- ID
- 5495884
- Banca
- Exército
- Órgão
- EsPCEx
- Ano
- 2021
- Provas
- Disciplina
- Matemática
- Assuntos
Foi realizada em uma escola uma pesquisa que gerou as seguintes informações:
- 30 alunos leem os livros A, B e C;
- 60 alunos leem os livros A e C;
- 40 alunos leem os livros B e C;
- 40 alunos leem os livros A e B;
- 150 alunos leem o livro A;
- 60 alunos leem somente o livro B;
- 90 alunos leem o livro C; e
- 120 alunos não leem livro nenhum.
De posse dessas informações, o número total de alunos que responderam a
pesquisa é igual a
Abaixo temos 3 proposições:
I) √x2=x , para todo x real.
II) |−x|=x , para todo x real.
III) ( x−a)( x−b)/(x−a) =x−b , para todo x real.
Analisando as proposições acima, podemos afirmar que
Considere a função ƒ :[−1 ,+∞)→[−7 ,+∞) , onde ƒ(x)= x2 +2x − 6 . Sabendo que a função ƒ tem uma inversa ƒ−1 e sendo I(a , b) o ponto de interseção dos gráficos de ƒ e ƒ−1 , a soma a+b pertence ao intervalo
Noticiou-se recentemente o aumento das hostilidades entre a Ucrânia e a Rússia, sete anos após a ocupação da Crimeia por tropas de Moscou. Sobre as principais razões que explicam as tensões envolvendo esses dois países, é correto afirmar:
I – A porção leste da Ucrânia é constituída por uma maioria de russos étnicos, que desejam manter laços com a Federação Russa e são apoiados pelo governo russo.
II – A península da Crimeia é altamente estratégica, pois ali encontra-se a base naval russa de Tartus, que abriga a frota do Mar Mediterrâneo.
III – A Ucrânia pode ser considerada como a nova fronteira entre o Leste e o Oeste, uma reminiscência da Guerra Fria, que colocava em campos opostos a antiga URSS e os EUA.
IV – A crise ucraniana teve como estopim a assinatura de um tratado de adesão do país à União Europeia e à Organização do Tratado do Atlântico Norte (OTAN), em 2013.
Assinale a alternativa que apresenta todas as afirmativas corretas, dentre as listadas acima.
O Cáucaso, por sua localização estratégica, é uma região geopoliticamente conflituosa. No segundo semestre do ano passado, irrompeu mais um capítulo do conflito envolvendo dois países: Armênia e Azerbaijão, que disputam um enclave chamado Nagorno-Karabakh. Sobre essa região, considere as seguintes alternativas:
I – O Cáucaso é uma cadeia montanhosa situada na porção sudeste da Europa e ocupa uma posição estratégica, pois é rota de gasodutos e oleodutos que ligam o Cáspio à Europa.
II – Nagorno-Karabakh é um enclave armênio e cristão situado no território do Azerbaijão, que é um país muçulmano.
III – A Ossétia do Sul é uma região autônoma do Azerbaijão, que busca a fusão com a Ossétia do Norte para formar um único país.
IV – A Abkazia é uma república muçulmana autônoma localizada na Armênia, que luta pela sua independência.
Assinale a alternativa que apresenta todas as afirmativas corretas, dentre as listadas acima.
Brasil e México são dois países de destaque no cenário latino-americano, apresentando semelhanças quanto à formação histórica e socioeconômica. Sobre suas semelhanças no campo econômico, analise as alternativas a seguir:
I – Na década de 1990, Brasil e México passaram a integrar blocos econômicos regionais, que tinham objetivos bem limitados, tendo-se restringido, em ambos os casos, a zonas de livre-comércio.
II – Os dois países são considerados global traders, ou seja, possuem uma grande variedade de parceiros comerciais, apesar do protagonismo ocupado pela China como o principal destino de suas exportações.
III – Em ambos os países, o processo de industrialização pós-Segunda Guerra Mundial teve por base o tripé: capital estatal, investimento nacional e investimento estrangeiro.
IV – Após a década de 1980, marcada pela crise da dívida externa e elevada inflação, ambos os países iniciaram, nos anos 1990, processos de estabilização econômica e de abertura a produtos e capitais estrangeiros.
Assinale a alternativa que apresenta todas as afirmativas corretas, dentre as listadas acima
A União Europeia (UE) resulta de um longo processo de integração que possui mais de meio século, apesar de ter adotado a denominação atual apenas no início da década de 1990. Ainda hoje, o bloco enfrenta desafios de toda ordem. Sobre o tema, considere as seguintes afirmações:
I – A UE reluta em resolver os problemas econômicos em conjunto e, assim, enfrenta o dilema entre continuar com a unificação (com a possível inclusão de novos membros) ou reforçar as suas economias nacionais.
II – A Turquia integra uma pequena lista de candidatos que podem ingressar no bloco e expandir ainda mais as fronteiras da UE. Em função do papel que exerce na contenção de fluxos migratórios, o governo turco conta com a simpatia da maioria dos dirigentes europeus.
III – Nas últimas décadas, um dos desafios políticos e sociais enfrentados pelos países que compõem o bloco diz respeito à pressão de migrantes, vindos de países menos desenvolvidos, principalmente da África e da Ásia, ampliando a concorrência por empregos.
IV – Desde o início dos anos 1990, a adesão ao bloco tem sido condicionada ao ingresso na
OTAN; condição essa que permite, hoje, excluindo-se o caso da Suíça, todos os integrantes da UE
fazerem parte da aliança militar.
Assinale a alternativa que apresenta todas as afirmativas corretas, dentre as listadas acima.
A chamada estratégia de ascensão pacífica adotada pela República Popular da China (RPC) tem causado instabilidade na Bacia do Pacífico, pois alguns países são diretamente afetados pelas pretensões chinesas. Sobre as implicações advindas dessa estratégia, considere as seguintes afirmações:
I – A reincorporação de Taiwan é uma das principais prioridades da política externa chinesa, mas o governo taiwanês e a população do arquipélago rechaçam fortemente essa ideia.
II – Conforme sua estratégia, Pequim não admite negociar com Taiwan a aplicação do modelo “uma nação, dois sistemas”, como fez nos casos relacionados a Hong Kong e Macau.
III – Países como Vietnã, Filipinas e Malásia têm manifestado preocupações geopolíticas em relação às pretensões territoriais de Pequim no Mar do Sul da China.
IV – Oficialmente, os Estados Unidos, que são os principais fornecedores de armamentos para a defesa do arquipélago, sempre reconheceram a independência de Taiwan.
Assinale a alternativa que apresenta todas as afirmativas corretas.
Uma professora de Geografia aproveitou o dia 20 de junho de 2020 (solstício de verão no Hemisfério Norte), para discutir a diferente distribuição da insolação na superfície da Terra. Para tanto, apresentou à turma o horário do nascer do sol, naquele dia, em três cidades brasileiras: Recife (5h31); Belo Horizonte (6h29); e Brasília (6h37). Em seguida, questionou a turma sobre quais fatores melhor explicariam essas variações de horário, ao que obteve as seguintes respostas:
JOSÉ – “Um fator fundamental foi a latitude. Nessa data no Hemisfério Sul, mantida a mesma longitude, o sol tende a nascer mais cedo nas regiões de menor latitude”.
MARIA – “Para mim o que é determinante é a estação do ano! Se estivéssemos no mês de dezembro, por exemplo, esses horários seriam outros!”.
ANA – “Não podemos esquecer a longitude. De forma geral, no Brasil, as cidades situadas mais a leste tendem a ver o nascer do sol primeiro”.
BRUNO – “Para mim, a altitude teve um papel fundamental. Não à toa, das cidades citadas, Recife possui a menor altitude; e Brasília, a maior”.
Pode-se afirmar que são plausíveis apenas os argumentos apresentados por
Com suas economias historicamente voltadas para o mercado externo, os países sul-americanos acabaram negligenciando a integração física de seus sistemas de transportes, energia e de comunicações. Criada em 2000, por meio da articulação diplomática brasileira, a Iniciativa para a Integração da Infraestrutura Regional Sul-Americana (IIRSA) teve como principal objetivo minimizar essas deficiências. Para tanto, foram pensados alguns eixos prioritários. A seguir, são destacados dois, por meio da descrição de seus objetivos:
Eixo I – Busca interligar as regiões mais dinâmicas em termos econômicos, concentrando os mais importantes fluxos comerciais da América do Sul;
Eixo II – Busca abrir uma alternativa, pelo Pacífico, para o escoamento da soja e de outros grãos produzidos no centro-oeste brasileiro.
Assinale a alternativa que representa, respectivamente, os eixos I e II:
As afirmações a seguir referem-se ao Governo Médici (1969-1973), quando houve o período que ficou conhecido como “Milagre Econômico” ou “Milagre Brasileiro”:
I - A economia do Brasil cresceu, em média, 10 % ao ano.
II - O Brasil alcançou a autossuficiência em petróleo, auxiliado pela redução de consumo proporcionada pelo sucesso do Programa Proálcool.
III - Apesar do crescimento econômico, a inflação seguiu elevada, se comparada à dos anos que antecederam o regime militar.
IV - O estímulo ao investimento externo foi essencial para o crescimento da indústria.
V - As exportações brasileiras também cresceram, graças aos incentivos fiscais e à conjuntura externa favorável.
Assinale a alternativa que apresenta somente assertivas corretas, dentre as apresentadas.
Até o início de 1942, na II Guerra Mundial, as tropas do Eixo Roma-Berlim-Tóquio dominaram a guerra. A partir daí, iniciou-se sua derrocada, com sucessivas derrotas e avanço dos aliados, retomando e libertando territórios conquistados pelo Eixo. Sobre esse assunto, analise as assertivas abaixo:
I – A primeira frente de luta dos aliados, que marcharia pouco a pouco em direção a Berlim, foi possibilitada pela derrota nazista na Batalha de Stalingrado, na União Soviética.
II – A segunda frente aliada foi criada a partir do desembarque na Normandia, no “Dia D”.
III – A terceira frente, avançando pela Itália, iniciou-se após a vitória aliada na Batalha de El Alamein, no Egito.
IV – A primeira grande derrota da Marinha japonesa aconteceu na Batalha de Midway.
Assinale a alternativa que apresenta somente assertivas corretas, dentre as apresentadas.
Texas High School Opens Grocery Store That Accepts Good Deeds as Payment
How many high schools can say they have a grocery store inside their walls? The student-run grocery store at Linda Tutt High School in rural Sanger, Texas, provides food and other necessities to students and their families while teaching essential job skills. And the store doesn’t accept cash, just good deeds. Instead of money, students shop using a point system.
The store, which aims to address food insecurities for students and others in the community, is open Monday through Wednesday for students and staff within the school district. “A lot of our students come from low socioeconomic families,” principal Anthony Love told KTVT. “It’s a way for students to earn the ability to shop for their families. Through hard work you can earn points. You can earn points for doing chores around the building or helping to clean.”
The pioneering project is run in partnership with First Refuge Ministries, Texas Health Resources, and Albertsons (a grocery store chain). But nearly all the responsibility falls on the students. They stock the shelves, keep track of inventory, address sales, and monitor registers when items are purchased. “I think the most exciting part of it is just teaching our kids job skills that they can carry with them as they graduate high school and move on into the world,” Love said to WAGA-TV. “Students are really the key piece to it.”
Adapted from https://www.southernliving.com/culture/school/linda-tutt-high-school-grocery-store
Texas High School Opens Grocery Store That Accepts Good Deeds as Payment
How many high schools can say they have a grocery store inside their walls? The student-run grocery store at Linda Tutt High School in rural Sanger, Texas, provides food and other necessities to students and their families while teaching essential job skills. And the store doesn’t accept cash, just good deeds. Instead of money, students shop using a point system.
The store, which aims to address food insecurities for students and others in the community, is open Monday through Wednesday for students and staff within the school district. “A lot of our students come from low socioeconomic families,” principal Anthony Love told KTVT. “It’s a way for students to earn the ability to shop for their families. Through hard work you can earn points. You can earn points for doing chores around the building or helping to clean.”
The pioneering project is run in partnership with First Refuge Ministries, Texas Health Resources, and Albertsons (a grocery store chain). But nearly all the responsibility falls on the students. They stock the shelves, keep track of inventory, address sales, and monitor registers when items are purchased. “I think the most exciting part of it is just teaching our kids job skills that they can carry with them as they graduate high school and move on into the world,” Love said to WAGA-TV. “Students are really the key piece to it.”
Adapted from https://www.southernliving.com/culture/school/linda-tutt-high-school-grocery-store
Texas High School Opens Grocery Store That Accepts Good Deeds as Payment
How many high schools can say they have a grocery store inside their walls? The student-run grocery store at Linda Tutt High School in rural Sanger, Texas, provides food and other necessities to students and their families while teaching essential job skills. And the store doesn’t accept cash, just good deeds. Instead of money, students shop using a point system.
The store, which aims to address food insecurities for students and others in the community, is open Monday through Wednesday for students and staff within the school district. “A lot of our students come from low socioeconomic families,” principal Anthony Love told KTVT. “It’s a way for students to earn the ability to shop for their families. Through hard work you can earn points. You can earn points for doing chores around the building or helping to clean.”
The pioneering project is run in partnership with First Refuge Ministries, Texas Health Resources, and Albertsons (a grocery store chain). But nearly all the responsibility falls on the students. They stock the shelves, keep track of inventory, address sales, and monitor registers when items are purchased. “I think the most exciting part of it is just teaching our kids job skills that they can carry with them as they graduate high school and move on into the world,” Love said to WAGA-TV. “Students are really the key piece to it.”
Adapted from https://www.southernliving.com/culture/school/linda-tutt-high-school-grocery-store
Lockdown Named 2020’s Word of the Year by Collins Dictionary
Lockdown, the noun that has come to define so many lives across the world in 2020, has been
named word of the year by Collins Dictionary. Lockdown is defined by Collins as “the imposition of stringent
restrictions on travel, social interaction, and access to public spaces”. The 4.5-billion-word Collins Corpus,
which contains written material from websites, books and newspapers, as well as spoken material from
radio, television and conversations, registered a 6,000% increase in ______(1) usage. In 2019, there were
4,000 recorded instances of lockdown being used. In 2020, this had risen to more than a quarter of a
“Language is a reflection of the world around us and 2020 has been dominated by the global pandemic,” says Collins language content consultant Helen Newstead. “We have chosen lockdown as _______(2) word of the year because it encapsulates the shared experience of billions of people who have had to restrict _______(3) daily lives in order to contain the virus. Lockdown has affected the way we work, study, shop, and socialise. It is not a word of the year to celebrate, but it is, perhaps, one that sums up the year for most of the world.”
Other pandemic-related words such as coronavirus, social distancing and key worker were on the dictionary’s list of the top 10 words. However, the coronavirus crisis didn’t completely dominate this year’s vocabulary: words like “Megxit,” a term to describe Prince Harry and Meghan Markle stepping back as senior members of the royal family, also made the shortlist along with “TikToker” (a person who regularly shares or appears in videos on TikTok), and “BLM.” The abbreviation BLM, for Black Lives Matter is defined by Collins as “a movement that campaigns against racially motivated violence and oppression”, it registered a 581% increase in usage.
Adapted from https://www.theguardian.com/books/2020/nov/10/lockdown-named-word-of-the-year-by-collins-dictionary
Lockdown Named 2020’s Word of the Year by Collins Dictionary
Lockdown, the noun that has come to define so many lives across the world in 2020, has been
named word of the year by Collins Dictionary. Lockdown is defined by Collins as “the imposition of stringent
restrictions on travel, social interaction, and access to public spaces”. The 4.5-billion-word Collins Corpus,
which contains written material from websites, books and newspapers, as well as spoken material from
radio, television and conversations, registered a 6,000% increase in ______(1) usage. In 2019, there were
4,000 recorded instances of lockdown being used. In 2020, this had risen to more than a quarter of a
“Language is a reflection of the world around us and 2020 has been dominated by the global pandemic,” says Collins language content consultant Helen Newstead. “We have chosen lockdown as _______(2) word of the year because it encapsulates the shared experience of billions of people who have had to restrict _______(3) daily lives in order to contain the virus. Lockdown has affected the way we work, study, shop, and socialise. It is not a word of the year to celebrate, but it is, perhaps, one that sums up the year for most of the world.”
Other pandemic-related words such as coronavirus, social distancing and key worker were on the dictionary’s list of the top 10 words. However, the coronavirus crisis didn’t completely dominate this year’s vocabulary: words like “Megxit,” a term to describe Prince Harry and Meghan Markle stepping back as senior members of the royal family, also made the shortlist along with “TikToker” (a person who regularly shares or appears in videos on TikTok), and “BLM.” The abbreviation BLM, for Black Lives Matter is defined by Collins as “a movement that campaigns against racially motivated violence and oppression”, it registered a 581% increase in usage.
Adapted from https://www.theguardian.com/books/2020/nov/10/lockdown-named-word-of-the-year-by-collins-dictionary
Lockdown Named 2020’s Word of the Year by Collins Dictionary
Lockdown, the noun that has come to define so many lives across the world in 2020, has been
named word of the year by Collins Dictionary. Lockdown is defined by Collins as “the imposition of stringent
restrictions on travel, social interaction, and access to public spaces”. The 4.5-billion-word Collins Corpus,
which contains written material from websites, books and newspapers, as well as spoken material from
radio, television and conversations, registered a 6,000% increase in ______(1) usage. In 2019, there were
4,000 recorded instances of lockdown being used. In 2020, this had risen to more than a quarter of a
“Language is a reflection of the world around us and 2020 has been dominated by the global pandemic,” says Collins language content consultant Helen Newstead. “We have chosen lockdown as _______(2) word of the year because it encapsulates the shared experience of billions of people who have had to restrict _______(3) daily lives in order to contain the virus. Lockdown has affected the way we work, study, shop, and socialise. It is not a word of the year to celebrate, but it is, perhaps, one that sums up the year for most of the world.”
Other pandemic-related words such as coronavirus, social distancing and key worker were on the dictionary’s list of the top 10 words. However, the coronavirus crisis didn’t completely dominate this year’s vocabulary: words like “Megxit,” a term to describe Prince Harry and Meghan Markle stepping back as senior members of the royal family, also made the shortlist along with “TikToker” (a person who regularly shares or appears in videos on TikTok), and “BLM.” The abbreviation BLM, for Black Lives Matter is defined by Collins as “a movement that campaigns against racially motivated violence and oppression”, it registered a 581% increase in usage.
Adapted from https://www.theguardian.com/books/2020/nov/10/lockdown-named-word-of-the-year-by-collins-dictionary
Chinese Woman Opens Plane’s Emergency Exit for Some Fresh Air
A flight was delayed for an hour and a woman detained by police after she opened the emergency exit for “a breath of fresh air” before the flight took off in central China’s Hubei province, mainland media reported. The incident happened on Xiamen Air Flight MF8215 from Wuhan to Lanzhou, which was scheduled to take off at 3.45 p.m. on September 23.
Cabin crew had briefed the woman, who was in her 50s, about the rules when sitting next to the emergency exit and reminded her not to touch the button that opened the emergency exit. However, the woman said she needed some fresh air and touched the button to open the exit when the stewardess turned around to help others, the report said. The woman was taken away and the flight was delayed for an hour. Opening the emergency exit can be considered to be disturbing public order in an aircraft, which is punishable by police detention and a fine.
In July last year, a woman who was flying for the first time mistook the emergency door for a lavatory door before her plane took off in Nanjing. The emergency slide was released and the flight was delayed for two hours. The woman was detained for 10 days. Some passengers have paid a heavy price for releasing the emergency slide, which may take days and considerable expense to repair and reinstall. In January 2015, a man who opened an emergency door after a plane landed in Chongqing had to pay 35,000 yuan (150,000 baht) in compensation to the airline.
In June, a man from Hubei who was returning to China from Bangkok on a Thai Lion Air Flight opened an emergency exit before take-off. After apologising repeatedly, according to witnesses, he was held by Thai authorities for one day and given a fine of 500 baht before being deported.
Adapted from https://www.bangkokpost.com/world/1762629/chinese-woman-opens-planes-emergency-exit-for-somefresh-air
Chinese Woman Opens Plane’s Emergency Exit for Some Fresh Air
A flight was delayed for an hour and a woman detained by police after she opened the emergency exit for “a breath of fresh air” before the flight took off in central China’s Hubei province, mainland media reported. The incident happened on Xiamen Air Flight MF8215 from Wuhan to Lanzhou, which was scheduled to take off at 3.45 p.m. on September 23.
Cabin crew had briefed the woman, who was in her 50s, about the rules when sitting next to the emergency exit and reminded her not to touch the button that opened the emergency exit. However, the woman said she needed some fresh air and touched the button to open the exit when the stewardess turned around to help others, the report said. The woman was taken away and the flight was delayed for an hour. Opening the emergency exit can be considered to be disturbing public order in an aircraft, which is punishable by police detention and a fine.
In July last year, a woman who was flying for the first time mistook the emergency door for a lavatory door before her plane took off in Nanjing. The emergency slide was released and the flight was delayed for two hours. The woman was detained for 10 days. Some passengers have paid a heavy price for releasing the emergency slide, which may take days and considerable expense to repair and reinstall. In January 2015, a man who opened an emergency door after a plane landed in Chongqing had to pay 35,000 yuan (150,000 baht) in compensation to the airline.
In June, a man from Hubei who was returning to China from Bangkok on a Thai Lion Air Flight opened an emergency exit before take-off. After apologising repeatedly, according to witnesses, he was held by Thai authorities for one day and given a fine of 500 baht before being deported.
Adapted from https://www.bangkokpost.com/world/1762629/chinese-woman-opens-planes-emergency-exit-for-somefresh-air
Chinese Woman Opens Plane’s Emergency Exit for Some Fresh Air
A flight was delayed for an hour and a woman detained by police after she opened the emergency exit for “a breath of fresh air” before the flight took off in central China’s Hubei province, mainland media reported. The incident happened on Xiamen Air Flight MF8215 from Wuhan to Lanzhou, which was scheduled to take off at 3.45 p.m. on September 23.
Cabin crew had briefed the woman, who was in her 50s, about the rules when sitting next to the emergency exit and reminded her not to touch the button that opened the emergency exit. However, the woman said she needed some fresh air and touched the button to open the exit when the stewardess turned around to help others, the report said. The woman was taken away and the flight was delayed for an hour. Opening the emergency exit can be considered to be disturbing public order in an aircraft, which is punishable by police detention and a fine.
In July last year, a woman who was flying for the first time mistook the emergency door for a lavatory door before her plane took off in Nanjing. The emergency slide was released and the flight was delayed for two hours. The woman was detained for 10 days. Some passengers have paid a heavy price for releasing the emergency slide, which may take days and considerable expense to repair and reinstall. In January 2015, a man who opened an emergency door after a plane landed in Chongqing had to pay 35,000 yuan (150,000 baht) in compensation to the airline.
In June, a man from Hubei who was returning to China from Bangkok on a Thai Lion Air Flight opened an emergency exit before take-off. After apologising repeatedly, according to witnesses, he was held by Thai authorities for one day and given a fine of 500 baht before being deported.
Adapted from https://www.bangkokpost.com/world/1762629/chinese-woman-opens-planes-emergency-exit-for-somefresh-air
The 'Queen's Gambit' Effect: Everyone Wants a Chess Set Now
_______(1) for the past few years the most popular _______(2) on Netflix was undoubtedly Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth, as portrayed by Claire Foy and Olivia Colman in The Crown, this fall another type of queen _______(3) her mark: Beth Harmon, the captivating protagonist of The Queen's Gambit, a Netflix original that became an overnight sensation and inspired a slew of discerning viewers to pick up _______(4).
Call it the Queen's Gambit effect: Chessboards are flying off the (literal and virtual) rack in the wake
of the show's hit season. Just ask Anthony Barzilay Freund, editorial director and director of fine art at
vintage site 1stDibs: “The Queen's Gambit is driving an interest in the game of chess among new audiences
and demographics,” Freund confirms: “At 1stDibs, in just the month following the show's release, we've
seen a 100% increase in sales of chessboards, pieces, and tables as compared to this time period last
Of course, while it might be enjoying a renewed popularity at the moment, the game of chess dates back centuries and has long captivated players all over the world. It's believed to have derived from a 7th-century Indian game, then evolved as it spread across Asia and Europe in the following centuries. As a result, says Freund, “you can find a variety of vintage and contemporary chess paraphernalia from dealers all over the world.” Those who don't necessarily have the budget for pawns of precious stone have a myriad of options on the market at all price ranges. So light a fire, make a drink, and set up the chessboard – Beth Harmon would be proud.
Adapted from https://www.housebeautiful.com/design-inspiration/a34874207/queens-gambit-beth-harmon-chess-sets/
The 'Queen's Gambit' Effect: Everyone Wants a Chess Set Now
_______(1) for the past few years the most popular _______(2) on Netflix was undoubtedly Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth, as portrayed by Claire Foy and Olivia Colman in The Crown, this fall another type of queen _______(3) her mark: Beth Harmon, the captivating protagonist of The Queen's Gambit, a Netflix original that became an overnight sensation and inspired a slew of discerning viewers to pick up _______(4).
Call it the Queen's Gambit effect: Chessboards are flying off the (literal and virtual) rack in the wake
of the show's hit season. Just ask Anthony Barzilay Freund, editorial director and director of fine art at
vintage site 1stDibs: “The Queen's Gambit is driving an interest in the game of chess among new audiences
and demographics,” Freund confirms: “At 1stDibs, in just the month following the show's release, we've
seen a 100% increase in sales of chessboards, pieces, and tables as compared to this time period last
Of course, while it might be enjoying a renewed popularity at the moment, the game of chess dates back centuries and has long captivated players all over the world. It's believed to have derived from a 7th-century Indian game, then evolved as it spread across Asia and Europe in the following centuries. As a result, says Freund, “you can find a variety of vintage and contemporary chess paraphernalia from dealers all over the world.” Those who don't necessarily have the budget for pawns of precious stone have a myriad of options on the market at all price ranges. So light a fire, make a drink, and set up the chessboard – Beth Harmon would be proud.
Adapted from https://www.housebeautiful.com/design-inspiration/a34874207/queens-gambit-beth-harmon-chess-sets/
The 'Queen's Gambit' Effect: Everyone Wants a Chess Set Now
_______(1) for the past few years the most popular _______(2) on Netflix was undoubtedly Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth, as portrayed by Claire Foy and Olivia Colman in The Crown, this fall another type of queen _______(3) her mark: Beth Harmon, the captivating protagonist of The Queen's Gambit, a Netflix original that became an overnight sensation and inspired a slew of discerning viewers to pick up _______(4).
Call it the Queen's Gambit effect: Chessboards are flying off the (literal and virtual) rack in the wake
of the show's hit season. Just ask Anthony Barzilay Freund, editorial director and director of fine art at
vintage site 1stDibs: “The Queen's Gambit is driving an interest in the game of chess among new audiences
and demographics,” Freund confirms: “At 1stDibs, in just the month following the show's release, we've
seen a 100% increase in sales of chessboards, pieces, and tables as compared to this time period last
Of course, while it might be enjoying a renewed popularity at the moment, the game of chess dates back centuries and has long captivated players all over the world. It's believed to have derived from a 7th-century Indian game, then evolved as it spread across Asia and Europe in the following centuries. As a result, says Freund, “you can find a variety of vintage and contemporary chess paraphernalia from dealers all over the world.” Those who don't necessarily have the budget for pawns of precious stone have a myriad of options on the market at all price ranges. So light a fire, make a drink, and set up the chessboard – Beth Harmon would be proud.
Adapted from https://www.housebeautiful.com/design-inspiration/a34874207/queens-gambit-beth-harmon-chess-sets/
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