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Em – … mas é importante também considerar e estudar em profundidade o planejamento urbano. –, a expressão em destaque é empregada na oração para indicar circunstância de
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Assinale a alternativa cuja preposição em destaque expressa circunstância de lugar.
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Em – ... fruto não só do novo acesso da população ao automóvel mas também da necessidade de maior número de viagens... –, os termos em destaque estabelecem relação de
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Experts are questioning whether diet drinks could raise depression risk, after a large study has found a link.
The US research in more than 250,000 people found depression was more common among frequent consumers of artificially sweetened beverages. The work, which will be presented at the American Academy of Neurology’s annual meeting, did not look at the cause for this link.
Drinking coffee was linked with a lower risk of depression.
People who drank four cups a day were 10% less likely to be diagnosed with depression during the 10-year study period than those who drank no coffee. But those who drank four cans or glasses of diet fizzy drinks or artificially sweetened juice a day increased their risk of depression by about a third. Lead researcher Dr Honglei Chen, of the National Institutes of Health in North Carolina, said: “Our research suggests that cutting out or down on sweetened diet drinks or replacing them with unsweetened coffee may naturally help lower your depression risk.”
But he said more studies were needed to explore this. There are many other factors that may be involved. And the findings – in people in their 50s, 60s, 70s and 80s and living in the US – might not apply to other populations. The safety of sweeteners, like aspartame, has been extensively tested by scientists and is assured by regulators.
Gaynor Bussell, of the British Dietetic Association, said: “Sweeteners used to be called ‘artificial’ sweeteners and unfortunately the term ‘artificial’ has evoked suspicion. As a result, sweeteners have been very widely tested and reviewed for safety and the ones on the market have an excellent safety track record. However, the studies on them continue and this one has thrown up a possibly link – not a cause and effect – with depression.”
(http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-20943509.09.01.2013. Adaptado)
According to the text, the research is
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Experts are questioning whether diet drinks could raise depression risk, after a large study has found a link.
The US research in more than 250,000 people found depression was more common among frequent consumers of artificially sweetened beverages. The work, which will be presented at the American Academy of Neurology’s annual meeting, did not look at the cause for this link.
Drinking coffee was linked with a lower risk of depression.
People who drank four cups a day were 10% less likely to be diagnosed with depression during the 10-year study period than those who drank no coffee. But those who drank four cans or glasses of diet fizzy drinks or artificially sweetened juice a day increased their risk of depression by about a third. Lead researcher Dr Honglei Chen, of the National Institutes of Health in North Carolina, said: “Our research suggests that cutting out or down on sweetened diet drinks or replacing them with unsweetened coffee may naturally help lower your depression risk.”
But he said more studies were needed to explore this. There are many other factors that may be involved. And the findings – in people in their 50s, 60s, 70s and 80s and living in the US – might not apply to other populations. The safety of sweeteners, like aspartame, has been extensively tested by scientists and is assured by regulators.
Gaynor Bussell, of the British Dietetic Association, said: “Sweeteners used to be called ‘artificial’ sweeteners and unfortunately the term ‘artificial’ has evoked suspicion. As a result, sweeteners have been very widely tested and reviewed for safety and the ones on the market have an excellent safety track record. However, the studies on them continue and this one has thrown up a possibly link – not a cause and effect – with depression.”
(http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-20943509.09.01.2013. Adaptado)
According to the text, the research
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Experts are questioning whether diet drinks could raise depression risk, after a large study has found a link.
The US research in more than 250,000 people found depression was more common among frequent consumers of artificially sweetened beverages. The work, which will be presented at the American Academy of Neurology’s annual meeting, did not look at the cause for this link.
Drinking coffee was linked with a lower risk of depression.
People who drank four cups a day were 10% less likely to be diagnosed with depression during the 10-year study period than those who drank no coffee. But those who drank four cans or glasses of diet fizzy drinks or artificially sweetened juice a day increased their risk of depression by about a third. Lead researcher Dr Honglei Chen, of the National Institutes of Health in North Carolina, said: “Our research suggests that cutting out or down on sweetened diet drinks or replacing them with unsweetened coffee may naturally help lower your depression risk.”
But he said more studies were needed to explore this. There are many other factors that may be involved. And the findings – in people in their 50s, 60s, 70s and 80s and living in the US – might not apply to other populations. The safety of sweeteners, like aspartame, has been extensively tested by scientists and is assured by regulators.
Gaynor Bussell, of the British Dietetic Association, said: “Sweeteners used to be called ‘artificial’ sweeteners and unfortunately the term ‘artificial’ has evoked suspicion. As a result, sweeteners have been very widely tested and reviewed for safety and the ones on the market have an excellent safety track record. However, the studies on them continue and this one has thrown up a possibly link – not a cause and effect – with depression.”
(http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-20943509.09.01.2013. Adaptado)
In order to low depression risks, Dr Honglei Shen suggests
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Experts are questioning whether diet drinks could raise depression risk, after a large study has found a link.
The US research in more than 250,000 people found depression was more common among frequent consumers of artificially sweetened beverages. The work, which will be presented at the American Academy of Neurology’s annual meeting, did not look at the cause for this link.
Drinking coffee was linked with a lower risk of depression.
People who drank four cups a day were 10% less likely to be diagnosed with depression during the 10-year study period than those who drank no coffee. But those who drank four cans or glasses of diet fizzy drinks or artificially sweetened juice a day increased their risk of depression by about a third. Lead researcher Dr Honglei Chen, of the National Institutes of Health in North Carolina, said: “Our research suggests that cutting out or down on sweetened diet drinks or replacing them with unsweetened coffee may naturally help lower your depression risk.”
But he said more studies were needed to explore this. There are many other factors that may be involved. And the findings – in people in their 50s, 60s, 70s and 80s and living in the US – might not apply to other populations. The safety of sweeteners, like aspartame, has been extensively tested by scientists and is assured by regulators.
Gaynor Bussell, of the British Dietetic Association, said: “Sweeteners used to be called ‘artificial’ sweeteners and unfortunately the term ‘artificial’ has evoked suspicion. As a result, sweeteners have been very widely tested and reviewed for safety and the ones on the market have an excellent safety track record. However, the studies on them continue and this one has thrown up a possibly link – not a cause and effect – with depression.”
(http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-20943509.09.01.2013. Adaptado)
The term “whether” in – Experts are questioning whether diet drinks could raise depression risk, after a large study has found a link. – introduces
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Experts are questioning whether diet drinks could raise depression risk, after a large study has found a link.
The US research in more than 250,000 people found depression was more common among frequent consumers of artificially sweetened beverages. The work, which will be presented at the American Academy of Neurology’s annual meeting, did not look at the cause for this link.
Drinking coffee was linked with a lower risk of depression.
People who drank four cups a day were 10% less likely to be diagnosed with depression during the 10-year study period than those who drank no coffee. But those who drank four cans or glasses of diet fizzy drinks or artificially sweetened juice a day increased their risk of depression by about a third. Lead researcher Dr Honglei Chen, of the National Institutes of Health in North Carolina, said: “Our research suggests that cutting out or down on sweetened diet drinks or replacing them with unsweetened coffee may naturally help lower your depression risk.”
But he said more studies were needed to explore this. There are many other factors that may be involved. And the findings – in people in their 50s, 60s, 70s and 80s and living in the US – might not apply to other populations. The safety of sweeteners, like aspartame, has been extensively tested by scientists and is assured by regulators.
Gaynor Bussell, of the British Dietetic Association, said: “Sweeteners used to be called ‘artificial’ sweeteners and unfortunately the term ‘artificial’ has evoked suspicion. As a result, sweeteners have been very widely tested and reviewed for safety and the ones on the market have an excellent safety track record. However, the studies on them continue and this one has thrown up a possibly link – not a cause and effect – with depression.”
(http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-20943509.09.01.2013. Adaptado)
O termo likely em – People who drank four cups a day were 10% less likely to be diagnosed with depression during the 10-year study period than those who drank no coffee. – transmite a ideia de
João, interessado em obter informações sobre o andamento de um pedido de interesse geral junto à Secretaria da CETESB, é informado pelo funcionário que não poderá ter acesso à informação requerida. Nesse caso, o que poderá fazer João?
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Experts are questioning whether diet drinks could raise depression risk, after a large study has found a link.
The US research in more than 250,000 people found depression was more common among frequent consumers of artificially sweetened beverages. The work, which will be presented at the American Academy of Neurology’s annual meeting, did not look at the cause for this link.
Drinking coffee was linked with a lower risk of depression.
People who drank four cups a day were 10% less likely to be diagnosed with depression during the 10-year study period than those who drank no coffee. But those who drank four cans or glasses of diet fizzy drinks or artificially sweetened juice a day increased their risk of depression by about a third. Lead researcher Dr Honglei Chen, of the National Institutes of Health in North Carolina, said: “Our research suggests that cutting out or down on sweetened diet drinks or replacing them with unsweetened coffee may naturally help lower your depression risk.”
But he said more studies were needed to explore this. There are many other factors that may be involved. And the findings – in people in their 50s, 60s, 70s and 80s and living in the US – might not apply to other populations. The safety of sweeteners, like aspartame, has been extensively tested by scientists and is assured by regulators.
Gaynor Bussell, of the British Dietetic Association, said: “Sweeteners used to be called ‘artificial’ sweeteners and unfortunately the term ‘artificial’ has evoked suspicion. As a result, sweeteners have been very widely tested and reviewed for safety and the ones on the market have an excellent safety track record. However, the studies on them continue and this one has thrown up a possibly link – not a cause and effect – with depression.”
(http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-20943509.09.01.2013. Adaptado)
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Analise as seguintes afirmações sobre a Legislação Ambiental e classifique cada uma em verdadeira (V) ou falsa (F).
( ) O objetivo da Lei Federal n.º 9.605/98 (Crimes Ambientais) é coibir as práticas lesivas ao meio ambiente, por meio da aplicação, unicamente, de sanções administrativas sobre os que cometem crimes ambientais.
( ) O processo de elaboração e implementação do ZEE (Zoneamento Ecológico-Econômico), como instrumento da Política Nacional do Meio Ambiente (Decreto Federal n.º 4.297/2002), contará com ampla participação democrática, compartilhando suas ações e responsabilidades entre os diferentes níveis da administração pública e da sociedade civil.
( ) A Coordenadoria de Fiscalização Ambiental – CFA da Secretaria do Meio Ambiente do Estado de São Paulo, criada por um Decreto Estadual, apoia tecnicamente, entre outras atribuições, as unidades de policiamento ambiental da Polícia Militar do Estado de São Paulo.
( ) A sigla SEAQUA significa Sistema Estadual de Administração da Qualidade Ambiental, Proteção, Controle e Desenvolvimento do Meio Ambiente e Uso Adequado dos Recursos Naturais, constituído por Lei.
( ) O exercício da ação fiscalizadora em relação ao Licenciamento
Ambiental no Estado de São Paulo fica assegurado,
exclusivamente, aos agentes de fiscalização,
ficando proibido a qualquer pessoa acompanhar as atividades
de fiscalização mesmo quando solicitado por partidos
políticos e parlamentares, entre outras entidades.
O ácido etanoico tem a constante de dissociação Ka igual a 1,780–5. Considerando que √1,78 é igual a 1,33 e log 1,33 é igual a 0,12, calcule o valor de pH e o grau de dissociação desse ácido com a concentração de 0,1 mol.L–1. Os valores corretos são, respectivamente:
Um tanque de água com altura de 10 m, completamente cheio com água (d = 1g.cm–3), tem na parede a 0,2 m acima do fundo uma saída horizontal cuja área da seção é igual a 0,1 cm2 . Aplicando a equação de Bernoulli para fluidos ideais, pode-se constatar que a vazão máxima por essa saída em L.h–1 é:
Dado: desconsidere a diferença de pressão atmosférica entre
o topo do tanque e a saída horizontal; g = 10 m.s–2
Um corpo pesa no ar 0,90 N; imerso na água pura, pesa 0,60 N. Adotando g = 10 m.s–2 , o volume do corpo em L, sua massa em g e sua densidade em g.cm–3 , respectivamente, são igual a:
8. Com a finalidade de diminuir o efeito danoso que o cloro pode causar ao meio ambiente, é possível substituir esse elemento no seu uso industrial no branqueamento de celulose pelos seguintes compostos:
( ) peróxido de hidrogênio;
( ) permanganato de cálcio;
( ) ozônio;
( ) oxigênio;
( ) trióxido de enxofre.
Considerando os compostos que podem substituir o cloro
como verdadeiros (V) e os compostos que não podem fazer
essa substituição como falsos (F), assinale a classificação
correta, de cima para baixo.
Um reator anaeróbico de fluxo ascendente com manto de lodo (UASB – upflow anaerobic sludge blanket) instalado em uma ETE a jusante do tratamento preliminar atende uma população de 30 000 habitantes (hab). O reator trabalha com uma eficiência de 70%. Considerando que: a carga diária de DBO é igual a 0,05 kg. hab–1 .d–1 ; a taxa de conversão de DQO – DBO é igual a 1,85; a taxa de produção de gás é igual a 0,12 Nm3 .kg–1 DQO, determine a produção de gás, em Nm3 .d–1 , e o DBO residual, em kg DBO.d–1, respectivamente, para o USAB nas condições citadas. O resultado correto é
O plano de gerenciamento de risco (PGR) é um produto importante de cada análise de riscos ambientais, para que o órgão ambiental e/ou a empresa em questão possa responder adequadamente a emergências. Sabendo que a análise de risco e o PGR fazem parte do processo de licenciamento ambiental, classifique como verdadeira (V) ou falsa (F) cada uma das seguintes afirmações.
( ) Um PGR deve ser, obrigatoriamente, elaborado apenas quando constatados riscos sociais intoleráveis.
( ) No âmbito da vulnerabilidade, diferenciam-se a vulnerabilidade ambiental, social e individual.
( ) Os PGR’s devem seguir o mesmo escopo, indiferentemente, para empresas de grande, médio ou pequeno porte.
( ) Apenas empresas de grande e médio porte devem elaborar um plano de ação de emergência.
( ) A auditoria é uma ferramenta importante para verificar a conformidade com o PGR, praticada, obrigatoriamente, somente em empresas de grande e médio porte.
Assinale a classificação correta, de cima para baixo.