
Prova ESPP - 2013 - COBRA Tecnologia S/A (BB) - Analista de Operações - Conhecimentos Básicos - Todos os Cargos

COBRA Tecnologia S/A (BB)

Leia os períodos abaixo e assinale a alternativa correta.

I. Se ficasse parada, não a alcançaria.

II. Se levantou cedo para vê-lo partir.

  • II. Se levantou cedo para vê-lo partir. ERRADO

    Levantou-se cedo para vê-lo partir. É proibido usar próclise em começo de períodos, porém deve se atentar para a pegadinha que as bancas fazem e pega muita gente. Observe

    Os professores, no auge da carreira, que é muito desvalorizada no Brasil, NOS deixam motivados.

    observe que o pronome NOS está em próclise iniciando o período, porém note também que a frase não está na ordem direta, portanto nesse caso a próclise é facultativa.

  • Podemos ver que há dois erros na frase,

    tanto por se tratar de um pronome em início de frase, o que é proibido:  "Se levantou",

    como com a palavra para, que é conjunção - conj. subord. adv. de finalidade. - que é atrativa para a próclise: ela se levantou com a finalidade de o ver partir.

    Correto, então,

    "Levantou-se cedo para o ver partir."
  • I- SE ficasse parada, NÃO A alcançaria. --> CORRETO pois se trata de uma ORAÇÃO SUBORDINADA SUBSTANTIVA ADVERBIAL CONDICIONAL "SE" e também por ter palavra atrativa "Não" o pronome obliquo átono tem que ficar antes do verbo "a alcançaria", PRÓCLISE.

    II- SE levantou cedo PARA vê-lo partir. --> ERRADO pois o SE não pode iniciar frase, ao invés de próclise tinha que ser enclise, e o PARA é conjunção subordinativa por indica FINALIDADE.
  • Não querendo desmerecer o comentário de ninguém, mas esse "para" ser considerado subordinativo, deveria acompanhar pela conjunção subordinativa (Se; que; quem; onde; qual; quando; quantos), o que não é o caso em questão, nem mesmo há menção de expressão expletiva (exceto advérbio cedo) que venha mascarar a presença de tal conjunção.
  • o "para" está com função prepositiva final para o começo/meio/fim do entendimento  "Levantou-se cedo para o ver partir" (usem isso, começo/meio/fim qndo a frase não fica de firulas)
    -> dava pra matar essa questão com essas duas possibilidades.
  • Alguém poderia me dizer por qual motivo a alternativa I não está errada?

  • Igor, o SE (neste caso) é uma condicional, não pronome oblíquo. É correto o uso de SE no inicio de frases qdo se tratar de condicionais.


  • Gabarito B


  • Nem sempre a partícula "se" é um pronome! O Se pode ser uma conjunção condicional (igual ao "if" em inglês). Na frase: Se você ligar eu digo o que fazer. – O Se estabelece uma condição. Neste caso (e apenas neste caso) ele pode iniciar uma frase. O que pode produzir situações bem interessantes, como neste verso de Luís de Camões: "Se se sabe ou se se sente, não a digo a toda a gente”…

  • I. Se ficasse parada, não a alcançaria. nao causa proclise.

    II. levantou-Se.

  • Em toda regra a uma exceção. Quem sabe um pouco de T.i acerta essa questão (if) (Se isso ,então aquilo).Bons estudos .

COBRA Tecnologia S/A (BB)

Assinale a alternativa que indica, correta e respectivamente, os processos de formação das palavras “guarda-sol”, “felizmente” e “quilo”.

  • RESP.  C,

    Questão fácil, vejamos:

    Guarda-Sol: Composição por justaposição, ( Duas ou mais palavras ou radicais, não ocorre alteração fonética )
    Felizmente:  Derivação por sufixação ( Acrescentamos um sufixo a palavra )
    Quilo: Redução ( Algumas palavras apresentam, ao lado de sua forma plena, uma forma reduzida. Ex: auto, automóvel )

    Bons estudos galera
  • c-

    Composição por justaposição - somam-se as palavras: garda-roupa, guarda-sol etc. contraste com Composição por aglutinacao, onde ha alçteracao: embora, boquiaberto etc.

    derivação por sufixação - adiciona-se sufixo

    redução - quilograma -> quilo

COBRA Tecnologia S/A (BB)

Considere o período e as afirmações abaixo.

Paulo, obedeça o seu pai!

I. A pontuação está incorreta, pois a vírgula está separando o sujeito do verbo.

II. Há um problema de regência verbal.

Está correto o que se afirma em

    É necessária a vírgula para separar o oração do vocativo.
    Obedecer, referindo-se à pessoa, é seguido pela preposição A. (Paulo, obedeça AO seu pai!)
    Gabarito: B
  • Paulo, obedeça a seu pai.

    Mulher, traga a cerveja.


    Não desobedeça a seus pais.
    Não desobedeça a nenhuma regra do trânsito.
    Todos obedeciam à professora.
    Todos obedeciam ao professor.
    Prometo obedecer-lhe de hoje em diante.

    O obedecer é trantivo indireto e rege a preposição "a".

  • A vírgula separa o vocativo.

    Os verbos OBEDECER E DESOBEDECER sempre pedem preposição A.
    Sempre será V. T. Indireto.
  • Regência de obdecer

    "OBDECER - Este verbo é hoje usado exclusivamente com regência indireta. Obdecer ao pai, às leis, obdecer-lhe.

    - Conquanto seja transitivo indireto admite o verbo obdecer a construção passiva: A lei foi obdecida ".

    ALMEIDA, Napoleão Mendes de. Gramática metódica da língua portuguesa - 46ª ed. rev. - São Paulo: Saraiva, 2009.

  • I. A pontuação está correta, pois a vírgula está separando o vocatgivo do verbo.

    II. Há um problema de regência verbal.

    Obedecer a alguma coisa

    Obedecer ao regulamento

    Obedecer às regras

    Obedecer às normas

COBRA Tecnologia S/A (BB)

Considere o período e as afirmações abaixo.

A maior parte dos alunos que fizeram o teste achou difícil algumas questões.

I. Há um erro de concordância nominal.

II. Há um erro de concordância verbal.

Está correto o que se afirma em

  • A maior parte dos alunos que fizeram o teste achou difícil algumas questões.

    A maior parte dos alunos que fizeram o teste achou difíceis algumas questões.
  • Duvida?
    A mair parte é uma expressao partitiva e pode ir para o plural
    quanto para o singular. Minha duvida é se a oraçao tiver 2
    periodos como essa questao se eu posso ter um verbo no singular e
    outro no plural ou ambos tem que ficar no mesmo tempo verbal.
  • Natália, a palavra "difícil" está relacionada (faz referência) com a palavra "questões". Sendo "questão" um nome ocorreu erro de concordância nominal, pois a palavra "difícil" deve ser flexionada para concordar com "questões".

    "Questões difícil" (errrado), pois questões são difíceis...
  • Vejam se concordam comigo:

    Se "fizeram" está correto por fazer concordância com "aos alunos" (apesar de também poder ter feito concordância com "a maior parte"), então o segundo verbo também deveria estar no plural concordando com o mesmo substantivo, pois quem "achou" foram os alunos. Portanto deveria ser "acharam".

    "Difícil" consequentemente iria para o plural também.

