria, Viktor Orban, ameaça

  • He says that the EU risks losing anothercountry if the migration is not stopped.
  • He says that the EU risks losing another country if the migration is not stopped, ou seja, vão perder o meu país se a migação não parar...

Prefeitura de Rio Claro - SP

Para responder a questão, leia o artigo de jornal a seguir.

Trial with migrants

        The Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban is against migration there. He says that the EU risks losing another country if the migration is not stopped. Nine men were sentenced to nearly a year in jail; however, they were released at the judge’s discretion due to time already served. One of the group was kept behind bars after receiving a three-year sentence for issuing instructions to the rioters through a loudspeaker. After the trial, a United Nations spokesman said that he was worried that a country would criminalize people who are fleeing war zones.

(www.ondemandnews.com – Adaptado)

Na primeira frase do texto – The Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban is against migration there. –, a palavra em destaque tem sentido semelhante, em português, a


Prefeitura de Rio Claro - SP

Para responder a questão, leia o artigo de jornal a seguir.

Trial with migrants

        The Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban is against migration there. He says that the EU risks losing another country if the migration is not stopped. Nine men were sentenced to nearly a year in jail; however, they were released at the judge’s discretion due to time already served. One of the group was kept behind bars after receiving a three-year sentence for issuing instructions to the rioters through a loudspeaker. After the trial, a United Nations spokesman said that he was worried that a country would criminalize people who are fleeing war zones.

(www.ondemandnews.com – Adaptado)

No fragmento – however, they were released at the judge’s discretion –, a palavra em destaque transmite a noção de


Prefeitura de Rio Claro - SP

Para responder a questão, leia o artigo de jornal a seguir.

Trial with migrants

        The Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban is against migration there. He says that the EU risks losing another country if the migration is not stopped. Nine men were sentenced to nearly a year in jail; however, they were released at the judge’s discretion due to time already served. One of the group was kept behind bars after receiving a three-year sentence for issuing instructions to the rioters through a loudspeaker. After the trial, a United Nations spokesman said that he was worried that a country would criminalize people who are fleeing war zones.

(www.ondemandnews.com – Adaptado)

O trecho – One of the group was kept behind bars after receiving a three-year sentence – indica que

  • Qual o erro da D? Um dos integrantes do grupo não recebeu, realmente, uma sentença de três anos?

  • O erro da letra D é que a resposta está incompleta.

Prefeitura de Rio Claro - SP

Para responder a questão, leia o artigo de jornal a seguir.

Trial with migrants

        The Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban is against migration there. He says that the EU risks losing another country if the migration is not stopped. Nine men were sentenced to nearly a year in jail; however, they were released at the judge’s discretion due to time already served. One of the group was kept behind bars after receiving a three-year sentence for issuing instructions to the rioters through a loudspeaker. After the trial, a United Nations spokesman said that he was worried that a country would criminalize people who are fleeing war zones.

(www.ondemandnews.com – Adaptado)

No trecho – due to time already served –, a expressão em destaque pode ser substituída, sem alteração do sentido do texto, por

  • Due to the bad weather, the match was cancelled. [Devido ao mau tempo, o jogo foi cancelado] // ‘due to‘, ‘owing to‘ e ‘because of‘ são expressões [preposições] sinônimas. Logo, significam a mesma coisa: ‘devido a‘, ‘por causa de‘.

Prefeitura de Rio Claro - SP

Para responder a questão, leia o artigo de jornal a seguir.

Trial with migrants

        The Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban is against migration there. He says that the EU risks losing another country if the migration is not stopped. Nine men were sentenced to nearly a year in jail; however, they were released at the judge’s discretion due to time already served. One of the group was kept behind bars after receiving a three-year sentence for issuing instructions to the rioters through a loudspeaker. After the trial, a United Nations spokesman said that he was worried that a country would criminalize people who are fleeing war zones.

(www.ondemandnews.com – Adaptado)

Assinale a alternativa que apresenta oração na voz ativa.

  • Active = Subject + Verb + Object / Veja: Ativa = Sujeito + Verbo + Objeto//// Example: / They (Subject) eat (Verb) pizza (Object). / Exemplo: Eles (sujeito) comeram (verbo) pizza (objeto). The Active Voice can be used with intransitive and transitive verbs, although most of the cases are with verbs that has both functions, both transitive and intransitive. When we use the active voice the action of the verb is a result of the subject, so, the subject performs the action denoted by the verb.
  • Let's put the correct alternative in passive voice:

    a United Nations spokesman said that he was worried about being criminalized by a country.

Prefeitura de Rio Claro - SP

Leia as instruções a seguir e responda a questão.

Instructions for making sandwiches

    First decide what type of filling you would like and check to see if there is some available. Next take two slices of bread and butter each of them on one side only. Put your filling on one slice of bread, butter side up. You may choose two fillings. Place the other piece of bread, butter side down, on top of the filling. Now cut your sandwich carefully with a knife. Now sit down and enjoy your sandwich. Finally, clear away the things you have been using.

(http://www.drapersmillsprimary.co.uk/ lead-learner-key-stage-one-blog/ – Adaptado)

De acordo com as instruções, o primeiro passo para se fazer um sanduíche é decidir

  • First decide what type of filling you would like

Prefeitura de Rio Claro - SP

Leia as instruções a seguir e responda a questão.

Instructions for making sandwiches

    First decide what type of filling you would like and check to see if there is some available. Next take two slices of bread and butter each of them on one side only. Put your filling on one slice of bread, butter side up. You may choose two fillings. Place the other piece of bread, butter side down, on top of the filling. Now cut your sandwich carefully with a knife. Now sit down and enjoy your sandwich. Finally, clear away the things you have been using.

(http://www.drapersmillsprimary.co.uk/ lead-learner-key-stage-one-blog/ – Adaptado)

De acordo com as instruções,

  • You may choose two fillings.

Prefeitura de Rio Claro - SP

Leia as instruções a seguir e responda a questão.

Instructions for making sandwiches

    First decide what type of filling you would like and check to see if there is some available. Next take two slices of bread and butter each of them on one side only. Put your filling on one slice of bread, butter side up. You may choose two fillings. Place the other piece of bread, butter side down, on top of the filling. Now cut your sandwich carefully with a knife. Now sit down and enjoy your sandwich. Finally, clear away the things you have been using.

(http://www.drapersmillsprimary.co.uk/ lead-learner-key-stage-one-blog/ – Adaptado)

Nas duas primeiras frases do texto, as palavras first, next e finally têm a função de indicar

  • First, Next, Then, Finally... são palavras que indicam sequencia.

Prefeitura de Rio Claro - SP

Leia as instruções a seguir e responda a questão.

Instructions for making sandwiches

    First decide what type of filling you would like and check to see if there is some available. Next take two slices of bread and butter each of them on one side only. Put your filling on one slice of bread, butter side up. You may choose two fillings. Place the other piece of bread, butter side down, on top of the filling. Now cut your sandwich carefully with a knife. Now sit down and enjoy your sandwich. Finally, clear away the things you have been using.

(http://www.drapersmillsprimary.co.uk/ lead-learner-key-stage-one-blog/ – Adaptado)

A frase – Place the other piece of bread, butter side down, on top of the filling. – indica que

  • alternativa correta letra A.

  • Answer : A