
Prova IBADE - 2018 - Prefeitura de Manaus - AM - Professor de Língua Inglesa

Prefeitura de Manaus - AM
Noções de Informática

Um usuário do editor de textos MS Word 2010, em português, pretende fazer que seu documento tenha garantida a segurança na autenticidade, na integridade e na origem do documento. Nesse caso, ele vai utilizar-se do recurso do software denominado:


    O que é assinatura digital?

    Como o nome já explica, ela tem a função de reproduzir a assinatura da pessoa em um documento eletrônico, de forma segura e veraz.. É uma chave digital privada, vinculada a um certificado digital, que assume a legalidade de uma assinatura comum, assim como no papel.


    Cabe lembrar dos princípios da Segurança da Informação:






  • Assertiva B

     recurso do software denominado: assinatura digital.

  • Perceba que ele já deu pistas do gabarito no enunciado: "  tenha garantida a segurança na autenticidade, na integridade"..

    Como já fora dito:

    Estamos falando da nossa amiga C.I.D.A

    Caminho : Arquivo ---------------Informações -------------proteger documento -----------Adicionar uma assinatura digital.

    Bons estudos!

Prefeitura de Manaus - AM
Noções de Informática

Um procedimento importante de segurança em computadores é realizar backups em mídias que permitam armazenamento de dados. Um tipo de mídia que permite apenas uma só gravação de dados, ou seja, não permite regravações, é o(a):

  • CD/R.

    Só aceita uma gravação, visto que é diferente de CD/RW, o qual aceita várias e várias regravações.

    Embora quase ninguém use CD, fitas.. Agora, a tendência é aumentar a utilização de nuvens, a fim de minimizar a utilização de periféricos, os quais devem acompanhar o usuário, caso queira usa-los..

  • CD --> unidade de armazenamento óptico.

    CD-ROM: somente leitura.

    CD-R: aceita apenas 1 gravação.

    CD-RW: aceita gravar e regravar os dados.

  • CD-ROM = já vem gravado de fábrica. Permite somente a leitura e gravação de dados;

    CD-R = permite a leitura e gravação (gabarito);

    CD-RW = permite a leitura, gravação, regravação e exclusão de dados.

Prefeitura de Manaus - AM

A Lei n° 11.494, de 20 de junho de 2007, que regulam enta o Fundo de Manutenção e Desenvolvimento da Educação Básica e de Valorização dos Profissionais da Educação - FUNDEB, de que trata o art. 60 do Ato das Disposições Constitucionais Transitórias, em seu art. 15, no que tange à transferência e à gestão dos recursos, indica que o Poder Executivo Federal publicará, até 31 de dezembro de cada exercício, para vigência no exercício subsequente o(a):

  • Questão fácil. Apesar da Lei citada do FUNDEB ter sido revogada, esses termos não mudaram. Não há valor máximo gasto por um aluno, mas há um valor mínimo que se o fundo estadual (FUNDEB) não conseguir pagar, a união deverá fazer a complementação de 10%, que pela nova lei, pode chegar até 23% em 2026;

Prefeitura de Manaus - AM

Texto para responder à questão.

Homem no mar

        De minha varanda vejo, entre árvores e telhados, o mar. Não há ninguém na praia, que resplende ao sol. O vento é nordeste, e vai tangendo, aqui e ali, no belo azul das águas, pequenas espumas que marcham alguns segundos e morrem, como bichos alegres e humildes; perto da terra a onda é verde.

         Mas percebo um movimento em um ponto do mar; é um homem nadando. Ele nada a uma certa distância da praia, em braçadas pausadas e fortes; nada a favor das águas e do vento, e as pequenas espumas que nascem e somem parecem ir mais depressa do que ele. Justo: espumas são leves, não são feitas de nada, toda sua substância é água e vento e luz, e o homem tem sua carne, seus ossos, seu coração, todo seu corpo a transportar na água.

        Ele usa os músculos com uma calma energia; avança. Certamente não suspeita de que um desconhecido o vê o admira porque ele está nadando na praia deserta. Não sei de onde vem essa admiração, mas encontro nesse homem uma nobreza calma, sinto-me solidário com ele, acompanho o seu esforço solitário como se ele estivesse cumprindo uma bela missão. Já nadou em minha presença uns trezentos metros; antes, não sei; duas vezes o perdi de vista, quando ele passou atrás das árvores, mas esperei com toda confiança que reaparecesse sua cabeça, e o movimento alternado de seus braços. Mais uns cinquenta metros, e o perderei de vista, pois um telhado o esconderá. Que ele nade bem esses cinquenta ou sessenta metros; isto me parece importante; é preciso que conserve a mesma batida de sua braçada, e que eu o veja desaparecer assim como o vi aparecer, no mesmo rumo, no mesmo ritmo, forte, lento, sereno. Será perfeito; a imagem desse homem me faz bem.

        É apenas a imagem de um homem, e eu não poderia saber sua idade, nem sua cor, nem os traços de sua cara. Estou solidário com ele, e espero que ele esteja comigo. Que ele atinja o telhado vermelho, e então eu poderei sair da varanda tranquilo, pensando — “vi um homem sozinho, nadando no mar; quando o vi ele já estava nadando; acompanhei-o com atenção durante todo o tempo, e testemunho que ele nadou sempre com firmeza e correção; esperei que ele atingisse um telhado vermelho, e ele o atingiu”.

         Agora não sou mais responsável por ele; cumpri o meu dever, e ele cumpriu o seu. Admiro-o. Não consigo saber em que reside, para mim, a grandeza de sua tarefa; ele não estava fazendo nenhum gesto a favor de alguém, nem construindo algo de útil; mas certamente fazia uma coisa bela, e a fazia de um modo puro e viril.

         Não desço para ir esperá-lo na praia e lhe apertar a mão; mas dou meu silencioso apoio, minha atenção e minha estima a esse desconhecido, a esse nobre animal, a esse homem, a esse correto irmão.

BRAGA, Rubem. Homem no mar. In: SANTOS, Joaquim Ferreira dos (Org.). As cem melhores crônicas brasileiras. Rio de Janeiro: Objetiva, 2007, pp. 110-111

Sobre o texto leia as afirmativas a seguir.

I. A tranquilidade que o primeiro parágrafo da crônica transmite ao leitor é quebrada no segundo parágrafo.

II. No terceiro parágrafo, o narrador descreve o nado do homem e a aversão que começa a nutrir por ele.

III. O narrador torce pelo bom desempenho do nadador, embora não perceba nele firmeza e correção.

Está correto apenas o que se afirma em:


    I. CORRETA A tranquilidade que o primeiro parágrafo da crônica transmite ao leitor é quebrada no segundo parágrafo.

    " De minha varanda vejo, entre árvores e telhados, o mar. Não há ninguém na praia, que resplende ao sol. O vento é nordeste, e vai tangendo, aqui e ali, no belo azul das águas, pequenas espumas que marcham alguns segundos e morrem, como bichos alegres e humildes; perto da terra a onda é verde.

            Mas percebo um movimento em um ponto do mar; é um homem nadando (...)"

    II. INCORRETA No terceiro parágrafo, o narrador descreve o nado do homem e a aversão que começa a nutrir por ele.

    L 16 "Será perfeito; a imagem desse homem me faz bem"

    III. INCORRETA O narrador torce pelo bom desempenho do nadador, embora não perceba nele firmeza e correção.

    L 20 "(...) e testemunho que ele nadou sempre com firmeza e correção (...)"

Prefeitura de Manaus - AM

Texto para responder à questão.

Homem no mar

        De minha varanda vejo, entre árvores e telhados, o mar. Não há ninguém na praia, que resplende ao sol. O vento é nordeste, e vai tangendo, aqui e ali, no belo azul das águas, pequenas espumas que marcham alguns segundos e morrem, como bichos alegres e humildes; perto da terra a onda é verde.

         Mas percebo um movimento em um ponto do mar; é um homem nadando. Ele nada a uma certa distância da praia, em braçadas pausadas e fortes; nada a favor das águas e do vento, e as pequenas espumas que nascem e somem parecem ir mais depressa do que ele. Justo: espumas são leves, não são feitas de nada, toda sua substância é água e vento e luz, e o homem tem sua carne, seus ossos, seu coração, todo seu corpo a transportar na água.

        Ele usa os músculos com uma calma energia; avança. Certamente não suspeita de que um desconhecido o vê o admira porque ele está nadando na praia deserta. Não sei de onde vem essa admiração, mas encontro nesse homem uma nobreza calma, sinto-me solidário com ele, acompanho o seu esforço solitário como se ele estivesse cumprindo uma bela missão. Já nadou em minha presença uns trezentos metros; antes, não sei; duas vezes o perdi de vista, quando ele passou atrás das árvores, mas esperei com toda confiança que reaparecesse sua cabeça, e o movimento alternado de seus braços. Mais uns cinquenta metros, e o perderei de vista, pois um telhado o esconderá. Que ele nade bem esses cinquenta ou sessenta metros; isto me parece importante; é preciso que conserve a mesma batida de sua braçada, e que eu o veja desaparecer assim como o vi aparecer, no mesmo rumo, no mesmo ritmo, forte, lento, sereno. Será perfeito; a imagem desse homem me faz bem.

        É apenas a imagem de um homem, e eu não poderia saber sua idade, nem sua cor, nem os traços de sua cara. Estou solidário com ele, e espero que ele esteja comigo. Que ele atinja o telhado vermelho, e então eu poderei sair da varanda tranquilo, pensando — “vi um homem sozinho, nadando no mar; quando o vi ele já estava nadando; acompanhei-o com atenção durante todo o tempo, e testemunho que ele nadou sempre com firmeza e correção; esperei que ele atingisse um telhado vermelho, e ele o atingiu”.

         Agora não sou mais responsável por ele; cumpri o meu dever, e ele cumpriu o seu. Admiro-o. Não consigo saber em que reside, para mim, a grandeza de sua tarefa; ele não estava fazendo nenhum gesto a favor de alguém, nem construindo algo de útil; mas certamente fazia uma coisa bela, e a fazia de um modo puro e viril.

         Não desço para ir esperá-lo na praia e lhe apertar a mão; mas dou meu silencioso apoio, minha atenção e minha estima a esse desconhecido, a esse nobre animal, a esse homem, a esse correto irmão.

BRAGA, Rubem. Homem no mar. In: SANTOS, Joaquim Ferreira dos (Org.). As cem melhores crônicas brasileiras. Rio de Janeiro: Objetiva, 2007, pp. 110-111

No trecho: “vi um homem sozinho, nadando no mar; quando o vi ele já estava nadando; acompanhei-o com atenção durante todo o tempo, e testemunho que ele nadou sempre com firmeza e correção; esperei que ele atingisse um telhado vermelho, e ele o atingiu” o uso das aspas assinala a seguinte questão:

  • Letra D

    O narrador está descrevendo o que presenciou. Visto que no texto apresenta a pessoalidade de quem narra, por exemplo, muita presença do pronome "eu", etc.

    "Que a Força esteja com você!" - Yoda

Prefeitura de Manaus - AM

Texto para responder à questão.

Homem no mar

        De minha varanda vejo, entre árvores e telhados, o mar. Não há ninguém na praia, que resplende ao sol. O vento é nordeste, e vai tangendo, aqui e ali, no belo azul das águas, pequenas espumas que marcham alguns segundos e morrem, como bichos alegres e humildes; perto da terra a onda é verde.

         Mas percebo um movimento em um ponto do mar; é um homem nadando. Ele nada a uma certa distância da praia, em braçadas pausadas e fortes; nada a favor das águas e do vento, e as pequenas espumas que nascem e somem parecem ir mais depressa do que ele. Justo: espumas são leves, não são feitas de nada, toda sua substância é água e vento e luz, e o homem tem sua carne, seus ossos, seu coração, todo seu corpo a transportar na água.

        Ele usa os músculos com uma calma energia; avança. Certamente não suspeita de que um desconhecido o vê o admira porque ele está nadando na praia deserta. Não sei de onde vem essa admiração, mas encontro nesse homem uma nobreza calma, sinto-me solidário com ele, acompanho o seu esforço solitário como se ele estivesse cumprindo uma bela missão. Já nadou em minha presença uns trezentos metros; antes, não sei; duas vezes o perdi de vista, quando ele passou atrás das árvores, mas esperei com toda confiança que reaparecesse sua cabeça, e o movimento alternado de seus braços. Mais uns cinquenta metros, e o perderei de vista, pois um telhado o esconderá. Que ele nade bem esses cinquenta ou sessenta metros; isto me parece importante; é preciso que conserve a mesma batida de sua braçada, e que eu o veja desaparecer assim como o vi aparecer, no mesmo rumo, no mesmo ritmo, forte, lento, sereno. Será perfeito; a imagem desse homem me faz bem.

        É apenas a imagem de um homem, e eu não poderia saber sua idade, nem sua cor, nem os traços de sua cara. Estou solidário com ele, e espero que ele esteja comigo. Que ele atinja o telhado vermelho, e então eu poderei sair da varanda tranquilo, pensando — “vi um homem sozinho, nadando no mar; quando o vi ele já estava nadando; acompanhei-o com atenção durante todo o tempo, e testemunho que ele nadou sempre com firmeza e correção; esperei que ele atingisse um telhado vermelho, e ele o atingiu”.

         Agora não sou mais responsável por ele; cumpri o meu dever, e ele cumpriu o seu. Admiro-o. Não consigo saber em que reside, para mim, a grandeza de sua tarefa; ele não estava fazendo nenhum gesto a favor de alguém, nem construindo algo de útil; mas certamente fazia uma coisa bela, e a fazia de um modo puro e viril.

         Não desço para ir esperá-lo na praia e lhe apertar a mão; mas dou meu silencioso apoio, minha atenção e minha estima a esse desconhecido, a esse nobre animal, a esse homem, a esse correto irmão.

BRAGA, Rubem. Homem no mar. In: SANTOS, Joaquim Ferreira dos (Org.). As cem melhores crônicas brasileiras. Rio de Janeiro: Objetiva, 2007, pp. 110-111

No trecho “O vento é NORDESTE, e vai tangendo, aqui e ali, no belo azul das águas, pequenas espumas que marcham alguns segundos e morrem, como bichos alegres e humildes”, a palavra destacada expressa o valor semântico de:

  • Letra C

    A oração é predicativa nominal.

    Apresenta sujeito + verbo de ligação + predicativo do sujeito -> O vento + é + NORDESTE

    O predicativo do sujeito "NORDESTE" é um adjetivo, mostrando uma qualificação do sujeito.

    "Sinta a Força!" - Yoda

Prefeitura de Manaus - AM

Texto para responder à questão.

Homem no mar

        De minha varanda vejo, entre árvores e telhados, o mar. Não há ninguém na praia, que resplende ao sol. O vento é nordeste, e vai tangendo, aqui e ali, no belo azul das águas, pequenas espumas que marcham alguns segundos e morrem, como bichos alegres e humildes; perto da terra a onda é verde.

         Mas percebo um movimento em um ponto do mar; é um homem nadando. Ele nada a uma certa distância da praia, em braçadas pausadas e fortes; nada a favor das águas e do vento, e as pequenas espumas que nascem e somem parecem ir mais depressa do que ele. Justo: espumas são leves, não são feitas de nada, toda sua substância é água e vento e luz, e o homem tem sua carne, seus ossos, seu coração, todo seu corpo a transportar na água.

        Ele usa os músculos com uma calma energia; avança. Certamente não suspeita de que um desconhecido o vê o admira porque ele está nadando na praia deserta. Não sei de onde vem essa admiração, mas encontro nesse homem uma nobreza calma, sinto-me solidário com ele, acompanho o seu esforço solitário como se ele estivesse cumprindo uma bela missão. Já nadou em minha presença uns trezentos metros; antes, não sei; duas vezes o perdi de vista, quando ele passou atrás das árvores, mas esperei com toda confiança que reaparecesse sua cabeça, e o movimento alternado de seus braços. Mais uns cinquenta metros, e o perderei de vista, pois um telhado o esconderá. Que ele nade bem esses cinquenta ou sessenta metros; isto me parece importante; é preciso que conserve a mesma batida de sua braçada, e que eu o veja desaparecer assim como o vi aparecer, no mesmo rumo, no mesmo ritmo, forte, lento, sereno. Será perfeito; a imagem desse homem me faz bem.

        É apenas a imagem de um homem, e eu não poderia saber sua idade, nem sua cor, nem os traços de sua cara. Estou solidário com ele, e espero que ele esteja comigo. Que ele atinja o telhado vermelho, e então eu poderei sair da varanda tranquilo, pensando — “vi um homem sozinho, nadando no mar; quando o vi ele já estava nadando; acompanhei-o com atenção durante todo o tempo, e testemunho que ele nadou sempre com firmeza e correção; esperei que ele atingisse um telhado vermelho, e ele o atingiu”.

         Agora não sou mais responsável por ele; cumpri o meu dever, e ele cumpriu o seu. Admiro-o. Não consigo saber em que reside, para mim, a grandeza de sua tarefa; ele não estava fazendo nenhum gesto a favor de alguém, nem construindo algo de útil; mas certamente fazia uma coisa bela, e a fazia de um modo puro e viril.

         Não desço para ir esperá-lo na praia e lhe apertar a mão; mas dou meu silencioso apoio, minha atenção e minha estima a esse desconhecido, a esse nobre animal, a esse homem, a esse correto irmão.

BRAGA, Rubem. Homem no mar. In: SANTOS, Joaquim Ferreira dos (Org.). As cem melhores crônicas brasileiras. Rio de Janeiro: Objetiva, 2007, pp. 110-111

“Admiro-o.” (5º parágrafo) Para manter coerência com a ideia desenvolvida no texto, ao conectar a frase citada com aquela que a antecede, pode ser empregada a seguinte expressão:

  • Para não assinante, gabarito letra D


    Usa-se a palavra "por isso" para remeter a idéia de explicação do porque da "admiração".

Prefeitura de Manaus - AM

Texto para responder à questão.

Homem no mar

        De minha varanda vejo, entre árvores e telhados, o mar. Não há ninguém na praia, que resplende ao sol. O vento é nordeste, e vai tangendo, aqui e ali, no belo azul das águas, pequenas espumas que marcham alguns segundos e morrem, como bichos alegres e humildes; perto da terra a onda é verde.

         Mas percebo um movimento em um ponto do mar; é um homem nadando. Ele nada a uma certa distância da praia, em braçadas pausadas e fortes; nada a favor das águas e do vento, e as pequenas espumas que nascem e somem parecem ir mais depressa do que ele. Justo: espumas são leves, não são feitas de nada, toda sua substância é água e vento e luz, e o homem tem sua carne, seus ossos, seu coração, todo seu corpo a transportar na água.

        Ele usa os músculos com uma calma energia; avança. Certamente não suspeita de que um desconhecido o vê o admira porque ele está nadando na praia deserta. Não sei de onde vem essa admiração, mas encontro nesse homem uma nobreza calma, sinto-me solidário com ele, acompanho o seu esforço solitário como se ele estivesse cumprindo uma bela missão. Já nadou em minha presença uns trezentos metros; antes, não sei; duas vezes o perdi de vista, quando ele passou atrás das árvores, mas esperei com toda confiança que reaparecesse sua cabeça, e o movimento alternado de seus braços. Mais uns cinquenta metros, e o perderei de vista, pois um telhado o esconderá. Que ele nade bem esses cinquenta ou sessenta metros; isto me parece importante; é preciso que conserve a mesma batida de sua braçada, e que eu o veja desaparecer assim como o vi aparecer, no mesmo rumo, no mesmo ritmo, forte, lento, sereno. Será perfeito; a imagem desse homem me faz bem.

        É apenas a imagem de um homem, e eu não poderia saber sua idade, nem sua cor, nem os traços de sua cara. Estou solidário com ele, e espero que ele esteja comigo. Que ele atinja o telhado vermelho, e então eu poderei sair da varanda tranquilo, pensando — “vi um homem sozinho, nadando no mar; quando o vi ele já estava nadando; acompanhei-o com atenção durante todo o tempo, e testemunho que ele nadou sempre com firmeza e correção; esperei que ele atingisse um telhado vermelho, e ele o atingiu”.

         Agora não sou mais responsável por ele; cumpri o meu dever, e ele cumpriu o seu. Admiro-o. Não consigo saber em que reside, para mim, a grandeza de sua tarefa; ele não estava fazendo nenhum gesto a favor de alguém, nem construindo algo de útil; mas certamente fazia uma coisa bela, e a fazia de um modo puro e viril.

         Não desço para ir esperá-lo na praia e lhe apertar a mão; mas dou meu silencioso apoio, minha atenção e minha estima a esse desconhecido, a esse nobre animal, a esse homem, a esse correto irmão.

BRAGA, Rubem. Homem no mar. In: SANTOS, Joaquim Ferreira dos (Org.). As cem melhores crônicas brasileiras. Rio de Janeiro: Objetiva, 2007, pp. 110-111

“Certamente não suspeita de que um desconhecido o vê o admira porque ele está nadando na praia deserta.”

A respeito do trecho acima, quanto aos aspectos gramatical, sintático e semântico, analise as afirmativas a seguir.

I. O autor deveria ter colocado vírgula após CERTAMENTE.

II. O (de) QUE é uma conjunção integrante.

III. Em todas as ocorrências a palavra O é pronome demonstrativo.

Está correto apenas o que se afirma em:

  • Para não assinante, gabarito letra A

  • questão anulada. adj adv curto não necessariamente necessita do uso da virgula

  • questao passível de ser anulada,adjunto adverbial de até 3 palavras vírgula facultativa.
  • Quando o ''O'' retomar uma informação já representada no texto, tem equivalência de pronome demonstrativo.

    Quando o ''O'' estiver antes do ''que'' esse será pronome relativo e o ''o'' pronome demonstrativo.


    A questão possui gabarito incorreto.

    I. O autor deveria ter colocado vírgula após CERTAMENTE.

    Incorreto. Não há regra que prescreva o uso obrigatório de virgula no caso em tela, de modo que embora seja cabível, não é necessária.

    II. O (de) QUE é uma conjunção integrante.

    Correto. Temos uma oração subordinada substantiva objetiva indireta introduzida por conjunção integrante.

    III. Em todas as ocorrências a palavra O é pronome demonstrativo.

    Incorreto. As duas ocorrências do termo "o" presentes na passagem são pronomes oblíquos.

    Gabarito da banca na alternativa A

    Gabarito correto na alternativa C

  • quando o advérbio ou a oração adverbial vem deslocado e for de curta extensão não existe obrigatoriedade de colocar a vírgula.

    Adjuntos adverbiais / advérbios no fim da frase que é o local dele pode ou não usar vírgulas (o melhor é não usar EM FIM DE FRASE).

    No início ou no meio DEPENDE DO TAMANHO:

    PEQUENOS (ATÉ 3 SÍLABAS, 1 PALAVRA) --> início e meio --> facultativo. Ex: Hoje, acordei com dor de cabeça / Hoje acordei com dor de cabeça

    MÉDIO (4 a 10 SÍLABAS, + DE 1 PALAVRA) --> início é OBRIGATÓRIO, MEIO É FACULTATIVO. Ex: "Na França, (2 palavras), os turistas visitam muitos museus." (obrigatório) / Os turistas visitam na França muitos museus (facultativo)

    GRANDE (+ 10 SÍLABAS ou + 3 PALAVRAS) --> obrigatório no início ou no meio!!!! (no fim qualquer um é opcional mas não é recomendado) "As florestas estão, em função do desmatamento, queimadas e garimpos ilegais, desaparecendo gradativamente. (advérbio de causa)

    DEU PRA PERCEBER QUE É MELHOR USAR A VÍRGULA PARA NÃO CORRER O RISCO? (salvo fim de frase que na redação fica mais audível não usar)

    Gab A para não assinantes! (eu fiz questão de explicar pois quando eu não tinha dinheiro para comprar material estudava por aqui e esses comentários acima podem atrapalhar novos estudantes)

  • CUIDADO! A banca não anulou a questão, segue justificativa prestada:

    . O autor deveria ter colocado vírgula após 

    CERTAMENTE. CORRETO – o deslocamento do 

    adjunto adverbial impõe o uso da vírgula. 

    II. O (de) QUE é uma conjunção integrante. CORRETO -

    introduz uma oração subordinada substantiva

    III. Em todas as ocorrências a palavra O é pronome 

    demonstrativo. INCORRETO – o vocábulo em análise, 

    em todas as ocorrências, é pronome oblíquo. 

    Sendo assim, por não haver qualquer inadequação na 

    questão nem em seu gabarito, considera-se improcedente o 

    recurso impetrado


  • Não basta estudar língua portuguesa para concursos, além disso, você precisa estudar língua portuguesa para Cespe, IBADE, AOCP...

  • Deveria = obrigatório

    Poderia = opcional

Prefeitura de Manaus - AM
Noções de Informática

No Windows Explorer, do sistema operacional MS Windows 7, em português, quando se deseja exibir os arquivos de uma pasta, um modo de exibição válido para listar esses arquivos é o:

  • Assertiva B

    um modo de exibição válido para listar esses arquivos é o: lado a lado.

  • Obs.: No windows 10 parece que o modo de visualização lado a lado foi substituído pelo modo de visualização em bloco.

  • quando se deseja exibir os arquivos de uma pasta, um modo de exibição é o lado a lado.

  • Lado a lado - ordem alfabética.

  • Modos de exibição

    ícones grandes - Extra grandes - Médios - pequenos - Lista - Conteúdo - Detalhes- Blocos .

    Bons estudos!

  • Gabarito A

    Ah, mas essa questão tá muito moleza. rsrsrs Brincadeira. Cada questão traz seu grau de desafio e vacila quem negligencia qualquer uma delas. Seja como for, a nomenclatura cobrada é bem básica e não dá pra pensar em perder um ponto desse.

    Agora, sinceramente, um ótimo desafio em relação ao Gerenciador de Arquivos é esse aí:


    Manda um sinalzinho aqui ou no vídeo se vc acertou, achou fácil, difícil... enfim. Me ajude a lhe ajudar.

  • Modos de exibição:

    Win 7:

    ícones: extra grandes, grandes, médios, pequenos, lista, lado a lado, detalhes. conteúdo.

    No Win 10 houve uma pequena alteração

    extra grandes, grandes, médios, pequenos ,lista, bloco, detalhes. conteúdo.

    para selecionar todos os arquivos da lista Ctlr+A

    arrastar + Ctrl: DUPLICA

    arrastar+Shift: MOVER

    arrastar+Alt: CRIA ATALHO

    arrastar para a mesma unidade: move

    arrastar para uma unidade diferente: duplica

Prefeitura de Manaus - AM
Noções de Informática

Nas versões mais atuais do navegador Google Chrome, quando um usuário digita as teclas de atalho CTRL+N, ele vai acessara funcionalidade que:

  • Ctrl+N: Nova Janela

    Ctrl + T: Nova Aba (Tab em inglês)

    gabarito C

  • CRTL + N - nova janela ( cuidado para não confundir com nova guia)

    CRTL + SHIFT + N - nova janela anônima (a que vcs mais usam kkkk entendedores...)


    Ctrl + J = permite ver a lista de downloads.

    Ctrl + T = abre uma nova guia.

    Ctrl + N = abre uma nova janela.

    Ctrl + H = acessa a lista de históricos do usuário.

    Siga-me no Instagram --> @bobconcurseirotjrs

    Rumo à posse!!!

  • Ctrl + N = abre uma nova janela.

    Ctrl + T = abre uma nova guia, "então lembre!!! Turista necessita de um Guia"

  • A questão aborda conhecimentos acerca do uso dos atalhos de teclado e suas funções no Google Chrome, mais especificamente quanto à função do atalho CTRL + N.


    A) Incorreta – O atalho CTRL + J tem como função exibir a guia “Downloads”, onde é possível visualizar o status dos downloads em andamento e informações relacionadas aos arquivos baixados, como, por exemplo, data e site utilizado para download.

    B) Incorreta – O atalho CTRL + T cria uma nova guia/aba na janela atual.

    C) Correta – O atalho CTRL + N tem como função criar uma nova janela no navegador.

    D) Incorreta – O atalho correto para acessar a lista de histórico de navegação, onde é possível visualizar os sites acessados, bem como a data e horário do acesso, é o CTRL + H.


    Gabarito – Alternativa C.

  • Ctrl + N = abre uma nova jaNela.

Prefeitura de Manaus - AM

Delors (2001) aponta como principal consequência da sociedade do conhecimento a necessidade de uma aprendizagem ao longo de toda vida, fundam entada em pilares que são, concomitantemente, pilares do conhecimento e da formação continuada. São eles:

  • LETRA: A

    Segundo Delors, a prática pedagógica deve preocupar-se em desenvolver quatro aprendizagens fundamentais, que serão para cada indivíduo os pilares do conhecimento: aprender a conhecer indica o interesse, a abertura para o conhecimento, que verdadeiramente liberta da ignorância; aprender a fazer mostra a coragem de executar, de correr riscos, de errar mesmo na busca de acertar; aprender a conviver traz o desafio da convivência que apresenta o respeito a todos e o exercício de fraternidade como caminho do entendimento; e, finalmente, aprender a ser, que, talvez, seja o mais importante por explicitar o papel do cidadão e o objetivo de viver.

    Fonte: www.educacional.com.br

Prefeitura de Manaus - AM

A sociedade em que se vive é caracterizada pela sua complexidade: uma sociedade multifacetada, tecida pela velocidade de mudanças constantes e cumulativas, provocadas pelos avanços científicos e, sobretudo, pelo aumento das possibilidades de acesso às redes de informação e de consumo. Sobre o tema, leia as afirmativas a seguir.

I. A valorização do conhecimento e da informação nas sociedades contemporâneas recarrega a importância da educação e da cultura como temas prioritários das políticas públicas.

II. A educação, em sentido abrangente, pertence à sociedade e se produz por um incansável movimento de realimentação sociopolítica, sendo impulsionada por um conjunto dinâmico e complexo de sujeitos e inter-relações, como, por exemplo, famílias, grupos sociais e organizações de ensino.

III. A educação, pela via de suas agências, desempenha um papel secundário, embora seja a responsável oficial pela transmissão dos saberes socialmente valorizados e considerados fundamentais às futuras gerações.

Está correto apenas o que se apresenta em:

  • I e II.

  • I e II.

Prefeitura de Manaus - AM

Compreende-se o protagonismo na literatura infantil e juvenil como direito à(s):


Prefeitura de Manaus - AM

Piaget descreveu estádios de desenvolvimento cognitivo da seguinte forma:

1. a inteligência permanece inalterada ao longo do desenvolvimento.

2. o sujeito passa por períodos de reorganização profunda seguidos de períodos de integração, durante os quais um novo estádio é alcançado e as mudanças são assimiladas.

3. a cada estádio de desenvolvimento corresponde um sistema cognitivo específico, que determina todo o funcionamento do sujeito.

4. os estágios são independentes e têm base no desenvolvimento biológico e na racionalização dos dados.

Estão corretos apenas os itens:

  • 2. o sujeito passa por períodos de reorganização profunda seguidos de períodos de integração, durante os quais um novo estádio é alcançado e as mudanças são assimiladas.

    3. a cada estádio de desenvolvimento corresponde um sistema cognitivo específico, que determina todo o funcionamento do sujeito.

  • Letra B

    1. a inteligência permanece inalterada ao longo do desenvolvimento. Errado ao longo dos estágios cognitivos a criança desenvolve sua inteligência

    4. os estágios são independentes e têm base no desenvolvimento biológico e na racionalização dos dados. Errado os estágios são fixos e universais, porém são interdependentes

Prefeitura de Manaus - AM

De acordo com Vygotsky:


Prefeitura de Manaus - AM

Em 1990 perpetuaram as aspirações por uma educação pública em bases realmente democráticas, para todos, como mencionadas na Declaração Mundial de Educação para Todos e na Declaração de Salamanca realizada em 7 e 10 de junho de 1994 em Salamanca na Espanha, documentos que passaram a influenciar a formulação das políticas públicas de educação inclusiva, proclamando que:

1. toda criança tem direito fundamental à educação, e deve ser dada a oportunidade de atingir e manter o nível adequado de aprendizagem.

2. sistemas educacionais deverão ser designados e program as e d uca cio na is deverão ser implementados no sentido de se levar em conta a vasta diversidade de tais características e necessidades.

3. aqueles com necessidades educacionais especiais devem ter acesso à escola especial, nunca regulares, que deve acomodá-los dentro de uma Pedagogia centrada na criança, capaz de satisfazer a tais necessidades.

4. toda criança possui características, interesses, habilidades e necessidades de aprendizagem que são únicas.

Estão corretos apenas os itens:


Prefeitura de Manaus - AM

Em relação especificamente à inserção do jovem no trabalho, o texto original da Constituição instituiu a idade de 14 anos como limite mínimo para qualquer trabalho. Mas, a Emenda Constitucional n° 20 (BRASIL, 2005c) estabeleceu uma redefinição desse limite, pois vedou o trabalho às pessoas com menos de 16 anos, EXCETO na condição de:

  • Art. 7º São direitos dos trabalhadores urbanos e rurais, além de outros que visem à melhoria de sua condição social: [...]

    XII - salário-família pago em razão do dependente do trabalhador de baixa renda nos termos da lei; [...]

    XXXIII - proibição de trabalho noturno, perigoso ou insalubre a menores de dezoito e de qualquer trabalho a menores de dezesseis anos, salvo na condição de aprendiz, a partir de quatorze anos;

Prefeitura de Manaus - AM

O que se vem afirmando na literatura do uso de tecnologias e na experiência até aqui construída, é que no cenário escolar integrado com vivências em multimídia, estas geram:

1. dinamização e ampliação das habilidades cognitivas.

2. possibilidade de extensão da memória e de atuação em rede.

3. democratização de espaços e ferramentas.

4. manutenção de práticas pedagógicas alicerçadas na linearidade.

Estão corretos apenas os itens:


Prefeitura de Manaus - AM

A gestão que se efetiva por meio da participação dos sujeitos sociais envolvidos com a comunidade escolar, na elaboração e construção de seus projetos, como também nos processos de decisão, de escolhas coletivas e nas vivências e aprendizagens de cidadania é denominada:


Prefeitura de Manaus - AM

A formação dos profissionais da educação, de modo a atender às especificidades do exercício de suas atividades, bem como aos objetivos das diferentes etapas e modalidades da educação básica, terá como fundamentos:

1. a presença de sólida formação básica, que propicie o conhecimento dos fundamentos científicos e sociais de suas competências de trabalho.

2. ênfase nas práticas, mediante estágios supervisionados e capacitação em serviço.

3. o aproveitamento da formação e experiências anteriores, em instituições de ensino e em outras atividades.

Está correto apenas o que se afirma em:

  • Letra D Art. 61 V

    1. a presença de sólida formação básica, que propicie o conhecimento dos fundamentos científicos e sociais de suas competências de trabalho.

    2. ênfase nas práticas(associação entre teoria e prática), mediante estágios supervisionados e capacitação em serviço.

    3. o aproveitamento da formação e experiências anteriores, em instituições de ensino e em outras atividades.

Prefeitura de Manaus - AM

Com base nos direitos e nas relações humanas, a Lei n° 12.796, de 04 de abril de 2013, no art. 3º, que trata dos princípios em cuja base o ensino será ministrado, inclui o seguinte item:

  • LDB, art. 3º, XII - consideração com a diversidade étnico-racial (incluído pela lei 12.796 de 04 de abril de 2013).

  • Atualização legislativa: em 2021 também foi incluído o seguinte princípio:

    XIV - respeito à diversidade humana, linguística, cultural e identitária das pessoas surdas, surdo-cegas e com deficiência auditiva.     

  • Não foi incluso esse inciso na referida Lei da questão meu caro Antonio Santos ,mas sim numa outra LC, a de nº 14191 de 2021 .Só para esclarecimentos .

Prefeitura de Manaus - AM
Direito da Criança e do Adolescente - Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente (ECA) - Lei nº 8.069 de 1990

A Lei n° 8.069/1990 dispõe sobre o Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente. Para os efeitos desta lei, considera-se criança a pessoa:

  • Gab (A )

    Art. 2º Considera-se criança, para os efeitos desta Lei, a pessoa até doze anos de idade incompletos, e adolescente aquela entre doze e dezoito anos de idade.

    Parágrafo único. Nos casos expressos em lei, aplica-se excepcionalmente este Estatuto às pessoas entre dezoito e vinte e um anos de idade.

  • A questão exige o conhecimento estampado no art. 2º do ECA, que define o limite de idade em que a pessoa será considerada criança.

    Conforme se depreende da lei nº 8.096/90 (Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente), a criança é aquela pessoa até 12 anos incompletos. Ou seja, no dia do aniversário em que completa 12 anos, a pessoa deixa de ser criança e passa a ser considerada adolescente.

    Art. 2º ECA: considera-se criança, para os efeitos desta lei, a pessoa até 12 anos de idade incompletos, e adolescente aquela entre 12 e 18 anos de idade.

    Para complementar: em relação ao adolescente, devemos ter o mesmo raciocínio: no dia do aniversário de 18 anos, a pessoa se torna adulta; ocasião em que o ECA deixará de ser aplicado como regra e só poderá ser aplicado em casos excepcionais.


  • Art. 2º Considera-se criança, para os efeitos desta Lei, a pessoa até doze anos de idade incompletos, e adolescente aquela entre doze e dezoito anos de idade.


    Parágrafo único. Nos casos expressos em lei, aplica-se excepcionalmente este Estatuto às pessoas entre dezoito e vinte e um anos de idade.

  • Criança - Até 12 anos incompletos

    Adolescente - 12 a 18

    Jovem - 15 a 29

  • A questão exige conhecimento acerca da Lei 8.069/90 - Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente (ECA), e pede ao candidato que assinale o item correto, no tocante à idade que o ECA considera a pessoa como como criança.4

    Para responder a questão, necessário conhecimento do art. 2º, caput, ECA, que preceitua:

    Art. 2º Considera-se criança, para os efeitos desta Lei, a pessoa até doze anos de idade incompletos, e adolescente aquela entre doze e dezoito anos de idade.

    Portanto, o item que está de acordo com a pergunta é o de alternativa "a", porque qualquer pessoa de até 12 anos de idade incompletos é considerada criança.

    Gabarito: A

  • Sabrina de onde você tirou "Jovem - 15 a 29" ?

Prefeitura de Manaus - AM

A Lei n° 11.645, de 10 de março de 2008, altera a Lei n° 9.394, de 20 de dezembro de 1996, modificada pela Lei n° 10.639, de 9 de janeiro de 2003, que estabelece as diretrizes e bases da educação nacional, para incluir no currículo oficial da rede de ensino a obrigatoriedade da seguinte temática:

  • LDB, art. 26-A. Nos estabelecimentos de ensino fundamental e de ensino médio, públicos e privados, torna-se obrigatório o estudo da história e cultura afro-brasileira e indígena.         .

Prefeitura de Manaus - AM
Legislação Municipal

De acordo com a Lei Orgânica do Município de Manaus, em seu art. 347, o município manterá atendimento educacional especializado aos portadores de deficiência e superdotados:

  • II - atendimento educacional especializado aos portadores de deficiência,

    preferencialmente na rede regular de ensino;

Prefeitura de Manaus - AM

Read the text below and answer the question that follow:

Text 1 - News from Japan

Japanese tsunami dog and owner reunited

A dog that was rescued after spending three weeks floating at sea after a huge earthquake and tsunami has been reunited with its owner, who recognized the dog when she saw a TV news report on the rescue on Friday.

The dog was found by a Japan Coast Guard crew on a roof drifting some 1.8km off the coast of one of the worst-hit areas along Japan's north-east coast. The roof that the dog was found on is believed to have broken off the house and been washed out to sea by the retreating waters of the devastating tsunami.

The two-year-old dog called Ban had an emotional reunion with its owner at an animal care center where it had been taken to be looked after. Local media reported that Ban immediately jumped up and was very excited when the owner appeared. “We'll never let go of her,” said the owner, who wished to remain anonymous.

Taken from: https://www.usingenglish.com/comprehension/

What is the main idea of the text?


Prefeitura de Manaus - AM

Read the text below and answer the question that follow:

Text 1 - News from Japan

Japanese tsunami dog and owner reunited

A dog that was rescued after spending three weeks floating at sea after a huge earthquake and tsunami has been reunited with its owner, who recognized the dog when she saw a TV news report on the rescue on Friday.

The dog was found by a Japan Coast Guard crew on a roof drifting some 1.8km off the coast of one of the worst-hit areas along Japan's north-east coast. The roof that the dog was found on is believed to have broken off the house and been washed out to sea by the retreating waters of the devastating tsunami.

The two-year-old dog called Ban had an emotional reunion with its owner at an animal care center where it had been taken to be looked after. Local media reported that Ban immediately jumped up and was very excited when the owner appeared. “We'll never let go of her,” said the owner, who wished to remain anonymous.

Taken from: https://www.usingenglish.com/comprehension/

Read the following sentences:

1. The dog was found floating on a roof.

2. The dog was rescued by its owner.

3. The dog spent two weeks floating at sea.

4. The dog was found by soldiers from the Japanese army.

5. The dog jumped up and was very excited when its owner, Ban, appeared in the care center.

Choose the right alternative:

  • Erros

    2. The dog was rescued by its owner. - "The dog was found by a Japan Coast Guard crew";

    3. The dog spent two weeks floating at sea.- "A dog that was rescued after spending three weeks floating at sea (...)"

    4. The dog was found by soldiers from the Japanese army.- "The dog was found by a Japan Coast Guard crew" (Army = exército)

Prefeitura de Manaus - AM

Read the text below and answer the question that follow:

Text 1 - News from Japan

Japanese tsunami dog and owner reunited

A dog that was rescued after spending three weeks floating at sea after a huge earthquake and tsunami has been reunited with its owner, who recognized the dog when she saw a TV news report on the rescue on Friday.

The dog was found by a Japan Coast Guard crew on a roof drifting some 1.8km off the coast of one of the worst-hit areas along Japan's north-east coast. The roof that the dog was found on is believed to have broken off the house and been washed out to sea by the retreating waters of the devastating tsunami.

The two-year-old dog called Ban had an emotional reunion with its owner at an animal care center where it had been taken to be looked after. Local media reported that Ban immediately jumped up and was very excited when the owner appeared. “We'll never let go of her,” said the owner, who wished to remain anonymous.

Taken from: https://www.usingenglish.com/comprehension/

According to the text, the earthquake that happened in Japan was huge. This means that the earthquake was:

  • a) long-lasting = longa duração

    b) small = pequeno

    d) unexpected = inesperado


Prefeitura de Manaus - AM

Read the text below and answer the question that follow:

Text 1 - News from Japan

Japanese tsunami dog and owner reunited

A dog that was rescued after spending three weeks floating at sea after a huge earthquake and tsunami has been reunited with its owner, who recognized the dog when she saw a TV news report on the rescue on Friday.

The dog was found by a Japan Coast Guard crew on a roof drifting some 1.8km off the coast of one of the worst-hit areas along Japan's north-east coast. The roof that the dog was found on is believed to have broken off the house and been washed out to sea by the retreating waters of the devastating tsunami.

The two-year-old dog called Ban had an emotional reunion with its owner at an animal care center where it had been taken to be looked after. Local media reported that Ban immediately jumped up and was very excited when the owner appeared. “We'll never let go of her,” said the owner, who wished to remain anonymous.

Taken from: https://www.usingenglish.com/comprehension/

After the dog was found by the Japanese Coast Guard crew:


Prefeitura de Manaus - AM

Read the text below and answer the question that follow:

Text 1 - News from Japan

Japanese tsunami dog and owner reunited

A dog that was rescued after spending three weeks floating at sea after a huge earthquake and tsunami has been reunited with its owner, who recognized the dog when she saw a TV news report on the rescue on Friday.

The dog was found by a Japan Coast Guard crew on a roof drifting some 1.8km off the coast of one of the worst-hit areas along Japan's north-east coast. The roof that the dog was found on is believed to have broken off the house and been washed out to sea by the retreating waters of the devastating tsunami.

The two-year-old dog called Ban had an emotional reunion with its owner at an animal care center where it had been taken to be looked after. Local media reported that Ban immediately jumped up and was very excited when the owner appeared. “We'll never let go of her,” said the owner, who wished to remain anonymous.

Taken from: https://www.usingenglish.com/comprehension/

According to the news, the dog was found on a roof drifting off the coast. This means that the dog was found:


Prefeitura de Manaus - AM

Read the text below and answer the question that follow:

Text 1 - News from Japan

Japanese tsunami dog and owner reunited

A dog that was rescued after spending three weeks floating at sea after a huge earthquake and tsunami has been reunited with its owner, who recognized the dog when she saw a TV news report on the rescue on Friday.

The dog was found by a Japan Coast Guard crew on a roof drifting some 1.8km off the coast of one of the worst-hit areas along Japan's north-east coast. The roof that the dog was found on is believed to have broken off the house and been washed out to sea by the retreating waters of the devastating tsunami.

The two-year-old dog called Ban had an emotional reunion with its owner at an animal care center where it had been taken to be looked after. Local media reported that Ban immediately jumped up and was very excited when the owner appeared. “We'll never let go of her,” said the owner, who wished to remain anonymous.

Taken from: https://www.usingenglish.com/comprehension/

The following sentences refer to the owner’s age. Check the correct sentence.


Prefeitura de Manaus - AM

Read the text below and answer the question that follow:

Text 1 - News from Japan

Japanese tsunami dog and owner reunited

A dog that was rescued after spending three weeks floating at sea after a huge earthquake and tsunami has been reunited with its owner, who recognized the dog when she saw a TV news report on the rescue on Friday.

The dog was found by a Japan Coast Guard crew on a roof drifting some 1.8km off the coast of one of the worst-hit areas along Japan's north-east coast. The roof that the dog was found on is believed to have broken off the house and been washed out to sea by the retreating waters of the devastating tsunami.

The two-year-old dog called Ban had an emotional reunion with its owner at an animal care center where it had been taken to be looked after. Local media reported that Ban immediately jumped up and was very excited when the owner appeared. “We'll never let go of her,” said the owner, who wished to remain anonymous.

Taken from: https://www.usingenglish.com/comprehension/

Read the following questions about the story of the Japanese dog and its owner. Choose the only question that is grammatically correct:


Prefeitura de Manaus - AM

Read the text below and answer the question that follow:

Text 1 - News from Japan

Japanese tsunami dog and owner reunited

A dog that was rescued after spending three weeks floating at sea after a huge earthquake and tsunami has been reunited with its owner, who recognized the dog when she saw a TV news report on the rescue on Friday.

The dog was found by a Japan Coast Guard crew on a roof drifting some 1.8km off the coast of one of the worst-hit areas along Japan's north-east coast. The roof that the dog was found on is believed to have broken off the house and been washed out to sea by the retreating waters of the devastating tsunami.

The two-year-old dog called Ban had an emotional reunion with its owner at an animal care center where it had been taken to be looked after. Local media reported that Ban immediately jumped up and was very excited when the owner appeared. “We'll never let go of her,” said the owner, who wished to remain anonymous.

Taken from: https://www.usingenglish.com/comprehension/

Choose the sentence which has the correct question tag.


Prefeitura de Manaus - AM

Read the text below and answer the question that follow:

Text 1 - News from Japan

Japanese tsunami dog and owner reunited

A dog that was rescued after spending three weeks floating at sea after a huge earthquake and tsunami has been reunited with its owner, who recognized the dog when she saw a TV news report on the rescue on Friday.

The dog was found by a Japan Coast Guard crew on a roof drifting some 1.8km off the coast of one of the worst-hit areas along Japan's north-east coast. The roof that the dog was found on is believed to have broken off the house and been washed out to sea by the retreating waters of the devastating tsunami.

The two-year-old dog called Ban had an emotional reunion with its owner at an animal care center where it had been taken to be looked after. Local media reported that Ban immediately jumped up and was very excited when the owner appeared. “We'll never let go of her,” said the owner, who wished to remain anonymous.

Taken from: https://www.usingenglish.com/comprehension/

Observe the use of the word NEWS and the subjectverb concord in the sentences below. Choose the sentence that is grammatically correct.

  • Complementando: as correspondências podem ser classificadas como Externa ou Interna... e Oficial ou Particular.

  • Complementando: as correspondências podem ser classificadas como Externa ou Interna... e Oficial ou Particular.

  • Complementando: as correspondências podem ser classificadas como Externa ou Interna... e Oficial ou Particular.

Prefeitura de Manaus - AM

Read the text below and answer the question that follow:

Text 1 - News from Japan

Japanese tsunami dog and owner reunited

A dog that was rescued after spending three weeks floating at sea after a huge earthquake and tsunami has been reunited with its owner, who recognized the dog when she saw a TV news report on the rescue on Friday.

The dog was found by a Japan Coast Guard crew on a roof drifting some 1.8km off the coast of one of the worst-hit areas along Japan's north-east coast. The roof that the dog was found on is believed to have broken off the house and been washed out to sea by the retreating waters of the devastating tsunami.

The two-year-old dog called Ban had an emotional reunion with its owner at an animal care center where it had been taken to be looked after. Local media reported that Ban immediately jumped up and was very excited when the owner appeared. “We'll never let go of her,” said the owner, who wished to remain anonymous.

Taken from: https://www.usingenglish.com/comprehension/

The dog was found by the Japan Coast Guard crew on a roof.

Choose the sentence that is the active equivalent of the sentence above.


Prefeitura de Manaus - AM

Read the text below and answer the question that follow:

Text 1 - News from Japan

Japanese tsunami dog and owner reunited

A dog that was rescued after spending three weeks floating at sea after a huge earthquake and tsunami has been reunited with its owner, who recognized the dog when she saw a TV news report on the rescue on Friday.

The dog was found by a Japan Coast Guard crew on a roof drifting some 1.8km off the coast of one of the worst-hit areas along Japan's north-east coast. The roof that the dog was found on is believed to have broken off the house and been washed out to sea by the retreating waters of the devastating tsunami.

The two-year-old dog called Ban had an emotional reunion with its owner at an animal care center where it had been taken to be looked after. Local media reported that Ban immediately jumped up and was very excited when the owner appeared. “We'll never let go of her,” said the owner, who wished to remain anonymous.

Taken from: https://www.usingenglish.com/comprehension/

Choose the verb form that completes the sentence below correctly.

If the dog's owner hadn't seen the news report on TV, she:


Prefeitura de Manaus - AM

Read the text below and answer the question that follow:

Text 1 - News from Japan

Japanese tsunami dog and owner reunited

A dog that was rescued after spending three weeks floating at sea after a huge earthquake and tsunami has been reunited with its owner, who recognized the dog when she saw a TV news report on the rescue on Friday.

The dog was found by a Japan Coast Guard crew on a roof drifting some 1.8km off the coast of one of the worst-hit areas along Japan's north-east coast. The roof that the dog was found on is believed to have broken off the house and been washed out to sea by the retreating waters of the devastating tsunami.

The two-year-old dog called Ban had an emotional reunion with its owner at an animal care center where it had been taken to be looked after. Local media reported that Ban immediately jumped up and was very excited when the owner appeared. “We'll never let go of her,” said the owner, who wished to remain anonymous.

Taken from: https://www.usingenglish.com/comprehension/

According to the text, the dog was taken to a care center to be looked after.
If you look after a dog, you:


Prefeitura de Manaus - AM

Read the text below and answer the question that follow:

Text 1 - News from Japan

Japanese tsunami dog and owner reunited

A dog that was rescued after spending three weeks floating at sea after a huge earthquake and tsunami has been reunited with its owner, who recognized the dog when she saw a TV news report on the rescue on Friday.

The dog was found by a Japan Coast Guard crew on a roof drifting some 1.8km off the coast of one of the worst-hit areas along Japan's north-east coast. The roof that the dog was found on is believed to have broken off the house and been washed out to sea by the retreating waters of the devastating tsunami.

The two-year-old dog called Ban had an emotional reunion with its owner at an animal care center where it had been taken to be looked after. Local media reported that Ban immediately jumped up and was very excited when the owner appeared. “We'll never let go of her,” said the owner, who wished to remain anonymous.

Taken from: https://www.usingenglish.com/comprehension/

According to the story, the woman saw the TV news report on Friday.

Choose the sentence in which the preposition ON was correctly used.

  • Dentre outros usos, a preposição in indica:

    Estações do ano: She watched the news report in the summer.

    Períodos do dia (morning/afternoon/evening): She watched the news report in the morning.

    Meses e anos: She didn't watch the news report in December.

    Alternativa correta: She didn't watch the news report on Sunday.

Prefeitura de Manaus - AM

Read the text below and answer the question that follow:

Text 1 - News from Japan

Japanese tsunami dog and owner reunited

A dog that was rescued after spending three weeks floating at sea after a huge earthquake and tsunami has been reunited with its owner, who recognized the dog when she saw a TV news report on the rescue on Friday.

The dog was found by a Japan Coast Guard crew on a roof drifting some 1.8km off the coast of one of the worst-hit areas along Japan's north-east coast. The roof that the dog was found on is believed to have broken off the house and been washed out to sea by the retreating waters of the devastating tsunami.

The two-year-old dog called Ban had an emotional reunion with its owner at an animal care center where it had been taken to be looked after. Local media reported that Ban immediately jumped up and was very excited when the owner appeared. “We'll never let go of her,” said the owner, who wished to remain anonymous.

Taken from: https://www.usingenglish.com/comprehension/

Read the sentences below and choose the one that has a verb in the imperative form:


Prefeitura de Manaus - AM

Read the text below and answer the question that follow:

Text 1 - News from Japan

Japanese tsunami dog and owner reunited

A dog that was rescued after spending three weeks floating at sea after a huge earthquake and tsunami has been reunited with its owner, who recognized the dog when she saw a TV news report on the rescue on Friday.

The dog was found by a Japan Coast Guard crew on a roof drifting some 1.8km off the coast of one of the worst-hit areas along Japan's north-east coast. The roof that the dog was found on is believed to have broken off the house and been washed out to sea by the retreating waters of the devastating tsunami.

The two-year-old dog called Ban had an emotional reunion with its owner at an animal care center where it had been taken to be looked after. Local media reported that Ban immediately jumped up and was very excited when the owner appeared. “We'll never let go of her,” said the owner, who wished to remain anonymous.

Taken from: https://www.usingenglish.com/comprehension/

The Japanese care center looks after dogs and cats.

Choose the alternative in which all the nouns are written correctly in the plural.

  • A) fishes / oxes / louses - oxen

    B) calls / deers / geese - deer (não acrescenta "s")

    D) cattles / lice / wolfs - cattle (não acrescenta "s") e wolves


  • owls = corujas

    mice = ratos

    oxen = bois

Prefeitura de Manaus - AM

Read the text below and answer the question that follow:

Text 1 - News from Japan

Japanese tsunami dog and owner reunited

A dog that was rescued after spending three weeks floating at sea after a huge earthquake and tsunami has been reunited with its owner, who recognized the dog when she saw a TV news report on the rescue on Friday.

The dog was found by a Japan Coast Guard crew on a roof drifting some 1.8km off the coast of one of the worst-hit areas along Japan's north-east coast. The roof that the dog was found on is believed to have broken off the house and been washed out to sea by the retreating waters of the devastating tsunami.

The two-year-old dog called Ban had an emotional reunion with its owner at an animal care center where it had been taken to be looked after. Local media reported that Ban immediately jumped up and was very excited when the owner appeared. “We'll never let go of her,” said the owner, who wished to remain anonymous.

Taken from: https://www.usingenglish.com/comprehension/

All the sentences below are in the negative.

Choose the only correct sentence:

  • Em língua inglesa, quando se usa DID o verbo que o acompanha não vai para o passado. Exemplos de emprego:

    She did broke the car (x) ERRADO

    She did break the car (V) CORRETO

Prefeitura de Manaus - AM

Read the text below and answer the question that follow:

Text 1 - News from Japan

Japanese tsunami dog and owner reunited

A dog that was rescued after spending three weeks floating at sea after a huge earthquake and tsunami has been reunited with its owner, who recognized the dog when she saw a TV news report on the rescue on Friday.

The dog was found by a Japan Coast Guard crew on a roof drifting some 1.8km off the coast of one of the worst-hit areas along Japan's north-east coast. The roof that the dog was found on is believed to have broken off the house and been washed out to sea by the retreating waters of the devastating tsunami.

The two-year-old dog called Ban had an emotional reunion with its owner at an animal care center where it had been taken to be looked after. Local media reported that Ban immediately jumped up and was very excited when the owner appeared. “We'll never let go of her,” said the owner, who wished to remain anonymous.

Taken from: https://www.usingenglish.com/comprehension/

Choose the correct answer to the question:

How long had the woman been looking for the dog?


Prefeitura de Manaus - AM

Read the text below and answer the question that follow:

Text 1 - News from Japan

Japanese tsunami dog and owner reunited

A dog that was rescued after spending three weeks floating at sea after a huge earthquake and tsunami has been reunited with its owner, who recognized the dog when she saw a TV news report on the rescue on Friday.

The dog was found by a Japan Coast Guard crew on a roof drifting some 1.8km off the coast of one of the worst-hit areas along Japan's north-east coast. The roof that the dog was found on is believed to have broken off the house and been washed out to sea by the retreating waters of the devastating tsunami.

The two-year-old dog called Ban had an emotional reunion with its owner at an animal care center where it had been taken to be looked after. Local media reported that Ban immediately jumped up and was very excited when the owner appeared. “We'll never let go of her,” said the owner, who wished to remain anonymous.

Taken from: https://www.usingenglish.com/comprehension/

Choose the verb form that completes the sentence below:

The woman is looking forward:

  • Notifiquem o erro na questão, uma vez que não há possibilidade de marcarmos como correta a alternativa A que possui erro de digitação.

Prefeitura de Manaus - AM

Read the text below and answer the question that follow:

Text 1 - News from Japan

Japanese tsunami dog and owner reunited

A dog that was rescued after spending three weeks floating at sea after a huge earthquake and tsunami has been reunited with its owner, who recognized the dog when she saw a TV news report on the rescue on Friday.

The dog was found by a Japan Coast Guard crew on a roof drifting some 1.8km off the coast of one of the worst-hit areas along Japan's north-east coast. The roof that the dog was found on is believed to have broken off the house and been washed out to sea by the retreating waters of the devastating tsunami.

The two-year-old dog called Ban had an emotional reunion with its owner at an animal care center where it had been taken to be looked after. Local media reported that Ban immediately jumped up and was very excited when the owner appeared. “We'll never let go of her,” said the owner, who wished to remain anonymous.

Taken from: https://www.usingenglish.com/comprehension/

Read the following sentences about the dog’s owner.

Choose the sentence in which the adverb is used correctly.


Prefeitura de Manaus - AM

Read the text below and answer the question that follow:

Text 1 - News from Japan

Japanese tsunami dog and owner reunited

A dog that was rescued after spending three weeks floating at sea after a huge earthquake and tsunami has been reunited with its owner, who recognized the dog when she saw a TV news report on the rescue on Friday.

The dog was found by a Japan Coast Guard crew on a roof drifting some 1.8km off the coast of one of the worst-hit areas along Japan's north-east coast. The roof that the dog was found on is believed to have broken off the house and been washed out to sea by the retreating waters of the devastating tsunami.

The two-year-old dog called Ban had an emotional reunion with its owner at an animal care center where it had been taken to be looked after. Local media reported that Ban immediately jumped up and was very excited when the owner appeared. “We'll never let go of her,” said the owner, who wished to remain anonymous.

Taken from: https://www.usingenglish.com/comprehension/

After reading the story of the Japanese dog and its owner, we can conclude that;

  • As alternativas A e B estão duplicadas, como podemos perceber, há erro de repetição, o que torna todas as opções apresentadas erradas.

Prefeitura de Manaus - AM

 News trom China

Outcry as Chinese school makes iPads compulsory

Apple produets are incredibly popular in China, but not everyone can afford them A school in northern China has been criticised for enforcing iPad learning as part of its new curriculum, it's reported.

According to China Economic Daily, the Danfeng High School in Shaanxi province recently issued a notice saying that, “as part of a teaching requirement, students are required to bring their own iPad” when they start the new school year in September. Stafftold the paper that using an iPad would “improve classroom efficiency”, and that the school would manage an internet firewall, so that parents would not have to worry about students using the device for other means.

However, China Economic Daily says that after criticism from parents, who felt that it would be an “unnecessary financial burden”, headmaster Yao Hushan said that having an iPad was no longer a mandatory requirement. Mr Yao added that children who don't have a device could still enrol, but that he recommended students bring an iPad as part of a “process of promoting the digital classroom”.

The incident led to lively discussion on the Sina Weibo social media platform. “Those parents that can't afford one will have to sell a kidney!” one user quipped.

Others expressed concerns about the health implications of long-term electronic device use. “I worry about their Vision,” one user said, and another said they would all become “short-sighted and have to wear glasses.”

But others felt that it was a good move in line with new modem ways of teaching. “They are affordable for the average family,” one said, “they don't necessarily need to buy the latest model.”

Reporting by KerryAllen

Taken from: www.bbc.com/news/blogs-news-from-elsewhere

Read the following sentences about the text.

1. The name of the Chinese school is Danfeng High School Shaanxi.

2. The school is located in northern China.

3. Mr Yao Hushan is the school headmaster.

4. Sina Weibo is one of the students who study at Danfeng High School.

5. The new school year in Danfeng High School starts in November.

Choose the correct alternative:

  • Se você perceber que o nome da escola é Danfeng High School localizada em Shaanxi, no norte da China, você elimina as alternativas, sobrando apenas o gabarito, que é a letra B.

Prefeitura de Manaus - AM

 News trom China

Outcry as Chinese school makes iPads compulsory

Apple produets are incredibly popular in China, but not everyone can afford them A school in northern China has been criticised for enforcing iPad learning as part of its new curriculum, it's reported.

According to China Economic Daily, the Danfeng High School in Shaanxi province recently issued a notice saying that, “as part of a teaching requirement, students are required to bring their own iPad” when they start the new school year in September. Stafftold the paper that using an iPad would “improve classroom efficiency”, and that the school would manage an internet firewall, so that parents would not have to worry about students using the device for other means.

However, China Economic Daily says that after criticism from parents, who felt that it would be an “unnecessary financial burden”, headmaster Yao Hushan said that having an iPad was no longer a mandatory requirement. Mr Yao added that children who don't have a device could still enrol, but that he recommended students bring an iPad as part of a “process of promoting the digital classroom”.

The incident led to lively discussion on the Sina Weibo social media platform. “Those parents that can't afford one will have to sell a kidney!” one user quipped.

Others expressed concerns about the health implications of long-term electronic device use. “I worry about their Vision,” one user said, and another said they would all become “short-sighted and have to wear glasses.”

But others felt that it was a good move in line with new modem ways of teaching. “They are affordable for the average family,” one said, “they don't necessarily need to buy the latest model.”

Reporting by KerryAllen

Taken from: www.bbc.com/news/blogs-news-from-elsewhere

According to the text, the outcry mentioned in the title was a result of the fact that:


Prefeitura de Manaus - AM

 News trom China

Outcry as Chinese school makes iPads compulsory

Apple produets are incredibly popular in China, but not everyone can afford them A school in northern China has been criticised for enforcing iPad learning as part of its new curriculum, it's reported.

According to China Economic Daily, the Danfeng High School in Shaanxi province recently issued a notice saying that, “as part of a teaching requirement, students are required to bring their own iPad” when they start the new school year in September. Stafftold the paper that using an iPad would “improve classroom efficiency”, and that the school would manage an internet firewall, so that parents would not have to worry about students using the device for other means.

However, China Economic Daily says that after criticism from parents, who felt that it would be an “unnecessary financial burden”, headmaster Yao Hushan said that having an iPad was no longer a mandatory requirement. Mr Yao added that children who don't have a device could still enrol, but that he recommended students bring an iPad as part of a “process of promoting the digital classroom”.

The incident led to lively discussion on the Sina Weibo social media platform. “Those parents that can't afford one will have to sell a kidney!” one user quipped.

Others expressed concerns about the health implications of long-term electronic device use. “I worry about their Vision,” one user said, and another said they would all become “short-sighted and have to wear glasses.”

But others felt that it was a good move in line with new modem ways of teaching. “They are affordable for the average family,” one said, “they don't necessarily need to buy the latest model.”

Reporting by KerryAllen

Taken from: www.bbc.com/news/blogs-news-from-elsewhere

According to the title of the text, a Chinese school makes iPads compulsory.

The word COMPULSORY means:


Prefeitura de Manaus - AM

 News trom China

Outcry as Chinese school makes iPads compulsory

Apple produets are incredibly popular in China, but not everyone can afford them A school in northern China has been criticised for enforcing iPad learning as part of its new curriculum, it's reported.

According to China Economic Daily, the Danfeng High School in Shaanxi province recently issued a notice saying that, “as part of a teaching requirement, students are required to bring their own iPad” when they start the new school year in September. Stafftold the paper that using an iPad would “improve classroom efficiency”, and that the school would manage an internet firewall, so that parents would not have to worry about students using the device for other means.

However, China Economic Daily says that after criticism from parents, who felt that it would be an “unnecessary financial burden”, headmaster Yao Hushan said that having an iPad was no longer a mandatory requirement. Mr Yao added that children who don't have a device could still enrol, but that he recommended students bring an iPad as part of a “process of promoting the digital classroom”.

The incident led to lively discussion on the Sina Weibo social media platform. “Those parents that can't afford one will have to sell a kidney!” one user quipped.

Others expressed concerns about the health implications of long-term electronic device use. “I worry about their Vision,” one user said, and another said they would all become “short-sighted and have to wear glasses.”

But others felt that it was a good move in line with new modem ways of teaching. “They are affordable for the average family,” one said, “they don't necessarily need to buy the latest model.”

Reporting by KerryAllen

Taken from: www.bbc.com/news/blogs-news-from-elsewhere

The pronoun THEM in “but not everyone can afford them” refers in this context to:


Prefeitura de Manaus - AM

 News trom China

Outcry as Chinese school makes iPads compulsory

Apple produets are incredibly popular in China, but not everyone can afford them A school in northern China has been criticised for enforcing iPad learning as part of its new curriculum, it's reported.

According to China Economic Daily, the Danfeng High School in Shaanxi province recently issued a notice saying that, “as part of a teaching requirement, students are required to bring their own iPad” when they start the new school year in September. Stafftold the paper that using an iPad would “improve classroom efficiency”, and that the school would manage an internet firewall, so that parents would not have to worry about students using the device for other means.

However, China Economic Daily says that after criticism from parents, who felt that it would be an “unnecessary financial burden”, headmaster Yao Hushan said that having an iPad was no longer a mandatory requirement. Mr Yao added that children who don't have a device could still enrol, but that he recommended students bring an iPad as part of a “process of promoting the digital classroom”.

The incident led to lively discussion on the Sina Weibo social media platform. “Those parents that can't afford one will have to sell a kidney!” one user quipped.

Others expressed concerns about the health implications of long-term electronic device use. “I worry about their Vision,” one user said, and another said they would all become “short-sighted and have to wear glasses.”

But others felt that it was a good move in line with new modem ways of teaching. “They are affordable for the average family,” one said, “they don't necessarily need to buy the latest model.”

Reporting by KerryAllen

Taken from: www.bbc.com/news/blogs-news-from-elsewhere

The word STAFF in “Staff told the paper that using an iPAD would improve classroom efficiency" refers in this context to:


Prefeitura de Manaus - AM

 News trom China

Outcry as Chinese school makes iPads compulsory

Apple produets are incredibly popular in China, but not everyone can afford them A school in northern China has been criticised for enforcing iPad learning as part of its new curriculum, it's reported.

According to China Economic Daily, the Danfeng High School in Shaanxi province recently issued a notice saying that, “as part of a teaching requirement, students are required to bring their own iPad” when they start the new school year in September. Stafftold the paper that using an iPad would “improve classroom efficiency”, and that the school would manage an internet firewall, so that parents would not have to worry about students using the device for other means.

However, China Economic Daily says that after criticism from parents, who felt that it would be an “unnecessary financial burden”, headmaster Yao Hushan said that having an iPad was no longer a mandatory requirement. Mr Yao added that children who don't have a device could still enrol, but that he recommended students bring an iPad as part of a “process of promoting the digital classroom”.

The incident led to lively discussion on the Sina Weibo social media platform. “Those parents that can't afford one will have to sell a kidney!” one user quipped.

Others expressed concerns about the health implications of long-term electronic device use. “I worry about their Vision,” one user said, and another said they would all become “short-sighted and have to wear glasses.”

But others felt that it was a good move in line with new modem ways of teaching. “They are affordable for the average family,” one said, “they don't necessarily need to buy the latest model.”

Reporting by KerryAllen

Taken from: www.bbc.com/news/blogs-news-from-elsewhere

According to Mr Yao, headmaster of the Danfeng High School,


Prefeitura de Manaus - AM

 News trom China

Outcry as Chinese school makes iPads compulsory

Apple produets are incredibly popular in China, but not everyone can afford them A school in northern China has been criticised for enforcing iPad learning as part of its new curriculum, it's reported.

According to China Economic Daily, the Danfeng High School in Shaanxi province recently issued a notice saying that, “as part of a teaching requirement, students are required to bring their own iPad” when they start the new school year in September. Stafftold the paper that using an iPad would “improve classroom efficiency”, and that the school would manage an internet firewall, so that parents would not have to worry about students using the device for other means.

However, China Economic Daily says that after criticism from parents, who felt that it would be an “unnecessary financial burden”, headmaster Yao Hushan said that having an iPad was no longer a mandatory requirement. Mr Yao added that children who don't have a device could still enrol, but that he recommended students bring an iPad as part of a “process of promoting the digital classroom”.

The incident led to lively discussion on the Sina Weibo social media platform. “Those parents that can't afford one will have to sell a kidney!” one user quipped.

Others expressed concerns about the health implications of long-term electronic device use. “I worry about their Vision,” one user said, and another said they would all become “short-sighted and have to wear glasses.”

But others felt that it was a good move in line with new modem ways of teaching. “They are affordable for the average family,” one said, “they don't necessarily need to buy the latest model.”

Reporting by KerryAllen

Taken from: www.bbc.com/news/blogs-news-from-elsewhere

Teachers at Danfeng High School want their students to bring their iPads to the classroom because:


Prefeitura de Manaus - AM

 News trom China

Outcry as Chinese school makes iPads compulsory

Apple produets are incredibly popular in China, but not everyone can afford them A school in northern China has been criticised for enforcing iPad learning as part of its new curriculum, it's reported.

According to China Economic Daily, the Danfeng High School in Shaanxi province recently issued a notice saying that, “as part of a teaching requirement, students are required to bring their own iPad” when they start the new school year in September. Stafftold the paper that using an iPad would “improve classroom efficiency”, and that the school would manage an internet firewall, so that parents would not have to worry about students using the device for other means.

However, China Economic Daily says that after criticism from parents, who felt that it would be an “unnecessary financial burden”, headmaster Yao Hushan said that having an iPad was no longer a mandatory requirement. Mr Yao added that children who don't have a device could still enrol, but that he recommended students bring an iPad as part of a “process of promoting the digital classroom”.

The incident led to lively discussion on the Sina Weibo social media platform. “Those parents that can't afford one will have to sell a kidney!” one user quipped.

Others expressed concerns about the health implications of long-term electronic device use. “I worry about their Vision,” one user said, and another said they would all become “short-sighted and have to wear glasses.”

But others felt that it was a good move in line with new modem ways of teaching. “They are affordable for the average family,” one said, “they don't necessarily need to buy the latest model.”

Reporting by KerryAllen

Taken from: www.bbc.com/news/blogs-news-from-elsewhere

The sentence “Those parents that can't afford one" refers to:

  • To afford/can't afford: dispor/não dispor de dinheiro ou tempo para fazer algo, permitir-se/não permitir-se o luxo de algo.


Prefeitura de Manaus - AM

 News trom China

Outcry as Chinese school makes iPads compulsory

Apple produets are incredibly popular in China, but not everyone can afford them A school in northern China has been criticised for enforcing iPad learning as part of its new curriculum, it's reported.

According to China Economic Daily, the Danfeng High School in Shaanxi province recently issued a notice saying that, “as part of a teaching requirement, students are required to bring their own iPad” when they start the new school year in September. Stafftold the paper that using an iPad would “improve classroom efficiency”, and that the school would manage an internet firewall, so that parents would not have to worry about students using the device for other means.

However, China Economic Daily says that after criticism from parents, who felt that it would be an “unnecessary financial burden”, headmaster Yao Hushan said that having an iPad was no longer a mandatory requirement. Mr Yao added that children who don't have a device could still enrol, but that he recommended students bring an iPad as part of a “process of promoting the digital classroom”.

The incident led to lively discussion on the Sina Weibo social media platform. “Those parents that can't afford one will have to sell a kidney!” one user quipped.

Others expressed concerns about the health implications of long-term electronic device use. “I worry about their Vision,” one user said, and another said they would all become “short-sighted and have to wear glasses.”

But others felt that it was a good move in line with new modem ways of teaching. “They are affordable for the average family,” one said, “they don't necessarily need to buy the latest model.”

Reporting by KerryAllen

Taken from: www.bbc.com/news/blogs-news-from-elsewhere

There are several occurrences of the pronoun THEY in the text. Choose the alternative which indicates the correct referent of the pronoun.


Prefeitura de Manaus - AM

 News trom China

Outcry as Chinese school makes iPads compulsory

Apple produets are incredibly popular in China, but not everyone can afford them A school in northern China has been criticised for enforcing iPad learning as part of its new curriculum, it's reported.

According to China Economic Daily, the Danfeng High School in Shaanxi province recently issued a notice saying that, “as part of a teaching requirement, students are required to bring their own iPad” when they start the new school year in September. Stafftold the paper that using an iPad would “improve classroom efficiency”, and that the school would manage an internet firewall, so that parents would not have to worry about students using the device for other means.

However, China Economic Daily says that after criticism from parents, who felt that it would be an “unnecessary financial burden”, headmaster Yao Hushan said that having an iPad was no longer a mandatory requirement. Mr Yao added that children who don't have a device could still enrol, but that he recommended students bring an iPad as part of a “process of promoting the digital classroom”.

The incident led to lively discussion on the Sina Weibo social media platform. “Those parents that can't afford one will have to sell a kidney!” one user quipped.

Others expressed concerns about the health implications of long-term electronic device use. “I worry about their Vision,” one user said, and another said they would all become “short-sighted and have to wear glasses.”

But others felt that it was a good move in line with new modem ways of teaching. “They are affordable for the average family,” one said, “they don't necessarily need to buy the latest model.”

Reporting by KerryAllen

Taken from: www.bbc.com/news/blogs-news-from-elsewhere

The linker BUT in “but not everyone can afford them” expresses, in this context, the idea of:

  • Na questão, você encontra o uso de 'but' com o sentido de 'mas' e 'porém', ou seja, contraste.


Prefeitura de Manaus - AM

 News trom China

Outcry as Chinese school makes iPads compulsory

Apple produets are incredibly popular in China, but not everyone can afford them A school in northern China has been criticised for enforcing iPad learning as part of its new curriculum, it's reported.

According to China Economic Daily, the Danfeng High School in Shaanxi province recently issued a notice saying that, “as part of a teaching requirement, students are required to bring their own iPad” when they start the new school year in September. Stafftold the paper that using an iPad would “improve classroom efficiency”, and that the school would manage an internet firewall, so that parents would not have to worry about students using the device for other means.

However, China Economic Daily says that after criticism from parents, who felt that it would be an “unnecessary financial burden”, headmaster Yao Hushan said that having an iPad was no longer a mandatory requirement. Mr Yao added that children who don't have a device could still enrol, but that he recommended students bring an iPad as part of a “process of promoting the digital classroom”.

The incident led to lively discussion on the Sina Weibo social media platform. “Those parents that can't afford one will have to sell a kidney!” one user quipped.

Others expressed concerns about the health implications of long-term electronic device use. “I worry about their Vision,” one user said, and another said they would all become “short-sighted and have to wear glasses.”

But others felt that it was a good move in line with new modem ways of teaching. “They are affordable for the average family,” one said, “they don't necessarily need to buy the latest model.”

Reporting by KerryAllen

Taken from: www.bbc.com/news/blogs-news-from-elsewhere

Choose the option which indicates the correct translation of the words below according to the context in which they were used in the text.


    Requirement - no texto, quer dizer requisito, exigência de ensino.

    Notice - aviso, anúncio. (Notícia = news)

    Parents - pais (um falso cognato muito usado, uma vez que tendemos a traduzir com a palavra que se assemelha ao português, no entanto, parentes em inglês é relatives)

Prefeitura de Manaus - AM

 News trom China

Outcry as Chinese school makes iPads compulsory

Apple produets are incredibly popular in China, but not everyone can afford them A school in northern China has been criticised for enforcing iPad learning as part of its new curriculum, it's reported.

According to China Economic Daily, the Danfeng High School in Shaanxi province recently issued a notice saying that, “as part of a teaching requirement, students are required to bring their own iPad” when they start the new school year in September. Stafftold the paper that using an iPad would “improve classroom efficiency”, and that the school would manage an internet firewall, so that parents would not have to worry about students using the device for other means.

However, China Economic Daily says that after criticism from parents, who felt that it would be an “unnecessary financial burden”, headmaster Yao Hushan said that having an iPad was no longer a mandatory requirement. Mr Yao added that children who don't have a device could still enrol, but that he recommended students bring an iPad as part of a “process of promoting the digital classroom”.

The incident led to lively discussion on the Sina Weibo social media platform. “Those parents that can't afford one will have to sell a kidney!” one user quipped.

Others expressed concerns about the health implications of long-term electronic device use. “I worry about their Vision,” one user said, and another said they would all become “short-sighted and have to wear glasses.”

But others felt that it was a good move in line with new modem ways of teaching. “They are affordable for the average family,” one said, “they don't necessarily need to buy the latest model.”

Reporting by KerryAllen

Taken from: www.bbc.com/news/blogs-news-from-elsewhere

Choose the option that completes the sentence below correctly.

The parents would like:

  • Gab: B

Prefeitura de Manaus - AM

 News trom China

Outcry as Chinese school makes iPads compulsory

Apple produets are incredibly popular in China, but not everyone can afford them A school in northern China has been criticised for enforcing iPad learning as part of its new curriculum, it's reported.

According to China Economic Daily, the Danfeng High School in Shaanxi province recently issued a notice saying that, “as part of a teaching requirement, students are required to bring their own iPad” when they start the new school year in September. Stafftold the paper that using an iPad would “improve classroom efficiency”, and that the school would manage an internet firewall, so that parents would not have to worry about students using the device for other means.

However, China Economic Daily says that after criticism from parents, who felt that it would be an “unnecessary financial burden”, headmaster Yao Hushan said that having an iPad was no longer a mandatory requirement. Mr Yao added that children who don't have a device could still enrol, but that he recommended students bring an iPad as part of a “process of promoting the digital classroom”.

The incident led to lively discussion on the Sina Weibo social media platform. “Those parents that can't afford one will have to sell a kidney!” one user quipped.

Others expressed concerns about the health implications of long-term electronic device use. “I worry about their Vision,” one user said, and another said they would all become “short-sighted and have to wear glasses.”

But others felt that it was a good move in line with new modem ways of teaching. “They are affordable for the average family,” one said, “they don't necessarily need to buy the latest model.”

Reporting by KerryAllen

Taken from: www.bbc.com/news/blogs-news-from-elsewhere

Read the sentences below and choose the one in which the indefinite article has been used incorrectly.

  • Apesar de "uniform" começar com uma vogal, o som na língua inglesa é da letra "y". Ou seja, apesar de começar com uma vogal, o fonema é de consoante.

    O mesmo acontece com as palavras:


  • Não entendi no qconcurso o item marcado como errado é a letra B e no comentário da colega acima é letra D, alguém pode ajudar para me esclarecer?


    Na verdade não é letra D, ela só explicou que o que importa é o ''som'' da palavra e não só por ser uma vogal. Ou seja, é preciso ficar atenta com essas palavras ''UNIVERSITY, UNIFORM, UNIT, EWE, UNIQUE, UNIVERSAL, USEFUL, USELESS, USED , USUAL , EUROPEAN, ONE'' embora começam com vogais, não se usa o artigo ''an'' e sim o artigo ''a''.

  • a letra 'B' está incorreta pois a palavra "eletronic devices" está no plural. Nós utilizamos os artigos indefinidos "a" e "an" apenas em palavras no singular.

  • B - Não pode artigo indefinido em plural: electronic devices

Prefeitura de Manaus - AM

 News trom China

Outcry as Chinese school makes iPads compulsory

Apple produets are incredibly popular in China, but not everyone can afford them A school in northern China has been criticised for enforcing iPad learning as part of its new curriculum, it's reported.

According to China Economic Daily, the Danfeng High School in Shaanxi province recently issued a notice saying that, “as part of a teaching requirement, students are required to bring their own iPad” when they start the new school year in September. Stafftold the paper that using an iPad would “improve classroom efficiency”, and that the school would manage an internet firewall, so that parents would not have to worry about students using the device for other means.

However, China Economic Daily says that after criticism from parents, who felt that it would be an “unnecessary financial burden”, headmaster Yao Hushan said that having an iPad was no longer a mandatory requirement. Mr Yao added that children who don't have a device could still enrol, but that he recommended students bring an iPad as part of a “process of promoting the digital classroom”.

The incident led to lively discussion on the Sina Weibo social media platform. “Those parents that can't afford one will have to sell a kidney!” one user quipped.

Others expressed concerns about the health implications of long-term electronic device use. “I worry about their Vision,” one user said, and another said they would all become “short-sighted and have to wear glasses.”

But others felt that it was a good move in line with new modem ways of teaching. “They are affordable for the average family,” one said, “they don't necessarily need to buy the latest model.”

Reporting by KerryAllen

Taken from: www.bbc.com/news/blogs-news-from-elsewhere

Consider the following question:

“How long have you had your iPad?”

Among the different answers below, choose the one which would be a correct answer to the question above.

  • Na minha opinião, caberiam duas respostas: tanto a letra B quanto a letra D.

Prefeitura de Manaus - AM

 News trom China

Outcry as Chinese school makes iPads compulsory

Apple produets are incredibly popular in China, but not everyone can afford them A school in northern China has been criticised for enforcing iPad learning as part of its new curriculum, it's reported.

According to China Economic Daily, the Danfeng High School in Shaanxi province recently issued a notice saying that, “as part of a teaching requirement, students are required to bring their own iPad” when they start the new school year in September. Stafftold the paper that using an iPad would “improve classroom efficiency”, and that the school would manage an internet firewall, so that parents would not have to worry about students using the device for other means.

However, China Economic Daily says that after criticism from parents, who felt that it would be an “unnecessary financial burden”, headmaster Yao Hushan said that having an iPad was no longer a mandatory requirement. Mr Yao added that children who don't have a device could still enrol, but that he recommended students bring an iPad as part of a “process of promoting the digital classroom”.

The incident led to lively discussion on the Sina Weibo social media platform. “Those parents that can't afford one will have to sell a kidney!” one user quipped.

Others expressed concerns about the health implications of long-term electronic device use. “I worry about their Vision,” one user said, and another said they would all become “short-sighted and have to wear glasses.”

But others felt that it was a good move in line with new modem ways of teaching. “They are affordable for the average family,” one said, “they don't necessarily need to buy the latest model.”

Reporting by KerryAllen

Taken from: www.bbc.com/news/blogs-news-from-elsewhere

The word 'unnecessary' in “it would be an unnecessary financial burden” is formed by the prefix -un.

The prefix -un has been added to the words below.

Choose the only correct word;

  • a) ineffective

    b) impatient

    c) impolite/rude


  • A part of a written word that adds meaning to the word is called an element

    An element that cannot stand free as a word and that goes at the front of words is called a prefix. This lesson focuses on the prefix un-.

    There are actually two different prefixes spelled <un>. The first un- means “not, opposite”; the second means “reverse, remove.”

    Note that a stem that can stand free as a word is called a free stem.

    The following words all have the prefix un-: 

    Divide each of these six words into its prefix and free stem.

    Word= Prefix+ Free Stem1. unable=+2. unfinished=+3. unclear=+4. unworried=+5. unfriendly=+6. untruth=+7. unoriginal=+8. undecided=+

    9. Think about what the word unable means. Then think about what the word able means. What do you think the prefix un- must mean in unable: “not,” “again,” “yesterday,” “more than one”? ______ Does un- seem to mean this same thing in the other five words in the Examples section? ______.

    Now look at these seven words:

    10. What is the prefix in these words? ______

    11. Does the prefix have the same meaning in these words that it has in words like unreal? ______

    12. What does it seem to mean in these seven words: “again,” “more than one,” “yesterday,” or “reverse?” ______

    Divide each of these words into prefix, free stem, and suffix. Show any  or final <e> deletion.

    Word= Prefix+ Free Stem+ Suffix13. unannounced= unannounce

    ed14. undecided=++15. unlocking=++16. unlined=++17. uncolored=++18. undoing=++19. unmixed=++20. unbuttoned=++21. untouched=++22. unwrapping=++23. unbarred=++24. unfolding=++

    25. The prefixes spelled <un> mean two different things: ________________________ and ____________________________.

    Word Find. The ‘UN’-shaped Find below contains the following thirty-two words, all of which begin with a prefix un-.