    Achei que a resposta fosse a letra C. Fiquei bastante na dúvida aqui...
  • O verbo pode concordar tanto com a expressão partitiva quanto com o substantivo, melhor entendido separando por frases:

    A maior parte dos alunos achou difícil algumas questões. CORRETO.

    A maior parte dos alunos fizeram o teste. CORRETO

    Algumas questões
    difícil. ERRADO. Seria correto "Algumas questões difíceis" Logo, erro de CONCORDÂNCIA NOMINAL

    Espero ter ajudado.
  • Não há uma regra em que quando o verbo é antecedido por pronome relativo QUE, obrigatoriamente ele deve concordar com seu antecessor?

    A maior parte dos alunos que fizeram o teste achou difícil algumas questões.

    Se alguém puder explicar, neste caso há facultatividade em relação ao FIZERAM? Poderia realmente ser utilizado o FEZ?
  • Relacionando...

    A maior parte dos alunos que fizeram o teste achou difícil algumas questões.

    A maior parte achou. Ok
    Os alunos que fizeram o teste. Ok
    Algumas questões difíceis.
  • ''A maior parte dos alunos que fizeram o teste achou difícil algumas questões.''

    A faculdade de concordar com o ''dos alunos'' ou ''maior parte levando o verbo para o plural ou singular respectivamente já é amplamente sabida. Agora essa liberdade de ora concordar com a expressão ''dos alunos'' no verbo ''fizeram'' e ora com ''maior parte'' no verbo ''achou'' foi uma fanfarronice da banca. Não respeita a correlação verbal, na minha opinião.

    E o erro de concordância nomidal está no singular do ''difícil'' que deve concordar no plural com o seu refente ''algumas questões''
  • sujeito Partitivo e Concordância Verbal - expressoes como maior parte, maiorira etc o verbo pode ser singular ou plural


    A maior parte dos colaboradores aderiu à greve. (singular)

    Mais da metade dos funcionários não compareceram à reunião (plural)



    achou algumas questões difícis

COBRA Tecnologia S/A (BB)

Considere a oração e as afirmações abaixo.

Avaliou-se bem os projetos.

I. O correto seria “avaliaram-se” .

II. A oração está na voz ativa.

Está correto o que se afirma em

    Avaliaram-se bem os projetos. (Avaliar concorda com projetos)
    Avaliar: verbo transitivo direto. (quem avalia, avalia alguma coisa)
    VTD + SE: voz passiva sintética ou pronominal.
    Gabarito: A

  • Acredito que a justificativa do item I esteja equivocada, pois "os projetos" é objeto direto, estando o verbo na 3ª pessoa do plural, pois o sujeito é indeterminado.
  • Creio que a Cristiane está equivocada, pois no caso de uma oração passiva sintética como acima, o objeto direto transforma-se em sujeito. Ficando assim: Verbo + partícula apassivadora (SE) + sujeito.
  • Cristiane, o exposto abaixo contribuirá para seus estudos, veja:

    2 - Sujeito Indeterminado: é aquele que, embora existindo, não se pode determinar nem pelo contexto, nem pela terminação do verbo. Na língua portuguesa, há três maneiras diferentes de indeterminar o sujeito de uma oração:

    a) Com verbo na 3ª pessoa do plural:

    O verbo é colocado na terceira pessoa do plural, sem que se refira a nenhum termo identificado anteriormente (nem em outra oração):

    Por Exemplo:

    Procuraram você por todos os lugares.
    Estão pedindo seu documento na entrada da festa.

    b) Com verbo ativo  na 3ª  pessoa do singular, seguido do pronome se:

    O verbo vem acompanhado do pronome se, que atua como índice de indeterminação do sujeito. Essa construção ocorre com verbos que não apresentam complemento direto (verbos intransitivos, transitivos indiretos e de ligação). O verbo obrigatoriamente fica na terceira pessoa do singular.


    Vive-se melhor no campo.(Verbo Intransitivo)
    Precisa-se de técnicos em informática.(Verbo Transitivo Indireto)
    No casamento, sempre se fica nervoso.(Verbo de Ligação)

    Entendendo a Partícula Se

    As construções em que ocorre a partícula se podem apresentar algumas dificuldades quanto à classificação do sujeito.


    a) Aprovou-se o novo candidato.


        Aprovaram-se os novos candidatos.


    b) Precisa-se de professor. (Sujeito Indeterminado)

        Precisa-se de professores. (Sujeito Indeterminado)

    No caso a, o se é uma partícula apassivadora e o verbo está na voz passiva sintética, concordando com o sujeito. Observe a transformação das frases para a voz passiva analítica:

    O novo candidato foi aprovado.


    Os novos candidatos foram aprovados.


    No caso b, se é índice de indeterminação do sujeito e o verbo está na voz ativa. Nessas construções, o sujeito é indeterminado e o verbo fica sempre na 3ª pessoa do singular.

    c) Com o verbo no infinitivo impessoal:

    Por Exemplo:

    Era penoso estudar todo aquele conteúdo.
    É triste assistir a estas cenas tão trágicas.

    Obs.: quando o verbo está na 3ª pessoa do plural, fazendo referência a elementos explícitos em orações anteriores ou posteriores, o sujeito é determinado.

    Por Exemplo:

    Felipe e Marcos foram à feira.Compraram muitas verduras.

       Nesse caso, o sujeito de compraram é eles (Felipe e Marcos). Ocorre sujeito oculto.
    Referência. Site Só Português

  • Avaliou-se bem os projetos.

    a lógica que eu usei para resolver essa questão foi a seguinte:
    primeiro, pensei na predicação verbal

    ele avaliou. o que? quem avalia, avalia alguma coisa!
    então pensei ''os projetos''
    se é verbo transitivo direto, então nós temos que fazer a concordância correta, indo para o plural quando o objeto direto está no plural.
    por isso, avaliaram-se.
    porém, não é voz ativa! e sim voz passiva sintética, que é aquela formada pela partícula SE. sintética = de síntese, pequena, ao invés da voz passiva analítica.
  • Avaliou-se bem os projetos.

    a lógica que eu usei para resolver essa questão foi a seguinte:
    primeiro, pensei na predicação verbal

    ele avaliou. o que? quem avalia, avalia alguma coisa!
    então pensei ''os projetos''
    se é verbo transitivo direto, então nós temos que fazer a concordância correta, indo para o plural quando o objeto direto está no plural.
    por isso, avaliaram-se.
    porém, não é voz ativa! e sim voz passiva sintética, que é aquela formada pela partícula SE. sintética = de síntese, pequena, ao invés da voz passiva analítica.
  • O correto seria “avaliaram-se” e a oração está na voz passiva sintética

COBRA Tecnologia S/A (BB)

As alturas de 8 pessoas de uma mesma família são dadas abaixo:

1,68; 1,70; 1,85; 1,72; 1,80; 1,65; 1,70; 1,90

A soma entre a moda, média e mediana das alturas dessas 8 pessoas é igual a:

  • O assunto é estatistica

    Moda  é a medida de tendência central que consiste no valor observado com mais frequência em um conjunto de dados. Se um determinado time fez, em dez partidas, a seguinte quantidade de gols: 3, 2, 0, 3, 0, 4, 3, 2, 1, 3, 1; a moda desse conjunto é de 3 gols. Se uma linha de ônibus registra, em quinze ocasiões, os tempos de viagens, em minutos: 52, 50, 55, 53, 61, 52, 52, 59, 55, 54, 53, 52, 50, 51, 60; a moda desse conjunto é de 52 minutos. As alturas de um grupo de pessoas são: 1,82 m; 1,75 m; 1,65 m; 1,58 m; 1,70 m. Nesse caso, não há moda, porque nenhum valor se repete.

    A moda entre 1,68; 1,70; 1,85; 1,72; 1,80; 1,65; 1,70; 1,90 é igual a 1,70.

    Mediana é uma medida de tendência central que indica exatamente o valor central de uma amostra de dados. Exemplos: As notas de um aluno em um semestre da faculdade, colocadas em ordem crescente, foram: 4,0; 4,0; 5,0; 7,0; 7,0. São cinco notas. A mediana é o valor que está no centro da amostra, ou seja, 5,0. Podemos afirmar que 40% das notas estão acima de 5,0 e 40% estão abaixo de 5,0. A quantidade de hotéis 3 estrelas espalhados pelas cidades do litoral de um determinado Estado é: 1, 2, 3, 3, 5, 7, 8, 10, 10, 10. Como a amostra possui dez valores e, portanto, não há um valor central, calculamos a mediana tirando a média dos dois valores centrais:

    colocando em ordem crescente 1,68; 1,70; 1,85; 1,72; 1,80; 1,65; 1,70; 1,90 é 1,72 temos

    1,65; 1,68; 1,70; 1,70; 1,721,80; 1,85; 1,90 

    a mediana é igual a (1,70 + 1,72)/2 = 3,42/2 = 1,71

    para obtermos a media basta somarmos os ermos e dividí-los pelo numero de termos. Assim

     (1,68+1,70+1,85+1,72+1,80+1,65+1,70+1,90)/8 ; media= 14/8; média= 1,75

    moda+mediana+média= 1,70 + 1,75 + 1,71 = 5,16
    alternativa A.

COBRA Tecnologia S/A (BB)

Com as letras A,B,C,D e E formam-se senhas de 4 letras com repetição. A probabilidade se escolhermos uma dessas senhas de modo que não há repetição de letras é de:

  • Você tem apenas 5 letras para formar uma senha com 4 dígitos, então vejamos:

    A C D G H J para formar __ __ __ __

    P=probabilidade; E=eventos favoráveis; U=eventos possíveis
    P= E/U

    calculando o numero de eventos possíveis(U);

    temos A B C D E para formar __ __ __ __ com repetição (total de eventos)
    No primeiro campo você pode colocar qualquer uma das 5 letras; Do segundo ao quarto  campo também. Assim temos pelo principio fundamental da contagem;  U= 5x5x5x5x = 625

    calculando o numero de eventos favoráveis(E);(= numero de senhas com letras não repetidas)
    temos A B C D E para formar __ __ __ __ sem repetição 
    E= 5x4x3x2 = 120;

    P= E/U  
    P=120/625;(simplificando ambos os termos por 5) temos
    P= 24/125

  • Com as letras A,B,C,D e E formam-se senhas de 4 letras com repetição.

    X X X X X

    cada X 4 ´possibilidades.

    4*4*4*4*4 = 625 total

    não há repetição-

    5*4*3*2*1 = 120

    120/625 -> 24/125

COBRA Tecnologia S/A (BB)

The internet vigilantes: Anonymous hackers' group outs man, 32, 'who drove girl, 15, to suicide by spreading topless photos of her'

Anonymous has named a man it claims posted topless pictures of a 15-year-old girl online and harassed her so relentlessly that she killed herself.

Amanda Todd, from Vancouver, Canada, was found hanged in her home on October 10, just weeks after she uploaded a video to YouTube detailing her horrific treatment at the hands of cyber bullies.

When she was just 12, a man in an internet chat room convinced her to flash her breasts, and a year later, he plastered a picture of the incident across Facebook.
Now in a vigilante move, Anonymous, the world's largest hacking group, has named the man allegedly responsible for the picture.

The group claims that he is a 32-year-old from British Columbia, but MailOnline has chosen not to identify him for legal reasons

As Todd's supporters set up Facebook pages warning the man to 'sleep with one eye open', the move by Anonymous sparks concerns over its abilities to create a 'trial by internet' - bypassing the justice system and casting guilt.

In a video posted to YouTube by Anonymous, a figure claims the group lists his personal information, including his date of birth and address

It explains that his username appears on websites where he 'blackmailed' and gave advice to young girls. The same username is also tied to a website with a 'jailbait' photo gallery. '[He] is an abomination to our society, and will be punished,' the Anonymous figure says.

Referring to the possibility they might have the wrong man, they add: 'At the most this is the person who did this to Amanda Todd, and at the least it's another pedophile that enjoys taking advantage of children.'

Following Anonymous' announcement, the web moved swiftly, with groups calling for his death and warning him to 'sleep with one eye open' cropping up on Facebook.

CKNW reporters have unsuccessfully tried to speak with the man, and neighbours have described his home as 'a known party house on the weekend with lots of young women coming and going'.

But police attended the home on Monday after a neighbour, Chyne Simpson, said Anonymous named the wrong address. He said he felt threatened by internet users and asked them to stay away.

The Royal Canadian Mounted Police refused to confirm Anonymous have the right man but a spokesperson said they were aware that someone had been named.

'We are aware of what's being posted online and certainly following up what we feel is important to follow up,' Sergeant Peter Thiessen told The Globe and Mail, adding: '[Vigilantes] run the risk of committing a criminal offence.'

Todd's family members also said they are not sure the Anonymous report is accurate and said police have tracked down a person living in the U.S. whom they believed was involved.

The claims come weeks after Amanda posted a nearly nine-minute YouTube video detailing her treatment on a stack of notecards held up to the camera.

Todd says that a year after she flashed her breasts, the man tracked her down and demanded he put on a show for him or he would expose her.

When she refused, he created a Facebook page with a list of her friends and used her naked chest as the profile photo. The picture quickly spread across the internet and among her classmates.

It led to relentless bullying online, she said, and she was diagnosed with depression and started drinking. In the video, posted September 7, she admitted that she had previously tried to kill herself twice and has been hospitalised.

After moving to a different city and school, another instance of bullying occurred after she started a romantic relationship with an older man who had a girlfriend. Once that relationship soured, she was confronted and beaten up by the man's girlfriend. She was hit in front of a crowd of screaming people who encouraged her to be left in a ditch.

Amanda does not speak in the video, and her face is not fully shown, but she confirmed her identity with the last notecard which says her name.

One of the final images is a jarring picture of her arm which had been cut repeatedly. Just under six weeks after posting the video, Todd could take the bullying no longer, and took her own life.
During a memorial for Todd on Monday, her friends said they have been aware of a man in his 30s 'stalking' their friend for years.

'There were multiple accounts with random names,' one friend told QMI Agency. 'There were Twitter accounts also used.' The Vancouver Sun reported that Amanda was a student in Grade 10 at the Coquitlam Basic Alternative Education school. The principal of the school confirmed her death and said that she had become connected with many since she transferred to the school in the middle of last year.

'It is a very sad case,' Paul McNaughton told the paper. 'I can tell you we feel we tried everything we could to help her when she came to us.'
Her death prompted a local politician to release a video of her own that pleads to put an end to bullying.
'I just heard about Amanda. I want to say to everyone who loved her, to all her family and friends, how sorry I am about her loss,' British Columbia premier Christy Clark said.
'No one deserves to be bullied. No one earns it. No one asks for it. It isn't a rite of passage. Bullying has to stop.'

http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2218532/Amanda-Todd-Anonymous-names-man-drove- teen-kill-spreading-nude-pictures.html

The main idea of the text is:

  • c) Amanda Todd, 15, was found dead after killing herself to escape cyber bullies.

    The whole point of the text is to draw the conclusion that some air-headed teenager was found dead  in her room after having being stalked by inpolite people bullying her over the internet, so she deemed best to cut off her life despite living in such a wealthy Commonwealth nation; I just can't grasp the core tenements in the mindset of people living in enviably developed countries like this feeling so down in teh dumps while I'm here struggling hard to make it as a finely cut professional in the cutthroat enviornment that is this country!

    a) Facebook pages advise people to 'sleep with one eye open', due to risks around internet.- facebook não aconselha nada do tipo, nem que há riscos na internet. Esse é o aviso para o pedófilo do texto.

    b) Teens, such as Amanda Todd, had been encouraged by Anonymous to show their intimacy in videos, later showed to a great number of people. Anonymous (não é o Anonymous Gourmet) é o grupo de "justiceiros online" que estão à procura de informação acerca do responsável por ter exposto a vítima online.

    c) Amanda Todd, 15, was found dead after killing herself to escape cyber bullies. correto

    d) There’s a parallel line of police investigation, the Anonymous, which aims to find the one who had been blackmailing Amanda Todd. The anonymous não foi criado pela polícia- é um grupo voluntário não afiliado a órgão ou partido algum.

COBRA Tecnologia S/A (BB)

The internet vigilantes: Anonymous hackers' group outs man, 32, 'who drove girl, 15, to suicide by spreading topless photos of her'

Anonymous has named a man it claims posted topless pictures of a 15-year-old girl online and harassed her so relentlessly that she killed herself.

Amanda Todd, from Vancouver, Canada, was found hanged in her home on October 10, just weeks after she uploaded a video to YouTube detailing her horrific treatment at the hands of cyber bullies.

When she was just 12, a man in an internet chat room convinced her to flash her breasts, and a year later, he plastered a picture of the incident across Facebook.
Now in a vigilante move, Anonymous, the world's largest hacking group, has named the man allegedly responsible for the picture.

The group claims that he is a 32-year-old from British Columbia, but MailOnline has chosen not to identify him for legal reasons

As Todd's supporters set up Facebook pages warning the man to 'sleep with one eye open', the move by Anonymous sparks concerns over its abilities to create a 'trial by internet' - bypassing the justice system and casting guilt.

In a video posted to YouTube by Anonymous, a figure claims the group lists his personal information, including his date of birth and address

It explains that his username appears on websites where he 'blackmailed' and gave advice to young girls. The same username is also tied to a website with a 'jailbait' photo gallery. '[He] is an abomination to our society, and will be punished,' the Anonymous figure says.

Referring to the possibility they might have the wrong man, they add: 'At the most this is the person who did this to Amanda Todd, and at the least it's another pedophile that enjoys taking advantage of children.'

Following Anonymous' announcement, the web moved swiftly, with groups calling for his death and warning him to 'sleep with one eye open' cropping up on Facebook.

CKNW reporters have unsuccessfully tried to speak with the man, and neighbours have described his home as 'a known party house on the weekend with lots of young women coming and going'.

But police attended the home on Monday after a neighbour, Chyne Simpson, said Anonymous named the wrong address. He said he felt threatened by internet users and asked them to stay away.

The Royal Canadian Mounted Police refused to confirm Anonymous have the right man but a spokesperson said they were aware that someone had been named.

'We are aware of what's being posted online and certainly following up what we feel is important to follow up,' Sergeant Peter Thiessen told The Globe and Mail, adding: '[Vigilantes] run the risk of committing a criminal offence.'

Todd's family members also said they are not sure the Anonymous report is accurate and said police have tracked down a person living in the U.S. whom they believed was involved.

The claims come weeks after Amanda posted a nearly nine-minute YouTube video detailing her treatment on a stack of notecards held up to the camera.

Todd says that a year after she flashed her breasts, the man tracked her down and demanded he put on a show for him or he would expose her.

When she refused, he created a Facebook page with a list of her friends and used her naked chest as the profile photo. The picture quickly spread across the internet and among her classmates.

It led to relentless bullying online, she said, and she was diagnosed with depression and started drinking. In the video, posted September 7, she admitted that she had previously tried to kill herself twice and has been hospitalised.

After moving to a different city and school, another instance of bullying occurred after she started a romantic relationship with an older man who had a girlfriend. Once that relationship soured, she was confronted and beaten up by the man's girlfriend. She was hit in front of a crowd of screaming people who encouraged her to be left in a ditch.

Amanda does not speak in the video, and her face is not fully shown, but she confirmed her identity with the last notecard which says her name.

One of the final images is a jarring picture of her arm which had been cut repeatedly. Just under six weeks after posting the video, Todd could take the bullying no longer, and took her own life.
During a memorial for Todd on Monday, her friends said they have been aware of a man in his 30s 'stalking' their friend for years.

'There were multiple accounts with random names,' one friend told QMI Agency. 'There were Twitter accounts also used.' The Vancouver Sun reported that Amanda was a student in Grade 10 at the Coquitlam Basic Alternative Education school. The principal of the school confirmed her death and said that she had become connected with many since she transferred to the school in the middle of last year.

'It is a very sad case,' Paul McNaughton told the paper. 'I can tell you we feel we tried everything we could to help her when she came to us.'
Her death prompted a local politician to release a video of her own that pleads to put an end to bullying.
'I just heard about Amanda. I want to say to everyone who loved her, to all her family and friends, how sorry I am about her loss,' British Columbia premier Christy Clark said.
'No one deserves to be bullied. No one earns it. No one asks for it. It isn't a rite of passage. Bullying has to stop.'

http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2218532/Amanda-Todd-Anonymous-names-man-drove- teen-kill-spreading-nude-pictures.html

The alternative that brings the best synonym in its base form to the bold underlined word in the text page “Anonymous has named a man it claims posted topless pictures of a 15-year-old girl online and harassed her so relentlessly that she killed herself." is:

  • d) Besieged. There's no boldfaced word in the stringy passage, but I would take it that they'd be looking for an equivalent for "harassed", as the answer choices only deal with past participle verbs. Besieged comes closer in meaning to harassed as it could be implied that her mind was under siege as they ganged up on her.

    d)besieged (sitiado). Harassed significa incomodado
  • be·siege  (b-sj)
    tr.v. be·siegedbe·sieg·ingbe·sieg·es
    1. To surround with hostile forces.
    2. To crowd around; hem in.
    3. To harass or importune, as with requests: Reporters besieged the winner for interviews.
    4. To cause to feel distressed or worried: She was besieged by problems.

  • Essa é nivel hard.


    Nunca tinha visto nenhuma da palavras constantes nas alternativas.

COBRA Tecnologia S/A (BB)

The internet vigilantes: Anonymous hackers' group outs man, 32, 'who drove girl, 15, to suicide by spreading topless photos of her'

Anonymous has named a man it claims posted topless pictures of a 15-year-old girl online and harassed her so relentlessly that she killed herself.

