- ID
- 1971703
- Banca
- Órgão
- Ano
- 2010
- Provas
- Disciplina
- Português
- Assuntos
Conforme o texto, assinale a alternativa CORRETA:
Conforme o texto, assinale a alternativa CORRETA:
Sobre o 2º parágrafo do texto, marque a opção CORRETA:
É CORRETO afirmar, a respeito do 3º parágrafo do texto, que:
Observe a citação abaixo da obra “Recordações do escrivão Isaías Caminha”.
“Senti-me humilhado, esmagado, enfraquecido por uma vida de estudo, a servir de joguete, de irrisão a esses poderosos todos por aí. ”
A palavra grifada pode ser entendida por:
Leia o trecho abaixo, extraído da obra “Recordações do escrivão Isaías Caminha".
“(...) me pus em plena cidade, na praça para onde dava a estação, tive decepção. Aquela praça
inesperadamente feia, fechada em frente por um edifício sem gosto, ofendeu-me como se
levasse uma bofetada.”
É CORRETO afirmar sobre a passagem acima:
Leia os trechos abaixo, retirados do livro “Recordações do escrivão Isaías Caminha".
"Embora não tendo mais a velha crença, de que eles fossem inspirados pelos deuses, o meu respeito baseava-se em motivos mais modernos, concordes com o feitio de pensar do nosso tempo. Imaginava-os com uma tresdobrada força de sentidos e inteligência (...)" “Vi-o durante uma hora olhar tudo sem interesse e só houve um movimento vivo e próprio, profundo e diferencial, na sua pessoa, quando por perto de uma fornida (...)"
Sobre os trechos é CORRETO afirmar que:
Assinale a alternativa que NÃO se encontra de acordo com as normas gramaticais:
Marque a opção CORRETA:
O domínio da função: y = log x + 1 (x2 - 5 x - 14) está no intervalo:
Qual é 0 termo em x7 no desenvolvimento de ( x/2 -1)11 ?
And Now, Robodoc!
A robot in California performs its first invasive surgery on a human patient.
Medical robots in the U.S. have been used to locate hard-to-find tumors and guide a surgeon’s scalpel, but have never actually performed surgery on people. Now that line has been crossed. At Sutter General Hospital in Sacramento, California, a 90-kg machine called Robodoc has operated on its first human patient: a 64-year-old man with a bad hip.
The robot played a key role in a total hip replacement, one of 500,000 such operations performed each year. The trick in these procedures is to create a snug hole into which the artificial hip snaps. The standard method is to jam a cutting tool into the thighbone with a handheld mallet. Robodoc, using the high-speed drill at the end of its mechanical arm, can ream a cavity that is 20 times as precise.
Robosurgery doesn’t have to stop at the hip. In Europe, where officials are less squeamish about such things, robots have assisted in operations on the brain, the prostate and the inner ear.
(Time International, November 23 1992, p.15)
Robodoc is a medical robot that:
And Now, Robodoc!
A robot in California performs its first invasive surgery on a human patient.
Medical robots in the U.S. have been used to locate hard-to-find tumors and guide a surgeon’s scalpel, but have never actually performed surgery on people. Now that line has been crossed. At Sutter General Hospital in Sacramento, California, a 90-kg machine called Robodoc has operated on its first human patient: a 64-year-old man with a bad hip.
The robot played a key role in a total hip replacement, one of 500,000 such operations performed each year. The trick in these procedures is to create a snug hole into which the artificial hip snaps. The standard method is to jam a cutting tool into the thighbone with a handheld mallet. Robodoc, using the high-speed drill at the end of its mechanical arm, can ream a cavity that is 20 times as precise.
Robosurgery doesn’t have to stop at the hip. In Europe, where officials are less squeamish about such things, robots have assisted in operations on the brain, the prostate and the inner ear.
(Time International, November 23 1992, p.15)
The standard method means:
And Now, Robodoc!
A robot in California performs its first invasive surgery on a human patient.
Medical robots in the U.S. have been used to locate hard-to-find tumors and guide a surgeon’s scalpel, but have never actually performed surgery on people. Now that line has been crossed. At Sutter General Hospital in Sacramento, California, a 90-kg machine called Robodoc has operated on its first human patient: a 64-year-old man with a bad hip.
The robot played a key role in a total hip replacement, one of 500,000 such operations performed each year. The trick in these procedures is to create a snug hole into which the artificial hip snaps. The standard method is to jam a cutting tool into the thighbone with a handheld mallet. Robodoc, using the high-speed drill at the end of its mechanical arm, can ream a cavity that is 20 times as precise.
Robosurgery doesn’t have to stop at the hip. In Europe, where officials are less squeamish about such things, robots have assisted in operations on the brain, the prostate and the inner ear.
(Time International, November 23 1992, p.15)
Which of the sentences below contains a verb in the passive voice?
And Now, Robodoc!
A robot in California performs its first invasive surgery on a human patient.
Medical robots in the U.S. have been used to locate hard-to-find tumors and guide a surgeon’s scalpel, but have never actually performed surgery on people. Now that line has been crossed. At Sutter General Hospital in Sacramento, California, a 90-kg machine called Robodoc has operated on its first human patient: a 64-year-old man with a bad hip.
The robot played a key role in a total hip replacement, one of 500,000 such operations performed each year. The trick in these procedures is to create a snug hole into which the artificial hip snaps. The standard method is to jam a cutting tool into the thighbone with a handheld mallet. Robodoc, using the high-speed drill at the end of its mechanical arm, can ream a cavity that is 20 times as precise.
Robosurgery doesn’t have to stop at the hip. In Europe, where officials are less squeamish about such things, robots have assisted in operations on the brain, the prostate and the inner ear.
(Time International, November 23 1992, p.15)
Indicate the meaning of snug in the text:
Em termos de estrutura dos solos é CORRETO afirmar que:
Marque a alternativa CORRETA. É característica da hidrografia brasileira.
Sobre os novos países industrializados é CORRETO afirmar que:
Em Fevereiro de 1986, Sarney anunciou o seu principal plano econômico para controlar a inflação. Este alterava a moeda do país, congelava preços e salários como forma de derrotar a inflação. O texto refere-se ao:
Marque a alternativa CORRETA. A Lei 8072/90, de 25 de junho de 1990, que define os crimes hediondos, em seu Artigo 2º, prescreve que: “os crimes hediondos, a prática da tortura, o tráfico ilícito de substâncias entorpecentes e drogas afins e o terrorismo são insuscetíveis de”:
Marque a alternativa CORRETA. São memórias não voláteis que podem gravar e apagar dados por meio de sinais elétricos, utilizadas em cartões de memória: