Rosa-se quintal
(PEREZ, Marcelo. Ainda se estivesse faltando pedaços. Série Máfia do Verso V 4. Boa Vista, 2014.)
Assinale a alternativa FALSA, a partir do texto I
Rosa-se quintal
(PEREZ, Marcelo. Ainda se estivesse faltando pedaços. Série Máfia do Verso V 4. Boa Vista, 2014.)
Assinale a alternativa FALSA, a partir do texto I
Rosa-se quintal
(PEREZ, Marcelo. Ainda se estivesse faltando pedaços. Série Máfia do Verso V 4. Boa Vista, 2014.)
Assinale a alternativa VERDADEIRA, a partir do TEXTO I
Rosa-se quintal
(PEREZ, Marcelo. Ainda se estivesse faltando pedaços. Série Máfia do Verso V 4. Boa Vista, 2014.)
Assinale a alternativa VERDADEIRA, a partir do TEXTO I.
Senhoras e senhores
vão emboras
por favores.
A fera
não tolera
(ANTUNES, Arnaldo. N. d. a. São Paulo: Iluminuras, 2010.)
Assinale a alternativa FALSA, a partir do TEXTO II.
Senhoras e senhores
vão emboras
por favores.
A fera
não tolera
(ANTUNES, Arnaldo. N. d. a. São Paulo: Iluminuras, 2010.)
Assinale a alternativa VERDADEIRA, a partir do TEXTO II.
Senhoras e senhores
vão emboras
por favores.
A fera
não tolera
(ANTUNES, Arnaldo. N. d. a. São Paulo: Iluminuras, 2010.)
Assinale a alternativa FALSA, a partir do TEXTO II.
Senhoras e senhores
vão emboras
por favores.
A fera
não tolera
(ANTUNES, Arnaldo. N. d. a. São Paulo: Iluminuras, 2010.)
Assinale a alternativa VERDADEIRA, a partir do TEXTO II.
*Poção mágica utilizada pelos indígenas. (FIOROTTI, Devair. Livro dos amores. São Paulo: Patuá, 2014.)
Assinale a alternativa FALSA, a partir do TEXTO III.
*Poção mágica utilizada pelos indígenas. (FIOROTTI, Devair. Livro dos amores. São Paulo: Patuá, 2014.)
Assinale a alternativa FALSA, a partir do TEXTO III.
*Poção mágica utilizada pelos indígenas. (FIOROTTI, Devair. Livro dos amores. São Paulo: Patuá, 2014.)
Assinale a alternativa VERDADEIRA, a partir de "Ela o estrangulou ao amanhecer".
*Poção mágica utilizada pelos indígenas. (FIOROTTI, Devair. Livro dos amores. São Paulo: Patuá, 2014.)
Assinale a alternativa FALSA, a partir dos TEXTOS I, II e III.
*Poção mágica utilizada pelos indígenas. (FIOROTTI, Devair. Livro dos amores. São Paulo: Patuá, 2014.)
Assinale a alternativa FALSA, a partir do TEXTO III.
Assinale a alternativa VERDADEIRA, a partir do TEXTO IV.
Assinale a alternativa FALSA, a partir do TEXTO IV.
Mark the FALSE idea from the text
Mark the CORRECT alternative about the text:
Text 2
Green sea turtle
Green sea turtles spend most of their lives underwater, where they can rest for up to five hours at a time before coming up for air. When active, they typically alternate between being underwater for a few minutes and coming up to the surface to breathe air for a few seconds. Green sea turtles are also known to sunbathe on land.Unlike most other sea turtles, adult green sea turtles eat a primarily plant-based diet consisting of seaweed and sea grass. Scientists believe these green foods give the sea turtle’s fat its green color. The shell of the green sea turtle is usually shades of a brown or olive color.
(Excerpt from the site: http://kids.nationalgeographic.com/animals/green-seaturtle/#green-sea-turtle-closeup-underwater.jpg. Researched on: October 2015)
Mark the FALSE idea from the text:
Text 2
Green sea turtle
Green sea turtles spend most of their lives underwater, where they can rest for up to five hours at a time before coming up for air. When active, they typically alternate between being underwater for a few minutes and coming up to the surface to breathe air for a few seconds. Green sea turtles are also known to sunbathe on land.Unlike most other sea turtles, adult green sea turtles eat a primarily plant-based diet consisting of seaweed and sea grass. Scientists believe these green foods give the sea turtle’s fat its green color. The shell of the green sea turtle is usually shades of a brown or olive color.