Amanda Todd, from Vancouver, Canada, was found hanged in her home on October 10, just weeks after she uploaded a video to YouTube detailing her horrific treatment at the hands of cyber bullies.

When she was just 12, a man in an internet chat room convinced her to flash her breasts, and a year later, he plastered a picture of the incident across Facebook.
Now in a vigilante move, Anonymous, the world's largest hacking group, has named the man allegedly responsible for the picture.

The group claims that he is a 32-year-old from British Columbia, but MailOnline has chosen not to identify him for legal reasons

As Todd's supporters set up Facebook pages warning the man to 'sleep with one eye open', the move by Anonymous sparks concerns over its abilities to create a 'trial by internet' - bypassing the justice system and casting guilt.

In a video posted to YouTube by Anonymous, a figure claims the group lists his personal information, including his date of birth and address

It explains that his username appears on websites where he 'blackmailed' and gave advice to young girls. The same username is also tied to a website with a 'jailbait' photo gallery. '[He] is an abomination to our society, and will be punished,' the Anonymous figure says.

Referring to the possibility they might have the wrong man, they add: 'At the most this is the person who did this to Amanda Todd, and at the least it's another pedophile that enjoys taking advantage of children.'

Following Anonymous' announcement, the web moved swiftly, with groups calling for his death and warning him to 'sleep with one eye open' cropping up on Facebook.

CKNW reporters have unsuccessfully tried to speak with the man, and neighbours have described his home as 'a known party house on the weekend with lots of young women coming and going'.

But police attended the home on Monday after a neighbour, Chyne Simpson, said Anonymous named the wrong address. He said he felt threatened by internet users and asked them to stay away.

The Royal Canadian Mounted Police refused to confirm Anonymous have the right man but a spokesperson said they were aware that someone had been named.

'We are aware of what's being posted online and certainly following up what we feel is important to follow up,' Sergeant Peter Thiessen told The Globe and Mail, adding: '[Vigilantes] run the risk of committing a criminal offence.'

Todd's family members also said they are not sure the Anonymous report is accurate and said police have tracked down a person living in the U.S. whom they believed was involved.

The claims come weeks after Amanda posted a nearly nine-minute YouTube video detailing her treatment on a stack of notecards held up to the camera.

Todd says that a year after she flashed her breasts, the man tracked her down and demanded he put on a show for him or he would expose her.

When she refused, he created a Facebook page with a list of her friends and used her naked chest as the profile photo. The picture quickly spread across the internet and among her classmates.

It led to relentless bullying online, she said, and she was diagnosed with depression and started drinking. In the video, posted September 7, she admitted that she had previously tried to kill herself twice and has been hospitalised.

After moving to a different city and school, another instance of bullying occurred after she started a romantic relationship with an older man who had a girlfriend. Once that relationship soured, she was confronted and beaten up by the man's girlfriend. She was hit in front of a crowd of screaming people who encouraged her to be left in a ditch.

Amanda does not speak in the video, and her face is not fully shown, but she confirmed her identity with the last notecard which says her name.

One of the final images is a jarring picture of her arm which had been cut repeatedly. Just under six weeks after posting the video, Todd could take the bullying no longer, and took her own life.
During a memorial for Todd on Monday, her friends said they have been aware of a man in his 30s 'stalking' their friend for years.

'There were multiple accounts with random names,' one friend told QMI Agency. 'There were Twitter accounts also used.' The Vancouver Sun reported that Amanda was a student in Grade 10 at the Coquitlam Basic Alternative Education school. The principal of the school confirmed her death and said that she had become connected with many since she transferred to the school in the middle of last year.

'It is a very sad case,' Paul McNaughton told the paper. 'I can tell you we feel we tried everything we could to help her when she came to us.'
Her death prompted a local politician to release a video of her own that pleads to put an end to bullying.
'I just heard about Amanda. I want to say to everyone who loved her, to all her family and friends, how sorry I am about her loss,' British Columbia premier Christy Clark said.
'No one deserves to be bullied. No one earns it. No one asks for it. It isn't a rite of passage. Bullying has to stop.'

http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2218532/Amanda-Todd-Anonymous-names-man-drove- teen-kill-spreading-nude-pictures.html

The alternative that brings false information about the text is:

  •      a) Police had threatened Chyne Simpson, an Anonymous member, during Amanda Todd’s death investigation.

     Police attended the home on Monday after a neighbour, Chyne S., said anonymous named the wrong address. He felt threatened by the intertnet community and demanded they steered clear.

    Ele se sentiu ameaçado por usuários da internet, e não pela polícia.

COBRA Tecnologia S/A (BB)

The internet vigilantes: Anonymous hackers' group outs man, 32, 'who drove girl, 15, to suicide by spreading topless photos of her'

Anonymous has named a man it claims posted topless pictures of a 15-year-old girl online and harassed her so relentlessly that she killed herself.

Amanda Todd, from Vancouver, Canada, was found hanged in her home on October 10, just weeks after she uploaded a video to YouTube detailing her horrific treatment at the hands of cyber bullies.

When she was just 12, a man in an internet chat room convinced her to flash her breasts, and a year later, he plastered a picture of the incident across Facebook.
Now in a vigilante move, Anonymous, the world's largest hacking group, has named the man allegedly responsible for the picture.

The group claims that he is a 32-year-old from British Columbia, but MailOnline has chosen not to identify him for legal reasons

As Todd's supporters set up Facebook pages warning the man to 'sleep with one eye open', the move by Anonymous sparks concerns over its abilities to create a 'trial by internet' - bypassing the justice system and casting guilt.

In a video posted to YouTube by Anonymous, a figure claims the group lists his personal information, including his date of birth and address

It explains that his username appears on websites where he 'blackmailed' and gave advice to young girls. The same username is also tied to a website with a 'jailbait' photo gallery. '[He] is an abomination to our society, and will be punished,' the Anonymous figure says.

Referring to the possibility they might have the wrong man, they add: 'At the most this is the person who did this to Amanda Todd, and at the least it's another pedophile that enjoys taking advantage of children.'

Following Anonymous' announcement, the web moved swiftly, with groups calling for his death and warning him to 'sleep with one eye open' cropping up on Facebook.

CKNW reporters have unsuccessfully tried to speak with the man, and neighbours have described his home as 'a known party house on the weekend with lots of young women coming and going'.

But police attended the home on Monday after a neighbour, Chyne Simpson, said Anonymous named the wrong address. He said he felt threatened by internet users and asked them to stay away.

The Royal Canadian Mounted Police refused to confirm Anonymous have the right man but a spokesperson said they were aware that someone had been named.

'We are aware of what's being posted online and certainly following up what we feel is important to follow up,' Sergeant Peter Thiessen told The Globe and Mail, adding: '[Vigilantes] run the risk of committing a criminal offence.'

Todd's family members also said they are not sure the Anonymous report is accurate and said police have tracked down a person living in the U.S. whom they believed was involved.

The claims come weeks after Amanda posted a nearly nine-minute YouTube video detailing her treatment on a stack of notecards held up to the camera.

Todd says that a year after she flashed her breasts, the man tracked her down and demanded he put on a show for him or he would expose her.

When she refused, he created a Facebook page with a list of her friends and used her naked chest as the profile photo. The picture quickly spread across the internet and among her classmates.

It led to relentless bullying online, she said, and she was diagnosed with depression and started drinking. In the video, posted September 7, she admitted that she had previously tried to kill herself twice and has been hospitalised.

