
Questões de Presente perfeito | Present perfect


This text refers to items from 16 through 25.

1           Japan and Korea are outstanding markets in terms
of the world's advances in cellular telephony, where
multimedia applications have surged into feverish
4 popularity. Users in these countries have demanded
 velocity and high quality data transmission - such as
 images, videos and sounds - as the principal distinctive
 7 features for the cellular telephone. Although the industry in
 Brazil is not yet experiencing the same phase as in the
 Asian countries, innovative third generation services,
 10 aligned with world-class technology, are already present,
 with data transmission speeds of up to 2.4 Mbps.
             In fact, in some cases, Brazil has held multimedia
 13 application launches simultaneously with the United States,
 tremendously increasing the economic and digital inclusion
 that cellular telephony has fomented in recent years. The
 16 heavy impact of mobile communication on Brazilian
 society can be measured by the expansion of the customer
 base, which has been growing at historic rates of 30% a
 19 year and now serves over 50 million customers. In other
 words, four out of every ten Brazilians have a cellular
 22          The importance of mobile telephony has already
 surpassed that of the traditional fixed telephone system,
 because the cell phone actually fulfills the function of
 25 taking communication to all levels of the population. Its
 widespread network has opened gateways to regions that
 formerly had not been benefited by the implementation of
 28 a fixed telephone system, such as, for example, many rural
 areas that are now mobile telephone customers.
              The responsibility that cellular telephony carries
 31 as an instrument for transforming people's lives tends to
 increase enormously in the short term. In Brazil, third
 generation CDMA 3G EVDO service is already offered and
 34 is able to provide handheld resources, similar to CD, DVD
 and TV, anywhere and at any time, based on Qualcomm's
 cutting edge CDMA technology.
 Internet: (with adaptations). 

 Based on the text above, judge the following items.

Cellular phones have substituted for the fixed telephone system.

  • ERRADO!É o inverso!Segue o texto:" The importance of mobile telephony has already surpassed that of the traditional fixed telephone system, because the cell phone actually fulfills the function of taking communication to all levels of the population."

  • e-

    Superou em importância, mas nao substituiu

  • a questão fala que o celular smartphone pode ser substituído por sistema de telefônia, claro que não o smartphone é objeto do sistema de telefônia.

    Superou  "..mobile telephony has already surpassed... " , mas não substituindo "have substituted" (present perfect) como propõe a questão.

  • Muitos comentários errados e em desacordo com o que a questão pede.

    ÚNICO comentario correto é a da Cris Cris, ela sim falou o porque do erro da questão, outros comentários estão viajando muito!

  • Gabarito: ERRADO

    Os telefones celulares têm substituído temporariamente o sistema de telefone fixo.

    The importance of mobile telephony has already surpassed that of the traditional fixed telephone system fixed because the cell phone actually fulfills the function taking communication to all levels of the population.

    A importância da telefonia móvel já tem superado a do sistema de telefonia fixa tradicional, porque o telefone celular realmente cumpre a função de levar comunicação a todos os níveis da população.

    O verbo substitute quando seguido pela preposição for significa substituir temporariamente. O texto diz que o uso celular já ultrapassou o telefone fixo. Portanto, ele veio para ficar, e não apenas para ser usado temporariamente em substituição ao fixo. 

  • Not yet.

    gab: errado


This text refers to items from 16 through 25.

1           Japan and Korea are outstanding markets in terms
of the world's advances in cellular telephony, where
multimedia applications have surged into feverish
4 popularity. Users in these countries have demanded
 velocity and high quality data transmission - such as
 images, videos and sounds - as the principal distinctive
 7 features for the cellular telephone. Although the industry in
 Brazil is not yet experiencing the same phase as in the
 Asian countries, innovative third generation services,
 10 aligned with world-class technology, are already present,
 with data transmission speeds of up to 2.4 Mbps.
             In fact, in some cases, Brazil has held multimedia
 13 application launches simultaneously with the United States,
 tremendously increasing the economic and digital inclusion
 that cellular telephony has fomented in recent years. The
 16 heavy impact of mobile communication on Brazilian
 society can be measured by the expansion of the customer
 base, which has been growing at historic rates of 30% a
 19 year and now serves over 50 million customers. In other
 words, four out of every ten Brazilians have a cellular
 22          The importance of mobile telephony has already
 surpassed that of the traditional fixed telephone system,
 because the cell phone actually fulfills the function of
 25 taking communication to all levels of the population. Its
 widespread network has opened gateways to regions that
 formerly had not been benefited by the implementation of
 28 a fixed telephone system, such as, for example, many rural
 areas that are now mobile telephone customers.
              The responsibility that cellular telephony carries
 31 as an instrument for transforming people's lives tends to
 increase enormously in the short term. In Brazil, third
 generation CDMA 3G EVDO service is already offered and
 34 is able to provide handheld resources, similar to CD, DVD
 and TV, anywhere and at any time, based on Qualcomm's
 cutting edge CDMA technology.
 Internet: (with adaptations). 

 Based on the text above, judge the following items.

"is already offered" (R.33) can be replaced by has already been offered without changing the meaning.

  • "O que o autor do texto diz com a primeira locução verbal, referindo-se aos serviços de terceira geração é que eles já estão em oferta no país; ao passo que com a segunda forma verbal, has already been offered, mudaria o sentido indicando algo que já foi oferecido num tempo passado não determinado."(Ponto dos Concursos)
  • (L33)"In Brazil, third generation CDMA 3G EVDO service is already offered and is able to provide handheld resources..."
    "No Brasil, o serviço de terceira geração CDMA EVDO 3G já está disponível e é  capaz de fornecer recursos ..."
    "is already offered"- (já é oferecido), refere-se  a serviços que estão disponíveis, ao passo que  "has already been offered"- (foi oferecido), indica  algo que já foi oferecido num tempo passado não determinado."
    Portanto "is already offered", não pode ser substituído por has already been offered " sem mudar o sentido.
    O item está errado.

  • Passível de anulação tranquilamente. Pra afirmar que has already been offered está estático em algum ponto do passado teria de haver uma referência temporal restritiva. Da maneira como foi escrito has offered funciona como 'já foi colocado em disponibilidade para venda'.

    Aqui uma ótima explicação:

    The present perfect is called 'present' for a reason. The speaker is talking about the situation now, a situation in which a past event has some bearing on the present. For example, The message has been sent might be followed by a comment such as so it's too late to do anything about it now.

    Ou seja, se a intenção era colocar a ação estritamente no passado o certo seria usar past tense, neste caso, was offered. O already poderia causar dúvida, mas o uso dele não anula a possibilidade da consequência do ato perdurar até o presente.

    Em resumo, questão confusa e ambígua, portanto deveria ter sido anulada.


  • e-

    is already being offered - indica algo acontecendo com destaque a sua duração contínua.

    has already been offered - nao ha idea de evento com tempo corrido. O present perfect até pode indicar algo que ainda ocorre, mas nao ha conotação de continuidade. Usar o exemplo acima pode indicar algo ocorrendo de modo intermitente. Logo, nao traz o mesmo sentido

  • Gabarito: ERRADO

    "Já é oferecido" (l.33) pode ser substituído por já tem sido oferecido sem alterar o significado.

    In Brazil, third generation CDMA 3G EVDO service is already offered and generation is able to provide handheld resources, similar to CD, DVD provide and TV, anywhere and at any time, based on Qualcomm’s cutting-edge CDMA technology.

    No Brasil, o serviço de terceira geração CDMA EVDO 3G já é oferecido e é capaz de fornecer recursos de mão, semelhante a CD, DVD e TV, em qualquer lugar e a qualquer momento, com base na tecnologia de ponta CDMA da Qualcomm.

    is offered = Voz Passiva no Presente Simples

    has been offered = Voz Passiva no tempo verbal Present Perfect

    O termo do texto expressa certeza, enquanto que o termo no enunciado sugere algo que tem acontecido mas é algo vago. Portanto a interpretação muda se substituirmos um pelo outro. 


  • Não entendo não cara. É frustrante.

    É ensinado que present perfect é algo que começou num passado, não determinado, e que não acabou e ainda afeta o presente.


Read the book review below and answer questions 7,
8, 9 and 10.

by Robert Weale (King's College London, UK)
What exactly is human ageing? Can it be slowed down?
These questions have puzzled scientists and laymen alike
for generations, and continue to do so today. The author
addresses these thought-provoking issues by challenging
pre-conceived notions of age-perception, age-acceptance
and inter-age relations. Pertinent matters of age-related
communication are dealt with, and the reader is treated to
a grand tour of the latest theories of ageing, age-related
biological changes and age-related diseases, such as
Alzheimer's Disease. Here, the author's expertise in agerelated
eye diseases truly comes into its own.
Weale's unique work not only underlines important
genetic and avoidable risk factors but gives ample
consideration to possible consequences stemming from
different early lifestyles. Readers will re-consider their
ideas of what it means to age, and gain a better
understanding of what can and cannot slow down the
process of ageing.

Fonte: http://www.worldscibooks.com/ December, 2009.

In the text the sentence "These questions have puzzled scientists and laymen alike for generations" is the same as:

  • b-

    1 dos usos do present perfect (to have + past participle) é indicar ação passada que ainda perdura até o momento em que o locutor fala. "these questions have puzzled scientists" significa que a ação descrita ainda ocorre hoje. o present perfect nao tem marca de tempo, enquanto que o simple past tem.

    i lost my wallet yesterday.

    i have lost my wallet


Subways: The New Urban Status Symbol
Business Week - December 5, 2007
by Jennifer Fishbein

It seems like everywhere you turn these days, a new
high-speed train is whisking more passengers across longer
distances faster than ever before. A [NOUN] to Paris from
London is quicker than flying; Japanese bullet trains traverse the
320 miles from Tokyo to Osaka in two and a half hours; and
magnetic levitating trains in Shanghai cut through the city at 268
miles per hour. But while high-speed trains may grab all the
glamour, the more mundane business of subway construction is
what's driving the biggest growth for transportation companies.
Indeed, the world is seeing an unprecedented boom in new
subways and expansion to existing systems. Thanks to surging
economic growth and urban populations, demand for subways is
soaring in China and India. Lots of other places around the
world also are building new lines, from Dubai to Santo Domingo,
capital of the Dominican Republic. And many European and
American cities ? including even such improbable locales as Los
Angeles and Phoenix ? have caught the transit bug.

Problem-Solving and Prestige

Some cities build out of necessity. Rising prosperity
prompted Dubai residents to buy so many cars that they realized
they could [ADVERB] longer drive these cars because they
were stuck in traffic. Others are keen on the environmental
benefits of metros, which produce far less pollution and
encourage drivers to leave cars at home. Some places, mainly
in the Middle East, are looking to diversify their oil-dependent
economies. And others, to be honest, are chasing an urban
status symbol. Building a metro won't turn any old town into
Paris or London, but it does tell the world that you've arrived.

"You have in some cases a prestige issue, which is more
the case in young cities in need of an image," says Jean-Noël
Debroise, vice-president for product and strategy at Alstom
(ALSO.PA), the French transport company that has built a
quarter of the world's metros.

Rennes is an example of the new trend. The city of about
212,000 people in northwestern France was looking to raise its profile when it installed a metro in 2002. It raised the bar by
opting for a driverless system made by Siemens ? just like the
shiny new No. 14 line in Paris ? protecting passengers from the
French penchant for transit strikes. Turin, Italy, did the same to
help win its bid for the 2006 Winter Olympics; its driverless
system opened just before the games. Even the Spanish island
of Mallorca inaugurated a short metro line in April in hopes of
luring even more tourists to its capital, Palma. Alas, it closed
indefinitely in September due to flooding, amid charges of

A Boon for Transit Builders

The world's three largest metro manufacturers, Montrealbased
Bombardier (BBDB.TO), Alstom, and Munich-based
Siemens (SI) report high demand for mass transit, including
tramways and light-rail systems that run both under and
[PREPOSITION] ground. The global subway market was worth
9.3 billion dollars in 2005 and is projected to grow at a rate of
2.7% per year until 2015, according to a 2007 study by the
European Railway Industry Assn. Subway lines [TO BUILD] or
extended in 20 European cities and five Middle Eastern ones,
and dozens of towns are constructing light-rail systems, reports
the Brussels-based International Association of Public

The size of a city determines its need for a metro system.
Cities of a few million people ? or those anticipating huge
population growth ? really can't do without a mass transit
system. But cities of one or two million inhabitants can choose
between a subway and a surface tramway, which costs far less
but also runs more slowly. [CONJUNCTION] funding is an issue,
cities usually will spring for a subway, says Debroise. "The
tramway has a very old image of the 19th century, with horses in
the streets," he says.

(Adapted from http://www.businessweek.com/globalbiz/

In the text, you've arrived means

  • No texto, você chegou significa

    Building a metro won't turn any old town into
    Paris or London, but it does tell the world that you've arrived

    Construir um metro não vai transformar qualquer cidade velha em
     Paris ou Londres, mas isto diz ao mundo que você chegou

        a) você é ambientalmente consciente.
        b) você está definindo uma tendência mundial.
        c) estiver preocupado com a satisfação de seus passageiros.
        d) que você alcançou seu destino.
        e) que você conseguiu.


'CityVille' now bigger on Facebook than 'FarmVille'
(Mashable) -- Facebook game developer Zynga has proved once
again that it knows exactly what it needs to do to keep millions of
Facebook users happy and occupied.
In less than a month, its latest game "CityVille"___ ______
(become) the most popular application on Facebook, surpassing
Zynga's previous hit "FarmVille" in all areas.
According to AppData, "CityVille" now has 16.8 million daily
active users, compared to "FarmVille's" 16.4 million. Looking at
monthly active users, "CityVille" is also ahead with 61.7 million
users, while "FarmVille" trails behind with 56.8 million users.
Zynga's "FrontierVille" and "Texas HoldEm Poker" also round out
the top five: put those four apps together (we'll disregard the fact
that many of those users overlap for a second) and you have a
very impressive number: 184 million active users across four
The only non-Zynga app in the top five list is "Phrases," _____ at
one point threatened to take the top place, but is now
overshadowed by both "CityVille" and "FarmVille."
"CityVille's" future success wasn't hard to predict after an
amazingly good start at the beginning of December, but it's still
impressive to see Zynga amassing tens of millions of users in a
matter of days, proving that all that venture capital that went into
the company isn't there by accident.
Fonte :cnn.com

Complete the sentence from the text using the correct verb tense: “In less than a month, its latest game "CityVille" ___ ______ the most popular application on Facebook,…”

  • present perfect

    terceira pessoa do singular usa-se o auxiliar HAS + o verbo no particípio passado

    “In less than a month, its latest game "CityVille" has become  the most popular application on Facebook,…” 

  • b-

    The present perfect is formed from the present tense of the verb have as the auxiliary verb of the clause and the past participle of its main verb.

    the present perfect is used for:

    α- for something that started in the past and continues in the present:

    They've been married for a while.

    She has lived in the shire all her life.

    ß - when talking about one's experience up to the present:

       I've seen that film before.

       I've played the guitar ever since I was a teenager.

    γ- When recounting an event without a specific time:

    Compare "I've lost my wallet" to "I lost my wallet yesterday".


Microsoft to Offer Free Virus Protection Software for

By ScottGilbertsonNovember 19, 2008

Microsoft plans to offer Windows users a new antivirus
package designed to protect the OS from viruses, spyware,
rootkits and trojans. The new software is tentatively code-
named Morro, and will be available for free to Windows XP,
Vista and 7 users sometime in the second half of 2009.
The new software will reportedly use very minimal resources,
which means it should work well with older PCs. If fact,
Microsoft says Morro has been specially designed for older
PCs and low-spec machines popular in developing nations. In
addition to its minimal processor demands, Morro has been
developed to use very little bandwidth,making it ideal for those
without broadband connections.
Morro will replace Microsoft's current, paid service, Windows
Live OneCare, which has been available on a subscription
basis for $50 per year.
While a free, antivirus solution that ships withWindows would
be a boon for the average user, it could also mean trouble for
third-party software solutions. Given that a bundled solution
could raise antitrust concerns -and would no doubt see
competitors likeMcAfee and Grisoft reaching for the lawyers-
Microsoftwill be offeringMorro as a separate download.
Assuming Morro can deliver decent security it should be a
welcome free addition to Windows, but we don't suggest
throwing away your third-party software just yet. Antivirus
software suites will likely continue to hold an edge over Morro
by offering additional handy tools - like passwordmanagers,
identity theft protection and browser-based phishing
Still, if you've been runningWindowswith no antivirus software
at all,Morrowill no doubt be better than nothing, and it's hard to
arguewith free.

You ___ not believe that these possibilties are real, they're based ___ experiments that ___proved until now.

  • Para matar a questão basta analisar o último espaço, não é permitido que verbos moldais no passado se associem com palavras no passado, então deve-se usar o HAVE- alternativa C

  • You should not believe that these possibilties (sic) are real, they're based on experiments that haven't been proved until now.


Which is the correct option to complete the sentence below?

The furniture for our living room ____________ (1) delivered.

  • o forno é IT, it has not been!


  • Muito bom, Dom Guilherme! Mas no caso o forno é um móvel KKK.. mas tudo certo

  • ali não seria "os móveis"?


As questões de números 31 a 35 baseiam-se no texto seguinte.

Making Performance Budgeting Work: New IMF Book

October 04, 2007

Member countries will find valuable advice on how to reform their budgeting practices to improve the effectiveness and
efficiency of public expenditure in a major new work on performance budgeting produced by the Fiscal Affairs Department. The book,
Performance Budgeting: Linking Funding and Results (500pp), came off the presses of the top UK publisher Palgrave Macmillan in

Edited by FAD staff member Marc Robinson, the book contains a comprehensive treatment of contemporary performance
budgeting practice and theory. In a series of thematic chapters and case studies, the book discusses:
- The key forms of performance budgeting which [TO IMPLEMENT] around the world - how they differ, and what they have in
common points.
- Lessons from the experience of governments around the world - ranging from OECD nations to developing, middle-income
and transition countries - about what forms of performance budgeting work, under what circumstances, and with what
implementation strategies.
- How successful performance budgeting can improve aggregate fiscal discipline.
- The information requirements of performance budgeting, and
- The links between performance budgeting and other budgeting and public management reforms.
Many of the contributors to this work are leaders in performance budgeting implementation in their countries. Others are
respected academics and technical experts from the International Monetary Fund and other international organizations. Countries
covered in the case studies include the UK, USA, Australia, France, Chile, Spain, Russia, Colombia and Ethiopia.
One major focus of the book is performance budgeting as a tool for improved expenditure prioritization - that is, for helping to
shift limited public resources to the services of greatest social benefit. A key finding is that this type of performance budgeting will only
work if the budget process is fundamentally changed so that top politicians and bureaucrats systematically consider expenditure
priorities when formulating the budget. This means more than just considering the priorities for new spending. It requires also having
mechanisms to systematically review existing spending programs to identify what is ineffective and low priority and can, therefore, be
cut. This is what countries such as Chile and the United Kingdom have successfully done, and the United States is currently attempting
to achieve with its Program Assessment Rating Tool instrument. Conversely, it is a mistake to believe that merely changing the budget
classification and developing performance indicators will in itself improve the allocation of resources in the budget.
(Adapted from http://blog-pfm.imf.org/pfmblog/2007/10/making-performa.html)

The correct form of [TO IMPLEMENT] is

  • The key forms of performance budgeting which have been implemented around the world - how they differ, and what they have in
    common points.

    subject-> The key forms of performance
  • Nesta questão fiquei na dúvida entre a alternativa A e a C. traduzindo - se a frase temos

    "As principais formas de orçamentação baseada no desempenho que [...] ao redor do mundo "


    A) implemented - Executado. Substituindo se no trecho, ele fica sem sentido.
    C) will be implemented - Serão implementadas. Incorreto para o período.
    E) have been implemented - Foram implementadas. Neste caso tem - se sentido para o trecho.

    "As principais formas de orçamentação baseada no desempenho que foram implementadas ao redor do mundo "

  • não é D, em função do sujeito no plural ( forms).
  • Assertiva E correta: have been implemented.
                        A obra não pretende ser um guia estático, que demonstre ações já concluídas, mas sim um guia atual. Muitas  práticas públicas citadas no livro ainda estão em processo de implementação.

    Conhecimento + dedicação + equilíbrio = sucesso.

  • Respondi sem ler o contexto e me lasquei.

  • O sujeito da oração é The key forms... (Os aspectos chave...).
    Assim, a correta conjugação do Present Perfect na Voz Passiva para a terceira pessoa do plural é have been implemented.


    - The key forms of performance budgeting which have been implemented around the world − how they differ, and what they have in common points.

  • A forma correta de [IMPLEMENTAR] é (A) implemented. implementado. (B) was implemented. foi implementado. (C) will be implemented. serão implementados. (D) has been implemented. foi implementado. (E) have been implemented. foram implementados.

    Comentários: Perceba que o sujeito da oração é The key forms... (Os aspectos chave...). Assim, a correta conjugação do Present Perfect na Voz Passiva para a terceira pessoa do plural é have been implemented. LEMBRETE: Apesar chamar-se Present Perfect (Presente Perfeito), esse tempo verbal expressa uma ação do passado. − The key forms of performance budgeting which [TO IMPLEMENT] à [have been implemented] around the world − how they differ, and what they have in common points. - Os aspectos chave do orçamento por desempenho que [IMPLEMENTAR] à [são implementados] em todo o mundo - como eles diferem e os pontos que eles têm em comum. Vamos adiantar uma parte do conteúdo sobre Voz Passiva, que será estudado em nossa Aula 6:

    A oração em análise está na voz passiva do Present Perfect (Presente Perfeito), portando tem a seguinte estrutura: Voz Passiva do Present Perfect: Has / have been + particípio passado Ex: Maria has written a book. à A book has been written by Maria. (voz ativa Present Perfect) (voz passiva) Frase da questão: It have implemented the key forms of performance budgeting around the world. à The key forms of performance budgeting which have been implemented around the world. Letra A – Errada. Veja que “The key forms of performance budgeting which implemented around the world” não faz sentido. Letra B – Errada. Essa alternativa apresenta o verbo na terceira pessoa do singular (was implemented) e como o sujeito da oração está na terceira pessoa do plural não pode ser a resposta correta. Letra C – Errada. Essa assertiva apresenta o verbo no simple future. Pela análise do contexto, verifica-se que a frase “Os aspectos chave do orçamento por desempenho foram implementados...” refere-se ao Present Perfect. Letra D – Errada. A conjugação “has been implemented” (foi implementado) está na terceira pessoa do singular, portanto está incorreta. Letra E – Certa. Observe que “have been implemented” (foram implementados) está de acordo com o sujeito da oração (terceira pessoa do plural), bem como em conformidade com o contexto (Present Perfect na voz passiva)

    Gabarito: E


Escolha a alternativa que completa corretamente a sentença:

The Smiths have had __________twice last year.

  • b) their bedroom’s window broken.

    They have had their bedroom windows broken twice. By this context, we gather that they didn't accomplish the shattering deed on purpose, someone else outside of their family ties might have done it insteaed, possibly with an intent unaligned with the family's willingness.

    In inglês, a construção "have" conota passividade quando o agente ativo é irrelevante no contexto. E.g.:

    I had my hair cut a fortnight ago. No inglês não é possível dizer cortei o cabelo com o mesmo significado que no português brasileiro. Dizer "I've cut my hair" significa que o cara pegou a tesoura e ele mesmo cortou o seu cabelo. Mas se ele foi no cabelereiro, he's had his hair cut. A mesma lógica se aplica no período acima. O foco do período é a janela (window) e não quem a quebrou.

  • If you "have something done", you get somebody to do something for you. Significa que alguém fez algo pra você. 

    Há uma construção passiva na sentença, e é formada assim:
    have + something (the object) + past participle                                                                            Example: I have my business taken care of. (Somebody is taking care of my business.)  (Alguém está cuidando dos meus negócios)           
                    He has his dog walked. (Somebody walks his dog.) (Alguém leva o cachorro dele para passear)

    Desta forma, a alternativa que segue as regras acima é a letra B
    They have had their bedroom windows broken twice last year. Eles tiveram as janelas de seus quartos quebradas duas vezes.

  • Use o bom senso para entender a frase 


    letra C errada 


    Os Smiths quebraram a janela do quarto deles nos últimos dois  anos? Que sentido iso faz? Que motivo teriam?


    O passado perfeito expressa uma ação que ocorreu antes de outro evento no passado


    letra B


    Os Smiths tiveram a janela do quarto deles quebrada nos últimos dois anos.


    os Smiths tiveram sua janela quebrada . Quando furacão passou ,..Só exemplo ok!


    Perceba que uma ação anterior ocorreu 


    As outras questões estão erradas porque Past Perfect Verbo haver passado HAD  + Verbo particípio.


    Tentei ajudar, mas alguém fluente pode adicionar comentários melhores.





                                                     Generation Y
                                                                                     By Sally Kane, About.com Guide

Born in the mid-1980's and later, Generation Y legal professionals are in their 20s and are just entering the workforce. With numbers estimated as high as 70 million, Generation Y (also -1- as the Millennials) is the fastest growing segment of today's workforce. As law firms compete for available talent, employers cannot ignore the needs, desires and attitudes of this vast generation. Below are a few common traits that define Generation Y.

Tech-Savvy: Generation Y grew up with technology and rely on it to perform their jobs better. Armed with BlackBerrys, laptops, cellphones and other gadgets, Generation Y is plugged-in 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. This generation prefers to communicate through e-mail and text messaging rather than face-to-face contact and -2- webinars and online technology to traditional lecture-based presentations.

Family-Centric: The fast-track has lost much of its appeal for Generation Y who is willing to trade high pay for fewer billable hours, flexible schedules and a better work/life balance. While older generations may view this attitude as narcissistic or lacking commitment, discipline and drive, Generation Y legal professionals have a different vision of workplace expectations and prioritize family over work.

Achievement-Oriented: Nurtured and pampered -3- parents who did not want to make the mistakes of the previous generation, Generation Y is confident, ambitious and achievement-oriented. They have high expectations of their employers, seek out new challenges and are not afraid to question authority. Generation Y wants meaningful work and a solid learning curve

Team-Oriented: As children, Generation Y participated in team sports, play groups and other group activities. They value teamwork and seek the input and affirmation of others. Part of a no-person-left-behind generation, Generation Y is loyal, committed and wants to be included and involved.

Attention-Craving: Generation Y craves attention in the forms of feedback and guidance. They appreciate being kept in the loop and seek frequent praise and reassurance. Generation Y may benefit greatly from mentors who can help guide and develop their young careers.

Font: http://legalcareers.about.com/od/practicetips/a/Ge...

Consider the passage: “The fast-track has lost much of its appeal for Generation Y”. Where is the verb or the verbal locution and what is its verb tense?

  • e) has lost – Present Perfect

    Present perfect is grammar tense used rfor denoting an action which started in the past and somehow has some bearing on current affairs, so it's an action which hasn't ended yet, or it might be an issue which is still not settled.

    Present perfect é um tempo que não existe no português, embora alguns atribuam o pretérito imperfeito a ele, o que e impreciso porque não são id~enticos. Present perfect é usado para ações inacabadas ou para as quais é irrelevante a marcação de tempo.
  • na verdade o has é auxiliar apenas, o verbo seria lost, mas está no present perfect tense formando a locução has lost, portanto letra E

  • The Present - lose / losing / lost 

    Present Continuous - "I am losing!"

    Present Simple - "I usually lose."

    Present Perfect Simple - "I have lost a lot of money."

    Present Perfect Continuous - "I have Been lost




Complete the sentence (use the present perfect): 

 Where’s the book I gave you? What _____________ with it?

  • alternativa correta:

    b) have you done

  • b-

    what have you done to it? present perfect é um tempo que pode ser usado para indicar ação passada sem determinar quando exatamente ela ocorreu. nao existe um tempo verbal equivalente no português


Read the text below and answer the questions that follow:

Teaching English as a foreign language teacher: job description

Teaching English as a foreign language (TEFL) involves teaching adults and children whose first or main language is not English. This can be done in the UK or abroad and the students may be learning English for either business or leisure reasons.

Teaching English to speakers of other languages (TESOL) is also a widely used term and often means the same thing as TEFL. It’s sometimes specifically used to refer to teaching English to people who are living in the UK but who do not speak English as a first language. These students are most commonly refugees and immigrants and need to learn the language in order to help them settle into the UK society.Their courses are often government funded.

Teaching English as a second language (TESL) or teaching English as an additional language (TEAL) may also be terms that are used but they generally all refer to the same thing - teaching English to someone whose native language is not English.

Teachers of English as a foreign language can work in a variety of settingswith different age ranges. This can include commercial language schools, schools and institutions of further and higher education throughout the UK and overseas. Some may also teach in industry, while others are self-employed. Classes are usually taught in English, evenwith beginners. Teaching English as a foreign language teacher: job description

Adapted from: < www.prospects.ac.uk/case-studies-working- abroad>

Read these sentences:

1. I studied English five years ago.

2. I was studying Englishwhen the telephone rang.

3. Have you ever studied French?

4. I amgoing to study Spanish next year.

Choose the correct alternative.

  • all the sentences are correct.

  • Leia essas frases:

    1. I studied English five years ago.(Eu estudei inglês cinco anos atrás.) CORRETA.
    2. I was studying English when the telephone rang. (Eu estava estudando inglês quando o telefone tocou.) CORRETA.
    3. Have you ever studied French? (Você já estudou francês?) CORRETA.
    4. I am going to study Spanish next year. (Eu irei estudar espanhol no próximo ano.) CORRETA.

  • Leia essas frases:

    1. I studied English five years ago.(Eu estudei inglês cinco anos atrás.) CORRETA.
    2. I was studying English when the telephone rang. (Eu estava estudando inglês quando o telefone tocou.) CORRETA.
    3. Have you ever studied French? (Você já estudou francês?) CORRETA.
    4. I am going to study Spanish next year. (Eu irei estudar espanhol no próximo ano.) CORRETA.

  • 1 - Simple Past

    2 - Past Continuous

    3 - Present Perfect

    4 - Future - Be going to


Read the text below to answer question.

European Union member states could cut their plastic bag use by 80%, the European commission has said, by
charging for bags or even banning them.

Plastic bags are a major cause ofseaborne pollution, which is a serious hazard for marine life, and some regions have already
moved to cut their use through charging. The UK deputy Prime Minister, Nick Clegg, has pledged to bring forward charges in
England that will affect single-use bags given out by supermarkets.

The European commission is proposing a new directive that would require member states to choose between three methods
ofreducing the waste from bags: charges, national reduction targets, or an outright ban.
The packaging industry has responded by saying that most people use their plastic bags more than once, for instance using
them as bins, but that does not cut the overall use.

When plastic bags, or pieces of them, find their way into the seas, they are a major hazard to marine life. A whale found dead
on the Southern Spanish coast was found to have swallowed 17kg of plastic waste, including plastic bags. Fish, seabirds and
mammals can ali ingest plastic, which they cannot digest and which can clog up their guts or cause choking.

One of the key problems with plastic bags is that they are so light and small that they easily escape into the environment,
defying attempts to recycle them. The European commission has identified this as a key reason for cutting the use ofthe bags,
and other plastic packaging. The first moves to legislate atan EU levei were made in 2011, and today's announcement is likely
to take at least two years to put into practice.

According to the most recent estimates, from 2008, the EU produces 3.4m tonnes of plastic bags in a year.

The verb tense in the following sentences is:

“(...) some regions have already moved (...)”
“The packaging industry has responded by (...)”

  • letra d 

    Present perfect - formado com o presente do "to have" + particípio passado do verbo principal. Indica que a ação aconteceu em algum momento no passado ou que a ação se estende até o presente.

  • Present Perfect


    O Present Perfect (modo afirmativo) tem a seguinte estrutura:

      Affirmative Form – Present Perfect 

    I/You/We/You/They Sujeito + HAVE + particípio passado do verbo principal 

    He/She/It Sujeito + HAS + particípio passado do verbo principal

      “(...) some regions have already moved (...)” 

    "(...) algumas regiões já se mobilizaram (...)"

    “The packaging industry has responded by (...)” 

    "A indústria de embalagens respondeu (...)"

      Resposta: Alternativa D


                              Mysterious ancient cemetery in Egypt could contain a million mummies

            A mysterious ancient cemetery in Egypt could contain more than a million mummified human remains, archaeologists have claimed.
            Around 1,700 bodies have so far been uncovered at the Fag el-Gamous (Way of the Water Buffalo) site, around 60 miles south of Cairo. But experts believe that countless more are contained in the burial ground.
            “We are fairly certain we have over a million burials within this cemetery. It's large, and it's dense,” said project director Kerry Muhlestein, an associate professor in the Department of Ancient Scripture at Brigham Young University (BYU), which has been examining the site for around 30 years.             They were placed there between the 1st and the 7th centuries AD, but the scale of the site has left many baffled.             A nearby village has been deemed too small to warrant such a large cemetery, while the closest major settlements had their own burial grounds.
            “It's hard to know where all these people were coming from,” Professor Muhlestein told Live Science.
            Another interesting find was that the corpses appeared to be grouped together by hair colour, with one section containing the remains of those with blonde hair and another for those with red hair.             The bodies, which included a man of more than seven feet in height, are thought to be of ordinary citizens, rather than the royalty found at many famous Egyptian sites. They were not buried in coffins, according to Muhlestein, and were in fact mummified not by design but by the arid natural environment.
            “The people in the cemetery represent the common man. They are the average people who are usually hard to learn about because they are not very visible in written sources. A lot of their wealth, or the little that they had, was poured into these burials.”
            His team discovered objects including glassware, jewellery and linen. The findings were presented to the Scholars Colloquim at the Society for the Study of Egyptian Antiquities in Toronto last month.
The Telegraph, London.


In “... the scale of the site has left many baffled.”, the verb tense used is a

  • C) Present Perfect Simple

    Os Perfect Tenses são formados com o presente simples do verbo to have (have / has), que, neste caso, funciona como verbo auxiliar, seguido do particípio passado do verbo principal. O particípio passado dos verbos regulares tem a mesma forma que o passado, ou seja, terminam em -ed e o dos verbos irregulares tem forma própria. Sendo assim, é necessário estudá-los um a um.

    Para estudar os verbos irregulares, veja a lista dos verbos irregulares.

    Começaremos a estudar os Perfect Tenses a partir do Present Perfect Simple. Observe alguns exemplos de orações no Present Perfect:


    He has broken his leg. (Ele quebrou a perna.)

    We have bought new clothes. (Compramos roupas novas.)

    She has written a letter to her friend who lives in Madrid.
    (Ela escreveu uma carta para a amiga que mora em Madrid.)


    He has had a terrible headache. (Ele teve uma dor de cabeça terrível.)

    They have finished the homework. (Eles terminaram a lição de casa.)

    That rabbit has appeared on our garden.
    (Aquele coelho apareceu em nosso jardim.)

  • Present Perfect é formado da seguinte forma: "has, have"+ verbo no particípio passado.

    to Miami
    many songs

    Portanto o verbo que aparece na sentença acima "has left", está no Present Perfect.

    Alternativa C.

Gestão Concurso

Assinale a alternativa que preencha CORRETAMENTE as sentenças abaixo de acordo com os verbos dados, respectivamente.

I. _________________ (to lie) in the sun for six hours. That’s why he is sunburnt.
II. Carry is on the phone now. _________________ (to talk) to her sister in Greece.
III. I’m not sure if this is a good book. _________________ (to read) it.
IV. I think I’m a good skier. _________________ (to go skiing) every weekend in the winter.
V. In Middle East the people _________________ (to rise up) against the dictator after the incident.
VI. Americans _________________ (to be) the first to send a man to the moon about fifty years ago.

  • I. He's been lying (to lie) in the sun for six hours. That's why he is sunburnt. (present perfect continuous)
    II. Carry is on the phone now. She's talking (to talk) to her sister in Greece. ( ação em progresso - present continuous)
    III. I'm not sure if this is a good book. I haven't read (to read) it. (ação no passado sem especificar o tempo - present perfect)
    IV. I think I'm a good skier. I go skiing (to go skiing) every weekend in the winter. (hábito no presente - simple present)
    V. In Middle East the people rose up (to rise up) against the dictator after the incident. (ação no passado cujo tempo é mencionado - simple past)
    VI. Americans were (to be) the first to send a man to the moon about fifty years ago. (ação no passado cujo tempo é mencionado - simple past)

    Gabarito do Professor: C
  • Alternativa correta:

    c) He’s been lying - She’s talking - I haven’t read - I go skiing - rose up - were

  • c-


    I. Present Perfect Continuous é para ações que iniciaram no passado mas seus efeitos ainda podem ser presenciados no presente. Exemplo classico: It's been raining; the ground is wet from the rainfall.

    II. Present continuous indica ações que acontecem agora mas que nao sao rotinas, geralmente temporárias.

    III & VI. Usa-se Present perfect para algo no passado mas nao especifico. Nao ha marca de tempo no present perfect, enquanto que no simple past sim.

    IV. Simple Present é para rotinas e acontecimentos regulares.

    V. Simple past indica ação terminada no passado. Olha a diferença de sentido se mudar para present perfect. In the middle east, people have risen up against the emperor significa que as pessoas se rebelaram contra o imperador e a situação nao esta resolvida; ele foi removido e pode estar preparando um ataque. Em In the middle east, people rose up against the emperor implica uma ação concluida. Ele pode ter anulado a rebelião ou ela resultou em uma mudança permanente de governo.

    Obs.: A justificativa para simple past é devido ao after the incident, o qual é marca de tempo. Porém, para essa marca de tempo ter validade, é necessário um contexto. Marcas de tempo que não exigem contexto são datas e medidas de tempo. E.g.: He took part of the king's arms in 1999.


A rise in temperature in the semi-arid region of Brazil has left rivers dry and cattle dying of thirst. The search is on for initiatives to combat desertification.

                                                                                                                                          Guardian Professional

The underlined words in the passage represent the



                                      What causes hunger?

      The world produces enough to feed the entire global population of 7 billion people. And yet, one person in eight on the planet goes to bed hungry each night. In some countries, one child in three is underweight. Why does hunger exist? There are many reasons for the presence of hunger in the world and they are often interconnected. Here are six that we think are important.  

      Poverty trap

      People living in poverty cannot afford nutritious food for themselves and their families. This makes them weaker and less able to earn the money that would help them escape poverty and hunger. This is not just a day-to-day problem: when children are chronically malnourished, or ‘stunted’, it can affect their future income, condemning them to a life of poverty and hunger. In developing countries, farmers often cannot afford seeds, so they cannot plant the crops that would provide for their families. They may have to cultivate crops without the tools and fertilizers they need. Others have no land or water or education. In short, the poor are hungry and their hunger traps them in poverty. 

      Lack of investment in agriculture

      Too many developing countries lack key agricultural infrastructure, such as enough roads, warehouses and irrigation. The results are high transport costs, lack of storage facilities and unreliable water supplies. All conspire to limit agricultural yields and access to food. Investments in improving land management, using water more efficiently and making more resistant seed types available can bring big improvements. Research by the UN Food and Agriculture Organization shows that investment in agriculture is five times more effective in reducing poverty and hunger than investment in any other sector. 

      Climate and weather

      Natural disasters such as floods, tropical storms and long periods of drought are on the increase – with calamitous consequences for the hungry poor in developing countries. Drought is one of the most common causes of food shortages in the world. In 2011, recurrent drought caused crop failures and heavy livestock losses in parts of Ethiopia, Somalia and Kenya. In 2012 there was a similar situation in the Sahel region of West Africa. In many countries, climate change is exacerbating  already adverse natural conditions. Increasingly, the world’s fertile farmland is under threat from erosion, salination and desertification. Deforestation by human hands accelerates the erosion of land which could be used for growing food.

      War and displacement

      Across the globe, conflicts consistently disrupt farming and food production. Fighting also forces millions of people to flee their homes, leading to hunger emergencies as the displaced find themselves without the means to feed themselves. The conflict in Syria is a recent example. In war, food sometimes becomes a weapon. Soldiers will starve opponents into submission by seizing or destroying food and livestock and systematically wrecking local markets. Fields are often mined and water wells contaminated, forcing farmers to abandon their land. Ongoing conflict in Somalia and the has contributed significantly to the level of hunger in the two countries. By comparison, hunger is on the retreat in more peaceful parts of Africa such as Ghana and Rwanda.  

      Unstable markets

      In recent years, the price of food products has been very unstable. Roller-coaster food prices make it difficult for the poorest people to access nutritious food consistently. The poor need access to adequate food all year round. Price spikes may temporarily put food out of reach, which can have lasting consequences for small children. When prices rise, consumers often shift to cheaper, less-nutritious foods, heightening the risks of micronutrient deficiencies and other forms of malnutrition.  

      Food wastage

      One third of all food produced (1.3 billion tons) is never consumed. This food wastage represents a missed opportunity to improve global food security in a world where one in 8 is hungry. Producing this food also uses up precious natural resources that we need to feed the planet. Each year, food that is produced but not eaten guzzles up a volume of water equivalent to the annual flow of Russia’s Volga River. Producing this food also adds 3.3 billion tons of greenhouse gases to the atmosphere, with consequences for the climate and, ultimately, for food production. 

Choose the alternative that presents a possible correct interrogative form of the sentence below.

“In recent years, the price of food products has been very unstable.”

  • a)O preço dos produtos alimentares tem sido muito instável nos últimos anos?
    b) o preço dos produtos alimentares tem sido muito instável nos últimos anos?
    c)Nos últimos anos, o preço dos produtos alimentares foi muito instável?
    X d)Nos últimos anos, o preço dos produtos alimentares tem sido muito instável?
    e)  O preço da comida, nos últimos anos, tem sido muito instável?

  • Escolha a alternativa que apresenta uma possível forma interrogativa correta da frase abaixo.
    "Nos últimos anos, o preço dos produtos alimentícios tem estado muito instável."
    A sentença está no "present perfect". Present perfect é formado da seguinte forma:
    (have/ has + past participle) 
    He has worked very hard lately. Ele tem trabalhado muito ultimamente.
    I have rented a car for two weeks. Eu aluguei um carro por duas semanas.
    They haven't fixed the car yet. Eles ainda não consertaram o carro.
    Have you finished yet? Você já terminou?
    What has she decided to do? O que ela decidiu fazer? 
    Why have they left? Porque eles se foram?
     Has the price of food products been very unstable?  O preço dos produtos alimentícios tem estado muito instável?

    Gabarito do professor: D

  • d-

    É so manter o mesmo tempo verbal, colocando o verbo auxiliar na frente. Sendo present perfect -- have/has + past participle --, é necessario colocar vberbo auxiliar have na frente do sujeito


Complete the passage below with the correct form of the verb in parentheses.Then choose the correct alternative.

Name a celebrity and Naomi Stein _______ probably ______________(1)
them. She _______________(2) famous for her photos of John Lennon and
The Rolling Stones.
Her new book, The Female Gaze ___________________(3) a hundred
intimate portraits of different types of women. Last night Dave Weich
_____________(4) Naomi in New York, where she _______________(5) to
him four of her favorite photographs.

  • C

  • barbaridade bicho

  • kkkkkkkkkk q absurdo, ainda acertei kkkkk


Coptic Christians in Egypt ________________ persecution at the hands of the government. Claims against them under Mubarak’s regime were rarely punished. They have faced open discrimination while remaining peaceful.

  • A



                                          What Explains Brazil's Surfing Boom?

Brazil _____ more than 4,000 miles of coastline, and Brazilians _______ its waves at least since the Australian surfer Peter Troy ______ a demonstration in Rio de Janeiro in 1964. So why the sudden dominance? The answer is that the country itself ______ .


Which is the correct way to complete the paragraph below?

  • Brazil has  more than 4,000 miles of coastline, and Brazilians have been surfing its waves at least since the Australian surfer Peter Troy gave a demonstration in Rio de Janeiro in 1964. So why the sudden dominance? The answer is that the country itself has changed.

    O Brasil tem mais de 4.000 milhas de costa, e os brasileiros têm surfado, pelo menos, desde que o surfista australiano Peter Troy deu uma demonstração no Rio de Janeiro em 1964. Então, por que o repente domínio? A resposta é que o próprio país mudou.

    Traduzindo o texto, fica bem claro quais os tempos dos verbos que completam as lacunas.

    Alternativa C
  • Brazil ___ mais de 4 milhas de costa

    Tem-> como é IT, deve ser HAS

    descartamos D e E

    Brasileiros têm surfado (até hoje) suas ondas

    Se é até hoje, não pode ser Past Perfect (ação terminada antes de uma ação já no passado)

    Descartamos A

    Têm surfado suas ondas (até hoje) desde que o australiano Peter Troy deu uma demonstração no Rio de Janeiro em 1964

    ele dá a demonstração até hoje?

    Não né po, o maluco já deve ter morrido KKKKKKKKKKKKK

    Então foi uma ação no passado que terminou lá mesmo!

    então é Past Simple

    Letra C!


      The oldest human footprints in Europe have been discovered in Britain. There are only three other sets of footprints that are older and they are in Africa.

      Scientists took digital photographs of the footprints and created a 3D image from them. The images and model were unveiled at a news conference at the British Museum in London. Scientists think that most of the footprints are children’s. There was at least one adult, too.

      Discoveries of ancient man’s footprints are extremely rare. Scientists say that the discovery will rewrite our understanding of human occupation of Britain and Europe. 

In the sentence: “The oldest human footprints in Europe have been discovered in Britain”, choose the correct verb tense.

  • GAB- E 


    Present perfect.

  • As mais antigas pegadas humanas na Europa foram descobertos na Grã-Bretanha

  • a) Simple Past - I worked / I didn't work

    b) Past Perfect - I had cleaned / I hadn't cleaned

    c) Simple Present - I like / I don't like

    d) Present Perfect Continuous -I have been sleeping / I haven't been sleeping


  • O Present Perfect Simple é formado pelo verbo auxiliar to have (have / has) conjugado no simple present (presente simples) + o past participle (particípio passado) do verbo principal.

    Atenção! (Pay Attention!)

    Lembre-se que a forma dos verbos no particípio passado segue a estrutura formada pelo passado dos verbos. Ou seja, para os verbos regulares tem-se o acréscimo de –d, –ed ou –ied.

    Já para os verbos irregulares, as formas modificam bastante, sendo necessário consultar uma tabela de verbos.


    Forma Afirmativa (Affirmative Form)

    Para a construção de frases afirmativas no present perfect simple, utiliza-se a seguinte estrutura:

    Sujeito + verbo auxiliar to have no simple present + verbo principal no particípio passado + complemento

    Exemplo: My parents have been to Portugal three times. (Meus pais tem estado em Portugal três vezes)



    FONTE: https://www.todamateria.com.br/present-perfect-simple/

  • A questão cobra conhecimento gramatical, especificamente sobre tempos verbais.

    Vamos analisar o enunciado:

    In the sentence: “The oldest human footprints in Europe have been discovered in Britain", choose the correct verb tense. 
    Tradução - Na frase: “As pegadas humanas mais antigas da Europa foram descobertas na Grã-Bretanha", escolha o tempo verbal correto.

    Em Inglês, o tempo verbal formado pelo verbo "have" seguido de um verbo no particípio passado é o "Present Perfect". Veja exemplos:
    • have been
    • have gone
    • have eaten
    • have worked
    O fato de existir a palavra "discovered" na locução verbal, apenas a torna "voz passiva", mas isso não muda o tempo do verbo. Temos o Present Perfect na Voz Passiva. Veja exemplos:
    • have been found
    • have been eaten
    • have been fired

    Gabarito do Professor: Letra E.


Select the alternative that best completes the dialogue below.

Jude I ____ (see) Mary last Sunday.

John: Really?I ____ (not/see) her for years. How is she?

  • Selecione a alternativa que melhor completa o diálogo abaixo

    Jude I saw (see) Mary last Sunday. (Last Sunday é um advérbio de tempo - Domingo passado, portanto o verbo see vai para o passado - saw)
    John: Really?I haven't seen (not/see) her for years. How is she? O tempo verbal apropriado para a sentença é o Present Perfect. haven't seen
    Gabarito do Professor: B

    Quando um tempo está determinado (last Sunday), é simple past.

    Quando um tempo é indeterminado (for years) , é present perfect.

    Jude> I Saw mary last sunday.

    John>Really? I haven't seen her for years. How is she?

    GAB.: B


Which alternative presents the actual words said by Brad Pitt in this passage?

"Brad Pitt admitted he hadn't tried Vegemite before, despite being aware of its existence through the famous Men At Work song. But the actor had no hesitation when offered a personalized jar of Australia's favorite spread by presenters on The Project."

(Adapted from http://www.guardian.co.uk) 

  • Esse exercício necessita de uma maior atenção a palavras chave, como por exemplo: Despite being aware (apesar de estar ciente)

    Sabendo que em Brad Pitt admitted he hadn't tried Vegemite before, ele nunca experimentou antes, mas está ciente da existência

    GAB.: D


Which sequence best completes the text below?

"Over 250 members of the Brazilian Navy in the UK (1)____ stationed since the contract (2)____ at the end of 2011 for three Ocean Patrol Vessels and ancillary support services, which (3)____ a manufacturing license (4)____ further vessels of the same class to be constructed in Brazil."

(Adapted from http://www.baesystems.com/article) 

  • Errei essa questão por bobeira, SEMPRE recomendo que leia até o final da oração (o que esqueci de fazer kkkkk)

    Mais de 250 membros da Marinha do Brasil estão agora estacionados DESDE o contrato assinado no final de 2011.

    Sabendo isso, você sabe que o (1) não pode ser presente,porque foi assinado em 2011, então é uma ação do PASSADO que ainda continua, então é Present Perfect.

    Usa-se, no Present Perfect, Have+ verbo no particípio.

    GAB.> E


Mark the correct alternative to complete the sentence.

Max _________________ ill for three weeks. He’s still in hospital.

  • Ele continua doente, então é uma ação que ocorreu no passado, mas que ainda ocorre, então é Present Perfect.

    E->Has been

    ill= doente

  • situação iniciada no passado e contínua

    Present perfect

    Has been




Japan’s shipyards remain intact after quake

Japan’s major shipyards escaped the full impact of the March 11 earthquake and tsunami that struck the northeastern coast of the country with full force. An official at the Japan Ship Exporters’ Association said the devastating natural disaster “will have no impact on future export ship orders at all”. Although several small shipyards in the quake-hit areas were affected, major Japanese shipyards that build large vessels for exports are concentrated in western Japan and remain intact, the official said. Mitsui Engineering & Shipbuilding sustained “slight material damages” in the company’s Kasai Center and Chiba Works but did not consider such slight damages would cause serious impact on operations. “The rotational schedule of interruption of power supply due to the earthquake may affect our operation at our works and subsidiaries. However, the degree of the impact is not known now,” the company said in a statement. Japanese export ship orders rose for the 15th consecutive month in February o a year-on-year basis. Japanese shipbuilders received orders for 277 export vessels – 259 bulk carriers, 10 oil tankers and eight general cargo vessels – in the April-February period.

                        (Adapted from: www.australianmerchantnavy.com, March 2011)


Tsnunami Debris Expected on U.S. Shores in 3 Years

The powerful tsunami triggered by the 9.0 Japanese earthquake destroyed coastal towns near Sendai, washing such things as houses and cars into the ocean. Projections of where this debris might head have been made at the international Pacific Research Center, university of Hawaii at Manoa. What their model predicts about the tsunami debris is that they first spread out eastward from the Japan Coast in the North Pacific Subtropical Gyre. In a year, the Papahanaumokuakea Marine National Monument will see pieces washing up on its shores; in two years, the remaining Hawaiian islands will see some effects; in three years, the plume will reach the US West Coast, dumping debris on Californian beaches and the beaches of British Columbia, Alaska, and Baja California. The debris will then drift into the famous floating junk yard, the North Pacific Garbage Patch, where it will wander around and break into smaller and smaller pieces. In five years, Hawaii shores can expect to see another barrage of debris that is stronger and longer-lasting than the first one. Much of the debris leaving the North Pacific Garbage Patch ends up on Hawaii’s reefs and beaches. These model projections will help to guide clean-up and tracking operations.

                                                 (Adapted from: www.geog.ucsb.edu, April 2011)

Choose the correct option to complete the sentences:

1. Where have you been? I ______ for you for two weeks!

2. Their bus __________at 3:00 p.m.

3. Tim __________to the beach, when he heard the weather forecast and changed his mind.

4. Research _____________ that excessive sue of cell phones may cause headaches.

5. When the police arrived, the thieves __________.

  • Eu acho que esse gabarito está errado. Pelo contexto a letra D se encaixaria melhor. Gramaticalmente não há erro em usar as opções da letra E, mas contextualizando a melhor opção é a D.

  • Você analisando com calma veria que na 1 usamos Am pelo motivo de quando temos I usamos am, com isso eliminamos as alternativas A, C e D

  • certeza que o gabarito ta errado!


                                                          The Mona Lisa

Leonardo Da Vinci’s Mona Lisa is widely recognized as the most famous painting of all time. She has aroused admiration, curiosity and suspicion for over 500 years. She can provoke a reaction known as the Mona Lisa Syndrome: the viewer is enchanted by her legendary smile, which becomes increasingly enigmatic the more you look at it.

As it will never be sold, the Mona Lisa is priceless, although for insurance reasons it is believed to be valued at anything up to $ 1 billion.

( Adapted from Move – Intermediate)


to arouse – despertar

to enchant – encantar

legendary – fabuloso, lendário

insurance – apólice de seguro 

The underlined part, in the text, means that the Mona Lisa is the most famous painting that



                                          The Mona Lisa

Leonardo Da Vinci’s Mona Lisa is widely recognized as the most famous painting of all time. She has aroused admiration, curiosity and suspicion for over 500 years. She can provoke a reaction known as the Mona Lisa Syndrome: the viewer is enchanted by her legendary smile, which becomes increasingly enigmatic the more you look at it.

As it will never be sold, the Mona Lisa is priceless, although for insurance reasons it is believed to be valued at anything up to $ 1 billion.

                                                         ( Adapted from Move – Intermediate) 


to arouse – despertar

to enchant – encantar

legendary – fabuloso, lendário

insurance – apólice de seguro 

The underlined part, in the text, means that the Mona Lisa is the most famous painting that

  • LETRA: B


Religion ________ central to people's lives in Africa. Although the majority of Africans are now Muslim or Christian, traditional religions have endured and still play a big role. Religion runs like a thread through daily life, marked by prayers of gratitude in times of plenty and prayers of supplication in times of need. Religion confirms identity on the individual and the group.



Endure – to continue to exist for a long time

Thread – one part connecting with another  

Mark the alternative that completes the gap from the text correctly.

  • Gabarito: Letter Ei

  • A partir do contexto da pra saber que a Religião para os Africanos sempre foi central.

    GAB.: A

  • da pra resolver pela interpretação




Ronaldo, the soccer world, confirmed his retirement today at the age of 34. The Brazilian legend has decided to hang up his boots due to injuries and a loss of fitness. “I’m ending my career as a professional soccer player. It’s been a beautiful, emotional, marvelous career. However, these last two years, I’ve had a long series of injuries, from one side to the other, one leg to the other, one muscle to the other,” the Corinthians striker said.

                                                                   (Adapted from Maganews Mar 2011)

The verbs, underlined in the text, are in the

  • LETRA: C

  • Formação do Present Perfect: Subject + Have/has + Verb no Participle.

    De primeira você mata porque na frase:

    "The Brazilian Legend has decided..."

    Subject: The Brazilian Legend

    Have/has: Has

    Verb no Participle: Decided


Since astronaut Yuri Gagarin became the first man to travel in space in 1961, scientists _________ what effects space travel has on the human body.

(Adapted from Active Skills)

Fill in the blank with the correct verb tense.

  • LETRA: A

  • Uma das atribuições do present perfect é apresentar algo que vem acontecendo, iniciou-se no passado e ainda tem efeitos no presente.

    Alternativa A)


Born on October 23, 1940, in Três Corações, Brazil, soccer legend Pelé became a superstar with his performance in the 1958 World Cup. Pelé played professionally in Brazil for two decades, (35)__________ three World Cups along the way, before joining the New York Cosmos late in his career. Named FIFA co-Player of the Century in 1999, he is a global ambassador for soccer and other (36)____________ causes.

The world was officially introduced to Pelé in the 1958 World Cup in Sweden. Displaying (37)_____________ speed, athleticism and field vision, the 17-year-old erupted to score three goals in a 5-2 semifinal win over France, then netted two more in the finals, a 5-2 win over the host country.

Retirement did little to diminish the public profile of Pelé, who (38)______________ a popular pitchman and active in many professional arenas.

In 1978, Pelé was awarded the International Peace Award for his work with UNICEF. He has also served (39) __________ Brazil's Extraordinary Minister for Sport and a United Nations ambassador for ecology and the environment.

Disponível em: <http://www.biography.com/people/pel%C3%A9-39221#more-world-cuptitles&awesm=~oCVdN6MwV2RG2S> . Acesso em 22 de abril 2014. 

Para a questão, escolha a alternativa que complete a sentença CORRETAMENTE.



Para a questão, escolha a alternativa que complete a sentença corretamente:

Coptic Christians in Egypt ________________ persecution at the hands of the government. Claims against them under Mubarak’s regime were rarely punished. They have faced open discrimination while remaining peaceful.

  • Como os cristãos toleram a perseguição a muito tempo. Conclui-se que acontece até hoje, qual o tempo verbal que é do passado até hoje? Present Perfect!

    Have/Has + Particípio

    Como são OS cristãos, é They, they have

    GAB.: A


Choose the correct option to complete this novel excerpt.

"Where is Louisia?", shouted Paul.

"Paul", said Mrs Schobert softly [...] "Louisia has not _________ nor ______ . She has not ________ home — yet. I am sorry. I don't know what to think."

(HOOD, P.F.F.; HOOD, C.L. Tomorrow, soldier. Part Three: Himmler's Gas Station. An autobiographical novel in four parts. Milton Keynes: UK. Author House, 2007, p.40.)

  • Escolha a opção correta para completar o extrato desse romance.
    Onde está Louisia? ", gritou Paul.
           "Paul", disse a Sra. Schobert suavemente [...] "Louisia não telefonou nem escreveu ... Ela não voltou para casa - ainda ... Desculpe, não sei o que pensar."
    As lacunas têm que ser preenchidas com os verbos no "present perfect". (have ou has + verbo no particípio)
    O particípio do verbo "call" é "called", do "write" é "written", e do "come" é "come"
    Fica da seguinte forma:
    Louisia has not called nor written. She has not come home — yet.

    Alternativa E.

  • Gab: E

    Present Perfect: Has/Have + Particípio Passado

    Call : Called
    Write: Written
    Come: Come


Choose the word that correctly completes the sentence.

I am not worried about the test. I ______ enough to pass.

  • Escolha a palavra que completa corretamente a frase.
    Eu não estou preocupado com o teste. Eu aprendi o suficiente para passar.
    O verbo "aprender" está no passado. Em inglês, quando o verbo está no passado, mas o tempo não está definido, usamos o "present perfect tense". Que é formado da seguinte forma: have ou has + verb in the past participle. have learnt

    Exemplo:  I have exercised at the gym lately. (Tenho me exercitado na academia ultimamente).

    Gabarito: Alternativa B.

  • Não estou preocupado com a prova. Eu aprendi o suficiente para passar!

    Have learnt, pois ele sabe até agora,não aprendeu no passado

Prefeitura de Biguaçu - SC

English as a Global Language
For more than half a century, immigrants from the Indian subcontinent and the West Indies have added variety and diversity to the rich patchwork of accents and dialects spoken in the UK. British colonisers originally exported the language to all four corners of the globe and migration in the 1950s brought altered forms of English back to these shores. ___________(1) that time, especially in urban areas, speakers of Asian and Caribbean descent have blended their mother tongue speech patterns with existing local dialects producing wonderful new varieties of English, ___________(2) London Jamaican or Bradford Asian English. Standard British English has also been enriched by an explosion of new terms, such as balti (a dish invented in the West Midlands and defined by a word that would refer to a 'bucket' rather than food to most South Asians outside the UK) and bhangra (traditional Punjabi music mixed with reggae and hiphop).
The recordings on this site of speakers from minority ethnic backgrounds include a range of speakers. You can hear speakers whose speech is heavily influenced by their racial background, alongside those whose speech reveals nothing of their family background and some who are ranged somewhere in between. There are also a set of audio clips that shed light on some of the more recognisable features of Asian English and Caribbean English.
As with the Anglo-Saxon and Norman settlers of centuries past, the languages spoken by today’s ethnic communities have begun to have an impact on the everyday spoken English of other communities. For instance, many young people, regardless of their ethnic background, now use the black slang terms, nang (‘cool,’) and diss (‘insult’ — from ‘disrespecting’) or words derived from Hindi and Urdu, such as chuddies (‘underpants’) or desi (‘typically Asian’). Many also use the all-purpose tag-question, innit — as in statements such as you’re weird, innit. This feature has been variously ascribed to the British Caribbean community or the British Asian community, although it is also part of a more native British tradition - in dialects in the West Country and Wales, for instance — which might explain why it appears to have spread so rapidly among young speakers everywhere.
Original influences from overseas
The English Language can be traced back to the mixture of Anglo-Saxon dialects that came to these shores 1500 years ago. Since then it has been played with, altered and transported around the world in many different forms. The language we now recognise as English first became the dominant language in Great Britain during the Middle Ages, and in Ireland during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. From there it has been exported in the mouths of colonists and settlers to all four corners of the globe. ‘International English’, ‘World English’ or ‘Global English’ are terms used to describe a type of ‘General English’ that has, over the course of the twentieth century, become a worldwide means of communication. 
American English 
The first permanent English-speaking colony was established in North America in the early 1600s. The Americans soon developed a form of English that differed in a number of ways from the language spoken back in The British Isles. In some cases older forms were retained — the way most Americans pronounce the sound after a vowel in words like start, north, nurse and letter is probably very similar to pronunciation in 17th century England. Similarly, the distinction between past tense got and past participle gotten still exists in American English but has been lost in most dialects of the UK. 
But the Americans also invented many new words to describe landscapes, wildlife, vegetation, food and lifestyles. Different pronunciations of existing words emerged as new settlers arrived from various parts of the UK and established settlements scattered along the East Coast and further inland. After the USA achieved independence from Great Britain in 1776 any sense of who ‘owned’ and set the ‘correct rules’ for the English Language became increasingly blurred. Different forces operating in the UK and in the USA influenced the emerging concept of a Standard English. The differences are perhaps first officially promoted in the spelling conventions proposed by Noah Webster in The American Spelling Book (1786) and subsequently adopted in his later work, An American Dictionary of the English Language (1828). Both of these publications were enormously successful and established spellings such as center and color and were therefore major steps towards scholarly acceptance that British English and American English were becoming distinct entities.
Influence of Empire
Meanwhile, elsewhere, the British Empire was expanding dramatically, and during the 1700s British English established footholds in parts of Africa, in India, Australia and New Zealand. The colonisation process in these countries varied. In Australia and New Zealand, European settlers quickly outnumbered the indigenous population and so English was established as the dominant language. In India and Africa, however, centuries of colonial rule saw English imposed as an administrative language, spoken as a mother tongue by colonial settlers from the UK, but in most cases as a second language by the local population.
English around the world
Like American English, English in Australia, New Zealand and South Africa has evolved such that they are distinct from British English. However, cultural and political ties have meant that until relatively recently British English has acted as the benchmark for representing ‘standardised’ English — spelling tends to adhere to British English conventions, for instance. Elsewhere in Africa and on the Indian subcontinent, English is still used as an official language in several countries, even though these countries are independent of British rule. However, English remains very much a second language for most people, used in administration, education and government and as a means of communicating between speakers of diverse languages. As with most of the Commonwealth, British English is the model on which, for instance, Indian English or Nigerian English is based. In the Caribbean and especially in Canada, however, historical links with the UK compete with geographical, cultural and economic ties with the USA, so that some aspects of the local varieties of English follow British norms and others reflect US usage. 
An international language
English is also hugely important as an international language and plays an important part even in countries where the UK has historically had little influence. It is learnt as the principal foreign language in most schools in Western Europe. It is also an essential part of the curriculum in far-flung places like Japan and South Korea, and is increasingly seen as desirable by millions of speakers in China. Prior to WWII, most teaching of English as a foreign language used British English as its model, and textbooks and other educational resources were produced here in the UK for use overseas. This reflected the UK's cultural dominance and its perceived ‘ownership’ of the English Language. Since 1945, however, the increasing economic power of the USA and its unrivalled influence in popular culture has meant that American English has become the reference point for learners of English in places like Japan and even to a certain extent in some European countries. British English remains the model in most Commonwealth countries where English is learnt as a second language. However, as the history of English has shown, this situation may not last indefinitely. The increasing commercial and economic power of countries like India, for instance, might mean that Indian English will one day begin to have an impact beyond its own borders.

The sentence “For more than half a century, immigrants from the Indian subcontinent and the West Indies have added variety and diversity to the rich patchwork of accents and dialects spoken in the UK” represents a sentence in the:

  • Letter C, because:

    The present perfect is formed from the present tense of the verb have and the past participle of a verb (have added). We use the present perfect tense for something that started in the past and continues in the present. 

  • Vamos separar a oração:

    ... immigrants from the Indian subcontinent and the West Indies   have added  variety and diversity ...

      -------------------------- SUJEITO ------------------------------------------------    --- VERBO -   --- OBJETO ---------

    Perceba que o verbo é formado pelo auxiliar HAVE + verbo no particípio (add - added). Quando temos: HAVE/HAS + verbo no particípio temos o 'Present Perfect' que nesse caso indica que os imigrantes até hoje adicionam uma variedade e diversidade no patrimônio.

    Gabarito: C



  • c-

    The present perfect is formed from the present tense of the verb have as the auxiliary verb of the clause and the past participle of its main verb.

    the present perfect is used for:

    a- for something that started in the past and continues in the present:

    They've been married for a while.

    She has lived in the shire all her life.

    ß - when talking about one's experience up to the present:

       I've seen that film before.

       I've played the guitar ever since I was a teenager.

    ?- When recounting an event without a specific time:

    Compare "I've lost my wallet" to "I lost my wallet yesterday".

Prefeitura do Rio de Janeiro - RJ
Prefeitura de Rio de Janeiro - RJ

Based on TEXT 2, a fictional blog, answer question


I do realize that in the world of technology there are early and late adopters. I’m not the earliest of cutting-edge early TESL adopters, but I do like to try out new technology and incorporate it into my teaching. This list is a handful of technologies that are established enough not to be too problematic, user-friendly enough that just about anyone can start using them quickly, and useful enough that you’ll soon wonder how you got along without them. In short, this is a list of tech that just about everyone can (and maybe even should) be using in 2010.

1. Wikipedia – It has become popular to question its accuracy. Wikipedia has become a real knowledge bank on the internet. Once we figure out what it is (a compilation of all referenced knowledge) many of these criticisms fall down. Access to all this information means a reorganization of learning.

2. Google – No, I don’t just mean search, but all the other stuff: maps, docs, calendar, etc. It’s never been so easy to collaborate with other people.

3. Twitter – A year ago, I taught a course through Twitter with mixed results. This microblog is almost exclusively interactive, but my ESL students found it tough to collaborate within Twitter because of its constraints on length. The email by contrast, is very simple – it is equally interactive but it is constraint free. So, you should use it and you should see interesting results !

Can you learn the language by using the above alone? Of course not! But they are a good springboard and I hope they lead you to discover all other media available out there (ebooks, blogs, YouTube videos, music, movies, etc.).

More web in the pipeline. Please post a comment.

The verb phrase has become in “It has become popular…” and in “Wikipedia has become...” depicts a/an:

  • Letters A, B and D are not correct because none of them explain the correct use of the present perfect.

    As letras A, B e D não estão corretas pois nenhuma delas explica o uso correto do present perfect.

    Resposta: C

    This is correct because it is saying exactly what the present perfect is: a past event in which is still relevant now.

    Esta resposta está correta, pois diz exatamente o que o present perfeito é: um evento passado que continua a ser relevante no presente.

  •  c) past event which is still relevant now


      Goods in transit refers to merchandise and other inventory items that have been shipped by the seller, but have ..I.. been received by the purchaser. To illustrate goods in transit, let's use the following example. Company J ships a truckload of merchandise on December 30 to Customer K, which is located 2,000 miles away. The truckload of merchandise arrives at Customer K on January 2. Between December 30 and January 2, the truckload of merchandise is goods in transit. The goods in transit requires special attention if the companies issue financial statements as of December 31. The reason is that the merchandise is the inventory of one of the two companies. However, the merchandise is not physically present at either company. One of the two companies must add the cost of the goods in transit to the cost of the inventory that it has in its possession.

      The terms of the sale will indicate which company should report the goods in transit as its inventory as of December 31. If the terms are FOB shipping point, the seller (Company J) will record a December sale and receivable, and ..II..  include the goods in transit as its inventory. On December 31, Customer K is the owner of the goods in transit and will need to report a purchase, a payable, and must add the cost of the goods in transit to the cost of the inventory which is in its possession.

      If the terms of the sale are FOB destination, Company J will not have a sale and receivable until January 2. This means Company J must report the cost of the goods in transit in its inventory on December 31. (Customer K will not have a purchase, payable, or inventory of these goods until January 2.)

       (Adapted from http://www.accountingcoach.com/blog/what-are-goods-in-transit

A alternativa que preenche corretamente a lacuna I é

  • However, the merchandise is not physically present at either company.

  • Goods in transit refers to merchandise and other inventory items that have been shipped by the seller, but have ..I.. been received by the purchaser. 

    Mercadorias em trânsito referem-se a mercadorias e outros itens de estoque que foram enviados pelo vendedor, mas ainda não foram recebidos pelo comprador. 

    --> se estão em trânsito, não foram recebidos. Logo: ficaria entre a (not yet) e e (not lately).

    not yet: ainda não

    not lately: não ultimamente

    Resposta: not yet (a)

  • A questão cobra conhecimento gramatical, especificamente sobre o tempo verbal Present Perfect.

    Vejamos o trecho em questão:

    Goods in transit refers to merchandise and other inventory items that have been shipped by the seller, but have ______ been received by the purchaser. To illustrate goods in transit, let's use the following example. Company J ships a truckload of merchandise on December 30 to Customer K, which is located 2,000 miles away. The truckload of merchandise arrives at Customer K on January 2.
    Between December 30 and January 2, the truckload of merchandise is goods in transit.

    Tradução - Mercadorias em trânsito referem-se a mercadorias e outros itens de estoque que foram despachados pelo vendedor, mas ________foram recebidos pelo comprador. Para ilustrar mercadorias em trânsito, vamos usar o exemplo a seguir. A Empresa J envia um caminhão de mercadorias em 30 de dezembro para o Cliente K, que está localizado a 2.000 milhas de distância. O caminhão de carga chega ao Cliente K em 2 de janeiro. Entre 30 de dezembro e 2 de janeiro, o caminhão de carga de mercadorias é mercadoria em trânsito.

    Ao analisar o trecho destacado "Mercadorias em trânsito referem-se a mercadorias e outros itens de estoque que foram despachados pelo vendedor, mas ________foram recebidos pelo comprador.", podemos perceber que para completar a lacuna com coerência precisamos de "ainda não".

    Analisando as alternativas teremos: 

    A) Correto - not yet = ainda não

    B) Incorreto - already = já

    C) Incorreto - just = apenas

    D) Incorreto - at once = imediatamente

    E) Incorreto - not lately = não ultimamente

    Gabarito do Professor: Letra A.


Check the sentence that contains the PRESENT PERFECT verb tense:

  • Única sentença que tem o auxiliar "have" (usado em I, you, we, they).

  • "D" Have...

  • A) 's going = presente contínuo

    B) was = passado simples

    C) are having = presente contínuo

    D) have arrived = presente perfeito

    E) woke = passado simples


Complete the sentence (use the present perfect):

Where’s the book I gave you? What _____________ with it?

  • c-

    What have you done with it?

    o que fez com ele?


Choose the correct option to complete this paragraph.

Pamela is absolutely dedicated to work. She is a doctor and director of a university department where she has ______ a lot of research on anesthesiology. She has also ______ grants from federal and private organizations and has______ her projects all over the world to be presented at professional meetings.


  • "present perfect" de qualquer verbo é composto por dois elementos: o verbo auxiliar to have (no presente) e o "past participle" do verbo principal. Ex: has done, has taken, has won
    Escolha a opção correta para concluir este parágrafo
    Pamela is absolutely dedicated to work. She is a doctor and director of a university department where she has done a lot of research on anesthesiology. She has also won grants from federal and private organizations and has taken her projects all over the world to be presented at professional meetings.
    Pamela é absolutamente dedicada ao trabalho. Ela é médica e diretora de um departamento da universidade, onde fez muitas pesquisas sobre anestesiologia. Ela também ganhou bolsas de organizações federais e privadas e levou seus projetos para o mundo todo para serem apresentados em reuniões profissionais.
    Gabarito do Professor: E
  • Gabarito E 
    Present Perfect : Verbo  Have/ Has + Particípio passado do verbo principal.
    Do : Done
    Win: Won
    Take: Taken  


Which is the correct way to complete the paragraph below?

A change of habits

In recent years, dairy milk alternatives made from almonds, soy, cashews and coconuts ______ in popularity. Many people consider them more nutritious than cow's milk. Some people _______ them because they have a milk allergy or lactose intolerance. Others choose them for environmental reasons or because they want a vegan diet. Some just like the taste. Cow’s m ilk______once one of America’s most iconic beverages. But now Americans ______ less of it.

(Adapted from https ://www.nytimes.com)

  • Qual é a maneira correta de completar o parágrafo abaixo?

    Uma mudança de hábitos
    Nos últimos anos, alternativas como os leites de amêndoas, soja, castanhas de caju e coco explodiram (have exploded) em popularidade. Muitas pessoas os consideram mais nutritivos do que o leite de vaca. Algumas pessoas compram (buy) porque têm alergia ao leite ou intolerância à lactose. Outros os escolhem por razões ambientais ou porque querem uma dieta vegana. Alguns apenas gostam do gosto. O leite de vaca já foi (was) uma das bebidas mais icônicas dos Estados Unidos. Mas agora os americanos estão bebendo (are drinking) menos.

    Os espaços foram preenchidos com os verbos no Present Perfect (have exploded), Simple Present (buy), Simple Past (was) e Present Continuous (are drinking)
    Gabarito do Professor: B
  • Vamos lá!

    Na primeira oração do texto, você possui um tempo não exato (recent years), quando não há tempo exato usa-se Present Perfect, então no primeiro espaço você deve colocar Have Exploded esquecendo da D e E. A segunda é presente, coloque buy então não é nem A, nem C.

    GAB.: B

  • Vamos fazer por eliminação ...

    Perceba que o último quadrinho tem a expressão Now, geralmente quando temos a expressão now indica que é present continuous, logo já tendo essa ideia e sabendo que a estrutura do present continuons tem que ser : Verbo to be + Verbo + ing, logo a estrutura tem que ficar are drinking, logo eliminamos C, D e E ficando entre A e B.

    Estamos entre A e B, matamos a questão pelo Buy pelo motivo que se colocarmos Bought ficaria no passado e não é isso que o contexto da frase nos fala


Which option completes the paragraph below correctly?

Millennium development goals: an overview

The millennium development goals (MDGs)______, eight key areas - poverty, education, gender equality, child mortality, maternal health, disease, the environment and global partnership. Each goal ,______ by 21 specific targets and more than 60 indicators. The UN ______the MDGs 'the most successful anti-poverty movement in history’, but what progress______ on each of the goals?

(Adapted from https://vwwv.theguardian.com) 

  • The millennium development goals (MDGs) have targeted, eight key areas - poverty, education, gender equality, child mortality, maternal health, disease, the environment and global partnership. Each goal , is supported by 21 specific targets and more than 60 indicators. The UN has called the MDGs 'the most successful anti-poverty movement in history', but what progress has been made  on each of the goals?

    Alguns espaços a serem preenchidos estão no Present Perfect, uma vez que o tempo não foi mencionado.  have targeted/has called.
    E em algumas sentenças encontramos a voz passiva. Each goal , is supported by 21 specific targets and more than 60 indicators.(Cada meta é apoiada por 21 metas específicas e mais de 60 indicadores.) e ... but what progress has been made on each of the goals? (... mas que progresso foi feito em cada um dos objetivos?)
    Gabarito do Professor: C
  • Goal é meta

    Each goal ______ by 21 specific

    Cada meta é suportada/ajudada por 21 sei lá oq

    é suportada

    Só pode ser C ou D

    como é CADA uma, é singular,portanto, é is


  • é bom tbm pensar na voz passiva nesse trecho que o Guilherme mencionou

Quadro Complementar

Which option best completes the paragraph below?

What is Marine Engineering?

About a century ago no one______about a marine engineer, but today it ______as established as any other famous ones. Over the last 100 years, engineering as a field of study ______ and diversified far beyond what ______imagined prior to this period. Not only this, it has also branched out into various specialized fields that ______ great progress. Most of these new fields are aligned to any of the basic engineering branches like mechanical, electrical, civil, electronics, computers etc and have something or the other incorporated from them. One such branch is called marine engineering.

(Adapted from http: / / www. marineinsight. com / careers)

  • A

  • No primeiro espaço usaremos o verbo no perfect conditional ( would have heard). Em seguida usaremos o simple present do verbo to be (is). No terceiro espaço, faremos o uso do present perfect (has developed), uma vez que o tempo não foi mencionado. Novamente o perfect conditional (could have been)  será usado para se referir a uma ação que poderia ou não ter acontecido. E por último, o present perfect ( have achieved) para uma ação que começou no passado e continua até o momento.
    About a century ago no one would have heard about a marine engineer, but today it is as established as any other famous ones. Over the last 100 years, engineering as a field of study has developed and diversified far beyond what could have been imagined prior to this period. Not only this, it has also branched out into various specialized fields that have achieved great progress. Most of these new fields are aligned to any of the basic engineering branches like mechanical, electrical, civil, electronics, computers etc and have something or the other incorporated from them. One such branch is called marine engineering.

    Cerca de um século atrás, ninguém teria ouvido falar de um engenheiro naval, mas hoje ele está tão estabelecido quanto qualquer outro engenheiro. Nos últimos 100 anos, a engenharia como campo de estudo se desenvolveu e se diversificou muito além do que se poderia imaginar antes deste período. Não só isso, mas também se ramificou em vários campos especializados que tem alcançado grande progresso. A maioria desses novos campos está alinhada a qualquer um dos ramos básicos da engenharia, como mecânica, elétrica, civil, eletrônica, informática, etc. e tem algo ou outro incorporado a partir deles. Um desses ramos é chamado de engenharia naval.
    Gabarito do Professor: Letra A.


Read the text and answer questions

Ursula! I whispered

Yes, my darling, she said, without __________ her eyes.

What have you got in your basket? I asked. She opened her eyes, startled, and looked at me.

What do you mean? she said defensively.

There is something moving in your basket, I said.

Oh, it’s nothing. It’s just a present for somebody. She said.

Adapted from, FERGUSON, Kenneth. Read for Meaning, Comprehension tests for First Certificate. Ed. Evans Brothers, first Published 1975.

Read the text and choose the best response.

The verbs “whispered” and “said” underlined in the text refer to

  • Alternativa D, Simple Past é o passado simples uma de suas formas é o verbo+ED

    Ele correu

    He runned

    Ele corre

    He run

  • Leia o texto e escolha a melhor resposta.
    Os verbos “whispered" e “said" sublinhados no texto referem-se a
    A) passado progressivo.
    B) presente perfeito.
    C) presente simples.
    D) passado simples.
      I whispered - Eu sussurrei 
    Yes, my darling, she said,- Sim. minha querida, ela disse
    Os verbos sublinhados referem-se ao Simple Past (passado simples). O verbo “to whisper" é um verbo regular e foi acrescentado ED ao final para a formação do passado simples. O verbo “to say" é irregular e seu passado é “said".
    Gabarito do Professor: D
  • Simple Past

    > Tempo verbal utilizado para expressar : Ações completas,Um hábito no passado,Passado imediato

    > A sua conjugação é fácil,sendo igual para todas as pessoas.Deve-se prestar atenção se o verbo é regular ou irregular para a correta grafia das palavras no passado.

    > o auxiliar do passado é did

    Terminações :

    e = + d

    Não termina em e = + ed 

    Consoante-vogal-consoante = dobram a última consoante + ed

    Exceções: Listen - Listened / Open - Opened

    Vogal + Y = + ed

    Consoante + Y = - Y + ied


    > O que fugir desta regra é um verbo irregular

    Gabarito: Letra D

Prefeitura de Maricá - RJ

TEXT 1 below, retrieved and adapted from https://chroniclingamerica. loc.gov/lccn/sn83035487/1851-06-21/ed-1/seq-4/ on July 9th, 2018.

Text 1 

                    Women’s rights convention – Sojourner Truth

      One of the most unique and interesting speeches of the convention was made by Sojourner Truth, an emancipated slave. It is impossible to transfer it to paper or convey any adequate idea of the effect it produced upon the audience. Those only can appreciate it who saw her powerful form, her whole-souled, earnest gesture, and listened to her strong and truthful tones. She came forward to the platform and addressing the President said with great simplicity:

      "May I say a few words?" Receiving an affirmative answer, she proceeded: I want to say a few words about this matter. I am a woman's rights. I have as much muscle as any man and can do as much work as any man. I have plowed and reaped and husked and chopped and mowed, and can any man do more than that? I have heard much about the sexes being equal. I can carry as much as any man, and can eat as much too, if I can get it. I am as strong as any man that is now. As for intellect, all I can say is, if a woman has a pint, and a man a quart -- why can't she have her little pint full? You need not be afraid to give us our rights for fear we will take too much; -- for we can't take more than our pint will hold. The poor men seem to be all in confusion, and don't know what to do. Why children, if you have woman's rights, give it to her and you will feel better. You will have your own rights, and they won't be so much trouble. I can't read, but I can hear. I have heard the bible and have learned that Eve caused man to sin. Well, if a woman upset the world, do give her a chance to set it right side up again. The Lady has spoken about Jesus, how he never spurned woman from him, and she was right. When Lazarus died, Mary and Martha came to him with faith and love and besought him to raise their brother. And Jesus wept and Lazarus came forth. And how came Jesus into the world? Through God who created him and the woman who bore him. Man, where was your part? But the women are coming up blessed be God and a few of the men are coming up with them. But man is in a tight place, the poor slave is on him, woman is coming on him, he is surely between a hawk and a buzzard.

Reference: Robinson, M. (1851, June 21). Women’s rights convention: Sojourner Truth. Anti-slavery Bugle, vol. 6 no. 41, Page 160.

Question must be answered by looking at the following sentence from Text 1:

I have plowed and reaped and husked and chopped and mowed, and can any man do more than that?

We may say that the verbs Sojourner uses are:





    Gostei (



Prefeitura de Salvador - BA


What to Know About the Controversy Surrounding the Movie Green Book

Depending on who you ask, Green Book is either the pinnacle of movie magic or a whitewashing sham. 

The film, which took home the prize for Best Picture at the 91st Academy Awards, as well as honors for Mahershala Ali as Best Supporting Actor and Nick Vallelonga, Brian Currie and Peter Farrelly for Best Original Screenplay, depicts the burgeoning friendship between a black classical pianist and his ItalianAmerican driver as they travel the 1960s segregated South on a concert tour. But while Green Book was an awards frontrunner all season, its road to Oscar night was riddled with missteps and controversies over its authenticity and racial politics. 

Green Book is about the relationship between two real-life people: Donald Shirley and Tony “Lip” Vallelonga. Shirley was born in 1927 and grew up in a well-off black family in Florida, where he emerged as a classical piano prodigy: he possessed virtuosic technique and a firm grasp of both classical and pop repertoire. He went on to perform regularly at Carnegie Hall— right below his regal apartment—and work with many prestigious orchestras, like the Chicago Symphony and the New York Philharmonic. But at a time when prominent black classical musicians were few and far between due to racist power structures, he never secured a spot in the upper echelons of the classical world. (African Americans still only make up 1.8 percent of musicians playing in orchestras nationwide, according to a recent study.) 

Vallelonga was born in 1930 to working-class Italian parents and grew up in the Bronx. As an adult he worked as a bouncer, a maître d’ and a chauffeur, and he was hired in 1962 to drive Shirley on a concert tour through the Jim Crow South. The mismatched pair spent one and a half years together on the road — though it’s condensed to just a couple of months in the film — wriggling out of perilous situations and learning about each other’s worlds. Vallelonga would later become an actor and land a recurring role on The Sopranos. 

In the 1980s, Vallelonga’s son, Nick, approached his father and Shirley about making a movie about their friendship. For reasons that are now contested, Shirley rebuffed these requests at the time. […]

(Source: from http://time.com/5527806/green-book-movie-controversy/)

The verb phrase in “was riddled with missteps” is in the

  • A questão pergunta qual o tempo verbal da frase entre aspas.

    A voz passiva ocorre quando o sujeito sofre a ação.

    Na questão, o sujeito da frase é "its road to Oscar" (seu caminho para o oscar).

    Ao traduzir, então, verifica-se que "o seu caminho para o Oscar estava cheio de erros e controvérsias acerca de sua autenticidade e política racial".

  • e qual é a resposta?

  • B

    Both verbs are conjugated in simple past from indicative mode. Passive voice, two verbs.

    The rules are the same used for Vozes verbais in portuguese.

  • Gabarito: B

    Voz passiva é quando o sujeito sofre a ação!

  • A questão cobra conhecimentos gramaticais sobre a Voz Passiva e a Voz Ativa.

    Em que tempo verbal está a frase "was riddled with missteps"?

    A Voz Passiva em Inglês é formada pelo verbo To Be seguido pelo particípio passado dos verbos
    (3a coluna da tabela de verbos). Alguns exemplos:

    The cake was made by my mother.= O bolo foi feito por minha mãe.
    The house is cleaned every day.= A casa é limpa todos os dias.
    I was offended by my boss.= Eu fui ofendido por meu chefe.

    A Voz Ativa é quando o sujeito da oração realiza a ação, lembra-se?

    My mother made the cake = Minha mãe fez o bolo.
    She cleans the house every day = Ela limpa a casa todos os dias.
    My boss offended me. = Meu chefe me ofendeu.

    O que determina o tempo da Voz Passiva é o tempo do verbo To Be, ou seja:
    verbo To Be no Presente = Voz Passiva no Presente
    verbo To Be no Futuro = Voz Passiva no Futuro
    verbo To Be no Presente Perfeito = Voz Passiva no Presente Perfeito

    Na questão temos WAS RIDDLED =  verbo To Be no Simple Past (was) + particípio passado do verbo riddle (riddled). Portanto, temos a Voz Passiva no Simple Past.


Prefeitura de Teresina - PI

Planet’s ocean-plastics problem detailed in 60-year data set

Researchers find evidence of rising plastic pollution in an accidental source: log books for planktonmonitoring instruments. Matthew Warren 

Scientists have uncovered the first strong evidence that the amount of plastic polluting the oceans has risen vastly in recent decades — by analysing 60 years of log books for plankton-tracking vessels. 

Data recorded by instruments known as continuous plankton recorders (CPRs) — which ships have collectively towed millions of kilometres across the Atlantic Ocean — show that the trackers have become entangled in large plastic objects, such as bags and fishing lines, roughly three times more often since 2000 than in preceding decades.

This is the first time that researchers have demonstrated the rise in ocean plastics using a single, longterm data set, says Erik van Sebille, an oceanographer at Utrecht University in the Netherlands. “I’m excited that this has been finally done,” he says. The analysis was published on 16 April in Nature Communications

 Although the findings are unsurprising, long-term data on ocean plastics had been scant: previous studies looked mainly at the ingestion of plastic by sea creatures over shorter timescales, the researchers say.

Fishing for data

CPRs are torpedo-like devices that have been used since 1931 to survey plankton populations, by filtering the organisms from the water using bands of silk. Today, volunteer ships such as ferries and container ships tow a fleet of CPRs around the world’s oceans. 

(…)Each time a ship tows a CPR, the crew fills in a log book and notes any problems with the device. So Ostle and her colleagues looked through all tow logs from the North Atlantic between 1957 and 2016, to determine whether plastic entanglements have become more common.

Evidence analysis

(…)Van Sebille says that because the study focused on large plastic items, it doesn’t reveal much about the quantity of microplastics — fragments fewer than 5 millimetres long — in the oceans. These tiny contaminants come from sources such as disposable plastic packaging, rather than from fishing gear.

Nevertheless, he adds, the study demonstrates that fisheries play a major part in plastic pollution, and will provide useful baseline data for tracking whether policy changes affect the levels of plastic in the oceans. “As fisheries become more professional, especially in the North Sea, hopefully we might see a decrease,” he says.

Source: https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-019-01252-0 (adapted).

Access: April 20th, 2019 

In the text, the verbal tense of the verbs in bold recorded; had been scant; have been used; adds are respectively:  

  • Não vi o quarto verbo in BOLD, que seria o ADD. Pedi a correção. Negrito nele.

  • A terceira forma HAVE BEEN USED é a forma passiva do Present Perfect.

    Active:Rita has written a letter.

    Passive:A letter has been written by Rita.

Prefeitura de Teresina - PI

The sentence “Paul ___ not done volunteer work at the nursing home since last week.” It can be correctly completed with the auxiliary verb

  • O verbo auxiliar que completa corretamente a frase é has. Trata-se da forma negativa do tempo verbal Present Perfect (has + not + past participle) que pode ser usado para falar de ações que ocorreram no passado e são importantes para a situação atual. Como nessa frase estamos falando de Paul, deve-se utilizar o auxiliar na forma “has” referente a 3 pessoa do singular. Outro fato que pode ajudar você a descobrir o tempo verbal tratado na questão é o past participle do verbo do que aparece logo depois de not: done. A frase correta é: “Paul has not done volunteer work at the nursing home since last week.” (“Paul não tem feito trabalho voluntário no lar de idosos desde a semana passada”).

  • "last week" marca que a frase está no passado. O verbo que se encontra no passado é "has". Gabarito:D

  • Gabarito letra D para os não assinantes.

    The sentence “Paul has not done volunteer work at the nursing home since last week.” It can be correctly completed with the auxiliary verb.

    A frase “Paulo ___ não realiza trabalho voluntário na casa de repouso desde a semana passada.” Ela pode ser completada corretamente com o verbo auxiliar

  • É um present perfet, ação que começou no passado e ainda não terminou, exige o have/has (auxiliar) no presente e o past participle (done - que é o passado de do).

Prefeitura de Fraiburgo - SC

The Disappearing Honeybee

  • Honeybees do more than just make honey. They fly around and pollinate flowers, plants, and trees. Our fruits, nuts, and vegetables rely.....................these pollinators. One third.....................America’s food supply is pollinated.....................the honeybee.

Have you seen or heard a honeybee lately? Bees are mysteriously disappearing in many parts of the world. Most people don’t know about this problem. It is called “colony collapse disorder” (CCD). Some North American beekeepers lost 80% of their hives from 2006-2008. Bees in Italy and Australia are disappearing too.

The disappearance of the honeybee is a serious problem. Can you imagine never eating another blueberry? What about almonds and cherries? Without honeybees food prices will skyrocket. The poorest people always suffer the worst when there is a lack of food.

This problem affects other foods besides fresh produce. Imagine losing your favourite ice cream! Haagen Daaz is a famous ice cream company. Many of their flavours rely on the hard working honeybee. In 2008, Haagen Daaz began raising money for CCD. They also funded a garden at the University of California called The Haven. This garden helps raise awareness about the disappearing honeybee and teaches visitors how to plant for pollinators.

Donating money to research is the most important thing humans can do to save the honeybee. Some scientists blame CCD on climate change. Others think pesticides are killing the bees. Commercial bee migration may also cause CCD. Beekeepers transport their hives from place to place in order to pollinate plants year round.


Analyze these sentences below:

1. The negative form of : This problem affects other foods besides fresh produce, is This problem doesn’t affect other foods besides fresh produce.

2. The following question: Have you seen or heard a honeybee lately? is being used in the present perfect tense.

3. The words in bold in: Haagen Daaz began raising money for CCD., means: the attempting to accumulate some amount of money, either through work or donation.

Choose the alternative which contains all the correct affirmatives:


Prefeitura de São Miguel do Oeste - SC

Observe the paragraph below.

Over the past few years, a bunch of similar books ______ to fill the yawning gaps left in recorded history regarding women's contributions recently.

Identify the best alternative that completes the context.

  • Creio que deveria ser alternativa C.

    Na alternativa A considerou-se que o verbo attemp está sendo conjugado pelo núcleo do sujeito, no caso bunch, um substantivo singular, e assim leva o auxiliar have para a terceira pessoa do singular, no caso has.

    Mas, segundo a Merrian-Webster, nos casos de agreement subject-verb de um substantivo coletivo singular (bunch) seguido de um substantivo plural (books) o substantivo plural tem relação notacional com o verbo além de sofrer o efeito da proximidade (books mais perto que bunch). Neste caso, o auxiliar have deveria ficar na terceira pessoa do plural.

Prefeitura de Cabo de Santo Agostinho - PE

O tempo verbal utilizado para descrever fatos que aconteceram em tempo não determinado chama-se _____. Assinale a alternativa que preencha corretamente a lacuna.

  • Gab. D

    Present perfect (presente perfeito): Usado para expressar ações que aconteceram no passado e que continuam no presente, além de expressar ações que ocorreram no passado em um momento não especificado ou que aconteceu recentemente.

    She has lived at my house. (Ela tem morado na minha casa)

    Fonte: site infoescola (QC não me permitiu colar o link)

  • d-

    The present perfect is formed from the present tense of the verb have as the auxiliary verb of the clause and the past participle of its main verb.

    the present perfect is used for:

    a- for something that started in the past and continues in the present:

    They've been married for a while.

    She has lived in the shire all her life.

    ß - when talking about one's experience up to the present:

       I've seen that film before.

       I've played the guitar ever since I was a teenager.

    ?- When recounting an event without a specific time:

    Compare "I've lost my wallet" to "I lost my wallet yesterday".


From question 53 to 63, choose the CORRECT answers to fll in the blanks.

Anne to Sanjay: “I’ve been running 10 kilometers everyday”.
Sanjay to Stef: “Anne says she __________ 10 kilometers everyday, but I bet she can go further. That girl is a machine!”

  • Resposta D

    Atenção à palavra everyday.

FUNDEP (Gestão de Concursos)
Prefeitura de Uberaba - MG

INSTRUCTIONS: Read the following text carefully and then answer the question.

Why learn a foreign language?
Benefits of bilingualism

Learning a foreign language is more than just a boost to your CV or handy for travelling.
By Anne Merritt
(EFL lecturer currently based in South Korea)

Physiological studies have found that speaking two or more languages is a great asset to the cognitive process. The brains of bilingual people operate differently than single language speakers, and these differences offer several mental benefits.

You become smarter

Speaking a foreign language improves the functionality of your brain by challenging it to recognize, negotiate meaning, and communicate in different language systems. This skill boosts your ability to negotiate meaning in other problem-solving tasks as well. Students who study foreign languages tend to score better on standardized tests than their monolingual peers, particularly in the categories of math, reading, and vocabulary.

You build multitasking skills

Multilingual people, especially children, are skilled at switching between two systems of speech, writing, and structure. According to a study from the Pennsylvania State University, this “juggling” skill makes them good multitaskers, because they can easily switch between different structures. In one study, participants used a driving simulator while doing separate, distracting tasks at the same time. The research found that people who spoke more than one language made fewer errors in their driving.

You stave off Alzheimer’s and dementia

For monolingual adults, the mean age for the first signs of dementia is 71.4. For adults who speak two or more languages, the mean age for those first signs is 75.5. Studies considered factors such as education level, income level, gender, and physical health, but the results were consistent.

Your memory improves

Educators often liken the brain to a muscle, because it functions better with exercise. Learning a language involves memorizing rules and vocabulary, which helps strengthen that mental “muscle.” This exercise improves overall memory, which means that multiple language speakers are better at remembering lists or sequences. Studies show that bilinguals are better at retaining shopping lists, names, and directions.

Your decision-making skills improve

According to a study from the University of Chicago, bilinguals tend to make more rational decisions. Any language contains nuance and subtle implications in its vocabulary, and these biases can subconsciously influence your judgment. Bilinguals are more confident with their choices after thinking it over in the second language and seeing whether their initial conclusions still stand up.
Available on: <http://www.telegraph.co.uk/education/educationopinion/10126883/Why-learn-a-foreign-languageBenefits-of-bilingualism.html> (Edited).

The present perfect is used to refer to events taking place in a past time-frame that connects with the present. Therefore it can, for instance, be used to refer to events that happened in an unspecified time:

“Physiological studies have found that speaking two or more languages is a great asset to the cognitive process.”

Take into consideration the rules for employing the present perfect tense, then choose the following alternative in which this tense is CORRECTLY used.


Instituto Ânima Sociesc
Prefeitura de Jaraguá do Sul - SC

Australia fires: What's being done to fight the flames?

Large parts of Australia __________ (devastate) by the worst wildfires the country __________ (see) in decades, with huge blazes tearing through bush, woodland and national parks. Record-breaking temperatures and months of drought __________ (help) the fires burn an estimated 10 million hectares (100,000 sq km) of land since 1 July.

Bushfire conditions EASED over the weekend, giving fire crews a period of temporary respite. But authorities __________ (say) the huge fires will persist until there is substantial rainfall. More hot weather is __________ (expect) next week and the risk was far from over, they said. Thousands of firefighters are still battling blazes across large swathes of Australia - ranging in size from small fires to infernos burning across hectares of land. Entire towns have been engulfed and residents across several states have lost their homes. At least 28 people have died.

State and federal authorities have been working together to try to stem the spread. While they have managed to contain some within a matter of days, the biggest blazes have been burning for months.

At least 3,700 firefighters are on the ground at any one time across the country during the worst periods, according to the country's state fire services. Most are in the worst-hit states of New South Wales (NSW) and Victoria. When fires have been at their worst, about 2,700 firefighters have been battling the blazes at any one time in NSW alone. Ben Shepherd, of the NSW Rural Fire Service, said his colleagues had dealt with 4.2m hectares of burning land this season, compared with the typical 300,000 hectares. "It's been an incredibly long campaign," he said.

Fire crews across the country have been joined by 3,000 army, navy and air force reservists who are assisting with search and rescue and clean-up efforts. Further support coming from the US, Canada, and New Zealand, who have sent additional teams and equipment to help.

                                         (https://www.bbc.com/news/world-australia-51008051 )

Fill the gaps with the correct form of the verbs in parenthesis:

  • Large parts of Australia Have been devastated (devastate) by the worst wildfires the country has seen (see) in decades, with huge blazes tearing through bush, woodland and national parks. Record-breaking temperatures and months of drought have helped (help) the fires burn an estimated 10 million hectares (100,000 sq km) of land since 1 July.

    Bushfire conditions EASED over the weekend, giving fire crews a period of temporary respite. But authorities say (say) the huge fires will persist until there is substantial rainfall. More hot weather is expected.(expect) next week and the risk was far from over, they said. Thousands of firefighters are still battling blazes across large swathes of Australia - ranging in size from small fires to infernos burning across hectares of land. Entire towns have been engulfed and residents across several states have lost their homes. At least 28 people have died.

    Have been devastated – has seen – have helped – say – expected.

    Gabarito : Letra C

Prefeitura de Cariacica - ES

                                           Dr. Dweck’s research into growth mindset

                                                         changed education forever

Over 30 years ago, Carol Dweck and her colleagues became interested in students' attitudes about failure. They noticed that some students rebounded while other students seemed devastated by even the smallest setbacks. After studying the behavior of thousands of children, Dr. Dweck coined the terms fixed mindset and growth mindset to describe the underlying beliefs people have about learning and intelligence. When students believe they can get smarter, they understand that effort makes them stronger. Therefore they put in extra time and effort, and that leads to higher achievement.

Recent advances in neuroscience have shown us that the brain is far more malleable than we ever knew. Research on brain plasticity has shown how connectivity between neurons can change with experience. With practice, neural networks grow new connections, strengthen existing ones, and build insulation that speeds transmission of impulses. These neuroscientific discoveries have shown us that we can increase our neural growth by the actions we take, such as using good strategies, asking questions, practicing, and following good nutrition and sleep habits. […]

So the researchers asked, “Can we change mindsets? And if so, how?” This began a series of interventions and studies that prove we can indeed change a person’s mindset from fixed to growth, and when we do, it leads to increased motivation and achievement. For example, 7th graders who were taught that intelligence is malleable and shown how the brain grows with effort showed a clear increase in math grades.

In addition to teaching kids about malleable intelligence, researchers started noticing that teacher practice has a big impact on student mindset, and the feedback that teachers give their students can either encourage a child to choose a challenge and increase achievement or look for an easy way out. For example, studies on different kinds of praise have shown that telling children they are smart encourages a fixed mindset, whereas praising hard work and effort cultivates a growth mindset. When students have a growth mindset, they take on challenges and learn from them, therefore increasing their abilities and achievement. […].

Source: https://www.mindsetworks.com/science/.Access:02/12/2019)

Observe the following sentences taken from the text:

I. Recent advances in neuroscience have shown us that the brain is far more malleable than we ever knew.

II. Research on brain plasticity has shown how connectivity between neurons can change with experience.

Mark what is CORRECT about verb tenses in the above sentences:

  • D) Both sentences have the verb “show” in the Present Perfect Tense expressing an action that occurred at an indefinite time in the past.

    The present perfect tense refers to an action or state that either occurred at an indefinite time in the past or began in the past and continued to the present time.

    This tense is formed by have/has + the past participle.

    In the question we have the verbal forms "have shown" and "has shown".

    Correct answer: letter D.

Prefeitura de São Bernardo - MA

Which one of the alternatives below is not correct? 


Prefeitura de Santa Cruz - RN

Check the correct answer to fill in the blanks.

My mother ____ already ____ ten books.


Prefeitura de São João de Pirabas - PA

A Oração: “Doctors are investigating 29 related infant deaths” encontra-se em que tempo verbal? 


Prefeitura de Porciúncula - RJ

In which sentences the verbs are used appropriately? Choose the CORRECT answer.

I - Once I had finished work, I went home
II - I was cuting up vegetables in the kitchen when I heard it on the TV.
III - Ellen has eaten no meat since she was six.
IV - He believe in ghosts.
V - I regularly play the piano.

  • II - I was cutting up vegetables in the kitchen when I heard it on the TV.

    IV - He believes in ghosts.

  • III podeira ser traduzida por= ellen não tem comido carne desde os 6 anos.

    essa particula SINCE (desde) é oque ajuda a matar a questão.

    V eu toco piano regularmente.

Prefeitura de Porciúncula - RJ

Which VERB TENSE the sentences below refer to? Choose the CORRECT answer.

I - To talk about permanent situations
II - To talk about habitual situations
III - In time clauses
IV - In zero conditionals
V - Future intentions
VI - Events based on a timetable or known date



   HARVARD BUSINESS REVIEW calls data science “the sexiest job in the 21st century,” and by most accounts this hot new field promises to revolutionize industries from business to government, health care to academia. 
   The field has been spawned by the enormous amounts of data that modern technologies create — be it the online behavior of Facebook users, tissue samples of cancer patients, purchasing habits of grocery shoppers or crime statistics of cities. Data scientists are the magicians of the Big Data era. They crunch the data, use mathematical models to analyze it and create narratives or visualizations to explain it, then suggest how to use the information to make decisions. 
     In the last few years, dozens of programs under a variety of names have sprung up in response to the excitement about Big Data, not to mention the six-figure salaries for some recent graduates. In the fall, Columbia will offer new master’s and certificate programs heavy on data. The University of San Francisco will soon graduate its charter class of students with a master’s in analytics.
      Rachel Schutt, a senior research scientist at Johnson Research Labs, taught “Introduction to Data Science” last semester at Columbia (its first course with “data science” in the title). She described the data scientist this way: “a hybrid computer scientist software engineer statistician.” And added: “The best tend to be really curious people, thinkers who ask good questions and are O.K. dealing with unstructured situations and trying to find structure in them.”
      Eurry Kim, a 30-year-old “wannabe data scientist,” is studying at Columbia for a master’s in quantitative methods in the social sciences and plans to use her degree for government service. She discovered the possibilities while working as a corporate tax analyst at the Internal Revenue Service. She might, for example, analyze tax return data to develop algorithms that flag fraudulent filings, or cull national security databases to spot suspicious activity.
     Some of her classmates are hoping to apply their skills to e-commerce, where data about users’ browsing history is gold.
     “This is a generation of kids that grew up with data science around them — Netflix telling them what movies they should watch, Amazon telling them what books they should read — so this is an academic interest with real-world applications,” said Chris Wiggins, a professor of applied mathematics at Columbia who is involved in its new Institute for Data Sciences and Engineering. “And,” he added, “they know it will make them employable.”
  Universities can hardly turn out data scientists fast enough. To meet demand from employers, the United States will need to increase the number of graduates with skills handling large amounts of data by as much as 60 percent, according to a report by McKinsey Global Institute. There will be almost half a million jobs in five years, and a shortage of up to 190,000 qualified data scientists, plus a need for 1.5 million executives and support staff who have an understanding of data.
      Because data science is so new, universities are scrambling to define it and develop curriculums. As an academic field, it cuts across disciplines, with courses in statistics, analytics, computer science and math, coupled with the specialty a student wants to analyze, from patterns in marine life to historical texts.
    With the sheer volume, variety and speed of data today, as well as developing technologies, programs are more than a repackaging of existing courses. “Data science is emerging as an academic discipline, defined not by a mere amalgamation of interdisciplinary fields but as a body of knowledge, a set of professional practices, a professional organization and a set of ethical responsibilities,” said Christopher Starr, chairman of the computer science department at the College of Charleston, one of a few institutions offering data science at the undergraduate level.
     Most master’s degree programs in data science require basic programming skills. They start with what Ms. Schutt describes as the “boring” part — scraping and cleaning raw data and “getting it into a nice table where you can actually analyze it.” Many use data sets provided by businesses or government, and pass back their results. Some host competitions to see which student can come up with the best solution to a company’s problem.
     Studying a Web user’s data has privacy implications. Using data to decide someone’s eligibility for a line of credit or health insurance, or even recommending who they friend on Facebook, can affect their lives. “We’re building these models that have impact on human life,” Ms. Schutt said. “How can we do that carefully?” Ethics classes address these questions.
       Finally, students have to learn to communicate their findings, visually and orally, and they need business know-how, perhaps to develop new products.

From: www.nytimes.com

In terms of verb tense, the sentences “Rachel Schutt, a senior research scientist at Johnson Research Labs, taught ‘Introduction to Data Science’ last semester at Columbia.”, “In the last few years, dozens of programs under a variety of names have sprung up in response to the excitement about Big Data.” and “Most master’s degree programs in data science require basic programming skills.” are, respectively, in the



How English evolved into a global language

        As the British Library charts the evolution of English in a new major exhibition, author Michael Rosen gives a brief history of a language that has grown to world domination with phrases such as "cool" and "go to it".

        The need for an international language has always existed. In the past it was about religion and intellectual debate. With the technologies of today, it's about communicating with others anywhere in the world in a matter of moments.

          Two events, separated by nearly 400 years, show how this need has always been present.

         Firstly, sitting in front of me I have a copy of the celebrated book Utopia, by Sir Thomas More. This particular edition is published in 1629 in Amsterdam, not in English, not in Dutch, but in Latin.

       The second event was a talk I recently had with a German scientist. He said that he knew of scientific conferences taking place in Germany, where all the people attending were German and yet the conference was conducted in English.

 Source: <http://www.bbc.com/news/magazine-12017753>

From the text extracts below, the only one in the Present Perfect is:



         Flourishing is the word that best describes the independent music industry at this moment in time. The fact that new projects require smaller budgets than before has led to the creation of countless labels and independent companies. (…)
      The entire nation has managed to grasp the most positive aspects of the drive towards globalization. Our country is diverse, creative, proactive and, above all, very young. In the past few years, the new generation has become increasingly involved in music production, which means that there is a growing dynamism and energy in the current music scene. (…)
        There are a number of obstacles, the main one being the high level of consumption of pirated goods, which accounts for more than 70% of the market. (…).
          Another difficulty is the limited purchasing power of a large part of the population who access content through piracy because the prices are better suited to their means. For this reason, they are not bothered about the poor quality or the illegality of the product they buy.   
         (By Humberto Moreno, a Colombian independent music producer who helped present a Global Alliance project at the World Music Expo (WOMEX) in October 2006 in Seville, Spain).

Adapted from English for All, Eliana/Maria Clara/Neuza, V. 2, Saraiva, São Paulo, 2010 . p. 116/117. 

O tempo verbal „present perfect” foi usado no texto em, pelo menos, duas sentenças, com propriedade:

'The fact … has led to the creation of…‟;
'The entire nation has managed to grasp the most…‟

Escolha a sentença na qual o 'present perfect' foi usado incorretamente:

  • Para estar correta uma frase com 'present perfect', precisa haver: HAVE/HAS + VERBO NO PARTICÍPIO e, além disso, não pode haver data ou expecificação de tempo


T E X T 

    SPEAKING two languages rather than just one has obvious practical benefits in an increasingly globalized world. But in recent years, scientists have begun to show that the advantages of bilingualism are even more fundamental than being able to converse with a wider range of people. Being bilingual, it turns out, makes you smarter. It can have a profound effect on your brain, improving cognitive skills not related to language and even shielding against dementia in old age. 

     This view of bilingualism is remarkably different from the understanding of bilingualism through much of the 20th century. Researchers, educators and policy makers long considered a second language to be an interference, cognitively speaking, that hindered a child’s academic and intellectual development. 
    They were not wrong about the interference: there is ample evidence that in a bilingual’s brain both language systems are active even when he is using only one language, thus creating situations in which one system obstructs the other. But this interference, researchers are finding out, isn’t so much a handicap as a blessing in disguise. It forces the brain to resolve internal conflict, giving the mind a workout that strengthens its cognitive muscles. 
    Bilinguals, for instance, seem to be more adept than monolinguals at solving certain kinds of mental puzzles. In a 2004 study by the psychologists Ellen Bialystok and Michelle MartinRhee, bilingual and monolingual preschoolers were asked to sort blue circles and red squares presented on a computer screen into two digital bins — one marked with a blue square and the other marked with a red circle. 
    In the first task, the children had to sort the shapes by color, placing blue circles in the bin marked with the blue square and red squares in the bin marked with the red circle. Both groups did this with comparable ease. Next, the children were asked to sort by shape, which was more challenging because it required placing the images in a bin marked with a conflicting color. The bilinguals were quicker at performing this task. 
    The collective evidence from a number of such studies suggests that the bilingual experience improves the brain’s so-called executive function — a command system that directs the attention processes that we use for planning, solving problems and performing various other mentally demanding tasks. These processes include ignoring distractions to stay focused, switching attention willfully from one thing to another and holding information in mind — like remembering a sequence of directions while driving.
    Why does the tussle between two simultaneously active language systems improve these aspects of cognition? Until recently, researchers thought the bilingual advantage stemmed primarily from an ability for inhibition that was honed by the exercise of suppressing one language system: this suppression, it was thought, would help train the bilingual mind to ignore distractions in other contexts. But that explanation increasingly appears to be inadequate, since studies have shown that bilinguals perform better than monolinguals even at tasks that do not require inhibition, like threading a line through an ascending series of numbers scattered randomly on a page.
    The key difference between bilinguals and monolinguals may be more basic: a heightened ability to monitor the environment. “Bilinguals have to switch languages quite often — you may talk to your father in one language and to your mother in another language,” says Albert Costa, a researcher at the University of PompeuFabra in Spain. “It requires keeping track of changes around you in the same way that we monitor our surroundings when driving.” In a study comparing German-Italian bilinguals with Italian monolinguals on monitoring tasks, Mr. Costa and his colleagues found that the bilingual subjects not only performed better, but they also did so with less activity in parts of the brain involved in monitoring, indicating that they were more efficient at it. 
    The bilingual experience appears to influence the brain from infancy to old age (and there is reason to believe that it may also apply to those who learn a second language later in life). 
    In a 2009 study led by Agnes Kovacs of the International School for Advanced Studies in Trieste, Italy, 7-month-old babies exposed to two languages from birth were compared with peers raised with one language. In an initial set of trials, the infants were presented with an audio cue and then shown a puppet on one side of a screen. Both infant groups learned to look at that side of the screen in anticipation of the puppet. But in a later set of trials, when the puppet began appearing on the opposite side of the screen, the babies exposed to a bilingual environment quickly learned to switch their anticipatory gaze in the new direction while the other babies did not. 
    Bilingualism’s effects also extend into the twilight years. In a recent study of 44 elderly Spanish-English bilinguals, scientists led by the neuropsychologist Tamar Gollan of the University of California, San Diego, found that individuals with a higher degree of bilingualism — measured through a comparative evaluation of proficiency in each language — were more resistant than others to the onset of dementia and other symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease: the higher the degree of bilingualism, the later the age of onset.
    Nobody ever doubted the power of language. But who would have imagined that the words we hear and the sentences we speak might be leaving such a deep imprint? 

Source: www.nytimes.com

In the following question, some sentences from the text have been modified to fit certain grammatical structures. 

The verbs of the sentences “In the first task, the children sorted the shapes by color.”, “…since studies have shown that bilinguals…” and “Why does the tussle between two simultaneously active language systems improve these aspects of cognition?” are respectively in the




    Clifford the Big Red Dog looks fabulous on an iPad. He sounds good, too — tap the screen and hear him pant as a blue truck roars into the frame. “Go, truck, go!” cheers the narrator. But does this count as story time? Or is it just screen time for babies? It is a question that parents, pediatricians and researchers are struggling to answer as children’s books, just like all the other ones, migrate to digital media.


     For years, child development experts have advised parents to read to their children early and often, citing studies showing its linguistic, verbal and social benefits. In June, the American Academy of Pediatrics advised doctors to remind parents at every visit that they should read to their children from birth, prescribing books as enthusiastically as vaccines and vegetables.


     On the other hand, the academy strongly recommends no screen time for children under 2, and less than two hours a day for older children. 


     At a time when reading increasingly means swiping pages on a device, and app stores are bursting with reading programs and learning games aimed at infants and preschoolers, which bit of guidance should parents heed? 


     The answer, researchers say, is not yet entirely clear. “We know how children learn to read,” said Kyle Snow, the applied research director at the National Association for the Education of Young Children. “But we don’t know how that process will be affected by digital technology.” 


     Part of the problem is the newness of the devices. Tablets and e-readers have not been in widespread use long enough for the sorts of extended studies that will reveal their effects on learning.


     Dr. Pamela High, the pediatrician who wrote the June policy for the pediatrics group, said electronic books were intentionally not addressed. “We tried to do a strongly evidence-based policy statement on the issue of reading starting at a very young age,” she said. “And there isn’t any data, really, on e-books.”


    But a handful of new studies suggest that reading to a child from an electronic device undercuts the dynamic that drives language development. “There’s a lot of interaction when you’re reading a book with your child,” Dr. High said. “You’re turning pages, pointing at pictures, talking about the story. Those things are lost somewhat when you’re using an e-book.”


     In a 2013 study, researchers found that children ages 3 to 5 whose parents read to them from an electronic book had lower reading comprehension than children whose parents used traditional books. Part of the reason, they said, was that parents and children using an electronic device spent more time focusing on the device itself than on the story (a conclusion shared by at least two other studies).


     “Parents were literally putting their hands over the kids’ hands and saying, ‘Wait, don’t press the button yet. Finish this up first,’ ” said Dr. Julia Parish-Morris, a developmental psychologist at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia and the lead author of the 2013 study that was conducted at Temple University. Parents who used conventional books were more likely to engage in what education researchers call “dialogic reading,” the sort of back-and-forth discussion of the story and its relation to the child’s life that research has shown are key to a child’s linguistic development.


     Complicating matters is that fewer and fewer children’s e-books can strictly be described as books, say researchers. As technology evolves, publishers are adding bells and whistles that encourage detours. “What we’re really after in reading to our children is behavior that sparks a conversation,” said Kathy Hirsh-Pasek, a professor of psychology at Temple and co-author of the 2013 study. “But if that book has things that disrupt the conversation, like a game plopped right in the middle of the story, then it’s not offering you the same advantages as an old-fashioned book.”


     Of course, e-book publishers and app developers point to interactivity as an educational advantage, not a distraction. Many of those bells and whistles — Clifford’s bark, the sleepy narration of “Goodnight Moon,” the appearance of the word “ham” when a child taps the ham in the Green Eggs and Ham app — help the child pick up language, they say.


     There is some evidence to bear out those claims, at least in relation to other technologies. A study by the University of Wisconsin in 2013 found that 2-year-olds learned words faster with an interactive app as opposed to one that required no action.


     But when it comes to learning language, researchers say, no piece of technology can substitute for a live instructor — even if the child appears to be paying close attention.


     Patricia K. Kuhl, a director of the Institute for Learning and Brain Sciences at the University of Washington, led a study in 2003 that compared a group of 9-month-old babies who were addressed in Mandarin by a live instructor with a group addressed in Mandarin by an instructor on a DVD. Children in a third group were exposed only to English.


    “The way the kids were staring at the screen, it seemed obvious they would learn better from the DVDs,” she said. But brain scans and language testing revealed that the DVD group “learned absolutely nothing,” Dr. Kuhl said. “Their brain measures looked just like the control group that had just been exposed to English. 


     The only group that learned was the live social interaction group.” In other words, “it’s being talked with, not being talked at,” that teaches children language, Dr. Hirsh-Pasek said. 


     Similarly, perhaps the biggest threat posed by e-books that read themselves to children, or engage them with games, is that they could lull parents into abdicating their educational responsibilities, said Mr. Snow of the National Association for the Education of Young Children. 


    “There’s the possibility for e-books to become the TV babysitters of this generation,” he said. “We don’t want parents to say, ‘There’s no reason for me to sit here and turn pages and tell my child how to read the word, because my iPad can do it.’ ” 


     But parents may find it difficult to avoid resorting to tablets. Even literacy advocates say the guidelines can be hard to follow, and that allowing limited screen time is not high on the list of parental missteps. “You might have an infant and think you’re down with the A.A.P. guidelines, and you don’t want your baby in front of a screen, but then you have a grandparent on Skype,” Mr. Snow said. “Should you really be tearing yourself apart? Maybe it’s not the world’s worst thing.” 


     “The issue is when you’re in the other room and Skyping with the baby cause he likes it,” he said. Even if screen time is here to stay as a part of American childhood, good old-fashioned books seem unlikely to disappear anytime soon. Parents note that there is an emotional component to paper-andink storybooks that, so far, does not seem to extend to their electronic counterparts, however engaging. 

From: www.nytimes.com, OCT. 11, 2014 

The tenses of the underlined verbs in “Tablets and e-readers have not been in widespread use long enough for the sorts of extended studies that will reveal their effects on learning” are




     BRASÍLIA — Brazil’s highest court has long viewed itself as a bastion of manners and formality. Justices call one another “Your Excellency,” dress in billowing robes and wrap each utterance in grandiloquence, as if little had changed from the era when marquises and dukes held sway from their vast plantations.
     In one televised feud, Mr. Barbosa questioned another justice about whether he would even be on the court had he not been appointed by his cousin, a former president impeached in 1992. With another justice, Mr. Barbosa rebuked him over what the chief justice considered his condescending tone, telling him he was not his “capanga,” a term describing a hired thug. 
      In one of his most scathing comments, Mr. Barbosa, the high court’s first and only black justice, took on the entire legal system of Brazil — where it is still remarkably rare for politicians to ever spend time in prison, even after being convicted of crimes — contending that the mentality of judges was “conservative, pro-status-quo and pro-impunity.”
     “I have a temperament that doesn’t adapt well to politics,” Mr. Barbosa, 58, said in a recent interview in his quarters here in the Supreme Federal Tribunal, a modernist landmark designed by the architect Oscar Niemeyer. “It’s because I speak my mind so much.” 
     His acknowledged lack of tact notwithstanding, he is the driving force behind a series of socially liberal and establishment-shaking rulings, turning Brazil’s highest court — and him in particular — into a newfound political power and the subject of popular fascination. 
   The court’s recent rulings include a unanimous decision upholding the University of Brasília’s admissions policies aimed at increasing the number of black and indigenous students, opening the way for one of the Western Hemisphere’s most sweeping affirmative action laws for higher education. 
     In another move, Mr. Barbosa used his sway as chief justice and president of the panel overseeing Brazil’s judiciary to effectively legalize same-sex marriage across the country. And in an anticorruption crusade, he is overseeing the precedent-setting trial of senior political figures in the governing Workers Party for their roles in a vast vote-buying scheme.
   Ascending to Brazil’s high court, much less pushing the institution to assert its independence, long seemed out of reach for Mr. Barbosa, the eldest of eight children raised in Paracatu, an impoverished city in Minas Gerais State, where his father worked as a bricklayer.  
    But his prominence — not just on the court, but in the streets as well — is so well established that masks with his face were sold for Carnival, amateur musicians have composed songs about his handling of the corruption trial and posted them on YouTube, and demonstrators during the huge street protests that shook the nation this year told pollsters that Mr. Barbosa was one of their top choices for president in next year’s elections.
     While the protests have subsided since their height in June, the political tumult they set off persists. The race for president, once considered a shoo-in for the incumbent, Dilma Rousseff, is now up in the air, with Mr. Barbosa — who is now so much in the public eye that gossip columnists are following his romance with a woman in her 20s — repeatedly saying he will not run. “I’m not a candidate for anything,” he says. 
     But the same public glare that has turned him into a celebrity has singed him as well. While he has won widespread admiration for his guidance of the high court, Mr. Barbosa, like almost every other prominent political figure in Brazil, has recently come under scrutiny. And for someone accustomed to criticizing the so-called supersalaries awarded to some members of Brazil’s legal system, the revelations have put Mr. Barbosa on the defensive. 
     One report in the Brazilian news media described how he received about $180,000 in payments for untaken leaves of absence during his 19 years as a public prosecutor. (Such payments are common in some areas of Brazil’s large public bureaucracy.) Another noted that he bought an apartment in Miami through a limited liability company, suggesting an effort to pay less taxes on the property. In statements, Mr. Barbosa contends that he has done nothing wrong. 
     In a country where a majority of people now define themselves as black or of mixed race — but where blacks remain remarkably rare in the highest echelons of political institutions and corporations — Mr. Barbosa’s trajectory and abrupt manner have elicited both widespread admiration and a fair amount of resistance. 
     As a teenager, Mr. Barbosa moved to the capital, Brasília, finding work as a janitor in a courtroom. Against the odds, he got into the University of Brasília, the only black student in its law program at the time. Wanting to see the world, he later won admission into Brazil’s diplomatic service, which promptly sent him to Helsinki, the Finnish capital on the shore of the Baltic Sea. 
     Sensing that he would not advance much in the diplomatic service, which he has called “one of the most discriminatory institutions of Brazil,” Mr. Barbosa opted for a career as a prosecutor. He alternated between legal investigations in Brazil and studies abroad, gaining fluency in English, French and German, and earning a doctorate in law at Pantheon-Assas University in Paris. 
   Fascinated by the legal systems of other countries, Mr. Barbosa wrote a book on affirmative action in the United States. He still voices his admiration for figures like Thurgood Marshall, the first black Supreme Court justice in the United States, and William J. Brennan Jr., who for years embodied the court’s liberal vision, clearly drawing inspiration from them as he pushed Brazil’s high court toward socially liberal rulings.
    Still, no decision has thrust Mr. Barbosa into Brazil’s public imagination as much as his handling of the trial of political operatives, legislators and bankers found guilty in a labyrinthine corruption scandal called the mensalão, or big monthly allowance, after the regular payments made to lawmakers in exchange for their votes. 
    Last November, at Mr. Barbosa’s urging, the high court sentenced some of the most powerful figures in the governing Workers Party to years in prison for their crimes in the scheme, including bribery and unlawful conspiracy, jolting a political system in which impunity for politicians has been the norm.  
     Now the mensalão trial is entering what could be its final phases, and Mr. Barbosa has at times been visibly exasperated that defendants who have already been found guilty and sentenced have managed to avoid hard jail time. He has clashed with other justices over their consideration of a rare legal procedure in which appeals over close votes at the high court are examined. 
     Losing his patience with one prominent justice, Ricardo Lewandowski, who tried to absolve some defendants of certain crimes, Mr. Barbosa publicly accused him this month of “chicanery” by using legalese to prop up certain positions. An outcry ensued among some who could not stomach Mr. Barbosa’s talking to a fellow justice like that. “Who does Justice Joaquim Barbosa think he is?” asked Ricardo Noblat, a columnist for the newspaper O Globo, questioning whether Mr. Barbosa was qualified to preside over the court. “What powers does he think he has just because he’s sitting in the chair of the chief justice of the Supreme Federal Tribunal?” 
      Mr. Barbosa did not apologize. In the interview, he said some tension was necessary for the court to function properly. “It was always like this,” he said, contending that arguments are now just easier to see because the court’s proceedings are televised. 
     Linking the court’s work to the recent wave of protests, he explained that he strongly disagreed with the violence of some demonstrators, but he also said he believed that the street movements were “a sign of democracy’s exuberance.” 
     “People don’t want to passively stand by and observe these arrangements of the elite, which were always the Brazilian tradition,” he said. 

In the sentences “Mr. Barbosa took on the entire legal system,” “he is overseeing the precedent-setting trial,” and “Mr. Barbosa has at times been exasperated,” the verbs are, respectively, in the



     Brazil plowed billions of dollars into building a railroad across arid backlands, only for the longdelayed project to fall prey to metal scavengers. Curvaceous new public buildings designed by the famed architect Oscar Niemeyer were abandoned right after being constructed. There was even an illfated U.F.O. museum built with federal funds. Its skeletal remains now sit like a lost ship among the weeds.
     As Brazil sprints to get ready for the World Cup in June, it has run up against a catalog of delays, some caused by deadly construction accidents at stadiums, and cost overruns. It is building bus and rail systems for spectators that will not be finished until long after the games are done. But the World Cup projects are just a part of a bigger national problem casting a pall over Brazil’s grand ambitions: an array of lavish projects conceived when economic growth was surging that now stand abandoned, stalled or wildly over budget. 
    Some economists say the troubled projects reveal a crippling bureaucracy, irresponsible allocation of resources and bastions of corruption.
    Huge street protests have been aimed at costly new stadiums being built in cities like Manaus and Brasília, whose paltry fan bases are almost sure to leave a sea of empty seats after the World Cup events are finished, adding to concerns that even more white elephants will emerge from the tournament. 
   “The fiascos are multiplying, revealing disarray that is regrettably systemic,” said Gil Castello Branco, director of Contas Abertas, a Brazilian watchdog group that scrutinizes public budgets. “We’re waking up to the reality that immense resources have been wasted on extravagant projects when our public schools are still a mess and raw sewage is still in our streets.” 
     The growing list of troubled development projects includes a $3.4 billion network of concrete canals in the drought-plagued hinterland of northeast Brazil — which was supposed to be finished in 2010 — as well as dozens of new wind farms idled by a lack of transmission lines and unfinished luxury hotels blighting Rio de Janeiro’s skyline.
     Economists surveyed by the nation’s central bank see Brazil’s economy growing just 1.63 percent this year, down from 7.5 percent in 2010, making 2014 the fourth straight year of slow growth. 
     President Dilma Rousseff’s supporters contend that the public spending has worked, helping to keep unemployment at historical lows and preventing what would have been a much worse economic slowdown had the government not pumped its considerable resources into infrastructure development.
    Still, a growing chorus of critics argues that the inability to finish big infrastructure projects reveals weaknesses in Brazil’s model of state capitalism. First, they say, Brazil gives extraordinary influence to a web of state-controlled companies, banks and pension funds to invest in ill-advised projects. Then other bastions of the vast public bureaucracy cripple projects with audits and lawsuits.
     “Some ventures never deserved public money in the first place,” said Sérgio Lazzarini, an economist at Insper, a São Paulo business school, pointing to the millions in state financing for the overhaul of the Glória hotel in Rio, owned until recently by a mining tycoon, Eike Batista. The project was left unfinished, unable to open for the World Cup, when Mr. Batista’s business empire crumbled last year. “For infrastructure projects which deserve state support and get it,” Mr. Lazzarini continued, “there’s the daunting task of dealing with the risks that the state itself creates.” 
     The Transnordestina, a railroad begun in 2006 here in northeast Brazil, illustrates some of the pitfalls plaguing projects big and small. Scheduled to be finished in 2010 at a cost of about $1.8 billion, the railroad, designed to stretch more than 1,000 miles, is now expected to cost at least $3.2 billion, with most financing from state banks. Officials say it should be completed around 2016. But with work sites abandoned because of audits and other setbacks months ago in and around Paulistana, a town in Piauí, one of Brazil’s poorest states, even that timeline seems optimistic. Long stretches where freight trains were already supposed to be running stand deserted. Wiry vaqueiros, or cowboys, herd cattle in the shadow of ghostly railroad bridges that tower 150 feet above parched valleys. “Thieves are pillaging metal from the work sites,” said Adailton Vieira da Silva, 42, an electrician who labored with thousands of others before work halted last year. “Now there are just these bridges left in the middle of nowhere.” 
     Brazil’s transportation minister, César Borges, expressed exasperation with the delays in finishing the railroad, which is needed to transport soybean harvests to port. He listed the bureaucracies that delay projects like the Transnordestina: the Federal Court of Accounts; the Office of the Comptroller General; an environmental protection agency; an institute protecting archaeological patrimony; agencies protecting the rights of indigenous peoples and descendants of escaped slaves; and the Public Ministry, a body of independent prosecutors. Still, Mr. Borges insisted, “Projects get delayed in countries around the world, not just Brazil.”
    Some economists contend that the way Brazil is investing may be hampering growth instead of supporting it. The authorities encouraged energy companies to build wind farms, but dozens cannot operate because they lack transmission lines to connect to the electricity grid. Meanwhile, manufacturers worry over potential electricity rationing as reservoirs at hydroelectric dams run dry amid a drought.
     Then there is the extraterrestrial museum in Varginha, a city in southeast Brazil where residents claimed to have seen an alien in 1996. Officials secured federal money to build the museum, but now all that remains of the unfinished project is the rusting carcass of what looks like a flying saucer. “That museum,” said Roberto Macedo, an economist at the University of São Paulo, “is an insult to both extraterrestrials and the terrestrial beings like ourselves who foot the bill for yet another project failing to deliver.”

Adapted from www.nytimes.com/April 12, 2014.

In terms of tenses, the verbs in “…investors have grown…”, “…he acknowledged…” and “were intended” are, respectively, in the


Prefeitura de Conceição de Macabu - RJ

Complete the sentence below with the correct verb. Choose the CORRECT answer.

“He told me about his favorite, but I _________ its name.”

  • He told me about his favorite, but I have forgotten its name.”

    "Ele me contou sobre seu favorito, mas esqueci o nome."

Prefeitura de Areal - RJ

Complete the sentence below with the correct verb. Choose the CORRECT answer.

“Interviewer: Tell something about you that many people don’t know.
Me: That is easy! I _________ Lego since I was a little kid.” 

  • Nessa frase é necessário o emprego do PRESENT PERFEC- Ações que aconteceram em um tempo indefinido do passado, porém causam interferência no present- para encontrar esse tempo verbal procure por expressões como:






    Gabarito letra C

Prefeitura de Ouro Verde - SP

Find the alternative that shows a present perfect tense.

  • O Present Perfect é o tempo verbal que diz respeito a ações que aconteceram em uma tempo indefinido no passado, mas causam interferência no presente, expressões que estão presente em sentenças com esse tempo verbal:






    Ex: She has taken photos

    She hasn´t taken photos

    Has she taken photos?


    Gabarito letra A

  • Jason cries everyday before bed time.

    Errada porque esta no presente simples. A variação do verbo "cry" denota uma ação regular no presente e veja que não há auxiliar e nem particípio.

Prefeitura de Fortaleza - CE

Which of the following alternatives presents an INCORRECT explanation for the Present Perfect Tense?

  • The present perfect tense refers to an action or state that either occurred at an indefinite time in the past or began in the past and continued to the present time.

    This tense is formed by have/has + the past participle.

    We use the Present Perfect to talk about:

    a) Experience: I have seen an alien.

    b) Unspecified time before now: I have bought a car.

    c) Continuing situation: I have worked here since June.

    Correct answer: letter B.

  • b-

    The present perfect is formed from the present tense of the verb have as the auxiliary verb of the clause and the past participle of its main verb.

    the present perfect is used for:

    a- for something that started in the past and continues in the present:

    They've been married for a while.

    She has lived in the shire all her life.

    ß - when talking about one's experience up to the present:

       I've seen that film before.

       I've played the guitar ever since I was a teenager.

    ?- When recounting an event without a specific time:

    Compare "I've lost my wallet" to "I lost my wallet yesterday".

Prefeitura de Fortaleza - CE

Complete the sentence with the appropriate option:

I ________________________ for the test at the moment.

  • O present continous é usado para tratar de uma ação que ocorre continuamente no momento da fala. Eu estou estudando para a prova no momento

  • O present continous é usado para tratar de uma ação que ocorre continuamente no momento da fala. Eu estou estudando para a prova no momento

  • b-

    Keep the y when adding an ending if the word ends in a vowel, then a y, or if the ending begins with an i (study-studying).


Analyse the current sentences and choose the option that describes their verb tense:

I - My brother has been teasing me since this morning.
II - I am reading an excellent book.
III - I have been to England twice.
IV - My husband works everyday.

  • I - My brother has been teasing me since this morning.

    Present perfect continuous - shows that something started in the past and is continuing at the present time.

    II - I am reading an excellent book. 

    Present continuous - indicates that an action or condition is happening now, frequently, and may continue into the future.

    III - I have been to England twice.

    Present perfect - can be used to describe a repeated action in an unspecified period between the past and now.

    IV - My husband works everyday.

    Present simple - we use the simple present tense when an action is happening right now, or when it happens regularly 

    Correct answer: letter C.


Read the text and answer question.

Dance Monkey

Tones And I

I’ve never seen anybody do the things you do before

They say

Move for me, move for me, move for me, ay-ay-ay

And when you’re done I’ll make you do it all again

I said: Oh my God, I see you walking by

Take my hands, my dear, and look me in my eyes

Just like a monkey, I’ve been dancing my whole life

And you just beg to see me dance just one more time

Ooh, I see you, see you, see you every time

Adapted from: https://www.letras.mus.br/tones-and-i/dance-monkey

The sentences underlined, in the text, are in the:

  • I've ----> Present Perfect

    Take my hands (segure as minhas mãos) ----- > dá a ideia de ordem. Imperative

    I see you -----> Simple Present


  • Take my hands - Pegue minhas mãos ---- Expressa uma ordem.

    I see you - Eu vejo você.


Read the text and answer question.

The Chronicles of Narnia - The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe

    The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, completed by the end of March 1949 and published by Geoffrey Bles in the United Kingdom on 16 October 1950, tells the story of four ordinary children: Peter, Susan, Edmund, and Lucy Pevensie, who ______________ evacuated to the English countryside from London following the outbreak of World War II. They discover a wardrobe in Professor Digory Kirke’s house that leads to the magical land of Narnia. The Pevensie children help Aslan, a talking lion, save Narnia from the evil White Witch, who has reigned over the land of Narnia for a century of perpetual winter with no Christmas. The children become kings and queens of this new-found land and establish the Golden Age of Narnia, leaving a legacy to be rediscovered in later books.

Adapted from www.en.wipedia.org/wiki/the_lion_the_witch_and_the_wardrobe

Keeping in mind the structure of the Present Perfect Tense, fill the blank in the text.

  • Estrutura do Present Perfect:

    Sujeito+have/has+ particípio

    Peter, Susan, Edmund, and Lucy Pevensie, who ______________ evacuated to the English countryside from London following the outbreak of World War II.

    Para determinar se a forma certa é have ou has, devemos perceber que who refere-se às quatro crianças.

    Alternativa correta letra B

  • He

    She (HAS)




    You (Have)



    • Was tem "A" e Has também tem. Ambos servem para he, she e it, porém was posso usar com o também "I".


“The Little Prince”, now, is a movie

Alex Weiss

    An all-time favorite children’s book, The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry has been turned into a beautifully animated movie — and it’s finally being released. The inspiring lessons, timeless story, and beautiful quotes from The Little Prince make this a perfect choice for an on-screen adaptation. At one point or another, your parents read this book to you when you were a child, and then you picked it up later on in life, realizing how incredibly important this small book truly is.

Adapted from: https://www.bustle.com/articles/176416-18-the-little-prince-quotes-to-get-you-pumpedfor-the-movie  

The verbs in bold are, respectively, in the

  • O primeiro está no PPC - pois vemos claramente a presença no verbo Be no particípio passado.

    O segundo - READ é um verbo irregular, porém monoformico.

    O terceiro - Verbo PICK, verbo regular, conjugado no passado.

  • basta olhar para o último verbo, que mata a questão. "Picked" está no passado e a unica alternativa que tem é a letra A


Change the sentence into the interrogative form.

“The cost of living has doubled in relative terms over recent years.”

  • A frase está no Present Perfect, a interrogative form tem que continuar no mesmo tempo verbal, portanto alternativa B

  • joga o auxiliar para frente da frase e continua no mesmo tempo verbal.


Brazilian airforce airlifted 4 Polish citizens from the

coronavirus-stricken Chinese city Wuhan

    The President of Brazil, Jair Bolsonaro, has aided Poland by helping to evacuate 4 Polish citizens from the Coronavirusstricken Chinese city Wuhan. A Brazilian air force plane landed in Warsaw to drop the 4 Poles off, after which it continued its journey from Wuhan to Brazil. A total of 34 Brazilians were quarantined for 18 days after returning back home.


The sentence in bold in the text is in the:

  • Has/Have--> present perfect

     has aided

  • Has aided > tem ajudado

    Present perfect

  • Present Perfect ----- Has (He, She, It), Have (I, You, We, They) + Verbo no Past Participle.

    Jair Bolsonaro (He) --- Has

  • Gabarito Letra C. Aqui vai minha explicação:

    Nós usamos o presente perfeito quando queremos falar que algo aconteceu sem dizer quando, o momento em que a ação ocorreu não é relevante/imporante de ser dita.


    I have destroyed my house (Present Perfect não disse quando ocorreu, só disse que aconteceu).

    I destroyed my house yesterday afternoon (Passado simples, eu disse que aconteceu e disse quando).

    Essa é a diferença do passado simples pro present perfect não confunda! Além de claro a estrutura do present perfect sempre ser (has/have + past participle)

    OBS: Pra quem não sabe o past participle são os verbos com terminações em ED se forem REGULARES. No caso dos IRREGULARES é decoreba mesmo, não tem pra onde correr. Broken é um exemplo de verbo irregular no past participle que se usado com has/have forma present perfect.

    A minha dica pro present perfect é, saiba a maior quantidade de verbos irregulares que puder, pois na maioria das vezes o present perfect é formado com eles.

    Já deu pra entender né, DE-CO-RE! kkkkkkkkkk

    A estrutura do Present Perfect é bem facinha (have/has + verbo no past participle) que é exatamente o que encontramos na frase abaixo:

    The President of Brazil, Jair Bolsonaro, has aided Poland by helping to evacuate 4 Polish citizens from the Coronavirusstricken Chinese city Wuhan.

    • Present Perfect- HAVE OR HAS + past participle
    • Has (He, She, It),
    • Have (I, You, We, They)


  • Dava p fazer por eliminação.

Prefeitura de Irati - PR

Read the text below to answer the question:


   An enormous iceberg that is heading toward the island of South Georgia in the southern Atlantic Ocean has broken up into three large chunks. Scientists from NASA have been tracking the berg - dubbed A68a - for several weeks. It actually calved from the Larsen C ice shelf in 2017 and has been floating northwards ever since. In recent weeks, a fast-moving stream of water known as the Southern Antarctic Circumpolar Current Front has put the chunks on a trajectory that means they could run aground off the coast of South Georgia. Scientists say the three fragments are roughly 2,600 square kilometres in size. The submerged part of one chunk is 106 metres at its thickest point.

   The sheer bulk of the three iceberg chunks poses a serious threat to the wildlife of South Georgia. There could be an environmental catastrophe waiting to happen. If the three mini icebergs collide with the seabed, they could obstruct penguins and seals from foraging for fish. They could also block the route between penguin colonies and their feeding grounds during the breeding season. Scientists worry the underside of the fragments could grind the seabed near South Georgia and disrupt delicate underwater ecosystems. This could be exacerbated by the introduction of a mass of fresh water to the ecosystems as the stationary fragments melt over the summer months. 

Available at: https://breakingnewsenglish.com/2012/201229-iceberg-a68a.html Accessed on January 5th 2021.

In the first paragraph there is NO occurrence of:

  • Na minha leitura, não identifiquei o Past Perfect.

    Past Perfect: verbo Have no passado -> Had + auxiliar no Past Participle

    Ex: He had played soccer ( Ele havia jogado futebol )

  • A questão cobra conhecimento gramatical, especificamente sobre tempos verbais.

    Vamos analisar o enunciado:

    In the first paragraph there is no occurrence of... Tradução - No primeiro parágrafo não há ocorrência de...

    Vou colocar os tempos verbais do parágrafo em negrito para depois classificá-los.

    An enormous iceberg that is heading toward the island of South Georgia in the southern Atlantic Ocean has broken up into three large chunks. Scientists from NASA have been tracking the berg - dubbed A68a - for several weeks. It actually calved from the Larsen C ice shelf in 2017 and has been floating northwards ever since. In recent weeks, a fast-moving stream of water known as the Southern Antarctic Circumpolar Current Front has put the chunks on a trajectory that means they could run aground off the coast of South Georgia. Scientists say the three fragments are roughly 2,600 square kilometres in size. The submerged part of one chunk is 106 metres at its thickest point.

    Vejamos os tempos verbais do parágrafo:

    • is heading - Present Continuous
    • has broken up , has put - Present Perfect
    • have been tracking , has been floating - Present Perfect Continuous
    • calved - Simple Past
    • could run - modal verb
    • say ,are, is - Simple Present

    Portanto, a única forma verbal que não ocorre neste parágrafo é o Past Perfect.

    Gabarito do Professor: Letra A.

Prefeitura de Irati - PR

Which alternative is wrong as the use of the Present Perfect:

  • Sara HAS -> Passad do verbo "HAVE" para He/She/It


    EsPCEx 2022

  • O erro da D se deu porque o Present Perfect não pode ser utilizado com indicações de quando a ação aconteceu (last week).

    No entanto, ainda acho que essa ação foi completamente mal pensada uma vez que nem todas as opções tem o Present Perfect como tempo verbal. A letra C tem como tempo verbal o Present Perfect CONTINUOUS.

  • A questão cobra conhecimento gramatical, especificamente sobre o Presente Perfeito.

    Vamos analisar o enunciado:

    Which alternative is wrong as the use of the Present Perfect:
    - Qual alternativa está errada quanto ao uso do Presente Perfeito:

    Vamos relembrar:
    O Present Perfect na voz ativa é formado pelo verbo auxiliar have / haven´t / has / hasn´t + o verbo principal no particípio passado (3a coluna dos verbos).
    Quando ocorrer na voz passiva, teremos have been / haven´t been / has been / hasn´t been + o verbo principal no particípio passado (3a coluna dos verbos).
    Alguns exemplos do Present Perfect na voz ativa:
    • - have done
    • - haven´t eaten
    Alguns exemplos do Present Perfect na voz passiva:
    • - have been done
    • - haven´t been finished
    Usos do Present Perfect:

    1. Referir-se a ações que ocorreram num tempo indefinido no Passado.

    2. O Present Perfect é usado com os seguintes advérbios.

    • just - para indicar que as ações que ocorreram num passado bem recente.
    • already (já) - para indicar que a ação já ocorreu. É usado apenas em frases afirmativas e interrogativas e é posicionado sempre antes do verbo principal.
    • yet (já; ainda) - Usado em frases interrogativas significa já, e em frases negativas é usado com sentido de ainda. Posiciona-se sempre no final da frase, nas orações negativas ele é empregado para dizer que a ação ainda não ocorreu.
    • never (nunca) - é usado para indicar que algo não aconteceu.
    • ever (já; alguma vez) - é usado para saber se aquela ação já aconteceu alguma vez. Geralmente é usado em perguntas.
    • lately (ultimamente) e recently (recentemente) - esses advérbios são geralmente posicionados no final da oração.
    3. Expressar ações que começaram no passado e se prolongam até o presente. Nestes casos, é muito comum aparecer since e for.

    Analisando as alternativas e os verbos em negrito, podemos perceber que o Present Perfect está na sua forma correta em todas elas. Porém, na alternativa D temos o advérbio de tempo "last week", que significa "na semana passada" e por ser um tempo definido, específico, deve ser utilizado com o Simple Past, e não com o Present Perfect. O Present Perfect é usado para referir-se a ações que ocorreram num tempo indefinido no Passado.

    A) Incorreto - I´m not hungry. I´ve eaten some biscuits. 

    B) Incorreto - I have seen the President on TV several times.

    C) Incorreto - He has been arriving early lately. 

    D) Correto - Sarah has visited her friends last week.

    E) Incorreto - The children have read all the books of the box.

    Gabarito do Professor: Letra D.

  •  wrong -> errada;

    pra não esquecer!

Prefeitura de Guarujá do Sul - SC

INSTRUÇÃO: Leia o texto abaixo para responder a questão.

Close relatives of the coronavirus may have been in bats for decades

    Viruses from the coronavirus lineage responsible for Covid-19 have been circulating in bats for decades, long before the virus started infecting people last year, a new study suggests.
    How exactly the virus jumped to humans is still a mystery. But the study suggests the coronavirus most likely evolved in bats — such as intermediate horseshoe bats, the source of the coronavirus that caused the 2003–2004 SARS outbreak — not snakes or pangolins as some researchers have suggested. Pangolins or another animal might still have been an intermediate host before the virus made it to humans.
    Based on the evolutionary relationship among the 68 coronaviruses, the researchers estimate that the coronavirus lineage that gave rise to the virus behind the pandemic has been present in bats for decades.
    That long period hints that more bat viruses with the potential to infect humans are circulating in horseshoe bats. Searching for such bat viruses can help identify potential threats before the pathogens make the jump, the team writes.

Adaptado de https://www.sciencenews.org/article/covid-19-coronavirus-evolution-close-relatives-bats?

No texto, a frase “have been circulating in bats for decades”, escrita na forma negativa, é:

  • The present perfect continuous is formed using has/have + been + present participle. Questions are indicated by inverting the subject and has/have. Negatives are made with not.

    • Statement: You have been waiting here for two hours.
    • Question: Have you been waiting here for two hours?
    • Negative: You have not been waiting here for two hours.

    Correct answer: letter D.

  • A questão cobra conhecimento gramatical, especificamente sobre o Present Perfect Continuous.

    A questão nos pede a forma negativa da forma verbal "have been circulating", que representa o Present Perfect Continuous.

    Neste tempo verbal, a forma negativa é formada pelo verbo "have , has" + not. Pode-se também abreviar usando "haven´t, hasn´t".

    Analisando as alternativas teremos:

    A) Incorreto - Has not been circulating in bats for decades.  - Como a sentença apresenta "have", a forma negativa deve ser "have not".

    B) Incorreto - Does not have been circulating in bats for decades.  - Forma verbal inexistente na Língua Inglesa.

    C) Incorreto - Don't have been circulating in bats for decades.  - Forma verbal inexistente na Língua Inglesa.

    D) Correto - Have not been circulating in bats for decades. 

    Gabarito do Professor: Letra D.

Prefeitura de São João Batista - SC

Thanksgiving Day: An American Tradition.

Thanksgiving is an American holiday that points back to the days of the pioneers and the colonization of the new country called the United States of America. History:
In the 1700s when the pioneers first arrived to the New World they were overwhelmed by disease, lack of food and shelter, and conflict with Native Americans. However, after a period of time they grew accustomed to these challenges and even managed to create a friendly relationship with the natives. There came a point where certain Native American groups helped the new Americans plant crops, raise animals, and build shelter.
The first Thanksgiving was a day during harvest time when the pioneers and the Native Americans joined together to enjoy a feast of the grains, vegetables, and meats that they had raised. It was a time of celebration for their survival up until that point as well as a bright future that lay ahead of them.

Disponível em: https://www.inglesnapontadalingua.com.br/2013/11/tha nksgiving.html Acesso em 05 jan. 2021. 

Thanksgiving is an American holiday that points back to the days of the pioneers and the colonization of the new country called the United States of America. Os tempos verbais utilizados no trecho acima são, respectivamente:

  • Thanksgiving is an American holiday that points back to the days of the pioneers and the colonization of the new country called the United States of America

    Simple Present and Simple Past

  • Thanksgiving is an American holiday that points back to the days of the pioneers and the colonization of the new country called the United States of America

    Simples Present and Simple Present

    Na verdade, o called está na função de adjetivo.

  • mais uma questão com gabarito errado
  • A questão cobra conhecimento gramatical, especificamente sobre tempos verbais.

    Vamos analisar o enunciado:

    Thanksgiving is an American holiday that points back to the days of the pioneers and the colonization of the new country called the United States of America. Os tempos verbais utilizados no trecho acima são, respectivamente:
    Tradução - O Dia de Ação de Graças é um feriado americano que remonta aos dias dos pioneiros e à colonização de um novo país chamado Estados Unidos da América. Os tempos verbais utilizados no trecho acima são, respectivamente:

    Vamos analisar os tempos dos verbos em negrito:

    Thanksgiving is an American holiday that points back to the days of the pioneers and the colonization of the new country called the United States of America.

    • is - Simple Present = Presente Simples
    • points - Simple Present = Presente Simples

    Gabarito do Professor: Letra D.

Prefeitura de Santa Leopoldina - ES

What is the verb tense underlined in the sentence below?

"The teacher thought we had understood the book."

  • Had -> Passado do verbo Have/Has + Past Participle (understood) = Have (past form) + Past Participle = Past Perfect

    Lembrando que:

    He/She/It -> Has

    I / You / We / They -> Have


    EsPCEx 2022

  • A questão cobra conhecimento gramatical, especificamente sobre Tempos Verbais.

    Vamos analisar o enunciado:

    What is the verb tense underlined in the sentence below? 

    "The teacher thought we had understood the book."

    Tradução -Qual é o tempo verbal sublinhado na frase abaixo?
    "A professora achou que havíamos entendido o livro."

    A questão simplesmente nos pede o nome do tempo verbal.
    Quando temos o verbo "have" no passado "had"  seguido do particípio passado (3a coluna dos verbos), o tempo verbal é o Past Perfect (passado perfeito). Veja exemplos:

    I had eaten - Eu tinha comido
    She hadn´t arrived - Ela não tinha chegado
    We had been there before - Nós já tínhamos estado lá antes.

    Gabarito do Professor: Letra C.

  • A) Simple Past → Ações passadas já concluídas. Ex: We did the task (Nós fizemos a tarefa)

    B) Presente Perfect expressa ações influenciadas pelo presente, ou seja, essas ações ainda estão acontecendo ou foram concluídas recentemente. Ex: I have been living in Rio de Janeiro since 2010. (Estou estou morando no Rio de Janeiro desde 2010.)

    C) Past Perfect ações passadas que aconteceram antes de outra ação que também ocorrera no passado. Ex: "The teacher thought we had understood the book"

    D) Simple Futureusado para expressar ações futuras que irão ocorrer. Ex: They will buy a new house. (Eles comprarão uma casa nova.)

    E) Past perfect continuous usado para para descrever uma ação passada inacabada. Ex: Julia had been studying english for five weeks. (Júlia vinha estudando inglês por cinco semanas)

Prefeitura de São João Batista - SC

Considere a frase a seguir:

Will she be loving the trip by this time next year?

O tempo verbal utilizado para a composição da frase acima foi:

  • Estrutura do Future Continuos - Sujeito + will be + verbo-ing

Prefeitura de Balneário Camboriú - SC


Coronavirus is a newly discovered virus. It causes a disease called Covid-19. In some parts of the world, it has made lots ............ people sick. Corona is a Latin for crown, because ............. the microscope, these viruses look like a crown .............. spikes ending ............... little blobs.

A lot of symptoms are similar to the flu. You may have dry and itchy cough, fever, lots of sneezing and even hard to breathe. Most of people who has gotten sick with this coronavirus have had a mild case. It means you will not feel the disease. But, for people who are much older or who already have health problems are more likely to get sicker with coronavirus.

If anyone gets sick and feels like they may have coronavirus, they can immediately call their doctors and get help. If there is something we are not sure about the information, confused or worried about, don’t be afraid to ask someone we trust.

Here are some things you can do to protect yourself, family and friends from getting sick: 1) wash your hands often using soap and water. 2) Sneeze into your elbows. It is believed that coronavirus spread through little liquid from our lungs. If you sneeze into your elbows, you can prevent germs for going far into the air. 3) Avoid touching your face. Don’t pick your nose. Don’t touch your mouth. Don’t rub your eyes. They are the places where the virus enter our bodies. 

Remember that this kind of virus can affect anybody. It doesn’t matter where you come from or what country you are from. Don’t forget, there are a lot of helpers out there who are working to protect us from the virus. We can take a part by keeping our health and stay at home to stop the virus spread to others.

In the sentence “Most of people who has gotten sick with this coronavirus have had a mild case.”, the verbs in bold are being used in which tense?

  • d-

    The tense highlighted in the question is the present perfect, which is used to refer to an action that started in the past and its effects are still felt at the moment of the speaker's discourse

Prefeitura de Irati - PR

Which alternative is wrong as the use of the Present Perfect:

  • Resposta: alternativa D.

    Sarah has visited her friends last week.

    Sarah visted her friends last week.

    Quando o tempo estiver determinado (last night, one year ago etc.), não se usam as formas verbais compostas.

Prefeitura de Itapiranga - SC

Newly discovered primate 'already facing extinction'

   The Popa langur, named after its home on Mount Popa, is critically endangered with numbers down to about 200 individuals.
   Langurs are a group of leaf-eating monkeys that are found across south east Asia.
   The newly described animal is known for its distinctive spectacle-like eye patches and greyish-coloured fur. It is at risk from habitat loss and hunting.
   Scientists have long suspected there might be a new species in Myanmar, based on DNA extracted from the droppings of wild monkeys, but evidence has been hard to find. 

(Adaptado de https://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-54894681)

O negativo da frase “Scientists have long suspected” é:

  • DOESN'T HAVE is correct.

    HAVE is used with the auxiliary verb DOESN'T for negative sentences. The verb “DOESN'T” agrees with 3rd person singular subjects (He, She, It) so HAVE does not change to HAS.


FACET Concursos
Prefeitura de Capim - PB

The document was drafted for the latest round of talks on the Convention of Biological Diversity, which had been due to take place this autumn in China but was postponed because of the coronavirus pandemic. It has been rescheduled for next year. (lines 17, 18, 19)

The extract has four (4) underlined elements, analyze them carefully and choose the alternative that best describe them:

  • letra a e d sao exatamente as mesmas

  • a-

    na prova original, letra 'a' estava simple past ?!

  • Nao encontrei resposta para essa questao

    no primeiro sublinhado temos uma estrutura de voz passiva no passado simples


Choose the correct option to complete the paragraph below.

        The Brazilian Navy _____ its new Antarctic station "Estação Antártica Comandante Ferraz" (EACF) on 15 January. The facility ______ by China National Electronic Imports and Exports Corporation (CEIEC) to replace the original EACF, which ______ by a fire in 2012. The new station_______ of laboratories, communications and meteorological modules, power generation equipment, and a living area for 64, as well as medical, healthcare, catering, and technical areas.

(Adapted from https://www.janes.com)

  • A questão explora as diferenças entre as vozes ativa e passiva.
    Cumpre lembrar que a voz ativa é a voz verbal mais usada. Nela, um sujeito realiza uma ação e, por isso, recebe o destaque da oração, em outras palavras, o sujeito da oração é o agente da ação.
    A voz passiva, por sua vez, é usada quando queremos dar enfoque à pessoa ou ao objeto que sofre uma ação, em detrimento de quem executa a ação. Por isso, na voz passiva, transformamos o objeto da ação em sujeito da oração.
    Portanto, a diferença entre a voz ativa e a voz passiva é que na voz ativa o sujeito pratica a ação expressa pelo verbo enquanto na voz passiva o sujeito sofre a ação expressa pelo verbo.
    O candidato deverá completar o texto a seguir com a voz correta dos verbos “to inaugurate", “to build", “to destroy" e “to compose", respectivamente.

    Para organização da resposta, numeramos as lacunas a serem preenchidas.

    The Brazilian Navy ___1__ its new Antarctic station "Estação Antártica Comandante Ferraz" (EACF) on 15 January. The facility ___2___ by China National Electronic Imports and Exports Corporation (CEIEC) to replace the original EACF, which ___3___ by a fire in 2012. The new station____4___ of laboratories, communications and meteorological modules, power generation equipment, and a living area for 64, as well as medical, healthcare, catering, and technical areas.

    1. Nessa primeira lacuna, o sujeito “The Brazilian Navy" executa a ação “to inaugurate" sofrida pela nova estação na antártica. Logo, trata-se da voz passiva.
    Como o autor indica exatamente quando a inauguração aconteceu: “on 15 January", estamos diante de um evento isolado em momento específico do passado e devemos usar o “simple past". Portanto, a lacuna 1 deve ser preenchida por “ inaugurated".

    2. Aqui estamos diante da voz passiva, pois “the facility", sujeito da oração, sofreu a ação “to build", pois a instalação foi construída. Assim, devemos preencher a lacuna com “was built". Ademais, a presença do trecho “by China" ajuda a identificar a voz passiva, pois, em inglês, é a preposição “by" que introduz o agente da voz passiva, isto é, o executor da ação.

    3. Devemos completar a lacuna com a forma correta do verbo “to destroy". Mais uma vez, estamos diante da voz passiva. O pronome relativo “which" substitui o sintagma nominal “the original EACF". A Estação Antártica Comandante Ferraz original sofre a ação destruir, pois foi ela quem foi destruída pelo fogo. Logo, a lacuna deve ser preenchida com “was destroyed". Note que a preposição “by" traz o agente da passiva “fire" e nos ajuda a identificar a voz passiva.

    4. Por fim, devemos escolher a forma correta do verbo “to compose" (compor). Observe que o sujeito da oração (“The new station") não compõe laboratórios, módulos de meteorologia e comunicações, etc. Tais elementos é que compõe a nova estação. Logo, estamos diante da voz passiva: o sujeito “The new station" sofre a ação “to compose". Além disso, a oração descreve a nova estação indicando suas características físicas. portanto, devemos usar a voz passiva no “simple present" e preencher a lacuna com a locução is composed.

    A sequência que completa corretamente a lacuna é inaugurated / was built / was destroyed / is composed. Logo, a alternativa CORRETA é a letra E.

  • E - inaugurated / was built / was destroyed / is composed

    inaugurado / foi construída / foi destruída / é composta


Which option completes the paragraph below correctly?

If your child has no symptoms of vision problems and no family history of vision problems, ________ every one to two years. Otherwise, schedule eye exams based on the advice of your eye doctor.

(Adapted from https://www.mayoclinic.org)

  • A presente questão envolve um aspecto da língua inglesa: o uso da expressão “have something done". Trata-se de uma forma de voz passiva conhecida por “causative form". Essa estrutura é usada quando falamos de algo feito para nós por alguém a quem solicitamos, instruímos ou contratamos. Ela enfatiza a ação em vez de quem a executa.

    Para a resolução dessa questão, o candidato deve ter em mente a estrutura da forma causativa: “to have" + objeto + particípio passado do verbo principal. O candidato deve escolher a opção que completa corretamente o texto a seguir:

    If your child has no symptoms of vision problems and no family history of vision problems, ________ every one to two years. Otherwise, schedule eye exams based on the advice of your eye doctor.

    Vejamos as opções disponíveis.

    Alternativa A.
    ERRADA. O objeto da ação, isto é, o que será checado novamente é a visão da criança. Portanto, “his or her vision" deve vir após a forma imperativa do verbo “to have".

    Alternativa B.
    CORRETA. A opção obedece a estrutura mencionada acima: “to have" + objeto + particípio passado do verbo principal.

    Alternativa C.
    ERRADA. A forma causativa começa pelo verbo e, nesse caso, usamos o verbo no modo imperativo por se tratar de uma instrução.

    Alternativa D. ERRADA. Primeiro, devemos usar o verbo “have" na sua forma imperativa por se tratar de uma instrução. Além disso, objeto da ação, isto é, o que será checado novamente, “his or her vision", deve vir após o verbo.

    Alternativa E. ERRADA. O uso do present perfect “have had" não se encaixa no contexto. Estamos diante de uma instrução, não de uma ação que ocorreu em momento não mencionado no passado cujos efeitos são sentidos no presente. Além disso, o objeto deve vir entre o verbo “to have" e o particípio passado do verbo principal.

  • Deu nem pra entender a questão.

  • kkkkkkkk

  • Quando estava no começo não entendi nada. Quando terminei, parecia estar no começo.

  • Gabarito : letra B

Prefeitura de Lavrinhas - SP

For the question, fill in the blanks with the correct alternative.

Nobody has ________ to my webpage yet.

  • Nobody has logged on to my webpage yet.

    Ninguém entrou na minha página da internet ainda.


    Essa construção é o Present Perfect Simple:

    => Sujeito + verbo auxiliar to have no Simple Present + verbo principal no Particípio Passado + complemento


    Gabarito: Letra B

Prefeitura de Iporã do Oeste - SC

Analyze the following sentence.

Students access to books ___ not been dramatically limited.

Choose the best option that completes the context.

  • Access - singular

  • Accesses - plural

Crescer Consultorias
Prefeitura de Brejo de Areia - MA

Complete the sentence below with the correct verb. Choose the CORRECT answer.

My family and I _________ at the hotel since Friday.”


Prefeitura de Paraíso - SC

Considere the sentence below:

“Our classes begin at nine.”

The verb tense is:


Prefeitura de Santa Helena - SC

Read the news below.

While in Pakistan the good news is that the killing of journalists _________________ a merciful reduction, intimidation of the media continues to grow. Identify the best alternative that completes the context.


Prefeitura de Arapiraca - AL
Prefeitura de Arapiraca - AL


Mrs Parker died suddenly in October. She and Mr Parker lived in a Victorian house next to ours, and Mr Parker was my piano teacher. He commuted to Wall Street, where he was a securities analyst, but he had studied at Juilliard and gave lessons on the side – for the pleasure of it, not for money. His only students were me and the church organist.
The word “tragic” was mentioned in connection with her death. She and Mr Parker were in the middle of their middle age, and neither of them had ever been seriously ill. It was heart failure, and unexpected. My parents went to see Mr Parker as soon as they got the news, since they took their responsibilities as neighbours seriously, and two days later they took me to pay a formal condolence call. 
I loved the Parkers’ house. It was a Victorian house, and was shaped like a wedding cake. The living-room was round, and all the walls curved. The third floor was a tower. Every five years the house was painted chocolate brown, which faded gradually to the colour of weak tea. The front-wall window was a stained-glass picture of a fat baby holding a bunch of roses.
On Wednesday afternoons, Mr Parker came home on an early train, and I had my lesson. Mr Parker’s teaching method never varied. He never scolded or corrected. The first fifteen minutes were devoted to a warm-up in which I could play anything I liked. Then Mr Parker played the lesson of the week. His playing was terrifically precise, but his eyes became dreamy and unfocused. Then I played the same lesson, and after that we worked on the difficult passages, but basically he wanted me to hear my mistakes. After that, we sat in the solarium and discussed the next week’s lesson. Mr Parker usually played a record and talked in detail about the composer, his life and times. Mrs Parker used to leave us a tray of cookies and lemonade, cold in the summer and hot in the winter. When the cookies were gone, the lesson was over and I left, passing the Victorian child in the hallway. 

(COLWIN, Laurie. Mr Parker. In: PIERCE, Tina and COCHRANE, Edward (eds.). Twentieth century English short stories. London: Bell & Hyman, 1979, p. 48-9. Adapted.)

The verbal tense in “He had studied at Juilliard” is


Prefeitura de Tunápolis - SC

Analyze the sentence below.

“We have seen in the past how research that initially set out to tackle diseases in animals _____________________, for example, to prevent cancer in people.”

Choose the best option that completes the context.


Prefeitura de Guaraciaba - SC

Read the sentence below.

The widow who spent her life focused on cooking for her children _____ her lesson and suspended all cooking.

Chose the best option that completes the context.


Prefeitura de Guaraciaba - SC

Read the sentence below.

I _____ twice to Malawi, Africa and _____ with a few organizations there to help the people get better access to food.

Chose the best option that completes the context