(Excerpt from the site: http://kids.nationalgeographic.com/animals/green-seaturtle/#green-sea-turtle-closeup-underwater.jpg. Researched on: October 2015)
Text 3
Al Capone
Born in 1899 in Brooklyn, New York, to poor immigrant parents, Al Capone went on to become the most infamous gangster in American history. In 1920 during the height of Prohibition, Capone’s multi-million dollar Chicago operation in bootlegging, prostitution and gambling dominated the organized crime scene. Capone was responsible for many brutal acts of violence, mainly against other gangsters. The most famous of these was the St. Valentine’s Day Massacre in 1929, in which he ordered the assassination of seven rivals. Capone was never indicted for his racketeering but was finally brought to justice for income-tax evasion in 1931. After serving six-and-a-half years, Capone was released. He died in 1947 in Miami. Capone’s life captured the public imagination, and his gangster persona has been immortalized in the many movies and books inspired by his exploits.
(Excerpt from the site: http://www.history.com/topics/alcapone. Researched on: October 2015)
Mark the CORRECT alternative about the text.
Text 3
Al Capone
Born in 1899 in Brooklyn, New York, to poor immigrant parents, Al Capone went on to become the most infamous gangster in American history. In 1920 during the height of Prohibition, Capone’s multi-million dollar Chicago operation in bootlegging, prostitution and gambling dominated the organized crime scene. Capone was responsible for many brutal acts of violence, mainly against other gangsters. The most famous of these was the St. Valentine’s Day Massacre in 1929, in which he ordered the assassination of seven rivals. Capone was never indicted for his racketeering but was finally brought to justice for income-tax evasion in 1931. After serving six-and-a-half years, Capone was released. He died in 1947 in Miami. Capone’s life captured the public imagination, and his gangster persona has been immortalized in the many movies and books inspired by his exploits.
(Excerpt from the site: http://www.history.com/topics/alcapone. Researched on: October 2015)
Text 3
Al Capone
Born in 1899 in Brooklyn, New York, to poor immigrant parents, Al Capone went on to become the most infamous gangster in American history. In 1920 during the height of Prohibition, Capone’s multi-million dollar Chicago operation in bootlegging, prostitution and gambling dominated the organized crime scene. Capone was responsible for many brutal acts of violence, mainly against other gangsters. The most famous of these was the St. Valentine’s Day Massacre in 1929, in which he ordered the assassination of seven rivals. Capone was never indicted for his racketeering but was finally brought to justice for income-tax evasion in 1931. After serving six-and-a-half years, Capone was released. He died in 1947 in Miami. Capone’s life captured the public imagination, and his gangster persona has been immortalized in the many movies and books inspired by his exploits.
(Excerpt from the site: http://www.history.com/topics/alcapone. Researched on: October 2015)
Sobre a Amazônia é CORRETO afirmar que:
A Terra Indígena Waimiri Atroari abrange parte do município roraimense de:
A representação decimal de 7/8, exatamente, é:
A geratriz (fração) do decimal periódico: 0,16 é:
Sejam a PA (3,8,13,...) e a função afim f(x) = 2x + 1. Então a razão da PA é: ( f(3), f(8), f(13), ...) é
O conjunto imagem da função f(x) = -x2 + 4, é
A nitroglicerina é um líquido oleoso de cor amarelopálida, e é altamente sensível a choque. O simples ato de balançar o líquido pode causar a explosiva decomposição em gases de nitrogênio, dióxido de carbono, água e oxigênio. Em virtude de a nitroglicerina ser tão instável, é difícil usá-la como um explosivo controlável. O inventor sueco, Alfred Nobel descobriu que a mistura de nitroglicerina com um material sólido absorvente como terra diatomácea ou celulose resulta em explosivo sólido (dinamite), que é muito mais seguro que a nitroglicerina pura.
Sobre o texto acima, é INCORRETO afirmar que:
Sobre equilíbrio químico é INCORRETO afirmar que: