Quanto à construção de sentidos, podemos afirmar que, no poema:
Quanto à construção de sentidos, podemos afirmar que, no poema:
Texto 3
Muitas coisas nos diferenciam dos outros animais, mas nada é mais marcante do que a nossa capacidade de trabalhar, de transformar o mundo segundo nossa qualificação, nossa energia, nossa imaginação. Ainda assim, para a grande maioria dos homens, o trabalho nada mais é do que puro desgaste da vida. Na sociedade capitalista, a produtividade do trabalho aumentou simultaneamente a tão forte rotinização, apequenamento e embrutecimento do processo de trabalho de forma que já não há nada que mais nos desagrade do que trabalhar. Preferimos, a grande maioria, fazer o que temos em comum com os outros animais: comer, dormir, descansar, acasalar.
Nossa capacidade de trabalho, a potência humana de transformação e emancipação de todos, ficou limitada a ser apenas o nosso meio de ganhar pão. Capacidade, potência, criação, o trabalho foi transformado pelo capital no seu contrário. Tornou-se o instrumento de alienação no sentido clássico da palavra: o ato de entregar ao outro o que é nosso, nosso tempo de vida.
Sader, Emir. Trabalhemos menos, trabalhemos todos.
In Correio Braziliense, 18/11/2007(adaptado).
Texto 3
Muitas coisas nos diferenciam dos outros animais, mas nada é mais marcante do que a nossa capacidade de trabalhar, de transformar o mundo segundo nossa qualificação, nossa energia, nossa imaginação. Ainda assim, para a grande maioria dos homens, o trabalho nada mais é do que puro desgaste da vida. Na sociedade capitalista, a produtividade do trabalho aumentou simultaneamente a tão forte rotinização, apequenamento e embrutecimento do processo de trabalho de forma que já não há nada que mais nos desagrade do que trabalhar. Preferimos, a grande maioria, fazer o que temos em comum com os outros animais: comer, dormir, descansar, acasalar.
Nossa capacidade de trabalho, a potência humana de transformação e emancipação de todos, ficou limitada a ser apenas o nosso meio de ganhar pão. Capacidade, potência, criação, o trabalho foi transformado pelo capital no seu contrário. Tornou-se o instrumento de alienação no sentido clássico da palavra: o ato de entregar ao outro o que é nosso, nosso tempo de vida.
Sader, Emir. Trabalhemos menos, trabalhemos todos.
In Correio Braziliense, 18/11/2007(adaptado).
As palavras “rotinização”, “apequenamento” e “embrutecimento”, destacadas no texto:
De acordo com o texto, assinale a alternativa incorreta.
Text 1
NEWSWEEK Remembers Paul the Octopus
Less than six months ago, Paul the Octopus catapulted from a life of obscurity to worldwide fame. Now, Paul has died, at the ripe old octopus age of two.
A common octopus living at the Sea Life Center in Oberhausen, Germany, Paul was able to correctly predict the winner of all Germany's World Cup matches. Prior to the matches, Paul was given two boxes of food, identical except for the flags of the competing teams. The team represented on the box Paul chose to eat from inevitably won the match. His picking prowess made him an international star.
Here at NEWSWEEK, we were just as taken with Paul as was the rest of the news media, and in an attempt to get inside his cephalopodial head, we sought out prestigious pet psychic Catherine Ferguson. In honor of Paul, we present that video yet again. Rest in peace, Paul the Octopus.
Newsweek, October 28th, 2010
Analyze the following statements:
I. “Catapulted from” (line 2) can be understood as “saiu de”.
II. The sentence “Paul has died” (line 3) is in the simple past.
III. In the expressions “Sea Life Center” (line 5 and 6) and “Germany's World Cup matches” (lines 7 and 8), the expressions “Sea Life” and “Germany’s World Cup” are modifiers.
IV. The words “inevitably” and “correctly” are formed by the suffix –ly, and are adjectives.
Mark the correct alternative:
Text 1
NEWSWEEK Remembers Paul the Octopus
Less than six months ago, Paul the Octopus catapulted from a life of obscurity to worldwide fame. Now, Paul has died, at the ripe old octopus age of two.
A common octopus living at the Sea Life Center in Oberhausen, Germany, Paul was able to correctly predict the winner of all Germany's World Cup matches. Prior to the matches, Paul was given two boxes of food, identical except for the flags of the competing teams. The team represented on the box Paul chose to eat from inevitably won the match. His picking prowess made him an international star.
Here at NEWSWEEK, we were just as taken with Paul as was the rest of the news media, and in an attempt to get inside his cephalopodial head, we sought out prestigious pet psychic Catherine Ferguson. In honor of Paul, we present that video yet again. Rest in peace, Paul the Octopus.
Newsweek, October 28th, 2010
It is correct to infer from the text that:
Text 2
Because of the bright lights of the modern cities, when we look up at the sky we can see no more than 100 stars. But from dark parts of the Earth, the naked eye can see more than 5,000! And modern telescopes tell a very different story.
With the help of some of the world’s most powerful instruments to measure the brightness of all the galaxies in one sector of the cosmos, Australian astronomers say it is probable that there are 70 sextillion stars in the visible Universe. In other words and numbers, seven followed by 22 zeroes, a really astronomical figure.
That is more than the total number of grains of sand in all the world’s beaches and deserts, and that is only the visible Universe within range of our telescopes.
Dr. Simon Driver, of the Australian National University, has a theory that some of them probably have life. Dr. Driver’s theory is not exactly new, and those planets are so distant, he says, that there is no real possibility for us to see or contact anyone living on them.
Retirado do livro “Inglês série Brasil”, p. 8, 2008
According to the text, it is correct to say about the linking words “and” (line 5), “because of” (line 1), “when” (line 2) and “but” (line 3), that they respectively:
Text 2
Because of the bright lights of the modern cities, when we look up at the sky we can see no more than 100 stars. But from dark parts of the Earth, the naked eye can see more than 5,000! And modern telescopes tell a very different story.
With the help of some of the world’s most powerful instruments to measure the brightness of all the galaxies in one sector of the cosmos, Australian astronomers say it is probable that there are 70 sextillion stars in the visible Universe. In other words and numbers, seven followed by 22 zeroes, a really astronomical figure.
That is more than the total number of grains of sand in all the world’s beaches and deserts, and that is only the visible Universe within range of our telescopes.
Dr. Simon Driver, of the Australian National University, has a theory that some of them probably have life. Dr. Driver’s theory is not exactly new, and those planets are so distant, he says, that there is no real possibility for us to see or contact anyone living on them.
Retirado do livro “Inglês série Brasil”, p. 8, 2008
According to the text, it is incorrect to affirm that:
Text 2
Because of the bright lights of the modern cities, when we look up at the sky we can see no more than 100 stars. But from dark parts of the Earth, the naked eye can see more than 5,000! And modern telescopes tell a very different story.
With the help of some of the world’s most powerful instruments to measure the brightness of all the galaxies in one sector of the cosmos, Australian astronomers say it is probable that there are 70 sextillion stars in the visible Universe. In other words and numbers, seven followed by 22 zeroes, a really astronomical figure.
That is more than the total number of grains of sand in all the world’s beaches and deserts, and that is only the visible Universe within range of our telescopes.
Dr. Simon Driver, of the Australian National University, has a theory that some of them probably have life. Dr. Driver’s theory is not exactly new, and those planets are so distant, he says, that there is no real possibility for us to see or contact anyone living on them.
Retirado do livro “Inglês série Brasil”, p. 8, 2008
Analyze the following statements:
I. The number of stars in the visible Universe is an astronomical figure.
II. Some stars have life, but they are too far away from the Earth.
III. There are more grains of sands on the world’s beaches and deserts than all the stars in the Universe.
IV. Life is impossible on those distant planets, according to Dr. Simon Driver.
Mark the correct alternative:
Text 3
What is a Computer?
Nowadays, in most modern societies, almost everybody has idea about what a computer is. We depend on computers in every aspect of our lives whether we know how to use one or not. But does everyone really know how a computer works inside?
A computer is an electronic machine which processes data and provides the results of the processing as information. There are three basic steps in the computing process. The first one is input, which consists of feeding data into the computer’s memory. Then comes the processing: the program is run and the computer processes the data by performing a set of instructions. The third and final step is the output furnished by the computer, which allows the user to see the results either in printed form or on the screen.
The world of computers has created a specific language of its own. English words such as software and hardware are used worldwide and have been borrowed by many different languages. Software is information in the form of data and programs, and hardware refers to the electronic and mechanical parts that make up a computer system.
Despite the constant presence of computers in most modern societies, it is a great mistake to believe that everybody in the world is computerliterate, i.e., is familiar with computers and knows how to use them properly. In some contemporary societies, many people still have no idea about the existence of computers, and even in the so-called developed countries, there are lots of people who do not know or do not care about what a computer is.
Inglês.com.textos para informática, p. 25, 2001
Mark the incorrect alternative.
Text 3
What is a Computer?
Nowadays, in most modern societies, almost everybody has idea about what a computer is. We depend on computers in every aspect of our lives whether we know how to use one or not. But does everyone really know how a computer works inside?
A computer is an electronic machine which processes data and provides the results of the processing as information. There are three basic steps in the computing process. The first one is input, which consists of feeding data into the computer’s memory. Then comes the processing: the program is run and the computer processes the data by performing a set of instructions. The third and final step is the output furnished by the computer, which allows the user to see the results either in printed form or on the screen.
The world of computers has created a specific language of its own. English words such as software and hardware are used worldwide and have been borrowed by many different languages. Software is information in the form of data and programs, and hardware refers to the electronic and mechanical parts that make up a computer system.
Despite the constant presence of computers in most modern societies, it is a great mistake to believe that everybody in the world is computerliterate, i.e., is familiar with computers and knows how to use them properly. In some contemporary societies, many people still have no idea about the existence of computers, and even in the so-called developed countries, there are lots of people who do not know or do not care about what a computer is.
Inglês.com.textos para informática, p. 25, 2001
Mark the correct alternative.
Text 4
Every situation has a dark side and a bright one. Are you an optimist or a pessimist? Life is beautiful, but some situations can be difficult. On the other hand, difficult situations have a positive side. They can be challenging. For example, when you have a hard test at school. If you study for the test, your chances of passing it are good. You know all about that, so you study for the test. Congratulations, you really are an optimist!
Mark the incorrect alternative.
Considerando a e b dois números positivos, marque a alternativa correta:
Leia atentamente o texto a seguir:
“... Dilma Vana Rousseff, 62, foi eleita ontem a 40ª pessoa a assumir a presidência do Brasil,primeira mulher e primeira ex-guerrilheira a ocupar o cargo, a petista nunca disputara eleição e era praticamente desconhecida dos eleitores quando foi escolhida pelo presidente Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva. A posse é em 1º de janeiro.
Com 99,9 % dos votos apurados, Dilma tinha 56%, menos que o recorde do mentor (em 2002 com 61%). Seu rival, o tucano José Serra, teve 44%, a abstenção é de 21,5%, foi semelhante à dos pleitos eleitos anteriores...”
Folha de São Paulo, 01 de novembro de 2010
Considerando que os votos nulos e brancos somam 6% dos eleitores cadastrados no TRE (Tribunal Regional Eleitoral) e levando-se em conta os dados do texto citado, podemos afirmar que, nessa proporção, a cada 10.000 eleitores cadastrados, votaram em Dilma e Serra, respectivamente:
Sobre a função f(x) = x2 – 6x + 1 é correto afirmar que:
Um feixe luminoso propaga-se no ar com frequência igual a 5,0 . 1014 Hz e comprimento de onda igual a 6,0 . 10-7 m. Considere o índice de refração do ar igual a 1,0. Ao passar a se propagar num meio transparente de índice de refração igual a 1,2, terá, em Unidades do Sistema Internacional, velocidade e comprimento de onda, respectivamente, iguais a:
Organelas citoplasmáticas que contêm DNA:
Pinheiros, ciprestes, cedros e sequoias são gimnospermas que produzem todas as estruturas a seguir, exceto:
No organismo, uma substância tem o papel de agir sobre determinado substrato, efetivando reações em velocidades surpreendentemente aceleradas. Ela, entretanto, não se decompõe ao agir. Do que estamos falando?
Sobre o glicogênio, é verdadeira a afirmação de que ele é:
Os hormônios são substâncias especiais, que o organismo produz com a finalidade de instruir ações do próprio organismo. Sobre eles, pode-se afirmar ainda que:
Dissolvendo-se certa quantidade de um determinado sal em água a 30ºC obtém-se uma solução cuja temperatura foi para 20ºC. A transformação descrita caracteriza um processo do tipo:
Considere a equação termoquímica abaixo representada:
S(g) + 3/2 O2(g) -> SO3(s)
∆H= -94,4 kcal/mol
Podemos afirmar que, na formação de 200 g de trióxido de enxofre:
Dissolvendo-se uma determinada quantidade de soluto, não-volátil e não-iônico, em 500 ml de água, uma das alterações provocadas no solvente é:
Há pouco mais de 100 anos, Ernest Rutherford descobriu que havia dois tipos de radiação, que chamou de α (Alfa) e β (Beta). Com relação a essas partículas, é correto afirmar que:
“Entre meados da década de 1960 e meados de 1980, a América Latina, em especial a América do Sul, viveu um período histórico dominado por regimes militares. As consequências desse período são sentidas até hoje, não se tratando de algo superado”.
COGGIOLA, Osvaldo. Governos militares na América Latina. A era das ditaduras Chile, Argentina e Brasil luta armada e repressão. São Paulo: Editora Contexto, 2001, p. 09.
A partir do fragmento textual acima, marque o que for incorreto sobre as ditaduras militares na América Latina:
Com relação ao ideário de uso da terra e a estrutura fundiária no Brasil, assinale a alternativa correta:
A unidade do poema mencionado tem como objetivo:
Sobre mapas e cartas geográficos seus elementos e classificações, assinale o que for incorreto:
Conforme os dados do IBGE (2010) a População Economicamente Ativa foi de 22,3 milhões. Na comparação anual, houve alta no contingente da indústria extrativa, na transformação e distribuição de eletricidade, gás e água, nos serviços prestados, nos aluguéis, dentre outros.
Analisando o trecho acima com os seus saberes é correto afirmar que: