Assinale a alternativa cujo trecho destacado exemplifica uma recorrência da linguagem denotativa.
Assinale a alternativa cujo trecho destacado exemplifica uma recorrência da linguagem denotativa.
Em todas as alternativas a seguir, a classificação morfossintática das palavras destacadas está correta, exceto em:
A respeito dos aspectos relativos à concordância verbal presentes no Texto 1, assinale a alternativa correta.
De acordo com a opinião do autor do Texto 4, marque a única informação falsa:
How English evolved into a global language
As the British Library charts the evolution of English in a new major exhibition, author Michael Rosen gives a brief history of a language that has grown to world domination with phrases such as "cool" and "go to it".
The need for an international language has always existed. In the past it was about religion and intellectual debate. With the technologies of today, it's about communicating with others anywhere in the world in a matter of moments.
Two events, separated by nearly 400 years, show how this need has always been present.
Firstly, sitting in front of me I have a copy of the celebrated book Utopia, by Sir Thomas More. This particular edition is published in 1629 in Amsterdam, not in English, not in Dutch, but in Latin.
The second event was a talk I recently had with a German scientist. He said that he knew of scientific conferences taking place in Germany, where all the people attending were German and yet the conference was conducted in English.
Source: <>
De acordo com a abordagem do texto, podemos inferir que a alternativa que contém a melhor interpretação para o título (How English evolved into a global language) é:
How English evolved into a global language
As the British Library charts the evolution of English in a new major exhibition, author Michael Rosen gives a brief history of a language that has grown to world domination with phrases such as "cool" and "go to it".
The need for an international language has always existed. In the past it was about religion and intellectual debate. With the technologies of today, it's about communicating with others anywhere in the world in a matter of moments.
Two events, separated by nearly 400 years, show how this need has always been present.
Firstly, sitting in front of me I have a copy of the celebrated book Utopia, by Sir Thomas More. This particular edition is published in 1629 in Amsterdam, not in English, not in Dutch, but in Latin.
The second event was a talk I recently had with a German scientist. He said that he knew of scientific conferences taking place in Germany, where all the people attending were German and yet the conference was conducted in English.
Source: <>
From the text extracts below, the only one in the Present Perfect is:
Para encher um recipiente, uma torneira gasta 40 minutos; e outra torneira com uma vazão maior gasta 24 minutos. Se as duas torneiras forem abertas ao mesmo tempo para encher o recipiente mais rápido, ele ficará cheio em:
São dadas três substâncias:
I - água
II - gás carbônico
III - trióxido de enxofre
Assinale a alternativa em que são determinadas,
respectivamente, a polaridade e a geometria das
moléculas constituintes das substâncias.
A respeito da Revolução Russa de 1917, leia os fragmentos da primeira entrevista de Lênin ao jornalista John Reed e identifique a alternativa incorreta.
“(...) devo continuar implantando minha política sobre a Rússia, formar uma ditadura do proletariado e tentar retirar desta a impopular guerra.”
“(...) Outros dos meus objetivos são estender a revolução trabalhadora socialista para o mundo e tentar desse modo acabar definitivamente com o capitalismo.”
Fonte: (Tradução livre)