After moving to a different city and school, another instance of bullying occurred after she started a romantic relationship with an older man who had a girlfriend. Once that relationship soured, she was confronted and beaten up by the man's girlfriend. She was hit in front of a crowd of screaming people who encouraged her to be left in a ditch.

Amanda does not speak in the video, and her face is not fully shown, but she confirmed her identity with the last notecard which says her name.

One of the final images is a jarring picture of her arm which had been cut repeatedly. Just under six weeks after posting the video, Todd could take the bullying no longer, and took her own life.
During a memorial for Todd on Monday, her friends said they have been aware of a man in his 30s 'stalking' their friend for years.

'There were multiple accounts with random names,' one friend told QMI Agency. 'There were Twitter accounts also used.' The Vancouver Sun reported that Amanda was a student in Grade 10 at the Coquitlam Basic Alternative Education school. The principal of the school confirmed her death and said that she had become connected with many since she transferred to the school in the middle of last year.

'It is a very sad case,' Paul McNaughton told the paper. 'I can tell you we feel we tried everything we could to help her when she came to us.'
Her death prompted a local politician to release a video of her own that pleads to put an end to bullying.
'I just heard about Amanda. I want to say to everyone who loved her, to all her family and friends, how sorry I am about her loss,' British Columbia premier Christy Clark said.
'No one deserves to be bullied. No one earns it. No one asks for it. It isn't a rite of passage. Bullying has to stop.'

http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2218532/Amanda-Todd-Anonymous-names-man-drove- teen-kill-spreading-nude-pictures.html

The text page Amanda Todd was found hanged in her home on October 1 0, if written in active voice would be:

  • b) Someone found Amanda Todd hanged in her home on October 10.

    Passive voice that uses to be as an auxiliary calls for a "filler" to shift the focus of the sentence and hence stress out the action taking place rather than its end receiver. Then it's only reasonable that in the passive form: A.T. was found dead in her room... one could use an indefinite pronoun in order to fill in for the void left by the to be verb in an active voice sentence.

    Como não existe voz ativa com to be direto, é necessário adicionar um sujeito neutro para não descaracterizar o período original; nesse caso "someone" (alguém)

COBRA Tecnologia S/A (BB)

The internet vigilantes: Anonymous hackers' group outs man, 32, 'who drove girl, 15, to suicide by spreading topless photos of her'

Anonymous has named a man it claims posted topless pictures of a 15-year-old girl online and harassed her so relentlessly that she killed herself.

Amanda Todd, from Vancouver, Canada, was found hanged in her home on October 10, just weeks after she uploaded a video to YouTube detailing her horrific treatment at the hands of cyber bullies.

When she was just 12, a man in an internet chat room convinced her to flash her breasts, and a year later, he plastered a picture of the incident across Facebook.
Now in a vigilante move, Anonymous, the world's largest hacking group, has named the man allegedly responsible for the picture.

The group claims that he is a 32-year-old from British Columbia, but MailOnline has chosen not to identify him for legal reasons

As Todd's supporters set up Facebook pages warning the man to 'sleep with one eye open', the move by Anonymous sparks concerns over its abilities to create a 'trial by internet' - bypassing the justice system and casting guilt.

In a video posted to YouTube by Anonymous, a figure claims the group lists his personal information, including his date of birth and address

It explains that his username appears on websites where he 'blackmailed' and gave advice to young girls. The same username is also tied to a website with a 'jailbait' photo gallery. '[He] is an abomination to our society, and will be punished,' the Anonymous figure says.

Referring to the possibility they might have the wrong man, they add: 'At the most this is the person who did this to Amanda Todd, and at the least it's another pedophile that enjoys taking advantage of children.'

Following Anonymous' announcement, the web moved swiftly, with groups calling for his death and warning him to 'sleep with one eye open' cropping up on Facebook.

CKNW reporters have unsuccessfully tried to speak with the man, and neighbours have described his home as 'a known party house on the weekend with lots of young women coming and going'.

But police attended the home on Monday after a neighbour, Chyne Simpson, said Anonymous named the wrong address. He said he felt threatened by internet users and asked them to stay away.

The Royal Canadian Mounted Police refused to confirm Anonymous have the right man but a spokesperson said they were aware that someone had been named.

'We are aware of what's being posted online and certainly following up what we feel is important to follow up,' Sergeant Peter Thiessen told The Globe and Mail, adding: '[Vigilantes] run the risk of committing a criminal offence.'

Todd's family members also said they are not sure the Anonymous report is accurate and said police have tracked down a person living in the U.S. whom they believed was involved.

The claims come weeks after Amanda posted a nearly nine-minute YouTube video detailing her treatment on a stack of notecards held up to the camera.

Todd says that a year after she flashed her breasts, the man tracked her down and demanded he put on a show for him or he would expose her.

When she refused, he created a Facebook page with a list of her friends and used her naked chest as the profile photo. The picture quickly spread across the internet and among her classmates.

It led to relentless bullying online, she said, and she was diagnosed with depression and started drinking. In the video, posted September 7, she admitted that she had previously tried to kill herself twice and has been hospitalised.

After moving to a different city and school, another instance of bullying occurred after she started a romantic relationship with an older man who had a girlfriend. Once that relationship soured, she was confronted and beaten up by the man's girlfriend. She was hit in front of a crowd of screaming people who encouraged her to be left in a ditch.

Amanda does not speak in the video, and her face is not fully shown, but she confirmed her identity with the last notecard which says her name.

One of the final images is a jarring picture of her arm which had been cut repeatedly. Just under six weeks after posting the video, Todd could take the bullying no longer, and took her own life.
During a memorial for Todd on Monday, her friends said they have been aware of a man in his 30s 'stalking' their friend for years.

'There were multiple accounts with random names,' one friend told QMI Agency. 'There were Twitter accounts also used.' The Vancouver Sun reported that Amanda was a student in Grade 10 at the Coquitlam Basic Alternative Education school. The principal of the school confirmed her death and said that she had become connected with many since she transferred to the school in the middle of last year.

'It is a very sad case,' Paul McNaughton told the paper. 'I can tell you we feel we tried everything we could to help her when she came to us.'
Her death prompted a local politician to release a video of her own that pleads to put an end to bullying.
'I just heard about Amanda. I want to say to everyone who loved her, to all her family and friends, how sorry I am about her loss,' British Columbia premier Christy Clark said.
'No one deserves to be bullied. No one earns it. No one asks for it. It isn't a rite of passage. Bullying has to stop.'

http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2218532/Amanda-Todd-Anonymous-names-man-drove- teen-kill-spreading-nude-pictures.html

In the text page “One of the final images is a jarring picture of her arm which had been cut repeatedly. Just under six weeks after posting the video, Todd could take the bullying no longer, and took her own life”, the bold underlined word is:

  • jarring- It was a jarring picture of her. jarring is being used used in teh same sense as stirring, something that elicits a poignant reaction on the target's part. Another example: You should really cling to doing what you say you will, jotting down what you plan doing might jar you into action.

    jarring é um adjetivo formado a partir de um verbo, assim como comovente, formado a partir de comover. É um processo de formação por derivação  e regressão (back-word formation); geralmente são substantivos oriundos de verbos, e consistem na supressão das desinências verbais. Exemplos: buscar - busca, morrer - morte etc.

COBRA Tecnologia S/A (BB)

Assinale a alternativa que indica corretamente a função sintática de “pela atendente” na oração abaixo:

O presente foi caprichosamente embalado pela atendente.

  • Frase (até então não postada):

    O presente foi caprichosamente embalado pela atendente.
  • Para se compreender o que é agente da passiva, vamos entender o que seria voz ativa e voz passiva observando esses exemplos.
    1. Voz ativa: A atendente embalou caprichosamente o presente.
    2. Voz passiva: O presente foi caprichosamente embalado pela atendente.
    Basicamente, uma oração apresenta o sujeito (a atendente), que pratica a ação e o objeto (o presente, exemplo 1), que sofre essa ação. Dizemos então que essa oração está na voz ativa. Quando o sujeito é paciente, ou seja, quando ele sofre a ação em vez de praticar (o presente, exemplo 2), dizemos que a oração está na voz passiva, nesse caso, quem está praticando a ação é denominado de agente da passiva (pela atendente).
     Como você pode observar, o agente da passiva é o sujeito da oração, quando o verbo se encontra na voz ativa (exemplo 01). Percebemos isso fazendo a conversão das vozes.
    Assim, podemos afirmar que agente da passiva é o termo da oração que pratica a ação verbal, quando o verbo se apresenta na voz passiva. Geralmente o agente da passiva vem acompanhado da preposição por (e suas variações: pelo(s) e pela(s)) e raramente da preposição de.
  • Alternativa c

    O presente foi caprichosamente embalado pela atendente.

    O presente(Sujeito Paciente - sofre a ação);
    foi embalado (Locução Verbal -    Verbo Ir + Verbo no Particípio); 
    caprichosamente (Advérbio de Modo);
    pela atendente (Agente da Passiva - realiza a ação; é o complemento do verbo na voz passiva).
  • c-

    Agente da passiva e Complemento nominal.

    O agente da passiva existe apenas em orações na voz passiva analítica.

    Complemento nominal exige preposicao de, para, em, por etc e complementa sentido de substantivo, adverbio ou adjetivo

COBRA Tecnologia S/A (BB)

Agora Fabiano conseguia arranjar as ideias. O que o segurava era a família. Vivia preso como um novilho amarrado ao mourão, suportando ferro quente. Se não fosse isso, um soldado amarelo não lhe pisava o pé não. O que lhe amolecia o corpo era a lembrança da mulher e dos filhos. Sem aqueles cambões pesados, não envergaria o espinhaço não, sairia dali como onça e faria uma asneira. Carregaria a espingarda e daria um tiro de pé de pau no soldado amarelo. Não. O soldado amarelo era um infeliz que nem merecia um tabefe com as costas da mão. Mataria os donos dele. Entraria num bando de cangaceiros e faria estrago nos homens que dirigiam o soldado amarelo. Não ficaria um para semente. Era a ideia que lhe fervia na cabeça. Mas havia a mulher, havia os meninos, havia a cachorrinha.

Considere as afirmações abaixo.

I. Fabiano é um personagem que não se submete ao poder estabelecido, pois reage aos desmandos do soldado.

II. A conjunção “mas” estabelece relação de adversidade e justifica o comportamento de Fabiano diante do soldado.

Está correto o que se afirma em


COBRA Tecnologia S/A (BB)

Agora Fabiano conseguia arranjar as ideias. O que o segurava era a família. Vivia preso como um novilho amarrado ao mourão, suportando ferro quente. Se não fosse isso, um soldado amarelo não lhe pisava o pé não. O que lhe amolecia o corpo era a lembrança da mulher e dos filhos. Sem aqueles cambões pesados, não envergaria o espinhaço não, sairia dali como onça e faria uma asneira. Carregaria a espingarda e daria um tiro de pé de pau no soldado amarelo. Não. O soldado amarelo era um infeliz que nem merecia um tabefe com as costas da mão. Mataria os donos dele. Entraria num bando de cangaceiros e faria estrago nos homens que dirigiam o soldado amarelo. Não ficaria um para semente. Era a ideia que lhe fervia na cabeça. Mas havia a mulher, havia os meninos, havia a cachorrinha.

Considere as afirmações abaixo.

I. Trata-se de um texto narrativo, em primeira pessoa.

II. Observa-se no trecho a presença de discurso direto e indireto livre.

Está correto o que se afirma em

  • I. Trata-se de um texto narrativo, em primeira pessoa. TERCEIRA PESSOA

    II. Observa-se no trecho a presença de discurso direto e indireto livre. NÃO HÁ FALA DOS PERSINAGENS, SÓ O NARRADOR.


COBRA Tecnologia S/A (BB)

Agora Fabiano conseguia arranjar as ideias. O que o segurava era a família. Vivia preso como um novilho amarrado ao mourão, suportando ferro quente. Se não fosse isso, um soldado amarelo não lhe pisava o pé não. O que lhe amolecia o corpo era a lembrança da mulher e dos filhos. Sem aqueles cambões pesados, não envergaria o espinhaço não, sairia dali como onça e faria uma asneira. Carregaria a espingarda e daria um tiro de pé de pau no soldado amarelo. Não. O soldado amarelo era um infeliz que nem merecia um tabefe com as costas da mão. Mataria os donos dele. Entraria num bando de cangaceiros e faria estrago nos homens que dirigiam o soldado amarelo. Não ficaria um para semente. Era a ideia que lhe fervia na cabeça. Mas havia a mulher, havia os meninos, havia a cachorrinha.

Considere o período abaixo

Era a ideia que lhe fervia na cabeça.

  • Gabarito A
    Era a ideia que fervia SUA cabeça. => Apresenta ideia de posse. 

  • Conforma Paschoalin e Spadoto, edição renovada;

    Os pronomes pessoais oblíquos empregados com sentido possessivo serão considerados adjunto adnominal..

    pisou-me o pé (pisou o meu pé)

    Beijou-lhe a testa ( beijou a sua testa)

    Sucesso, nãodesista!

  • A ideia fervia a cabeça dele

    Adjunto Adnominal

  • a-

    "que lhe fervia na cabeça." que fervia a cabeça dele" dele - adjunto adnominal

  • Era a ideia que fervia na cabeça dele.

    Substituiu por "dele" e deu ideia de posse, será adjunto adnominal

COBRA Tecnologia S/A (BB)

Sejam as afirmações:

I) A soma entre dois números irracionais é sempre um número irracional.

II) Toda dízima periódica pode ser escrita com uma fração de denominador e numerador inteiros.

III) 7π/4 > 11/2

Pode-se dizer que:

  • Veja o vídeo que gravei com a resolução dessa questão:
    Professor Ivan Chagas

  • Essa questão tá toda errada! Acertou quem respondeu D.

  • Olá pessoal,
    Vejam o vídeo com a resolução dessa questão no link abaixo
    Professor Ivan Chagas

COBRA Tecnologia S/A (BB)
Raciocínio Lógico

O domínio e imagem da relação R = { (x,y) ∈ AxB/y = 12- x/2 },sendo A = { x ∈ N/ x ≥ 2 } e B ={ y ∈ Z / 0 < y < 10 } são, respectivamente:


COBRA Tecnologia S/A (BB)

Os pontos A,B e C, distintos, pertencem a uma reta r, sendo que o ponto B está entre os pontos A e C. Desse modo é incorreto afirmar que:


COBRA Tecnologia S/A (BB)

O apótema de um hexágono inscrito numa circunferência é igual a 8√3 cm. A diagonal de um quadrado inscrito nesta mesma circunferência é igual a:

  • Apótema de Hexágono inscrito em uma circunferência: a = (raio x raiz de 3)/2 

    A questão diz  que o apótema é 8 raiz de 3.

    Logo, substitui: 

    a= (raio x raiz de 3)/2

    8 raiz de três = (raio x raiz de 3)/2

    Corta as raízes.

    temos, 8 = raio/2


    O lado de um quadrado inscrito em uma circunferência é: L= raio x raiz de 2

    Substitui o raio com o que achamos:

    L= raio x raiz de 2

    L= 16 x raiz de 2.

    Agora, a diiagonal de um quadrado é D=L x raiz de 2

    Substitui o lado:

    D=L x raiz de 2

    D= 16 x raiz de 2 x raiz de 2

    D= 16 x raiz de 4

    D= 16 x 2

    D= 32.

    Resultado= 32

COBRA Tecnologia S/A (BB)

The internet vigilantes: Anonymous hackers' group outs man, 32, 'who drove girl, 15, to suicide by spreading topless photos of her'

Anonymous has named a man it claims posted topless pictures of a 15-year-old girl online and harassed her so relentlessly that she killed herself.

Amanda Todd, from Vancouver, Canada, was found hanged in her home on October 10, just weeks after she uploaded a video to YouTube detailing her horrific treatment at the hands of cyber bullies.

When she was just 12, a man in an internet chat room convinced her to flash her breasts, and a year later, he plastered a picture of the incident across Facebook.
Now in a vigilante move, Anonymous, the world's largest hacking group, has named the man allegedly responsible for the picture.

The group claims that he is a 32-year-old from British Columbia, but MailOnline has chosen not to identify him for legal reasons

As Todd's supporters set up Facebook pages warning the man to 'sleep with one eye open', the move by Anonymous sparks concerns over its abilities to create a 'trial by internet' - bypassing the justice system and casting guilt.

In a video posted to YouTube by Anonymous, a figure claims the group lists his personal information, including his date of birth and address

It explains that his username appears on websites where he 'blackmailed' and gave advice to young girls. The same username is also tied to a website with a 'jailbait' photo gallery. '[He] is an abomination to our society, and will be punished,' the Anonymous figure says.

Referring to the possibility they might have the wrong man, they add: 'At the most this is the person who did this to Amanda Todd, and at the least it's another pedophile that enjoys taking advantage of children.'

Following Anonymous' announcement, the web moved swiftly, with groups calling for his death and warning him to 'sleep with one eye open' cropping up on Facebook.

CKNW reporters have unsuccessfully tried to speak with the man, and neighbours have described his home as 'a known party house on the weekend with lots of young women coming and going'.

But police attended the home on Monday after a neighbour, Chyne Simpson, said Anonymous named the wrong address. He said he felt threatened by internet users and asked them to stay away.

The Royal Canadian Mounted Police refused to confirm Anonymous have the right man but a spokesperson said they were aware that someone had been named.

'We are aware of what's being posted online and certainly following up what we feel is important to follow up,' Sergeant Peter Thiessen told The Globe and Mail, adding: '[Vigilantes] run the risk of committing a criminal offence.'

Todd's family members also said they are not sure the Anonymous report is accurate and said police have tracked down a person living in the U.S. whom they believed was involved.

The claims come weeks after Amanda posted a nearly nine-minute YouTube video detailing her treatment on a stack of notecards held up to the camera.

Todd says that a year after she flashed her breasts, the man tracked her down and demanded he put on a show for him or he would expose her.

When she refused, he created a Facebook page with a list of her friends and used her naked chest as the profile photo. The picture quickly spread across the internet and among her classmates.

It led to relentless bullying online, she said, and she was diagnosed with depression and started drinking. In the video, posted September 7, she admitted that she had previously tried to kill herself twice and has been hospitalised.

After moving to a different city and school, another instance of bullying occurred after she started a romantic relationship with an older man who had a girlfriend. Once that relationship soured, she was confronted and beaten up by the man's girlfriend. She was hit in front of a crowd of screaming people who encouraged her to be left in a ditch.

Amanda does not speak in the video, and her face is not fully shown, but she confirmed her identity with the last notecard which says her name.

One of the final images is a jarring picture of her arm which had been cut repeatedly. Just under six weeks after posting the video, Todd could take the bullying no longer, and took her own life.
During a memorial for Todd on Monday, her friends said they have been aware of a man in his 30s 'stalking' their friend for years.

'There were multiple accounts with random names,' one friend told QMI Agency. 'There were Twitter accounts also used.' The Vancouver Sun reported that Amanda was a student in Grade 10 at the Coquitlam Basic Alternative Education school. The principal of the school confirmed her death and said that she had become connected with many since she transferred to the school in the middle of last year.

'It is a very sad case,' Paul McNaughton told the paper. 'I can tell you we feel we tried everything we could to help her when she came to us.'
Her death prompted a local politician to release a video of her own that pleads to put an end to bullying.
'I just heard about Amanda. I want to say to everyone who loved her, to all her family and friends, how sorry I am about her loss,' British Columbia premier Christy Clark said.
'No one deserves to be bullied. No one earns it. No one asks for it. It isn't a rite of passage. Bullying has to stop.'

http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2218532/Amanda-Todd-Anonymous-names-man-drove- teen-kill-spreading-nude-pictures.html

According to the text, the best alternative is:

  • c-

    Amanda Todd, from Vancouver, Canada, was found hanged in her home on October 10, just weeks after she uploaded a video to YouTube detailing her horrific treatment at the hands of cyber bullies.

COBRA Tecnologia S/A (BB)

In each of the following text pages, a connective is missing.

I. “Six months ago, saving Libya from potential atrocities inspired by Moammar Gadhafi meant establishing a no- fly zone over the country, all the better to protect Benghazi, the rebel stronghold in the east. ____________ classic mission creep set in and the NATO forces, Canada among them, were bombing Tripoli and clearly trying to eliminate Africa’s longest-standing dictator and his sons (while denying that was the goal).”

II. “Like all early civilisations Ancient Greece was an agricultural society. Most of the people lived by farming and the main form of wealth was owning land. In each city there was an upper class and a middle class of men like substantial farmers, doctors and teachers. ____________ the vast majority of people were peasants and craftsmen or slaves. Slavery was common. (It is estimated that about 30% of the population of Athens was made up of slaves). If they worked in rich peoples homes slaves could be reasonably treated. However by law owners were allowed to flog slaves. Those slaves who worked in mines probably suffered the most.”

III. “Older people are facing a scarcity of qualified nurses to care for them ____________ the Government changes its policy on undergraduate education, a leading nursing organisation has warned. The All-Ireland Gerontological Nurses Association (AIGNa) is calling for the urgent introduction of specialised nursing degree courses in care for older people – as an estimated 700 jobs remain unfilled in the sector.”

The alternative that respectively brings the correct connective for each one is:

  • d-

    then classic mission creep set in and the nato froces, canada among them, set out to launch attacks on tripoli at an attempt to pick off africa's longest-standing dictator...at first there was a no-fly zone, and before long a gradual shift in the desired outcomes took place, justifying the use of "then" as it entails a idea of consequence.